Construction Drone Inspection Presentation
Construction Drone Inspection Presentation
Construction Drone Inspection Presentation
Maintenance In Industry
Majority of accidents in industries are reported due to damage or
failure of static equipment rather than rotating equipment.
Mechanical failure of static equipment in the industries can only be
prevented through regular inspection and monitoring by qualified
personnel as part of reliability centered maintenance (preventive
plus condition based monitoring).EEPCON provide drone-based
inspection, Non-destructive Examination (NDT / NDE) and data
acquisition services for civil structures and static / fixed assets of
Industries including Oil and Gas, Petrochemical, Energy, Mining,
Construction and Agriculture etc. These drone-based field
investigations provide invaluable information to the operational and
maintenance managers.
➢ Save time
➢ Improved safety
Company’s Maintenance Strategy
Maintenance of assets and equipment entails costs which should match the desired objectives and benefit. A prudent
maintenance manager is required to exercise judgment in making maintenance plans and maintenance strategy
through categorizing the asset into classes.
➢ Equipment having ➢ Equipment that can be taken ➢ High value assets / equipment ➢ A sophisticated development of
minimal importance to offline, inspected having critical performance predictive and preventive
operations and having periodically and repaired function are often put under maintenance strategy is reliability-
low cost come under when necessary as part of condition-based or Predictive centered-maintenance which is
Run-to-Failure preventive maintenance maintenance strategy highly cost intensive and usually
maintenance strategy strategy ➢ Additionally require sensors, practiced by organizations under
➢ Repair, restoration or ➢ This strategy require annual monitoring devices, software regulatory compliance obligations
parts replacement review of schedule and and centralized severs to and those who want to go beyond
sometimes support from provide for continuous the usual performance levels of
predictive maintenance monitoring of the running the industry
strategy to reduce the cost equipment
Technical Support For Maintenance in Industry
➢ In recognition of the significant potential for commercial use of drones in various sectors of
economy, the Canadian government has incorporated / amended rules for certification and
compliance requirements for UAVs as section 602.41 of Canadian Aviation Regulations
➢ United Sates FAA has issued Part-107 of the Federal Aviation Regulations in August 2016
providing guidance for Operating Requirements, Pilot Certification, UAS Certification etc for
Unmanned Aircraft Systems UAS
➢ UK Civil Aviation Authority has issued regulations related to Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
(RPAS) issued guidance as CAP 722 – Unmanned Aircraft System Operations in UK Airspace
for regulating RPAS operation in UK
➢ EASA Basic Regulation adopted in December 2016 by the European Council contains the first
ever EU-wide rules for civil drones to fly safely in European airspace. This regulation contains
general principles on revised common safety rules for civil aviation and a new mandate for the
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
3d Drone Mapping
Structural Inspection (Ground
Tanks, Pressure Vessels)
Inspection of Boilers and Heat
Recovery Steam Generators
Thermal Imaging
Building Inspection
Powerline Inspection
Damage Inspection
Ultrasonic Thickness
Building Structure Inspection
Indoor Space Inspection
Roof Condition Survey
Roof Leak Detection
Thermal Roof Scans
Bridge Inspection
Railway Inspection
Wind Farms Surveys
Visual Inspections
Pipeline Inspections
Areas of Drone Inspection
➢ Real-time monitoring: The drone and its camera are remotely connected to a device
that shows a record of that moment. It shows us the whole traceability of the work
and the environmental impact study.
➢ Inspecting a specific point: The size and mobility of the drone are perfect for areas
that are large and difficult to access or where visual inspection is time-consuming and
dangerous, such as cranes, towers, bridges, roads, and railroads.
➢ We show our customers the results of their engineering work: a bird's eye view and
3D Model of the results is more attractive and pleasing to the eye of those interested
in engineering.
Advantages of Construction Site Drone Inspection
➢ Saves Space
➢ Saves Time
➢ The data captured using laser sensors is analyzed and used in every phase of the
work project