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FAQ Seasonal Temps Epoxy grouts-EN

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Seasonal temperatures and epoxy grouts

All epoxy-based grouts perform differently as temperatures vary. For How do warm/hot conditions affect epoxy grouts?
example, higher temperatures will accelerate the curing process while Storage
cooler temperatures will slow it. This is just one example of how seasonal
Epoxy grout should be stored in a cool, dry location away from direct
temperature fluctuations affect an epoxy grout. Below we will discuss
sunlight. It is not a requirement to protect epoxy grout containers from
how changes in seasonal temperatures affect North American Adhesives’s
heat during shipping and storage. During the summer and hot months,
(NAA’s) NA 4650 Ever Color ™ Q and NA 4700 Ever Color IQ.
when temperatures are above 85°F (29°C), containers stored in a climate-
How do cool/cold conditions affect epoxy grouts? controlled area with a room temperature of 73°F (23°C) will optimize
product performance. This data is from testing performed on the NAA
epoxy grouts.
Containers of epoxy grout that are exposed to temperatures below 32°F
(0°C) during transport or storage may show signs of crystallization or Usage
stiffness after they return to room temperature. During the winter and Epoxy materials become thinner and more workable at higher
cold months, examine such products before use by opening the container temperatures. This increased fluidity of the material may create issues
and checking for signs of crystallization or stiffness. Stir “Part A” with a when installing epoxy in vertical applications, as the product may slump
margin trowel. If small “ice-like” particles are visible, the entire kit (with out of large joints.
the lid on) should be soaked in warm water for about 20 minutes. The
product should be mixed as usual per the instructions included in the Very warm temperatures, over 90°F (32°C), will dramatically accelerate
bucket. Note that if an epoxy product has been repeatedly frozen and the chemical reaction of epoxy grouts, resulting in rapid setup time and
thawed, you may not be able to restore it to a workable consistency. reduced pot life. For example, the pot life will be reduced by half for every
12 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit above 73°F (7 to 9 degrees Celsius above
The components of NAA’s epoxy grouts are freeze/thaw-stable. In 23°C).
general, epoxy grout components should be stored in heated conditions
at room temperature (73°F or 23°C). Follow these strategies for effectively installing epoxy grout in warm/hot
Optimal performance with epoxy grouts is achieved at about 73°F or • Mix the grout at a low speed and do not exceed the prescribed time
23°C, which provides about 45 to 60 minutes of pot life. This data is from for mixing.
testing performed on the NAA epoxy grouts. For better grout workability, • Placing an epoxy grout kit in ice water for 20 minutes to cool the
containers should be allowed to acclimate to room temperature (73°F or product before mixing will extend the pot life and working time.
23°C) for at least 24 hours before product use.
• Begin the installation process by cleaning the floor with water. This
As epoxy grouts are exposed to cooler temperatures, their workability is will clean, cool and fill micro-pores in the tile surface. Use caution not
reduced and their pot life is extended. Lower temperatures produce a to leave excess water in the grout joints during this process.
thicker grout consistency, which will assist in vertical applications and • Do not apply epoxy grouts in direct sunlight, because the tile’s surface
extend the pot life. Lower temperatures also extend the setup time and temperature can be significantly higher than the ambient temperature.
the time before foot traffic can be permitted. For these reasons, ambient When a tile surface is exposed to the sun, the surface temperatures
temperature and surface temperature in the installation area should be can rise quickly. For example, if the ambient temperature is 75°F
maintained between 60°F and 90°F (16°C and 32°C) until the epoxy (24°C), exposure to direct sunlight can heat the tile surface to 140°F
grout has hardened sufficiently (after 24 to 72 hours). (60°C) or greater in one hour or less. Maintain the installation site and
surface temperature at below 95°F (35°C) during application and for
Temporary heating equipment may be necessary to maintain recommended at least 24 hours afterward.
temperatures. If propane or gas-fired heating is being used, ensure that
Plan for additional effort and manpower to compensate for the
the area has sufficient ventilation, thereby avoiding safety issues and any
difference in coverage and cleanup times. Also, plan to install during
discoloration of the epoxy grout from exposure to exhaust fumes.
the cooler times of the day, such as the evening or morning.
• Apply the epoxy grout to the floor and immediately distribute it into
small piles. This will act to cool and slow the reaction of the epoxy
grout. Spread the full unit of epoxy grout before beginning the
cleanup process.
• During cleanup, use plenty of cool/cold water. Some installers have
found that melting ice into the cleaning water is especially effective in
hot conditions.

Jobsite conditions vary and may present circumstances not covered in this
document. For the most current product information, visit the NAA
Website at www.na-adhesives.com or contact Technical Services.

MAPEI® Corporation U.S. and Puerto Rico Edition Date: June 4, 2020
1144 East Newport Center Drive Customer Service: 1-800-747-2722 MKT: 20-1828
Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 Technical Services: 1-800-637-7753
Canada © 2020 MAPEI Corporation
1-844-410-1212 All Rights Reserved. Printed in the USA.

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