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Volume 10 Issue 1 2022

Performance Evaluation of Switched Reluctance Motor Drive Control

for Electrical Vehicles Driven by Solar PV Systems
1PGScholar, 2AssociateProfessor
1,2Department of EEE, Dr.Samuel George Institute of Engineering
andTechnology,Markapur,Prakasam, AP, India.


Due to their potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, electric vehicles (EVs) have become a
major focus of research and development efforts. One of the most promising electric vehicle (EV)
motors is SRMs (switched reluctance motors). Electric vehicles can travel greater distances thanks to
the usage of photovoltaic (PV) panels on their vehicles. Based on the phase winding characteristics
of SRMs, we propose a three-port converter to regulate the energy transmission between PV panels,
batteries and SRMs. In total, four of the six operating modes can be used while driving, and the
other two can be used to charge the battery while parked. In the driving modes, the PV panel's
MPPT and SRM's speed control are both accomplished by energy decoupling. Without external
hardware, the grid-connected charging architecture can be established in standstill charging modes.
Using a multi-section charging control scheme, the PV panel directly charges the battery, maximizing
energy usage. Tests and simulation results based on Matlab/Simulink demonstrate the suggested tri-
port converter's efficiency, which could have economic implications for increasing EV market

Keywords: PV, Electrical Vehicle, SRM,MPPT


Introduction somewhat limited because of existing battery

technology limitations [5–7]. As for motor
Motor drives, power converters, batteries,
drives, PM machines are the norm, whereas
and energy management frameworks have all
rare earth minerals are needed in large
made significant advancements in EVs [1–4].
quantities, limiting the widespread usage of
All in all, EV driving distances tend to be
electric vehicles [8], [9]. Photovoltaic (PV) and rectified using a machine that is locally
boards and exchanged switched reluctance available.
motor (SRM) are familiar with supplying
electricity and driving motors separately in windings as the inductor for the information
order to overcome these challenges. To begin, channel. The concept of measuring the driving
a controllable energy supply is achieved by topology is offered. Because of the IPMs, a
including the best PV board of the EV. In four-stage half bridge converter is used to
drive and grid-charge the system.even if large-
today's world, a typical passenger car has
enough surface area to accommodate a 250- scale manufacturing and the use of half/full
watt photovoltaic panel. A second advantage extension topology reduce the unwavering
of an SRM is that it does not require PMs from quality of mass production modularization
(e.g., shoot-through issues). For module HEV,
rare earth elements and is robust enough to
attract increased interest in electric vehicle Paper [10] provides a simple topology for
(EV) applications. Because of its low power adjustable energy stream. However, for grid-
thickness, PV boards can be used to charge charging, the grid must be linked to the
batteries for a long period of time. Most of generator rectifier, which builds the energy
the PV-bolstered EV's structure is similar to transformation process and reduces the
charging efficiency of the grid. However, there
that of the half-electric vehicle (HEV), which
uses the PV board to replace the inward has yet to be developed a convincing
ignition motor (ICE). Fig. 1 depicts the EV's architecture and control mechanism for PV-
photovoltaic-powered framework. Off-board bolstered EVs. The most extreme power point
charging stations, a PV, batteries, and power tracking (MPPT) and sun-oriented energy use
converters are some of its most important are unique components for PV-enhanced EVs
components. One way to reduce the energy because of the PV's unique characteristics.
transition forms is to modify the motor to This study proposes a minimal effort tri-port
include some locally available charging converter to organize the PV board, SRM, and
capacities, keeping the final objective in mind. battery in order to achieve simple and
For example, a 20-kW split-stage PM motor adaptive energy stream modes. There are six
for EV charging is described in detail in the operational modes that allow for more
study, however it has a high consonant flexible regulation of the energy flow.
material constraint in the back (EMF). A
typical SRM is required for a different
configuration. A 2.3-kW SRM can be charged

Figure1 .PV-fedHEV.

Figure 3.Six operation modes of the proposed tri-port topology. (a) Mode 1. (b)Mode
2.(c) Mode 3.(d)Mode 4.(e) Mode 5.(f)Mode 6.

2. Electric Vehicle battery as electricity is a significant

advantage.In 2003, the first mass-produced
An electric vehicle (EV), often known as an hybrid gasoline-electric car, the Toyota Prius,
electric drive vehicle, is a vehicle that travels wasintroducedworldwide,andthefirstbatteryel
by means of electric motors. There are several ectriccarproducedbyamajorautocompany, the
types of electric vehicles, such as NissanLeaf will debut in December 2010.
automobiles, trains, trucks, planes, and boats Other major auto companieshave electric cars
that are all powered by electric energy. As in development, and theUSA and other
electricity became a more popular means of nations are building pilotnetworksofcharging
propulsion for motor vehicles in the mid-19th
stations torecharge them.
century and the gasoline automobiles of the
time couldn't keep up, electric vehicles began
to emerge as a viable alternative. Although
the internal combustion engine (ICE) 2.1. Vehicle Types
dominates motor vehicle propulsion, electric  Hybridel ectric vehicle
power is still ubiquitous in other vehicle types,
such as trains and smaller vehicles of various Conventional (often fossil fuel-powered)
kinds. engines are combined with electric propulsion
in a hybrid vehicle. Cars such as the Toyota
There has been a revived interest in electric Prius are a good illustration of this type of
transportation infrastructure as a result of vehicle.
increased environmental concerns and
predictions of peak oil in recent decades. To 
put it another way, the electricity used to
Electric vehicles for both on and off-road use
power electric vehicles comes from a variety
of sources, from fossil fuels to nuclear power Electric cars, electric trolleybuses, electric
to renewable energy sources like tidal energy bicycles and scooters, electric motorbikes and
and wind power. Transmission to the vehicle scooters, neighborhood electric vehicles, golf
can be accomplished by using overhead carts, milk floats, and forklifts are all on the
power lines, wireless energy transmission, road in a variety of purposes. Tractors and
such as inductive charging, or a direct electric all-terrain vehicles are two examples
connection through an electrical cable, of off-road vehicles.
depending on how the energy is generated. It
can then be stored in a battery, flywheel, or e-vehicles that travel on the rails
supercapacitor onboard the vehicle. Non-
Streetcars or trams that use pantographs to
renewable fossil fuels are the most common
draw power from an overhead line. For
source of energy for vehicles powered by
electric cars to run on a fixed rail line,
engines that operate on the combustion
overhead lines or electrified third rails can be
principle. In electric or hybrid vehicles, the
used to power them without the need for
capacity to recover energy ordinarily lost
large onboard batteries. There are a number
during braking and store it in the vehicle's
of different types of electric locomotives, Themethodisbasedontheobservationthat,ther
trams/streetcars/trolleys, light rail systems, atiobetweenarrayvoltageatmaximum
and rapid transit systems in use around the powerVMPPtoits opencircuit voltage
world today. When it comes to power-to- VOCisnearlyconstant.
weight ratios, electric trains have the best of
both worlds because they don't have to carry (1)
a massive internal combustion engine or This factor k1has been reported to be
batteries. 320 km/h (200 mph) is now possible between 0.71 and 0.78. Once the constant
for double-deck TGV trains in France, and k1isknown,VMPPiscomputedbymeasuringVOC
electric locomotives can produce far more periodically.Althoughtheimplementationof
power than diesel-powered ones. this method is simple and cheap, its tracking
efficiency is relatively low due to
theutilizationof inaccuratevaluesof the
The short-term surge power they have for constant k1inthecomputation ofVMPP.
quick acceleration is also higher, and
regenerative brakes can return braking power 3.3 Fractional Short-Circuit Current
to the grid rather than waste it. this The method results from the fact that, the
3. Maximum PowerPointTracking current at maximum power point IMPP
3.1 Photovoltaic (PV) modules are circuitcurrent ISCofthePVarray.
operated by MPPT, or Maximum Power Point
Tracking, an electrical system that ensures the (2)
modules produce all the power they are Like in the fractional voltage method, k2is not
capable of. In contrast to mechanical tracking constant. It is found to be between 0.78and
systems, MPPT does not "physically" shift 0.92. The accuracy of the method and tracking
modules to position them toward the sun. To efficiency depends on the accuracy ofK2and
maximize the power output of the modules, periodicmeasurementofshortcircuitcurrent.
MPPT uses an entirely electronic system that
adjusts the modules' electrical working points. 3.4 PerturbandObserve
Increasing the battery charge current is one
3.5 The MPPT algorithm in the P&O
way to utilize the extra power generated by
technique is based on sampling PV current
the modules. However, MPPT and mechanical
and voltage to determine PV output power
tracking systems are two fundamentally
and power change. The solar array voltage is
independent technologies that can be used
periodically increased or decreased by the
together. The goal of MPPT methods is to
tracker. If a specific perturbation increases
automatically identify the voltage VMPP or
(decreases) the output power of the PV, then
current IMPP at which a PV array can produce
the subsequent perturbation is generated in
the most electricity at a given temperature
the same (opposite) direction. When the
and irradiation level. The MPPT approaches
maximum power point is reached, the duty
that are most regularly employed are
cycle of the DDC chopper is altered and the
discussed in this section in any order.
procedure is repeated. The MPP acts as a
3.2 Fractional Open-Circuit Voltage fulcrum for the system. The oscillation can be

reduced by reducing the perturbation step perturbation sign, a three-point weight
size. comparison P&O approach is used. It
compares the actual power point to the two
3.6 However, the MPPT is slowed preceding points. A two-step algorithm
considerably by short step sizes. For this proposed by Reference enables faster tracking
problem, a perturbation size that gradually in the first stage and finer tracking in the
decreases toward the MPP will be used to second stage.
solve it. Under rapidly changing air conditions,
the P&O approach can, however, fail. Hill- 3.7 IncrementalConductance
climbing and P&O approaches have been
improved through a variety of research The method is based on the principle that the
initiatives. For the purpose of determining the slope of the PV array power curve is zeroat
the maximum power point.

Instantaneous conductance can be measured by subtracting it from the incremental conductance

(ie, I/V). The procedure increments or 4. PhotovoltaicInverter

decrements the array reference voltage until
the equation (4) is satisfied. At this point, the In most cases, the amount of electricity
PV array continues to operate at its maximum generated by a single cell is insufficient to
power output level. This technique meet the needs of most applications. Several
necessitates high sampling rates and quick cells must be linked together in order to
power slope calculations. supply the necessary amount of power. Series
connection and parallel connection are the
two most common ways to connect cells. Two
electrical connections are required for each
Figure.4PVcharacteristics cell in the group in both instances.

 Series connection

 An example of a series string can

be seen in Figure 5, which demonstrates the
series connection of three distinct cells. While  Parallel connection
the current output of a single cell is Parallel connections between three cells are
equivalent, the voltage output of the string is shown in Figure 6. The cell group's current is
higher because of the addition of each cell's equal to the sum of the individual cells'
voltage (i.e. in this case, the voltage output is currents (3 Icell in this case), but the voltage is
equal to 3Vcell). still the same as if the cell were a single unit. If
Figure5.Seriesconnectionofcells,withresulting you want to get the most out of your battery,
current–voltagecharacteristic. you need to make sure all of your cells are
properly matched, but this time the voltage is
Itisimportanttohavewellmatchedcellsintheseri the most critical factor. All cells will have to
esstring,particularlywithrespectto current. If work off their maximum power point if the
one cell produces a significantly lower current voltage at the maximum power point is
than the other cells (under thesame significantly different for one of the cells. The
illumination conditions), then the string will poorer cell will be driven towards its open
operate at that lower current level circuit voltage and the better cells to voltages
andtheremainingcellswillnotbeoperatingatthe below the maximum power point voltage.
irmaximumpower points. This means that the power output will be
lower than it should be in all circumstances.

Figure6.Parallelconnection ofcells,withresultingcurrent–voltagecharacteristic.

5. Proposed System Design grid distribution system or to power loads

that can also be fed from the grid, this device
Systems can be set up in two ways:
can be utilized.
standalone or grid-connected. The stand-
alone PV system, as its name implies, is able Adding one or more alternative power
to offer electricity to a specific load or loads sources (e.g., a diesel generator or wind
without the need for any other power source. turbine) to the system is also an option. They
Storage facilities (e.g., battery banks) may be are referred to as "hybrid" systems. However,
included to allow electricity to be provided at because they allow for a reduction in storage
night or during periods of low sunshine. requirements without increasing the
Stand-alone systems are also known as likelihood of load loss while still being grid-
autonomous systems since they are able to connected, hybrid systems are more
operate without the need for external power. commonly used in stand-alone applications
Instead, grid-connected solar power systems rather than grid-connected ones. System
work in tandem with the existing electrical types are depicted in Figures 7, 8, and 9 by
infrastructure. To input electricity into the way of schematic designs.

Figure.7Schematicdiagram ofastand-alonephotovoltaicsystem.

Figure8 .Schematicdiagramofgrid-connectedphotovoltaicsystem.

Figure 9.Schematic diagram of hybrid system incorporating a photovoltaic arrayanda

motorgenerator (e.g., dieselorwind).

5.1. SwitchedReluctanceMotor

5.2. The notion of a switching reluctance motor was first proposed in 1838, but it wasn't

the modern era of power electronics and variable reluctance motors, are AC machines
computer-aided electromagnetic design that with electrically commutated ac chines, as
the motor realized its full potential. SRMs, or explored by Lawrenson et al (1980). A high-

speed stepper motor that doesn't require fails. No shoot-through issues are possible
pricey permanent magnets is what these because of its power converter Because of
devices are. An induction-motor drive, DC their straightforward mechanical design,
commutator motor drive, and a brushless DC SRMs have promise as low-cost
system are all included in this design. When electromechanical energy conversion devices.
compared to synchronous motors and The production cost, efficiency, and
induction motors, the SRM is more durable, torque/speed characteristics are all strong
simpler to produce, and more cost effective. points of the switching reluctance motor. This
The rotor mechanical structure is well-suited project intends to design a better SRM control
for high-speed applications, and they are well- strategy in light of the above advantages and
known for their high peak torque-to-inertia the rise of SRM as a rival to induction and DC
ratios. machines. Using this motor in day-to-day life
will be much easier once the problem of high
torque ripple is addressed. Because the rotor
and stator are aligned in this chapter's control
Additional advantages include unipolar schemes, this chapter provides a detailed
control of the reluctance motor, which understanding of SRM, which will help you
reduces the number of switching devices grasp how these control schemes work.
required in the converter. Because of these
Its inductance profile is triangular, with
factors, the driving system can be more basic,
maximum inductance when aligned and
cost-effective, and reliable. It's easy to make,
durable, and can function even if one portion

inductance when not aligned, as can be seen highlighted, as shown. When compared to the
in the figure below. Figure 10 depicts the other phases, A, B, and C each have an
idealized triangle inductance profile of all electrical shift of 120. The dwell angle
three phases of an SRM, with phase A (pronounced "dwell") refers to the length of
time that a phase is powered up. It is is turned on (on) and off (off).
determined by the angles at which the power

Figure 12 depicts the proposed topology and powered by the PV and the battery is charged.
working modes. In the suggested tri-port In mode 2, the SRM is powered by both the
topology, three energy terminals, including PV and the battery. In mode 3, the PV is the
PV, battery, and SRM, are included. Four source of energy, and the battery is unused. ' In
switching devices (S0 – S3), four diodes (D0 – mode 4, the battery powers the vehicle, and the
D3), and two relays make up the power solar panel is unused. While the PV and SRM
converter shown in Figure 12. In Fig. 3, you are turned off, the battery is recharged using a
can see that the six different operating modes single-phase grid in mode 5. With the SRM
can be supported by manipulating the relays J1 turned off, the PV provides power to the
and J2, and the relevant relay actions can be battery in mode 6.
found in Table I. In mode 1, the SRM is


5.3. ControlStrategyunderDifferentModes


Figure.13 Powersupply at mode 2.

A. Driving Mode with a Single Source There provide enough energy and make full use of
are three basic types of solar power systems: solar energy when PV power cannot sustain
PV-driven, battery-driven, and PV and battery the EV under heavy load conditions. Figure 13
supplied in parallel. Mode 2 can be used to depicts the analogous power source; the PV
panel working points are shown in Fig. freewheeling states, as shown in Figure 14.
Paralleling the battery with the PV panel Modes 3 and 4 have similar working states
causes the PV panel voltage to be clamped to tomode 2. The difference is that the PV is the
the UB voltage of the battery. Winding only source in mode 3 while the battery is
excitation, energy recycling, and theonly source inmode 4.
rechargingareallmodesofoperationinmode 2.

Figure.14 Workingstatesat mode 2.


D-Charging Hybrid Control Strategy A As mode 1. The maximum power of a PV panel
seen in drive mode 1, the PV serves as the can be tracked by adjusting the turn-off angle.
power supply and the freewheeling current The dual-source mode operates in three stable
serves to charge the battery in the driving- states (mode 1). Figure 16 depicts the control
charging hybrid control system. The MPPT of scheme for charging while driving. It is seen in
the PV panel and the speed control of the SRM Figure 16 that the SRM turns on at a certain
are two separate control objectives. Switching angle, and it turns off at the same angle. In
to a dual-source mode from a PV-driving order to manage the charging current to the
mode Mode 3 begins by setting the motor battery, you can vary the turn-on angle of the
speed to a predetermined value. Afterwards, J2 SRM; this will allow you to control the
is activated and J1 is deactivated, enabling speedoftheSRM.



A Control Strategy for Grid Charging The grid instantaneous voltage is above zero. The
single-phase grid charging is also supported by grid voltage charges the phase winding La2 in
the suggested topology. S0 is always off, while Figure 17, and the appropriate equation can be
the other three charging states are: S1, S2, and written as shown in Figure 17.
S3. There are two operating states when the



6. Simulation Results


Figure.19Simulation resultsofdriving-chargingmode(mode 1)

Figure.19Simulation resultsofdriving-chargingmode(mode 1)

Figure.20 Simulation resultsofthe singlesourcedriving modes(modes2–4).

Figure.21 Simulationresultsof gridcharging (mode 5)

Figure.22PVChargingmode 6isthestepchangefromstage 1to 2

Figure23.Simulationcircuit ofproposedsystem

Conclusion method is created in order to enhance charging

Solar panels and SRMs are used in an EV
driving system to ease range anxiety while Because PV-fed EVs are a more
reducing system costs. Its most important environmentally friendly and environmentally
contributions are as follows: sound option than traditional internal
combustion engines (ICEs), this study could
(ii) A tri-port converter is utilized to help reduce the overall cost and CO2
coordinate the solar panel, battery, and SRM. emissions of electric vehicles. Additional uses
There are six working modes to achieve include fuel cell-powered electric cars, which
flexible energy flow in driving/charging could benefit from the proposed system.
hybrid control, driving/charging hybrid Electric vehicles benefit greatly from fuel cells
control, and charging control. A new grid- because of their increased power density.
charging architecture is created without the
usage of external power electronics devices References
(iii). (iv) A PV-fed battery charging control
[1].Electric, hybrid, and plug-in electric
vehicles: power electronics and motor drives,
in IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 55(6):2237- An equalizer for series-connected Lithium-Ion
2245, Jun. 2008, A. Emadi et al. battery strings in electric vehicles has been
developed utilizing a monitoring IC, which
Power electronics has the potential to may be used in a variety of configurations,
transform the 21st century's global energy such as a modularized charge equalization [7].
landscape, according to a study published in
the IEEE Transactions on Industrial [8].Z. Ping, Z. Jing, L.Ranran, T. Chengde, W.
Electronics in July 2013. Qian, “Magnetic characteristics investigation
of anaxial-axial flux compound-structure
It's been a long time since we've seen an all- PMSM used for HEVs,” IEEE Trans. Mag,
electric car, so we've put together a vol. 46, no. 6, pp.21912194,Jun.2010.
comprehensive assessment of electric motor
drivelines in commercial all-electric vehicles: [9].A. Kolli, O. Béthoux, A. De Bernardinis,
[3]. E. Labouré, and G. Coquery, “Space-vector
PWM controlsynthesis for an H-bridge drive
There are a number of different approaches in electric vehicles,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Tech.,
that can be used to implement plug-in hybrid 62 (6), pp. 2441-2452,2013.
electric vehicle energy storage and
management systems that are based on power- [10].S. M. Yang, and J. Y. Chen, “Controlled
electronics-based solutions. dynamic braking for switched reluctance
motor drives witharectifier frontend,”IEEE
There is a battery charger for an electric Trans.Ind.Electron.,vol.60,no.11,pp.4913-
vehicle traction battery switch station, 4919, Nov.2013
published in IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Electronics 60 (12):5391-99 (2013).

Energy and battery management of a plug-in Author’sProfile:

series hybrid electric car using fuzzy logic is
discussed in [6] by the authors of "Energy and
battery management of a plug-in series hybrid
electric vehicle using fuzzy logic."

Electronics, PowerfactorimprovementforSRM


completed B. Tech in Electrical and
Electronics Engineeringin 2016 from A1
Global Institute of Engineering and
Technology affiliated to JNTU Kakinada
andpursuing M.Tech from Dr Samuel George
Institute of Engineering and Technology
affiliated toJNTU Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh,
India. Her area of interests including Power
Systems from JNTUA, Anathapur and
working asAssociate Professor atDr Samuel
George institute of engineering and
2R.YEDUKONDALUHecompletedB.EinEEE technology, Markapur,Prakasam district,
atSirCRRCollegeofEngineering,Vatluru,and Andhra Pradesh. His area of interest includes
Eluru. He received his M. Tech in Control control systems and Renewableenergy


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