Efficient Algorithm Design For GPR Imaging of Landmines
Efficient Algorithm Design For GPR Imaging of Landmines
Efficient Algorithm Design For GPR Imaging of Landmines
7, JULY 2015
Abstract—Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is used to image is deals purely with the inversion algorithms, only the SFGPR
and detect subterranean objects, for example, in landmine de- will be examined and used in the laboratory experiments.
tection. Although full 3-D inversion of GPR measurements is Many GPR applications require high spatial resolution;
possible for simple algorithms such as backprojection, it is im-
practical when using more advanced algorithms that involve hence, a large antenna aperture would be required. When trying
1 -minimization. Many of the algorithms used for GPR imaging to locate very shallow buried targets, the desired resolution is
involve the storage, or online generation, of a huge dictionary on the order of centimeters. The GPR is usually a movable
matrix created from discretizing a high-dimensional nonlinear transmit–receive platform that is scanned over a region of
model. This parametric model includes all the target features that interest, e.g., some GPRs are handheld wands. Therefore, it is
need to be extracted, including 3-D location, object orientation,
and target type. As more parameters are added to the model, natural to use a synthetic-aperture approach to acquire coherent
the dimensionality increases. If uniform sampling is done over data over a large aperture [5]–[7]. Synthetic aperture radar
high-dimensional parameter space, the size of the dictionary and (SAR) has been shown to be effective in GPR applications
the complexity of the inversion algorithms rapidly grow, exceeding [2], [8]–[12]. A disadvantage with SAR is that it requires the
the capability of real-time processors. This paper shows that storage of the responses at each aperture position, increasing
strategic structuring of the dictionary, which takes advantage of
translational invariance in the model, can reduce the dictionary the memory requirements of the inversion system. A common
storage by several orders of magnitude and exploit the fast Fourier assumption in synthetic aperture is translational invariance of
transform for fast computation of previously highly impractical, the travel times from reflectors at a common depth, which
bordering on impossible, 3-D GPR imaging problems. facilitates coherent addition of the responses; this invariance
Index Terms—Compressive sensing (CS), fast Fourier trans- property is true in a layered-earth velocity model and can be
form (FFT), ground-penetrating radar (GPR). found in [8], [9], [13]–[16], as well as in [10]–[12].
The needs for extremely high resolution and data-acquisition
efficiency have led to investigations of many different inversion
techniques when dealing with the GPR problem. A few of these
Fig. 1. Detection flow for a GPR system with model-based inversion. Fig. 2. Uniform 2-D scan grid for GPR data acquisition.
be used to dramatically reduce the constraints in creating and
applying Ψ in a way that is increasingly more practical for the
GPR problem.
The key idea is that matrix Ψ can be structured by taking
advantage of the fact that Ψ can have a shift-invariance prop-
erty that creates a block-Toeplitz structure in Ψ . The block-
Toeplitz structure is associated with the dimensions where the
translational-invariance property is present. Taking advantage
of the translationally invariant structure of Ψ allows for the
matrix to be implicitly stored, and applied using a function,
i.e., gA , which reduces the storage requirements from O(N 6 ) to
Fig. 3. EM path through multiple media.
O(N 4 ). The computational expense to apply gA is much less,
O(N 4 ) instead of O(N 6 ) since gA will incorporate the fast A. Response Model
Fourier transform (FFT). If the example given in the previous The data-acquisition technique for a GPR includes the cre-
paragraph is reexamined using these data reduction techniques, ation of a synthetic aperture by moving a sensor to the positions
then the previous example that required 1012 elements would ls = (xs , ys , zs ). For a 3-D image, the scan positions, i.e., ls ,
only require 108 elements. This reduces the computer storage would be indexed over a grid in the 2-D plane as shown in
from approximately 8 TB to a much more manageable 800 MB Fig. 2, although almost impossible in practice, it is ideal for
before the use of a compressive sensing (CS) technique, which zs to be held constant.
could be used to further reduce the required storage and amount BP has been shown to be quite effective for imaging subsur-
of acquisition samples. face structures using a very simple scalar model for the system.
The remainder of this paper will be split into four sections. The imaging is effective even with the simplifications for the
Section II will describe the setup of the function gA with complete model, i.e.,
respect to the GPR landmine detection problem. Section III
will show simulated performance statistics for a variety of Aρ
R(ω, ls ; lt ) = e−jωτ (ls ,lt ,c,v) (1)
different inversion algorithms that can take advantage of the S(ls , lt , c, v)
new representation. Sections IV and V will provide results
such as the assumptions of a point scatter, a homogeneous
when processing measurements from a laboratory experiment
soil, and no interactions between the targets [2], [8]–[15]. The
and brief conclusions, respectively.
model in (1) describes a setup where a series of stepped-
frequency signals of strength A, at frequency ω, are sent from
a transmitter located at ls and then reflected off a target at lo-
The GPR problem can be described as a parameter-detection cation lt = (xt , yt , zt ) with reflection coefficient ρ. The factor
problem that relies on model-based inversion. The data flow S(ls , lt , c, v) takes into account the electromagnetic spreading
and processing blocks for this detection system are shown in and the transmission through the boundary. The time delay
Fig. 1. There are two sources of sampling: acquisition sampling function τ is computed using the plane-wave approximation
and model discretization. Acquisition sampling is where a and an approximation of Snell’s law to calculate the wave path
sensor measures the environment at many locations. Model through air with velocity c and at the boundary of a medium
discretization is where a dictionary, i.e., Ψ , is constructed using with velocity v [16]. An example of the wave path from a
a sampling of a continuous model created from the knowledge bistatic GPR traveling into the ground and reflecting off a target
of the data-acquisition system and the parameters that need can be seen in Fig. 3, where τ = τ1 + τ2 + τ3 + τ4 .
to be extracted. The measurements collected with the data- Examples of a simulated time-domain and frequency-domain
acquisition system and the dictionary Ψ are combined during measurement can be seen in Fig. 4. There will also be a
the inversion step to obtain a 3-D image that estimates the reflection from the air–ground interface, and eliminating this
environment. ground response is an active research topic in its own right.
xt , where α is a constant value 0 α < 1. The x discretization The convolution representation shown in (10), i.e., (shown
creates a new representation for the response vector, i.e., at the bottom of the page) uses the same dictionary as was
r(ω, mΔx) created in (2), but the discretization for xt has been replaced
by the constant α. Changing the discretization from xt to α
N xt
is significant because it drops the storage requirements from
= s ((h + α)Δx, zt ) e−jωτ (mΔx,hΔx,α,zt ) . (6)
zt h=1
Nxt to one. However, if there is a desire to upsample the image
locations, e.g., to get upsampling by a factor of 2, we could
If the time delay τ is examined for a monostatic system mea- use α1 = 0 and α2 = 0.5, then the process would need to be
suring in a single medium, we obtain repeated for each αi . With these steps outlined for the forward
τ (mΔx, hΔx, α, zt ) operator, the adjoint is fairly trivial.
1 Transitioning back to matrix notation, shift invariance leads
= (mΔx − (h + α)Δx)2 + zt2 (7)
c to a Toeplitz, or block-Toeplitz, structure in Ψ . For simplicity,
1 consider an example with α1 , α2 , and Nα = 2, which could
= ((m − h) − α)2 (Δx)2 + zt2 . be trivially expanded. The columns correspond to the sensor
positions, xs , the rows correspond to the simulated target
Thus, the time delay depends on the index difference (m − h),
locations, xt , and the entries in the D H matrix correspond to
and it can be shown that the inner sum in (6) is a discrete
the distance between xs and xt . The distance between xs and
convolution. The time delay function τ keeps horizontal shift
xt is going to be |m − h − αi |. A reasonable assumption made
invariance even when the system is not monostatic and when
here is that Nxt = Nxs . When they are not equal, the Toeplitz
the medium velocity is allowed to change with z, but not with
structure would just not be square. The difference matrix is
x or y. The horizontal shift invariance can be visualized with
shown in (10). The matrix in (10) is not Toeplitz, but with a
Fig. 3. If the target, T1 , and R1 are shifted by an equal value, d1
slight reorganization of the rows, it can become block-Toeplitz
and d2 will shift by the same amount; hence, τ will be the same
with Nα blocks, as shown in (11). The difference matrix, i.e.,
as before the shift. Therefore, with a fixed Δx, the exponential
D, is built directly into the representation matrix
in (6) is a function of the index difference (m − h), i.e.,
e−jωτ (mΔx,hΔx,zt ) = e−jωτ ((m−h)Δx,α,zt ) . (8) Ψ (ω1 , D, zt ) = ejωτ (D,tz1 ) (12)
Now, we can rewrite the inner sum of (6) as a convolution giving Ψ a block structure with Nα Nω Nzt blocks of size
because we have index shift invariance Nxs ×Nxt . It is well known that a block-Toeplitz matrix can
r(ω, mΔx) be stored with a single vector for each block.1 Toeplitz matrices
⎛ ⎞
have been shown to be an effective way to reduce computational
N xt
= ⎝ s ((h + α)Δx, zt ) e−jωτ ((m−h)Δx,α,zt ) ⎠ complexity in random sampling matrices for CS [22], [23]. A
zt h=1 graphical example of the structural changes that would need to
be made to the storage and application of the Ψ matrix used for
convolution w.r.t. m
2-D imaging in the time domain can be seen in Fig. 5. Fig. 5(a)
= s ((m + α)Δx, zt ) ∗m e−jωτ ((m)Δx,α,zt ) (9) shows the traditional dictionary, where every simulated target
= s ((m + α)Δx, zt ) ∗m ψ(ω, mΔx, α, zt ). 1 For the examples given in this paper, it will be assumed that the sensor
zt spacing and the simulated target spacing are identical, i.e., Nα = 1, α1 = 0.
⎡ ⎤
α1 Δx − α1 ··· (Nxs − 1) Δx − α1 )
⎢ α2 Δx − α2 ··· (Nxs − 1) Δx − α2 ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ Δx + α1 α1 ··· (Nxs − 2) Δx − α1 ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ Δx + α2 α2 ··· (Nxs − 2) Δx − α2 ) ⎥
DH =⎢ ⎥ (10)
⎢ .. .. .. .. ⎥
⎢ . . . . ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣ (Nxt − 1) Δx + α1 (Nxt − 2) Δx + α1 ··· α1 ⎦
(N − 1) Δx + α2 (Nxt − 2) Δx + α2 ··· α2
⎡ xt ⎤
α1 Δx − α1 · · · (Nxs − 1) Δx − α1 )
⎢ Δx + α α1 · · · (Nxs − 2) Δx − α1 ) ⎥
⎢ 1 ⎥
⎢ .. .. .. .. ⎥
⎢ . . . . ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ (Nxt − 1) Δx + α1 (Nxt − 2) Δx + α1 ··· α1 ⎥
DH =⎢
⎥ (11)
⎢ α2 Δx − α2 · · · (Nxs − 1) Δx − α2 ) ⎥
⎢ Δx + α α2 · · · (Nxs − 2) Δx − α2 ) ⎥
⎢ 2 ⎥
⎢ .. .. .. .. ⎥
⎣ . . . . ⎦
(Nxt − 1) Δx + α2 (Nxt − 2) Δx + α2 ··· α2
Fig. 5. Dictionary implementation. (a) Explicit enumeration with matrix multiplication. (b) Exploiting shift invariance by using a convolution operator.
compression is required, Φ can be removed or equivalently set for faster computation when using MATLAB. For example,
to the identity matrix. running BP using gA on the 3-D simulation from Section III-C
takes 5.28 s if the multiplications and additions are done in a
loop and 0.13 by using vectorized operations to perform the
same task.
The algorithms described in Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2
describe gA and gA if a general Φ were to be used in a
compression algorithm. However, to use a general Φ requires
complete sampling during data acquisition and eliminates the
usefulness of compressive algorithms in terms of data acquisi-
tion. Making sure that Φ is a random sampling matrix where
the random frequencies, or random time samples, at each ls
are equal, would allow for Φ to be applied to Ψ α before the
zero pad and FFT take place. Applying Φ before the zero pad
and FFT allows for the compressed sampling to be performed
during data acquisition. In other words, if ΦΨ has the same
shift-invariant property as Ψ , then Φ can be applied before the
zero pad and FFT operations.
A. Inversions
The most common inversion method for GPR is BP. In the
The description of the algorithms above can be modified to notation of (4), the standard BP image is created simply by
get a more time-efficient implementation. Many of the steps can multiplying the measurements, i.e., r, by the adjoint Ψ H , i.e.,
Ψα and taking
be performed offline, for instance, calculating Ψ̃
the transform of b. Moreover, the for loops are easy to vectorize sbp = Ψ H r = (Ψ
ΨH Ψ )s = gA
(r). (13)
Fig. 8. Three-target simulation. (a) Time measurements. (b) Actual image. (c) OMP solution with 10-dB SNR. (d) OMP solution with −5-dB SNR.
Fig. 9. Images created with two random frequencies using (a) BP and
(b) C1 M.
Fig. 11. Approximately the ratio of storage and time saved by using gA and gA
instead of explicit matrix multiplication for different values of N .
N = 5 Nls Nlt , and fixed Nω = 401 frequencies, to show how The functional and explicit models are also compared using
the algorithms scale as the dimensionality of the image space a C1 M algorithm in Fig. 12, and again, the functional method
increases. Functional BP (fBP) is around 15 times faster than is much more time efficient by about a factor of 5 at 0.2×106
BP for N = 70. Functional OMP (fOMP) is also around 15 measurements and a factor of 15 at 106 measurements.
times faster than OMP and is actually about four times faster
than BP for N = 70. These values are again just for the
C. Three-Dimensional Compressed Simulations
2-D inversion where there is only one dimension containing the
redundancy; in 3-D, there are two. The slow data-acquisition time of SFGPR has led to height-
To see what the gains would be for the 3-D problem, the ened interest in algorithms that use compressed measurements.
approximate savings ratios for time and storage are calculated The following simulated example will only use compressed
for the 2-D and 3-D solvers in Fig. 11. To check how close algorithms. Compressed algorithms are those in which a sam-
the approximation is to reality, the ratios for experimental pling scheme is applied to the measurements and the dictionary
processing for N = 70 came out to be about 15 times, Fig. 11 before use in the algorithm. For this application, the same ran-
shows about 17 times for the 2-D processing at N = 70, which dom selection of stepped frequencies is taken at each individual
is acceptably close. This means that for a 3-D problem with scan position, i.e., ls , along the synthetic aperture.
size N = 70 that is solved with one of the discussed algorithms, The simulation run was on a problem size that would be rea-
there would be a reduction by a factor of approximately 600 to sonable in a real application. The image grid has a resolution of
the time and storage by using the functional algorithms. 2 cm and has 60 equal discretizations for xt , yt , and zt , giving
Fig. 13. Images created from a simulated environment with (a) CBP with 5% threshold, (b) CBP with 10% threshold, (c) COMP, and (d) C1 M.
TABLE I a suboptimal approach was taken by solving small 2-D slices
and concatenating them together to form a 2.5-D image [12]. If
we compare the two approaches, it is easy to show why solving
the large 3-D problem is important. It is important to note that
the functional method can be done in 2-D as well and would
be more time efficient than using the explicit method, as was
a total number of image pixels equal to Nlt = 603 = 216, 000. shown in Section III-B.
As previously mentioned, the scan positions ls = (xs , ys , zs ) = This experiment consists of randomly placing two targets
(xt , yt , 0), or α = 0 and Δx = 2 cm, allow for the translational in a 3-D volume and using C1 M to invert the measure-
invariance to be present. The possible frequencies, i.e., ω, ments and create an image. The frequency range used is from
used in the data collection were 379 frequencies in the range 0 MHz to 5.02 GHz with Nω = 158 equally spaced frequencies.
2π(500 MHz) to 2π(8.06 GHz). The compression takes place The scan positions correspond to a colocated transmitter and
in the selection of a random set of the same ten frequencies at receiver. The transmitter locations are uniformly spaced in a
each ls . The total explicit dictionary size for this problem would 2-D square from ys = −96 cm to 90 cm at 6-cm intervals,
be Nls Nω ×Nlt = 602 (10)×603 , which turns out to be ap- giving Nys = 32, and, similarly, from xs = −96 cm to 90 cm
proximately 60 GB. A typical personal computer has less than at 6-cm intervals, giving Nxs = 32. The horizontal target lo-
12 GB of memory; hence, directly solving this problem with cations are in the range yt = −90 cm to 84 cm at 6-cm
an explicit dictionary matrix is impossible without calculating intervals, giving Nyt = 30; likewise for xt . The fact that the
the responses during run time in a loop. However, using the scan positions and the target locations have the same horizontal
translational invariance exploit removes the need to store xt and discretization leads to the translational-invariance simplifica-
yt , and the size of the dictionary becomes O(Nls )Nω ×Nzt = tion. The depth locations need not be constrained, but for this
experiment, z ranges from 270 cm to 420 cm deep at 6-cm
602 (10)×60, which is approximately 17 MB, a reduction by a
intervals, giving Nzt = 26. The number of compressed mea-
factor of more than 103 ! The simulation environment consisted
surements, i.e., M , is selected between 0.1% and 2.4% of the
of three point targets with an SNR of 15 dB. Fig. 13 shows
total measurements N = Nω Nls = 158×322 ≈ 105 . The num-
the results of the imaging with three different compressed
ber of discretizations in the target location parameter space is
algorithms. Two thresholds were used in the compressed BP
P = Nlt = 302 ×26 ≈ 104 . Without using CS or the functional
(CBP) case in Fig. 13(a) and (b), and it can be seen that
representation, the explicit matrix would be of size N ×P ≈
changing the user-defined threshold can dramatically affect
109 . However, employing CS and the functional representation,
the output images. The compressed OMP (COMP) and C1 M
N becomes M , P = 26, and the total storage requirements for a
algorithms in Fig. 13(c) and (d), respectively, achieve exact
matrix using 2.4% of the total measurements becomes M ×P =
2400×26 ≈ 105 , a reduction of four orders of magnitude.
The measured timing statistics for this simulation can be
Fig. 14 shows the detection accuracy advantages that are
seen in Table I. A large portion of the time it takes to run the
available when solving the full 3-D imaging problem as op-
algorithms is associated with the time it takes to run the forward
posed to imaging the volume with many 2-D slices. When
and adjoint operators. The ratio of the amount of time per
using 2-D slices and not solving the full 3-D problem, the
function call is shown in the third column of Table I. The time
synthetic aperture in the xt dimension is not being directly
it takes to run COMP is almost exclusively dependent on the
H exploited. The sparsity in the 2-D slice image in Fig. 14(b)
speed of gA and gA , whereas a more complicated algorithm,
shows the resolution issues in xt . The full 3-D inversion that
i.e., C1 M, has a little more time devoted to overhead. For
is made possible by using the functional representations gA
algorithms such as C1 M, where the dictionary is going to H
and gA is shown in Fig. 14(c). The full 3-D inversion provides
be applied hundreds of times, any efficiency increase to the
a much higher resolution image in xt than using 2-D slices.
dictionary is going to linearly scale.
The higher resolution is a byproduct of the fact that the full
3-D inversion takes advantage of the full 2-D array aperture.
D. Comparing Full 3-D to Sliced 2-D
The accuracy metric used to analyze the solutions is the Earth
The computational inefficiency of previous methods has Mover’s Distance (EMD) [31]. The EMD is used because,
prevented the direct implementation of 3-D inversion; hence, unlike mean square error, EMD takes the support into account
Fig. 14. (a) Full 3-D C1 M solution using the FFT method with exact reconstruction. (b) Solution using 2-D slices. (c) EMD comparison of 2-D slice and full
3-D solutions.
TABLE II issues that can arise from that type of inversion. However,
the 2-D slice method could also be improved by exploiting
the translational invariance if it was desired to still be used.
It would be faster and more storage efficient than using the
explicit method to calculate each slice because each slice would
garner a computational time improvement to what was shown in
Section III-B. The purpose behind inverting these data again
is to show that a real-world experiment that was previously
too computationally intense to invert with full 3-D C1 M can
be completed with the exploitation of shift invariance. The
discretizations used for this problem are as follows: xs and ys
were both taken from −60 cm to 60 cm at 2-cm increments, xt
and yt taken from −58 cm to 56 cm at 2-cm increments, and
zt taken from 1 cm to 20 cm with 0.5-cm increments.
Fig. 15(c) and (d) shows the depth-summed top view of the
created images using uncompressed BP with 379 frequencies
when calculating the error. Targets with a small error in location and C1 M with 100 frequencies. Both of these were com-
have a lower EMD than they would with MSE. For example, puted with the functional implementation of the forward and
the MSE between two vectors with a single spike where the adjoint operators. It is very difficult to distinguish where some
spike location differs by one or by 100 is identical. However, of the weaker targets are in the BP image, but it becomes
the EMD will provide a higher error when the support is off by much clearer in the C1 M image. For example, the mines
100. An SNR analysis showing the EMD reduction produced at (xt , yt ) = (−45, 5) and (xt , yt ) = (0, 50), and the cylinder
by solving the full 3-D inversion instead of the 2-D slices is at (xt , yt ) = (45, 50). The imaging improvement of C1 M
found in Fig. 14(d). over BP combined with the fact that it can be done with
much fewer measurements is a substantial reason as to why
C1 M would be preferably used over BP. In the work by
Gürbüz et al., full 3-D inversion for this experiment was
The final experiment uses data that are collected from the impossible with C1 M, but now, with the modification to the
system described by Counts et al. in [10]. The system consists storage and application of Ψ , it can be done. A problem with
of a linear array of resistive-vee antennas, microwave switches, this imaging in a CS application is the relatively low sparsity of
a vector network analyzer, and a 3-D positioner, under com- the resulting image, caused by using a point-target model. The
puter control. Data from a single transmit–receive pair spaced point-target model images each reflection as its own individual
12 cm apart as shown in Fig. 15(a) and measured at 379 equally target, which is why certain targets, such as that at (xt , yt ) =
spaced frequencies from 0.50 to 8.06 GHz are used in this work. (−50, 50), are larger than the others. The low sparsity in a
The targets are buried in damp compact sand, and the ground- CS problem can cause some very small targets to be excluded
truth location of the targets can be seen in Fig. 15(b). The because the accuracy of the inversion is based on the sparsity
depth of the targets is shown in the parenthesis on the graph. and the number of measurements used. This can be seen by
The landmines are inert, and their relative sizes are indicated the exclusion of the target at (xt , yt ) = (−45, 40). If a more
by their outlines. The properties of the buried objects for this accurate and complex model is used, the sparsity could be
experiment can be seen in Table II from Counts et al. [10]. dramatically increased, and even fewer measurements would
A 2-D slice C1 M algorithm was employed for inver- be required. Even with a more complex model, most likely, the
sion to avoid the computational inefficiencies in the work of translational invariance would remain, and the efficient model-
Gürbüz et al. [12], but we saw in the previous section the ing technique described in this paper could still be leveraged.
Fig. 15. Underground experiment for multiple objects. (a) Sensor setup. (b) Target locations. The values in parentheses correspond to the depths of the individual
targets. (c) Solution using BP. (d) Full 3-D CS solution using functional gA method.
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gration algorithm for ground-penetrating radar data,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. His research involves increasing the algorithmic
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[15] L. Song and Q. H. Liu, “Ground-penetrating radar land mine imag- plications to landmines.
ing: Two-dimensional seismic migration and three-dimensional inverse
scattering in layered media,” Radio Sci., vol. 40, no. 1, pp. RS1S90-
1–RS1S90-15 Feb. 2005.
[16] E. M. Johansson and J. E. Mast, “Three-dimensional ground-penetrating
radar imaging using synthetic aperture time-domain focusing,” in Proc. James H. McClellan (S’69–M’74–SM’79–
SPIE, Sep. 1994, vol. 2275, pp. 205–214. F’85–LF’12) received the B.S. degree in electrical
[17] M. Tuncer and A. Gurbuz, “Ground reflection removal in compressive engineering from Louisiana State University, Baton
sensing ground penetrating radars,” IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., Rouge, LA, USA, in 1969 and the M.S. and Ph.D.
vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 23–27, Jan. 2012. degrees from Rice University, Houston, TX, USA,
[18] K. R. Krueger, J. H. McClellan, and W. R. Scott, Jr., “Dictionary reduction in 1972 and 1973, respectively.
technique for 3-D stepped-frequency GPR imaging using compressive From 1973 to 1982, he was a member of the Re-
sensing and the FFT,” in Proc. SPIE, Apr. 2012, p. 83650Q. search Staff at Lincoln Laboratory and then a Profes-
[19] K. R. Krueger, J. H. McClellan, and W. R. Scott, Jr., “3-D imaging for sor with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
ground penetrating radar using compressive sensing with block-toeplitz Cambridge, MA, USA. From 1982 to 1987, he was
structures,” in Proc. IEEE 7th SAM Signal Process. Workshop, Jun. 2012, with Schlumberger Well Services. Since 1987, he has
pp. 229–232. been a Professor with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
[20] K. R. Krueger, J. H. McClellan, and W. R. Scott, Jr., “Sampling techniques Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Atlanta, GA, USA, where he
for improved algorithmic efficiency in electromagnetic sensing,” in Proc. presently holds the John and Marilu McCarty Chair. He is a coauthor of the texts
Int. Conf. Sampling Theory Appl., Jul. 2013, pp. 61–64. Number Theory in Digital Signal Processing, Computer Exercises for Signal
[21] P. A. Torrione, L. M. Collins, F. Clodfelter, S. Frasier, and I. Starnes, Processing, DSP First: A Multimedia Approach, and Signal Processing First,
“Application of the LMC algorithm to anomaly detection using the Wich- which received the IEEE McGraw-Hill Jacob Millman Award as outstanding
mann/NIITEK ground-penetrating radar,” in Proc. SPIE, 2003, vol. 5089, innovative textbook in 2003.
pp. 1127–1136. Dr. McClellan received the W. Howard Ector Outstanding Teacher Award
[22] J. Romberg, “Compressive sensing by random convolution,” SIAM J. at Georgia Tech in 1998 and the Education Award from the IEEE Signal
Imag. Sci., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1098–1128, Oct. 2009. Processing Society in 2001. In 1987, he received the Technical Achievement
[23] W. U. Bajwa, J. D. Haupt, G. M. Raz, S. J. Wright, and R. D. Nowak, Award for his work on finite-impulse-response filter design and, in 1996, the
“Toeplitz-structured compressed sensing matrices,” in Proc. Workshop Society Award, both from the IEEE Signal Processing Society. In 2004, he
Stat. Signal Process., Aug. 2007, pp. 294–298. was a corecipient of the IEEE Jack S. Kilby Signal Processing medal. He is
[24] J. A. Tropp and A. C. Gilbert, “Signal recovery from random measure- a member of Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu.
ments via orthogonal matching pursuit,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 53,
no. 12, pp. 4655–4666, Dec. 2007.
[25] A. C. Gurbuz, “Sparsity enhanced fast subsurface imaging with GPR,” in Waymond R. Scott Jr. (S’81–M’82–SM’03–F’08)
Proc. Int. Conf. GPR, Jun. 2010, pp. 1–5. received the B.E.E., M.S.E.E., and Ph.D. degrees
[26] P. Boufounos, M. Duarte, and R. Baraniuk, “Sparse signal reconstruction from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
from noisy compressive measurements using cross validation,” in Proc. GA, USA, in 1980, 1982, and 1985, respectively.
Workshop Stat. Signal Process., 2007, pp. 299–303. In 1986, he joined the School of Electrical and
[27] D. L. Donoho, “Compressed sensing,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 52, Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Tech-
no. 4, pp. 1289–1306, Apr. 2006. nology, as an Assistant Professor, where he was
[28] R. G. Baraniuk, “Compressive sensing [lecture notes],” IEEE Signal Pro- subsequently promoted to Professor. His research in-
cess. Mag., vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 118–121, Jul. 2007. volves the interaction of electromagnetic and elastic
[29] E. J. Candès and M. B. Wakin, “An introduction to compressive sam- fields with materials. This research spans a broad
pling,” IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 21–30, Mar. 2008. range of topics, including the measurement of the
[30] E. van den Berg and M. P. Friedlander, “SPGL1: A Solver for Large- properties of materials, experimental and numerical modeling, and systems
Scale Sparse Reconstruction,” Jun. 2007, [Online]. Available: for the detection of buried objects. Currently, his research is concentrated on
http://www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/scl/spgl1. investigating techniques for detecting objects buried in the earth. This work has
[31] Y. Rubner, C. Tomasi, and L. J. Guibas, “A metric for distributions with many practical applications, for example, the detection of underground utilities,
applications to image databases,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Comput. Vis., 1998, buried hazardous waste, buried structures, unexploded ordnance, and buried
pp. 59–66. landmines.