Comments - Mix Design

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Material Submittal No. MS-C-05 for Concrete Mix Design – Rev.00

Comment Sheet Ref: N- 1 8 78 2- AE S - CS - 0 1 1 3- 2 3 Date of Comment: 24-07-2023

Incoming Submittal Ref: N- 1 8 78 2 /PW T /O L/ 01 7 6 Date of Receipt: 14-07-2023

Sr. No. Reviewed by: Dr.MH Ali Al Saie / TRANSCO (Rev.0) Contractor Response (Rev.0)

Contractor to attach the following documents: Noted, please find the attached documents.

a) Copy of test results of (materials coarse & fine aggregate, sand, cement & water) recently conducted by
1. AES third party laboratory.
b) Technical data for the proposed plasticizer Sikaplast 400.
c) Calibration certificate Weighing equipment’s of proposed Ready-mix concrete plant.

2. AES Soil lab recommendations regarding the cement type to be used against soil to be provided. Noted, action by contractor

3. AES Compliance certificate including a comparison between the specification and concrete properties to be provided. Noted, please find the attached compliance statement.

Mix design of reinforce Substructure/ Super structure and plain concrete approval subject to the satisfactory test Noted
4. AES
result verification of trial mix samples at 28 days for compressive strength and durability requirements.

5. AES Trial mix of all the concrete shall be conducted by the approved third-party laboratory. Noted, Trial mix of all the concrete will be conducted by the approved third-party laboratory.

Time of concrete from batching to placing and temperature of fresh concrete at site shall be as per project Noted
6. AES
specification requirements.

7. AES The use of each concrete mix to be mentioned clearly in a table format. Noted, please find the attached grade table

8. AES No deviation certificate to be provided.

9. AES Mix design for superstructure to be submitted in line with project specification requirements. Noted, please find the attached superstructure mix design
Concrete Mix design for sub-structure durability parameter by considering marine & aggressive soils conditions
Noted, please find the attached revised mix design for substructure
10. Transco (class 4 &5) refer specification (W-C-SS-005) clause (10.3). and cement type shall be as per geotechnical
investigation report recommendations.
Concrete supplier shall be proposed for SILA & Jabal Al Dhana separately as per along with the mix design per
11. Transco Noted.
availability of ready-mix plant in those locations.

Note: The above comments and/or approvals do not relieve the Contractor from his obligation in the contract to ensure conformance to the specifications. Any specification deviations found subsequent to approval are to be
corrected by the Contract to the satisfaction of the OWNER/ENGINEER.

STATUS CODE: Additional Information Required

Reviewed / Approved by:

Signed: ______________________________ Signed: ____________________________

For Dr. Mahmood Ali AI Saie For TRANSCO

Page 2 of 2
Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Doc. Ref.: N-18782-MS-C-05 Project Number: N-18782 Revision-01


Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Doc. Ref.: N-18782-MS-C-05 Project Number: N-18782 Revision-01


Product Data Sheet
Edition 1/4/2015
Identification Number: 021301011000000910
SikaPlast®400 Powered by ViscoCrete

SikaPlast® 400
Powered by ViscoCrete®
High Range Water Reducing and Retarding Concrete Admixture
SikaPlast®400 is a third generation superplasticizer for concrete and
Product Description mortar.It is particularly developed for the production of high flow concrete
with extended slump retention and high strength development.
SikaPlast®400 is suitable for use in concrete mixes containing
Microsilica and other Pozzolanic materials like GGBS & Fly Ash. This
product is especially suitable for tropical and hot climatic conditions.

Uses SikaPlast®400 facilitates extreme water reduction, excellent flow ability

with optimum cohesion and impressive slump retention characteristics.
SikaPlast®400 is used for the following types of concrete:
 Medium flow concrete
 Concrete with high water reduction
 High strength concrete
Including slabs, foundations, walls, columns and piers, piles, pre-stressed
concrete, bridges and cantilever structures

Characteristics / SikaPlast®400 acts by surface absorption on the cement particles

Advantages producing a satirical hindrance as well as electrostatic repulsion between
cement particles, which results in higher dispersion, flow and retention.
SikaPlast®400 provides the following beneficial properties :
Substantial improvement in workability without increased water
 No risk of segregation
 Normal set without retardation (within the dosage limit)
 Improved density and surface finish
 Improved water tightness
 Does not contain Chlorides or other steel corrosion promoting
ingredients, therefore it may be used for reinforced and pre-
stressed concrete construction.
SikaPlast®400 gives the concrete extended workability, flow and
depending on the mix design, dosage and quality of material used.

It conforms to the requirement of ASTM C494/C494M-99a D&G

Tests/ Standards and BSEN 934-2.

Sika Plast®400
Product Data

Form Light to dark brown liquid

Packaging 1000 lt. flow bins/ IBC

Shelf Life /Storage 12 months from date of production if stored properly in undamaged
Conditions unopened, original sealed packaging, in dry conditions at temperatures
between +5°C and +35°C. Protect from direct sunlight and frost.

Technical Data

Chemical Base Aqueous solution of modified poly-carboxylates, co-polymers

pH Value at 25°C 4-6

Density at 250C 1.040 - 1.060


Application Details

Consumption / For flowing concrete 0.8 to 1.6% by volume of cement/binder. Higher

dosage up to 2.0% can be used depending on the mix design and concrete
Dosage requirement but a trial mixes must be done by the user to established
correct dosage.
Dispensing SikaPlast ®400 is added to the cement-aggregate-sand mix at the
batching plant after the gauging water and necessary corrections. Do not
add to the dry mix. SikaPlast is added to the gauging water or
simultaneously poured with it into the concrete mixer.
For optimum utilization of its high water reduction property, we recommend
Thorough mixing at a minimal wet mixing time of 60 seconds. The addition
of the remaining gauging water (to fine tune concrete consistency) may
only be started after two-thirds of the wet mixing time, to avoid surplus
water in the concrete.
Compatibility SikaPlast®400 may be combined with many other Sika products
particularly: Sika Pump, Sika Fume, Sika Retarder and Sika Retardol-25,
Sika1 but should be dosed separately.

Application Method / The standard rules of good concreting practice, concerning production and
Tools placing, are to be followed. Refer to relevant standards. Fresh concrete
must be cured correctly.

Curing Fresh concrete must be cured properly, especially at high temperatures in

order to prevent plastic and drying shrinkage. Use Sika Antisol products as
a curing agent or apply wet hessian.

Cleaning of Tools Clean all tools and application equipment with water immediately after use.

Sika Plast®400
Notes on When using SikaPlast®400 a suitable mix design must be selected and
Application / local material sources should be used in the trial mixes. If frozen and/or if
Limitations precipitation has occurred, SikaPlast®400 may only be used after thawing
slowly at room temperature and intensive mixing.
SikaPlast®400 should not be added to dry cement.
Before pouring, suitability tests on the fresh concrete must be carried out.
Due to the extended workability, take special care that formwork is properly
installed and secured.
The setting time of concrete is extended, however, if cured properly, it will
not affect other properties and on the other hand higher ultimate strength is

Value Base All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are based on laboratory
tests. Actual measured data may vary due to circumstances beyond our

Local Restrictions Please note that as a result of specific local regulations the performance of
this product may vary from country to country. Please consult the local
Product Data Sheet for the exact description of the application fields

Health and Safety For information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of
Information chemical products, users shall refer to the most recent Material Safety Data
Sheet containing physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related

Ecology Non-toxic under the relevant Swiss Health and Safety Codes.

Transport Non-hazardous

Legal Notes The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the
application and end-use of Sika products, are given in good faith based on
Sika's current knowledge and experience of the products when properly
stored, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordance with
Sika’s recommendations. In practice, the differences in materials,
substrates and actual site conditions are such that no warranty in respect
of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability
arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from
this information, or from any written recommendations, or from any other
advice offered. The user of the product must test the product’s suitability for
the intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the right to change the
properties of its products. The proprietary rights of third parties must be
observed. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and
delivery. Users must always refer to the most recent issue of the local
Product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be
supplied on request

Sika Saudi Arabia Phone +966 2 692 70 79 /+966 2 692 70 84

Al-Obikan Building,PH floor- Fax +966 2 692 12 72
Prince Sultan Street
P.O Box 112356,Jeddah 21371
Sika Plast®400
Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Doc. Ref.: N-18782-MS-C-05 Project Number: N-18782 Revision-01


Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Doc. Ref.: N-18782-MS-C-05 Project Number: N-18782 Revision-01


Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Doc. Ref.: N-18782-MS-C-05 Project Number: N-18782 Revision-01

Material Concrete Mix Design Technical Submittal ADWEA Spec. Ref. Doc. No.W-C-SS-005, Rev.02.
Compliance /
Clause No. Specification Requirment Proposal Remarks
5.1 Cement
The cement to be used throughout the works shall be decided based on the soil investigation report,
otherwise, ASTM Type II (MSRC) cement to be used for substructure (structure in contact with soil),
reservoirs or any water retaining structure; while ASTM Type I (OPC) cement to be used for ASTM Type II (MSRC)
ASTM Type I OPC) Comply
superstructure or above ground concrete works as approved by ADWEA/ENGINEER.

MSRC Cement shall comply with ASTM C150 Type II, with C3A content of maximum 8%. Unless
MSRC-6.8 Comply
otherwise approved by the ADWEA/ENGINEER
A).The acid soluble alkali level measured as (Na2O + 0.658 K2O) shall not exceed 0.6% by weight MSRC - 0.58, OPC - 0.58 Comply
B) The fineness rating shall have a specific surface of not greater than 400 m²/kg and not less than 225
MSRC - 310, OPC - 310 Comply
m²/kg when tested as described in BS EN 196-6
C) The temperature of the cement shall not exceed 65 C at the time of incorporation into a concrete
Confirmed Comply
D) When on arrival at the job site, if the temperature of the cement is above 65 C, the CONTRACTOR
Noted Comply
must have a false-setting test carried out.
E) One brand of cement shall be used throughout the work to maintain uniform colour and to establish
Confirmed Comply
undivided responsibility
F) The cement used in the work shall be the same as that upon which the selection of concrete
Confirmed Comply
proportion was based.
5.2 Cement Storage at Batching Plant
The transport must be organized so that the cement is properly protected from humidity. Noted Comply
The cement shall be delivered to the batching plant in bulk or in sound, properly sealed and marked bags
and while being loaded or unloaded and during transit to the concrete mixers, whether conveyed in
vehicles or by mechanical means, shall be efficiently protected from the weather by fully enclosed transfer Noted, delivery by cement bulker Comply
systems or in the case of bagged cement by tarpaulins or other effective coverings.
If the cement is delivered in bulk, the CONTRACTOR shall provide at his own cost approved silos of
adequate size to store sufficient cement to ensure continuity of work and the cement shall be placed in
these silos immediately it has been delivered on site. Approved precautions must be taken Confirmed Comply
during unloading to ensure that the resulting dust does not constitute a nuisance

For Site batching plants, Silos must be fitted with thermometers, and cement temperature must be
Confirmed Comply
checked twice a day
5.3 Cement Testing
All cement shall be certified by the MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER as complying with the requirements of the
appropriate specification. Before orders are placed the CONTRACTOR shall submit details of the
proposed MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER(s) together with sufficient information on the proposed methods
of transport, storage and certification to enable the ADWEA/ENGINEER to satisfy himself that the
Confirmed Comply
quantity and quality required can be supplied and maintained throughout the construction period.
Where necessary the ADWEA/ENGINEER may require further representative samples of the proposed
cement to be taken and forwarded to a nominated laboratory for analysis and testing before the source is
Having obtained the ADWEA/ENGINEER approval of the source(s) of supply, transport, storage and
certification of the cement the CONTRACTOR shall not modify or change the agreed arrangements Noted Comply
without first having obtained the ADWEA/ENGINEER's permission
Each consignment of cement delivered to the site shall be accompanied by a Certificate showing the
place of manufacture and the results of standard tests carried out on each days bulk supply from which Noted Comply
the cement was extracted
In addition to the tests described above, the CONTRACTOR shall test each consignment of cement on
Noted Comply
arrival at site. Such tests will be in accordance with the aforesaid standards.
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the arrangements for the storage of the cement on the site are
sufficient for the separation and identification of each consignment until the results of the sampling and Confirmed Comply
testing referred to above are available.
The ADWEA/ENGINEER may reject any cement as a result of further tests thereof which he may conduct or
arrange to be conducted notwithstanding the manufacturer's certificate above mentioned and the Noted Comply
CONTRACTOR shall remove all rejected cement from the site without delay.
After delivery of the consignment and during working hours the ADWEA/ENGINEER and his representative
shall have access to the cement store, and have the right to take samples for further tests to be carried
out. From the results of these tests he may reject any consignment or part consignment which does not Confirmed Comply
comply with those specified and the cement shall be removed from the site forthwith.

For each consignment, the CONTRACTOR will have to provide a 10 kg sample which shall be kept in an
Confirmed Comply
airtight box for at least two months after the consignment had been employed.
6 Admixture
Admixtures will only be permitted to be used in the concrete with the express permission of the
ADWEA/ENGINEER and in no circumstances will admixtures containing chlorides or other corrosive Noted Comply
agents be allowed. Their compatibility with the type of cement used must be proved

The concrete tests described in the Specification shall be carried out with the correct proportion
of admixtures incorporated to ensure the specified strengths are achieved and comparison shall be
made with concrete manufactured without the admixture to prove that the density has not been Confirmed Comply
reduced. If air entraining agents are used the density shall not be reduced by more than 4%.

Very strict control is to be maintained to ensure that the correct quality of admixture is used at all times.
The equipment to be used for dispensing and the method of incorporating the admixture in the Noted Comply
Concrete shall be to the approval of the ADWEA/ENGINEER
The dispensing unit shall be translucent such that the operator can see the discharge of the admixture. Confirmed Comply

Air entraining admixtures shall comply with the requirements of ASTM C260. Air entraining admixture not using
Set retarding and water-reducing admixture shall comply with EN 480, EN 934 or ASTM C494. EN 480, EN 934 , ASTM C494 Comply
Where it is proposed to use more than one admixture the CONTRACTOR shall obtain from the
manufacturer concerned and submit to the ADWEA/ENGINEER a written statement that the combination
of admixtures will have no harmful effects either short or long term upon the concrete. If deemed Noted Comply
necessary by the ADWEA/ENGINEER the CONTRACTOR shall arrange trials to demonstrate the
compatibility of the proposed admixtures.
7 Aggregates
7.1 Aggregate Sources
Source of Aggregates for concrete shall be approved by the ADWEA/ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall be
responsible for selecting suitable aggregates and samples of and sand and coarse aggregate are to be
obtained for specified tests to be carried out before any arrangements for obtaining aggregates from new
Noted, Action by contractor Comply
or alternative sources are approved by the ADWEA/ENGINEER. Laboratory check tests shall be made
of the aggregate at regular intervals to confirm their suitability for concrete and the consistency of the
Aggregates will be produced to the sizes and grading specified for the various concrete mixes. The
ADWEA/ENGINEER may instruct the CONTRACTOR to carry out investigations to ensure that there are Noted Comply
sufficient quantities of suitable aggregates available to complete the works.
The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all arrangements and costs involved in the exploitation of
quarries and borrow pits and he shall carry out any borings and investigations he deems necessary to
Noted Comply
determine the precise location of the working and the manner in which the quarries and borrow pits may
be efficiently and economically exploited.
Quarries shall be run in a safe manner and on completion of the works they shall be left in a tidy state. No
rocks shall be left overhanging except with the approval of the relevant authorities and
ADWEA/ENGINEER. The aggregate winning and processing operations shall be such that they do not Noted Comply
constitute a danger to health either during their operation or after completion of the works.

The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that his activities in no way interfere with existing operations being carried
out by others, and shall be responsible for providing his own local accesses and all plant and facilities. Confirmed Comply

The use of dune sand shall be permitted as a fine aggregate in concrete providing that the grading, shell
and salt content are maintained within the limits given in the relevant clauses of this Specification. Before
Confirmed Comply
taking sand from any area the salt and shell content must be checked. Only sand from the proven areas
shall be used for making concrete.
Before concrete trial mixes, and at least two weeks before concreting commences, the CONTRACTOR shall
deposit with the ADWEA/ENGINEER for his approval a sample of the aggregate which he proposed to use
in the works together with a certificate stating:
A) Source of supply.
B) Name of quarry or pit.
Confirmed Comply
C) Location.
D) Petrographic analysis report.
and the specific criteria indicated in "testing" hereafter.

During transport, aggregates shall be protected against any contamination by salt and/or dust.
7.2.1 General
Aggregate for concrete, mortar or for other purposes shall be in all cases free from earth, clay, loam,
deleterious matter, clayey, shell or decomposed Stone, organic matter and other impurities and shall be
hard and dense. The percentage of hollow shells shall be limited to an approved level compatible with Confirmed Comply
the production of dense concrete to the satisfaction of the ADWEA/ENGINEER.

Aggregate to be used in the construction of structures for retaining aqueous liquids shall comply with
Confirmed Comply
EN 1992-3
Aggregate for use in concrete shall conform in all respects with BS 812 and EN 12620 "Aggregates from
Natural Sources for Concrete" except where specifically stated otherwise below. Confirmed Comply

Aggregate shall conform to the relevant British Standards and in addition the following specific
criteria shall apply when tested in accordance with EN 12620 and ASTM C131 and C33. See attached Confirmed Comply
aggregate testing table
These tests are to be carried out in accordance with the appropriate International standards and the
results shall comply with the limits given therein or as otherwise stated in this Specification. Grading shall
be carried out at least at monthly or at 100 m3 intervals or when new source/ material stock whichever Confirmed Comply
is the sooner when concrete is being produced on a regular basis or before the start of production when
7.2.2 Chemical Properties
A) Chlorides
0 - 5mm Crushe Washed Sand - 0.03% Comply
For fine aggregates : maximum 0.06% of water soluble chloride ions expressed as CL- equivalent by
weight of fine aggregate Dune Sand - 0.02% Comply
Provided always that for the combined fine and coarse aggregates, the total water soluble chlorides
expressed as percentage of chloride ion by weight of fine and coarse aggregates combined shall not
<0.02% Comply
exceed 0.03% and that for the hardened concrete the total acid soluble chlorides shall meet the
requirements of these specifications.
B) Sulphates 20 mm - 0.02% Comply
For fine and coarse aggregates: 0.4% SO3 by weight of aggregates. Analysis following acid extraction
shall be as per EN 12620, provided, always that for the hardened concrete the total acid soluble 10 mm - 0.03% Comply
sulphates shall meet the requirements of these specifications 0-5 mm - 0.06% Comply
Dune Sand - 0.07% Comply
C) Alkali Reactivity
Aggregates shall not contain any materials that are deleteriously reactive with the alkalis in the cement, or
any alkalis which may be additionally present in the aggregates and mixing water or in water in contact
with the concrete or mortar, in amounts sufficient to cause excessive localised or general expansion of Nil Comply
concrete or mortar, as described in ASTM C 33 when tested in accordance with ASTM C289/ ASTM
C1260/ ASTM C 227
D) Serpentenite Aggregates
Noted Comply
Serpentenite aggregates are prohibited
7.2.3 Materials at Source
The CONTRACTOR shall be totally responsible for verifying the quality of materials he is intending for
inclusion in the works at the material source
Test Certificates shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR for such materials, and attention is drawn to this
requirement with respect to aggregate grading and chemical properties for each consignment
Noted Comply
The CONTRACTOR shall make whatever arrangements are necessary for the ADWEA/ENGINEER to visit and
inspect the selected source(s) of proposed aggregates after selection, and from time to time during the
Contract should the ADWEA/ENGINEER consider it necessary. All costs involved to be borne by
7.3 Size of Aggregate
7.3.1 Grading
Grading of aggregate shall be tested in accordance with BS 812, and EN 12620 Confirmed Comply

The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for demonstrating that the combined grading of the aggregates is Confirmed, Combined garding report
compliance to above standards available on the mix design sheet
The percentage passing any sieve size as determined by approved trial mixes shall be the target grading
for all concrete of that type.
The combined grading of the works concrete shall not vary by more than + 4% from that found from
the trial mixes. If the estimated or measured combined grading of the permanent works concrete does
not meet this requirement then a new trial mix shall be prepared for the approval of the
ADWEA/ENGINEER Confirmed Comply
Modifications at the direction of the ADWEA/ENGINEER shall be made if the workability of the mix is not
the same as the agreed trial mix
If at any time samples prove unsatisfactory the CONTRACTOR will be required, at his own cost, either to
change to a new supply or to make arrangements acceptable to the ADWEA/ENGINEER to remedy the
Fine Aggregate
The sand for concrete shall be capable of passing through a 5 mm B.S. test sieve and it shall be so graded
that when mixed with the coarse aggregate and cement it shall produce a concrete of the maximum Confirmed Comply
Crushed sand may be added to natural sand in proportions approved by the ADWEA/ENGINEER in order
to achieve the required grading. Crushed sand alone may only be used with the approval of the
Confirmed Comply
ADWEA/ENGINEER. However, fine aggregate used for concrete preparation should be free from salt and
any other harmful chemical for concrete
Tests shall follow the aggregate testing table grading shall be as per the following Table 3, fine aggregates
Confirmed Comply
7.3.3 Coarse Aggregate
The term coarse aggregate means an aggregate retained on a 5 mm B.S. test sieve. The grading of the
coarse aggregate shall be within the limits prescribed in EN 12620 and shall be such that when combined
with the approved fine aggregate and cement it shall produce a workable concrete of maximum density.
This should be free from salt and any other harmful chemical for concrete. The figures of the densities of
the various classes of concrete shall be fixed by the ADWEA/ENGINEER after tests have been carried out Confirmed Comply
on the site. Tests shall follow aggregate testing table, grading shall be as per Table 2, course aggregates.
Aggregate for use in concrete which is subject to abrasion and impact shall comply with the test
requirements of BS 812 and the specification of EN 12620 respectively
Specification Limit Test Result
Coarse Fine 20mm 10mm 0-5 mm D. Sand
Grading (BS 812) BS 882-Table 3 BS 882-Table 4 BS 882-Table 3 BS 882-Table 4 Comply

Specific apparent relative density (BS 812 Part 2) >2.6 >2.6 2.77 2.76 2.74 2.68 Comply
Water Absorption (BS 812: Part 2) <2.5 <2.5 0.5 0.6 1.2 1 Comply

Clay, Silt Dust in aggregates passing 75um sieves Natural sand / Crushed gravel
<1% 0.1 0.2 3.3 1.3 Comply
(ASTM C117) <3.0%, Crushed stone Sand <5%

Force to generate 10% fine (BS 812: Part 111) ≥50kN - 240 250 - - Comply
Flakiness Index (BS 812, Part 105.1) <25% - 14 16 - - Comply
Elongation Index (BS 812, Part 105.2) <25% - 17 18 - - Comply
Los Angles Abrasion value (ASTM - C33) <25% - 22 20 - - Comply
> 75% Natural Sand, >60% Crushed
Sand Equivalent (ASTM D2419) - - - 79 80 Comply

Aggregates drying shrinkage (BS 1882-Part 120) <0.5% - 0.027 Comply

water soluble chloride content for concrete
<0.06% <0.03% <0.01 0.01 0.03 0.02 Comply
(BS812: Part 117)
Acid soluble sulphate content (BS 812: Part 118) <0.4% <0.4% 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.07 Comply

sodium sulphate soundness (ASTM C88) 5 cycles. <15% Loss <10% Loss 1 1 2 - Comply
Magnesium Sulphate soundness (ASTM C88) 5
<15% Loss <14% Loss 2 2 4 - Comply
7.4 Storage of Aggregate - Delivery
Coarse and fine aggregate shall be delivered to the site or to the mixing plant by means that prevent
contamination due to the environmental efforts, if necessary in covered containers, and shall be stored
separately. Care shall be exercised in the handling and storage of the aggregates to prevent the Confirmed Comply
segregation of the various sized particles and to prevent contamination from any deleterious
materials from the ground
All sand and aggregate for concrete shall be stored in concrete based bins or on stages designed to
prevent intermixing of different aggregate and to avoid the inclusion of dirt and other foreign materials Confirmed Comply
in the concrete. Each size of aggregate shall be stored separately
The storage bins shall be emptied and cleaned and the grading of the aggregate checked at intervals,
Confirmed Comply
subject to the approval of the ADWEA/ENGINEER
Wet aggregate shall be kept on site for at least 24 hours to ensure adequate drainage before being used
Confirmed Comply
for concreting.
The CONTRACTOR shall at all times maintain, on site or at the mixing plant, sufficient quantities of
Confirmed Comply
each type of aggregate to ensure continuity of work.
The CONTRACTOR shall make his own arrangements for the provision of fresh water for the manufacture
and curing of concrete which shall be subject to the approval of the ADWEA/ENGINEER Confirmed Comply

In general water to be used for the production and curing of concrete shall conform to the following
For mixing and curing concrete, mortar and grouting, potable water only shall be used. The water to be
used shall not contain more than 300 parts per million of chloride content (as Cl) and the sulphate content
(as SO3) shall not exceed 1000 parts per million. Water shall be clean, demineralised, blended or
unblended with a pH between 6.5 and 8.5 and shall comply with the requirements of EN 1008. Water Comply
Confirmed, please refer the attached
samples from the intended source of supply may be taken by the ADWEA/ENGINEER for analysis before Water test report
any concrete work is commenced and at intervals throughout the duration of the Contract. If at any time
samples prove unsatisfactory, the CONTRACTOR will be required at his own cost either to change to a
new supply or to make arrangements acceptable to the ADWEA/ENGINEER to remove the offending
10 Concrete
10.1 Grades of Concrete

Concrete for construction shall be as detailed in the Table of Concrete Mixes and as shown by cube test
results as specified. The 7 day strengths shall be used only as a guide. This list may be extended from time Noted Comply
to time by the addition of other mixes as required and to the approval of the ADWEA/ENGINEER.

The criteria stated in the Table of Concrete Mixes are designed to produce concrete of the required
strength and durability. The criteria may be altered during the trial mix stage at the discretion of the Noted Comply
ADWEA/ENGINEER. Type of cement used for concrete mixes is to be selected as per relevant soil condition
C40/20 (35%MSRC+60%GGBS+5%MS) - Substructure

Cement type MSRC/OPC 35%MSRC+60%GGBS+5%MS Comply

Max. Size Agg. (mm) 20 20 Comply GGBS+MS used

Max. Min. Quantity Cement /m 3
Max.420 Min.350 400 Comply for to achieve
Max. free water cement ratio 0.36 Comply durability
7 days cube compressive strength (N/mm ) 28 28 Min. Comply
28 days cube compressive strength (N/mm ) 40 40 Min. Comply
C40/20 C40/20 (50%OPC+50%GGBS) - Superstructure
GGBS used for
Cement type MSRC/OPC 50%OPC+50%GGBS Comply
to achieve
Max. Size Agg. (mm) 20 20 Comply
Max. Min. Quantity Cement /m Max.420 Min.350 400 Comply
Max. free water cement ratio 0.4 0.38 Comply
7 days cube compressive strength (N/mm ) 28 28 Min. Comply
28 days cube compressive strength (N/mm ) 40 40 Min. Comply
C20/20 (MSRC) - Blinding
Cement type MSRC MSRC Comply
Max. Size Agg. (mm) 20 20 Comply

C20 Max. Min. Quantity Cement /m3 (kg) Max.250 250 Comply

Max. free water cement ratio 0.5 0.5 Comply

28 days cube compressive strength (N/mm ) 20 20 Min. Comply
C20/10 (MSRC) - Protection Screed
Cement type Not Specified MSRC Comply
Max. Size Agg. (mm) Not Specified 10 Comply

C20 Max. Min. Quantity Cement /m3 (kg) Not Specified 280 Comply

Max. free water cement ratio Not Specified 0.5 Comply

28 days cube compressive strength (N/mm ) 20 20 Min. Comply
The term "Characteristic strength" is defined as the mean value of the cube or cylinder test results
(obtained with a significant sample) minus 1.64 times the standard deviation as described in EN 1992 or Confirmed Comply
ACI 214.
Sampling of concrete for test purposes shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of ASTM
Noted Comply
C31 - C192 - C617, or BS 1881 if cube test results are required.
Concrete specimens shall be manufactured and cured in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C31 -
Noted Comply
C 192 - C617, or BS 1881 if cube test results are required.

The mixes shall be designed to have mean strengths that are greater than the specified characteristic
strength by a margin of 1.64 times the standard deviation expected from the concreting plant, except that Noted, Action by contractor Comply
no standard deviation less than 3.5 N/mm² shall be used as a basis for designing a mix.

Before any concrete is placed in the works the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ADWEA/ENGINEER for his
approval full details of the mixes he proposes to use for each class of concrete together with their
anticipated average target strengths. These mixes shall be designed with due regard for the minimum Confirmed Comply
workability necessary to allow the CONTRACTOR to place and compact as specified the concrete with the
equipment he proposes to use in any particular situation.

All visible exposed faces of concrete shall have a uniform colour and the CONTRACTOR shall take all
Confirmed Comply
necessary steps to ensure the supply of aggregates, sand and cement of uniform colour.
GGBS or micro-silica may be proposed for concrete mix as found necessary to achieve the concrete
specified characteristics subject to ADWEA/ ENGINEER approval. Comply
10.2 Chemical Properties of Hardened Concrete
10.2.1 Control of Chlorides in Hardened Concrete
The levels of equivalent acid soluble chlorides as NaCl (Cl x 1.65 = NaCl) shall generally not exceed the following:
Max. Chloride (CL) Content (% by
Types of concrete Proposal
wt of cement content)

Reinforced concrete made with Portland cement with containing less

0.15 Not Applicable Comply
than about 4% C3A (e.g. sulphate - resisiting Portland cement)

Reinforced concrete made with Portland cement with containing less

than about 4% or more C3A (e.g. OPC and ATM Type I & II usually 0.3 <0.3 Comply
contain more than 4% C3A)
Unreinforced concrete 0.6 <0.6 Comply
Max. Sulphate (SO3) content % by weight of cement for all classes 4.0% <4.0 Comply
Tests shall be carried out at regular intervals either for each foundation or each pour or as directed by the
Noted Comply
ADWEA/ENGINEER during the production of concrete to ensure these criteria are consistently achieved.

Notwithstanding the requirements given above, regular tests in accordance with BS 1881 Part 12 shall be
made on hardened concrete to determine the acid-soluble chloride content. The concrete will be judged
acceptable if:
Confirmed Comply
1. 95% of the results are less than the above specified limits. Or / Otherwise:
2. No result is greater than the above specified limits.
10.2.2 Control of Sulphates in Hardened Concrete

Notwithstanding the requirements given above, regular tests in accordance with BS 1881 shall be made on
hardened concrete to determine the total sulphate content (as SO3) of any mix. The concrete will be Confirmed Comply
judged acceptable if this does not exceed 4% by weight of cement including the sulphate ion in the cement.

10.2.3 Permissible Levels of Chlorides and Sulphates

The permissible level of chlorides and sulphates quoted in the foregoing clauses shall be deemed to apply
Noted Comply
to any concrete and shall not be considered as mean values for the whole of the works.

10.3.1 Laboratory Concrete Trial Mixes

Preliminary laboratory tests are to be carried out by the CONTRACTOR to determine the mixes which will
satisfy the specification, with the available materials including plasticizers
Confirmed Comply
Laboratory trial mixes shall be carried out to determine the concrete properties of the mixes proposed for
full scale trial mix at batching plant and the initial field tests.
10.3.2 Batching Plant Trial Mixes.
Following acceptance of laboratory test results and approval of mix design, a full scale trial mix shall be
carried out at the batching plant to conform but not limited to the following properties of the Noted Comply
high slump
Slump 100 ± 25 mm unless otherwise specified Comply
100 ± 25 for blinding, 150 ± 25 for substructure required for
GGBS mixes
Temperature As per Approved Mix Design 30 ͦC Max. Comply
Verified during
Setting time As per Approved Mix Design Initial setting time >180 minutes Comply
plant trial
Concrete strength As per Approved Mix Design & Clause 10.1 As per Clause 10.1 Comply

Water permeability (DIN 1048): < 15 mm for soil with high water level < 15 mm for soil with high water level Comply

Rapid chloride permeability (AASHTO – T 277) < 2500 coulombs for others < 2500 coulombs for others Comply
Water Absorption as per BS 1881 < 2.5% < 2.5% Comply

Porosity < 12% (+ 1% at the ADWEA/ENGINEER's discretion). <12.0% Comply

<1.5% following ASTM C173 Except as approved by the
Air content: <1.5% Comply
Concrete strength for structural concrete
The target mean strength for mix design is the characteristic strength plus the current margin:

When test results are available from the 40 individual cubes the current margin shall be adjusted to any of
Confirmed Comply
the following:

a) 1.64 times the standard deviation of all the 40 cubes.

b) 7.5 N/mm²
Preliminary trial mixes shall be carried out from three separate batches of each class of concrete by the
plant/ equipment which will be used for the work and under full scale production conditions. Sampling Confirmed Comply
shall be in accordance with BS 1881.

For each batch of concrete six (6) test cubes shall be prepared (total eighteen (18) cubes for each class. Six
(6) cubes from each class shall be tested for compressive strength at an age of seven (7) days and six (6) Confirmed Comply
cubes shall be tested at an age of 28 days and the other six (6) cubes for durability tests.

The compressive strength test shall be in accordance with BS 1881. Confirmed Comply
The test results shall be accepted if the following are fulfilled:
a) Each individual cube strength of the six cubes tested at 28 days age equal or exceed the specified design
Confirmed Comply
characteristic strength and
b) The average strength of the six cubes tested at 28 days age exceeds the target mean strength
(characteristic strength plus current margin).
All costs involved for laboratory tests and full scale trial mix will be borne by the CONTRACTOR. Should any
of the values obtained in the above tests be unacceptable in the opinion of the ADWEA/ENGINEER, the Noted, Action by contractor Comply
mixes shall be redesigned and trial mix testing to be repeated at Contractors own cost.

Xtramix Contractor
Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Doc. Ref.: N-18782-MS-C-05 Project Number: N-18782 Revision-01



1 20LNMT09348 C20/20 MSRC BLINDING


3 40LDMGSC00302 C40/20 (35%MSRC+60%GGBS+5%MS)

4 40LN1T09461 C40/20 (50%OPC+50%GGBS) SUPERSTRUCTURE

Client: Consultant: Contractor:

Doc. Ref.: N-18782-MS-C-05 Project Number: N-18782 Revision-01


P.O. Box No.: 32020 Abu Dhabi, UAE
TEL: +971-2-5511118 FAX: +971-2-5511425




MIX CODE : 40LN1T09461 REF : XCS/ST-40/1/50G/20-LR/400/0.38 Date : 8/8/2023
Total Cementitious OPC 3
Microsilica Fly Ash W/C Density Total Agg. Agg/cement
3 3 GGBS (kg/m ) 3 3 Slump (mm) 3 3
(kg/m ) (kg/m ) (kg/m ) (kg/m ) Ratio (kg/m ) (kg/m ) Ratio
400 200 200 0 0 0.38 150 ± 25 2440 1880 4.70

Material Description Source Unit SSD Weights B.Down%

OPC National Cement Co. Kg/m
200 50
GGBS Super Cement Co. Kg/m
200 50
20 mm Cr. Coarse Agg. RAK Kg/m
639 34
10 mm Cr. Coarse Agg. RAK Kg/m
357 19
0-5 mm Cr. Washed Sand RAK Kg/m
602 32
Dune Sand Al Ain Kg/m
282 15
Free Water ADWEA Lt/m
Sikaplast 400 Sika Lt/m 3.00 - 6.00
Particle size Distribution and Combined Grading ( BS 882 Limits )
B.S Sieves Combined Specification Limit
20 mm 10 mm 0 - 5mm CWS Dune Sand
(mm) Grading Lower Upper
37.50 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 100
20.00 97.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.0 95 100
5.00 0.0 11.0 97.0 100.0 48.1 35 55
0.600 0.0 1.0 25.0 100.0 23.2 10 35
0.150 0.0 0.0 8.0 31.0 7.2 0 10



0.1 1 10 100
B.S. SIEVES (mm)
Durability Requirments
Chloride Permeability Water Permeability Water Absorption Porosity
Air Content (ASTM C173)
(AASHTO – T 277)) (DIN 1048) (BS 1881:Part 122) (RILEM CPC 11.1)
Coulombs mm % % %
< 2500 @28 Days < 15 mm.@28 Days < 2.5 @28 Days < 1.5 < 12 @28 Days
Sulphate (BS 1881:Part 124) : 4.0% Max. Chloride (BS 1881:Part 124) : 0.3% Max.
Note : This mix design shall only be reproduced in full & with the written approval of XTRAMIX. Any unauthourized changes made to the concrete by a third party
render our guarantee null & void. The dosage of Chemical Admixtures can be adjusted to meet the site workability (slump) requirements,
but strictly should be within the manufacture's limit. Ice will be added to the mix as a part of total free water in order to control temprature of the mix, if required.
Target mean strength 40+7.5 N/mm

Abdul Gafoor ( QC Superintendent ) Samer Ahmed (Technical QC Manager )
P.O. Box No.: 32020 Abu Dhabi, UAE
TEL: +971-2-5511118 FAX: +971-2-5511425




MIX CODE : 40LDMGSC00302 REF : XCS/ST-40/2/60G/5MS/20-LR/400/0.36 Date : 29/05/23
Total Cementitious MSRC 3
Microsilica Fly Ash W/C Density Total Agg. Agg/cement
3 3 GGBS (kg/m ) 3 3 Slump (mm) 3 3
(kg/m ) (kg/m ) (kg/m ) (kg/m ) Ratio (kg/m ) (kg/m ) Ratio
400 140 240 20 0 0.36 150 ± 25 2443 1891 4.73

Material Description Source Unit SSD Weights B.Down%

MSRC National Cement Co. Kg/m
140 35
GGBS Super Cement Co. Kg/m
240 60
Microsilica FerroPem Kg/m
20 5
20 mm Cr. Coarse Agg. RAK Kg/m
643 34
10 mm Cr. Coarse Agg. RAK Kg/m
359 19
0-5 mm Cr. Washed Sand RAK Kg/m
605 32
Dune Sand Al Ain Kg/m
284 15
Free Water ADWEA Lt/m
Sikaplast 400 Sika Lt/m 3.00 - 6.00
Particle size Distribution and Combined Grading ( BS 882 Limits )
B.S Sieves Combined Specification Limit
20 mm 10 mm 0 - 5mm CWS Dune Sand
(mm) Grading Lower Upper
37.50 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100 100
20.00 97.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.0 95 100
5.00 0.0 11.0 97.0 100.0 48.1 35 55
0.600 0.0 1.0 25.0 100.0 23.2 10 35
0.150 0.0 0.0 8.0 31.0 7.2 0 10



0.1 1 10 100
B.S. SIEVES (mm)
Durability Requirments
Chloride Permeability Water Permeability Water Absorption Porosity
Air Content (ASTM C173)
(AASHTO – T 277)) (DIN 1048) (BS 1881:Part 122) (RILEM CPC 11.1)
Coulombs mm % % %
< 1000 @28 Days < 10 mm.@28 Days < 2.5 @28 Days < 1.5 < 12 @28 Days
Sulphate (BS 1881:Part 124) : 4.0% Max. Chloride (BS 1881:Part 124) : 0.3% Max.
Note : This mix design shall only be reproduced in full & with the written approval of XTRAMIX. Any unauthourized changes made to the concrete by a third party
render our guarantee null & void. The dosage of Chemical Admixtures can be adjusted to meet the site workability (slump) requirements,
but strictly should be within the manufacture's limit. Ice will be added to the mix as a part of total free water in order to control temprature of the mix, if required.
Target mean strength 40+7.5 N/mm

Abdul Gafoor ( QC Superintendent ) Samer Ahmed (Technical QC Manager )

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