Waiver 1

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(Limited Face-to-Face RLE)

Academic Year ; 20____-20____ ;  1ST Sem ;  2nd Sem

We/I, ___________________________________have given ________________________permission to attend the

limited Face-to-Face Related Learning Experience in Skills demonstration and Return demonstration, simulated
community health nursing and hospital duty as stipulated in the Joint Memorandum Circular#2021-001 and which
is a part of the curriculum as per CHED Memorandum Order No. 15 series of 2017. We are aware of the risks that
our son/daughter may be exposed to during these Related Learning activities. Just the same, we allow him/her
without any reservation to participate in these Related Learning activities for the duration of his/her course. While
he is participating in the said learning activities, we hereby voluntarily and expressly waive any or all actions,
claims, or demands against University of the Cordilleras, its trustees, officers, teachers and/or employees should
our son/daughter suffer any injury or damages which may happen beyond the control of the faculty; and we
hold harmless the said University of the Cordilleras, its trustees, officers, teachers, and/or employees from any such
action, claim or demand.

Similarly, I, _____________________________________________, hereby voluntarily and expressly waive any or

all actions, claims or demands against University of the Cordilleras, its trustees, officers, teachers, and/or
employees should I suffer any injury or damages while I am participating in the said Related Learning activities:
and I hold harmless the said University of the Cordilleras, its trustees, officers, teachers and/or employees from
any such action, claim or demand, provided however, that utmost care, attention and precautions are
undertaken and/or exercised by those concerned.

I shall observe diligence to ensure myself and well-being.

I shall comply with rules and regulations set by the University and the organizing committee.

Signed this _____day of _________________________.

STUDENT (Name I Signature I Date) PARENT/GUARDIAN (Name I Signature I Date)

Contact Nos.: Contact Nos.:

Relationship with the Student:

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me in the City of Baguio, Philippines, this __th day of ___________,
_____, by _____________________ and _______________, with ID No. ___________________________, who are the same
persons who personally signed before me the foregoing RWQ and acknowledged that they executed the same.

Doc. No. _____;

Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of ______.


Clinical Instructor (Name I Signature I Date) Program Chair, CIR (Name I Signature I Date)

Program Chair, HNP (Name I Signature I Date) Program Chair, CHP-EOP (Name I Signature I Date)

Academic Dean (Name I Signature I Date)

UC-CON-FORM-221 Page 1 of 1
Aug.2, 2021 Rev.01

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