12 Parsecs Rules

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How to play

Before starting, each player should record

their name as Captain on their player
sheet, and seat themselves so they can see
the rolled dice. It is not necessary to see
the sheets of other players.

While playing, all players will be taking

their turns simultaneously, progressing
once each player is done. Each turn has
the same steps:

1. Roll the dice.

2. Place numbers.
You are the leader of one planet in the Beta 3. Mark fuel stations or space academies.
Nanoine galaxy. Your sun is about to go su- 4. Add cadets and fuel.
pernova, and each planet has begun the race to 5. Store surplus and use boosts.
move into space, all to escape total destruction
and explore the universe. When the time comes If, during or at the end of a turn, any
everyone will try to launch, but without ships, player has completed 3 of their spaceships
fuel, and pilots, you are grounded until further (or more), the game is over and you
notice. Will you reach the stars in time? shuold progress to Scoring when all
other players complete their turns.
Rolling Dice & Placing Numbers
The goal of the game is to earn point by
building three (or more) spaceships. To Any player starts the turn by rolling the
build a spaceship you must construct it three dice. Each player then, on their
using numbers drawn from dice rolls, as own, chooses two dice to form one or
well as a certain amount of cadets and two numbers (e.g. 5 + 6 become 56 and
fuel. When a player has completed three 65). These numbers are added to one
ships, the game is ended and scored based spaceship, or be split between two ships.
on complete ships, incomplete ships, and
surplus cadets and fuel. Numbers must be placed in ascending/
What You Need descending order, with duplicate numbers
allowed to be placed next to each other.
Note that ship 3 already has two numbers
• Game sheets (one per player)
placed. If you only get a single number
• 3 six-sided dice (for one player)
(11, 22, 33, etc.), only place it once. If you
• Pencils/pens (per player)
cannot place a number, nothing happens.
ecs Parsecs #
Dice & placement
Saurabh Misra Adding Fuel & Cadets
Saurabh Misra
43 34

1 2 3 4 5
Once the third die is

12 Parsecs
3 4 5
used, cadets
Andres Desa and fuel
are added
& to ships based
on the cadets
Saurabh Misra and fuel
14 circled by your stations
1 2 3 4 and academies (e.g. one5
43 34
# circled fuel means add a
single fuel).

43 34 41 You may use the cadets and fuel on a single ship

# or spread them out across multiple ships. You
must use all available cadets and fuel on your
Grace can choose between the numbers 1, 4, and 4. She can turn, even if it means adding them to ships
43 34
choose to place the 44 once, but she doesn’t like that. Instead
she chooses the 1 and 3, so she can place a 14 and a 41 in her
you aren’t building. Note that each ship has a
different number of spaces already filled in.
ships. She can place the 14 on ship 3, but the 41 has nowhere
to go that keeps the numbers ascending or descnding. She
places it instead on ship 4. She can place it anywhere, but
If you cannot place a cadet
or fuel, simply make a tick
X X X |\|
12 Parsec
places it towards the middle so she can fit other numbers on mark in the surplus box at

both sides in the future. She then uses the remaining 4 to fill
in a space academy (see below).
the end of the row. These
count as bonus points!

12 Parsecs
Captain Ships & Boosts And
Stations & Academies 1 2 3
When a ship has all the spaces filled with Saur
numbers, and all cadets and fuel spaces filled
1 2 in, you have built the3ship. Building three ships
Spaceship 4
will mark that the current round is the last,

although all players still finish their turns.

When a ship is completed, cross of its ‘boost’
and apply the effect immediately: Either
gaining a single fuel, cadet, number of your
choice in another ship, or filling in all the
43 (which
spaces of your next station or academy
give you a fuel or cadet to use immediately).

After placing the one or two numbers
on the ships (or skipping numbers that Each player gets 10 points for each filled space
on their completed ships, and 5 points fo each
cannot be placed), all players use the
filled space on incomplete ships. Each surplus
unused third die to fill in either boxes fuel and cadet is also worth a single point, with
beside fuel stations or space academies. tied games determined by who built bigger
When all the boxes are filled, circle the ships, then otherwise sharing the victory.
fuel or cadet. Note that one fuel station 12 Parsecs was designed by Andres Desa and Saurabh Misra, and is
published online and for free by story Machine Games. The game
is already complete when you start the was developed by Michael Guigliano, Jono Naito, Jakob Maier,
game. Keith Ward, and Bobby West. Find more games and contests at

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