9355FXA.059 Product Info

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Powerware series

10-30 kVA

Eaton 9355 UPS

Scalable. Compact. Flexible.
Agility, scalability and space efficiency –
with greater standard runtime
The Eaton® 9355 is a mid-size, three-phase uninterruptible The 9355’s space-efficient design and outstanding
power system (UPS) that delivers superior power protection performance and reliability make it perfect for corporate,
for the ever-expanding loads in today’s space-constrained telecom, healthcare, banking, industrial and retail applications.
data centers. Combined with Eaton’s world-class warranty and service plans,
expert technical support, and broad selection of options—and
The double-conversion topology of the 9355 means that it
backed by 40 years of R&D excellence—the 9355 is the ideal
protects IT infrastructure from all of the most common power
power protection solution for small data centers.
problems to give data center managers greater peace of
mind. The 9355 also offers an industry-leading combination
of flexibility, scalability and power density—all in an
innovative, high-efficiency package.
The 9355’s sleek, end-of-row tower design is
available in 10 kVA and 20 kVA configurations,
upgradeable to 15 kVA and 30 kVA, respectively,
and offers the smallest footprint of any comparable UPS.
Standard internal batteries often eliminate the need for costly
and space-consuming external battery cabinets.
An on-board power distribution module gives data
center managers additional flexibility by helping to
preserve valuable rack space and making the rack-
based environment truly plug and play. This module
can be configured for hardwired output or with a variety of
output receptacles, reducing site preparation and installation
Up to four 9355 UPSs can be paralleled for either
redundancy or extra capacity using Eaton’s patented
Powerware® Hot Sync® paralleling technology.
Powerware Hot Sync also enables wireless paralleling in the
event of a communications failure, providing the industry’s
only truly redundant paralleling solution.

Product snapshot
Power rating: 10, 15, 20 and 30 kVA at Frequency: 50/60 Hz auto-sensing
0.9 power factor (three phase) Dimensions: 10 and 15 kVA two-high configuration:
Form factor: Small-footprint tower, black 32.2" H x 12" W x 32.5" D
Topology: Double conversion 10 and 15 kVA three-high configuration:
47.8" H x 12" W x 32.5" D
Battery backup: Up to 22 minutes typical,
extendable up to three hours 20 and 30 kVA: 66" H x 20" W x 34" D
Input voltage: 208V/120V or 220V/127V
Output voltage: 208V/120V or 220V/127V
480V: 120V/208V or 600V:
120/208 with input isolation
transformer (at 60 Hz only)

Features and benefits

• Compact tower form factor offers up to 75 percent • Microprocessor-controlled ABM technology with
smaller footprint and 13 percent more power innovative three-stage charging technique extends
capacity than comparable UPSs for industry-leading the useful life of UPS batteries and optimizes battery
power density recharge time
• All-in-one design with internal batteries and integrated • Power management software suite includes
power distribution module with maintenance bypass applications for remote UPS monitoring, management
switch delivers a complete power protection solution and shutdown to help ensure system and data integrity
in one box for simplified installation
• Double-conversion topology provides complete power
protection, isolating valuable IT equipment from all
nine of the most common power problems
• High 0.9 output power factor for more real power in
less space
• Internal batteries on all standard configurations
support up to 350 percent more runtime than
comparable UPSs
• Scalable 10 kVA and 20 kVA configurations can be
upgraded to provide 50 percent more power without
additional hardware
• On-board, plug-and-play power distribution module
allows for hardwired output or 15 different output
receptacle options, enhancing flexibility and reducing
installation costs
• Patented Powerware Hot Sync paralleling technology
enables paralleling of up to four 9355 UPSs for
additional capacity or redundancy

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10 kVA 15 kVA 20 kVA 30 kVA

Premium power protection Advanced battery management

With the 9355 UPS, data center managers can safely The 9355 UPS offers innovative technologies to maximize the
eliminate the effects of electrical line disturbances and guard health and service life of its internal and external batteries:
the integrity of their systems and equipment. The 9355 is • ABM technology uses a unique three-stage charging
a true double-conversion, three-phase system that can be technique that significantly extends battery service life
used to prevent loss of valuable electronic information and and optimizes recharge time when compared to traditional
minimize equipment downtime. trickle charging
• The 9355 continually monitors incoming electrical • Temperature-compensated charging monitors battery
power and removes the surges, spikes, sags, and other temperature and adjusts the charge rate accordingly, which
irregularities that are inherent in commercial utility power properly charges the battery and greatly extends battery life
• Working with a building’s electrical system, the 9355 • An integrated battery management system tests and
supplies the clean, consistent power required by sensitive monitors battery health and remaining lifetime, providing
electronic equipment for reliable operation user notification to guide preventive maintenance
• During brownouts, blackouts, and other power interruptions, Eaton's UPS batteries are field replaceable. One person,
internal batteries provide emergency power to safeguard working alone, can easily replace a battery without disrupting
operation data center operations or power to protected equipment.
The 9355 constantly monitors its own operation
—such as voltage, temperature and function of internal
Green power performance
components—and sends an alarm or takes action if it The 9355 delivers a robust combination of low input current
detects a potential problem. distortion and high power factor for maximum efficiency.
Operating at greater than 90 percent efficiency across all load
ranges, the 9355 helps to reduce utility costs, extend battery
If it senses a problem, the 9355 instantly transfers the power
runtimes and produce cooler operating conditions.
path to a bypass source with zero interruption in power.
When the alarm condition passes, the 9355 automatically In addition, Eaton’s use of sustainable materials and highly
reverts from bypass to normal power. efficient manufacturing technology results in dramatic savings
in carbon footprint as compared to competitive UPS products.
The 9355 UPS features a four-button graphical LCD that
provides useful information such as load status, events,
measurements and settings.

The Eaton advantage

Maximum runtime, minimum footprint

The 9355 UPS provides industry-leading power density Standard 10 kVA and 20 kVA capacity models can also be
and a 75 percent footprint reduction versus comparable upgraded to 15 kVA and 30 kVA, respectively, providing
UPS solutions. All standard 9355 configurations 50 percent more power with no additional hardware and
incorporate internal batteries to provide up to 350 percent no increase in footprint.
more runtime and offer 13 percent more capacity at The 9355’s small footprint requires only three to six square
equivalent VA ratings. Extended runtime allows the 9355 feet of floor space, enabling easy data center space-
to power this extra capacity nearly four times longer planning and preserving valuable raised-floor real estate.
without additional hardware, eliminating the need for
costly and space-consuming external battery cabinets.

Industry-leading scalability and redundancy

Today’s critical applications require redundancy for ultimate
reliability—and the 9355 delivers. Eaton’s innovative Hot
Sync technology and optional maintenance bypass parallel tie
cabinet work together with the 9355 to provide an advanced,
cost-effective UPS paralleling system.
The patented Hot Sync technology enables system load
sharing, allowing any UPS module in the system to serve as a
backup for any other module. Hot Sync’s wireless paralleling
capability also ensures system stability in the event of a
communications failure.
Using a wall-mounted maintenance bypass parallel tie
cabinet, data center managers can easily parallel up to four
9355 UPSs for either redundancy or capacity. UPSs can
be quickly added to the pre-installed parallel tie cabinet
and brought online in minutes, and individual UPSs can be
isolated and swapped out for maintenance—significantly Up to four 9355 UPSs can be paralleled for capacity or redundancy—
often in a smaller footprint than a single large UPS
reducing installation and maintenance expenses.
Most other paralleling systems on the market use a top-down
configuration in which the master fails when any subsidiary Parallel tie cabinet
module fails. With Eaton’s unique approach, each UPS is
independent, yet synchronized with the others to prevent any
single point of failure and help eliminate costly downtime.
Additional paralleling benefits include:
• Scalability, from 10 to 120 kVA using one parallel tie cabinet
• N+3, N+2 or N+1 redundancy, from 10 to 90 kVA in a
compact footprint—often in a smaller footprint than a single
large UPS
• Redundant battery systems, with each parallel UPS
containing its own internal batteries
Front Rear

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10 and 15 kVA Configurations 20 and 30 kVA Configurations

At 20 kVA, the 9355 occupies

At 15 kVA, the 9355 occupies
70% less footprint 48% less footprint
and delivers over three times
than competitor C
the battery runtime

10 and 15 kVA 20 and 30 kVA

Configurations Configurations


Dimensions Footprint Battery Dimensions Footprint Battery
(inches) (square Runtime (minutes) (inches) (square Runtime (minutes)
W D H inches) 10 kVA 15 kVA W D H inches) 20 kVA 30 kVA
9355 12 34 32 408 9 5 9355 20 34 66 680 18 11
Competitor A 21 33 59 693 5 5 Competitor A 21 33 59 693 5 5
Competitor B 24 36 82 864 5 5 Competitor B 24 36 82 864 5 5
Competitor C 33 40 63 1320 5 5 Competitor C 33 40 63 1320 5 5

Power distribution

Flexible, integrated power distribution Simplified rack-based power distribution options

An on-board power distribution module (PDM) gives the 9355 The 9355’s on-board power distribution module is compatible
the flexibility necessary to adapt to the diverse and continually with Eaton’s optional rack power modules (RPM) and
changing data center environment. This integrated PDM enclosure power distribution units, providing maximum
allows data center managers to preserve valuable rack space flexibility in distributing power throughout the facility or data
and reduce heat by feeding nine to 100 kW of rack servers center. The RPM and ePDU enable primary power distribution
from one 9355 UPS. from the 9355 to secondary power distribution devices or
The PDM can be configured to feature a user-selectable directly to IT equipment, for organized power distribution
mix of NEMA and IEC output receptacles, helping to reduce with fewer cables to manage and fewer distribution points
site preparation and installation costs. These high-density, to monitor.
high-amperage receptacles support blade servers, network Both solutions deliver power to loads of various voltages and
switches and other power-hungry IT equipment. can be configured to include user-selectable combinations of
The PDM’s circuits are clearly labeled to simplify load NEMA, IEC and hardwired inputs, and NEMA and IEC output
balancing while branch circuit breakers provide branch circuit receptacles.
protection and on/off operation for groups of receptacles. ePDUs are available in space-saving 0U-vertical and
Other features include a maintenance bypass switch that 1U-horizontal configurations making the ePDU ideal for
allows the data center manager to service the 9355 without high-density rack environments.
shutting down the connected loads to increase availability, ePDUs allow users to meter, monitor, switch, sequence
reduce mean time to repair and maintenance costs, and and manage branches or individual outlets.
lower total cost of ownership.


Eaton RPMs and ePDUs simplify

power distribution by reducing the
number of cables to manage and 9355
distribution points to monitor


ePDUs Rack power module Integrated power

(front and rear view) distribution module

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Options & service

Additional 9355 options Proven warranty and support services

Options cabinets Customers consistently rank Eaton services number one in
For maximum flexibility, Eaton offers four options cabinet quality. Eaton’s comprehensive, world-class service solutions
models for the following applications: are designed to improve costs, uptime, reliability, power
• Options cabinet with a maintenance bypass switch (MBS) quality and safety. And with 240 customer service engineers
that provides wrap-around bypass for UPS maintenance or in North America and 1,200 international authorized service
service without shutting down the load providers, Eaton has more service personnel than any other
UPS manufacturer.
• Options cabinet with both MBS and input isolation
transformer that allows operation from a 208V, 480V, The standard factory warranty covers:
or 600V 60-Hz source (input transformer in single-feed • System warranty: One year parts / 90 days labor
systems or bypass transformer in dual-feed systems) • Battery warranty: Two years parts / 90 days labor
• Options cabinet for dual-feed systems that provides a
second input from a 208V, 480V, or 600V 60-Hz source
• Options cabinet with an output isolation transformer for
Extensive service options for
480V loads
enhanced reliability
For support beyond the warranty period, Eaton offers
Wall-mount maintenance bypass panels
enhanced service options including onsite startup, corrective
Eaton offers a comprehensive line of optional wall-mounted
and preventive maintenance, battery solutions, training,
maintenance bypass panels compatible with the 9355 UPS.
remote monitoring and factory spare parts and upgrades.
The wall-mounted bypass panel is used to bypass the UPS
Customizable three-phase UPS services packages allow
during maintenance or servicing, providing wrap-around bypass
customers to select the plan that provides the right
for UPS service without shutting down the load. And for more
combination of system uptime, convenience and value.
flexible power distribution, these maintenance bypass panels
can be equipped with surge protection and provisions for 36
poles of distribution utilizing Eaton's Cutler-Hammer® breakers.

Service Plans
PowerTrust™ PowerTrust
Eaton 9355 UPS Service Plans Value ProActive PowerTrust Preferred Flex Contracts

Parts and Labor for Electronics • • • •

Parts and Labor for Batteries    
5x8 On-Site Corrective Maintenance •

7x24 On-Site Corrective Maintenance • •

Next Business Day Response Custom
Eight-Hour Response • • • Service
Four-Hour Response    Contracts
Two-Hour Response   
5x8 UPS Preventive Maintenance Visit One per year  One per year
7x24 UPS Preventive Maintenance Visit  One per year  Two per year
Battery Preventive Maintenance Visit   One per year Two per year
eNotify Remote Monitoring Service • • • •
Discounted Spare Parts Kit, T&M, and Upgrades 30% 30% 30%

• Included feature
 Optional

Connectivity & manageability

Enhanced communication capabilities Power Xpert® Gateway Series cards

Power Xpert Gateway Series X-Slot cards provide
The 9355 UPS is equipped with a variety of standard
Web-enabled, real-time monitoring of UPSs, PDUs and
communications features for network connectivity and
RPPs through standard onboard Web pages, Power Xpert
remote management applications, including:
software or third-party software.
• RS-232 serial port
Power Xpert meters
• Two X-Slot® communication bays Power Xpert meters combine state-of-the-art technology
• Relay output contacts with next-generation power diagnostics, data trending and
performance benchmarking with a twist-and-click LCD display.
• Two programmable signal inputs
• Remote emergency power-off (REPO)
Centralized control and visibility
Easy network connectivity and monitoring The 9355 UPS is shipped with the Eaton Software Suite CD.
The software suite includes the following applications, as well
ConnectUPS-X card as a user-friendly wizard to guide users through software
The ConnectUPS-X Web/SNMP X-Slot card connects the selection and installation:
9355 directly to an Ethernet network and the Internet and
enables graceful shutdown of multiple computers over the • LanSafe® power management software
network. The ConnectUPS-X Web/SNMP also features a  owerVision® UPS performance analysis and monitoring
three-port switching hub. software (30-day trial version)
Modbus® card • NetWatch network monitoring software
The Modbus card is an X-Slot device that allows continuous,
real-time monitoring of the 9355 through a Building
Management System (BMS) or industrial automation system. eNotify Remote Monitoring
Relay interface cards Eaton's eNotify Remote Monitoring Service provides 24x7
The relay interface card for the X-Slot enables remote UPS real-time monitoring of the 9355 and battery systems and
shutdown and provides isolated dry contact Form-C relay alerts both service technicians and the customer when a
outputs for utility failure, low battery, UPS alarm/OK, and on problem is detected. Proactive monitoring enables technical
bypass. experts to respond immediately to more than 40 alarm
conditions and, in many cases, resolve issues remotely with
Environmental Monitoring Probe minimal or no downtime. Additional eNotify benefits include:
The environmental monitoring probe (EMP) works with the
9355 and ConnectUPS-X card to remotely monitor ambient • One-way outbound status and event e-mails for security
temperature and relative humidity of the remote environment. and reliability
The EMP can also be configured to provide status of two • Fast diagnosis and notification of critical alarms
additional contact devices such as smoke detectors or • Monthly customer reports including power event logs and
open-door sensors. overall UPS and battery health summaries

ConnectUPS-X Web/ Power Xpert Gateway

Modbus card Relay Interface cards
SNMP X-Slot card Card 2000

Enviromental LanSafe®
Foreseer PowerVision
Monitoring Probe

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Model selection guide (10 and 15 kVA)

Power Rating Input/Output Base Dimensions Weight

(kVA/kW)1 Description Voltage Part Number2 Runtime (HxWxD, in.) (lb.)3
10 / 9 2-high w/32 battery 208/208 KA1011100000010 8 32.2x12.0x33.5 373.0
10 / 9 3-high w/64 battery 208/208 KA1012100000010 22 47.8x12.0x33.5 609.0
10 / 9 2-high w/32 battery 220/2204 KA1011200000010 8 32.2x12.0x33.5 373.0
10 / 9 3-high w/64 battery 220/2204 KA1012200000010 22 47.8x12.0x33.5 609.0
10 / 9 3-high w/32 battery and 480/208 KA1013400000010 8 47.8x12.0x33.5 577.0
input isolation transformer
10 / 9 3-high w/32 battery and 600/208 KA1013600000010 8 47.8x12.0x33.5 577.0
input isolation transformer
15 / 13.5 2-high w/32 battery 208/208 KA1511100000010 4 32.2x12.0x33.5 373.0
15 / 13.5 3-high w/64 battery 208/208 KA1512100000010 13 47.8x12.0x33.5 609.0
15 / 13.5 2-high w/32 battery 220/2204 KA1511200000010 4 32.2x12.0x33.5 373.0
15 / 13.5 3-high w/64 battery 220/2204 KA1512200000010 13 47.8x12.0x33.5 609.0
15 / 13.5 3-high w/32 battery and 480/208 KA1513400000010 4 47.8x12.0x33.5 577.0
input isolation transformer
15 / 13.5 3-high w/32 battery and 600/208 KA1513600000010 4 47.8x12.0x33.5 577.0
input isolation transformer
1. 50/60 Hz auto-sensing. 3. A
 dd 47 lb. for two-high configurations or 50 lb. for three-high configurations to
2. An input neutral is required for all configurations unless the input isolation trans- determine shipping weight.
former is used. For parallel systems, change the fifth configure-to-order (CTO) 4. 2
 20V units are wye connected 220/127V input and 220/127V output, three-phase,
digit to a 2 and include parallel tie cabinet. four-wire plus ground.

Model selection guide (20 and 30 kVA)

Power Rating Input/Output Base Dimensions Weight

(kVA/kW)1 Voltage Feed UPS Part Number2 Options Cabinet(s) Runtime3 (HxWxD, in.) (lb.)4
20 / 18 208/208 Single KB2013100000010 None 18 66.0 x 20.0 x 34.1 1160.0
20 / 18 208/208 Single6 KB2013100000010 KBT0011000000105 18 66.0 x 40.0 x 34.1 1695.0
20 / 18 208/208 KB2013100000010 Dual6 KBT001100000010 18 66.0 x 60.0 x 34.1 2230.0
20 / 18 220/2207 Single KB2013200000010 None 18 66.0 x 20.0 x 34.1 1160.0
20 / 18 480/208 Single KB2013100000010 KBT0012000000105 18 66.0 x 40.0 x 34.1 1695.0
20 / 18 480/208 Dual KB2013100000010 KBT002200000010 18 66.0 x 60.0 x 34.1 2230.0
20 / 18 600/208 Single KB2013100000010 KBT001300000010 18 66.0 x 40.0 x 34.1 1695.0
20 / 18 600/208 Dual KB2013100000010 KBT0013000000105 18 66.0 x 60.0 x 34.1 2230.0
20 / 18 480/480 Single KB2013100000010 KBT0012000000105 18 66.0 x 60.0 x 34.1 2230.0
30 / 27 208/208 Single KB3013100000010 None 11 66.0 x 20.0 x 34.1 1160.0
30 / 27 208/208 Single6 KB3013100000010 KBT0011000000105 11 66.0 x 40.0 x 34.1 1695.0
30 / 27 208/208 Dual6 KB3013100000010 KBT0011000000105 11 66.0 x 60.0 x 34.1 2230.0
30 / 27 220/2207 Single KB3013200000010 None 11 66.0 x 20.0 x 34.1 1160.0
30 / 27 480/208 Single KB3013100000010 KBT0012000000105 11 66.0 x 40.0 x 34.1 1695.0
30 / 27 480/208 Dual KB3013100000010 KBT0012000000105 11 66.0 x 60.0 x 34.1 2230.0
30 / 27 600/208 Single KB3013100000010 KBT001300000010 11 66.0 x 40.0 x 34.1 1695.0
30 / 27 600/208 Dual KB3013100000010 KBT0013000000105 11 66.0 x 60.0 x 34.1 2230.0
30 / 27 480/480 Dual KB3013100000010 KBT0012000000105 11 66.0 x 60.0 x 34.1 2230.0
1. 50/60 Hz auto-sensing. 4. Add 50 lb. to determine shipping weight.
2. An input neutral is required for all configurations unless the input isolation trans- 5. Contains on-board maintenance bypass.
former is used. For parallel systems, change the fifth CTO digit to a 2 and include 6. With isolation transformer.
parallel tie cabinet. 7. 2
 20V units are wye connected 220/127V input and 220/127V output, three-phase,
3. All models include internal batteries. four-wire plus ground.

Battery backup times (in minutes)

10-15 kVA backup times

UPS (1) (2) (3) (4) UPS (1) (2) (3)
+ Internal EBM EBM EBM EBM + Internal EBM EBM EBM
VA Watt 32 Battery 64 64 64 64 64 Battery 96 96 96

15000 13500 5 23 43 65 89 13 43 77 113

14500 13050 5 24 45 68 93 14 45 81 119
14000 12600 5 25 47 72 97 15 47 84 125
13500 12150 6 26 49 75 102 16 49 88 130
13000 11700 6 28 52 78 106 17 52 92 136
12500 11250 6 29 54 82 111 18 54 96 142
12000 10800 7 30 57 86 116 19 57 101 149
11500 10350 7 32 59 90 122 19 59 106 156
11000 9900 7 33 62 94 129 20 62 111 164
10500 9450 8 35 66 100 136 21 66 117 174
10000 9000 8 37 70 106 144 23 70 124 184
9500 8550 9 40 74 112 153 24 74 132 196
9000 8100 10 42 79 120 163 26 79 141 209
8500 7650 11 46 85 129 175 28 85 152 225
8000 7200 12 49 92 139 189 30 92 164 242
7500 6750 13 53 100 151 205 32 100 178 263
7000 6300 15 58 109 164 224 35 109 194 286
6500 5850 16 64 119 180 245 39 119 212 314
6000 5400 18 70 131 198 270 43 131 234 346
5500 4950 20 78 145 220 300 47 145 259 383
5000 4500 22 87 162 245 334 53 162 289 428
4500 4050 25 97 182 276 376 59 182 325 -
4000 3600 29 110 207 313 426 67 207 369 -
3500 3150 33 127 238 359 - 77 238 423 -
3000 2700 38 148 277 418 - 90 277 - -
2500 2250 46 176 329 - - 107 329 - -

20-30 kVA backup times

UPS Internal Internal Internal
+ Internal Battery + Battery Battery
VA Watt 1 Battery EBC - 36 + (1) EBC - 72 + (2) EBC-72
3 27000 11 31 56 89
29000 26100 11 33 58 90
28000 25200 12 35 60 93
27000 24300 12 38 62 95
26000 23400 13 40 65 98
25000 22500 14 43 68 101
24000 21600 14 46 71 103
23000 20700 15 48 74 106
22000 19800 16 51 76 109
21000 18900 17 53 79 111
20000 18000 18 56 82 114
19000 17100 19 58 85 117
18000 16200 20 62 88 120
17000 15300 22 66 92 130
16000 14400 24 71 96 142
15000 13500 26 75 101 154
14000 12600 28 79 105 166
13000 11700 31 84 110 178
12000 10800 35 88 114 201
11000 9900 38 94 119 256
10000 9000 42 101 134 251
7500 6750 58 117 188 347
5000 4500 90 188 294 543
Note: Backup times are approximate and may vary with equipment, configuration, battery age, temperature, etc.

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Technical Specifications for 10 and 15 kVA1

Ratings (kVA/Watts) 10 kVA/9 kW and 15 kVA/13.5 kW at 0.9
Four button graphical LCD power factor
with backlight Topology Double conversion
Electrical input
Nominal input voltage 208V/120V or 220V/127V three-phase
400V models also available
X-Slot communication Input voltage range -15%, +10% from nominal at 100% load without
bay #1 depleting battery
Fans Operating frequency 50/60 Hz (45 to 65 Hz)
Signal input 1 Input power factor >0.99 typical, >0.96 frequency converter
Input current distortion 5% THD
Signal input 2
REPO (normally open) Electrical output
REPO (normally closed) Nominal output voltage 208/120, 220/127 Vac
X-Slot communication bay #2 Output voltage regulation ±1% static; ±5% dynamic at 100% resistive
DB-9 communication port load change, <1 ms response time
Relay contact Efficiency 91%, typical
Heat dissipation (BTU/hr) 10 kVA models:
3,798 @ 208V and 220V input
6,294 @ 480V and 600V (with input
Internal batteries on isolation transformer)
slide out trays (field- 15 kVA models:
replaceable) 5,122 @ 208V and 220V input
8,134 @ 480V and 600V (with input
isolation transformer)
Battery type 9 Ah, sealed, lead-acid, maintenance-free
Battery runtime See battery backup time chart
Battery replacement Field-replaceable
Charger Default is 3.4A per battery string. Charger
current is configurable from 0.5A to 25A per
string with an overall maximum of 34A (limited
by input current)
Start-on-battery Allows start of UPS without utility input
Diagnostics Full system self-test at startup
UPS bypass Automatic on overload or UPS failure
Parallel for redundancy Yes, using Powerware Hot Sync technology
and capacity
Dimensions and weights See model selection table
Overload (normal operation) 150% for 5 sec / 125% for 1 min (online),
110% for 10 min
LCD display Graphical LCD with blue backlight
LEDs (4) LEDs for notice and alarm
Audible alarms Yes
Communication ports (1) RS-232, (1) relay contact, (1) REPO,
(2) environmental input
Communication slots (2) X-Slot communication bays
Power management software Bundled Software Suite CD
Operating temperature 50–104ºF (10–40ºC), 45ºC with 7.5% derating;
Optimal battery performance: 77ºF (25ºC)
Storage temperature 32–77ºF (0–25ºC); Recommended battery storage:
59–77ºF (15–25ºC)
Relative humidity 0–95%, non-condensing
Audible noise < 56 dBA at 1 meter (noiseless room) typical
Front view of three-high module
Altitude 9,843 ft. (3000m) without derating
with cover off
Safety certifications IEC 62040-1-1, IEC 60950, EN 62040-1-1,
UL 1778
EMC compliance EN 50091-2 Class A
Quality ISO 9001: 2000 and ISO 14001:1996
Markings UL, cUL
1. D
 ue to continuous product improvements, program specifications are subject to
change without notice.

Technical Specifications for 20 and 30 kVA1
Ratings 20 kVA/18 kW and 30 kVA/27 kW at 0.9 LCD control panel
power factor
Topology Double conversion
Electrical input X-Slot communica-
tion bay (2)
Nominal input voltage 208V/120V, 220V/127V +10, -15%
480V/277V, 600V (480+600 with transformer)
400V models also available
Operating frequency 50/60 Hz (45 to 65 Hz)
Input power factor 0.99 typical
Input current distortion <5% THD
Electrical output
Nominal output voltage 208/120, 220/120 Vac
Power modules
480/227 with output transformer
Output voltage regulation ±1% static; ±4% dynamic with 100% step
load recovery within 1 ms response time
Efficiency 91%, typical
Heat dissipation (BTU/hr) 20 kVA models
6,762 @ 208V and 220V input
10,450 @ 480V and 600V (with input
isolation transformer)
30 kVA models: Static switch
9,220 @ 208V and 220V input
REPO terminal
13,831 @ 480V and 600V (with input
isolation transformer) DB-9 service port
Battery type 9 Ah, sealed, lead-acid, maintenance-free Maintenance bypass
Battery runtime See battery backup time chart
Battery replacement Field-replaceable
Battery breaker
Charger Default is 8A
Parallel for redundancy Yes, using Powerware Hot Sync technology
Input breaker
and capacity
Diagnostics Full system self-test at startup
UPS bypass Automatic on overload or UPS failure
Parallel for redundancy Yes, using Powerware Hot Sync technology
for redundancy and capacity
Dimensions and weights See model selection table
Overload 150% for 5 sec / 125% for 1 min (online),
110% for 10 min
LCD display Graphical LCD with blue backlight
LEDs (4) LEDs for notice and alarm Modular battery area
Audible alarms Yes
Communication ports (1) RS-232, (1) relay contact, (1) REPO,
(2) environmental input
Communication slot (2) X-Slot communication bays
Power management software Bundled Software Suite CD
Operating temperature 50–104ºF (10–40ºC), 45ºC with 7.5% derating;
Optimal battery performance: 77ºF (25ºC)
Storage temperature 32–77ºF (0–25ºC); Recommended battery
storage: 59–77ºF (15–25ºC)
Relative humidity 0–95%, non-condensing
Audible noise < 58 dBA at 1 meter depending on load
Altitude <3000m
20/30 kVA UPS
Safety certifications IEC 62040-1-1, IEC 60950, EN 62040-1-1, UL
1778, NOM-0190SCP8-1993
EMC compliance EN 50091-2 Class A
Quality ISO 9001: 2000 and ISO 14001:1996
Markings UL, cUL, NOM-NYCE
1. Due to continuous product improvements, program specifications are subject to
change without notice.

www.eaton.com/powerquality 1.800.356.5794 13
Power Distribution Module with Mechanical Bypass Switch
(10 and 15 kVA Models)

NEMA Output Receptacle(s)1 Receptacle Enter “Receptacle Code”

Quantity Breaker Voltage (V) Code2 Phase(s) into CTO Digits #
(1) L15-30R 30A 208 2 3 9, 10 or 11 only
(1) L21-20R 20A 208/120 3 3 9, 10 or 11 only
(1) L21-30R 30A 208/120 4 3 9, 10 or 11 only
(2) 5-15R 15A 120 A 1 9,10,11,12
(2) 5-20R UL 20A 120 B 1 9,10,11,12
(2) 6-15R 15A 208 D 2 9,10,11,12
(2) 6-20R 20A 208 E 2 9,10,11,12
(2) L5-15R 15A 120 F 1 9,10,11,12
(1) L5-20R* 20A 120 G 1 9,10,11,12
(1) L5-30R* 30A 120 H 1 9,10,11,12
(2) L6-15R 15A 208 I 2 9,10,11,12
(1) L6-20R* 20A 208 J 2 9,10,11,12
(1) L6-30R* 30A 208 K 2 9,10,11,12
(1) L14-20R* 20A 120/208 L 2 9,10,11,12
(1) L14-30R* 30A 120/208 M 2 9,10,11,12
Blank Panel N/A N/A X N/A 9,10,11,12
(2) IEC 320 C13 (120V) 20A 120 N 1 9,10,11,12
(2) IEC 320 C19 (120V) 20A 120 P 1 9,10,11,12
1. The combined quantities of LOCKING receptacles (denoted by *) must not exceed four per unit.1. Arrange receptacle codes in numerical-alphabetical order in digits 9
through 12 of the CTO number. Example 1: A PDM with an L21-20, an L14-30, and Qty 2 IEC320-C19 would have digits 9 through 12 of the CTO arranged as "3MPP".
Example 2: A PDM with a 5-15R, and an L6-30 and an L14-30 would have digits 9 through 12 of the CTO arranged as “AKMX”. Please be sure utilize the "X"
designation for any of the four total slots not populated.

Options (10 and 15 kVA)

Input/Output Dimensions
Description Part Number Voltage (V) (H x W x D, inches) Weight (lb)
Two-high line and match battery module (64 batteries) 103004192-5501 N/A 32.2 x 12 x 30.2 480
Three-high line and match battery module (96 batteries) 103004193-5501 N/A 47.8 x 12 x 30.2 710
Wall-mount parallel tie cabinet (2-Breaker MBP)1, 3 124100020-001 N/A 36 x 20 x 5.8 68
Wall-mount Remote EPO Switch 103002939 N/A 4.5 x 4.5 x 4.5 3
Zone 4 Seismic Mounting Kit 103004194-5501 N/A - -
Remote monitor display panel2 103002687-001 N/A 4.9 x 5.9 x 1.6 3
Spare parts kit 106711169 N/A N/A N/A
10 to15 kVA upgrade 103004657 N/A N/A N/A
Upgrade to a parallel UPS module
three-breaker maintenance bypass panels UP08N-PAR1 N/A N/A N/A
100A Bus, 200A Neutral, & 60A MBP, MIB, MIS3 124100027-001 208/208 48 x 20 x 5.8 120
With integral 120 KA TVSS (100A Bus, 200A Neutral,
and 60A MBP, MIB, MIS)3 124100027-002 208/208 60 x 20 x 5.8 120
With 36-pole distribution provisions
(Cutler-Hammer GHB 65 kAIC, or GBHW 22 kAIC
and BAB 10 kAIC only)3 124100027-003 208/208 72 x 20 x 5.8 210
With 36-pole distribution provisions and integrated TVSS
(Cutler-Hammer GHB 65 kAIC, GBHW 22 kAIC
and BAB 10 kAIC only)3 124100027-004 208/208 90 x 20 x 5.8 225
1. 208V/208V input/output voltage. 225A bus, 200A neutral, (1) 225A MBP and (4) 80A MIS.
2. Requires Industrial Relay and Display Card. See X-Slot Connectivity
3. Add 40 lb. for shipping weight of panels and 50 lb. for panels with panelboard provisions.

Options (20 and 30 kVA)

Input/Output Dimensions
Description Part Number Voltage (V) (H x W x D, inches) Weight (lb)
Two-string line and match battery cabinet (36 batteries) 103005183 N/A 66.0 x 20.0 x 34.1 1105
Four-string line and match battery cabinet (72 batteries) 103004868 N/A 66.0 x 20.0 x 34.1 2060
Option cabinet containing maintenance bypass (no transformer) KBT000000000010 208/208 67.0 x 20.0 x 34.1 205
Wall-mount parallel tie cabinet (two-breaker MBP)1, 3 124100026-001 208/208 48.0 x 20.0 x 5.8 150
Remote monitor display panel2 103002687-001 N/A N/A N/A
Remote EPO switch (wall mounted) 103002939 N/A N/A N/A
Zone 4 seismic kit 103004896 N/A N/A N/A
Spare parts kit 106711170 N/A N/A N/A
20 to 30 kVA upgrade 103004901 N/A N/A N/A
Upgrade to a parallel UPS module UP08N-PAR N/A N/A N/A
Three-breaker maintenance bypass panels
225A Bus, 200A Neutral and 125A MBP, 110A MIB, 110A MIS)3 124100028-001 208/208 48.0 x 20.0 x 5.8 120
With integral 120 KA TVSS
(100A Bus, 200A Neutral and 60A MBP, MIB, MIS)3 124100028-002 208/208 60.0 x 20.0 x 5.8 120
With 36-pole distribution provisions (Cutler-Hammer
GHB 65 kAIC, or GBHW 22 kAIC and BAB 10 kAIC only)3 124100028-003 208/208 72.0 x 20.0 x 5.8 210
With 36-pole distribution provisions and integrated TVSS (Cutler-
Hammer GHB 65 kAIC, GBHW 22 kAIC and BAB 10 kAIC only)3 124100028-004 208/208 90.0 x 20.0 x 5.8 225
1. 400A Bus, 200A Neutral, (1) 350A MBP and (4) 110A MIS.
2. Requires Industrial Relay and Display Card. See X-Slot Connectivity Options table.
3. Add 40 lb. for shipping weight of panels and 50 lb. for panels with panelboard provisions.

X-Slot Connectivity Options

Value for Part Number

Description1 CTO Digit 8 (if ordered separately)
None (No Pre-installed X-Slot card) 0 –
ConnectUPS-X Web/SNMP/xHub Card 3 116750221-001
Modem Card 7 05146288-5501
Modbus Card 4 103005425-5591
Relay Card (AS/400 compatible) 5 1018460
Industrial Relay and Display Card2 6 103003055
CAN Bridge Parallel Card N/A 103004336
1. The UPS has two X-Slots. One card can be factory installed while the second X-Slot card can be purchased separately.
2. 5A @ 250V. Provides (4) form-C relay contacts for integrating UPS alarms into security and alarm systems. Also provides
Options cabinet
signal information for the Remote Monitor Display Panel (part number 103002687-001).

RPM Configurations for 9355

Part Number Input Cable Receptacle 1 Receptacle 2 Metering
Y03100011100000 Hardwired Input L21-20 (2) L21-20 (2) Local Power Meter
Y03100022100000 Hardwired Input L21-30 (2) L21-30 (2) Local Power Meter
Y03100055100000 Hardwired Input L6-30 (3) L6-30 (3) Local Power Meter
Y03100047100000 Hardwired Input L6-20 (3) 5-20 (6) Local Power Meter
Y03100017100000 Hardwired Input L21-20 (2) 5-20 (6) Local Power Meter
Y031000FF100000 Hardwired Input L15-30 (2) L15-30 (2) Local Power Meter
Y301000BB100000 Hardwired Input IEC320-C19 (6) IEC320-C19 (6) Local Power Meter Wall-mount maintenance
bypass panel

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©2009 Eaton Corporation

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Printed in USA
July 2009

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