JBCC Pba Edition 6.1 2014

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/ : I P A L B U I L D I N G A G R E E M E N T

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The J o i n t B u i l d i n g Contracts Committee® - N P C ·

Principal B u i l d i n g Agreement - Edition 6 . 1 - March 2 0 1 4


JBCC® Constituents

The Joint Building Contracts Committee® NPC (JBCC®) is representative of building owners and developers,

professional consultants and general and specialist contractors who contribute their knowledge and experiences to the

compilation of the JBCC® documents. The JBCC® documents portray the consensus view of the constituent members

and are published in the interests of standardisation and good practice with an equitable distribution of contractual risk

The constituents are:

Association of Construction Project Managers

Association of South African Quantity Surveyors

Consulting Engineers South Africa

Master Builders South Africa

South African Black Technical and Allied Careers Organisation

South African Institute of Architects

South African Property Owners Association

0 Specialist Engineering Contractors Committee

The Principal B u i l d i n g Agreement structure

The agreement clauses follow the project execution sequence. The documents set out clear, balanced and

enforceable procedures, rights and obligations which, when competently managed and administered, protect the

employer, contractor and subcontractors alike. Specific employer and contractor requirements are recorded in a

separate JBCC® PBA Contract Data form

The JBCC® Nominated/Selected Subcontract Agreement replicates the JBCC® Principal Building Agreement with

common clauses retaining the same numbering. JBCC® publishes a comprehensive set of compatible forms and

certificates for use in the administration of this agreement


The JBCC® Principal Building Agreement Edition 6. 1 has been coordinated with the JBCC® Nominated/Selected

Subcontract Agreement Edition 6. 1 and the JBCC® cerlificate forms and support documents. Forms from previous

editions are not compatible with the JBCC® Principal Building Agreement Edition 6. 1

Persons entering into or preparing contracts using the JBCC® suite of contract agreements and supporl documents are

warned of the dangers inherent in modifying any parl of it. Experience has shown that changes drafted by others,

including members of the building professions, often have results different from those intended that may be prejudicial

to either, or both, patties

The JBCC® Documents

The JBCC® documents are obtainable from constituent members' regional offices in South Africa listed on this page

The .JBCC® does not sell directly to users but may be contacted at info@jbcc.co.za

The JBCC® Web Page www.jbcc.co.za provides current information regarding:

Scheduled Seminars

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

New Developments

© Copyright Reserved

The name 'The Joint Building Contracts Committee® NPC', the abbreviation JBCC® the electronic version eJBCC®

and the JBCC logo are registered trademarks. The JBCC® claims authorship of this work. All rights are reserved. No

pert cf this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,

electronic, mechanical, photocopying, scanning, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of the

JBCC®. Unauthorised reproduction of the w ork is an infringement of the copyright. Judicial proceedings can and will be

: · . instituted to obtain relief and recovery of damages


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Actions by the parties I principal agent within a given time

Clause Time period Action Purpose


2_0 1-7 CD parties or principal agent notices deemed to be received by e-Mail/post




6.4 5WD contractor > principal agent non-performance of an agent i.t.o. this agreement

5_5 5WD employer appoint another agent/contractor may object




10.3 10WD party responsible proof/renewal of insurance - other party to accept

10_7 5 WD notice party responsible failure to insure - notice - insure + recover expense

10.8 10WD notice - contractor no insurance = contractor suspend the works

1 1 _ 1 -4 15WD parties provide securities [CD)

11.1.5/4.2 20WD parties provide replacement security

1 1 .4.1 15WD employer > contractor provide guarantee for payment [CD)

1 1 _6 1 0 WD notice > employer no security , contractor notice to suspen d wo rks

1 1 . 7 1 0WD p arties return o ri ginal/replaceme n t security forms

12.2_2 1 5WD contractor submit p riced document

1 2 _ 2 . 3 contractor provide guarantee or construction/ advanc e payment

f [CD)

12_2_6 15WD contractor submit works pro g ra m me

0WD contractor start ork on site

1 2 . 2 _ 1 7 1 w

1 3 _ 0

14.4.2 1 5WD contractor > su b contractor submit security

1 4.5 5WD e mployer ( principal agent ) pay subcontractor on d efault b y contractor

14.6 5WD notice contractor + subcontractor termination of subcontractor

1 5 _ 2 2 15WD contractor > subcontractor submit security

1 5 _ 5 5WD n otice emplo y er ( principal agent ) pay su b contractor on d efault by contractor

1 6 _ 0

1 7 _ 3 5WD contractor carry out a contract instruction , w here pr a ct i cal

1 8 .0

19_ 1 . 1 / 3 days [ CD) principal a g ent > contractor inspection f or practical completion

19.3.4 contractor rectify items on l ist for completion

19.4 5WD contractor > principal agen t no ' list' > notice > deemed practically complete

19 .6 5 W D / 3 0 WD princ i p a l a g ent > contractor employer occupies , list for compl e ti o n , fix d efects

2 0_0

2 1 . 3 _ 1 10WD contractor inspect before expiry of defects liability period

21.3.2 5WD contractor > principal agent invite PA to inspect list for com p letion

21.4 5 WO notice contractor > principal agent inspect > l ist f or fi nal com p letio n > certificate

21.5 5 WO notice principal agent > contractor no list fo r fi na l completion > notice > complete


23.4.2* 20 WD notice contractor > principal agent notice of a possible del a y , no details yet

23.5 40WO contractor > p ri ncipal a gent dela y ceased , details of delay and expenses

23_7 20WD principal agent > contractor asses claim - ac cept/reduce/reject


25.2 date [CPI pr i ncipal agent > contr/empl issue payment certificate and support forms

25.7 4 D employer contractor make payment rom date of payment certificate

1 C > f

25.8 21 CD contractor > emplo y er i.t.o, schedule from pri n cipal agent

25_ 1 1 7 CD contractor > su b contractor pay subcontractors ito schedule from p ri ncipal agent

25.12 5 WD notice contractor > employer no/pa rt ial payment > suspen d etc

25 . 1 2 5WD p ri ncip a l agent > contractor f inal pay m e n t certificate after certificate of fi nal comple t ion

26 . 5 * 20 WD notice contractor > principal agent notice of possi b le e x pense an d loss

26 . 6 40WD contractor > p rincipal a g ent substantiated claim

26_7 20WD principal a g ent > contractor assess clai m = accept/reduce/reject

26.10 9 0 CD princip a l agent > contractor issue fi nal account

26. 1 1 45CD contractor> principal agent accept fi nal account

26. 1 2 10 W D notice contractor + principal a g ent agree fi nal account or deemed acceptance

27 .2.9 5 W D notice to contractor remed y default before ne xt recove ry s t a tement

28_ 1 5 WD notice contractor > employer - list of defaults to b e remedied > suspend w orks

2 8. 2 5 W D notice contractor > employer - s u spension of works w here def au l ts not remedied

29 2 . 10WD emplo y er > contractor intention to te rm inate if defaults not re m ed e di

29 3 . 1 0 W D e m ployer > contractor d efault no t re m edied , termination fo rthwi h t

29 7 . 1 0WD emplo y er > con ractor t instruction to vacate w orks and site

29.15 1 0WD contractor > employer intention to terminate if defaults not remedied

29 17 1 . . f o rt hw it h contractor > emplo y er d efa u lt not remedied , terminatio n fo rt hwith

29 . 1 7 . 2 ort
f hw it h contractor remove construction e q uipment , temporary w orks. etc

29 21 . 10WD either part y i n tention to terminate > im p ossible to complete

2 9.29 20WO principal a g ent + contractor ? prepare status report

2 9 . 3 1 9 0 CD p rincipal agen t complete fi n al account

30 2 . 1 0WD eit h er part y d isa g reement not resol v ed > dispute

30 3 . 10WD a gg rieved party refer to ad j udi ca tio n

30 6 . .4 10WO ag g rieve d pa rty dissatis fi e d w it h ad udi j ca tion

3 0 .6.5 10WD aggrieved party no ad udication/n j o t accept ad udication ru li n g > arbitration


30 7 5 . 1 5 W D p a rt es
i agre e appointment of an arbitrator

Ab breviations : WD = wor k ing days . CD = calen d ar d ays . "no notice . f orfeit the opportunit y to c aim

@ Copyri g ht rese rv ed : JB CC ® P rincipal B uildin g A greement , E dition 6 . 1 - M arch 2 0 1 4



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Section Clause No Description Page

INTERPRETATION 1.0 Definitions and Interpretation 4

2.0 Law, Regulations and Notices 7

3.0 Offer and Acceptance 7

4.0 Assignment and Cession 7

5.0 Contract Documents 8

6.0 Employer's Agents 8

7.0 Design Responsibility 8


9.0 Indemnities 9

10.0 Insurances 10 �-

11.0 Security 11

C) EXECUTION 12.0 Duties of the Parties 12

13.0 Setting out 14

14.0 Nominated Subcontractors 14

15.0 Selected Subcontractors 15

16.0 Direct Contractors 17

17.0 Contract Instructions 17

COMPLETION 18.0 (Interim Completion = N/S Subcontract Agreement) 18

19.0 Practical Completion 18

20.0 Sectional Completion 19

21.0 Defects Liability Period and F i n a l Completion 19

22.0 Latent Defects Liability Period 20

23.0 Revision of the Date for Practical Completion 20

24.0 Penalty for Late or Non-Completion 22

PAYMENT 25.0 Payment 22

26.0 Adjustment of the Contract Value and Final Account 24

27.0 Recovery of Expense and/or Loss 25

SUSPENSION AND TERM/NATION 28.0 Suspension by the Contractor 26

29.0 Termination 26

0 DISPUTE RESOLUTION 30.0 Dispute Resolution 29

AGREEMENT Agreement 32

©Copyright reserved: JBCC® Principal Building Agreement, Edition 6 . 1 - March 2 0 1 4

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1 .1 Definitions

A word or phrase in bold type in this agreement shall have the meaning assigned to it in these definitions

A word or phrase not in bold type shall be interpreted in the context of its usage

AGENT: An entity appointed by the employer to deal with specific aspects of the works

AGREEMENT: This JBCC® Principal Building Agreement and the completed JBCC® PBA contract data

BILLS OF QUANTITIES: The document drawn up in accordance with the measuring system [CD]

BUDGETARY ALLOWANCE: An amount included in the contract s u m for work intended for execution by

the contractor, the extent of which is identified but not detailed

CALENDAR DAYS: Twenty four (24) hour days commencing at m i d n i g h t (00:00) which include Saturdays,

Sundays, proclaimed public holidays and recorded a n n u a l builders' holiday periods [CD]

CERTIFICATE of FINAL COMPLETION: A certificate issued by the principal agent to the contractor with

a copy to the employer stating the date on which final completion of the works, or of a section thereof,

was achieved

CERTIFICATE of PRACTICAL C O M P L E T I O N : A certificate issued by the principal agent to the contractor

with a copy to the employer stating the date on which practical completion of the works, or of a section

thereof, was achieved

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Equipment and/or p l ant provided b y or belonging to the contractor and/or

the su b contractor used during the constr u ction perio d

C O N STRUC T ION INFO R MA T ION: All information issued by the principal agent and/or agents including

t he con tr act d ocu m ents , specifi c atio n s, drawings , schedule s , notices a nd contract instruction s re q uired

for the e x ecution of the works

CONSTRUCTION PE R IOD: The period commencing on the intended date [ CD] of possession of the site by

the contrac tor and endin g on the date of pract i cal co m pletion, excludin g a n n u a l industry holiday periods

C O NTRACT DAT A: The document listin g the contract variables

[ C D ] : The notation used where project specific information is recorded in the contract d ata

CO N T RACT DOC U MENTS: This agreement , the con t ract drawin g s , the price d doc u ment and other

identified documents tCDJ

CO N T R ACT D R AW I N G S: The drawi n gs listed on which the accepted tender or the negotiated amount was

based [ CD ]

CON T R ACT INST R U C T ION: A written instruction issued by or under the au t hority of the p r i n c i p a l a g ent to

t he con t r act or, whic h m ay inc l ude d r awings and other constr u ction information

CON T R A CT SUM: The accepted tender amount, inclusive oftax, that is not subject to ad just ment [ CD ]

CONTRAC T VA LUE: A m o n et a r y v al u e initially e q u a l to the contract sum that is subject to ad j ust m ent in

terms of t h is ag reement

CON T R ACTO R : The party [CD ) contracting with the employer for the execution of the works

DEF E C T: Any aspect of materia l s a nd wor k m anship forming part of the works that does not conform to the

contract d oc u ments

DIRECT C O N T RA C T O R : An e ntity ap p ointed under separate a g reement by the employer to do work on

site prior to practical completion [CD]

E M PLOY E R: The pa rt y [ CD] contra c ting with the contractor for the execution of the works

©Copyright reserved: JBCC® Principal Building Agreement, Edition 6 . 1 - March 2 0 1 4

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FINAL ACCOUNT: The document prepared by the principal agent that reflects the final contract value of

the works at final completion or termination

FINAL C O M P L E T I O N : The stage of completion of the works as certified by the principal agent as being

free of defects

FINAL PAYMENT CERTIFICATE: The certificate issued by the principal agent after the issue of the

certificate of final completion after the final account has been agreed, or deemed to have been agreed

FORCE M A J E U R E : An exceptional event or circumstance that:

(a) could not have been reasonably foreseen

(b) is beyond the control of the parties, and

(c) could not reasonably have been avoided or overcome

Such an event may inclu de but is not limited to:

Acts of war (declared or not), invasion, and hostile acts of foreign enemies

Insurrection, rebellion, revolution, military or usurped power, war (whether declared or not),


Civil commotion, disorder, riots, strike, lockout by persons other than the contractor's employees

or his subcontractors

Sonic shock waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices, and ionising or radioactive


Explosive materials, except where attributable to the contractor's use of such technology

Natural catastrophes including earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, or volcanic activity

FREE ISSUE: Materials and goods provided at no cost to the contractor by the employer for

inclusion in the works whether stored on or off the site or in transit [CD]

GUARANTEE for ADVANCE PAYMENT: A security in terms of the JBCC® Guarantee for Advance

Payment form obtained by the contractor from an institution approved by the employer [CD]

GUARANTEE for CONSTR UCTION : A security in terms of the JBCC® Guarantee for Construction form

obtained by the contractor from an institution approved by the employer [CD]

GUARANTEE for PAYMENT: A security in terms of the JBCC® Guarantee for Payment form obtained by

the employer from an institution approved by the contractor [CD]

INTEREST: The bank rate applicable from time to time to registered banks borrowing money from the

Central or Reserve Bank of the country [CD]. The ruling bank rate on the first calendar day of each month

shall be used in calculating the interest due for such month

JBCC®: The Joint B u i l d i n g Contracts Committee® N P C

LATENT DEFECT: A defect that a reasonable inspection of the works by the principal agent and/or

agents would not have revealed

LAW: The law of the country [CD]

LIST for COMPLETION: A list issued by the principal agent where practical completion has been

certified, listing defects and/or outstanding work to be completed

LIST for FINAL C O M P L E T I O N : An updated list for completion issued by the principal agent after the

inspection of the works for final completion, where final completion has not been achieved, listing

defects and/or outstanding work to be completed to achieve final completion

LIST for PRACTICAL COMPLETION: A comprehensive and conclusive list issued by the principal agent

after the inspection of the works for practical completion, where practical completion has not been

achieved, listing the defects and/or outstanding work to be completed to achieve practical completion

MATERIALS AND GOODS: Unfixed materials, goods and/or items fabricated for inclusion in the works

whether stored on or off the site or in transit

MORA INTEREST: The rate of interest applicable from time to time prescribed in the relevant Act

NOTICE: A communication issued by either party, the p r i n c i p a l agent and/or agents to the other party or

any agent to, inter alia, record an event, request for outstanding information and/or where suspension

and/or resumption of the works, or termination of this agreement is contemplated

©Copyright reserved: JBCC® Principal Building Agreement, Edition 6 . 1 - March 2 0 1 4

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P ag e 6 of 32 Pa g e s

N/S SU BC ON T RACT A G R E E M E N T : The JBC C ® Nominated/Selecte

the com pl eted JBC C ® NSS A c ontr a ct dat a, between the contraci

con j unction with the JBC C ® Princi p al B u i l d i n g Ag ree m ent · "

PARTY: The e m p lo yer or the c ontractor and " pa rtie s " sha l l refer to bo

PAYMENT CERTIFICATE: A certificate issued at regular agreed interv ·

parties certifying the amount due and payable in terms of the JBCC®.R

PENAL TY: The stipulated amount per calendar day [CD] payable by.'

the date or the revised date for practical completion, whiche ver is t h e l

PRACTICAL C O M P L E T I O N : The stage of completion as certified by th�

or a s ec tion thereof has been com p leted free of patent defects other th
l ist for com pl etion and can be used for the intended p u rp os e (CD] -",'

P R E L I M I N A R I E S : The priced items listed in the preliminaries document wi

modifications thereof incorporated in the contract documents

PRICED DOCUMENT: Bills of quantities, schedule of rates or this

agreement [CD]

P R I M E COST A M O U N T : An a m o u n t included in the contract s u m for the


goods obtained from a supplier as instructed by the principal agent =»:

PRINCIPAL AGENT: The entity [CD] appointed by the employer with full autHJ,

terms of this agreement

P R O G RA M M E : A diagrammatic representation of the planned execution of u _

indicating the dates for commencement and completion prepared and maintained b( -

PROVISIONAL S U M : An amount included in the contract sum for the s u p p l y anlih ..


RECOVER Y STATEMENT: The statement prepared and issued in conjunction ·

certificate by the prin ci pal a gen t in terms of the JBC C ® Recovery Statement tormet «

S E C T I O N : An identified portion of the works for which p r actical comple t ion is requir�,,.�:,�ate ea r l ier

th a n that r eq uired for the works as a whole [CD] - . .;;4iW,1' ·

. . . �/;-...;.::..;...,;.­

SECURITY: A moneta ry guarantee provided by the e m plo y er to the contractor, or the �o'otr�cto·r to the

e mplo y e r in terms of this a g r e em e nt [CD] from which either party may recover expense. a'mfloss in the

event of default

SITE: The land or place where the works is to be executed [ CD]

STATUS REPORT : A report compiled by the principal agent and / or agents in the event of t erm ination of
' •
the a gr eement, or where the works has b een suspended due to a force majeure event, or in the event of

termination of the n/s s ub cont r act agreement by the contractor , to record the state of co m pletion or

othe rw ise of the works or the n/s s ubcontr a ct wor ks, as the case may be. Such status report may include

mar k ed up dra w in g s and photogra p hs

S U B CONT RA CTOR : A nominated or a selected subcontractor a pp ointed in terms of the n/s s u bc o nt rac t

a g re e ment by the contract o r in a cc o r dan c e with a con t ract inst r uction for the supply and inst al lation of

work for which a p ro v isi o nal sum has been included in the contract s u m ( CD]

S U S P E N S I O N : The tempora ry cessation of the works by the contractor

TAX: V alue - added tax or an y other tax, du ty or levy applicable by l aw

WORK IN G DAY S: Ca len d ar days which e x clude S aturdays , Sundays, proclaimed public holidays and

recorded annual builders ' holiday periods [ CD]

W OR KS : The extent of work to be executed by the contractor described in the contract do c u me n t s and

contract i n s truct i ons , which inc l udes free issu e, and mat e ri a ls and goods. Work or installation s to be

executed by direct contractors a nd o t he rs r e s p on s ible to the emp loye r are e x cluded [CD] ·

©Copyright reserved: JBCC® Principal Building Agreement, Edition 6 . 1 - March 2 0 1 4


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1.2 Interpretation

1 . 2 . 1 In this document, unless inconsistent with the context, the words 'accept, allow, appoint, approve,

authorise, certify, decide, demand, designate, grant, instruct, issue, list, notice, notify, object, record,

reduce, refuse, request, state a n d their derivatives require such acts to be in writing

1 . 2 . 2 The m a s c u l i n e gender includes the feminine and neuter genders and vice versa, the s i n g u l a r includes the

plural and vice versa, and a person includes juristic or artificial persons

1 . 2 . 3 The headings of clauses are for reference purposes only and shall not be used in interpretation

1 . 2 . 4 Reference to a clause number written as [54.3.2] means that specific clause; clause [54.3.2-4] means the

sub-clauses 2 to 4 inclusively; clause [54.3.2 & 4] means the sub-clauses 2 and 4 only

1 . 2 . 5 The word 'deemed' shall be conclusive that something is fact, regardless of the objective truth

2.0 LAW, R E G U L A T I O N S A N D N O T I C E S

2 . 1 The contractor s h a l l comply with the law, obtain permits, licenses and approvals required a n d pay related

charges for the execution of the works. The employer s h a l l comply with ·the law. obtain permits, planning,

(:) building or similar permissions and pay charges for the works other than those which are the responsibility

of the contractor [26.4.1 J [CD]

2.2 Documents referred to in this agreement shall mean the current edition thereof with all amendments

thereto as at the date of s u b m i s s i o n of the contractor's offer unless otherwise stated [CD]

2.3 All communication or notices between the parties shall be in the language of this agreement and in a

format that can be read, copied and recorded [CD]

2.4 Legal processes arising out of or concerning this agreement may validly be delivered to and served on the

parties at the physical address of the parties recorded in this agreement. Either party may, at any time, by

notice to the other, change its physical address provided it is in the same country

2 . 5 Notices given in terms of this agreement shall be deemed to have been received where:

2 . 5 . 1 Delivered by hand - on the day of delivery

2.5.2 Sent by electronic m a i l - within one ( 1 ) working day

2 . 5 . 3 Sent by registered post - within seven (7) c a l e n d a r days after posting


3 . 1 The objective of this agreement is the execution of and payment for the works for which there has been an

offer by the contractor and an acceptance by the emp l oyer

3:2 This a g reement s h a l l come into force on the date of acceptance by the e m p l o y e r ( the contract date) and

continue to be of force and effect until the end of the latent defects liability period - no tw ithstanding

termination or the ce rt ification of fi n a l c om p letion and final payment [ 1 1 . 0 ; 29.0 & 30.0]

3 . 3 W here any pr o vision of this a g r e e m e n t, which is not material to its efficacy as a whole , is rendered void,

illegal or unenforceable under any law , the v a l i d i ty , legali ty and enforceability of the remaining provisions

shall not in any way be affected or impaired. The parties shall endeavour in good faith to agree an

alternative provision to the void, illegal or un e nforceable provision

3.4 F ailure by a pa rty to enforce any provision of this a g reement shall not constitute a wai v er of terms of this

a g reement or affect such pa rty ' s rights to require the pe rf ormance at any time in the future


4 . 1 Neither pa rty shall assign or cede rights or obligations under this agreement without the prior written

consent of the other p a rt y, which consent s h a l l not be unreasonably withheld

©Copyright reserved: JBCC® Principal Bt1ilding Agreement, Edition 6 . 1 - March 2 0 1 4

Page 8 of 32 Pages

4.2 The contractor shall not consent to a nominated subcontractor assigning or ceding rights or obligations in

terms of this agreement without obtaining the prior written consent of the principal agent

4.3 Notwithstanding the above, where a party cedes any right to any monies due or to become due under this

agreement as security in favour of a financial institution, consent shall not be required provided notice of

such cession is given to the other party


5.1 The parties shall sign the original contract documents and shall each be issued with a copy thereof.

The original signed contract documents shall be held by the p r i n c i p a l agent [CD]

5.2 Persons authorised to act on behalf of the parties and/or agents appointed by the employer shall be

identified in the construction information. Such authorised person may be changed by notice to the other


5.3 The priced d o c u m e n t shall not be used as a specification of materials a n d goods or methods

5.4 The contract documents shall not be published or disclosed or used for any purpose other than that

specified in this agreement by one party without the prior written consent of the other party

5.5 The principal agent shall timeously provide the number of copies (CD] of drawings, un-priced bills of

quantities and other construction information at no cost to the contractor

5.6 The contract documents shall be deemed to be mutually explanatory of one another. In the event of

ambiguity, discrepancy, divergence or inconsistency in or between them, this agreement shall prevail over

all other contract documents


6.1 The employer warrants that the principal agent has full authority and obligation to act and bind the

employer in terms of this agreement. The principal agent has no authority to amend this agreement

6.2 The employer may appoint agents to deal with specific aspects of the works in terms of this agreement

[CD). The principal agent shall give notice to the contractor where such authority to issue contract

instructions and perform duties for specific aspects of the works is delegated to agents. An agent

appointed in terms of this clause shall not be entitled to subdelegate its authority without the prior written

consent of the employer

6.3 The principal agent and agents shall declare any interest or involvement in the works other than a

professional interest, where applicable [CD)

6.4 Where any agent fails to act in terms of delegated authority, the contractor shall give notice to the

principal agent to rectify such default within five (5) working days. Where such default has not been

rectified, the contractor may give notice to suspend the works [28.0)

6.5 Where any agent fails to act or is unable to act, or ceases to be an agent, in terms of this agreement, the

employer shall appoint another agent within five (5) working days of the date of such notice from the

contractor. The employer shall not appoint an agent against whom the contractor makes reasonable

objection within five (5) working days of receipt of notice of intention to make such an appointment

6.6 The employer shall not interfere with or prevent the principal agent or an agent from exercising fair and

reasonable judgement when performing their obligations in terms of this agreement


7.1 The contractor shall not be responsible for the design of the works other than the contractor's and

subcontractors' temporary works. The contractor shall not be responsible for the coordination of design


7.2 Any design responsibility undertaken by a subcontractor shall not devolve on the contractor. All

contractual or other rights the contractor has against such subcontractor arising from any design

responsibility undertaken shall be ceded to the employer on the date of final completion or the date of

termination of this agreement (9.2.3)

©Copyright reserved: JBCC® Principal Building Agreement, Edition 6 . 1 - March 2 0 1 4


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7.3 The contractor shall be responsible for the timeous submission of design documentation by a selected

subcontractor for acceptance by the principal agent and/or agents [23.2.8]



8 .1 The contractor shall take full responsibility for the works from the date on which possession of the site is

given to the contractor and up to the date of issue of the certificate of practical completion or deemed

achievement of practical completion for a section or the works as a whole. Thereafter responsibility for

the works shall pass to the employer

8.2 The contractor shall make good physical loss and repair damage to the works caused by or arising from:

8.2.1 Any cause before the date of practical completion [ 1 9 . 0 ]

8.2.2 Any act or omission of the contractor in the course of any work carried out in pursuance of the

contractor's obligations after the date of practical completion

8.3 The liability of the contractor in respect of any loss or damage shall include, but not be limited to:

8.3.1 The cost of making good such physical loss and repairing damage to the works including clearing

away and removing all debris, and any other costs to reinstate the works

8.3.2 The new replacement value of free issue [ 1 2 . 1 . 1 1 ] [CD]

8.3.3 The cost of additional professional services

8.4 The limit of the contractor's liability shall not exceed the Contract Works Insurance [CD]. Where the

contract value exceeds the contract sum by more than ten per cent ( 1 0 % ) or the percentage stated [CD]

the insurance provisions shall be adjusted at the employer's expense. The party responsible for effecting

insurance shall provide written proof of such adjustment [ 1 0 . 0 ]

8.5 The contractor shall not be liable for the cost of making good physical loss and repairing damage to the

works caused by or arising from:

8.5.1 The use or occupation of any part of the works by the employer, the employer's employees or

agents and those for whose acts they are responsible

8.5.2 An act or omission of the employer, the employer's employees or agents and those for whose acts

they are responsible

8.5.3 An act or omission by a direct contractor

8.5.4 The design of the works for which the contractor is not responsible [7 . 1 ]

A defect in free issue or materials and goods specified by trade name where the contractor has

no right of substitution. The contractor hereby cedes any right of action to the e m p l o y e r that m a y

exist against the supplier and/or.manufacturer of such free issue, and/or materials and goods

Force majeure

Where the contractor is not liable for the cost of making good physical loss or repairing damage [8.5] such

making good and/or expense and/or loss s h a l l be measured and valued and added to the contract value by

the principal agent [ 1 7 . 1 . 1 OJ

The contractor shall immediately give notice to the p r i n c i p a l agent on becoming aware of physical loss or

damage to the works


The contractor indemnifies the employer, the employer's employees or agents from all claims or

proceedings for damages, expense and/or loss (including legal fees and expenses) in respect of or arising

from the following events (except those attributable to a n act or omission of the employer, the employer's

employees or agents):

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9.1.1 Death or bodily injury or illness of any person or physical loss or dams

the works [9.2.7] arising out of or due to the execution of the ,.;;

occupation of the site by the contractor. Should such an event occur. �

give notice to the principal agent ''

9.1.2 Non-compliance by the contractor with any law, regulation, or bylaV{

and the failure by the contractor to obtain any permit, license or ap

required to obtain in terms of this agreement (2.1 J

9.1.3 Physical loss or damage to construction e q u i p m e n t or other prope ·

or the contractor's subcontractors but excluding direct contractor

other property -,

9.2 The employer indemnifies and holds the contractor harmless from all claims­

expense and/or loss (including legal fees and expenses) in respect of or arl'


9.2.1 An act or omission of the employer, the employer's employees or aqen

they are responsible

9.2.2 An act or omission of a direct contractor [ 1 6 . 0 ]

,,-,, 9.2.3 Design of the works [ 7 . 1 J where the contractor is not responsible for s��f

( )

9.2.4 The use or occupation of any part of the works by the employer, tenants;

others authorised by the employer

9.2.5 Proceeding with the works on instruction from the employer without the e· __

required permission under the law in terms of this agreement ( 2 . 1 ] ·,,

9.2.6 Interference with any servitude or other right not depicted in construction :info�

contractor that is the unavoidable result of the execution of the works includr

weakening of or interference with the support of land and property adjacent,d

unless resulting from any negligent act or omission by the contractor or his .sii�

such an event occur, the contractor shall forthwith give notice to the princip"1.L-ii°'

9.2.7 Physical loss or damage to an existing structure and the contents thereof where th!§

alterations or additions to the existing structure [CD]. Should such an event ogc({ ..
shall forthwith give notice to the principal agent • ,;.,:�\�-:Hi� ·

·. :�;-4· .

9.2.8 A defect in free issue [CD]

9.2.9 Physical loss or damage to the works where practical completion has been certified [19.0] or

deemed to have been achieved

� .
9.2.10 Advance payments certified and paid by the contractor to subcontractors [27 . 1 . 7; 27.2.4]
�.J •

10.0 I N S U RA N C E S

10.1 The party responsible for the respective insurances [CD] shall effect and keep in force in the joint names of

the parties from the date of possession of the site until the contractor's responsibility has ended:

10.1.1 Contract Works Insurance (CD] for the works that shall include free issue [CD], materials and

goods and temporary works (as defined in the insurance policy) and adequate cover for the clearing

away and removing of all debris, and any other costs to reinstate the works and where required,

damage to employer owned surrounding property [CD] in the care, custody or control of the

contractor or to be worked upon by the contractor

10.1.2 Public Liability Insurance [CD] providing indemnity in respect of accidental death or injury to any

person and accidental loss of or physical damage to tangible property, to remain in force until the date

of final completion

10.1.3 Supplementary Insurance [CD] for the works against loss or damage caused by civil commotion, riot,

strike, labour disturbance and lockout to the extent not insured under the Contract Works Insurance

10.1.4 Removal of Lateral Support Insurance [CD] where the employer considers that the execution of the

works could cause the removal of or weakening of or interference with the support of land or property

adjacent to or within the site and the consequences thereof. The employer shall appoint an agent to

design and monitor appropriate support structures for use in excavations and/or in existing property

that form part of the works and/or the site

©Copyright reserved: JBCC® Principal Building Agreement, Edition 6 . 1 - March 2 0 1 4

. •
, S � -' e "' :-'•"-'<•�"•• "r

10.2 Where practical completion in sections is required [20,�j(dr,

employer shall effect and keep in force Contract Works· Insurance P�b

Insurance and where applicable, Removal of Lateral Support lnsurance, "lrr thiit,Jo1 � .

until the date of fi n a l completion · ··

10.3 The party responsible [10.1 J for effecting insurances [ 1 0 . 1 . 1 -4 and/or 10.2] shall provide proof of the

insurances effected to the other party before the commencement of the construction period and, where

required, provide proof of extension or renewal of such policy before expiry of the existing policy. Approval

by the other party s h a l l be deemed unless a reasonable objection is lodged within ten ( 1 0 ) working days of

receipt of such proof

10.4 Upon request the party responsible for effecting insurance shall provide the other party with the entire policy

wording of such policies

10.5 The contractor shall be responsible for the policy deductibles [CD] in respect of the insurances arranged by

the employer where an action or inaction by contractor is the cause of a claim

10.6 Where this agreement is terminated (29.0] and the contractor is not required to make good the physical

loss or repair damage to the works, the right to the proceeds of an insurance claim shall vest solely in the

employer. The party responsible for the insurance shall give notice to the insurer to clarify the status of the

insurance cover and/or further insurance obligations applicable to the works, Public Liability Insurance,

Supplementary Insurance and Removal of Lateral Support Insurance

-•- .:»

10.7 Where a party [CD] fails to effect or maintain the required insurances [ 1 0 . 1 ] or fails to provide proof of such

insurance ( 1 0 . 4 ] the other party may give five (5) working days notice to comply failing which the other

party may, without prejudice to any other remedy, effect such insurance and recover the expense and/or

cost so incurred from the defaulting party ·

10.8 Where the employer fails to effect the specified insurances within ten ( 1 0 ) working days after notice to do

so by the contractor, the contractor may, on expiry of the notice period, suspend the works until such

insurances have been effected ( 2 8 . 1 . 4 ]

10.9 Any amounts not recovered from insurers shall be borne by the employer or contractor (as the case may

be) in accordance with their respective obligations, liabilities and responsibilities under this agreement.

However, where a party fails to effect and maintain insurance under this agreement, and the other party

does not waive its right to demand such insurance be effected or maintained by that party and does not

effect the insurance itself (10.7). any loss or damage which should have been recoverable under the

insurance in question will be borne by the party responsible for effecting the insurance [CD]

10.10 The employer shall effect separate insurance in respect of direct contractors outside this agreement [CD]

10.11 The party responsible for effecting the insurance shall keep insurers informed of any relevant changes in

respect of this agreement

«: 11.0 S E C U R I TY

11.1 The contractor shall:

Provide to the employer a JBCC® Guarantee for Construction, where applicable [CD]. within

fifteen ( 1 5 ) working days of acceptance of the contractor's offer and choose:

A JBCC® Guarantee for Construction - (variable) [CD] initially equal to ten per cent ( 1 0 % ) of the

contract s u m and keep such security valid and enforceable until the final payment certificate has

been issued to the contractor [25.6]

Or . . .

A JBCC® Guarantee for Construction - (fixed) set at five per cent (5%) of the contract sum [CD]

and a payment reduction of 5% of the value of each payment certificate up to a maximum of five per

cent (5%) of the contract sum [25.3.3]. The contractor shall keep such security valid and

enforceable until the only or last certificate of practical completion has been issued

A JBCC® Guarantee for Advance Payment where an advance payment is required equal in value

to the aggregate amount of all such advance payments [CD]. The contractor shall keep such

security valid and enforceable until the advance payment is repaid [ 1 1 . 2 ]

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11.1.5 Extend or provide a replacement JBCC® Guarantee for Construction - (variable) or (fixed) and/or a

JBCC® Guarantee for Advance Payment at least twenty (20) working days before such security

is due to expire [ 1 1 . 1 . 2 - 4 ]

11.2 The amount of the JBCC® Guarantee for Advance Payment may be reduced by the amount repaid by the

contractor as certified by the principal agent in payment certificates. If the advance payment is not repaid

by the date a certificate of practical completion is issued or practical completion is deemed achieved, or

by the date of termination by the employer due to contractor default [29.9], the entire outstanding amount

shall immediately become due and payable

11.3 Where the contractor fails to provide the security the employer may:

11.3.1 Hand over the site to the contractor and withhold in interim payment certificates to the contractor

an amount equal to ten per cent ( 1 0 % ) of the contract s u m . The amount withheld shall be reduced at

practical completion [ 1 9 . 0 ] to two and one half per cent (2.5%) of the contract s u m and to zero per

cent (0%) in the final payment certificate [25.6]

Or . . .

11.3.2 Terminate this agreement [ 2 9 . 1 . 1 )

11.4 The employer s h a l l :

11.4.1 Provide to the contractor a JBCC® Guarantee for Payment where required in the accepted offer

[CD] within fifteen ( 1 5 ) w or k ing days of acceptance of the contractor's offer

11.4.2 K ee p such J B CC® Guarantee for Payment v a lid and enforceable in terms of the s e curi ty form

a nd/ o r provide a replacement JB CC® Guarantee for P a y ment at least twenty (20) working days

before such security is due to expire [ 1 1 . 4 . 1 ]

11.5 Where the employe r fails to provide the J BCC® Guarantee for Payment [CD], or such security has

expired , the contractor may , after ten (10) working da y s not i ce forthwith s u spend the works u ntil such

security has been provided [ 2 8 . 1 . 1 J

11.6 Where the contract value exceeds the contract sum by more than ten per cent (10%) the applicable

securi ty sha l l be adjusted at the employer ' s expense. The party responsi b le for ad ju stin g the securit y

value shall provide written proof of s u ch ad ju stment

11.7 A s e cu ri ty held by either party shal l be for the due fulfilment of the other p art y' s obli g ations in terms of this


11.8 The p a rt ies shal l return the original or the replacement securi ty form w i thin ten ( 1 0 ) w or k in g days after the

expir y date , or after the date of termination



11.9 Where a party

the other party

makes an u n ju stified ca l l on a security, the amount paid and mora interest shall be paid to
11.10 T he contractor sh a l l waive his lien on receipt of J BCC® Guarantee for P a y ment from the em p lo y er



12.1 The e m p l o y e r s h a l l :

12.1.1 Provide a JB CC ® Guaran t ee for Pa y m e nt [ 1 1 . 4 . 1 ] , where applicable [CD]

12.1.2 Record specific re qu irements [ CD] where the exis t in g premises wi l l be in use and occ upi ed d u rin g the

execution of the wor k s , including restriction of working hours

· 12.1.3 Record and describe relevant nat u ral features and known services [CD] where the contractor s hall

be responsible for their preservation

12.1.4 Define any restrictions to the site or areas that the contractor may not occupy [ CD]

12.1.5 Identify access to water, sewer, stormwater and/or electricity connect i ons to the site [C D]

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12.1.6 List statutory and other notices the contractor must submit and/or comply with before possession of

the site can be given

12.1.7 Give possession of the site to the contractor on the agreed date [CD]

12.1.8 Effect and keep in force insurances in the joint names of the parties, where the employer is

responsible for procuring insurance [ 1 0 . 0 ] [CD]

12.1.9 Make payments by the due date (25. 7] [CD]

12.1.10 Make advance payments, where required [CD]

12.1.11 Permit reasonable access to the works by the contractor and/or subcontractors subsequent to

practical completion to fulfil outstanding obligations [ 1 7 . 1 . 1 6 ]

12.1.12 S u p p l y free issue to suit the programme [CD]

12.1.13 Define the extent of work to be carried out by a direct contractor [CD]

12.1.14 Ensure that the principal agent and/or agents provide adequate construction information

timeously to the contractor

l\ !
12.1.15 Make direct payment where the contractor has failed to honour a n/s subcontract payment advice
-- !
after notice of default by a subcontractor [ 1 4 . 5 and/or 1 5 . 5 ] at the employer's discretion

12.2 The contractor shall:

12.2.1. Have inspected the site and any existing structures and be thoroughly acquainted with the conditions

under wh i ch the w orks is to be executed including means of access and any matters w hich may

in fl uence the e x ecution and / or the pricing of the works

12.2.2 S ubmit to the principal a g e n t the priced d ocum e nt with items priced to i nclude ali costs, overheads

and profit , extended and cast w ithin fifteen ( 1 5 ) work i ng d ays of acceptance of the contractor's

offer. The p rincipa l a g ent may instruct the contractor to adjust prices con s idered to be im b alanced

or unreasona b le and to eliminate errors or discrepancies without any change to the contract s u m

12.2.3 Provide a JB CC ® Gu arantee for Construction [ 1 1 . 1 . 2 - 3 , 1 1 . 1 . 5 ] , where applicable [CD ]

12.2.4 Prov i de a JB CC ® G uarantee or

f Adva nce Payment [ 1 1 . 1 . 4 ; 1 1 . 1 . 5 ; 1 1 . 2 ] , where applica b le [CD ]

12.2.5 Effect and keep in force insurances in the joint names of the pa rt ies w here the contractor is

re s ponsible for procur i ng i nsurance [ 1 0 . 0 ] [CD]

1 2.2.6 Prepare and su b mit to the princi p al a g ent within fifteen ( 15) working d ays of receipt of

() construction in f orma t ion a programme for the works in su ffi c ient detail to enable the principal

a g ent to monitor the progress of the w orks

12.2.7 Coordinate the programme w ith subcontractors' and d irect contractors' programmes

12.2.8 R egularly submit to the principal agent a progress report and a schedule of outstanding

construction in f ormation to avoid delays to the works

.. ,. 12

R egularly update the pro g r a mme to illus t rate progress of the works , and revise the pro g ramme
{,�} .2.9

where the prin c ip a l agent has revised the date for pra c tical c ompletion

C ooperate w ith the prin c ipa l agent in the preparation of cash ow projections and the comp i l a tion of

pa y ment ce rt i fi cat e s [ 2 5 . 1 - 2 ]

Designate a competent person to c ontinuously administer and control the works and to receive and

imp l eme n t notices and con t ra c t instructions on behalf of the contractor

Mai n tain daily records of categories of perso n s and construction e q uipme n t employed on the

w orks and regular l y provide copies to the principal a g ent

. 2 . 1 3 K eep on site a copy of a l l c onstru c tion in f ormation required for e x ecution of the works to w hich the

emplo y er a n d p r i n c i p a l agent and / or a g ents shall have reasonable access

A llow the emp l o y er and principal agen t and / or agents reasonable access to the works, workshops

and other p l aces where work is being prepared , executed or stored

©Copyright reserved: JBCC® Principal Building Agreement, Edition 6 . 1 - March 2 0 1 4

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: !



12.2.15 Provide everythinq necessary for the proper exe ·


12.2.16 Give notice forthwith to the principal agent and/oli

been received damaged prior to storage or, where .

before installing such items ·

. '

12.2.17 On being given possession of the site commence :

proceed with due diligence, regularity, expedition, ski!

to practical completion and to final completion ·


12.2.18 Provide, maintain and remove on practical comp·l;tio. truction

equipment and notice boards · t

12.2.19 On achievement of practical completion hand over to th

preparation of 'as built' documentation and applicable stafut�':"

12.2.20 On achievement of practical completion hand over to t' and

instruction manuals, product guarantees and the like · -�

12.2.21 Cede to the employer on the date of issue of the certificaf

warranty or indemnity, pertaining to the works. This cession sha

the employer may have

12.3 The principal agent and the contractor shall hold regular meetings to

deal with technical and coordination matters. The principal agent shall

minutes of such meetings [CD] �- .


13.1 The principal agent shall:

13.1.1 Point out boundary pegs or beacons identifying the site and the datum i�y

13.1.2 Define the setting out points and levels required for the execution of the wo··
. ��

13.2 The contractor shall:

13.2.1 Be responsible for accurate setting out of the works notwithstanding checking _RY-;?.fuers-

� - ..., ... l"' .

13.2.2 Be responsible for the preservation and the reinstatement of boundary peg.s': beacons and other

survey information and, where disturbed or destroyed, replace such items at his expehse ·

· Not be responsible for incorrect setting out if incorrect information was to the contractor.
.: 13.2.3 issued,

[9.2.6] In such event the contractor may be entitled to a revision of t h e · date for practical

completion and/or an adjustment of the contract value [23.2.5]

13.2.4 Immediately suspend affected work to an appropriate extent where undocumented services, natural

features, articles of value or relics are uncovered on site, and give notice to the principal agent who

shall issue a contract instruction on how to proceed with the works. Any relics or other articles

found on the site shall remain the property of the employer


14.1 The principal agent and/or agents shall:

14.1.1 Prepare tender documents in conformity with the n/s subcontract agreement for work intended to be

executed by a nominated subcontractor

14.1.2 Call for tenders

14.1.3 Scrutinise the received tenders for compliance with the tender documents, in consultation with the

contractor, where appointed

14.1.4 Nominate a subcontractor and instruct the contractor [ 1 7 . 1 . 1 3 ] to appoint such subcontractor as a

nominated subcontractor in terms of the n/s subcontract agreement and other tender


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14.1.5 Inform the contractor where an advance payment is to be made to the subcontractor for an amount

included in the accepted offer and that a JBCC® Guarantee for Advance Payment shall be provided

by the subcontractor for the amount stated [NSSA-CD]

14.2 The contractor may refuse to appoint such subcontractor:

14.2.1 Against whom the contractor makes a reasonable objection

14.2.2 Who refuses or fails to enter into a n/s subcontract agreement and/or to comply with other tender


14.2.3 Who is unable to provide a security, where specified [NSSA-CD]

14.3 Where such subcontractor is not appointed by the contractor for the reasons stated ( 1 4 . 2 ] . or where the

appointment of a subcontractor has been terminated, another subcontractor shall be nominated and

appointed on instruction from the p r i n c i p a l agent

14.4 Where the subcontractor has complied with the tender requirements, on instruction from the principal

agent, the contractor s h a l l :

14.4.1 Appoint the subcontractor as a nominated subcontractor and forward a copy of the signed n/s

subcontract agreement to the principal agent

14.4.2 Provide a JBCC® NSSA Guarantee for Payment in the amount stated in the n/s. subcontract data

within fifteen ( 1 5 ) working days [ 1 4 . 1 . 5 ] , where specified [NSSA-CD]

14.4.3 Forward the subcontractor's regular payment claims to the principal agent and/or agent by the

date stated [NSSA-CD] for inclusion in the contractor's regular payment claim

14.4.4 Notify the subcontractor of the amount included in the payment certificate using the JBCC® n/s

subcontract payment advice format and the n/s subcontract recovery statement format to reconcile

the amount d u e for payment with the amount stated in the n/s subcontract payment notification format

issued by the principal agent, and forward a copy to the principal agent

14.4.5 Pay the subcontractor the amount certified by the date stated in the n/s subcontract data ( 2 5 . 1 1 ]


14.5 Where the contractor fails to provide proof of payment to the subcontractor within five (5) working days of

a notice by the p r i n c i p a l agent, the employer may instruct the principal agent to certify direct payment to

the subcontractor a n d recover such amount from the contractor [ 2 5 . 1 1 ]

14.6 Where a nominated subcontractor has been declared insolvent, or where after notification by the

contractor, the principal agent agrees that a nominated subcontractor is in default of a material term of

the n/s subcontract agreement, the principal agent shall instruct the contractor to give notice to the

<) subcontractor to rectify such default. The principal agent shall instruct the contractor to terminate the n/s

subcontract agreement should such default continue for five (5) working days after such notice

14.7 Where a n/s subcontract agreement with a nominated subcontractor is terminated:

14.7.1 The principal agent shall instruct the contractor to appoint another nominated subcontractor

( 1 4 . 1 . 4 ] to complete the n/s subcontract works

14.7.2 Due to default or insolvency of the subcontractor, or default of the employer and/or agents, the n/s

subcontract value shall be adjusted to includ e the cost of completing such n/s subcontract works



14.7.3 Due to default or insolvency of the contractor any variation in the cost of completing the n/s

subcontract works shall be for the account of the contractor. The employer may recover expense

and/or loss (25.3.7]

There shall be no privity of contract between the employer and a subcontractor appointed by the



' . , The principal agent and/or agents s h a l l :

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15.1.1 Prepare tender documents in conformity with the nls subcontract agreement and this agreement

for work intended to be executed by a selected subcontractor. Such preparation shall be carried out

in consultation with and to the reasonable approval of the contractor

15.1.2 .Call for tenders from a list of tenderers agreed between the contractor and the principal agent

15.1.3 Scrutinise the received offers for compliance with the tender documents in consultation with the


15.1.4 In consultation with the contractor, choose the successful tenderer to be appointed as a selected

subcontractor in terms of the nls subcontract agreement

15.1.5 Inform the contractor where an advance payment is to be made to the subcontractor for an amount

included in the accepted offer and that a JBCC® Guarantee for Advance Payment shall be provided

by the subcontractor for the amount stated [NSSA-CDJ

15.2 Where the subcontractor has complied with the tender requirements, on instruction from the principal

agent, the contractor shall:

15.2.1 Appoint the subcontractor as a selected subcontractor and forward a copy of the signed nls

subcontract agreement to the principal agent

15.2.2 Provide a JBCC® NSSA Guarantee for Payment in the amount stated in the n/s subcontract data
( I

within fifteen ( 1 5 ) working days ( 1 5 . 1 . 5 ] , where specified [NSSA-CDJ

15.2.3 Forward the subcontractor's regu l ar pa y ment c l aims to the principal agent a nd/ o r agent by the

date s tated [NSSA - C D J for inclusion in the contractor's reg u lar pa y ment c l aim

15.2.4 Notify the s ubcontractor of the amount included in the p ay m ent certificate usin g the n/s

subcontrac t pa y ment advice format and the n/s subcontract recovery statement format to rec o ncile

the am o unt due for p ayment with the amount stated in the n/s subc o ntract pa y ment notification format

issued by the principal agent , and forward a copy to the p r i n c i p a l agent

15.2.5 P a y the su b contractor the a m ount ce rt i fi ed by the date stated in the nls subcontract data [ 2 5 . 1 1 )

[NSSA - C D)

15.3 T he contractor ma y refuse to appoint such subcontractor ;

15.3.1 Who refuses or fails to enter into a nls s ubcontract agree m ent and/or to co m p l y with other tender

re q uirements

15.3.2 Who is unab l e to provide a securi ty , where specified [ NSSA - CD J

15.4 Where .such s u b co n tractor is not a ppoi nt ed by the c ontractor for the reasons s tated ( 15.3), or where the •�.--·

a p pointment of a s u bcontractor has been terminated, another subco n tractor sha l l be chosen an d be W
appointed on instruction from the princ i pal a g ent

15.5 Where the contractor fails to provide proof of pa y ment to a subco n tractor within five ( 5) work i n g day s of a

noti ce by the p rinci p al age n t, the e m plo y er may instruct the principal agent to certify direct p a y ment to

the subcontractor a nd recover such amount from the contractor ( 25.11 J

15.6 Where the selected subco n tractor is in default of a m aterial term of the nls subcontract a g r e e ment , the

decision of w hether or not to terminate the nls subcontract a g reement is that of the contractor

15.7 Where a nls subco n tract agreeme n t with a selected subcontractor is terminated:

15.7.1 T he contractor shall appoint another selected s u bco n tractor ( 15.1.4) to complete the n/s

subcontract w orks in consu l tation with the p r i n c i p a l agent and / or agents

15.7.2 D ue to d efault by the employer or ag e nts, the n/s subcontr a ct value shall be adjusted to i nclu d e the

cost of completin g such n/s subcontract works [ 25.3. 7 ]

15.7.3 O ther than due to default by the em p loyer or a g ents , an y variation in the cost of carr yin g out and

completin g the n/s subcontract works s h a l l be for the accoun t of the contractor ( 25.3. 7]

15.8 T here sha l l be no privity of contract between the e m p loyer and a s u bc o ntr a ctor appointed by the


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16.1 The contractor s h.a l l :

16.1.1 On instruction by the principal agent permit a direct contractor(s) to execute and/or install work as

part of the works [CD]. Such access to the works shall not constitute deemed achievement of

practical completion or occupation by the employer ( 1 9 . 6 ]

16.1.2 Make reasonable allowance in the programme for such work or installation (CD]

16.1.3 Be entitled to claim expense and/or loss caused by a direct contractor(s) (26.5.4]

16.2 Payment of a direct contractor shall be the responsibility of the employer outside this agreement

16.3 There shall be no privity of contract between the contractor and a direct contractor appointed by the



17.1 The principal agent may issue contract instructions to the contractor regarding:

c) .

17.1.1 Rectification of discrepancies, errors in descriptions or omissions in contract documents other than

this agreement

17.1.2 Alteration to design, standards or quantity of the works provided that such contract instructions

shall not substantially change the scope of the works

17.1.3 The site ( 1 3 . 1 - 2 ]

17.1.4 Compliance with the law, regulations and bylaws ( 2 . 1 ]

17.1.5 Provision and testing of samples of materials a n d goods, of finishes and assemblies of elements of

the works

17.1.6 Opening up of work for inspection, removal or re-execution

17.1.7 Removal or re-execution of work

17.1.8 Removal or substitution of any materials and goods

17.1.9 Protection of the works

0 17.1.10 Making good physical loss and repairing damage to the works (8.0]

17.1.11 Rectification of defects ( 2 1 . 2 ]

17.1.12 A list for practical completion specifying outstanding or defective work to be rectified to achieve

practical completion and a list for completion and a list for final completion specifying

outstanding or defective work to be rectified to achieve fi n a l completion

17.1.13 Expenditure of budgetary allowances, prime cost amounts and provisional s u m s

17.1.14 Appointment of a subcontractor [ 1 4 . 0 ; 1 5 . 0 ]

17.1.15 Termination of a nominated n/s subcontract agreement (27.2.8]

17.1.16 Work by (a) direct contractor(s) ( 1 6 . 0 ]

17.1.17 Access by other or previous contractors to remedy defective work

17.1.18 Removal from the site of any person employed on the works

17.1.19 Removal from the site of any person not engaged on or connected with the works

17.1.20 On termination, protection of the works, removal of construction e q u i p m e n t and surplus materials

and goods (29.0]

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17. 2 T he co nt rac or shat ll comp y l w t i h and du y execute a l ll con ra t c t instructloi

. -· . -:f}"

17.3 S h o u l d the contractor fail to proceed with a contract instruction with dti' · dncipal agent

may give notice to the contractor to proceed within five (5) working daysb . '.fotice. Where

the contractor remains in default, the employer may engage others to carry_ · ct instruction.

The employer may recover expense and/or loss incurred [27.2.3] · · ,

17.4 The contractor shall not be obliged to execute contract instructions'·}°Jf

certified date of practical completion ·

17.5 Oral instructions s h a l l be of no force or effect


This clause applies only in the JBCC® N/S Subcontract Agreement and i� iliifa'aI�a'f��tain matching
clause numbers between the two agreements ·:,•,-. · · ·

. ;.�, ;��:��h-d.
,._, '. . .


19.1 T he p r i n c i p al a g ent s h a l l:

19.1.1 I ns p ect the w or ks at a pp ro p riate inte rv als to give the contractor i n t e r p r e t a t l o n s' a n d direct ion o n t h e

standard of w or k and the state of com pl etion of the w or ks re q u rei d of t e h co n trac or t t o ac hi eve

pra c ic
t al c o mple tio n [CD] ,: ' .:1

19.1.2 I ssue a contract i n s tr u ction [ 1 7 . 1 . 5 - 1 OJ conse q uent on each such ins p ection , wh ere n e ce s sa ry

19.1.3 I nspect the w or ks within the perio d state d [CD]

19.2 Th e contr a ctor sha ll:

19.2.1 I nspect the w or ks in advance of the ( revised ) d a e

t for practical com p letion to con fi rm that th e

standard of wor k re q u rei d an d the state of com ple t on of the

i w or ks for p r ac tic al co m p etion
l [CD]

has been achie v ed

19.2.2 Giv e t meous i notice to t e princ pa h i l a g ent of the ant c i ip a edt d ate for t e h in spect on for i p ract ca i l

completion of t e h w or ks to meet the ( re v ise d) date for p r a ctica l co mp letion [CD]

19.3 The princi pal a gent sha l a l fte r ins p ection of t e h w or ks, or a s e c tion o f t e h w or ks, w th n t e per o
i i h i d s ta e t d

, : 0

[ 1 9 . 1 . 3 ] fo rt h w ith issue :

' �
19.3.1 A com p reh e nsive and conc usi l v e l is t f or practical co m plet on [ 1 7 . 1 . 1 2 ] to the contrac or wher
i t e the

w or ks has not re a ched practical completion s p eci fy ing the d e ect

f s to be recti ed and fi w or k t o be

completed to ach e i v e p ractical completion

19.3.2 A n up d ated li s t f or p ractical co mp letio n t

o the contractor , limited to items on the li s t f or pract ic al

completion t h a t h ave not been a tt en d e d to satisfactor ly to be recti ed and i fi w or k to be com p lete d to

ach eve practic

i a l comp etion l . T h e con ractor t s hall repeat t e h p rocedure unti l al l items on th e l is t

f or p ractical co mp letion ha v e b een dealt with satisfactori ly before the ce rt ificate o f p rac ti ca l

co mp letion is issued b y the principa l agent

Or . . .

19.3.3 A ce rt i fi cate o f practical comp etion to the contr l a ctor wi th a co p y to the employ e r stat n i g t he d at e

on w hich pr a ctical com p letion of the w or ks, or of a s ection , was ach e i v e d

19.3.4 A li s t f or co mp letion of i tems to be rectified and w or k to b e com p leted with a cop y to the emplo y er

that ma y inclu d e mar k e d up drawings and photo g r a phs

19.4 S hould the p rinci p al a g ent not issue a li s t for p ractic a l co m pletion or the updated l st with n
i i fiv e (5)

w or k i ng da1s aft er t he i ns p ect on i p erio d, [ 1 9 . 3 ] the contractor shall g ve notice to the e i m plo y er and the

princ p i a l a g e n t. S h ou d the l princi pa l a g ent not i ssue such li s t with in a fu rt h er fiv e (5) w or k in g da ys of

rece ip t of such notice , practical completion sha l l be deemed to have been achieved on the

©Copyright reserved: JBCC® Principal Building Agreement, Edition 6 . 1 - March 2014

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intended/revised date for practical completion and the principal agent shall issue the certificate of

practical completion forthwith

19.5 On issue of the certificate of practical completion, the employer s h a l l be entitled to possession of the

works and the site subject to the contractor's l i e n , where applicable

19.6 Where the employer takes possession of the whole or a portion of the works by agreement with the

contractor, practical completion shall be deemed to have occurred. The principal agent, after inspection

of the works, ( 1 9 . 3 . 3 ] shall issue a certificate of practical completion to the contractor with a copy to the

employer within five (5) working days certifying the date of possession of the works by the employer and

the list for completion of items to be rectified and work to be completed within thirty (30) working days, or

such additional period as the principal agent may allow

19.7 On achievement of practical completion of the works or a section of the works and where the principal

agent instructs that installation work is to be executed by others, the employer and/or contractor shall allow

access to the works or a section of the works for such other installations


20.1 Where completion of sections is required (CD] the terms and conditions applicable to the works as a whole

shall apply to each section

20.2 The principal agent shall issue:

20.2.1 A certificate of practical completion [ 1 9 . 3 . 3 ] for each section, and

20.2.2 A certificate of final completion for each section, indicating if it is for the last section to reach fi n a l

completion ( 2 1 . 4 . 2 ]


21.1 The defects liability period for the works shall commence on the calendar day following the date of

practical completion and end at midnight (00 : 00 ) nine ty (9 0) calendar days from the date of practical

completion [CD ] or when work on the list for final completion has been satisfactorily completed ( 21.4.1),

w hichever is the later

21.2 W here defects become ap p arent durin g the defects liabili ty p eriod the principal agent may instruct the

contractor to p ro g ressi v ely attend to such items , w hilst at all times minimising incon v enience to the


21.3 The contractor s h a l l :

0 21.3.1 I nspect and forthwith rectify all items on the list for completion at least ten (10) working days

before the expiry of the defects lia b ili ty period [ 19.3.4]

21.3.2 G ive notice to the principal agent to inspect the works within ve
fi (5) workin g days of receipt of

such notice

21.4 W here items on the li s t for completio n have not been a tt ended to the principal agent shall notify

the contractor of such outstandin g ite m s. The p rocess ( 2 1 . 3 ] shall be repeated until all items on the list for

completion have been a tt ended to

The contractor shall notify the princi p a l a ge n t when the items on the li st for completion have been

atte n de d to. T he p rincipal agent shall in s pect the works within ve (5 ) working
fi days of receipt of such


;- . O n the expiry of the nine ty (9 0) calendar days defects liabili ty period [21 .1] or on notice from the

·,. . co ntractor that a ll items on the list for completion have b een com p l e ted , w h ich eve r is t he later, the

: p_ rh_1cipal ag ent s hall i nspect the works and within ten ( 10) w o r ki n g days either:

· · · : [ssue a li st for fin a l completion detailin g all outstandi n g w ork or d efects t h at mu st be a tt ended to or

. , . . .m.id IQ achieve fi n al completion

�. /': :�'�,' .
: .

,S'f·>.J,f!,;iai c o mp l etion to the contractor with a copy to the employer

·-r··-�;:;, '.

iP;�FBt!ik,iipg'Agreement, Edition 6.1 - March 2014

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21.7 Where the principal agent issues a list for final completion the contractor shall promptly complete all

outstanding work and rectify all the defects

21.7.1 The contractor shall notify the p r i n c i p a l agent when all outstanding work has been completed and

all the defects have been rectified

21.7.2 The principal agent shall, within five (5) working days of receipt of the contractor's notice(s)

[21. 7. 1 ] notify the contractor either that the items on the list for final completion have been

completed, or issue an updated list for final completion of the items not completed and of any

further defects that have become evident since the last inspection.

21.8 Where the principal agent gives notice to the contractor of items on the list for final completion or an

updated list for final completion that have not been completed and I or where further defects have

become evident since the last inspection, the process [ 2 1 . 7 .1-2] shall be repeated until all items on the

(updated) list for final completion have been completed. On completion of all items on the (updated) list

for final completion the principal agent shall forthwith issue the certificate of final completion to the

contractor with a copy to the employer

21.9 Where the principal a g e n t has not issued the list for final completion or the updated list within five (5)

working days after the inspection period, [ 2 1 . 4 ] the contractor shall give notice to the employer and the

principal agent forthwith. Should the principal agent not issue such list within a further five (5) working

days of receipt of such notice, final completion shall be deemed to have been achieved on expiry of such

notice and the principal agent shall issue the certificate of final completion forthwith

21.10 Where a subcontractor's defects liability period extends beyond the contractor's defects liability period:

21.10.1 The contractor's obligations and liability concerning the subcontractor's defects shall end on the

date of issue of the certificate of final completion

21.10.2 The remaining portion of the subcontractor's defects liability period shall be ceded to the employer

on the date of issue of the certificate of final completion

21.11 Where-the contractor, a subcontractor or a supplier is required to give a guarantee, warranty or indemnity,

other than a security to the contractor, the rights under such guarantee, warranty or indemnity shall be

ceded to the employer on the date of issue of the certificate of final completion. This cession shall not

prejudice any other rights the employer may have

21.12 A certificate of final completion shall be conclusive as to the sufficiency of the works and that the

contractor's obligations [ 1 2 . 2 . 1 7 ] have been fulfilled other than for latent defects


22.1 The latent defects liability period for the works shall commence at the start of the construction period and A,
end five (5) years from the certified date of final completion W

� 22.2 Where termination ofthis agreement occurs before the date of final completion, the latent defects liability

period shall end:

22.2.1 Five (5) years from the date of termination [29.1 OJ for the completed portion of the works only

Or . . .

22.2.2 On the date of termination where execution of the works has become impossible due to

circumstances beyond the control of either party [29.20]. or on the date of termination by the

contractor due to default by the employer [ 2 9 . 1 6 ]

22.3 The contractor shall make good all latent defects that appear up to the date of expiry of the latent defects

liability period [3.2]


23.1 The contractor is entitled to a revision of the date for practical completion by the principal agent without

an adjustment of the contract value for a delay to practical completion caused by one or more of the

following events:

23.1.1 Adverse weather conditions

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23.1.2 Inability to obtain materials a n d goods where the contractor has taken reasonable steps to avoid or

reduce such a delay

23.1.3 Making good physical loss and repairing damage to the works [8.2] where such risk is beyond the

reasonable control of the parties

23.1.4 Late supply of a prime cost a m o u n t item where the contractor has taken reasonable steps to avoid

or reduce such delay

23.1.5 Exercise of statutory power by a body of state or public or local authority that directly affects the

execution of the works

23.1.6 Force majeure

23.2 The contractor is entitled to a revision of the date for practical completion by the p r i n c i p a l agent with an

adjustment of the contract value [26.0], for a delay to practical completion caused by one or more of the

following events:

23.2.1 Delayed possession of the site [ 1 2 . 1 . 6 ]

23.2.2 Making good physical loss and repairing damage to the works [8.2] where the contractor is not at


23.2.3 Contract instructions [ 1 7 . 1 - 2 ] n o t occasioned by the contractor's default

23.2.4 Opening up and testing of work and materials and goods where such work is in accordance with the

contract documents [ 1 7 . 1 . 5 - 7 ]

23.2.5 Late or incorrect issue of construction information [ 5 . 5 ; 6.4; 1 3 . 2 . 3 ; 1 7 .1.1-2]

23.2.6 Late supply of free issue, materials a n d goods for which the employer is responsible [ 1 2 . 1 . 1 1 J

23.2.7 Late appointment of a subcontractor in terms of the agreed programme where the contractor has

taken reasonable steps to avoid or reduce such delay [ 1 4 . 4 ; 1 5 . 2 ]

23.2.8 Late acceptance by the principal agent and/or agents of a design undertaken by a selected

subcontractor where the contractor's obligations have been met [7.3]

23.2.9 An act or omission by a nominated subcontractor [ 1 4 . 0 ] or a direct contractor [ 1 6 . 0 ]

23.2.10 Insolvency of a nominated subcontractor [ 1 4 . 7 . 2 ]

23.2.11 Suspension or termination by a subcontractor due to default of the employer, the principal agent

and/or any agent

23.2.12 Execution of additional work for which the quantity in the bills of quantities is not sufficiently


23.2.13 Suspension of the works [28.0]

23.3 Further circumstances for which the contractor may be entitled to a revision of the date for practical

completion and an adjustment of the contract value are delays to practical completion due to any other

cause beyond the contractor's reasonable control that could not have reasonably been anticipated and

provided for. The p r i n c i p a l agent shall adjust the contract value where such delay is due to the employer

and/or agents

Should a listed circumstance occur [ 2 3 . 1 - 3 ] which could cause a delay to the date for practical completion,

the contractor shall:

Take reasonable steps to avoid or reduce such delay

Within twenty (20) working days of becoming aware, or ought reasonably to have become aware of

such delay, give notice to the p r i n c i p a l agent of the intention to submit a claim for a revision to the

-date of practical completion, failing which the contractor shall forfeit such claim

actor shall submit a claim for the revision of the date of practical completion to the principal

· ·.. · ,,.:{10) working days, or such extended period the principal agent may allow, from when

-PJ�}� quantify the. delay in terms of the programme

�.:3'� ,!

_c,lJ:if!L�JJild!iJgAgre,ement, EdiliQ!l l;> . 1 - March 2014

::··";._). . . , _ _ · · .
Where the contractor requests a revision of the date for p.
each circumstance separately state: :··

The relevant clause [ 2 3 . 1 - 3 ] on which the contractor.re

The cause and effect of the delay on the current date f

illustrated by a change to the critical path on the curren.f

The extension period claimed in working days and the:c:

The principal agent shall, within twenty (20) working days ofr

refuse the working days claimed, and: }

Determine the revised date for practical completion as a ref'·
applicable ·

Identify each event and the reference clause for each revision g: .

Give reasons where such claim is refused or reduced

Where the principal agent fails to act within the period [23.7] such claim�

contractor may give notice of a disagreement [30.1 J where the p

c\ alternatively reduces a claim, or fails to act ·


Where the contractor fails to bring the works or a section thereof [CD] to pra

for practical completion [CD], or the revised date for practical completion/

to the employer for the penalty [CD]

Where the employer elects to levy such penalty, on notice thereof to the contra·

shall determine the amount due from the later of the date for practical completion·f

for practical completion up to and including the earlier of: ,,·-:;;,/�

. ;\ .
, , '{-ff;,�,:

The actual or deemed date of practical completion of the works [23.7. 1 ] o r a �'-ftl�ri thereof
. - ';·�-:::-gr;��--- -

The date of termination [29.0] "· :;,i:.:.


The principal agent shall include penalty amounts [24.2] in regular recovery statements and interim

payment certificates from the date on which the employer's entitlement to penalties commences


The contractor shall cooperate with and assist the principal agent in the preparation of cash flow

statements and payment valuations by providing all required documents and quantified amounts of work duly

executed. Where the contractor has not provided such information the principal agent shall make a fair
estimate of the work executed

The principal agent shall regularly by the due date [CD] issue payment certificates to the contractor until

and including the issue of the final payment certificate. A payment certificate may be for a nil or negative

amount. The principal agent shall provide a copy of each payment certificate to the employer

Each payment certificate shall separately include:

A fair estimate of the value of work executed

A fair estimate of the value of materials and goods [CD]

25.3.3 Security adjustment [ 1 1 . 1 . 3 ]

Contract price adjustments, if applicable [CD]

25.3.5 The gross amount certified

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25.3.6 The value previously certified

25.3.7 Amounts due to either party in the recovery statement (27 . 1 ] . excluding interest and other non­

taxable amounts

25.3.8 Tax

25.3.9 Interest amounts included in the recovery statement

25.3.10 Other non-taxable amounts

25.3.11 The net amount certified due to the contractor or the employer

25.4 The p r i n c i p a l agent shall concurrently with each payment certificate issue:

25.4.1 To the employer and the contractor a recovery statement showing the amounts due to either party

in the current payment certificate

25.4.2 To the contractor a statement showing the amount certified for each subcontractor

25.4.3 To each subcontractor a n/s subcontract payment notification showing the amount included in the

payment certificate and its date of issue

25.4.4 The determination of default interest at six percentage points (6%) per annum above the ruling rate of

interest where payment has not been received within the stipulated period (25.7 or 2 5 . 8 ] . as the case

may be, compounded monthly from the due date for payment until the date of payment

25.4.5 The determination of compensatory interest at the ruling rate of interest on amounts certified after

thirty-one c a l e n d a r days of the date of practical completion, compounded monthly until the date of

payment [25.7]

25.5 An interim payment certificate shall not be evidence that the works and materials and goods are in terms

of the contract documents

25.6 The principal agent shall certify one hundred per cent ( 1 0 0 % ) of the amount of the final account including

adjustments (26.0; 27.0) in the final payment certificate

25.7 The employer shall pay the contractor the amount certified in an issued payment certificate within

fourteen ( 1 4 ) calendar days of the date for issue of the payment certificate [CD] including default and/or

compensatory interest

25.8 The contractor shall pay the employer the amount certified in an issued payment certificate within twenty

one ( 2 1 ) c a l e n d a r days of the date of issue of the payment certificate [CD] including default interest

0 25.9 Materials and goods supplied and certified shall become the property of the employer on payment thereof

25.10 Where a JBCC® Guarantee for Construction (fixed) and payment reduction ( 1 1 . 1 . 3 ] has been chosen the

value of the works (26.0) and materials and goods (25.3.2] that exceeds the contract sum and any

contract price adjustments [CD] shall be certified in full. The value certified that does not exceed the

contract sum shall be subject to the following percentage adjustments:

25.10.1 Ninety-five per cent (95%) of such value in interim payment certificates issued up to the date of

practical completion

25.10.2 Ninety-seven and one half per cent ( 9 7 . 5 % ) of such value in interim payment certificates issued up
: f

to but excluding the final payment certificate

One hundred per cent ( 1 0 0 % ) of such value in the final payment certificate ( 2 6 . 1 0 ]

The contractor shall pay all subcontractors within seven (7) calendar days of the due date for payment by

the employer [CD) and on request provide proof thereof to the principal agent within seven (7) calendar

days of a request to do so

Where the employer has made a partial or no payment of the amount due in an issued payment certificate

by the due date or where the principal agent fails to issue a payment certificate, the contractor may give

. five (5) working days notice to comply, failing which the contractor may:

�\��-".�uspl:!n� the works [28.0]

? ..: , . .
-�: :£r:��- ·.__. -:
, -. -� :· ·:

· • ��e1:<JE!G�® Principal Building Agreement, Edition 6.1 - March 2014

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25.12.2 Exercise the lien, where this has not been waived

25.12.3 Call up the JBCC® Guarantee for Payment [ 1 1 . 4 ]

25.13 The p r i n c i p a l agent shall issue the final payment certificate tO�

seven (7) calendar days of acceptance of the final account by �h�

the certificate of final completion, other than on termination [29.0.), 0

.,. . :.:... ii
25.14 Where the contractor disputes the correctness of the final adJ�t
p r i n c i p a l agent shall issue a(n) interim payment certificate(s) to/ .l

due date [CD] for the undisputed amount(s) ·

25.15 For the purposes of provisional sentence in relation to a payme�/�k

the jurisdiction of any court of law of the country [CD] ·


26.1 The principal agent shall determine the value of adjustments to the coi,

contractor in the preparation of the final account. Where such adiustrrf

the contractor shall have the right to be present .' .?{';

Adjustments to the contract value resulting from a contract instruction for

(l 26.2
determined as follows: -: ·,;-;;

26.2.1 Work of a similar character executed under similar conditions shall bet�
document ·

. ,.

26.2.2 Work not of a similar character shall be priced at rates based on-tliosef

adjusted to suit the changed circumstances ·

26.2.3 If the above methods do not apply, work shall be priced at rates b a s e d : : ·

executing the work plus an allowance of ten per cent ( 1 0 % ) mark-up' ?·t:

26.2.4 Work omitted shall be valued at the rates in the priced document; ou .
work alters the circumstances in which the remaining work is carried· 3�£;:.
work shall be determined by the method [26.2.2] · ·

26.3 Where work is identified as provisional in the priced document the principal ,:/

from the contract value and add the value of work as executed to the contracrval

26.4 Where the contractor has made payment for items not included in the pric�(

contract instruction, or otherwise with the approval of the principal agen( the�ii'"

ten per cent ( 1 0 % ) mark-up shall be added to the contract value limited to:

u 26.4.1 Charges by aut.horities [ 2 . 1 ]

26.4.2 The cost of opening up and testing [ 1 7 . 1 . 6 ] , where the work is according to the"'�"B
: �

26.4.3 The cost of insurance [ 1 0 . 0 ] . where applicable [CD] . _ ·?'(:

.<.�i:;:���ri1�� �

26.5 The contractor shall give notice to the principal agent within twenty (20) workihtfday$�pf becoming

aware, or ought reasonably to have become aware of expense and/or loss for whiof(iprqy1�_bD� was not

required in the contract s u m failing which such claim shall be forfeited __ ,,; ,�ii}-i£{ti��-/-

• <- ·:-· _.!�.",!::::...·:".f:f f'�j7' .

26.6 Following notice [26.5], the contractor shall submit a detailed and substantiated claim for_t�e-adjustrnent of

the contract value to the principal agent within forty (40) working days, or such additional period as the

principal agent may allow '

26.7 The principal agent shall make a fair assessment of the claim [26.6] and adjust the contract' ;alue within

twenty (20) working days of receipt of such details ·

26.8 Where the principal agent fails to act within such period [26.7] the claim shall be deemed to be refused. The

contractor may give notice of a disagreement [ 3 0 . 1 ] where no assessment is received

26.9 The principal agent shall :

26.9.1 O mit prime cost amoun ts and budgeta ry allowance s [17.1.12] from the contract sum and

determine the actual value of such work to be added to the contract va l ue

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26.9.2 Omit provisional sums [ 1 7 . 1 . 1 2 ] from the contract sum and determine the actual value of such

subcontractors' work to be added to the contract value

26.9.3 Prorate the contractor's allowances for profit and attendance on provisional sums and prime cost

amounts excluding any allowance for contract price adjustments

26.9.4 Adjust the preliminaries amounts in accordance with the method selected [CD]

26.9.5 Adjust the contract value according to the contract price adjustment method, if applicable [CD]

26.9.6 Rectify discrepancies, errors in description or quantity, or omission of items in the contract

documents other than in this agreement [ 1 7 . 1 . 1 ]

26.10 The principal agent shall prepare and issue the final account to the contractor within ninety (90) calendar

days of the date of practical completion

26.11 The contractor shall accept the final account within forty five (45) c a l e n d a r days of receipt thereof failing

which the final account shall be issued

26.12 S h o u l d the contractor give notice objecting to the correctness of the final account within the period [ 2 6 . 1 1 ]

and such objection not be resolved within ten (10) working days, or such an extended period as the

principal agent may allow on request from the contractor, the contractor may give notice of a

t{ disagreement


27.1 The p r i n c i p a l agent shall issue a recovery statement with each payment certificate to the parties with

explanatory documentation to support the calculation of amounts due to:

The employer:

27.1.1 Penalties [24.2]

27.1.2 Default interest [25.4.4]

27.1.3 Expense and/or loss [27.2]

The contractor:

27.1.4 Compensatory interest [25.4.5]

27.1.5 Default interest [25.4.4]

27.1.6 Damages

27.1.7 Advance payments [ 1 2 . 1 . 9 ]

27.1.8 Termination of a nominated n/s subcontract agreement [ 1 4 . 7 . 2 ]

27.2 The employer may recover expense and/or loss incurred or to be incurred resulting from:

27.2.1 Paying charges [2.1]

27.2.2 Effecting insurance due to the contractor's default [ 1 0 . 0 ]

27.2.3 Work executed by others due to the contractor's default [ 1 7 . 3 ]

27.2.4 Recoupment of advance payments [ 1 1 . 2 ]

27.2.5 The contractor not paying the amount due to the employer [25.3.7]

27.2.6 Termination of this agreement [29.0]

27.2.7 Amounts paid directly to subcontractors on default by the contractor [ 1 4 . 5 ; 1 5 . 5 ]

27.2.8 Termination of a nominated n/s subcontract agreement [ 1 4 . 7 . 3 ]

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27.2.9 Default by the contractor where not less than five (5) working days notice detailing such default

has been .given before the issue of the next recovery statement to ii"llow the contractor the

opportunity to remedy such default

27.2. 1 0 Adjustment of the n/s subcontract preliminaries due to the subcontractor as a result of a default by

the contractor

27.3 Where an amount is due to either party and has not been p a i d , the other party may recover the amount from

any of the following:

27.3. 1 Subsequent p a y m e n t certificates [25.0]

27.3.2 A demand in terms of the security [ 1 1 . 0 ]

27.3.3 The defaulting party as a debt

27.4 Where either party h a s been l i q u i d a t e d , or this agreement terminated, the other party may exercise rights

in terms of the security [ 1 1 . 0 ]



28. 1 The contractor may give five (5) w orkin g d ays not i ce to the e m p l oyer and the p r i nci p a l a g e n t of the

i ntention to sus p end the works where the emp l oyer or the p rinci p a l a g ent has failed to:

28.1. 1 P rovide and/or maintain a J B C C ® G uarantee for P a y ment, where specified [ 1 1 . 4 )

28.1.2 I ssue a p a yment certi f i c ate by the due date [25.2] [ C D]

28.1.3 Make payment in full of an amount ce rt i fi ed in an interim p ayment certi fi cate by the due date [2 5 . 7 ]

[ CD ]

28.1.4 Effect insuran c es [ 1 0 . 1 . 1 - 4 ] , where ap plic a ble [ C D]

28.1.5 A p point another princi p a l a g ent or other agent , where app l i cable [6 .5]

28.2 W here the e m p l oyer has not remedied a defect in terms of a notice [ 2 8 . 1 ] the c o ntr a ctor may su s p e n d

e x ecution of the works unti l such default has been remedied without p re j ud i ce to any rights the contractor

may have -

28.3 The contract o r sh a ll i nstruct each subc on tractor to sus p end the n/s subcontract works forthwith where the

w orks is sus p ended by the contractor

28.4 Where the works has been sus p ended ( 28.2] the principa l a g ent shall revise the date for p ractica l

co mple tion on r esum p tion of the works ( 2 3 . 2 . 1 3 ]


Termination by the e m p l o y e r

29.1 The e m p l o y e r may give notice of intention to terminate this a g reement w here the contr a c t or has fai l ed to:

29.1.1 P ro v ide a JBCC® G uar a ntee for C onstruction [CD ] w ithin fi ft een (15) w orkin g days [ 1 1 . 1 ; 12.2.3]

of the date of acce p tance of the contractor's offer

29.1.2 P roceed with the w orks ( 1 2 . 2 . 1 7 ] w ithin the p eriod stated [CD]

29.1.3 C omply timeously with a contract instruction [ 1 7 . 0 ]

29.2 Where the e m p l o y er contemp la tes terminating this a g reement (29.1], the p r i n c i p a l a ge nt sh a ll give notice

to the contractor of a s p e c ified defau l t (29.1.1-3], to be remedied within ten (10) w or k in g day s of the date

of receipt of such notice

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29.3 Where the contractor has not remedied a specified default within such period [29.2} the employer m�y,� ·.

notice to the contractor of termination of this agreement forthwith

29.4 The employer may employ others to safeguard the works, complete the outstanding work and rectify

defects in that portion of the works executed by the contractor [ 2 7 . 2 . 3 ] . The contractor shall be liable to

the employer for such costs that s h a l l be included in the final account [26.1 OJ

29.5 The e m p l o y e r may use materials and goods and temporary structures on the site for which payment shall

be included in the final account

29.6 Should the contractor default on removing temporary structures or construction e q u i p m e n t from the site

the employer, without being responsible for a n y loss or damage , may have such items removed or sold.

Resulting costs and/or income s h a l l be included in the final account

29.7 The employer, on notice to the contractor, may recover damages from the contractor from the date of

termination including, but not limited to, additional costs incurred in the completion of the r e m a i n i n g work

[25.3.7, 2 7 . 1 ]

29.8 The e m p l o y e r may apply the penalty [ 2 4 . 1 ] up to the date of termination where the initial or revised date for

practical completion has passed

29.9 The employer has the right of recovery against the contractor, where appl i cable , [ CD] from the :

0 J B C C ® G uarantee for C onstruction ( variable ) - until the fi na l payment has been made ; or

J B C C ® G uarantee for C ons t r u c tio n ( fi x ed ) - until the date of practical comple t ion or from the

payment reduction unti l the fi nal payment is made

J B C C ® G uaranteefor Adv ance Pa y ment - u ntil the outstanding balance has been repaid to the

employer ;

Th e rea ft er the o r i g i n a l securi ty form ( s ) shall be returned to the contracto r within ten ( 1 0 ) wor k ing days

29.10 The latent defects liabili ty period for the completed po rt ion of the works, shall end [ 2 2 . 2 . 1 ] five (5) years from

the date of termination

29.11 Where this ag r eemen t is terminated, the contractor shall forthwith g ive notice of termination of the n/s

s u b contract agreement to each subc o ntractor

29.12 Termination of the works s h a l l not pre j udice any rights the employer may have

29.13 The ri g ht to terminate may not be exercised where the employer is in material breach of this ag r eement

T e r m i n a t i o n by the contractor

29.14 The c ontractor may give n o tice of intention to terminate this a g reement where the employer has f ailed to:

29.14.1 Provide a JBCC® G uarantee for P a y ment [ 1 1 . 4 ] , within fift een ( 1 5 ) working days of accepta n ce of

the contractor ' s offer, where applicable [ CD]

29.14.2 G ive possession of the site to the contractor [ 12.1.6]

29.14.3 A llow the principal agent and / or a g ents to exercise f air j udgement as contemp l ated in this

agreement [ 6 . 6 ]

29.14.4 Effect insurances [ 1 0 . 1 . 1 - 4 ] , where appli ca ble [ CD]

29.14.5 Pay the amou n t certified (25. 7] by the due date [CD]

29.14.6 A ppoint another principal agent , an d /or a g ents, where applicable [6. 5 ]

29.14.7 Or where the p r i n c i p a l agent has failed to issue a payment cert ificate to the c o ntractor by the d ue

date [CD]

29.15 W here the contractor contemplates terminating this a g reement [ 2 9 . 1 4 ] , the contractor s h a l l give notice to

the e m p l o y e r a nd/or the principal agent of a specified default [ 2 9 . 1 4 . 1 - 7 ] , to be remedied within ten (10)

w orkin g days of the -d ate of receipt of such notice

29.16 Wh ere the employer has not re m e di e d a s p e c ified default within such period [29.15] the contractor may

giv e notice to the employer and the principal agent _of th�termination of this a g r e ement forthwith

©Copyright reserved: JBCC® Principal Building Agreement, Edition 6 . 1 - March 2 0 1 4

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29.17 Where this agreement is terminated:

29.17.1 The contractor shall forthwith give notice of termination of the n/s subcontract agreement to each


29.17.2 The contractor shall remove temporary structures, construction equipment and, on notice, surplus

materials and goods from the site within ten ( 1 0 ) working days, or such period agreed by the

p r i n c i p a l agent

29.17.3 The latent defects liability period for the completed portion of the works shall end (22.2.2)

29.17.4 The contractor may be entitled to damages

29.17.5 The JBCC® Guarantee for Construction ( 1 1 . 1 . 1 ] , where applicable [CD], shall expire on the date of

termination; the JBCC® Guarantee for Advance Payment (11.1.4], where applicable (CD], shall

expire on repayment of amounts due to the employer. The original security form(s) shall be returned

to the contractor within ten ( 1 0 ) working days

29.17.6 The J B C C ® Guarantee for Payment ( 1 1 . 4 . 1 J where applicable [CD], shall expire on payment of the

final payment certificate or on payment in full of the guaranteed sum, or on the security expiry

date, whichever is the earlier. The original security form shall be returned to the employer within ten

( 1 0 ) working days of receipt of the final payment

29.18 Termination of the works shall not prejudice any rights the contractor may have

29.19 The right to terminate may not be exercised where the contractor is in material breach of this agreement

Termination by either party

29.20 Either party may terminate this agreement where:

29.20.1 The works is for alterations and/or additions to (an) existing building(s), or a new building, which has

been substantially destroyed regardless of the cause other than by the party seeking termination

29.20.2 Progress on the works has ceased for a continuous period of ninety (90) calendar days, or an

intermittent period totalling one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days as a result of a force

majeure event or the exercise of statutory power by a body of state or public or local authority that

directly affects the execution of the works

29.21 The party contemplating termination of this agreement shall give ten ( 1 0 ) working days notice to the other


29.22 Neither party shall be liable to the other party for expense and/or loss resulting from the termination

u 29.23 The latent defects liability period for the works shall end on the date of termination (22.2.2]

29.24 The JBCC® Guarantee for Payment ( 1 1 . 4 . 1 ], where applicable [CD], shall expire on payment of the final

payment certificate or on payment in full of the guaranteed sum, or on the security expiry date, whichever

is the earlier. The o r i g i n a l security form shall be returned to the employer within ten ( 1 0 ) working days of

receipt of the final payment

29.25 The JBCC® Guarantee for Construction (11.1.1], where applicable [CD], shall expire on the date of

termination. The original security form shall be returned to the contractor within ten (10) working days


Termination procedure by the employer, the contractor, or by the parties

On termination of this agreement:

29.26 The contractor s h a l l :

29.26.1 Cease work and ensure that the works is safe in terms of the law

29.26.2 Remain responsible for the works ( 8 . 1 J until possession is relinquished to the employer

29.27 Termination shall take effect after completion of the procedure (29.26] and such date recorded by the

p r i n c i p a l agent

©Copyright reserved: JBCC® Principal Building Agreement, Edition 6 . 1 - March 2 0 1 4

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The employer shall arrange appropriate insurance cover to suit the stage of completion of the works

The principal agent, in consultation with the contractor where possible, s h a l l within twenty (20) working

days of the date of termination compile and issue to the parties a status report of the works including

marked up drawings and photographs recording completed and incomplete work on the date of termination

of the works

29.30 The p r i n c i p a l agent shall continue to certify the value of the work executed and materials and goods for

payment by the employer, or the contractor, as the case may be, until the issue of the final payment

certificate [25.6]

29.31 The principal agent shall commence and complete the final account [ 2 6 . 1 0 ] within ninety (90) calendar

days of the date of termination including the cost of materials and goods and those ordered before

termination that the contractor is bound to accept and make payment

29.32 This clause [29.0] s h a l l , to the extent necessary to fulfil its purpose, exist independently of this agreement




Settlement by the parties

30.1 Should any disagreement arise between the employer (or the principal agent or an agent) and the

contractor arising out of or concerning the action or inaction of the employer (or principal agent or an

agent) or the contractor, or any other matter concerning this agreement (including the validity thereof), either

party may give notice of a disagreement to the other. The parties shall attempt to resolve such disagreement

between them and record such resolution in writing signed by them

30.2 Where the disagreement is not resolved within ten (10) working days of receipt of the notice of

disagreement, the disagreement shall be deemed to be a dispute

30.3 The dispute shall be referred to adjudication within ten ( 1 0 ) working days of the expiry of the period [30.2) by

means of a notice of adjudication by the party (the referring party) which gave the notice of disagreement

30.4 The notice of adjudication shall clearly define the scope of the dispute and the relief sought by adjudication

30.5 Failure to comply with the procedure described [30.3-4] shall cause the dispute to be resolved by arbitration

and not by adjudication

O Adjudication

30.6 Where a dispute is referred to adjudication:

30.6.1 The adjudicator shall be appointed in accordance with JBCC® Rules for Adjudication current at the

time when the dispute was declared and the adjudication shall be conducted in terms of such rules

30.6.2 The adjudicator shall not be e l i g i b l e for subsequent appointment as the arbitrator

30.6.3 A determination given by the adjudicator shall be immediately binding upon, and implemented by the


30.6.4 Where the adjudicator has given a determination, either party may give notice of dissatisfaction to the

other party and to the adjudicator within ten ( 1 0 ) working days of receipt of the determination, or an

extended time period provided in the JBCC® Rules for Adjudication, wherein such dispute is referred

to arbitration

30.6.5 Where the adjudicator has not given a determination within the time period allowed or extended time

period provided in the JBCC® Rules for Adjudication, either party may give notice to the

other party and to the adjudicator that if such determination is not received within ten ( 1 0 ) working

days of receipt of this notice his appointment is thereupon automatically terminated and such dispute

is then referred to further adjudication or arbitration, at the option of the claimant

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30.7 Where the dispute is referred to arbitration:

30.7.1 The arbitration shall not be construed as a review or appeal from a n y adjudicator's determination and

that any such determination by the adjudicator s h a l l remain in force and continue to be implemented

until overturned by an arbitration award

30.7.2 The resolution of the dispute shall commence anew

30.7.3 The referring party in the adjudication shall be the claimant in the arbitration; and

30.7.4 The arbitrator shall be appointed by agreement between the parties [CD], within fifteen ( 1 5 ) working

days of notice by either party inviting the other to do so - failing w h ic h , on application by either


(a) By the body stated in the [CD] failing w h i c h :

(b) By the Chairman for the time being of the Association of Arbitrators (Southern Africa)

30.7.5 The applicable rules s h a l l be by agreement between the parties and the arbitrator, failing which, s h a l l

be determined by the arbitrator

30.7.6 The arbitrator s h a l l have the power to finally determine the dispute including the power to make, open

up and revise any certification, opinion, decision, determination, requisition, or notice relating to the

dispute as if no such certificate, o p i n i o n , decision, determination, requisition, or notice had been

issued or given


30.8 Notwithstanding the provisions relating to adjudication and arbitration [30.3-7], the parties may, by agreement

and at a n y time, refer a dispute to m e d i a t i o n , in which event:

30.8.1 The provisions relating to adjudication and/or arbitration shall be deemed to be suspended from the

time of such agreement until notice by either party that they be resumed

30.8.2 The appointment of a mediator, the procedure, and the status of the outcome shall be agreed

between the parties


30.9 The parties shall continue to perform their obligations in terms of this agreement, notwithstanding that a

disagree_ment or a dispute exists between them

30.10 This clause [30.0] shall, to the extent necessary to fulfil its purpose, exist independently of this agreement


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This agreement, the completed contract data and the listed documents [CD] comprise the entire contract between the

parties. Any provision in this agreement that may confer a right or benefit on a subcontractor shall be b i n d i n g on the

parties and be capable of acceptance by such subcontractor at any time. No representations, terms, conditions or

warranties not contained in this agreement shall be binding on the parties. No agreement or addendum varying,

adding to, deleting or terminating this agreement including this clause shall be effective unless reduced to writing and

signed by the parties

The contracting parties

The parties Employer Contractor

Business name

Business type

Business registration

Tax number (VAT/GST)


Contact person

ID Number

Address: Building name

Address: Street

Address: Suburb

Address: City

Address: P O Box

Address: Post Office

Address: Province

Address: Country



Mobile phone
/ )


Project name

Project location


Accepted contract

sum including tax

Accepted contract

sum in words

Signed - who by

signature hereto

warrants authority

Signed: Date

Signed: Location

Signed: Witness

Name of witness

©Copyright reserved: JBCC® Principal Building Agreement, Edition 6 . 1 - March 2 0 1 4


I I 1-

,;'' /





Contract Date

File Code










used in conjunction with the

JBCC® Principal B u i l d i n g Agreement

Edition 6 . 1 - p u b l i s h e d March 2 0 1 4


J B C C ® Constituents

The Joint Building Contracts Committee® NPC (JBCC®) is representative of building owners and developers, professional

consultants and general and specialist contractors who contribute their knowledge and experiences to the compilation of

JBCC® documents. JBCC® documents portray the consensus view of the constituent members and are published in the

interests of standardisation and good practice with an equitable distribution of contractual risk. The constituents are:

Association of Construction Project Managers

Association of South African Quantity Surveyors

Consulting Engineers South Africa

Master Builders South Africa

South African Black Technical and Allied Careers Organisation

South African Institute of Architects

South African Property Owners Association

Specialist Engineering Contractors Committee

Application of JBCC® Contract Documents

The definitions contained in the JBCC® Principal Building Agreement apply to this document. A word or phrase in bold type

in the text shall bear the meaning assigned to it in the definitions of such Agreement. Where a word or phrase is not in bold

type it shall bear the meaning consistent with the context of its use

This contract. data contains unique requirements applicable to the project and variables referred to in the JBCC® Principal

B u i l d i n g Agreement. The information provided in this document by the principal agent is complete and accurate at the time of

calling for tenders. Where additional information becomes available, all tenderers will be informed in writing. Reference to

clause numbers in the JBCC® Principal Building Agreement are shown in [square brackets] in this contract data eg [ 3 . 2 . 1 ] .

Spaces requiring information must be filled in, or marked as 'not applicable' but not left blank. This contract data, when

completed and submitted by the contractor, becomes the form of tender. Where the contractor is appointed, the contract

documents comprise the signed JBCC® Principal Building Agreement, this completed contract data, the priced document,

drawings and other listed documents


The JBCC® Principal Building Agreement, the JBCC® Nominated I Selected Subcontract Agreement and respective

Contract Data Edition 6.1 have been coordinated with JBCC® Certificates and other support documents. Forms from

previous editions are not compatible with Edition 6 . 1

© Copyright Reserved

The name 'Joint Building Contracts Committee®', the abbreviation JBCC®, the product eJBCC® and the JBCC logo are

registered trademarks. The Joint Building Contracts Committee® claims authorship of this work in terms of the Copyright Act

No 98 of 1978 as amended. All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval

system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the Joint Building Contracts

Committee® NPC. Unauthorised reproduction of the work is an infringement of the copyright and judicial proceedings can

and will be instituted to obtain relief and the recovery of damages

Copyright reserved JBCC® Principal Building Agre.ement Edition 6 . 1 March 2014 CONTRACT DATA
Page 2


A1 Project name

A 2 Works description

A 3 Site description

Erf No /Township

Local authority

0 Street address

A4 Employer


Business-eg: public company

Business registration number VAT/GST

Contact person Mobile


Registered street address

Postal address

Telephone Fax I


AS Principal agent


Practice registration number VAT/GST

Contact person Mobile


Registered street address

Postal address Godel

Telephone Fax

Copyright reserved JBCC® Principal Building Agreement Edition 6.1 March 2 0 1 4 CONTRACT DATA
. --- ----··-------------

Page 3

A 6 Agent


Practice registration number VAT/GST

Contact person Mobile


Registered street address

Postal address Code!

Telephone Fax

A ? Agent


Practice registration number VAT/GST


�) Contact person Mobile


Registered street address

Postal address Code!

Telephone Fax

A 8 Agent


Practice registration number VAT/GST

Contact person Mobile


Registered street address

Postal address Code!

Telephone Fax

A 9 Agent


Practice registration number VAT/GST

Contact person Mobile


Registered street address

Postal address Code

Telephone Fax

Copyright reserved JBCC® Principal Building Agreement Edition 6 . 1 March 2 0 1 4 CONTRACT DATA


A 10 Agent


Practice registration number VAT/GST

Contact person Mobile


Registered street address

Postal address Codej

Telephone Fax

A 11 Agent


Practice registration number VAT/GST

Contact person Mobile I

Registered street address

Postal address Code I

Telephone Fax

A 12 Agent


Practice registration number VAT/GST

Contact person Mobile


Registered street address

Postal address Code I

Telephone Fax

A 1 3 Agent


Practice registration number VAT/GST

Contact person Mobile


Registered street address

Postal address Code

Telephone Fax

Copyright reserved JBCC® Principal Building Agreement Edition 6 . 1 March 2 0 1 4 CONTRACT DATA


Clause references apply to the JBCC® Principal Building Agreement Edition 6 . 1 (PBA) published March 2 0 1 4

Only clauses in the PBA requiring the provision of information [CD] are quoted below

2.0 Law, regulations and notices

2 . 1 /25 . 1 5 Law of the country applicable to the project

5.0 Contract d o c u m e n t s

5.1 Signed contract documents held by the principal agent, or

5.5 Number of copies of documents issued free to the contractor copies

Priced document

Lump sum priced document, or yes I no?

Priced bills of quantities (BoQ) yes I no?

System/method of measurement

Contract documents comprising . . .

Description Marked ? Notes

JBCC® Principal B u i l d i n g Agreement Ed 6 . 1 - March 2 0 1 4 A

JBCC® PBA Contract Data Ed 6 . 1 - March 2 0 1 4 8

NOTE: If insufficient space, please see annexure:-

Contract drawings - description Date Marked Number Revision

NOTE: If insufficient space, please see annexure:-

Copyright reserved JBCC® Principal Building Agreement Edition 6 . 1 March 2014 CONTRACT DATA

,. . .
��:.. .
Page 6

6.0 Employer's agents

Description of interests of agents in the project

other than professional services, if applicable

10.0 Insurances

By the employer in the joint names of the parties, yes/no ? Obligation Currency Insured amount

Contract Warks Insurance (CWI) (including materials and goods, temporary works) contract sum

Allowance for professional fees and escalation of the insured value at 25% pa, or ? % %

Free issu e material at new replacement value, added to CWI, where applicable

Employer owned surrounding property (care.custody, control or worked on)

Public Lia bility Insurance (each and every claim OR unlimited I value ?)

Suppleme ntary Insurance (incl CWI extensions) per C W / ·

Removal of Lateral Support Insurance employer

Other: I I

Policy deductibles Currency Amount

- Works I free issue contractor

- Employer owned surrounding properties contractor

- Public Liability contractor


- Supplementary Insurance contractor


- Removal of Lateral Support contractor


- Other: contractor

or . . .

By the contractor in the joint names of the parties, yes/no ? Currency Insured amount

Contract Works Insurance (CWI) (including materials and goods, temporary works) contract sum

Allowance for professional fees and escalation of the insured value at 25% pa, or ? % %

Free issue material at new replacement value

Public Liability Insurance (each and every claim OR unlimited for the period)

Supplementary Insurance (incl CWI extensions) per CW/

Policy deductibles


11.0 Security

11.1.1-5 The contractor shall provide a Guarantee for Construction to the e m p l o y e r > D 1 1 . 2 - 3 ! y
_ l
_ n
_ o_?___,

12.0 Duties of the parties = e m p l o y e r = site

Alterations & additions to existing premises?

12.1.2 Premises occupied - yes/no? identify area?

Relevant natural features to be retained I

relocated I removed

Copyright reserved JBCC® Principal Building Agreement Edition 6 . 1 March 2014 CONTRACT DATA
- ------- -�----------------------------------

Page 7

12. 1.4 Areas the contractor may not occupy?

12.1.5 Utilities connections - location

Statutory and/or other notices to be

complied with by the contractor before

possession of site can be given

Due date I yyyymmdd

12.1.7 Possesion of the site - intended date

12.1.12 Description of free issue by employer

(Attach separate page for multiple items)

NOTE: If insufficient space, please see annexure:-

� I I

14.0 N o m i n a t e d subcontractors

14.1.4 Specialisation:

14.1.4 Specialisation:

14.1.4 Specialisation:

14.1.4 Specialisation:

14.1.4 Specialisation:

NOTE: If insufficient space, please see annexure:-

16.0 Direct contractors

Employer to define extent of work by a direct contractor [ 1 2 . 1 . 2 ]

16.1 Specialisation:

16.1 Specialisation:

16.1 Specialisation:

NOTE: If insufficient space, please see annexure:-

19/20/24 Practical c o m p l e t i o n I penalty for late completion

Inspection Date for practical

Penalty Penalty amount
= working completion
Currency per calendar day
days yyyymmdd

1 $.0 - �iiictical completion of the works as a whole

· · · · " · - - · · " O R . . .only one option can a p p l y !

1°9i20/24--Practical completion of the works in sections: 1

f972bi24 Practical completion of the works in sections: 2

19/20i24 - Practical completion of the works in sections: 3

19/20/24 Practical completion of the works in sections: 4

- 19/20/24 Practical completion of the works in sections: 5

NOTE: If insufficient space, please see annexure:-

Copyright reserved JBCC® Principal Building Agreement Edition 6. 1 March 2 0 1 4 CONTRACT DATA
Page B

19.0 Practical completion

19.1.1 Items that do !lQ! have to be complete to achieve practical completion

NOTE: If insufficient space, please see annexure:-

19.1.1 Criteria to achieve practical completion (the BoQ may contain a more detailed description)

0 ��
1 '

NOTE: If insufficient space, please see annexure:-

25.0 Payment

25.0 Currency:

25.2 Issue of regular payment certificates on date@month l o r . . . day of week

25.3.2 Materials and goods off site - paid subject to . . . Guarantee for Advance Payment provided ?

25.3.4/26.9.5 Contract price adjustment provisions Method?

NOTE: If insufficient space, please see annexure:-

30.0 Dispute resolution

30.6.1 Alternative Dispute Resolution nominating body

Copyright reserved JBCC® Principal Building Agreement Edition 6 . 1 March 2 0 1 4 CONTRACT DATA
Page 9

/ �,

C h a n g e s made to JBCC® d o c u m e n t a t i o n

Note: The amendments contained herein or in the single referenced Annexure constitute the only

amendments to the standard �BCC Agreement that will apply. No other amendments shall be of any

force or effect."

NOTE: If insufficient space, please see annexure:-1


.oTender closing: date Tender closing: time'---�

Tender closing: place


Delivered in electronic format? y

! _e_s_l_
.... n
__._ ! E - m a i l address

Alternate offer considered ? Y

! _e_s_/_
.... n
__._ !only if original tender submitted jyes I no?

D TENDERER'S SELECTION (to be completed by the tenderer)

11.0 Securities Obligation

11.1.2 Guarantee for Construction (variable) If specified, contractor's choice yes/no?

11.1.3 or Guarantee for Construction (fixed) If specified, contractor's choice yes/no?

11.1.4 Guarantee for Advance Payment Provided by the contractor yes/no?

(where the contractor requests the employer to pay an advance for materials and goods)

Purpose jcurrency j ! Amount j

11.4 Guarantee for Payment Provided by the employer yes/no ? I

I Currency I I Amount

19.0 Contractor's h o l i d a y periods d u r i n g the construction period ?

Contractor's annual holiday period - year 1 from . until


Contractor's 'other' h o l i d a y period - year 1 from . until


Contractor's annual holiday period - year 2 from . until


Contractor's 'other' holiday period - year 2 from . until


Contractor's annual holiday period - year 3 from . until


Contractor's 'other' holiday period - year 3 from . until

NOTE: If insufficient space, please see annexure:-

Copyright reserved JBCC® Principal Building Agreement Edition 6 . 1 March 2 0 1 4 CONTRACT DATA
Page 10

26.0 Payment I Adjustment of P r e l i m i n a r i e s

Payment of preliminaries

Assessed by principal agent, an amount pro rated to the value of the works executed in the
O ption A
same ratio as the preliminaries to the contract s u m , (including tax); shall exclude the amount

of preliminaries, all contingency sum(s) and any allowance for CPAP

Or . . . O r ...

Option B An amount agreed by the principal agent and the contractor in terms of the Bills of

Quantities or the priced document to identify an initial establishment charge I a monthly

charge I and a final disestablishment charge

Where the contractor does not indicate option 'A' or option 'B' - option 'A' shall apply

Adjustment of preliminaries [26.9.4]

Option A For the adjustment of preliminaries both the contract sum and the contract value (including

tax) shall exclude the amount of preliminaries, all contingency sum(s) and any provision for

Cost Price Adjustment Provisions:-

- An amount which shall not be varied

- A n amount varied in proportion to the contract value as compared to the contract sum

-An amount varied in proportion to the construction period as compared to the initial

construction period (excluding revisions to the construction period to which the contractor

is not entitled) to adjustment of the contract value in terms of the agreement

The contractor shall provide a brea k down of charges (incuding tax) within 1 5 w o rking d ays of

the date of acceptance of tender and , w here applicable , an app o rtio n ment of preliminarie s per


W here su c h information is not provided the following subdivision shal l be deemed to app l y :

- 1 0 % of the amount shall not be varied

- 15% varied in proportion of the contract value to the contract sum

- 75% varied in p roportion to the revised construction p eriod compared to the initial

construction p e riod

O r . . . O r ...

Option B
The contractor shall within 1 5 workin g days of the date of possesion of the site provide the

principal a gent with a detailed breakdown of preliminaries amounts for the works as a who l e ,

or per section where a p plicable, incl u ding administative and supervisor y staff char g es and for

the use of construction eq uipment in terms of the programm e .

/ \

\_.,-) W here the contractor does not indicate option 'A ' or option ' B ' - option 'A' shall appl y


By submission of this tende r to the emplo y er the tenderer offers and agrees to execute and complete the w orks

and remedy any d efects in conformity with the speci fi cation for the tender sum stated - to be paid in i nsta l ments

as work is complete d

2 The tender shall r e ma i n in full legal force for forty five (45 ) ca l endar days from the closing d ate of the ten der.

The tenderer accepts liabilt y for damages that may be suffered by the employer should the tender validity

period not be honoured

3 The lowest or any offer will not necessarily be accepted by the employer - nor need reasons be given for such a


4 A n y provision in this agreement that may confer any benefit or right in favour of any su b contractor shall be

binding on the p a rt ies and be capable of acceptance by s u ch su b contractor at any t i me

5 A nnexures . . . marked

I � I

Copyright reserved JBCC® Principal Building Agreement Edition 6 . 1 March 2014 CONTRACT DATA
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Page 11



Tenderer's work excluding tax j I amount

Tax . . . at percentage amount

Total T E N D E R S U M inclusive of tax amount

Tender sum in words

(print) T E N D E R E R Capacity who, by its SIGNATURE warrants authority thereto Date Location

WITNESS print n a m e Capacity SIGNATURE Date Location



Business-eg: public company

Business registration number VAT/GST

Contact person Mobile


Registered street address

Postal address Code!

Telephone Fax

Copyright reserved JBCC® Principal Building Agreement Edition 6 . 1 March 2 0 1 4 CONTRACT DATA

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