Pitchdeck-Schools CodeDay Labs

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Virtual internships mentored by

technology leaders.
CodeDay Labs is a project-focused summer experience which
helps CS departments increase the diversity, graduation rate,
and career outcomes of their students.

During CodeDay Labs, students work with a mentor from the

technology industry to build an open-source project to solve a
real-world need. Along the way, they attend tech talks and
expert lunches, and prepare for their job search with practice
interviews and resume feedback.

With three experience level tracks, CodeDay Labs helps

students pursue their CS education and career from their
freshman year through graduation.

3,700 48 68%
students to date cities worldwide underrepresented

One mentor +
one project +
three students.
We recruit, train, and support students
and mentors as they work together to
<!doctype html> complete a project.
<title>AppCo</title> Partner colleges and universities recieve
</head> guaranteed admission for their
students, early access to project
bidding, and reporting, so your students
can meet educational goals and grow
their professional network.

In past years, virtual interns have

created everything from AI healthcare
apps to crop automation hardware.

labs@codeday.org Pictured: Adam Ryman (SDE @ Glympse); Mae H., Christopher B., Ryan R.
Three experience tracks support students throughout their
college career.

High School College Freshmen College Sophomores College Juniors College Seniors

Beginner Track Intermediate Track Advanced Track

Goal: Goal: Goal:
Increase CS enrollment by showcasing the creativity and Build real-world connections to existing knowledge and Replicate an internship-style experience for students
power of the field through near-peer mentorship and en- prepare for upper-level courses through industry men- who do not receive an offer.
gaging real-world projects. torship on real-world open-source projects.

The mentors: The mentors: The mentors:

College students who have prior internship experience Professional software engineers for leading technology Professional software engineers for leading technology
with leading technology companies. companies. companies.

The students: The students: The students:

College students working on distribution requirements, Students admitted into the CS major who have developing Students with significant upper-level coursework who are
with an introductory college CS class (or AP CS A). CS experience through an intro series or some upper-level ready for a traditional internship/preparing to graduate.

“I loved being able to work as a team and “Being a Venezuelan immigrant, Labs was
We have a proven gain real world experience about coding
but at the same time also having the
the first time that I got true exposure to a
community of tech people that I could rely
history of career opportunity to learn something new.” on. Fast forward a couple of years and
now I'm three and a half months away
connected learning. Kelly Dong
Advanced Track
from graduating college and have a job
as a SWE at the Microsoft HQ right after I
Through our online programs, we’ve graduate.”
helped thousands of students learn “I began my CodeDay Labs internship with
Daniel Lobaton
real-world skills, like: no background in using React Native, but
Intermediate Track
came out of this internship knowing the ins
• Agile Development and outs of React Native thanks to my
• Devops team and my mentor, Eric.” “At the beginning of the internship,
• Kubernetes because I only had experience with
• IoT Hardware Development Vivian Wang ReactJS, I thought I would only be working
• Design for Manufacture Beginner Track on the frontend component of the app
• Game Development which we built. However, I ended up only
• Mobile App Development “It was my first time working on a project working with ReactJS for about a week
• Cyber Security that involved completing small tasks and before I became responsible for the
• Big Data Processing putting them all together at the end to backend. I'm really glad I got this exposure
• Machine Learning create the final product. It was very because I found that I enjoy working with
• React eye-opening.” backend-related stuff.”
• REST and GraphQL
Xoshil Chen-Marquez Amy Ghotra
Intermediate Track Advanced Track

Projects with every
major national and
local employer.

CodeDay Labs projects are mentored

by developers from hundreds of the
best-known companies around the

Whether it’s a Netflix engineer

mentoring a cross-platform MERN
application on AWS, a SAP employee
mentoring a custom machine learning
deployment, or an Uber Elevate
employee mentoring contributions to
an open-source project, your students
get real-world experience from
leaders on the front lines.

Projects fulfill detailed educational requirements:
Core Competencies Advanced Competencies
Although projects are
1. Core Software Development A. Identifying and defining problems using debugging techniques. (n/a) proposed by mentors, we
Process B. Online and peer research to discover existing solutions to a problem. work with each mentor
C. Experimentation; learning by doing.
D. Developing and evaluating a set of proposed solutions to a problem. individually to ensure their
E. Verifying a problem is solved. projects will meet
F. Documenting a solution for others. educational requirements.

All tracks include all Core

2. Interpersonal A. Working collaboratively and productively in a team. • Technical Writing
Competencies. Additionally:
B. Individual task management in an agile workflow.
C. Managing change and uncertainty.
• Beginner Track projects
incude 1-2 Advanced
3. Management, A. Requirements gathering. • Systems thinking and architecture design. Competencies.
Technical Leadership, B. Technical speaking and presentations. • Project management.
and Cross-Functional • Speaking with customers and incorporating feedback into project planning.
(Customer development).
• Intermediate Track projects
• Risk management. include 2-4 Advanced
• User interface design. Competencies (at least 1
• Busines needs analysis/business case justification. which is Technical).

• Advanced Track projects

4. Technical A. Software and/or hardware architecture. • User analytics and data-driven design (data tracking, A/B testing, funnel and
B. OOP and/or functional programming. cohort analysis). include 4+ Advanced
C. Testing and quality assurance. • Statistics and data analysis. Competencies (at least 3
D. Creating/refactoring and documenting code in a reusable manner. • Discrete mathematics. which are Technical).
E. Setting up and using modern development environments. • Machine learning.
• API architectures, tradeoffs, and design.
• Consuming APIs.
• Cloud deployment and/or system administration.
• Containers and/or orchestration. (e.g. Docker, Kubernetes, ECS, GKS)
• Event programming. (e.g. Kafka, RabbitMQ)
• Evaluating and improving system performance.
• Algorithm design and development.
• Distributed systems.
• Data modeling.
• Database design and development.

Practice interviews Examples of Past CodeDay Labs Interview Panelists:
and resume
feedback helps
students start their Charles Allen
Human Resources Director
Sourav Sarkar
Software Engineer II
Chad Van Derrick
VP, Solutioning
Nadia Foucher
Director of Operations

job search early.

Cedrus Digital Paypal SAP SAP

Interviewing is a skill which is easily

taught, but hard for students to master
without regular practice. Greg Vannoni Rakesh Das Shawna Huang Revati Kapshikar
Engineering Manager Software Engineer Software Engineer Product Manager
PayPal J.P. Morgan Stripe Uber
CodeDay Labs is designed to prepare
students for the job search process from
start-to-finish, with daily opportunities
to receive resume feedback or take a
practice interview with recruiters, hiring
managers, PMs, HR professionals, and Aditi Singhal Melissa Andrews Stephen White Larry Zhao
Machine Learning Engineer Solutions Engineering Manager Software Developer Software Engineer
others involved in the hiring loop. Microsoft Azure Splunk State Farm MathWorks

... and many, many more!

Daily talks and lunches help students learn industry practices and
build their professional network.

Examples of previous year’s talks:

Expert Lunch Tech Talk Career Talk Expert Lunch Expert Lunch Career Talk
College New Grad Hiring Building a NLP/Machine Interviewing as an Enterprise Artificial Limbs, Surgery 20 Years of Game Dev 17 Tips for Working in Tech
Demystified Learning Model in 5 Steps Software Engineer Robots, and More! Revealed! Nicole Steinbok
Erwin Chan Prithvi Shetty Kai Ruan Dr. Blake Hannaford Steven Stadnicki Senior PM Lead, Microsoft
Former Amazon Sr. Recruiter Data Scientist, SAP Concur Application Engineer, Google University of Washington Sr Software Engineer, DreamBox

Career Talk Expert Lunch Tech Talk Tech Talk Tech Talk Career Talk
Our First Day (as a PM, Technical Audio Design The Invisible Code - Data Big Data Journey and Solving Software Testing: Trust You Should Make Things!
Developer, and QA) Engineering in 2020 Real World Problems Through Verification
Don Mitchell Colin Vandervort John Ramirez Arjuna Chala Mo Hijazi Tommy Nicholas
Founder, NG-911 Freelance Technical Designer Data Engineer, RTS Labs Sr. Director Emerging Tech, HPCC DevOps, Bishop Fox CEO, Alloy

Expert Lunch Tech Talk Career Talk Career Talk Tech Talk Career Talk
Prehistoric Computing, CI/CD for Machine Learning Startups and Raising Money Find Your Cardboard Box An Introduction to Career Progression for New
1960s-1970s Models (in a COVID World) Containerized Deployment Grads With Zero Experience
Maria Sughars Aditi Singhal Cameron Borumand Chris Dermody Michael Kalish Nikhil Mungel
Former Bell Labs ML Engineer, Microsoft Azure Partner, Ignition VC Head of Product, Flipdish Principal SDE, Learning Objects Sr. Engineering Manager, Splunk

Funding from school partners lets us provide additional, guaranteed
spots for their students:

Sponsored 6-Week Admit Sponsored 12-Week Admit

$450/student $550/student
Sponsor a block of students for guaranteed Sponsor a block of students for guaranteed
placement in our 6-week program. placement for an extended 12-week

Provides guaranteed access to Provides extended 12-week program

students meeting admission criteria. for student meeting criteria.
Access to practice interviews Access to practice interviews
and resume feedback. and resume feedback.
Weekly performance evaluations, Weekly performance evaluations,
final mentor impressions (including final mentor impressions (including
areas for improvement) and notes areas for improvement) and notes
from practice interviews. from practice interviews.
4 years of access to jobs portal. 4 years of access to jobs portal.
Priority access to project bidding.

For school-funded spots, schools may select any students meeting
these minimum track requirements:
Beginner Track Intermediate Track Advanced Track

Demonstrated passion for Computer Science (e.g. by taking classes,

joining clubs, working on projects, attending events or clubs, etc.) Required Required Required

Experience writing code in collaboration with others, using communi-

cation and source code management tools. Preferred Required Required

Can read and explain a stack trace or other error message. Optional Required Required

Previous experience building complex projects (such as fully-featured

apps, projects involving multiple systems or classes, etc.). Optional Preferred Required

Explain details of their code in Hold a 2-sided conversation about Hold a 2-sided conversation about
Ability to have a conversation with a peer about technical details: response to specific questions. moderately abstract technical abstract technical concepts with
concepts with mentor guidance. limited mentor guidance.

Identify when and how to apply skills learned in the classroom: With step-by-step guidance. With limited, structured guidance. With minimal guidance.

Technical knowledge: AP or first intro college CS class. Simple data structures (lists, dicts), Data structures and algorithms.
Can write “fizz-buzz” level code. classes, functions, loops, etc. Can Simple use of APIs or SDKs. Can
read and understand code with read and understand code with-
documentation. out documentation.

Let’s talk: labs@codeday.org


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