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Start date : Week 2 into the module

Duration : 12 weeks

Due date : 23rd October 2023

Module Lecturer

Course Assignment

I. Assignment Learning Outcomes (as per Module Descriptor)

1. Explain the adequacy of a cost estimate prepared by a project team

2. Prepare a project cost baseline, allocating estimated costs over the
lifecycle of the project.
3. Apply techniques used in project estimating, from the conceptual stage to
the final detailed estimate.
4. Compare and Contrast the different types of estimates used to estimate
project cost accurately and progressively.

II. The Scenario: A Case Study

Global Conference on Management & Computing (GCMC) is an International

conference for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent
innovations, trends, results, experiences, and concerns in the several perspectives of
Management and Technologies. The GCMC will be held inor the first time by Center of
Research. Here the prospective researchers can submit their research papers for evaluation
by the Program Committee. All papers will be subjected to a "blind review" by at least two
members of the Program Committee, based on relevance, originality, importance and
clarity. GCMC also includes several Workshops focused on specific scientific subjects on
the scope of the conference.
As a ‘Project Manager’ with Research Centre, you have been asked to estimate the cost
of hosting the GCMC project in
The following criteria need to be considered during the cost estimation process: -

1. The role of APU Research Centre in hosting the GCMC: -

 Planning the conference
 Publicizing the conference and recruiting and registering participants
 Running the conference
 Evaluating the conference and the conference-organizing process.

2. The overall budget allocated for this conference is RM69, 000.

3. Print advertising, particularly in journal, newsletter, and other print media.
4. Posters or announcement sent to an organization and institutions concerned with
the conference topic or theme.
5. General communication to an e-mail list
6. The conference committee are often split up into subcommittees, each handling
specific parts of the conference. The conference stakeholders consist of
conference coordinator, technical reviewers, session’s chairs, keynote speakers’
staffs, volunteers, researchers, presenters, and others.
7. How long the conference will be depending on what need to get done: what most
potential participants can afford, in time and money: and what the sponsoring
organization can afford, and has the capacity, to do. What an organization can do
may depend on the availability of grants, support from a parent organization or
donations from sponsors – MDEC, IBM, CISCO and so on.
8. The conference Logistics: -
 The location of the conference
 The conference site – rooms, spaces, seating, and others.
 Food and Catering – breakfast, lunch, tea/coffee and mineral bottled
 Signage – Tables or booths will also need identifying signs and signs
directing participants to each presentation.
 Identification – people will need signs, too. Conference staff, volunteers,
technical assistants, and other officials should have name badges.
 Safety and Security – To employ on-site security and people with
emergency medical training. Conference staff should have a conference
first-aid-kit with essentials

As a ‘Project Manager’ wit Research Centre, you are to provide APU with a convincing
cost management report to be presented to its CEO.

III. Assignment Requirements

The assignment requires the following areas to be completed as a report and presented to
the CEO of APU. It must be a convincing report. A detailed discussion on processes,
tools and techniques.
a) Develop a cost management plan in hosting GCMC conference. Include the
discussion on Project Cost Management Process. (Students can make relevant

b) Estimate cost for the GCMC Project by using ANY (2) TWO appropriate tools &
techniques under estimate cost process. Include the justification on the chosen
costing tools & techniques.

c) Determine the GCMC project cost budget to produce cost baseline within the
planned budget of RM69, 000. (Suggest the ONE (1) input, output, and tools &
techniques) – 3 months

IV. Assignment Instructions

A single report must be submitted to CEO of APU and it should be a formally

written document (not exceeding 3500 words), excluding, tables, appendices, etc.
and a personal reflection (not exceeding 500 words) on experiences in working on
the project. An electronic copy should also be submitted with the documentation.

V. Assessment Details

Your report format and the assessment should be as follows: -

A Report of 4000 words

The main contents of the report should be as follows:-

No. Item. %
i. Cost Management Plan 10
ii. Cost Estimate 15
iii. GCMC Project Cost Budget. 15
iv. Reflection 10

iv - Presentation 10

Total 60

VI. Assignment Assessment Criteria

The criteria below detail the areas, which will be taken into account when the assignment
is marked.

1. To address the subject satisfactorily the assignment length should be in a

maximum of 4,000 words. A typed format is mandatory.

Pass assignments are expected to be legible, tidy, well organised and written in
clear understandable English. The report should include an executive summary or
abstract at the beginning and end with clear conclusions and recommendations. If
you have any problems with report formats please do not hesitate to contact the

2. High grades [70%, 75%, +80%] need to demonstrate sustained coherent analytical
ability. A systematic approach to analysis and evaluation is required for grades
60% to 85% - for grades at the higher end of the scale, integration and synthesis is
a requirement. The quality of the arguments used to develop and support
prescriptions/recommendations are, in our view, the essential test of integration.
3. Evidence of reading and some understanding of models and concepts are needed
to achieve a pass grade [40%]. Integration of theory and practice is expected for
any grade above 65%.

4. You are expected to clearly state any assumptions you make, and support
statements and theories by referencing to appropriate sources.

Attention will be paid to:

• Critical evaluation and discussion. Issues will be dealt with deeper and on an
analytical plan, based on good research - with examples, data projections and
• Balanced researched materials. Appropriate and different sources which must
include sufficient academic research, not just secondary research from URLs
• Proper referencing and citation. Harvard Referencing is a must. Citation must
include, apart from the normal details, the page number from where the issue for
discussion has been taken. (Refer to Handbook for penalty on plagiarism)

You are required to provide a softcopy of the documentation.

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