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EUR 25581 EN
ISBN 978-92-79-27209-7
ISSN 1831-9424
Printed in Italy
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3
2. Data and conceptual framework .............................................................................................. 5
3. Empirical specification .......................................................................................................... 15
4. Main results ........................................................................................................................... 19
5. Discussion and concluding remarks ...................................................................................... 25
References..................................................................................................................................... 27
Appendix A – Country list code ................................................................................................... 29
Appendix B – PISA 2009 ICT familiarity questionnaire: questions used for the paper............... 30
Appendix C – Country-specific estimates .................................................................................... 32
Appendix D – Correlation between totactivities and ESCS.......................................................... 39
1. Introduction
Economic and social development have urged governments to emphasize the contribution to
education from a wide range of newly required skills and competencies. The
recommendations of the European Parliament and the Council on key competences for
lifelong learning identify a framework of eight competences necessary in a knowledge
society (European Commission, 2006). Digital competences, defined as the confident and
critical use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for work, leisure and
communication, are highlighted as one of these eight key competences. The central role of
new technologies and digital competences for active citizenship, social cohesion,
employability and economic development is further reaffirmed in the recently adopted
initiatives “New Skills and Jobs” (European Commission, 2010a) and “Digital Agenda for
Europe” (European Commission, 2010b). Education has a unique role to play in providing
young people with the skills needed in a society in which ICT-related skills and competences
are increasingly indispensable.
It is, therefore, relevant to assess and compare how education systems are dealing with the
integration of technology in education, particularly in terms of securing and improving
access, enhancing a wide range of educational and managerial uses, and monitoring the
development of critical technology-related skills and competencies.
Based on these considerations, the current study focuses on the relationship between
students’ computer use and their achievement in reading (language of instruction),
mathematics and science, controlling for students and school characteristics, with a particular
attention to the actual use of ICT by students (see Witter & Senkbeil, 2008). The following
questions are addressed:
QS1: Does the type of use of ICT by students affect their school performance?
QS2: Does this effect depend on students’ social and economic background?
Measuring the impact of information technology on students’ learning is not an easy task.
Experimental and quasi-experimental studies aim to compare the performance of students
using ICT (at home, at school or both) – the treatment group – with the performance of
students who do not have access to (or do not use) ICT – the control group. In these studies
“learning” is often reduced to student performance on a test, so that their conclusions are
valid only for those aspects of the learning process that are measured by that specific test.
While experimental studies are difficult to realize because of ethical issues, quasi-
experimental studies – at least in developed countries – deal with the difficulty of defining a
control group and an experimental group that are mutually exclusive (i.e. it is difficult to
identify groups of students “with” and “without” access to ICT). Other challenges concern
the nature of the data that is available: depending on the detail of the data, more or less
information can be extracted from the empirical analysis.
This report contributes to the literature on the impact of ICT on educational outcomes in
various respects. First, by exploiting the PISA 2009 ICT familiarity questionnaire, we are
able to gather detailed information on the typology and intensity of use of ICT among 15
year-old students. This focus was not possible with earlier waves of the PISA survey (see
Spiezia 2010). Thanks to the ICT familiarity questionnaire of PISA 2009, we are able to
characterize different types of user profiles. For instance, we expect intense PC and software
for school related tasks to have an effect on the PISA test scores different from that observed
for intense playing of videogames. Second, we test whether the type of use of ICT (at school
and, especially, at home) tends to reinforce differences originating from the social
environment in which students are brought up. In other words, we want to understand
whether ICTs utilization amplifies or reduces the effects of the other learning skills that are
transmitted by students’ socio-economic backgrounds.
Our results show that it is difficult to detect a clear positive relationship between the use
of new technologies and students’ performance as measured by the PISA test. Moreover, we
do not find strong evidence supporting the hypothesis that the use of ICT reinforces pre-
existing social and economic differences.
These results, which – prima facie – could be read as evidence that investment in ICT has
been ill-placed, should in fact be interpreted with great care. On the one hand, we have the
issue of the type of skills that the PISA test is measuring: to the extent that this test tends to
focus on abilities typically related with traditional teaching techniques, one should not expect
to see any positive effect of intensive ICT utilization. On the other hand, the PISA dataset
does not give us detailed information on the type of utilization of ICT at the school level. In
particular, we do not know whether ICT are just added into a traditional curriculum or
whether they actually shape – at least partially – the curriculum. This is important since we
do not expect any particular benefit to come from the utilization of ICT in a fully traditional
2. Data and conceptual framework
The primary source of data for our analysis is the fourth wave of the Programme for
International Student Assessment (PISA) administered in 2009. PISA is a cross national
survey that, every three years since 2000, has assessed 15 year-old students’ performance in
mathematics, reading and science, as well as cross-curricular problem-solving skills. PISA
considers students’ knowledge in these areas not in isolation, but in relation to their ability to
reflect on their knowledge and experience and apply them to real-world issues. The emphasis
is on mastering processes, understanding concepts and functioning in various contexts within
each assessment area. The three domains assessed in PISA 2009 can be synthesized as
In each PISA cycle, only one domain is tested in detail, taking up nearly two-thirds of the
total testing time (about 390 minutes). The major domain in 2000 was reading, in 2003 it was
mathematics and in 2006 it was science. In 2009 it was reading again, building on a modified
reading framework which incorporates the reading of electronic texts and elaborates the
constructs of reading engagement and meta-cognition (OECD, 2011).
Table 1: Dataset structure: students and schools distribution by country
Students Schools
number % number %
Belgium (BE) 8,501 5.16 278 4.4
Bulgaria (BG) 4,507 2.74 178 2.8
Czech Rep. (CZ) 6,064 3.68 261 4.2
Germany (DE) 4,979 3.02 226 3.6
Denmark (DK) 5,924 3.60 285 4.6
Spain (ES) 25,887 15.72 889 14.2
Estonia (EE) 4,727 2.87 175 2.8
Finland (FI) 5,81 3.53 203 3.2
Greece (EL) 4,969 3.02 184 2.9
Croatia (HR) 4,994 3.03 158 2.5
Hungary (HU) 4,605 2.80 187 3.0
Ireland (IE) 3,937 2.39 144 2.3
Iceland (IS) 3,646 2.21 131 2.1
Italy (IT) 30,905 18.77 1097 17.5
Lithuania (LT) 4,528 2.75 196 3.1
Latvia (LV) 4,502 2.73 184 2.9
Norway (NO) 4,66 2.83 197 3.1
Poland (PO) 4,917 2.99 185 3.0
Portugal (PT) 6,298 3.83 214 3.4
Slovak Rep. (SK) 4,555 2.77 189 3.0
Slovenia (SI) 6,155 3.74 341 5.4
Sweden (SE) 4,567 2.77 189 3.0
Turkey (TU) 4,996 3.03 170 2.7
Pooled sample 164,633 6,271
Note: unweighted data; country abbreviation in brackets
Source: OECD - PISA 2009
interest (list-wise deletion). The full sample is composed of 23 countries and most students
within this sample have some experience in using ICT.1 France, Luxembourg, the United
Kingdom and Romania are not in the dataset because they did not complete the PISA-ICT
questionnaire, while the Netherlands has been excluded from the econometric estimates
because of missing data issues.2 Similarly, Austria was not considered in the econometric
analysis of the study because of data reliability issues. Table 1 presents the structure of the
sample retained for the econometric analyses.
The analyses have been realized using normalized weights, calculated following the
procedure suggested by the PISA 2009 data analysis manual (OECD, 2009, p. 219).
We start with the inspection of questions Q1 and Q2 of the PISA-ICT 2009 questionnaire
(see Appendix A) aiming at collecting information on the availability of ICT at home and
1a. Percentage of 15 years old students 1b. Percentage of 15 years old students using the
using internet at home internet or the email for entertainment or
schoolwork at least once a week
Note: the EU average is a weighted average where the contribution of each country is proportional to the size of the
country’s 15 years old population
Source: authors’ estimates from PISA ICT 2009
Figure1: Percentage of students using internet at home by country and by type of activity
The data tell us that there are large cross-country differences in ICT availability (and use).
On average, 88.3% of European students have access to and use internet at home; this
About 97% of students in the selected dataset declared to have used a computer before the survey.
The Netherlands, although completed the ICT familiarity questionnaire, is completely missing for the
information concerning the use of ICT at home for entertainment purposes (variables from IC04Q01 to
IC04Q09 of the OECD-PISA dataset).
percentage is above 95% in all the Nordic countries (it is highest in the Netherlands with
98.6%) and it is below 80% only in Bulgaria (79.1%) and Greece (68.1%) (Figure 1a). In all
countries but Poland, the share of students using internet or e-mail at least once a week for
entertainment is well above the share of students using these media for school-related
purposes. Only in Portugal and Slovakia do students report using e-mail for schoolwork in
more than half of the cases (54.2% and 50.3%, respectively); in 9 countries3 the majority of
students report browsing the internet for school work, while in 7 countries4 nine tenths of
students report browsing for fun (Figure 1b).
For the first time, the latest wave of the OECD-PISA study asks students if, and how
intensively, they use computers for classes in language-of-instruction, mathematics or science
during a typical school week. The information provided by this question is synthesized in
Figure 2.
Note: the EU average is a weighted average where the contribution of each country is proportional to the size of the
country’s 15 years old population
Source: authors’ estimates from PISA ICT 2009
On average, across European countries, the percentage of students using computers during
mathematics lessons (14.3%) is smaller than that of students using computers during
In alphabetic order: BE-NL (51.9%), BG (51.1%), DK (61.1%), EE (50.5%), HU (50.5%), NL (53.2%), PL
(56.7%), PT (60.7%), and NO (63.7%).
In alphabetic order: DK (92.8%), EE (93.2%), SI (90.2%), FI (93.7%), SE (93.9%), IS (93.3%), and NO
language-of-instruction or science classes (17.1% and 18.8%, respectively). There are
substantial variations between countries and between subjects. Denmark and Norway show
the highest proportion of students using computers in all the three subjects covered by the
OECD-PISA survey, whereas in Hungary and Poland students are less likely to use
computers during these classes. In the Netherlands and Sweden, a substantial share (40% or
more) of 15 year-old students declare they use computers during language-of-instruction
lessons. In Sweden, the same percentage also uses computers during science classes.
A proxy measure for the general use of computers at school for educational purposes can
be obtained by computing the percentage of students who declare they use computers during
classroom lectures in at least one of the three PISA domains. This measure shows that,
despite the fact that 91% of European students attend schools with computers available for
instruction that are connected to the internet (OECD-PISA 2009), ICT are widely used only
by schools in Denmark (85.3%), Norway (81.3%), Sweden (67.5%), the Netherlands (54.5%)
and Finland (50.1%).
Furthermore, Figure 2 reveals that in these five Northern countries the likelihood of using
a computer during language-of-instruction classes is higher than the likelihood of using a
computer during science lessons, which in turn is superior to the likelihood of using a
computer during mathematics lessons. In all the remaining countries (with the exception of
Austria, Belgium and Italy), the share of students who declare they use computers during
science lessons is higher than the share of students using them in the two other domains.
Our econometric analysis is mostly based on Q4, Q5 and Q6 of the ICT familiarity
questionnaire, which are meant to capture the use of ICT, both at home and at school (these
questions are reported in Appendix B). Q4 refers mainly to entertainment uses of ICT at
home, while Q5 and Q6 capture school-related activities (respectively at home and at school).
There are various ways to read the information provided by Q4, Q5 and Q6. On the one hand,
these questions distinguish between the location of ICT use: home vs. school. On the other
hand, they also distinguish between the purpose of the activity: some of them are school
related (even if performed at home) while others are mostly entertainment related. Finally,
these activities involve different skills: some are more related to information gathering, while
others support collaboration or communication and sharing (to name just a few), irrespective
of the location at which they are performed.
Table 2 shows how students use computers at school. It contains the share of students,
computed on the whole dataset (column 1) and by PISA domain (columns 3 to 4), performing
one of the following nine activities at least once a week: chat online; use e-mail; browse the
internet for school work; download, upload or browse material from the school’s website;
post work on the school’s website; play simulations at school; practice and drilling, such as
for learning a foreign language and mathematics; do individual work on a school computer;
and use school computers for group work and to communicate with other students (Q6 of the
PISA-ICT questionnaire). Students who reported engaging in the listed activities at least once
a week are considered frequent users. Overall, 45% of the students declared that they
frequently browsed the internet for school work and more than 26% reported frequent use of
school computers for group work and communicating with other students. At least 15% of
students declared they frequently download, upload or browse material from the school
website, use a school-computer to practice and drill (17%), do individual homework on a
school computer (18%), chat online at school (18%), and use e-mail at school (21%). Finally,
less than 15% of the students declared they use a school-computer at least once a week to
play simulations (11%) or to post homework on the school’s website (10%).
Table 2: Percentage of student doing one of the following activities at school at least once a week
only LANG-OF- only
Pooled sample only SCIE
(1) (4)
(2) (3)
Table 2, columns 2 to 4, shows how these activities are distributed across students who
declare they use computers at school in only one of the three PISA domains. Generally
speaking, the likelihood of performing one of the listed activities at least once a week is
higher for students who use computers exclusively during language-of-instruction classes
than for students who use computers only during science classes, which in turn is higher than
the likelihood of students using computers exclusively during mathematics classes. Practice
and drilling and play simulations at school are the main exceptions. These two activities,
most of which aim to develop students’ problem-solving skills, are performed more often
during mathematics classes (in comparison to the two other domains). Minor exceptions
concern the likelihood of doing homework on a school computer or of posting homework on
the school website at least once a week, which is lower during science lectures.
Source: authors’ estimates using PISA ICT 2009
Figure 3: Students’ achievement and use of computers at school during lectures by PISA domain
(with 95% confidence intervals).
Figure 3 illustrates the relationship between students’ PISA scores and the use of
computers at school during classes by domain. The dark-tone bars represent the average score
of students who do not use computers during lessons, while the light-tone bars represent the
average score of students who do use computers at school.
This figure tells us two things. First, regardless of the domain, students who do not use
computers during classes outperform students who declare they use computers at least some
time per week during classroom lectures. Second, the gap in performance is particularly
marked within the language-of-instruction and the mathematics domains. However, adjusted
Wald F-tests reveal that the PISA scores do not differ significantly across these two groups of
students; hence, they reinforce the “no significant difference phenomenon” hypothesis
proposed by Russel (2001).5
Sample surveys like PISA have complex sampling design with multistage sampling and stratification. To
take into account these characteristics, the mean scores of the students belonging to each of the groups
considered in this analysis (users and non-users of computers during classroom lectures) have been
computed estimating the corresponding variance through balanced repeated replication (BRR) methods. In
these circumstances, the adjusted Wald F-tests is generally used as a substitute for the more classical t-test.
The results of the tests are the following: Language-of-instruction: F(1, 79) = 1.02, Prob > F = 0.3155;
mathematics: F(1, 79) = 1.47, Prob > F = 0.2282; science: F(1, 79) = 0.98, Prob > F = 0.3250. These
statistics highlight that, regardless of the domain, the PISA test scores of students who use ICT during
lectures do not differ significantly from the PISA test scores of students who do not use ICT at school. The
fact that the confidence intervals in Figure 5 overlap for a substantial part in all domains confirms this
Figure 4: Conceptual framework
This bivariate analysis is not conclusive, as it does not control for other factors that might
affect the impact of ICT use on students’ achievement such as the characteristics of students,
families and schools (Figure 4).
Student characteristics (i.e. gender, migration background and grade of enrolment) as well
as family characteristics (i.e. socio-economic status and family structure) are very likely to
influence adolescents’ use of new technologies. Notten, Peter, Kraaykamp, & Valkenburg
(2009) show that students from high socio-economic and two-parent family households are
more likely to have internet access at home than children from lower-status families, and use
the web more frequently to gain information and to extend their social networks. Concerning
the relationship between student gender and use of new technologies, previous research
demonstrates that female students use internet less often than male students (Notten et al.,
2009; Livingstone, & Helpser, 2007) and that males tend to use computers and internet more
for entertainment than for school-related tasks (i.e. Tømte & Hatlevik, 2011; Ainley, Enger,
& Searle, 2008). Moreover, individual and family characteristics affect students’ attitudes to
computers, generally defined as students’ self-assessed capability in performing various ICT
tasks (i.e. Zhong, 2011; Ainley et al., 2008; Broos, 2005). For instance, Zhong (2011) finds a
positive relationship between adolescents’ socio-economic status, home ICT access and self-
reported digital skills. On this point, Ainley et al. (2008) show not only that, on average,
males tend to report higher levels of confidence in their ability to use ICT than females, but
also that this gap is particularly pronounced for high-level tasks, with the largest differences
observed for creating a web page or creating a multimedia presentation. Finally, it is
reasonable to suppose that the way students use ICT and their self-confidence in using them
are influenced by interaction with peers (i.e. classmates, out-of-school friends,
brother(s)/sister(s)). The relationship between family/student characteristics and
availability/use of ICT at home is synthesized by the lower half of Figure 4.
Findings of two recent international studies conducted by the International Association for
Evaluation of Academic Achievement (namely the Second International Technology in
Education Study – SISTES 2006 – and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science
Study – TIMSS 2007) highlight the role of school-level factors in exploiting the potential of
ICT in education. The literature identifies two main sets of barriers that make it difficult to
achieve the effective integration of ICT in education. The first concerns school principals and
teachers’ behaviour and knowledge (see Pelgrum, 2008; Law & Chow, 2008; Brummelhuis
& Kuiper, 2008), while the second refers to schools’ technological equipment including
software, internet connectivity and technical and pedagogical support (Eurydice, 2009 and
Figure 4 takes into account the fact that school characteristics may not be independent
from family characteristics (dashed arrow linking family and school characteristics), e.g.
families with higher socio-economic backgrounds have the possibility to enroll their children
in schools that are better equipped.
Institutional-level factors play a role in moderating or accentuating the barriers at school
level. Many countries suggest or recommend the use of ICT for teaching, offering support
(practical advice and help for lesson planning, effective teaching, classroom management, use
of various resources, etc.) for the effective integration of these tools in education (see Condie
& Munro, 2007). Moreover, countries play a central role in promoting (national and local)
policies that aim to provide teachers with knowledge and skills to integrate ICT into their
teaching activities. In this regard it is noteworthy that, across Europe, most of the countries
do include ICT in initial teacher training, provide ICT-related continuing professional
development opportunities and evaluate periodically teachers’ ICT skills (Eurydice, 2011).
The relationship between institutional/school factors and availability/use of ICT at school
is synthesized by the upper half of Figure 4.
Finally, in our view, the effect of ICT on students’ learning outcomes (the horizontal
arrow in Figure 4) results from the interaction between the availability and use of the new
technologies at home and at school (the intersection between the upper and the lower ovals in
Figure 4).
Having presented our conceptual framework in broad terms, we now need to relate it to
the information actually available in PISA 2009.
3. Empirical specification
Given the research questions addressed by this paper, our empirical approach is to use the
information provided by a specific set of items – from Q4 to Q6 – contained in the PISA
2009 ICT familiarity questionnaire (see Appendix B). In doing so, we encountered two main
problems. The first concerns how to summarize in an informative and concise way the main
information provided by Q3 to Q6 (the conceptualization issue). The second relates to the
choice of appropriate covariates which explain the relationship between ICT use and
students’ school performance (the functional form issue).
On the first point, following the approach adopted in a recent study by the JRC-IPTS
Information Society Unit on Digital Competences (Ferrari, 2012), we categorized ICT
activities on the basis of the skills involved in each of them (and hence not so much of the
sole location – home vs. school – of the activity). Based on this categorization, the activities
listed in Q4, Q5 and Q6 have been assigned to the four groups presented in Table 3.
For each of these groups we created an index of intensity of use combining the
information on the number of basic activities performed and the related frequency of use.
Thus, we first attributed a score ranging from 1 to 4 to the frequency a student performs one
of the basic activities listed in Q4, Q5 and Q6 (1 corresponds to the lower frequency of use –
never or hardly ever – and 4 to the highest intensity of use – every day or almost every day).
Then, for each student and each group of activities we computed two indicators. First, we
generated the maximum intensity multiplying by 4 (the highest intensity of use) the number of
basic activities performed by the student and contained in the group. Then, for each student,
we computed the total score associated to each of group of activities summing up the scores
corresponding to the frequency with which s/he performs the basic activities within the
group. Finally, we obtained the index of intensity of use computing the ratio between the
student’s total score and the maximum intensity.
For example, let’s consider a student playing one-player games once a week and
collaborative online games almost every day. These two activities form the gaming group
(see Table 3), for which maximum intensity is equal to 8 (2 – the number of activities in the
group – multiplied by 4 – the highest intensity of use). The total score for the student’s
activities in the gaming group is equal to 3 (the score attributed to “Once or twice per week”
frequency of use) plus 4 (the score attributed to “Every day or almost every day” frequency
of use). Thus, his/her index of intensity of use for gaming activities is equal to 7/8.
Following this approach, we created five different explanatory variables (corresponding to
the different groups of activities): games_int (measuring the intensity in the use of ICT for
gaming activities); colcom_int (measuring intensity in the use of ICT for communication and
collaboration activities); techinfo_int (measuring intensity in the use of ICT for technical
operations and for info retrieval activities); contprob_int (measuring intensity in activities
related to creation of content and knowledge and problem solving.
In addition to these indexes, we computed an indicator capturing the total number of
activities a student performs within each of the groups we created (totactivities).
These variables, in addition to other student and family socio-economic characteristics,
constitute our starting model (Model 1) and were used as controls in a set of regressions, with
the PISA test score in Language of instruction, Mathematics and Science (one at a time, for
each student) as dependent variable. More specifically, in addition to the measures of
intensity and breadth of ICT use computed as explained above, we considered the following
variables: grade, gender, socio economic status of the family (which is an index created by
the OECD capturing both income and education related household variables), a dummy
variable for student’s migration background, dummy variables capturing the family
composition (single parents, nuclear and mixed families), dummy variables for the number of
books available at home, peer-effects as captured by the average school score in the
corresponding test (i.e. Language of Instruction, Mathematics or Science). In these
regressions we also allowed for interactions between our main explanatory variables
(intensity of ICT use and breadth of ICT, as defined above) and the variable capturing the
household socio-economic status, in order to verify whether ICT use tends to increase pre-
existing socio-economic differences (Table 4).
Table 4: Variables and models description
Model Variable name Short description
It measures…
ESCS …student’s economic, social and cultural background (PISA index)
SCSCORE …school peer effects (Average PISA test score computed at the school level)
female …student’s gender (dummy equal to 1 if female student)
grade7-grade …student’s grade of enrolment (dummy equal to 1 in correspondence of student’s grade of
above 10 enrolment)
graderep …grade repetition (dummy equal to 1 for students that repeated one or more grades)
Baseline native …student’s migration background (dummy equal to 1 if native student)
singleParent …family structure (dummy equal to 1 for students living with only one parent)
nuclearFamily …family structure (dummy equal to 1 for students living with both parents)
mixedFamily …family structure (dummy equal to 1 for students living with only one of the two parents
and a guardian or with two guardians)
Books_0_10 – …student’s cultural capital at home (dummy equal to 1 in for the category selected by the
Books_more500 student)
games_int …the intensity in the use of ICT for gaming activities
colcom_int …the intensity in the use of ICT for communication and collaboration activities
Model 1 techinfo_int …the intensity in the use of ICT for technical operations and for info retrieval activities
contprob_int …intensity in activities related to creation of content and knowledge and problem solving
totactivities …total number of activities that involve the use of ICT (regardless their intensity of use)
Stz_games …the standardized value of the total score in the use of ICT for gaming activities
…the standardized value of the total score in the use of ICT for communication and
collaboration activities
Model 2 …the standardized value of the total score in the use of ICT for technical operations and for
info retrieval activities
…the standardized value of the total score in activities related to creation of content and
knowledge and problem solving
As an alternative specification (Model 2), instead of using both the measures of intensity
for the various groups and the total number of activities performed, we used as regressors the
standardized values for students’ total scores in reference to a given group. Such variables, by
construction, have a mean equal to 0 and a standard deviation of 1; therefore standardized
values for each individual should be read as changes from the mean. The new variables
generated for this model specification are: Stz_games, Stz_colcomm, Stz_techinfo,
Stz_contprob (Table 4).
Both models – Model 1 and Model 2 – were run separately for each country and for each
PISA domain (Language of instruction, Mathematics and Science), using the methodology
suggested in the OECD PISA 2009 manual, which takes into account the special nature of the
sampling procedures used for PISA (we use the balanced repeated replication method).
4. Main results
Table 4 and Table 5 summarize the main results we obtained from Model 1 and Model 2,
respectively; country-specific estimates are presented in Appendix C (Table C1 – C6). The
numbers in the parenthesis indicate the total number of countries satisfying the sign set to the
left of the parenthesis.
For instance, Model 1 highlights a positive and significant coefficient for the relationship
between the mathematics PISA test-score and our measure of intensity in gaming activity
(games_int) in 15 countries over 23. When looking at the relationship between the
mathematics PISA test-score and our measure of intensity in the use of ICT for
communication and collaboration activities (colcom_int), from this model we find a negative
and significant coefficient in 14 over 23 countries (with the sole exception of the Slovak
Republic, where this relationship is positive and significant).
Overall, our results indicate that there are very consistent patterns across countries and
across models.
Table 5: Summary of main results from Model 1 by PISA domain
Variable Language of instruction Mathematics Science
games_int + (11/23) - TU + (15/23) + (13/23)
colcom_int - (15/23) + PT - (14/23) + SK - (15/23)
techinfo_int - (16/23) + NO - (17/23) + NO - (15/23) + NO
contprob_int - (21/23) - (19/23) - (20/23)
totactivities + (22/23) + (18/23) + (21/23)
Source: authors’ estimates from PISA 2009
Consistently with previous studies, we find that student gender, socio-economic status,
grade of enrolment, books at home, family structure and migration backgrounds are strongly
correlated with PISA test-scores. More specifically, PISA test-scores are higher for students
attending schools with higher than average socio-economic status, higher grades and with a
higher number of books at home (we use this variable as an indicator for a family’s cultural
possession). Furthermore, in most of the countries, students repeating at least one grade show
lower PISA-test scores than students who do not repeat a grade. Whereas these correlations
hold for all three PISA domains, the effect of gender and family structure on students’ PISA-
test scores is domain-specific. Female students outperform male students in reading, but they
tend to be less proficient in mathematics and science. Students living in mixed families
exhibit lower PISA test-scores in most of the countries, regardless of the domain, than
students living in nuclear families; while the effect of a single parent family on students’
performance is country -and domain-specific.
Finally, from our results it is not possible to draw a clear sign of the correlation between
students’ migration backgrounds and PISA test-scores. In many countries migrant students
perform as well as native students, while in many others native students outperform migrant
students. Surprisingly, in a few countries (mainly Poland and Turkey but also Greece and the
Slovak Republic for specific domain), migrant students show higher PISA test-scores than
native students.
Concerning the correlation between the use of ICT and students’ proficiency, we find that
gaming activities, when significant, are positively correlated with PISA-test scores.
Furthermore, the use of ICT for communication and collaboration activities and for technical
operations/ information retrieval activities are negatively correlated with students’ PISA test-
score in most of the countries with the exception of Norway, the Slovak Republic and
Sweden. The use of ICT for creation of content and knowledge problem solving activities,
when significant, seems to hinder students’ proficiency in the large majority of the countries
in the study.
The rest of the section describes in detail the results of our estimates by PISA domain and
by model.
Language of instruction
Across both Model 1 and Model 2 for the main domain of PISA 2009 we consistently find
the following results:
• Gender: positive and significant effect on the female dummy variable in all the
countries, with size of coefficient varying (also significance levels).
• Peer effects: positive and significant in all the countries (value of coefficient is quite
close among countries).
• Dummies for number of books: generally positive and increasing with the number of
books. Some variation across countries.
• The interaction between totactivities and ESCS tends to be not significant (only in a
few countries – Czech Republic, Italy, Latvia, Poland – is it significant with a positive
coefficient, while only in two countries – Finland and Slovenia- does it have a
significant negative coefficient).
Across both Model 1 and Model 2 for mathematics, we consistently find the following
• Gender dummy: negative and significant coefficient on the female dummy variable in
all the countries, with size of coefficient varying (also significance levels).
• Peer effects: positive and significant in all the countries (value of coefficient is quite
close among countries).
• Dummies for number of books: generally positive and increasing with the number of
books. Some variation across countries.
• The interactions between games_int, colcom_int, techinfo_int, contprob_int and the
variable capturing the socio economic status (ESCS) tend to be not significant. More
- for interactions between games_int and ESCS we find a negative and
significant coefficient for Bulgaria and a positive and significant one for
- for interactions between colcom_int and ESCS we find a negative and
significant coefficient for Poland, Slovak republic and positive and significant
for Greece.
- for interactions between techinfo_int and ESCS we find a negative and
significant coefficient for the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, and
- for interactions between contprob_int and ESCS in no country do we find a
significant coefficient.
• In the vast majority of countries the variable capturing the total number of activities
that involve the use of ICT (totactivities) enters with a positive (and significant)
coefficient. In no country does it have a (significant) negative coefficient.
• The interaction between totactivities and ESCS tends to be not significant (only in few
countries –Czech Republic, Norway, Poland and Turkey- it is significant with a
positive coefficient, while in only one country – Slovenia- does it have a significant
negative coefficient).
Finally, when we run Model 1 and Model 2 on science PISA test-scores, we obtain the
following results:
• Gender: male students outperform females students in all the countries with the only
exceptions being Greece and Lithuania; the magnitude and the level of significance of
the correlation between this variable and students’ achievements differ markedly
across countries.
• Peer effects: positive and significant in all the countries (value of the coefficient is
quite close among countries).
• Dummies for number of books: as for the other domains, students’ achievements
increase with the number of books that are available at home.
- Stz_contprob: in 19 countries it significantly hinders students’ scientific literacy; in
none of the countries considered in this study does it have a positive coefficient.
5. Discussion and concluding remarks
Overall, the results of the estimates presented in this report point to a generalized negative
correlation between the use of ICT (in terms of either intensity or deviations from the mean)
and PISA test scores. However, ours is not a proper impact assessment based on
counterfactual evaluation. In order to do that, we would have had to compare the PISA test
scores obtained by students using ICT more intensively with the PISA test scores of an
appropriate control group. Figure 1(a and b) and Figure 2 highlight how difficult it is to find
such a control group, especially in Nordic countries where the large majority of students
declare they have access to and use computers both at home and at school. Furthermore PISA
test scores are probably not the best measure to assess the link between ICT and students’
school performance. To the extent that such tests tend to focus on abilities typically related to
traditional teaching techniques, one should not expect to see any positive effect of intensive
ICT utilization on PISA test scores.
What we capture here, however, are correlations, and some of these correlations are quite
interesting, since they are the opposite to what we would have expected ex ante. Surprisingly
we find that gaming, when significant, is positively correlated with students’ PISA test score.
For the remaining activities, our measures of intensity tend to be negatively correlated with
students’ PISA test score (exceptions are Norway, the Slovak Republic, Portugal and
Sweden). Moreover, this negative effect is particularly strong for creation of content and
knowledge and problem solving activities, which appear to be highly related to the use of ICT
in the school curriculum.
These are:
- Play simulations at school
- Practice and drilling, such as for foreign language learning or mathematics
- Doing individual homework on a school computer
These results, though surprising, tell us that the type of ICT use matters and somehow
empirically confirms the conclusions of the OECD report “Are new millennium learners
making the grade?”
“… computer use can make the difference in educational performance if the student
has the appropriate set of competences, skills and attitudes. Without these, no matter how
intense the student’s use of a computer, the expected benefits will not be realized.” (OECD,
2010, p.172)
Furthermore, the results of our estimates show that the number of activities (and hence the
diversification of activities), irrespective of the intensity of ICT use, is positively correlated
with students’ PISA scores in the three domains in the vast majority of countries. Thus, ICT
breadth of use, as opposed to intensity of use in a given activity, tends to be positively
associated with students’ performance. This result is consistent with a framework in which
the different activities complement each other in building competences that turn out to be
relevant for the PISA tests. However, this conclusion may be challenged by the fact that the
variable capturing the “breadth of ICT use” (i.e. the number of activities) may simply be a
proxy for households’ socio-economic status, an interpretation consistent with the fact that in
Model 1 ESCS is almost never significant but is almost always significant in Model 2 (i.e.
when we do not control for the diversity effect). In other words, to validate our interpretation
we need to exclude the fact that the sign and the magnitude of the correlation between the
number of activities performed using computers and students’ achievement is driven mainly
by their socio-economic background. We hence checked the correlation between the variable
indicating the breadth of ICT activities – totactivities – and the variable indicating students’
socio-economic status – ESCS. Appendix D reports the results of this check. Given that these
correlations are quite low – they range between 0.01 (Iceland) and 0.18 (Belgium) – we think
that it is quite safe to conclude that students using ICT for many activities tend to have higher
PISA scores than students using ICT only for a few activities, irrespective of their economic
and social status (still, there might be unobservable factors that induce the most brilliant
students to engage in multiple uses of ICT).
Concluding, we would like to stress the fact that our results tackle only part of the
problem of evaluating the effect of ICT in education. The use of new technologies in schools
may not only affect students’ learning and capability to use digital tools, it is also a sure
driver for innovating schools and educational systems as well as teachers’ skills and teaching
methods (Eurydice, 2010).
Future research should try to assess, possibly using counterfactual impact evaluation
techniques, what the causal effects of ICT on learning are. This requires a proper design of
the social experiment, and, more important, requires the development of an ICT-based
learning process which includes: providing ICT skills to teachers and students, designing the
curriculum in order to obtain the largest benefit from ICT use (i.e. embed ICT in the
curriculum), designing a test that is able to properly capture both general and specific skills
that may be affected by ICT adoption and use.
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Appendix A – Country list code
AT Austria IS Iceland
BE Belgium IT Italy
BG Bulgaria LT Lithuania
CY Cyprus LU Luxembourg
CZ Czech Republic LV Latvia
DE Germany MT Malta
DK Denmark NL Netherlands
EE Estonia NO Norway
EL Greece PL Poland
ES Spain PT Portugal
EU European Union RO Romania
FI Finland SE Sweden
FR France SI Slovenia
HR Croatia SK Slovakia
HU Hungary UK United Kingdom
IE Ireland TK Turkey
Appendix B – PISA 2009 ICT familiarity questionnaire: questions used
for the paper
Q1 Is any of these devices available for you to use at home?
(Please tick one box on each row)
Yes, and I use it Yes, but I don’t use it No
a) Desktop computer
b) Portable laptop computer
c) Internet connection
d) <Video games console>, e.g. <Sony PlayStationTM>
e) Cell phone
f) Mp3/Mp4 player, iPod or similar
g) Printer
h) Usb (memory) stick
Q4 How often do you use a computer for the following activities at home?
(Please tick one box on each row)
Once or Every day
Never or Once or twice
twice a or almost
hardly ever a month
week every day
a) Play one-player games
b) Play collaborative online games
c) Doing homework on the computer
d) Use e-mail
e) <Chat online> (e.g. MSN®)
f) Browse the internet for fun (such as watching
videos, e.g. <YouTubeTM>)
g) Download music, films, games or software from
the internet
h) Publish and maintain a personal website, weblog
or blog
i) Participate in online forums, virtual communities
or spaces (e.g. <Second Life® or MySpaceTM>)
b) Use e-mail for communication with other
students about schoolwork
c) Use e-mail for communication with
teachers and submission of homework or
other schoolwork
d) Download, upload or browse material
from your school’s website (e.g. time table or
course materials)
e) Check school’s website for
announcements, e.g. absence of teachers
Q6 How often do you use a computer for the following activities at school?
(Please tick one box on each row)
Every day or
Never or hardly Once or twice a Once or twice
almost every
ever month a week
a) <Chat online > at school
b) Use e-mail at school
c) Browse the internet for schoolwork
d) Download, upload or browse material
from your school’s website (e.g. <intranet>)
e) Post your work on the school’s website
f) Play simulations at school
g) Practice and drilling, such as for foreign
language learning or mathematics
h) Doing individual homework on a school
i) Use school computers for group work and
communication with other students
Appendix C – Country-specific estimates
Table C1.
Language of instruction: results from Model 1 by country
Table C2.
Language of instruction: results from Model 2 by country
Table C3.
Mathematics: results from Model 1 by country
Table C4.
Mathematics: results from Model 2 by country
Table C5.
Science: results from Model 1 by country
Table C6.
Science: results from Model 2 by country
Appendix D – Correlation between totactivities and ESCS
Country Correlation
BE 0.1837*
BG 0.1336*
CZ 0.0877*
DE 0.1464*
DK 0.0440*
ES 0.0571*
EE 0.0320*
FI 0.0420*
EL 0.0692*
HR 0.1107*
HU 0.0418*
IE 0.0909*
IS 0.0114
IT 0.0818*
LT 0.0833*
LV 0.1004*
NO 0.0511*
PL 0.0980*
PT 0.0442*
SK 0.1562*
SI 0.1391*
SE 0.0702*
TK 0.1471*
The authors
Federico Biagi is Associate Professor of Public Economics at the Department of Economics and Management
“M. Fanno”, University of Padua and Lecturer at SDA Bocconi, Milan. He is currently on a leave of absence
and working as a Visiting Researcher (GH40) at the Information Society Unit, Institute of Prospective
Technological Studies (JRC-EU Commission), Seville.
Massimo Loi is a research fellow at the Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (IRVAPP). He
holds a Ph.D in Economics and Management from the University of Padua. Prior to this position, he was a post-
doctoral fellow at the unit of Econometric and Applied Statistics of the European Commission (EU-JRC, unit
G03) and at the Department of Economics and Management "M. Fanno", University of Padua.
Dr. Loi contributed to the JRC Scientific and Policy Report here presented during his post-doc at the unit of
Econometric and Applied Statistics of the European Commission
The usual disclaimer applies: any opinions expressed in this report are those of the authors and not of the
institutes to which the authors belong.
European Commission
EUR 25581 EN – Joint Research Centre – Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen
EUR – Scientific and Technical Research series – ISSN 1831-9424 (online), ISSN 1018-5593 (print)
ISBN 978-92-79-27209-7
Based on PISA 2009 data, this paper studies the relationship between students’ computer use and their achievement in
reading, mathematics and science in 23 countries. After having categorized computer use into a set of different activities
according to the skills they involve, we correlate PISA test-scores with an index capturing the intensity a student uses
computers for each of these activities and with the total number of activities s/he performs. Overall, we find that students’
PISA test scores in reading, mathematics and science increase with the intensity of computer use for Gaming activities while
they decrease with the intensity of computer use for activities that are more related with school curricula (i.e.
Communication and Collaboration activities; Technical Operations/Info Retrieval activities; Creation of Content and
Knowledge Problem Solving activities). However the number of activities (and hence the diversification of activities),
irrespective of the intensity of computer use, is positively correlated with students’ proficiency in all the three PISA domains
in the vast majority of countries, indicating that computers breadth of use, as opposed to intensity of use in a given activity,
has some positive effect on students’ performance.
► Gaming activities, when significant, are positively correlated with PISA-test scores. ► The use of ICT for Communication
and Collaboration activities and for Technical Operations/Info Retrieval activities are negatively correlated with students’
PISA test-score in most of the countries. ► The use of ICT for Creation of Content and Knowledge Problem Solving activities,
when significant, hinders students’ proficiency in the large majority of the countries. ►The number of activities (and hence
the diversification of activities), is positively correlated with students’ PISA score in the vast majority of countries.
Academic performance; Comparative study; Secondary education
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