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Using Pseudo-ZTs for Thermoelectric Materials Search

Shuang Tang*

Thermoelectrics is attracting intensive research interests. The band structure information of new compounds is growing rapidly with the power
of first principle calculations. However, not every thermoelectric materials candidate can be experimentally investigated due to limited
resources. Therefore, we need to develop an efficient approach of screening and selecting the most promising ones from the various band
structure databases of new compounds. Here we propose the concept of pseudo-ZTs: zte and ztL, where zte only measures the electronic
influence and ztL only scales the lattice contribution. Using zte and ztL helps avoid playing the "seesaw balancing game" between the Seebeck
coefficient and the conductivities. It also helps reveal deeper physics on how dimensionality, carrier concentration and band structure will affect
ZT quantitatively. A range of thermoelectric materials are tested, and ~400 new compounds are calculated for predictions. The pseudo-ZTs can
serve as a good guidance for thermoelectric materials search, in addition to the semi-empirical “βSE” indicator.

Keywords: Thermoelectrics; Figure-of-Merit;ZT; Psuedo-ZT; Low-Dimension; Band Structure; Carrier Concentration

Received 21 February2019, Accepted 27 March 2019

DOI: 10.30919/esmm5f 213

Broader Context low for inexpensive materials to consider the prevalent use of
Energy crisis is an urgent global problem economically, politically, and thermoelectrics. The strong correlation between σ, S and κ results in
environmentally. To address such energy crisis, we have to develop significant difficulties on this optimization problem. For example, it is
high-efficiency approaches to use clean and renewable energy, e.g. typical that materials with large σ always tend to have large κ and small
waste heat, geothermal, nuclear, and solar energy. Since all the heat- S, which kills ZT.
related energy resources, both fossil and green, have thermal processes  The recent advancement of first-principle calculations has enabled
and waste heat recycling problems, thermoelectric power generation is the prediction of band structures of a largely growing number of new
very attractive. Towards the direct high-efficiency conversion between compound materials,19 the information of which are collected in various
heat flow and electricity, enhancing the thermoelectric figure-of-merit materials databases.20-22 It is resource-prohibited to make efforts on each
(ZT) is a complex problem and a research topic of broad interest. of these materials. Therefore, how to choose the most promising
Modern first-principle computations have strong power in band candidates from these databases for further improvement with
structure prediction for new compounds, though transport calculations experimental efforts is a crucial and urgent question.
are still challenging and expensive. Due to limited resources, not every  To achieve this end, the semi-empirical thermoelectric indicator
materials candidate can be experimentally investigated. Therefore, it will “βSE” was developed,23-25 which requires the input of estimated carrier
be very helpful to develop an efficient thermoelectric indicator based on mobility (μ) and lattice thermal conductivity (κL). However, the absolute
band structure information to search for the most promising candidates values of μ and κL are difficult to predict, which can change substantially
from the various band structure databases. We here propose a with crystal imperfections, such as the grain size,26 defects
framework of pseudo-ZTs to accelerate this task. concentration,27 and grain boundary thickness.28 Although accurate values
Thermoelectric materials offer a way to interconvert heat flow and of κL can be computed for several individual materials with expensive
electricity. The conversion efficiency is characterized by the material calculations,29-31 the general discrepancies between theoretical
specified dimensionless figure-of-merit ZT=σS2T/κ, where σ, S, T and κ calculations and experimental measurements on thermal conductivity for
are the electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, temperature and most materials are still obvious. Further, κL can be reduced significantly
thermal conductivity, respectively. Until the past two decades, it was by novel techniques like nanocomposites synthesis.16, 17 Thus, the band
believed that ZT could not exceed 1.1 More recently, many novel structure is still the most important input for the materials search before
approaches have sequentially pushed the upper limit of ZT,2-8 including experimental investments.
the utilization of low-dimensionalization 9, sharp density of states 10,  Therefore, we here develop a framework of pseudo-ZTs to
superlattice,11-13 resonant states,14, 15 nanocomposites,16, 17 and pipe-shaped indicate the potential of good thermoelectric behavior. The pseudo-ZT
Fermi surfaces.18 Despite these progresses, values of ZT still remain too prediction only needs to input the information of band structures.
Further, we will see that the pseudo-ZTs can provide us with a more
physical insight onto how the energy sensitivity of transport, the
dimensionality, the band asymmetry, and the band gap will influence the
ZT quantitatively, and suggest strategies to further improve ZT.
College of Engineering, State University of New York Polytechnic Therefore, the pseudo-ZT system we developed here can be used along
Institute, Albany, NY, USA with the semi-empirical thermoelectric indicator “βSE” 25 for searching
*E-mail: potential thermoelectric materials among the numerous candidates.

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Research Paper ES Materials & Manufacturing

 We see that using the formula of ZT=σS2T/κ, we are not allowed can distinguish the low-dimensionality favored materials from the non-
to change any one single variable (σ, S or κ) with the other two fixed, favored ones.
e.g. it is unable to enhance ZT by increasing σ and keeping S and κ  Here we try to study this problem from the relation between the
unchanged, because σ, S and κ are highly correlated. Life will be much pseudo-ZTs and the carrier energy sensitivity of transport. The carrier
easier if we can find a way to decompose ZT into quantities that are energy sensitivity of transport can be characterized by
independent or weakly correlated to each other. To achieve this goal, we
introduce the idea of splitting ZT into two pseudo-ZTs: zte and ztL, X
1 1 k 1 e
= + L (1)
ZT zte kB2 T q ztL
which is generally a function of carrier energy, temperature and band
where zt e = (J 0 J2 J1-2 - 1) and zt L = J 12 J0-1. The Jn's are dimensionless valley structures. For a single carrier, it is a specific value, while for the
numbers defined as collective behavior of multiple carriers, it is a statistical measurement of
the whole system. Such statistical measurements are popularly used in
1 æ ¶f0 ö n
÷ X (e )(e - e f ) de (2) diffusive transport, e.g. the carrier mobility μ is a statistical measurement
q ò è ¶e ø
Jn = ç-
on how mobile the carriers are under an external field. The overall energy
where ε and εf are the reduced carrier energy (ε=E/kBT), and reduced sensitivity will decrease upon low-dimensionalization, because (1) the
Fermi level (ε=E/k
f f BT), f0 is the Fermi distribution, and Ξ(ε) is the density of states will have a smaller or even negative dependence to
transport distribution as a function of ε.32, 33 Further, θ=Ξ(1) is a measure energy, and (2) the scattering time for high energy carriers encountering
of the transport strength despite of its sensitivity to carrier energy. Thus, possible ballistic scatterings will have negative energy dependence
we see that zte only measures the influence of electronic affection to ZT, (τ~λ/v).
while ztL only scales the contribution of the lattice thermal conductivity  Fig. 1 (a) shows the pseudo-ZTs as a function of carrier
(κL) to ZT. Just like ZT, zte and ztL are also dimensionless, which we concentration for different values of energy sensitivity s. We can see that
name as pseudo-ZTs. By using the much less correlated zte and ztL, we decreased s leads to increased ztL but decreased zte. Equation (1) implies
can avoid playing the “seesaw balancing game” between S and σ or σ that the ultimate ZT is dominated by the smaller pseudo-ZT. Thus, for
and 1/κ, when examining the possible enhancement of ZT over different high carrier concentration systems, ZT is dominated by zte, while for low
parameters, as shown in the following contents. carrier concentration systems, ZT is dominated by ztL, according to Fig.
 First, we use the pseudo-ZTs to examine the dimensionality 1 (a). Therefore, the conclusion is that the ultimate ZT will be enhanced
paradox of thermoelectrics. Since Hicks and Dresselhaus proposed that by low-dimensionalization only for systems with low carrier
low-dimensionality will benefit thermoelectric ZT,9 great efforts have concentrations. For systems with high carrier concentrations, staying in
been made in various nanoscale materials.34,35 It is observed that the low- the bulk form will be preferred. For systems with moderate carrier
dimensionalization strategy works in many but not all materials concentrations, the dimension of the material may not affect ZT
systems.36 We still have many cases where the low-dimensional systems significantly.
have non-enhanced ZT 36 compared with their bulk counterparts. Thus, it  To have a better understanding of the connection between the
is interesting to study where this discrepancy come from, and how we pseudo-ZTs and the βSE indicator,25 we illustrate their relation with carrier

Fig. 1 (a) shows the pseudo-ZTs as a function of carrier concentration for different values of the energy sensitivity s. The colored solid (dashed) curves
represent the values of zte (ztL) for cases with different energy sensitivities (s). The change of s affect the two pseudo-ZTs, zte and ztL, in opposite trends.
Since the smaller pseudo-ZT dominates the overall ZT as implied from Equation (1), ztL and zte dominates in low and high carrier concentration regimes,
respectively. Therefore, the low-dimensionalization approach can only enhances ZT significantly in low carrier concentration materials systems. (b) The
relation between the pseudo-ZTs and the βSE indicator,25 illustrated for the s=1.0 case as an example. It can be seen that the βSE indicator can only well
estimate ZT for the high carrier concentration regime. For the low carrier concentration regime, the dominant pseudo-ZT (ztL) has an opposite trend with
the βSE indicator vs. carrier concentration. Therefore, the βSE indicator in this regime is no longer a good estimation. Without loss of generality and
validity, the single valley calculation and the arbitrary unit are used for the simplicity and convenience of illustration.

46 | ES Mater. Manuf., 2019, 4, 45–50 © Engineered Science Publisher LLC 2019

ES Materials & Manufacturing Research Paper

concentration in Fig. 1 (b). We can see that the βSE indicator can well band gap can enhance both pseudo-ZTs, until the band gap becomes
estimate ZT for the high carrier concentration region. However, when highly correlated with lattice thermal conductivity. Our result is different
the carrier concentration is low, the dominant pseudo-ZT becomes ztL from Ref. 32, where only the ztL dominated systems are considered. To
that has an opposite trend compared to the βSE indicator as a function of illustrate this, we use a hypothetic system with a fixed γ, so we can
carrier concentration. Therefore, the βSE indicator in this region is no examine zte and ztL as a function of εg. Without loss of generality, we
longer a good estimation. illustrate a case where γ=1, as shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 3 has dissolved the
 Second, we use the pseudo-ZTs to give us a guidance for traditional "fear" of large band gap, which implies small carrier
screening and selecting untested candidates from the databases of band concentration. It clearly shows that the maximum values of both
structures.20-22 We will examine the most important properties of a band pseudo-ZTs will increase or at least not decrease with εg. However, it is
structure, including band asymmetry, band gap, and band-edge worth to note that the carrier concentration of large band gap insulators
alignment. Qualitative comments on how these properties may affect ZT could become difficult to tune through doping. Furthermore, a large
might be found occasionally in the literature.37 Here a quantitative band gap may be positively correlated with the thermal conductivity, i.e.
approach on how to comprehensively evaluate a material is provided large band gap insulators usually have long inter-atomic distances that
based on the pseudo-ZT concept. result in large lattice thermal conductivity, which compromises the
 The band asymmetry characterizes how much the valence and the enhanced ztL value.
conduction bands are different from each other. While the shape of band  For a multi-valley or irregular-shaped band structure that can be
edges have to be considered case by case for high accuracy ZT decomposed into a series of small parabolic or non-parabolic valleys.
calculations, especially for the irregular shaped band structures, the ratio The shape similarities and energy degeneracy can also be quantitatively
(γ) between the density-of-state masses of each band can be used as a evaluated by the pseudo-ZTs. Here we illustrate this approach by
primary feature parameter for the efficient materials search purpose. Fig. comparing a one-valley band and a two-valley band. For more complex
2 has shown how the maximum values of zte and ztL will be affected by band structures, this approach can be similarly employed. For instance,
γ. Without loss of generality, we illustrate a case of reduced band gap assuming that we have two hypothetic band valleys denoted as V(1) and
εg=20. We see that unlike the case of s in Fig. 1, γ is a parameter that V(2). We use the ratio (ζ) between the curvatures of V(1) and V(2) as the
can increase both zte and ztL together. In other words, the task of primary feature parameter to characterize their shape similarity, and the
enhancing ZT always prefers holes and electrons to be as different from difference in energy at the bottoms of V(1) and V(2), i.e. ΔE=Δε·kBT, to
each other as possible. This explains why materials that can provide characterize the degree of degeneracy between the two valleys. V(1) and
large band asymmetry with both heavy holes and light electrons, such as V(2) are fully degenerated when Δε=0. Further, we use the optimization
topological insulator,38, 39 quasi-Dirac-cones,40, 41 or narrow-band-gaps,42 ratio to compare the maximum pseudo-ZTs in different cases, defined
are always good thermoelectric materials. This also explains why as,
several nano-composites systems have been reported to have high ZT,16, (1)+ (2)
17 Optimization Ratio = (1) (2) (5)
wherein the holes-screening grain-boundaries are effectively making max[ ztmax , ztmax ]
holes much heavier than electrons, resulting in large γ values.
 We have found that in contrary to conventional thought, a large where the pseudo-ZTs denoted by a lower case zt stands for zte or ztL, the

Fig. 2 Illustration of how the maximum values of zte and ztL will be Fig. 3 Illustration of how the maximum values of zte and ztL will be
affected by the band asymmetry ratio (γ). Without loss of generality, the affected by the reduced band gap (εg=Eg/kBT). Without loss of generality,
reduced band gap of εg=20 is illustrated. The colored solid (dashed) γ is fixed to be 1. The colored solid (dashed) curves represent the values
curves represent the values zte (ztL) for cases with different energy zte (ztL) for cases with different energy sensitivities as well. The legend is
sensitivities (s). The legend is the same as defined in Fig. 1 (a). Unlike the same as defined in Fig. 1 (a). Contrary to conventional thought, it is
the parameter of s in Fig. 1 (a), γ is a parameter that can increase both shown that εg will enhance zte and ztL together, though the increase of ztL
zte and ztL together. In other words, the task of enhancing ZT always will not be obvious when εg is greater than 10. This has dissolved the
prefers holes and electrons to be as different from each other as traditional "fear" of large band gap. It implies that we only need to
possible, i.e. ZT benefits from large band asymmetry ratio γ. avoid selecting large band gap materials systems, of which the thermal
conductivity is too high and cannot be reduced.

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Research Paper ES Materials & Manufacturing

superscript (1), (2) and (1)+(2) indicates the band valley (valleys) that is (are) on many factors besides the band structure, e.g. scattering mechanisms,
(1) (2) (1)
involved in transport, and max[ ztmax, ztmax ] means the greater value of ztmax sample synthesis conditions, defects concentrations and grain size
zt max
and . Fig. 4 (a) shows that multiple valleys will not help zte: non- distributions, so we here calculate the upper limit of ZT based on the
zero band-edge displacement Δε can even reduce zte, while band commonly used acoustic phonon scattering approximation, which
dissimilarity ζ does not influence zte significantly. Fig. 4 (b) shows that works well enough for the searching and screening purpose. The results
multiple valleys can increases ztL, only if the band-edge displacement Δε of ZnTe,43, 44 SnO2,45, 46 ZnO,47, 48 ZnSe,49, 50 CoO,51, 52 Mg2Ge,53 Mg2Si,53
is small and the valley shape dissimilarity ζ is close to 1. The upper- PbS,54-56 NiO,51, 57, 58 and PbTe59, 60 are shown in Fig. 5, where we see that
limit of the optimization ratio for ztL is the number of band valleys (2 in the upper limit of ZT is positively correlated with γ and εg, as expected
this case), which occurs when Δε=0 and ζ=1. This is a hint that for from the pseudo-ZT analysis above.
large carrier concentration systems, we prefer to choose materials whose  Finally, we show how to use the pseudo-ZT theory for searching
band structures are with multiple similar band valleys. For small carrier potential materials from the band structure databases. In Fig. 6 (a)-(d),
concentration systems, e.g. large band gap materials, we prefer simple we have calculated the values of zte and ztL at the room and the high
band structures. temperatures for numerous materials with known band structures25 that
In order to see how these concepts work in real materials, we have are not yet well investigated for thermoelectrics. We propose that the
examined a range of known room temperature thermoelectric materials, ones with both high zte and ztL are the most promising candidates, and
of which the various properties that we need for ZT estimations are well deserve the priority for further studies.
measured or calculated. From the above results, we see that the band  In conclusion, to accelerate the search of materials candidates for
asymmetry ratio γ and the reduced band gap εg will increase zte and ztL thermoelectric research from the databases of calculated band structures,
together, so we now explore how these two parameters of band structure we have developed a pseudo-ZT framework to consider the electronic
will influence the maximum ZT. As we know, the ultimate ZT depends and the lattice contributions separately. Unlike S and σ or σ and 1/κ,

Fig. 4 Illustration of how the band alignment/degeneracy and band dissimilarity affect the optimization ratio of pseudo-ZTs defined in Equation (5). The
optimization ratio of (a) zte and (b) ztL between the hypothetic cases of having both V(1) and V(2) and only having V(1) or V(2) contributing to transport are
shown as a function of the reduced band-edge displacement Δε and the band dissimilarity ζ. Different values of s give the similar trend, and we are
illustrating s=1.5 in this figure.

Fig. 5 The maximum ZT values vs. band asymmetry ratio (γ) and reduced band
gap (εg) for a range of known room temperature thermoelectric materials. Both
the circle diameter and color range represent the magnitude of ZTmax. This
exhibition here has validated the beliefs based on the pseudo-ZT analyses as
shown in Figure 2 and 3.

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ES Materials & Manufacturing Research Paper

which always have a strong negative correlation, using zte and ztL can contributions at the early stage to this paper. This work was done by S.
help us avoid playing the “seesaw balancing game”. In the pseudo-ZTs T. partially at MIT and mainly at SUNY. This work was partially
method, the optimization possibility of carrier scattering mechanisms supported by AFOSR MURI Grant number FA9550-10-1-0533, sub-
and thermal conductivity will not be suppressed as in the βSE indicator award 60028687 and ONR MURI (OSU) grant RF01224242 for its
method. Scenarios of both high and low carrier concentrations are MIT part.
considered. Furthermore, we have shown that the pseudo-ZT approach
can also quantitatively reveal the physics of how the dimensionality, Competing Financial Interests
carrier concentration, band asymmetry, band gap and band degeneracy The author(s) declare no competing interests.
will affect the ultimate ZT. We have also shown how the upper limit of
ZT is influenced by the band asymmetry and band gap in several room
temperature thermoelectric materials. Finally, we have carried out the
Author Contributions
calculations of pseudo-ZTs for various untested materials candidates S. T. designed and performed the research, analyzed the data, and wrote
from the band structure databases for future research guidance. the manuscript. M. D. contributed to improving the manuscript.

Acknowledge References
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Fig. 6 Calculated (a) (c) zte and (b) (d) ztL for materials with thermoelectric application potentials at (a) (b) room temperature (T=300 K) and (c) (d) high
temperature (T=1300 K), of which the band structure information can be found in materials databases 25. Both the circle diameter and color range
represent the magnitude of pseudo-ZTs. According to our pseudo-ZT analyses in the present work, the materials with both large zte and ztL values are the
most promising candidates that should be studied with priority.

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jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

50 | ES Mater. Manuf., 2019, 4, 45–50 © Engineered Science Publisher LLC 2019

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