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Rock art in the Tassili n’Ajjer cave in Algeria, estimated to be 5,000–6,000 years old, depicts early humans gathered around
an extinguished fire. Photograph attributed to Patrick Gruban/Wikimedia.
Almost certainly, early humans encountered naturally occurring fires well before they
started cooking, and they probably perceived these fires as a threat to be feared. But the
onset of the ice age during the Pleistocene era, which lasted from about 2.6 million to
11,700 years ago, provided the impetus to create, use, and control fire for warmth, light,
and safety from predatory animals. Fire may also have had profound social consequences
by promoting gathering and trade between very small groups of early humans. Cooking
likely first happened by accident, perhaps when a wild boar was burned by natural fire
or a small animal caught by hunters was left too near the open flames of a human-made
fire. The alluring flavor of food roasted by fire likely led early humans to repeat the act
again and again, as many recent studies have proven that, even today, flavor is the single
most important factor in determining the foods we like and choose to eat. Limited con-
tact between the disparate small groups of early humans may have slowed the spread of
cooking beyond the first adapters, and thousands of years passed before cooking became
a widespread practice.
as fat and alcohol, resulting in a greater tendency to be overweight, while average tasters
tend to like most foods. When it comes to survival, this may be an example of when it is
better to be average than above average.
Humans are hardwired in our DNA to detect taste from birth, or shortly after. We now
have evidence that humans detect six basic tastes: sweet, salty, bitter, sour, umami, and fat.
The tastes for sweet, bitter, umami, and fat are detected by protein receptors located on
the surface of specific taste cells, while receptors for salty and sour are composed of ion
channels within the cell membranes of taste cells. Much of the mouth cavity and the upper
part of the tongue contain specialized receptor cells capable of detecting these tastes. Taste
receptor cells contained within the larger taste buds are continuously replaced every 9–15
days due to repeated exposure to mechanical abrasion and very hot foods. Thus the taste
buds are composed of about one hundred smaller individual taste cells and are part of the
larger papillae that appear as the visible bumps on the tongue as well as throughout much
of the mouth. In fact, the entire taste organ is one of only a few human organs capable of
total regeneration.
Sweet taste is critical for detecting sugars, which are required for quick energy. The
human brain uses the simple sugar glucose for almost all of its energy, requiring as much
as 4.2 ounces (about 120 grams) per day to keep it functioning. Bitter taste evolved to
guard against eating toxic plants, as many toxic substances taste very bitter. Humans have
about twenty-five different types of receptors for bitter taste and only one type for sweet
taste. Avoiding poisonous substances was apparently more important than detecting sweet
foods needed for energy. Humans are about a thousand times more sensitive to bitter sub-
stances than sweet ones. We need to avoid even tiny amounts of toxic, bitter substances
while consuming much more sugar for energy, so we have evolved different levels of sen-
sitivity for each taste. Salt (sodium chloride) is critical for maintaining the fluid levels in
our body, so the ability to detect salt is very important. Umami, described as a savory or
meaty taste, probably evolved to detect sources of proteins and the essential amino acids
that our body cannot make. Amino acids are used to build many important nutrients in
our body, such as hormones, and DNA while also providing an additional source of energy.
Fat, which is required for storing long-term energy, is also the source of two essential fatty
acids that our body cannot make, linoleic acid and linolenic acid. Sour taste is a com-
mon property of all acids. Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient that our
body cannot make. Our sense of sour taste probably evolved as a means to detect possible
sources of vitamin C.
Four basic tastes—sweet, salty, sour, and bitter—have component of the umami taste of bonito flakes. Further
been recognized as far back as the ancient Greeks and research found chemically similar nucleotides in shiitake
Romans. At one time, it was believed that each of the mushrooms, another source of umami taste. In all, nucle-
tastes was sensed in a different part of the mouth and otides responsible for umami taste were found in both
tongue. But it has long been known that this simple pic- animal and vegetable products, including tuna, dried sar-
ture is incorrect and that we sense tastes throughout the dines, beef, pork, chicken, Parmesan cheese, tomatoes,
mouth, at the back of the throat, and on the top of the mushrooms, and fermented soybean products, such as
tongue. The concept of four basic tastes was rigorously soy sauce. Many years later, in 1967, it was recognized
adhered to until the early 1900s, when Kikunae Ikeda, that combining the salts of glutamic acid and another
a Japanese physical chemist at the University of Tokyo, amino acid named aspartic acid with the nucleotides
decided to search for the taste of konbu, a seaweed that increased the intensity of umami taste by as much as
was commonly used to contribute a unique delicious, twenty times that of sodium glutamate or the nucleo-
savory taste, which he named umami, to many Japanese tides alone. This is an example of a true synergistic, or
dishes, such as the soup known as konbu dashi. In 1908, magnifying, effect. Thus combinations of foods such as
after a year of careful experimentation, Ikeda was able tomato sauce with Parmesan cheese and beef with mush-
to isolate a very small amount of a pure chemical com- rooms have a much stronger savory umami taste than
pound as the source of the umami taste in seaweed; he either food alone. This discovery has allowed cooks to
then proved the chemical structure was the same as that greatly intensify the savory taste of dishes by combining
of the previously known sodium salt of glutamic acid, an certain ingredients that supply both sodium glutamate
important amino acid in the human diet. Interestingly, and nucleotides. With this discovery, umami began to be
only salts (potassium, sodium, and calcium) of glutamic accepted more widely as the fifth basic taste. Ultimately,
acid elicit the umami taste. Ikeda proclaimed that umami between 1998 and 2000, researchers used molecular biol-
was the fifth basic taste because it was so commonly ogy to prove the existence of a specific protein receptor
encountered in Japanese food. But this was not well for sodium glutamate on taste receptor cells in the mouth,
received by other cultures around the world where sea- and with this discovery, umami was finally accepted as
weed was not commonly used in cooking, and for much the fifth basic taste.
of the twentieth century, umami was not widely accepted Aging and fermenting many protein-rich foods such
as the fifth basic taste. as fish, meat, cheese, and soybeans produce both sodium
In 1913, a student of Ikeda named Shinto Kodama glutamate and nucleotides, thus creating the source
undertook a study to identify the main source for the of intense umami taste found in fermented anchovies,
taste of bonito flakes, a form of dried tuna, which were aged Parmesan cheese, dry-aged beef, and fermented
also widely used to season Japanese food. He identified soy sauce. Today these ingredients are routinely used to
a type of chemical compound called a nucleotide, with heighten the savory taste of dishes around the world. Fer-
the name inosine-5’-monophosphate (IMP), as a new mentation breaks down proteins into peptides and amino
acids, the source of umami taste. In fact, glutamic acid was identified as the gene responsible for producing the
and aspartic acid are the most abundant amino acids in taste receptor protein for sensing medium- and long-
legumes, wheat, meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products chain fatty acids in the mouth. Further well-designed
such as cheese and milk from cows and humans. Fermen- taste tests published in 2015 by researchers at Purdue Uni-
tation is also a source of nucleotides, especially from fish versity confirmed that the taste of fat (actually free fatty
such as anchovies. More than 2,000 years ago ancient acids) was indeed a sixth basic taste. They coined a new
Romans fermented small fish in the presence of salt for word, oleogustus, to mean the taste of fat. (Oleo is Latin
several months to produce a fish sauce called garum. The for “fatty,” and gustus means “taste.”) In the future, we
Romans were very fond of using garum to season many may discover even more basic tastes, but as of today, it is
dishes, but they did not identify it as a fifth basic taste, accepted that humans sense six basic tastes: sweet, salty,
primarily because they were rigid believers that there sour, bitter, umami, and fat.
were only four basic tastes.
Until even more recently, it was widely believed that REFERENCES
humans sense only five basic tastes. But acceptance that Kurihara, K. “Glutamate: From Discovery as a Food Flavor to Role as a
taste evolved as a mechanism for survival led many to Basic Taste (Umami).” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 90,
supp. (2009): 719S–22S.
believe there may be other tastes that we sense. The most Pepino, M., L. Love-Gregory, S. Klein, and N. Abumarad. “The Fatty
logical is the sense of taste for fat, as fat is important not Acid Translocase Gene CD36 and Lingual Lipase Influence Oral
only for storing long-term energy but also for providing Sensitivity to Fat in Obese Subjects.” Journal of Lipid Research 53
(2012): 561–566.
the two essential fatty acids required for a healthy diet,
Running, C., B. Craig, and R. Mattes. “Oleogustus: The Unique Taste
linoleic acid and linolenic acid, which occur in plant oils. of Fat.” Chemical Senses 40 (2015): 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1093/
In 2012, a gene labeled CD36, located on chromosome 7, chemse/bjv036.
Interestingly, humans are far more sensitive to smell than taste. There are many mol-
ecules that most people can smell at the level of one part per trillion—and even at much
lower levels. To put this in context, one part per trillion is equivalent to 1 second in 32,000
years! That’s an awfully small amount. An example is the compound primarily responsible
for the aroma of green bell peppers. One drop of this pure compound is enough to make a
30,000-gallon swimming pool smell like green bell pepper. Why are we so sensitive to smell?
In terms of survival, the answer is not as obvious as it is for taste. Decomposing plant and
animal proteins develop a strong odor from the formation of volatile compounds called
amines. Think of the smell of old fish. So smell may have evolved to help humans avoid
consuming rotting food, but more likely it evolved as a means of communicating through
scent, allowing humans to detect minute amounts of pheromones, before language was
developed. Our nose contains about four hundred different types of receptors for smell.
In fact, the genes responsible for producing the protein receptors for smell comprise the
largest family of genes in the human genome. We are capable of detecting far more than
ten thousand different odors, which is a learned skill, unlike our ability to distinguish
tastes, which is stored in our DNA. Humans detect smells that enter through the front of
the nose, called orthonasal smell, as well as those that pass into the nose from the back of
the mouth, called retronasal smell. Retronasal smell created by chewing and swallowing
has been shown to be the most important contributor to the aroma and flavor of food.
Flavor is not something we sense with our nose or mouth like we do taste and smell. The
sense of flavor is created in our brain from the electrical signals coming from our receptor cells
for taste and smell. Thus, taste, smell, and flavor are distinct from each other. A number of dif-
ferent centers in the brain process the signals from our mouth and nose, creating an image of
flavor in our mind. Our craving for certain favorite foods is created in three different sections of
the brain, the same three sections that create our cravings for sex, addictive drugs, and music.
Is there any wonder humans have such a strong desire for food, one that goes well beyond the
need for energy and nutrition? These mental images of flavor include the comfort foods we
learn to love as children and crave as adults. They are the source of the desire for fast foods
like hamburgers, French fries, mac and cheese, and pizza that we first ate when much younger.
Evidence suggests we develop more receptors for the comfort foods we crave, thus magnifying
the effect over time. The craving for our favorite foods goes beyond the sensations of taste and
smell and the images of flavor created in our brain. The texture of food, which is the physical
feeling of the food in our mouth (think of slimy or chewy or crunchy); the sound when we
chew it (think of crispy potato chips); its temperature; how appealing it looks; and, above all,
the memories associated with eating it all combine to determine which foods we crave.
RECIPE 1.1 Linguine with Clam Sauce
The following recipe Over the past several decades, I have made this recipe countless times, and each time it tastes just
serves two (but see note as delicious as it did the time before. The secret lies in the intense flavor of the clam sauce. Using
at end): canned chopped clams cooked in their juice not only makes this a simple, quick dish to prepare but
also provides the remarkable flavor. The compound responsible for the intense taste and aroma
INGREDIENTS: holds the record for being detectable by humans at the lowest concentration recorded so far: 10−5
12 small whole fresh parts per trillion, or 0.01 parts per quadrillion! To put this in perspective, one part per quadrillion is
clams in the shell equivalent to 2½ minutes out of the age of the earth (4.5 billion years)! For more explanation, read
box 4.1, Numbers Both Large and Small. This compound’s chemical name—that is, how an organic
2 Tbsp. extra virgin
chemist defines the chemical structure of this compound—is pyrrolidinol-[1,2-e]-4H-2,4-dimethyl-
olive oil
1,3,5-ditiazine. Like so many sulfur-containing compounds, it has an intense aroma that is formed
1 medium onion, in trace amounts in boiled clams and shrimp. One whiff of an opened can of chopped clams in their
chopped into very juice will provide the unmistakable smell of the compound.
small pieces I like to embellish the dish by adding a modest number of small whole clams, such as count neck
2 garlic cloves, finely or Long Island clams. They are more for looks than anything else and do not significantly enhance
chopped the flavor, but they are fun to eat from the shells. Omit them if you can’t find whole clams in your
supermarket or you don’t want to fuss with them.
¼ cup dry vermouth
2 cans (6½ ounces, or
184 grams) cooked DIRECTIONS:
chopped clams in Soak the whole clams in very cold water for about 1 hour and drain.
clam juice
Heat a 10-inch stainless steel skillet on medium heat. Add the olive oil and onion, and gently
¼ cup chopped fresh cook, stirring occasionally, until the onion is soft but not browned, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic,
flat-leaf parsley and cook for an additional minute, stirring occasionally. Briefly remove the pan from the heat, and
6 ounces dry linguine or allow it to cool for about 1 minute (to prevent the vermouth from splattering in the hot pan). Add
spaghetti the vermouth, and continue cooking until most of the vermouth has evaporated. Add the chopped
clams along with all of their juice, and cook the mixture vigorously until about 1/3 cup of liquid
1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
remains in the pan. Distribute the whole clams evenly in the pan along with the chopped parsley;
Parmigiano Reggiano cover and continue to cook until the shells of all the clams have opened (discard any clams that do
cheese, freshly not open). Remove the opened clams in their shells with tongs, and place them evenly around the
grated, to taste perimeter of two plates (six clams per plate). Add freshly ground pepper to the clam sauce (the
canned clams contain enough salt that extra is usually not needed), and reserve off heat.
While the sauce is being prepared, bring a large pot of lightly salted water to the boil, add the
Enough sauce can be linguine, and cook until al dente. Reserve about 1/2 cup of the pasta water to add to the sauce if
made for four people by necessary. Strain the pasta, but do not rinse, and return it to the large pot; add the hot clam sauce
increasing the number of (without the whole clams) to the pasta, and mix along with the lemon juice. Add a small amount of
cans of chopped clams the hot pasta water if necessary to give the sauce the desired consistency; it should thoroughly coat
to three rather than two. the linguine but not be too soupy or too dry (about 1/3 cup of liquid is usually sufficient). Place the
Yield: 2 servings linguine and sauce mixture in the middle of the plates with the whole clams around the edges, and
serve along with freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.
Starch is one of the most common forms of carbohydrates within the granules. The sizes and shapes of the granules
in food. All plants produce glucose from carbon dioxide vary with each plant but are consistent within each type
and water by photosynthesis. As glucose is produced, it of plant. Figure 1 shows a micrograph of starch granules
is converted to starch, a polymer composed of thousands within empty potato cells. Potatoes contain the largest
of glucose molecules linked together end to end, which starch granules of the commonly consumed vegetables.
is then stored in plant cells for use as a source of energy. They also contain a large number of granules per cell.
Starch is thus an efficient way of storing lots of glucose in When starch granules are heated in water, they begin to
a minimal amount of space. Mammals also store glucose absorb some of the water and swell, as when air is blown
as a giant polymer called glycogen, which has a structure into a balloon. The granules continue to absorb water
that is similar to that of starch. But starch and glycogen as the temperature rises until they reach their maximum
differ in one important aspect. Plants store glucose in two volume and viscosity, a point called the gelatinization
forms: one is amylose, a smaller, linear molecule shaped temperature. This temperature is quite specific for each
like a long chain of paper clips, and the other is amy- type of starch, whether it is in corn, wheat, potato, rice,
lopectin, a much larger, branched molecule shaped like or sorghum. The gelatinization temperature depends on
a tree with both short and long branches attached to a
trunk. It is most common for plants to produce amylose
and amylopectin in a weight ratio of about 1:4. However,
some plants produce starch that contains almost no amy-
lose; this is commonly referred to as waxy starch (see the
box in chapter 3 titled The Difference Between Waxy and
Mealy Potatoes). For whatever reason, mammals evolved
to produce only the highly branched polymer of glucose
and none of the smaller, linear form.
The amylose and amylopectin molecules produced
by plants are organized into microscopic particles called
starch granules and stored within plant cells until needed
for energy. The amylopectin molecules are arranged in
alternating layers of organized crystalline structures and
amorphous noncrystalline structures, with the amylose
molecules randomly dispersed throughout. The linear
molecules of amylose and the ends of the long branches FIGURE 1
of amylopectin form helical structures, both alone and Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of potato cells, showing large granules of
starch within the cells, bounded by cell walls. Other components of the cells
entwined together. When the helical structures pack
such as fluid have been removed. Adapted from SEM by Don Galler, Massa-
together, they create the ordered crystalline regions chusetts Institute of Technology, courtesy of News.MIT.edu, August 14, 2012.
and they will reverse with mild heat. If stale, dry, firm digested by digestive enzymes, so much of it passes into
bread is briefly heated in the microwave, these less stable the large intestine, where it is digested by the gut bacte-
crystalline regions of amylopectin are disrupted, releas- ria, which convert it to short-chain fatty acids, such as
ing the trapped molecules of water and making the bread butyric acid and propionic acid. The cells lining the large
appear softer and more moist, at least temporarily. The intestine use these short-chain fatty acids for energy. Ret-
process by which gelatinized starch molecules form crys- rograded starch, also called resistant starch because it is
talline regions over time is called retrogradation. Starch resistant to digestion, functions as a prebiotic and is ben-
molecules will retrograde (crystallize) at room tempera- eficial for the colonic cells. Because retrograded starch is
ture, but they undergo this process at a much faster rate not digested to glucose, the calorie content of foods con-
in the refrigerator. So don’t place bread in the refrigera- taining retrograded or resistant starch is lower than that
tor to keep it from staling; this only hastens the process. of cooked high-starch foods like rice, potatoes, and fresh
Fortunately, refrigerated bread can be revived by briefly white bread. The amount of retrograded starch is directly
microwaving it. Bread can also be stored in the freezer. related to the amylose content of the starch. Legumes are
Once the water molecules are frozen, the starch mole- especially high in amylose, and therefore resistant starch,
cules are also frozen in space, curtailing retrogradation. which is a major reason why they are a healthy food. Eat
Frozen bread can be thawed to yield soft, moist bread. beans for resistant starch!
One final point about starch in food. Most starch,
especially if it has been heated and gelatinized, is rap- REFERENCES
idly digested to glucose, which is quickly absorbed into Buleon, A., P. Colonna, V. Planchot, and S. Ball. “Starch Granules:
the body, elevating the levels of glucose and insulin in the Structure and Biosynthesis.” International Journal of Biological
Macromolecules 23 (1998): 85–112.
blood. The amount of glucose absorbed over a period of Crosby, G. A. “Resistant Starch Makes Better Carbs.” Functional
several hours following consumption of a food is called Foods and Nutraceuticals (June 2003): 34–36.
the glycemic index of that food. Foods with a higher Tester, R. F., and W. R. Morrison. “Swelling and Gelatinization of
Cereal Starches. I. Effects of Amylopectin, Amylose, and Lipids.”
glycemic index cause the rapid release of more insulin
Cereal Chemistry 67, no. 6 (1990): 551–557.
into the blood system, which impacts the amount of Thomas, D. J., and W. A. Atwell. Starches. St. Paul, MN: Eagan Press,
fat stored in fat cells. Retrograded starch is very poorly 1997.
The human immune system evolved as protection for due to the presence of numerous folds and tiny fingers
the body against the invasion of large foreign molecules (villi); they provide a surface area for the absorption of
such as proteins and complex polysaccharides. About nutrients that is about six hundred times larger than the
95–98 percent of food by weight is composed of the four surface of a cylinder of the same diameter and length as
macronutrients: water, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. the small intestine. It takes about 4 hours for an undi-
Except for water and simple sugars, the macronutrients gested portion of a meal to pass from the mouth through
are all very large molecules that cannot be absorbed into the small intestine and enter the large intestine, with all
the body without first being broken down into much of it entering within about 8 hours of consumption.
smaller molecules by digestive enzymes in the small What isn’t digested and absorbed in the small intes-
intestine (most of which are formed in the pancreas). tine passes into the large intestine (colon) where it is
These molecules can then be transported across the cell metabolized (fermented) by billions of mostly benefi-
membranes lining the gastrointestinal system. The food cial bacteria. It enters the ascending portion of the large
we eat is therefore not available to the body until it is intestine from the ileum, moves on to the transverse sec-
first digested to smaller molecules in the gastrointestinal tion, and finally reaches the transcending portion, where
system. Complex polysaccharides such as starch must it is excreted as feces. Transport and metabolism of food
be broken down to simple sugars, proteins converted to residues through the large intestine are much slower than
amino acids and small peptides (two or three amino acids through the small intestine, often taking up to a week and
linked together), and fats separated into individual fatty more to be excreted. Most fermentation of food residues
acids and glycerol. by bacteria occurs in the ascending colon, while water
Digestion of food starts in the mouth, where some and water-soluble salts are absorbed from the descending
of the starch is digested to simple sugars. The food then colon, where the feces are also formed, with as much as
moves to the stomach, where very little absorption of 60 percent of the weight composed of dead bacterial cells.
nutrients occurs, and next to the small intestine, where Food residues entering the large intestine are primarily
most digestion takes place. Simple water-soluble mol- composed of nondigestible dietary fiber (mostly complex
ecules such as sugars and amino acids are transported polysaccharides), which includes about 1–10 percent of
directly into the portal blood system and then through the starch that is ingested with the food that is resistant
the liver (where many are metabolized), while fat-soluble to digestion in the small intestine. So-called resistant
fatty acids and other lipids such as cholesterol and fat- starch is prevalent in whole cereal grains and legumes,
soluble vitamins are first transported into the lymph sys- and it either is protected from digestion by association
tem before entering the blood system just before it passes with proteins or possesses a crystalline structure that
into the heart. The small intestine consists of three sec- makes it inaccessible to the digestive enzymes in the small
tions: the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, in that order intestine. Grinding cereal grains such as whole wheat into
from top to bottom. The total length of the small intestine refined flour breaks up the protein-starch complexes and
is about 10 feet, with a surface area that is greatly enlarged makes much more of the starch available for digestion in
the small intestine. Cooking cereal grains and legumes to say how effective very early humans like Homo erec-
breaks down most of the crystalline structure of starch, tus were at digesting protein, but more than likely all the
making it much more susceptible to digestion. Nearly all enzymes for efficiently digesting protein (called protease
resistant starch that enters the large intestine is metabo- enzymes) were in place by the time of their evolution
lized by the gut bacteria to short-chain fatty acids (with nearly 2 million years ago. The presence of small proteins
two to four carbon atoms) that supply about 60 per- called trypsin inhibitors in peas, beans, lentils, wheat,
cent of the energy required by the cells lining the lower buckwheat, and rice bran may have affected the ability
colon. During this process, the bacteria produce hydro- of very early humans to completely digest proteins and
gen, methane, and carbon dioxide gases from the solu- may have lowered the nutritional quality of the proteins
ble nondigested dietary fiber and resistant starch, which they consumed. Fortunately, cooking makes proteins eas-
can cause unpleasant gas and bloating. All humans have ier to digest, and trypsin inhibitors are rendered inactive
a difficult time digesting raw starch; however, cooking by cooking these foods in hot water. Thus it becomes rel-
high-starch foods such as tubers made more nutrients evant to know when food was first cooked by boiling in
available for energy, as well as making them more tolera- water. This is another example of how cooking may have
ble for consumption by early humans. influenced the evolution of early humans.
The Recommended Daily Allowance for protein is
about 56 grams per day for a 150-pound (70-kilogram) REFERENCE
modern adult human. Today’s typical Western diet pro-
Tso, P., and K. Crissinger. “Overview of Digestion and Absorption.”
vides about twice the required amount of protein, all of In Biochemical and Physiological Aspects of Human Nutrition, ed.
which is efficiently digested and absorbed. It is difficult M. H. Stipanuk, 75–90. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2000.
requirements for the structure of the proteins, polysaccharides (such as starch), and fats
that they degrade into smaller fragments for absorption into the body. Proteins are degraded
to smaller peptides and amino acids by protease enzymes, starch is degraded to the simple
sugars maltose and glucose by amylase enzymes, and fats are degraded to free fatty acids
by lipase enzymes. The structures of these enzymes almost certainly morphed into more
active forms as humans evolved. Our earliest ancestors, who lived 4–5 million years ago
and earlier, ate mostly plants (we know this from isotopic analysis of teeth enamel) and
probably evolved the enzymes to digest starch before developing the enzymes to efficiently
digest proteins and fat. The very early evolution of enzymes to digest plant-based starch to
glucose may have played a role in the brain’s use of glucose as its primary source of energy.
As early humans consumed more meat, the enzymes for digesting protein and fat changed
structurally to become more efficient, thus allowing proteins and fats to contribute more
energy and nutrients for the body and leading to the development of bigger brains.
the wild herds. “Every night is the end of a day like the last, and every morning will be the
beginning of a journey like the day before,” he wrote. It was a matter of survival. There
simply was no time for them to innovate and create new methods of cooking. Being con-
stantly on the move, they couldn’t pack up and carry heavy cooking utensils every day, even
if they had invented them. Then, about 10,000 years before the last ice age ended, creativity
and innovation finally began to flourish in spite of the restrictions of nomadic life. Early
humans were finding that food was becoming more abundant due to warming weather, so
they could gather it more easily without needing to move constantly.