EtherCat Communication OMRON

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Specialized Vision Sensor

for Positioning
FZM1 Series

EtherCAT Communication Manual

Cat. No. Q179-E1-01

Trademarks and Copyrights
• EtherCAT is a registered trademark of Beckhoff Automation GmbH (Germany). EtherCAT
technology is protected by patents.
• Other system names and product names that appear in this manual are the trademarks or
registered trademarks of the relevant companies.

© OMRON, 2010
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted,
in any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of OMRON.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because
OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual
is subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual.
Nevertheless, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for
damages resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication.
1 What Is EtherCAT?..................................................................................................... 1
1-1 Outlines of EtherCAT .......................................................................................................1
Features of EtherCAT ..................................................................................................1
EtherCAT Mechanism ..................................................................................................1
EtherCAT communication types ..................................................................................2
Structure of the CAN Application Protocol over EtherCAT (CoE) ................................3
EtherCAT Slave Information File (ESI File) .................................................................4
Communications Status Transitions ............................................................................5
Process Data Objects (PDO) .......................................................................................5
Service Data Objects (SDO) ........................................................................................7
Master and slave communication in DC mode 1 .........................................................7
1-2 System Configuration ......................................................................................................8
Device Configuration of the FZM1 EtherCAT Communication System .......................8
Precautions when Using the Position Control Unit as the EtherCAT Master ...............9

2 Specifications........................................................................................................... 11
2-1 EtherCAT Communications Specifications .................................................................... 11
2-2 FZM1 Controller Specifications .....................................................................................12
2-3 EtherCAT Communication Cables and Connector Specifications .................................13
EtherCAT Communication Cables Specifications ......................................................13
EtherCAT Connector Specifications ...........................................................................13
Connecting the EtherCAT Communication Cables and the Connectors ...................14
2-4 Status LED Indicators Specifications .............................................................................14

3 Starting Procedures ................................................................................................. 16

3-1 Connecting Communication Cables ..............................................................................16
3-2 EtherCAT Connection Setting .......................................................................................17
Startup Setting ...........................................................................................................17
Communication Settings ............................................................................................19
Properties Settings ....................................................................................................20
3-3 External Reference Table ..............................................................................................22

4 Communication Specifications............................................................................... 23
4-1 PDO Mapping Specifications .........................................................................................23
4-2 Control Signal Specifications .........................................................................................24
Control Signal Types .................................................................................................24
4-3 Command Specifications ...............................................................................................25
Command that Can Be Used .....................................................................................25
Command Details ......................................................................................................26
4-4 Timing Chart ..................................................................................................................30
Executing Measurement with STEP Signal ...............................................................30
Command Execution with EXE Signal .......................................................................31
Data Output (With Handshaking) ...............................................................................31
Data Output (Without Handshaking) ..........................................................................31

5 Appendix................................................................................................................... 32
5-1 EtherCAT Terms ............................................................................................................32
1 What Is EtherCAT?

1 What Is EtherCAT?

1-1 Outlines of EtherCAT

Features of EtherCAT
EtherCAT (Ethernet Control Automation Technology) is a high-performance industrial network system
based on the Ethernet system that can achieve faster and more efficient communications.
Each node achieves a short cycle time by transmitting Ethernet frames at high speed.
Furthermore, since EtherCAT, despite being a unique communication protocol, uses the standard
Ethernet technology in its physical layer, it has an excellent level of general versatility that allows
commercially available Ethernet cables to be used, and can be used not only for large-scale control
systems that require high processing speed and system integrity, but also be very effective when
used for small to medium scale control systems.
The EtherCAT features include the following.
• Ultra high-speed communication at the processing speed of 100 Mbps
The I/O response time between an occurrence of input signal and a transmission of output signal
is significantly reduced. Taking full advantage of the optimized Ethernet frame band and the high-
speed repeat data transfer method, various data can be transmitted very efficiently.
• Extremely high level of compatibility with Ethernet
EtherCAT is an open network with an extremely high level of compatibility with the conventional
Ethernet systems. Accordingly, generic items, such as commercially available Ethernet cables,
connectors, and tools, can be used.
* EtherCAT is a registered trademark of Beckhoff Automation GmbH (Germany). EtherCAT technology is protected
by patents.

EtherCAT Mechanism
Rather than transmitting data to each slave node within the network, EtherCAT passes the Ethernet
frame through each slave node.
When passing through, the data is read and written in units of several nanoseconds to each
corresponding area within the frame at each slave node.
Upon passing through all EtherCAT slaves without being stopped along the way, the Ethernet frame
transmitted from the EtherCAT master is sent back by the last slave, and returns to the EtherCAT
master after passing through all frames again.
With this mechanism, the high-speed data transmission and realtime capability are achieved.

EtherCAT master Slave Slave Slave


• Read output data sent to own slave

• Write input data

Ethernet frame

FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual 1
1 What Is EtherCAT?

Periodic data exchange between the EtherCAT master and the EtherCAT slaves is performed by the
"EtherCAT telegram" that is stored directly in the Ethernet frame.
Each "EtherCAT telegram" consists of 1 or multiple slave addresses, data, and working counters
(check bits).
If an Ethernet frame is compared to a "train," an EtherCAT telegram would be a "compartment."
Ethernet frame

Ethernet Ethernet data (Maximum 1,498 bytes) CRC


1...n EtherCAT telegram EtherCAT frame


1st EtherCAT 2nd EtherCAT ..... nth EtherCAT

telegram telegram telegram

Datagram Data WKC


WKC: Working counter

EtherCAT communication types

The following 2 types of communication functions are available with EtherCAT.
• Process data communication function (PDO communication)
This refers to a cyclic (I/O) communication.
A cyclic (I/O) communication between the master and the slaves is achieved by mapping the
logical process data space (cyclic data space) to each slave node by the EtherCAT master.

2 FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual
1 What Is EtherCAT?

EtherCAT master Slave Slave Slave Slave

Ethernet frame

Ethernet Ether 1st EtherCAT 2nd EtherCAT 3rd EtherCAT

header header telegram telegram telegram

Logical process data

Data a

Data b

Data c

• Mailbox communication function (SDO communication)

This refers to a message communication.
The EtherCAT master sends a command to the slaves, and then the slaves return a response to
the EtherCAT master.

Structure of the CAN Application Protocol over EtherCAT (CoE)

Although EtherCAT can transfer multiple protocols, the FZM1 Controller, which is a slave device of
EtherCAT, uses "CAN application protocol over EtherCAT (CoE)," a communication interface to be
used for the EtherCAT devices, as the Device Profile for the open network standard, "CiA402."

FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual 3
1 What Is EtherCAT?

The CoE structure is illustrated in the figure below.

FZM1 controller
Application layer FZ application

Object dictionary

Communication SDO PDO mapping

status transitions (mailbox)
PDO (cyclic)

Register Mailbox Process data

SyncManager FMMU

EtherCAT data link layer

EtherCAT physical layer

With CiA402, 2 types of Object Dictionary, SDO (Service Data Object) and PDO (Process Data
Object), are available.
PDO consists of a mappable Object Dictionary, and the process data content is defined by the PDO
PDO is primarily used for cyclic communications to periodically replace the process data.
SDO can read from and write to all object dictionaries, and is used for non-cyclic (event message)
Using the CoE interface to set the SDO and PDO object dictionaries, EtherCAT can provide an
EtherCAT device with the same Device Profile as CiA402.

EtherCAT Slave Information File (ESI File)

Information on EtherCAT slave setting is provided in the ESI (EtherCAT Slave Information) file.
EtherCAT defines the various communication settings based on the ESI definition information of the
connected slaves and the network connection information.
An ESI file can generate communication settings information through a network setup software
In addition, a communication network can be established by transferring communication settings to
an EtherCAT master device.
EtherCAT master

ESI file Setting software

EtherCAT slaves

Network +


Start communications based on the network

Get the online connection status,
configuration and the communication settings
or configure offline setting
according to the installed network configuration

4 FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual
1 What Is EtherCAT?

Communications Status Transitions

The ESM (EtherCAT State Machine) that expresses a state transition model of the EtherCAT slave
communication control is controlled by the EtherCAT master.
The following section explains the transitions of communication status after the power supply is
turned on.






Status Contents
communication transmission reception
Initialization Not Communications are being initialized.
Not possible. Not possible.
(Init) possible. Communications are not possible.
Only mailbox (SDO) communications
are possible in this status.
Pre-Operational Not
Possible. Not possible. This status is entered after initialization
(Pre-Op) possible.
has been completed. It is used to
initialize network settings.
In this status, PDO transmissions are
Safe- possible in addition to mailbox (SDO)
Operational Possible. Possible. communications.
(Safe-Op) Status and other data can be sent from
the slaves via cyclic communications.
In this status, communications are
Operational possible normally.
Possible. Possible. Possible.
(Op) I/O data can be controlled via cyclic

Process Data Objects (PDO)

 Outline
The Process Data Objects (PDOs) are used to transfer data via cyclic communications in realtime.
PDOs can be reception PDOs (RxPDOs), which receive data from the EtherCAT master, or
transmission PDOs (TxPDOs), which send the current value from the slaves to the EtherCAT

Commands, parameters, etc.
EtherCAT EtherCAT
master slaves
Commands, parameters, etc.

FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual 5
1 What Is EtherCAT?

The EtherCAT application layer can have multiple objects to enable transferring of various types of
slave process data. The process data contents are described in the "PDO mapping objects" and
the "Sync Manager PDO assignment objects."
The FZM1 Controller supports the PDO mapping for I/O control.
 PDO mapping settings
The PDO mapping indicates the mapping for application objects (realtime process data) from the
Object Dictionary to PDO.
The number of mapped objects is described in Subindex 0 of the mapping table. In this mapping
table, the Indexes from 1600 hex to 17FF hex are for RxPDOs, and the Indexes from 1A00 hex to
1BFF hex are for TxPDOs.
The following is an example of a PDO mapping.
Object dictionary
Mapping objects

Index Sub Object contents

0x1ZZZ 0x01 0x6TTT 0xTT 8
0x1ZZZ 0x02 0x6UUU 0xUU 8
0x1ZZZ 0x03 0xYYYY 0xYY 16

PDO-Length : 32 Bit
PDO_1 Object A Object B Object D

0x6TTT 0xTT Object A

0x6UUU 0xUU Object B
Application objects

0x6VVV 0xVV Object C

0x6YYY 0xYY Object D
0x6ZZZ 0xZZ Object E

 Sync Manager PDO assignment setting

A Sync Manager channel consists of several PDOs. The Sync Manager PDO assignment objects
describe how these PDOs are related to the Sync Manager.
The number of PDOs is described in Subindex 0 of the Sync Manager PDO assignment table.
In this table, the Index 1C12 hex is for RxPDOs and the Index 1C13 hex is for TxPDOs.
The following is an example of a Sync Manager PDO mapping.
Sync manager PDO
assignment objects

Index Sub Object contents

0x1C1Z 1 0x1A00
0x1C1Z 2 0x1A01
0x1C1Z 3 0x1A03
Sync manager entity Z

0x1A00 PDO A
Mapping objects

0x1A01 PDO B
0x1A02 PDO C
0x1A03 PDO D
0x1A04 PDO E
0x1A05 PDO F
0x1A06 PDO G

6 FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual
1 What Is EtherCAT?

Service Data Objects (SDO)

 Outline
The FZM1 Controller supports SDO communications.
The EtherCAT master can configure parameter settings and monitor statuses by reading data from
and writing data to entries within the Object Dictionary via SDO communications.
 Abort codes
The following is a list of abort codes for when an SDO communication error occurs.
Status Meaning
05030000hex Toggle bit not changed
05040000hex SDO protocol timeout
05040001hex Client/Server command specifier not valid or unknown
05040005hex Out of memory
06010000hex Unsupported access to an object
06010001hex Read access to a write-only object
06010002hex Write access to a read-only object
06020000hex The object does not exist in the object directory
06040041hex The object cannot be mapped to the PDO
06040042hex The number and length of the objects to be mapped would exceed the PDO length
06040043hex Reason for general parameter incompatibility
06040047hex General internal incompatibility in the device
06060000hex Access failed due to a hardware error
06070010hex Data type does not match, length of service parameter does not match
06070012hex Data type does not match, length of service parameter too high
06070013hex Data type does not match, length of service parameter too low
06090011hex Subindex does not exist
06090030hex Value range of parameter exceeded (only for write access)
06090031hex Value of parameter written too high
06090032hex Value of parameter written too low
06090036hex Maximum value is less than minimum value
08000000hex General error
08000020hex Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application
08000021hex Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of local control
Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of the present
device status
08000023hex Object Dictionary dynamic generation fails or no Object Dictionary is present

Master and slave communication in DC mode 1

The FZM1 Controller communicates with the EtherCAT master in asynchronous DC mode 1.

FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual 7
1 What Is EtherCAT?

1-2 System Configuration

Device Configuration of the FZM1 EtherCAT Communication System
The following is a device configuration of the EtherCAT communication system using the FZM1
Power CJ-series
Supply Unit CPU Unit EtherCAT master

PC (CX-One
Ver. 4.0 or later,
or CX-Programmer
Ver. 9.11 or later)

RS-232C port connection

Peripheral port connection
USB port connection

Communication cable


Pointing device

FZM1 controller
(EtherCAT slave)

The outline of each component is described.

 EtherCAT master
It manages the EtherCAT network, monitors slave statuses and exchanges data with the slaves.
The following are the devices and systems that can be used as the EtherCAT master in a FZM1
EtherCAT communication system.
Device and System Manufacturer
Position Control Unit CJ1W-NC281/481/881 OMRON
Industrial PC, Embedded PC

* When a master manufactured by BECKHOFF is used, an ESI file for FZM1 (provided by OMRON) is additionally

Note that this manual explains the use of Position Control Unit CJ1W-NC281/481/881
manufactured by OMRON as the EtherCAT master.
If you are using other devices or systems, see the manual of applicable models.

8 FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual
1 What Is EtherCAT?

 FZM1 Controller (EtherCAT slave)

It is equivalent to an EtherCAT network slave.
 PC
It configures the EtherCAT network and the EtherCAT master settings.
To configure the Position Control Unit CJ1W-NC281/481/881 settings, install FA Integrated Tool
Package, CX-One Ver. 4.0 or later (CX-Programmer Ver. 9.11 or later).
 Monitor
It displays the FZM1 Controller window.
 Pointing device
It is used to operate the FZM1 Controller.
A mouse, trackball, etc. can be used.

Precautions when Using the Position Control Unit as the EtherCAT

The following must be noted when a Position Control Unit manufactured by OMRON is to be used as
an EtherCAT master.
 PDO mapping
To use EtherCAT communications, the command area, response area, and output area of FZ must
be assigned to the PLC memory.
Each area is to be set in the corresponding area in the table below on the Position Control Unit.
Max. number of words
FZ-side area PLC-side area
Command area Direct Operation Command Memory Area 12
Response area Axis Status Memory Area 13
Output area Expanded Monitor Memory Area 16

If multiple FZM1 Controllers are connected to a Position Control Unit manufactured by OMRON,
these are mapped to a continuous region for each node.
For example, if 3 FZM1 Controllers, A, B and C, are connected to nodes, 1, 2 and 4, a continuous
region is mapped in each area as shown in the figure below.
For FZM1 Controller node assignment, specify the setting using the node address setting switch.
(See "2-2 FZM1 Controller Specifications" (P12).)
Direct Operation Command Axis Status Memory Area Expanded Monitor Memory
Memory Area Area
Start address Start address Start address
Node 1 Node 1 Node 1
12 words 13 words 16 words
(command area of A) (response area of A) (output area of A)

Node 2 Node 2 Node 2

(command area of B) (response area of B) (output area of B)
relay Node 3 Node 3 Node 3
area (empty) (empty) (empty)

Node 4 Node 4 Node 4

(command area of C) (response area of C) (output area of C)

• • •
• • •
• • •

* The maximum number of connected units varies depending on the number of units to be connected.

On the Position Control Unit side, the start area of node 1 in each area is set.
To access the data of other nodes in a ladder program, the address to which an appropriate offset
value is added from the start area of node 1 needs to be accessed.

FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual 9
1 What Is EtherCAT?

 Number of connected slaves

The number of slaves that can be connected vary depending on the type of Position Control Unit
to be used as the EtherCAT master.
Max. number of
EtherCAT master in use
connected units
2-axis Unit (CJ1W-NC281) 2 units
4-axis Unit (CJ1W-NC481) 4 units
8-axis Unit (CJ1W-NC881) 8 units

 Cycle
Besides the EtherCAT communication cycles, communication cycles as a Position Control Unit
need to be taken into consideration.
EtherCAT master in use Signal cycle Control cycle
2-axis Unit (CJ1W-NC281) Minimum 0.25 ms 1.5 ms
1 to 2-axis control: 0.5 ms
4-axis Unit (CJ1W-NC481) Minimum 0.25 ms
3 to 4-axis control: 1 ms
1 to 4-axis control: Minimum
1 to 2-axis control: 0.5 ms
0.25 ms
8-axis Unit (CJ1W-NC881) 3 to 4-axis control: 1 ms
5 to 8-axis control: Minimum
5 to 8-axis control: 2 ms
0.5 ms

10 FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual
2 Specifications

2 Specifications

2-1 EtherCAT Communications Specifications

The EtherCAT communications specifications are as follows.
Item Specification
Protocol specialized for EtherCAT
IEC61158 Type12
Modulation method Baseband
Transmission rate 100 Mbps
Physical layer 100BASE-TX (IEEE802.3)
RJ45  2
Connectors ECAT IN: EtherCAT input
ECAT OUT: EtherCAT output
Category 5 or higher (A cable with double, aluminum tape and braided
Communications media
shielding is recommended.)
Distance between nodes (slaves): 100 m max.
Noise resistance Conform to IEC 61000-4-4, 1 kV or higher
Process data Fixed PDO mapping
Mailbox (CoE) SDO requests, SDO responses, and SDO information
Synchronization in DC mode
Distributed Clocks
DC cycle: 250 s, 500 s, 1 ms, 2 ms, 4 ms
L/A IN (Link/Activity IN)  1
L/A OUT (Link/Activity OUT)  1
LED indicators

FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual 11
2 Specifications

2-2 FZM1 Controller Specifications

(9) (3)

(10) (6)

(13) - (7)


Item Name Function

(1) [POWER] LED Lights when the power is supplied.
(2) [RUN] LED Lights during the measurement mode.
(3) [ERROR] LED Lights when an error occurs.
(4) USB connectors Connected to a trackball, mouse, and/or USB memory.
(5) Ethernet connector Connects the Ethernet communication cable.
(6) Monitor connector Connects the monitor.
(7) Connector for RS-232C/422 Connects to an external device such as a PC and a PLC.
Connects to an external device such as a sync sensor and a
(8) I/O connector
(9) Camera connectors Connects a camera.
Displays the current EtherCAT network communication
(10) Status LED
For specifications, see "2-4 Status LED Indicators
Specifications" (P14).
Sets the node addresses of the slaves.
(11) Node address setting switch Node addresses from 1 to 9 can be set.
When this is set to 0, the node address is automatically set.
Connects the EtherCAT communication cables.
(12) EtherCAT connectors For specifications, see "2-3 EtherCAT Communication
Cables and Connector Specifications" (P13).
Power supply and grounding
(13) Connects the DC power supply and the grounding wire.

12 FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual
2 Specifications

2-3 EtherCAT Communication Cables and Connector Specifications

EtherCAT Communication Cables Specifications
Product name Remarks
Twisted-pair cable 100BASE-TX compatible (Category 5 or higher)
(Can include the following Double-shielded (aluminum tape and braided) *2
connector) Straight cable
Category 5 or higher
RJ45 connector *3

*1 The maximum cable length between connected nodes is 100 m. However, some cables are specified for less than
100 m. In general, if the conductors are twisted wire rather than solid wire, transmission performance will be lower,
and reliable communications at a distance of 100 m may not be possible. For details, consult the cable
*2 Ethernet cables of category 5 or higher can be used regardless of whether they are shielded or not. However, we
recommend a cable with double, aluminum tape and braided shielding to ensure sufficient noise resistance.
*3 When selecting a connector, confirm that it is applicable to the cable that will be used. Confirm the following items:
Conductor size, conductor type (solid wire or twisted wire), number of twisted pairs (2 or 4), outer diameter, etc.

EtherCAT Connector Specifications


The specifications are as follows.

• Electrical characteristics: IEEE802.3 standard
• Connector structure: RJ45 8-pin modular connector (conforms to ISO 8877)
• Terminal array
Pin No. Signal name Abbreviation
1 Send data + TD +
2 Send data - TD -
3 Receive data + RD +
4 Not used 
5 Not used 
6 Receive data - RD -
7 Not used 
8 Not used 
Hood Protective ground FG

FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual 13
2 Specifications

Connecting the EtherCAT Communication Cables and the Connectors

When connecting the communication cables and the connectors, connect them with a straight wiring
method as shown below.

Pin No. Wire color Wire color Pin No.

1 White-Green White-Green 1
2 Green Green 2
3 White-Orange White-Orange 3
4 Blue Blue 4
5 White-Blue White-Blue 5
6 Orange Orange 6
7 White-Brown White-Brown 7
8 Brown Brown 8
Connector Connector
hood Shielded wire * Shielded wire * hood

* Connect the shielded wire of the cable to the connector hood at both ends of the cable.

General Information
There are 2 types of Ethernet cable connection standards, namely, "T568A" and "T568B."
Although the figure above is based on the "T568A" connection method, the connection method
based on the "T568B" standard can also be used.

2-4 Status LED Indicators Specifications

The status LED specifications are as follows.




Displays the operating status.
Color Status Contents
OFF Initialization status
Blinking Pre-Operational status
Single flash Safe-Operational status
ON Operational status

14 FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual
2 Specifications


Displays the error content.
Color Status Contents
OFF No error
Blinking Communication setting error or PDO mapping error
Red Single flash Synchronization error or communications data error
Double flash Application WDT timeout
ON PDI WDT timeout

 [L/A IN] LED

Displays the input status.
Color Status Contents
OFF Link not established in physical layer
Green Flickering In operation after establishing link
ON Link established in physical layer


Displays the output status.
Color Status Contents
OFF Link not established in physical layer
Green Flickering In operation after establishing link
ON Link established in physical layer

General Information
The timing of each flashing of the LED is as follows.
50 ms




200 ms 200 ms

Single flash 1000 ms
200 ms 200 ms

Double flash 1000 ms
200 ms 200 ms 200 ms

FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual 15
3 Starting Procedures

3 Starting Procedures
This chapter explains the starting procedures of an EtherCAT communication system using FZM1

3-1 Connecting Communication Cables

Although any wiring is allowed in an EtherCAT network regardless of the connection type, connect the
cables in a daisy chain scheme in front and back of the FZM1 Controllers.
Connect the communication cable from the EtherCAT master to the [ECAT IN] connector of the slave,
and connect the communication cable to the next slave to the [ECAT OUT] connector.
Note that nothing is to be connected to the [ECAT OUT] connector of the last slave of the network.
EtherCAT master (Position Control Unit)

Communication cable

[ECAT IN] connector

[ECAT OUT] connector



FZM1 controller


Nothing is to be connected.

Terminal slave

Set the length of each cable between slaves (L1, L2, ... Ln in the figure) to 100 m or less.
Be sure to connect the communication cable until it clicks when securely connected.

16 FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual
3 Starting Procedures

3-2 EtherCAT Connection Setting

The following section explains the setting method to connect the FZM1 Controller to EtherCAT.

Startup Setting
Set the communication mode when the FZM1 Controller is started.
1. Using the node address setting switch (see (11) in "2-2 FZM1 Controller Specifications"
(P12)), set the node address of the FZM1 Controller.
2. Start the FZM1 Controller.
3. From the menu bar, select [System] - [Controller] - [Startup setting].

The [Startup setting] window appears.

4. Upon selecting the [Communication] tab, select [EtherCAT] for [Fieldbus] in
[Communication module select].

Selection items Contents

OFF EtherCAT communication is not executed.
EtherCAT EtherCAT communication is executed.

FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual 17
3 Starting Procedures

5. Click [OK].
The following message appears.

6. Click [OK].
7. From the menu bar, select [Data] - [Data save].

The following message appears to confirm to save the settings to the unit.

General Information
The same confirmation message also appears and you can save the settings to the unit when you
click [Data save] on the toolbar.

8. Click [Yes].
9. Restart the FZM1 Controller.

• The EtherCAT communication settings are applied only after they are saved and the FZM1
Controller is restarted.Be sure to save the settings and restart the controller.
• If the EtherCAT communication module is set to [EtherCAT], [PLC Link (SYSMAC CS/CJ/CP/
One)]/[PLC Link (MELSEC QnU/Q/QnAS)] of [Serial(Ethernet)] and [Serial(RS-232C/422)]
cannot be set.

18 FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual
3 Starting Procedures

Communication Settings
Set the communication mode when the FZM1 Controller is started.
1. Start the FZM1 Controller.
2. From the menu bar, select [System] - [Communication] - [EtherCAT].

The [EtherCAT] window appears.

3. Specify each of the following settings as necessary.

Setting value
Setting item Contents
[Factory default]
Outputs measurement result without
[None] synchronizing with an external device.
Output control
Handshaking Outputs measurement result while
synchronizing with an external device.
If [Output control] above is set to [None]
Output period 2.0 to 5000.0ms
Sets the measurement result output cycle.
[ms] [10.0 ms]
1.0 to 1000.0 ms
Output time [ms] Sets the measurement result output time period.
[5.0 ms]
If [Output control] above is set to [Handshaking]
Sets the time for timeout.
0.5 to 120.0 s
Timeout [s] If there is no response from the external device within the
[10.0 s]
time specified here, a timeout error occurs.

For details of these settings, see "4-4 Timing Chart" (P30).

4. Click [OK].

FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual 19
3 Starting Procedures

Properties Settings
Set the EtherCAT communication contents on the properties setting window of the FZM1 Controller.
1. Start the FZM1 Controller.
2. Click [Edit flow] on the toolbar.

The edit flow window appears.

3. From the processing item tree, select [Output result] - [Fieldbus Data Output], and click

Processing item, [Fieldbus Data Output], is added to the unit list (flow).
4. Click the [Fieldbus Data Output] icon on the unit list, or select [Fieldbus Data Output]
from the processing item tree, and click [Set].

20 FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual
3 Starting Procedures

The [Fieldbus Data Output] properties setting window appears.

• [Setting] tab

• [Output format] tab

FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual 21
3 Starting Procedures

5. Specify each of the following settings as necessary.

Setting value
Setting item Contents
[Factory default]
Output data (up to 8) can be selected, and a comment and an
[Setting] tab
expression can be set for each data.
Set a comment (such as an explanation of the expression) for
Comment 
the output data.
Expression  Set the expression for the output data.
[Output format] tab Set the output data format.
Set the output format of the data.
• Fixed point: Integer portion of the value 1,000 times the data
Decimal Fixed point
(decimal number) is output.
output form Floating point
• Floating point: Data is output in a single-precision floating
point format.

6. Click [OK].

3-3 External Reference Table

No. Data name Set/Get Data range

0: No judgement (not yet measured)
0 Judgement Get only 1: Judgement result OK
-1: Judgement result NG
ASCII: -99999999.9999 to 99999999.9999
5 to 12 Data 0 to data 7 Get only
Binary: -2147483.648 to 2147483.647
0: Fixed point
150 Output format Set/Get
1: Floating point

22 FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual
4 Communication Specifications

4 Communication Specifications
This chapter explains the EtherCAT communication specifications with an FZM1 Controller.

4-1 PDO Mapping Specifications

• Master (Position Control Unit) to slave (FZM1 Controller)
• Command area
Address CH 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Type Contents

0 0 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved STEP EXE
Control signal
(32 bits)
2 1 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved DSA

4 2 Command
Command code (32 bits) UDINT
Common with
6 3
the PLC link

8 4
(Integer) Parameter 1 DINT
10 5

12 6
(Integer) Parameter 2 DINT
14 7

16 8
(Integer) Parameter 3 DINT
18 9

• Slave (FZM1 Controller) to master (Position Control Unit)

• Response area
Address CH 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Type Contents

0 0 ERR Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved RUN OR READY BUSY FLG
Control signal
(32 bits)
2 1 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved GATE

4 2 Command
Command code (32 bits) UDINT
Common with
6 3
the PLC link

8 4 Response code
Response code (32 bits) UDINT Common with
10 5 the PLC link

12 6
Response data (32 bits) DINT
14 7

FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual 23
4 Communication Specifications

• Output area
0 0
Data 1 (32 bits) DINT
2 1

4 2
Data 2 (32 bits) DINT
6 3

8 4
Data 3 (32 bits) DINT
10 5

12 6
Data 4 (32 bits) DINT
14 7

16 8
Data 5 (32 bits) DINT
18 9

20 10
Data 6 (32 bits) DINT
22 11

24 12
Data 7 (32 bits) DINT
26 13

28 14
Data 8 (32 bits) DINT
30 15

4-2 Control Signal Specifications

Control Signal Types
 Receive objects (master to slave)
The control signals for receive objects from the master (Position Control Unit) to the salve (FZM1
Controller) are as follows.
Signal name Name Function
Set this to ON when executing commands.
EXE Command execution
This is set to OFF with an FLG signal ON input.
Measurement step Set this to ON when executing measurements.
execution This is set to OFF with a READY signal OFF input.
Set this to ON when requesting data output.
DSA Data output request
This is set to OFF with a GATE signal ON input.

24 FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual
4 Communication Specifications

 Send object (slave to master)

The control signals for send objects from the salve (FZM1 Controller) to the master (Position
Control Unit) are as follows.
Signal name Name Function
Command This is set to ON upon completion of the command.
completion This is set to OFF with an EXE signal OFF input.
This is set to ON when the FZM1 Controller is measuring or
BUSY Busy a scene is being switched.
This is set to OFF when the operation ends.
Data output This is set to ON upon completion of the data output.
completion This is set to OFF with a DSA signal OFF input.
This is set to ON when the STEP signal can be input.
This is set to OFF when the STEP signal cannot be input.
Overall judgement This is set to ON when the overall judgement result is NG.
result This is set to OFF when the overall judgement result is OK.
This is set to ON when an FZM1 Controller error is detected.
ERR Error
This is set to OFF when normal.
This is set to ON when the FZM1 Controller is displaying the
RUN window.
RUN RUN window
This is set to OFF when it is displaying windows other than
RUN window.

4-3 Command Specifications

Command that Can Be Used
Command code
+2CH +3CH
Normal command
1020 0010 Start continuous measurement
1030 0010 End continuous measurement
2010 0010 Clear measurement value
3010 0010 Save to unit
F010 0010 Restart
Scene control command
1000 0020 Get scene number
2000 0020 Get scene group number
1000 0030 Switch scene
2000 0030 Switch scene group number
Get or Change setting command
1000 0040 Get unit data
1000 0050 Set unit data

FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual 25
4 Communication Specifications

Command Details
 Start continuous measurement (Command code: 1020 0010)
Start a continuous measurement.
Command Command bit
area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0001 0000 0010 0000

Command code: 4-byte binary data (UDINT)
+3 0000 0000 0001 0000

Response Response bit

area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0001 0000 0010 0000 Command code (UDINT)

+3 0000 0000 0001 0000 Stores the command code of the response.

+4 0000 0000 0000 0000 Response code (UDINT)

+5 0000 0000 0000 0000 Command execution result 0: OK/-1: Error

 Stop continuous measurement (Command code: 1030 0010)

Stop the continuous measurement.
Command Command bit
area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0001 0000 0011 0000

Command code: 4-byte binary data (UDINT)
+3 0000 0000 0001 0000

Response Response bit

area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0001 0000 0011 0000 Command code (UDINT)

+3 0000 0000 0001 0000 Stores the command code of the response.

+4 0000 0000 0000 0000 Response code (UDINT)

+5 0000 0000 0000 0000 Command execution result 0: OK/-1: Error

 Clear measurement value (Command code: 2010 0010)

Clear all measurement results.
Command Command bit
area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0010 0000 0001 0000

Command code: 4-byte binary data (UDINT)
+3 0000 0000 0001 0000

Response Response bit

area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0010 0000 0001 0000 Command code (UDINT)

+3 0000 0000 0001 0000 Stores the command code of the response.

+4 0000 0000 0000 0000 Response code (UDINT)

+5 0000 0000 0000 0000 Command execution result 0: OK/-1: Error

26 FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual
4 Communication Specifications

 Save to unit (Command code: 3010 0010)

Save the current system data and scene group.
Command Command bit
area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0011 0000 0001 0000

Command code: 4-byte binary data (UDINT)
+3 0000 0000 0001 0000

Response Response bit

area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0011 0000 0001 0000 Command code (UDINT)

+3 0000 0000 0001 0000 Stores the command code of the response.

+4 0000 0000 0000 0000 Response code (UDINT)

+5 0000 0000 0000 0000 Command execution result 0: OK/-1: Error

 Restart (Command code: F010 0010)

Restart the controller.
Command Command bit
area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 1111 0000 0001 0000

Command code: 4-byte binary data (UDINT)
+3 0000 0000 0001 0000

Response Response bit

area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

No response as it is restarted.

 Get scene number (Command code: 1000 0020)

Get the current scene number and return it to the unit.
Command Command bit
area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0001 0000 0000 0000

Command code: 4-byte binary data (UDINT)
+3 0000 0000 0010 0000

Response Response bit

area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0001 0000 0000 0000 Command code (UDINT)

+3 0000 0000 0010 0000 Stores the command code of the response.

+4 0000 0000 0000 0000 Response code (UDINT)

+5 0000 0000 0000 0000 Command execution result 0: OK/-1: Error

+6 0000 0000 0000 0000 Response data (UDINT)

+7 0000 0000 0000 0000 Acquired scene number

FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual 27
4 Communication Specifications

 Get scene group number (Command code: 2000 0020)

Get the current scene group number and return it to the unit.
Command Command bit
area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0010 0000 0000 0000

Command code: 4-byte binary data (UDINT)
+3 0000 0000 0010 0000

Response Response bit

area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0010 0000 0000 0000 Command code (UDINT)

+3 0000 0000 0010 0000 Stores the command code of the response.

+4 0000 0000 0000 0000 Response code (UDINT)

+5 0000 0000 0000 0000 Command execution result 0: OK/-1: Error

+6 0000 0000 0000 0000 Response data (UDINT)

+7 0000 0000 0000 0000 Get scene group number.

 Switch scene (Command code: 1000 0030)

Switch to the scene of the specified number.
Command Command bit
area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0001 0000 0000 0000

Command code: 4-byte binary data (UDINT)
+3 0000 0000 0011 0000

+4 0000 0000 0000 0000

Scene number (UDINT)
+5 0000 0000 0000 0000

Response Response bit

area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0001 0000 0000 0000 Command code (UDINT)

+3 0000 0000 0011 0000 Stores the command code of the response.

+4 0000 0000 0000 0000 Response code (UDINT)

+5 0000 0000 0000 0000 Command execution result 0: OK/-1: Error

 Switch scene group (Command code: 2000 0030)

Switch to the scene group of the specified number.
Command Command bit
area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0010 0000 0000 0000

Command code: 4-byte binary data (UDINT)
+3 0000 0000 0011 0000

+4 0000 0000 0000 0000

Scene group number (UDINT)
+5 0000 0000 0000 0000

28 FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual
4 Communication Specifications

Response Response bit

area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0010 0000 0000 0000 Command code (UDINT)

+3 0000 0000 0010 0000 Stores the command code of the response.

+4 0000 0000 0000 0000 Response code (UDINT)

+5 0000 0000 0000 0000 Command execution result 0: OK/-1: Error

 Get unit data (Command code: 1000 0040)

Get the data of the specified unit and number.
Command Command bit
area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0001 0000 0000 0000

Command code: 4-byte binary data (UDINT)
+3 0000 0000 0100 0000

+4 0000 0000 0000 0000

Unit number (UDINT)
+5 0000 0000 0000 0000

+6 0000 0000 0000 0000

Data number (UDINT)
+7 0000 0000 0000 0000

Response Response bit

area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0001 0000 0000 0000 Command code (UDINT)

+3 0000 0000 0100 0000 Stores the command code of the response.

+4 0000 0000 0000 0000 Response code (UDINT)

+5 0000 0000 0000 0000 Command execution result 0: OK/-1: Error

+6 0000 0000 0000 0000

Get data (DINT: Value multiplied by 1,000)
+7 0000 0000 0000 0000

 Set unit data (Command code: 1000 0050)

Set the data of the specified unit and number, and return it to the unit.
Command Command bit
area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0001 0000 0000 0000

Command code: 4-byte binary data (UDINT)
+3 0000 0000 0101 0000

+4 0000 0000 0000 0000

Unit number (UDINT)
+5 0000 0000 0000 0000

+6 0000 0000 0000 0000

Data number (UDINT)
+7 0000 0000 0000 0000

+8 0000 0000 0000 0000

Data to be set (DINT: Value multiplied by 1,000)
+9 0000 0000 0000 0000

FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual 29
4 Communication Specifications

Response Response bit

area Contents
Starting CH 15-12 11-8 7-4 3-0

+2 0001 0000 0000 0000 Command code (UDINT)

+3 0000 0000 0101 0000 Stores the command code of the response.

+4 0000 0000 0000 0000 Response code (UDINT)

+5 0000 0000 0000 0000 Command execution result 0: OK/-1: Error

4-4 Timing Chart

The following is a timing chart for the signals.

Executing Measurement with STEP Signal

It is executed in the parallel I/O method where the command is executed independent of data output.
The measurement is executed, not on the STEP signal level, but on the rising edge.
STEP (1) Start measurement on the rising
OFF edge of the STEP signal.

(2) The READY signal is turned off

ON when the measurement starts.
OFF (3) The READY signal is turned off
when the measurement starts.
BUSY (4) The READY signal is turned on
OFF when the next STEP signal can
be received.

(5) The BUSY signal is turned off

(1)(2)(3)(4) (5) when the measurement process
is completed.

Note that multiple image input as shown in the figure below is possible with STEP signal.
OFF (1) Start measurement on the rising
edge of the STEP signal.

ON (2) If the READY signal is turned on,

READY the next STEP signal can be received
OFF even during a measurement.

(3) The BUSY signal is turned off

BUSY when all measurement processes
OFF are completed.

(1) (2) (3)

• Maximum number of loading with multiple image input

0.3 million pixel 2 million pixel 5 million pixel
Controller model
camera camera camera
FZM1-35x-ECT 16 4 

For details on multiple image input, see "6 Methods for Connecting and Communicating with External
Devices" - "About Multiple Image Input Function" in "Vision Sensor FZ3 Series User's Manual"
(catalog number Z290-E1).

30 FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual
4 Communication Specifications

Precautions for Correct Use

The OFF time of the READY signal is the camera image input time. If the cycle time is extremely
slow on the PLC side, the READY signal OFF may not be recognized.
If the READY signal OFF cannot be recognized, set the STEP signal to OFF after an appropriate
period of time.

Command Execution with EXE Signal

Execute commands in the same manner as the conventional PLC link.
ON (1) The EXE signal is turned on
EXE after the command code and
the parameters are set.

ON (2) The FLG signal is turned on

FLG after the command code,
OFF response code and response
data are stored.

(3) The EXE signal is turned off

(1) (2)(3)(4) when the FLG signal is turned on.

(4) The FLG signal is turned off

when the EXE signal is turned off.

Data Output (With Handshaking)

Establish a handshaking of DSA signal and GATE signal.
DSA (1) DATA is output and the GATE
OFF signal is turned on when the
DSA signal is turned on.

ON (2) The DSA signal is turned off

GATE when the GATE signal is
OFF turned on

ON (3) The GATE signal is turned off

DATA when the DSA signal is turned
OFF off.

(4) The DSA signal is turned on

when data is next requested.

Data Output (Without Handshaking)

Output data in the specified cycle and time.

GATE DATA is output according to the specified output cycle
OFF (1) and output time (2).

The GATE signal after DATA output turns on and DATA

ON output is secured.

FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual 31
5 Appendix

5 Appendix

5-1 EtherCAT Terms

Use the following EtherCAT terms for reference.
Term Abbreviation Description
Abstract representation of a particular component within
Object  a device, which consists of data, parameters, and
Data structure that contains description of data type
Object Dictionary OD
objects, communication objects and application objects.
CoE asynchronous mailbox communications where all
Service data object SDO
objects in the Object Dictionary can be read and written.
Index  Address of an object
Subindex  Sub-address of an object
Collection of application objects designated to be
Process data  transferred periodically or aperiodically for the purpose
of measurement and control.
Structure described by mapping parameters containing
Process Data Object PDO
one or several process data entities.
Receive PDO RxPDO A Process Data Object received by an EtherCAT slave.
Transmit PDO TxPDO A Process Data Object sent from an EtherCAT slave.
Collection of control elements to coordinate access to
Sync Manager SM
concurrently used objects.
A distributed clock method to synchronize slaves with
Distributed Clocks DC
the master.
Collection of device class application parameters and
Device Profile 
function descriptions.
A function to establish one or multiple communications
Fieldbus Memory
FMMU between a logical address and a physical memory
Management Unit
Physical device internal A series of elements to access data link services from
interface the application layer.
CiA is the international users' and manufacturers' group
CAN in Automation CiA
that develops and supports higher-layer protocols.
CAN application protocol over
CoE CAN application protocol service on EtherCAT
EEPROM EEPROM Electrically erasable PROM.
The ETG is an organization that promotes open source
EtherCAT Technology Group ETG
development and dissemination of EtherCAT.
EtherCAT Slave Controller ESC A controller for EtherCAT slave communication.
EtherCAT State Machine ESM EtherCAT communication state transitions.
An XML file that contains setting information of an
EtherCAT Slave Information ESI
EtherCAT slave.

32 FZM1 Series Vision Sensor Specialized for Positioning EtherCAT Communication Manual
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