These are semiconductors having a closely spaced energy valley in the conduction band as
shown in Fig. (a) for GaAs.
When a dc voltage is applied across the material, an electric field is established across it.
At low E-field in the material, most of the electrons will be located in the lower energy central
valley . At higher E-field, most of the electrons will be transferred in to the high-energy satellite
L and X valleys where the effective electron mass is larger and hence electron mobility is lower
than that in the low energy valley. Since the conductivity is directly proportional to the
mobility, the conductivity and hence the current decreases with an increase in E-field or voltage
in an intermediate range, beyond a threshold value Vth as shown in Fig. (b). This is called the
transferred electron effect and the device is also called „Transfer Electron Device (TED) or Gunn
diode‟. Thus the material behaves as negative resistance device over a range of applied voltages
and can be used in microwave oscillators.
In a Gunn Oscillator, the Gunn Diode is placed in a resonant cavity. In this case the
oscillation frequency is determined by cavity dimension than by the diode itself. Although
Gunn Oscillator can be amplitude-modulated with the bias voltage, we have used separate PIN
modulator through PIN diode for square wave modulation.
Block Diagram:
1. Connections are done as shown in the block diagram
2. The applied Gunn voltage and Gunn current values can be read from the same meter
on the power supply by means of a change over switch.
3. Some safety measures has to be ensured before switching on the supply. Then the
bias is varied from 0 to 9 V in steps of 1 V. The voltage supplied should not exceed
4. At each value of Gunn bias, the corresponding Gunn current is noted.
5. A graph is plotted with the voltage in the X axis and current in the Y-axis. From the
graph, the negative resistance of Gunn diode is determined, in the region where the
diode shows a negative differential resistance.
6. For each Gunn Bias voltage, the frequency meter is adjusted till a „FREQUENCY
DIP‟ occurs in the output voltage of the CRO (or) in the VSWR meter and the
frequency has to be noted in the Frequency Meter.
7. Draw the Gunn bias voltage Vs output voltage graph and also draw the Gunn biad
Voltage Vs Frequency graph
Model Graph:
Observation Table:
Thus the Gunn diode characteristics are obtained
Threshold voltage =
Threshold current =
Valley voltage =
Valley current =