Het - Impactpad - NL - 2020 (1) (077-192) (001-066) .NL - en
Het - Impactpad - NL - 2020 (1) (077-192) (001-066) .NL - en
Het - Impactpad - NL - 2020 (1) (077-192) (001-066) .NL - en
Level 5
Working on completely
understanding and firmer
On the fifth level of the growth path, you expand the effect This way you work towards a complete insight into the most important
measurements. That can be done in different ways. You can effects from your ToC.
youcurrent measurements more robustwith new methods
of data collection, for example by conducting in-depth What do you do with the results of your impact
interviews in addition to a survey or by organizing a focus measurement? At the beginning of this manual, there are two
group discussion around the results of your survey. Or main reasons for measuring impact: to direct and to
maybe you can expand the sample of people you send a communicate. Below is explained what your options are in these
survey to make the results more reliable. This way you work two directions. As far as communication is concerned, in this
towards more insights and harder evidence for your impact. manual we will only discuss one form of communication, namely
You can read more about working on a stronger attribution, an impact report.
such as using control groups, in level 4 . The use of different
measurement methods to investigate the same effect is Steering on impact
called triangulation. This method increases the reliability of You compare the results of your impact measurement with your
your research. impact goals. Periodic reflection is important, so that you can
make adjustments in time if necessary. It makes sense to use
In addition to deepening the measurements of your most your existing planning and reflection moments for this, so that
important target group, you can alsotake measurements at measuring and increasing your impact really becomes an
more stakeholders to important effects they experience. If you integral part of the management of your company, instead of a
are an entrepreneur who contributes to social cohesion in the separate process.
area, you could now also measure what working in your
company means for the volunteers involved. Not directly your Questions to ask yourself during those meetings:
mission, but relevant to know and part of your ToC. • Do we have enough evidence for analysis and
conclusions? What else do we need to get additional
Unlike the previous levels, level 5 has no clear upper information about?
limit: you can expand the number of target groups • Where are we behind, where are we on schedule and where
and effects, or go more in-depth per target group.
are we going faster than expected? in the case of an impact report, you are free to publish it once every two
• Do the results give reason to adjust the goals? or three years.
• Where do we need to improve and what is needed for this?
To get inspired
Don't shy away from uncomfortable questions either. Grab Before you start writing, you can get some inspiration by
– for example annually – on your strategic choices and your going through a number of impact reports from social
theory of change. In other words: go through the steps on entrepreneurs. For example, take a look at the impact annual
level 1 and 2 again. Could our approach be more effective? report ofTony's Chocolately ;Museum Plus Bus ; Picked up at
Are there perhaps other activities or strategies that increase home ;Specialisterren ;Seepje ;Bakkerscafé Brood op de
our impact? Should we stop certain activities? Targeting Plank ;Moyee coffee andDopper .
other target groups? Offer people work themselves instead
of guiding them to the labor market? Does our recycling Determining the purpose and target group of the impact report Who
model work? That may hurt a bit, but it is necessary to really will you make the impact information available to? The first thing you
go for maximum impact. need to do is consider who your readers are. What do they want to
know and what is your goal with the report? Do you write an internal
Based on your analysis and conclusions, you can therefore adjust your report or is it intended for partners outside your company, your
impact goals or even your strategy and change theory where necessary. stakeholders? Do they want to be inspired by you or are they looking
In summary, you can take the following actions: for an overview of facts & figures?
• Go ahead and scale up the activity or business.
• Adjust your approach or parts of it and implement this in Your financiers may be very interested in an overview
your theory of change. of the concrete impact results you have achieved with
• Stop with one or more activities because they turned out not to be the help of their investment. Your own team may need
useful enough or something else is more necessary. more lessons learned and a basis for decisions you
want to make to improve your strategy.
Report on impact
When you start reporting on your impact, you can opt for a Based on this information, you can make a draft and determine
separate impact report, or for a so-called integrated report which and how much information you will include in your report. Of
(also called integrated reporting). In it you report on what course, the shape must also suit your purpose. Are you writing a
you have done (activities), the impact you have achieved and report for a wider audience? Then the information will have to be
your financial results. You therefore keep an integrated accessible and inspirational impact stories, for example, will be very
report annually. effective.
based on user input. You can find the latest version give in euros. It provides nothing extra and obscures the result
here. due to the many assumptions you have to make in order to
arrive at a calculation.
The SRS consists of three parts: A, B and C. Below you will
find a short summary of the content of these parts: For example, if a target audience indicates that having
• Part Adescribes the purpose of the report. You tell the reader why and friends is very important, converting this into money does
for whom you are writing the report, what you are reporting on, the not add much value, and the process of doing so is
period about which you are reporting and who the contact person is subjective and complex. You then have to determine with the
if you have questions about the report. target group how much money friendship is worth to them,
• Part Bis the core of the impact report. After reading this and then determine how many new friends are involved in
part, the reader will know all the ins and outs of the order to be able to make a calculation. This can distract from
problem you are trying to solve, what goals you are the discussion of your true impact and also raise questions
pursuing, what you are committed to, what activities about how the value was determined. Do you not use exactly
you undertake and what the short- and long-term the same monetary values for effects as the projects you
effects are. measured. You also tell us what your plans want to compare with? Then there is no comparison.
are for the future.
• Part Ccontains your organization's profile. This contains Only express effects in terms of money if this is possible
general information about your company. without too many assumptions, and if a stakeholder
expressly asks for it. Such as cost savings for municipalities
Converting to monetary value regarding benefits and healthcare costs. For the other
Everyone is familiar with the value of a euro. It can be effects: find out how important this impact is for your target
helpful to communicate about your impact in a group by asking, and by putting the information in a good
language that investors or grant providers are familiar context. In addition, present an honest story about what you
with. It is a way of making so-called soft results, such have achieved without too many complicated calculations, so
as breaking social isolation, more tangible. Effects are that every stakeholder can form his own opinion about it
also easier to compare when a universal yardstick
such as money is used. Judgments about the
investment or a comparison with other programs or
activities can be substantiated in this way. It gives the
investor or subsidy provider the opportunity to weigh
up and decide where the most impact is created per
euro invested.
Practical tools Social Return on Investment (SROI)
There are various practical aids (tools) to expand your Relevant for: Monetizing social impact
impact measurement. Below we first explain two and
in the table afterwards you will find additional relevant A method of linking a financial value to a social effect.
tools. This guide from the SROI Network explains this
method and tells you in steps how you can apply this
Recommended tools method yourself.
1. Social Reporting Standard (SRS):This manual has Pages 38-52 explain how you can link a financial
been developed by the Social Reporting Initiative for value to a security.
social organizations that want to report on their
impact. It is a template that you can follow to write Social Value UK: Maximize your impact
down your impact results in a transparent way. The Relevant for: Impact management
manual describes step by step how to build an
impact report, with a division into three parts: Part A, This guide takes entrepreneurs step by step towards
B and C. The guide ishere to download. maximizing social impact. The guide distinguishes four
2. The effects calculator: social price list: The social phases: Plan, Do, Assess, Revise and asks a number of
price list ofeffectscalculator.nl is an instrument for impact-related questions for each phase.
expressing the social added value of new approaches
in the domains of care and welfare in terms of EVPA: Impact Management Principles
monetary value. These are estimates based on Relevant for: Impact management
various sources. Therefore, always take into account
the context in which your activities take place when This framework describes five different phases of impact
calculating cost savings. The social price list is still management: setting goals, analyzing stakeholders, measuring
being developed and will be further expanded in the impact, evaluating impact, monitoring and reporting. In each
coming years. The guide ishere to download. phase, it offers a number of associated tools and questions that
can be answered to go through the step properly.
Additional tools:
Level 5
Floor by theme
From this point in the manual you will find specific advice,
targeted tools and a selection of securities and
indicators, which help to obtain a complete
insight and more solid substantiation of your impact.
Click again on the theme that applies to you.
Level 5:
labor participation
At level five you can make your impact measurement more complete change theory. Effects that you can say are due to
and thorough by: your activities.
1. to substantiate previously investigated effects more firmly with Additional measurements with your target group
additional measurements; With a further deepening of your measurement, you can choose
2. expand your previous research with measurements of other to substantiate the data more firmly with your target group and
effects and stakeholders from your theory of change. also further investigate the indirect effects. You can do this very
well by fine-tuning the questionnaire you developed earlier on
In addition to measuring the impact on your most important target the basis of the results of your first impact measurement, and
group, you can also measure what your company means for other then administering it to your employees again. You can often
stakeholders, such as the municipality, parents, your customers or best investigate the indirect effects by conducting interviews
the environment. By adding more and more target groups to your with your target group. Ask them about important changes in
impact measurements and collecting additional data, you work their lives through participation in your program or training.
towards a complete insight into the most important effects of your What does it mean for them to have a learning or workplace? It
company. can be very instructive to investigate who has made the most
changes and what possible success factors have been. For
When you employ employees or give people career training, example, have these employees paid more attention to
the indirect effect is often thought to be an increase in wage strengthening their social skills? Were they more motivated to
value or an increase on the participation ladder. Something develop specific skills from the start? Or did they already have a
you work towards in the long term. But these are not always better idea of what the process entailed before they started it?
feasible effects. For some target groups, the highest With these insights you can further refine or improve your
achievable change is, for example, more peace by having a activities.
daily structure. Or have more self-confidence. Or have a
larger social safety net. So think carefully in advance about Expansion to other stakeholders
which target group you are dealing with and what realistic, Depending on your theory of change and what you find important to
expected effects are in you know, you extend your measurement to other stakeholders.
Most relevant are often the direct environment of your target How do you determine which changes you can claim? The more
group (employees), such as parents/carers and local residents. indirect the effect you want to measure, the more difficult it is to
Or important stakeholders, such as the municipality, financiers determine:
or employers with whom you work. You can interview them
about important changes they see or experience through your • what effects can be attributed to your activities;
activities. Or organize a focus group to gain more insight into • and what other factors contributed.
the changes for these target groups.
This also determines the hardness of your claims you can make. To
Other effects are relevant for each stakeholder: investigate this, you can first estimate how likely you are that people
• An important direct effect forthe municipalityFor example, would have found a workplace or job without your activities. How
your activities may contribute to a reduction in the costs many other organizations are there in your area that these people
of benefits and healthcare. The municipality often asks could have turned to? And what makes your company unique
for a translation of your impact into the number of compared to those other organizations? For example, do you work
euros that have been saved. with personal learning goals, do you offer intensive supervision, or
• An example of a direct change forparents guardiansthey may do you have a workplace during the training? This largely determines
have fewer caring responsibilities for their child. With the the hardness of your claim.
indirect effect that they experience more happiness.
• Beelocal residentsyou can think of more contact with Inquire directly
other local residents through the presence of your An additional approach is to directly ask the target group about which
company in the neighborhood as a direct change. With part of the changes has occurred due to your activities. You can then
the indirect effect of a greater sense of togetherness. In incorporate this into your question. For example: 'Has anything changed
addition, a direct effect can be that people become more in the support you receive from your social network as a result of your
aware of the problems surrounding the target group participation in the programme?' You can follow up this question with:
you work with as a company. The indirect effect that you 'Can you explain how the process contributed to this change?' Take the
often hope to achieve with this is that people have more moment of the measurement into account here. For example, if you
understanding for these people and change their measure immediately after the end of the process, there are fewer other
behavior towards them. factors that influence changes in the target group than if you measure a
year after the end of the process.
Do you focus your activities on raising awareness of the problems
and value of your target group? It would then be interesting to Zero measurement
investigate this in a second measurement. You can do this by If you want stronger evidence, you can add a baseline measurement
interviewing a number of customers and local residents about their to your measurement. You measure a number of indicators among
perception of the target group and whether your activities have participants before the start of the process. To follow the previous
changed anything in this regard. example, here you compare the degree of perceived support from
the social network at the beginning of the trajectory and at the end
of the trajectory, quantifying the degree of support (1 = not at all to 5
= completely well). When this support has increased significantly, you
can say that your trajectory contributes to more
support from the social network of participants. However,
there are still external factors that influence this as well, so
be careful in the claim you make.
Prefer to stay on the low side in your estimate and show which
calculations you have made to substantiate the amount. When
you offer people a temporary workplace, for example, you
always have to take into account what happens to these people
when the work stops. When these people return to their homes,
the cost savings that this generates for the municipality will be
considerably lower (nil) than if these people continue to work.
The continuous effect
measurements of Hét Bakkerscafé
Hét Bakkerscafé (Brood op de Plank & De impact measurement. A second impact questioned with a survey (21 current program about social entrepreneurship.
Bakkerij) was founded in 2009 and measurement was carried out in 2017, with employees) or a telephone interview (14
consists of an organic bakery with two the aim of supplementing and further former program employees). These data were Conclusions and implications of the impact
bakery shops and lunchrooms in expanding the results of 2014. This created a further supplemented with other measurement
Nijmegen. The mission is to create the more reliable picture of the impact. The registrations, such as scores on the The Bakkerscafé did the data collection itself
conditions in which people can develop Bakkerscafé was also able to learn from the participation ladder. The program staff and they were assisted in the analysis of the
towards the most optimal form of social results, manage them and use them to completed the questions independently, results by a research agency. The results
participation. account to stakeholders. assisted where necessary by a supervisor. For showed that the activities of the Bakkerscafé
At the Bakkerscafé, people with a the development of these questionnaires, the have a positive effect on increasing the
distance to society and/or the labor Which measuring methods Bakkerscafé used existing tools, such as the social participation of its program
market can develop to the maximum were used? Rosenberg self-esteem scale, the self-reliance employees. Program employees have
at their own level in the areas of: The most important stakeholders of the matrix and the participation ladder. Finally, become more self-reliant, gained more self-
Bakkerscafé are the project employees, the Bakkerscafé undertook the following confidence, rose on the participation ladder
• social activation, local residents, clients, the government activities: and more than 80% of the individual
• Self-sustainability, and other social entrepreneurs who may development goals were achieved in the
• personal skills; and be inspired by the Bakkerscafé to adopt • They conducted an open interview with four period 2014 to 2016. The Bakkercafé can
• specific professional and work skills. (parts of) the approach. The effects for social enterprises in the autumn of 2017 draw its first tentative conclusions about the
program staff and other social impact on other social entrepreneurs. The
Important partners of Hét Bakkerscafé are healthcare entrepreneurs fell within the scope of the • Three umbrella parties from the social sector case studies showed that the Bakkerscafé
institutions, municipalities, work companies and second impact study. completed an online questionnaire, which appears to be an inspiring example for other
schools. Hét Bakkerscafé used several data they received by e-mail. social enterprises.
collection methods (mixed method • Hét Bakkerscafé made an inventory
Making the impact measurement more approach). In the period 2014-2016, the with which and how many parties it
robust In 2014, the Bakkerscafé did its first program employees became annually shared knowledge/advice with
The effects and indicators you find here are common
and selected on the basis of their relevance within this theme.
The selection is therefore also a first step towards standardization
and the comparison of impact. Choose the one for you
relevant stakeholder and the effect you intend to have on this
stakeholder. You can see indicators and instruments for each effect
measure these indicators.
Level 5:
sustainable value chains
At level five you can make your impact measurement more complete So you try to get as complete a picture as possible at this
and thorough by: level. Therefore, also look for any negative or side effects.
What do the production methods used actually do to the
1. supplement your previous research with measurements of soil quality? Does your specific demand for a particular
other effects and stakeholders from your theory of change; product cause people to neglect other sources of income?
2. to substantiate previously investigated effects more firmly with In general, you discover these kinds of patterns by
additional measurements. talking: with partners, with the producers you work with
and with experts.
How do you take the next steps in your impact
measurement? In addition to measuring the Finally, you do not only look at the direct effects such as
impact on your most important target group, you income or awareness, but you also try to gain insight into the
will now also measure what your company means consequences. With income, for example, you look at the
for other stakeholders. For example, if you sell tea consequences for well-being: is your target group really
from developing countries, you usually start at level better off, are more children going to school, for example,
1 by mapping the income from the products of your and does your target group have better access to high-
tea and your contribution to it. At level 5 you will quality healthcare? What you contribute to this is of course
also look at what you have achieved with your indirect and changes cannot be directly attributed to your
customers in the field of information about the organization. It is therefore about analyzing what your
problems in your chain. For example, you can set contribution has been, in order to be able to increase it in a
up a panel that questions you, or you can send out positive sense.
a survey via your online media channels. Or have
you perhaps inspired other companies to follow To find out, you will have to do your own research on
your example? Then you can interview them about site. In level 4 we already described how complex that
how you contributed to it. can be. An alternative is to look for existing studies
that show that the indirect effects will occur. Then you
can refer to it.
How do you use the results of your measurements?
Provide a good feedback loop in which you can use the
evidence you collect to further refine your mission and ToC
and adjust your activities. Do you notice, for example, that in
certification processes at the cooperatives you purchase
from, there are still incidents involving harmful forms of child
labour? Then you can take action and talk to the buyers or
directly with the cooperatives. And if you notice little
improvement in the field of health and safety in factories, for
example, you can determine with the owners or through
audits why this improvement is not there. You can therefore
adjust your actions or agreements with the results of this
Tony's Chocolonely's continuous effect
Tony's Chocolonely strives for all the results of the study were sensitive to socioeconomic data. This gives Tony's more to people and the environment is
chocolate to be 100% slave-free. The external influences, such as campaigns and insight into the risks of and prevention of converted and added to the market price,
company tries to achieve this by: advertising. By measuring more regularly, the child labor in the regions where they buy so that the 'true price' of a Tony's bar is
results of the research are more reliable and their cocoa and enables them to take calculated. This is the price that would have
developments in these indicators can be targeted action. Using the CLMRS system to be paid if the damage caused by the
• make consumers aware of the followed more easily. not only gives them more insight into child production of the chocolate bars is
problem; labor in their chain, but also helps them to prevented or repaired. This gives Tony's
• provide a living income to the cocoa Ending slavery influence the impact objectives of other insight into where in the chain the highest
farmers they work with; and The main impact Tony's is working chocolate manufacturers. The system was external costs are, so that the company can
• encouraging other parties in the towards is ending slavery and child labor developed by ICI in collaboration with tackle these externalities. In addition, the
cocoa industry to follow their in cocoa production. To investigate this Nestlé. By linking up with an existing 'true price' is compared to the 'true price'
example. effect, the company is collaborating with initiative by authorities within the cocoa of bars from other chocolate producers
the International Cacao Initiative (ICI). All industry, Tony's makes it more accessible who source cocoa in West Africa. This is
Familiarity with the problem To measure farmer groups that supply cocoa to Tony's for other players to follow their example. how Tony's measures their performance
whether consumers are familiar with the are covered by the implemented Child over the years and against the rest of the
problem, Tony's has drawn up a number of Labor Monitoring and Remediation System industry.
indicators. These are, for example, the (CLMRS). Farmers from local communities
percentage of choco fans who know about are specially trained by Tony's for this Mapping externalities To gain more Tip from Paul Schoenmakers(Impactus
the existence of slavery on the cocoa system, after which the farmers discuss insight into the impact Tony's has on Prime – Tony's Chocolonely)
plantations in West Africa. And the child labor with their colleagues. farmers and the environment, Tony's had “Work together with the right partners and
percentage of Tony's buyers who tell family an external party calculate the actual price experts! We have worked with many different
and friends about Tony's mission. Tony's In this way, they can monitor partner of their bars in 2013 and 2017. This means external experts. The experts had different
recently started measuring these effects more farmers and their families to reduce that externalities in Tony's chain are methods and expertise that suited the impact
robustly by questioning people throughout and remedy the risk of child labor if it mapped on the basis of research results measurement phase we were in. We now
the year on these indicators via the Brand occurs. from independent organisations. Examples mainly work with parties that have a great deal
Tracker system. Until recently, this of this are environmental damage or social of expertise in the cocoa sector and we have
measurement was performed twice a year. In The farmers collect relevant information damage caused by child labour. The more and more knowledge to measure
this way using a questionnaire on a smartphone possible damage ourselves.”
The effects and indicators you find here are common
and selected on the basis of their relevance within this theme.
The selection is therefore also a first step towards standardization
and the comparison of impact. Choose the one for you
relevant stakeholder and the effect you intend to have on this
stakeholder. You can see indicators and instruments for each effect
measure these indicators.
Level 5:
circular economy
At level five you can make your impact measurement more complete Cycle Assessment (LCA) specifically mapped. At level 4 you still
and thorough by: looked at the certain (some) effects of your activities, such as
CO2 or material efficiency; with an LCA you look at the entire life
1. to substantiate previously investigated effects more firmly with cycle of your product and the environmental effects that occur
additional measurements; therein. An LCA shows where and what environmental impact
2. make additional measurements of other effects and takes place in the chain. The points where the environmental
stakeholders from your theory of change. impact is large are called hotspots. In the box below, we will
discuss an LCA and how you can use it.
Based on the results of your follow-up measurement,
you can analyze how you can further increase your In addition to a more robust measurement of your effects by
positive impact. The results can also help you as a means of an LCA, at level 5 you also look at effects on other
company to look for new partners in the chain to stakeholders. For example, do you want to inspire other
achieve your more specific goals. companies to follow your example, so that they also adopt a
circular business model? Then you can interview them about
At level 4 you looked at the direct effects of your how you contributed to it. By collecting more and better data
purchasing, production and outflow. At level 5 you will and adding effects to your impact measurements, you work
measure the effects in the entire life cycle of your product towards a complete insight into the most important effects of
or service. You look beyond your own company, at the your company.
entire chain. That way you can fully map out the indirect
effects you achieve. In addition, unexpected effects may occur that you want to
investigate in your follow-up measurements. An example of
How do you take the next steps in your impact measurement? a positive unexpected effect is job creation, because
After measuring the first effects of your circular business materials are separated or products are taken apart with the
model, you continue by making more robust measurements aim of reusing them. This can create jobs, often even for
and investigating more effects. You bring the direct and people with a distance to the labor market. About the
indirect effects of your material use through a Life
You can read more about the various positive effects you What is an LCA and how do I perform it?
can have on them in the Labor Participation theme in this LCA stands for Life Cycle Assessment. It is a comprehensive
manual. There may also be negative unexpected effects. method developed to measure the environmental (and
An example of this are shared bicycles that are broken or sometimes also social) impact of a specific product. It takes
parked incorrectly by users and then stand in the way. into account the entire life cycle of a product, from the inflow
Dare to be critical of what effects you actually achieve of raw materials and materials and production, to the Input
with a circular business model. If you have a product that processing of any residual flows. These are the three parts
is recyclable, for example, this will only have value if introduced at level 2.
products are actually collected and then recycled. So you
could measure that. There are several tools that can help you with an LCA. production
This is how the handbook helpsProduct Social Impact
Firmer substantiation after your first measurement Assessment you as an entrepreneur on your way to
If you look at the Circular Economy at a higher level, it 'revolves' about ensuring that the so- carrying out an LCA. MVO Nederland also offers a
called planetary boundaries are not crossed. These boundaries relate to nine essential selection of LCA tools. RIVM has onelist with available LCA
ecosystems that keep our planet's biosphere livable. They are therefore absolute limits that tools, categorized by industry and thus by type of impact.
must not be exceeded. A well-known example is greenhouse gas emissions and the impact on OpenLCA is free open source software for professional
climate change. Another example is nutrients from fertilizers, such as nitrogen and LCAs. Databases such asEcoInvent orSimaPro contain discard Product
phosphate, which unbalance ecosystems when they 'flow' into the natural environment from thousands of generic products and processes that can
production processes. To guard these planetary boundaries and take the pressure off the help you get an idea of the impact of your specific
essential ecosystems, it is important to look at the impact of your entire chain and to close product. Current standards for LCA are documented in
loops where possible. That is why the circular economy plays an important, innovative role in ISO 14040:2006 and ISO 14044:2006. Usage
this. Substances used in fertilizers, for example, can be kept in a loop. If you want to carry out
measurements of your effects on these limits – the effects that you as an entrepreneur have LCAs usually express the results in relation to units of
on them in a relative sense – you will have to make more in-depth measurements. You use an output, such as number of products or kilograms of
LCA for this (see box). Choose the LCA that applies to your business model. At this level, product. Use the LCA databases mentioned above to
measurements become technical and complex. It is therefore advisable to hire expertise for calculate your effect on the planetary boundaries.
this. If you want to carry out measurements of your effects on these limits – the effects that
you as an entrepreneur have on them in a relative sense – you will have to make more in-
depth measurements. You use an LCA for this (see box). Choose the LCA that applies to your Below we discuss a number of specific examples of how to
business model. At this level, measurements become technical and complex. It is therefore perform measurements at this level. You perform the
advisable to hire expertise for this. If you want to carry out measurements of your effects on measurements using an LCA. In the box we show that there
these limits – the effects that you as an entrepreneur have on them in a relative sense – you are different types of LCAs. You can also read there how to
will have to make more in-depth measurements. You use an LCA for this (see box). Choose the choose an LCA that suits your business model.
LCA that applies to your business model. At this level, measurements become technical and
complex. It is therefore advisable to hire expertise for this. • Global Warming Potential (GWP)is the effect of a greenhouse
gas emission on the global climate system. This is one of
the most well-known indicators within this theme,
but not necessarily the most important. It is an easily • Eutrophicationis the phenomenon that due to the
communicated indicator, unlike the indicators of some supply of an excess of nutrients (such as nitrogen
other planetary boundaries. You measure this effect by and phosphate from fertilizers) within an ecosystem,
dividing kilograms of CO2 equivalent in your chain by a strong growth and multiplication of certain species
the number of output units of your company. CO2 occurs. As a result, the species richness or
equivalent is a unit of measurement used in an LCA to biodiversity decreases sharply. Eutrophication causes
provide a standardized measure for greenhouse gases. the ecosystem to become unbalanced, causing the
There are different greenhouse gases and they have loss of other valuable nutrients. Kilogram of nitrogen
different effects per kilogram. To standardize this, all equivalent (N-eq) is one of the standard units used in
greenhouse gases are converted into the amount of LCAs to measure various nutrients that can cause
CO2 they would be equal to. For example, one kilogram eutrophication.
of methane equals 25 CO2 eq, because methane is 25
times more potent than CO2. • Ozone depletionis the planetary boundary that has
received much attention in the past, resulting in
• The raw material footprintgives you insight into how much successful policy changes. International governance
you contribute to the depletion of raw material stocks. You has ensured that almost all substances that deplete
measure this effect by measuring the decrease in raw the ozone layer have been banned. As a result, the
materials used per unit of output. The indicators of it holes in the ozone layer are slowly closing again.
Wuppertal Institute include the consumption of all activities CFC11 equivalent, a widely used refrigerant, is used
in the supply chain expressed in kilograms of Raw Materials in LCAs as a standard unit for measuring various
Equivalent (RME). RME is a set of factors that describe the ozone-depleting gases.
entire raw material footprint of a given product. Take steel
for example: the raw material footprint is ten to twenty Measure additional effects
times greater than the nominal weight, because of all the For a relatively small company, it can be daunting to
iron ore and the energy used to produce the steel. By look only at the absolute impact as expressed in an
multiplying the RME by the weight of the product, you get LCA and described above. A large company can
the raw material footprint. This is also called the material already save more CO2 with a small measure than a
intensity. small company with a radically innovative approach.
For this reason, it makes sense to think about your
• Water consumptionis not a problem in the Netherlands, but other contributions to the transition to a circular
worldwide water is an important and sometimes very scarce economy. The idea here is that if a company helps to
resource. Tracking water consumption in the chain is change the mood of the public or inspire key actors, it
therefore very important for understanding your impact. can be critical to the transition to a circular economy.
Use LCA databases or specific LCAs (see box) to measure For example, measure the increase in the percentage
this. Measure the total water consumption per unit of of your consumers who are aware of the importance
output. of a circular economy. Or the consumers who make
targeted choices for circular products.
Perhaps your goal is to advocate for a system change
towards circularity. If you want to measure your effect on Fairphone's ongoing effect
this part of your ToC, first look at the weekly working measurements
hours you use for advocacy (lobbying, speaking, writing) Fairphone was founded in 2013 to start the information was only used internally.
among sector peers or chain partners. Then measure the a movement for fair electronics from Initially, impact was mainly measured to
increase in these hours over a period of time. You can within. With the production of their improve projects and strategy. At the moment
also measure the increase in the number of alliances or smartphones, Fairphone is trying to there is also increasing demand from outside,
partners in the chain. After all, collaborations in the chain, change the way products are impact measurement helps to be
especially to close cycles, are an important part of manufactured and make the value 'accountable'.
circularity. chain more sustainable. The
development and sale of the Fairphone Data collection
How do you use the results of your measurements? is thereby a means of exposing and Collecting data, for example conducting
Provide a good feedback loop in which evidence you tackling abuses in the electronics sector surveys in the factories, is often done by
collect can be used to further refine your mission and ToC and stimulating a broader discussion external parties. In addition, there are
and adjust your activities. If you notice little improvement about fair value chains. many stakeholders, such as customers,
in the field of material return, you can determine with shareholders and advisors, who help with
chain partners why there is no improvement. You can Improving impact measurement the data collection process. At the project
therefore adjust your actions or agreements with the Fairphone has been measuring a number of and product level, the results lead to
results of this research. indicators at project level since its inception. adjustments to the product, or to whether
Fairphone recently organized the or not to continue with a project. In 2018,
It often helps to think in advance what you will do with the measurements at company level and Fairphone will publish a public report for
results. When are you satisfied? What could you adapt or introduced more consistency in the the first time, in which it shows which
not? Be realistic about this, it will help you to actually do measurements and indicators. The direct and indirect effects are achieved.
something with the results of your measurement. there isn't. indicators are based on the four objectives Although the ultimate goal is to raise
You can therefore adjust your actions or agreements with (life extension, fair materials, good working awareness and change the entire industry,
the results of this research. conditions, reuse and recycling), but also on Fairphone is not measuring this yet. In the
relevant output (indicators related to long term, this is Fairphone's ambition.
It often helps to think in advance what you will do with business operations) and effects on other
the results. When are you satisfied? What could you adapt stakeholders (e.g. raising consumer
or not? Be realistic about this, it will help you to actually awareness). Until 2016
do something with the results of your measurement.
The effects and indicators found here are common and
selected on the basis of their relevance within this theme.
The selection is therefore also a first step towards standardization
and the comparison of impact. Choose the one for you
relevant stakeholder and the effect you intend to have on this
stakeholder. You can see indicators and instruments for each effect
measure these indicators.
Level 5: active and
healthy ageing
On the fifth level you can expand and deepen the effect Think about:
measurement. You can do this in two ways: • An important direct effect forhealthcare providersmay
be that you contribute with your activities and to
1. previously researched effects can be substantiated with increasing knowledge and skills in the field of active
additional measurements; and healthy ageing. An indirect effect of this may be
2. In addition, you can expand your research by measuring the that care providers enjoy their work more.
effects of other stakeholders from the ToC. This may concern professional care providers and
informal carers.
If you want to deepen the measurement of your effects, • Beehealthcare institutionsyou can think of direct effects
you can choose to substantiate the data of your target such as the strengthening of knowledge, resources,
group more firmly. You can do this in a number of ways. personnel and professional network. As an indirect effect,
For example, by fine-tuning the questionnaire you used healthcare institutions can offer better care to more people.
based on your initial research results. You can then use
the questionnaire in a follow-up measurement to Buurtzorg Nederland is a good example of an initiative
substantiate the results more firmly. Another way is to that has a positive effect on care providers. Buurtzorg
add a new measurement method. If you used a Nederland has developed a new concept for care at
questionnaire in your first study, you can add depth in home, in which self-managing teams plan and carry out
the second study by asking questions about specific the work themselves. As a result, different disciplines can
effects in interviews – or vice versa. find each other better and the care providers can
perform their work in the way they want. In addition, this
In addition to measuring the effects on your most important target can better meet the needs of the client.
group, you can also measure what your initiative means for other
stakeholders, such as caregivers and healthcare organisations.
Depending on your theory of change and what you find important to
know, you can extend your measurement to other target groups.
How do you determine which changes you can claim? The more do?". You can follow up this question with: 'Did the initiative
indirect the effect you want to measure, the more difficult it is to contribute to this change and if so, what exactly?'. When you
determine: perform the measurement can influence the results of the
• what effects can be attributed to your activities; and measurement. For example, if you measure immediately after
• what other factors contributed. the end of the intervention, there are fewer other factors that
influence changes in the target group than if you measure one
Just think: it is difficult to determine whether the elderly would also year after the end of the intervention. It is also the case that
have become more active and healthier if it had not been for your many effects weaken: shortly after a day out, an elderly person
initiative. Still, you can try to make an estimate. For example, by will be very positive about social contacts, but the question is
making an inventory of whether there are other organizations in the whether that effect will also last. Also keep this in mind to get a
area where the elderly person could otherwise have gone. You can good idea of your actual contribution.
also see whether your initiative has a unique approach compared to
other initiatives. Zero measurement and control group
How do you express your impact in terms of social
It can be useful to express your impact in money.
For example, to show financiers how much costs
can be saved as a result of your activities.
Calculating cost savings is tricky and can be done in
several ways. Depending on the method you
choose, you can end up with different amounts.
Therefore, be very careful with the claims you make
about this. In the Netherlands you can use the
social price list to estimate your social value
expressed in money.
Impact measurement among
multiple stakeholders 'SlowCare'
The Elzeneindhuis is a small-scale living and In collaboration with Radboud University in an interview provided richer information than a Conclusion and implications of the
daytime center of the SlowCare Netherlands Nijmegen, an impact study was carried out questionnaire would. Eight parents, eight impact measurement
Foundation, founded for people with a (severe on behalf of the Province of North Brabant. employees and the two initiators were The results of the impact study show positive
multiple) disability. SlowCare believes in an The results of this study provide insight into interviewed individually. The residents and changes for the various stakeholders. The
inclusive society: to allow residents to be part the operation and value of the SlowCare participants themselves were not interviewed, participants and residents show improvement in
of the neighbourhood, the Elzeneindhuis is concept. because this is difficult and in some cases health and development. Some residents are also
located in the middle of a residential area. The impossible. The effects on this target group are happier, calmer and less lonely. Parents indicate
Elzeneindhuis has 24 residents and there is Which measuring methods derived from the results of the interviews with that they have more peace of mind and fewer
room for 8 to 12 participants from outside were used? parents and staff. A zero and one measurement worries. They did indicate that the transition was
every day. It employs 54 employees. The study looked at the impact of the has been chosen. The first round of interviews difficult for them now that the care of their child is
Elzeneindhuis on various stakeholders. By took place when the organization was still in its no longer theirs. Among other things, the
examining the effects on the various start-up phase, many of the residents had just employees indicated that they enjoy their work
At SlowCare, humane care, respect, safety stakeholders, a better and more complete moved in. more. Finally, the local residents also indicated
and connection with nature are central. picture can be drawn of the impact of the The second interview took place about six that they experienced positive effects, for
Important aspects that characterize the Elzeneindhuis. Research has been carried months later. The results of the second example they indicated that they were proud that
care at the Elzeneindhuis are: out into the effects on the following interview were compared with the results of the Elzeneindhuis is located in their
• time and attention in healthcare; stakeholders: the first interview. In this way, SlowCare's neighbourhood.
• loving care; • residents, participants and their parents; contribution to the changes on the various
• a healing environment; • staff; stakeholders could be properly investigated.
• self-managing work; • the neighbourhood. The effects on the neighborhood are
• meaningful work; researched through group interviews with
• local inclusion; The effects on the residents, participants, their twelve local residents.
• changes in quality of life. parents and the employees were investigated
• by means of in-depth interviews. This method 1 The research was carried out by Jara Gerrits,
was deliberately chosen because student of Social Geography
The effects and indicators you find here are common
and selected on the basis of their relevance within this theme.
The selection is therefore also a first step towards standardization
and the comparison of impact. Choose the one for you
relevant stakeholder and the effect you intend to have on this
stakeholder. You can see indicators and instruments for each effect
measure these indicators.
Measuring impact is a process in which you can grow and for
which tools are available. That is the main message of The
Impactpad. With this manual we want to guide social “As much positive impact as possible
entrepreneurs in that process, provide them with the right
that is the challenge for
tools and inspire, motivate and activate them. With this we
organizations of this time. If
hope to lower the threshold to take an impact measurement
impact driven organization you want
a step further.
to be sure that you are doing the right
As you may have read earlier, in The Impact Path we delve thing. And you also want to be able to
deeper into three important themes: Labor Participation, communicate your impact to you
Sustainable Value Chains and Circular Economy. Our stakeholders. Impact targets
ambition is to be able to expand this manual to other themes setting, measuring and continuous
in the future, where measuring impact is just as important. improvement, that's what it's all about.”
The selection of indicators that we provide for each theme
are intended as a first step towards standardization and
Edith Kroes,
comparing impact. Here too, we have the ambition to
Director Advance
expand to more indicators and more tools.
We wish you good luck and fun in following your own Impact
Effects and
The effects and indicators you will find from here on are
common and selected based on their relevance within this
theme. You see indicators and instruments for each effect
measuring indicators.
Effects and indicators
Labor participation
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the home menu.
Choose the effect you want to have on your stakeholder
to have. You will see indicators and instruments
for measuring these indicators for each effect.
Click here to go
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the home menu.
More Productivity
More independent
can work
More independent Subject-specific
More productivity
can work skills
Work independently Stress resistance
• Extent to which employee • Extent to which employee can
carries out work deal with pressure or stress;
independently; • Extent to which employee can
• Degree to which employee himself deal with setbacks.
Diplomacan find a solution incomes•tigiMon Takeknows
ngto which the employee more actions
achieveproblem. how to prevent stress kman.bt future
Learning ability
• Extent to which employee can and Responsibility
dares to ask questions; • Degree to which employee
• Degree to which employee is honors agreements;
w eanadapt
More self-confidencekan to newBeeat so•cialm
eate in which comthereekeerrinto independence
to havesituations. skillstnbarges in itself nodeamgte;mundane living activities
• Degree to which employee
complete tasks;
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the home menu.
More independent Subject-specific
More productivity
can work skills
Professional skills
• Extent to which employee has
has skills,
e.g. catering skills;
Diploma cleaning skills; Take more actions
Income increase
achieve Technical skills; regarding future
creative skills;
• Number of new subject-
specific skills covered
employee has.
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the home menu.
More independent Subject-specific
More productivity
can work skills
Income increase
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the home menu.
m she l f s ta n d i g
er k e n a an Subject-specific
More productivity
keyouignennetnoowkeOrm skills
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the home menu.
More confidence
to have
More independent Subject-specific
More productivity
can work skills
Indicators Tools
Better social skills
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the home menu.
More independence in everyday life
life activities
Indicators Tools
Daily life activities Vilan self-sufficiency meter: This Self-Reliance Matrix (ZRM): This
• Degree to which the employee is tool consists of a questionnaire instrument measures the degree of
able to do the shopping that questions self-reliance in 10 self-reliance in 17 different areas,
himself; areas of life. It is a useful or domains, such as finances,
• Extent to which employee is measuring instrument to discuss housing, education and physical
able to open mail; difficult topics around this theme care. The instrument was
• Extent to which employee can and to go deeper into someone's developed in 2010 by GGD
travel independently; personal situation. The Amsterdam and
• Extent to which employee instrument is mainly used in Municipality of Rotterdam and is
can manage financially healthcare. still being developed on the basis
(income); of new scientific research and
• Number of feedback from users. With the ZRM
employee debts; ADL Katz Scale: you give on the basis of
• Number of outstanding cases with the judicial This measuring instrument originates observations an assessment of
authorities of the employee from healthcare and indicates the extent someone's level of self-reliance at
• Level of employee to which someone can independently, or that moment. So to what extent
substance use independently, carry out the basic someone now has the skills,
activities of daily life. expertise, resources and
Personal hygiene to carry out. These are washing oneself, capabilities of others to function
• Degree to which the employee is dressing, going to the toilet, moving normally. The instrument and
able to look after himself; around the house, continence and accompanying manual can be
• Extent to which the employee can to feed. downloaded free of charge:
eat/wash/dress/go to the toilet
Click here to go by himself;
back to
• Extent to which employee is
the home menu.
able to clean/tidy his/her
own living space
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back to
the home menu.
Decrease in wage cost subsidies
Indicators Tools
• Number of € decrease in Wage value advice tool Self-Reliance Matrix (ZRM): This Participation ladder
wage cost subsidy due to (LAT) The LAT is a reliable, instrument measures the degree of This measuring instrument is used
higher wage value fast and affordable way to self-sufficiency in 17 different to measure the extent to which
• Number of people with a job who determine wage values for areas, or domains, such as someone participates in society. The
were previously unemployed* anyone who qualifies finances, housing, education ladder consists of 6 levels, where
comes for wage cost subsidy or and physical care. It someone at level 1 is socially
wage dispensation. It inDsatlriyounm ent instrument is inD2a0li1n0gdeveloped isolated and someone at level 6 does
is deployed nlaOdOantkodseatwnesryoukbnseidmiesr by GGDyouaitmkesrtienrgox
n paid work. The intermediate steps
worked for some time, Gesaid Rotterdam and becomes no g are: Social contacts outside the door,
for example on the basis of an continuously developed on the Participation in organized activities,
internship or a trial placement. Because basis of new scientific research Unpaid work and Paid work with
wage value is always situational and cannot and user feedback. With the ZRM you support. The instrument can
be viewed separately fromDnadlineg give e.g. based on observationsZeOn measure the growth in the degree of
man, the circumstances andcosts
participation rgbkeOOsOatrdninformation about participation of a person, for
the function. The tool generates the degree of self-reliance example before, during and after an
insight into the work-related from anyone at that time. So to intervention. The advice is to
competences of the employee, and what extent someone now has measure this every six months. The
thus also into his or her the skills, expertise, resources tool is easy to use and takes little
development opportunities. and capabilities of others to time.
function normally. The
instrument and accompanying
manual can be downloaded free
of charge:
Click here to go
back to
the home menu.
Decrease benefit costs
Indicators Tools
• Number of € saved by Wage value advice tool Self-Reliance Matrix (ZRM): This Participation ladder
MDWs moving on to (LAT) The LAT is a reliable, instrument measures the degree of This measuring instrument is used
paid work; fast and affordable way self-reliance in 17 different habitats, orD to measure the extent to which
• Degree of increase in to determine the wage valueDleanlin daOlinmgeinen, such as finance, hyou someone participates in society. The
an employee's wage kolaeOsa
vgear everyone who is in rtOknen
ggrants youitiksevreinsgtisnkgO,sstcehnoling ladder consists of 6 levels, where
value (decrease comes for wage cost subsidy or and physical care. It someone at level 1 is socially
benefits) wage dispensation. The instrument instrument was developed in 2010 isolated and someone at level 6 does
is deployed after the worker by GGD Amsterdam and paid work. The intermediate steps
worked for some time, e.g. based Municipality of Rotterdam and is are: Social contacts outside the door,
on vDaanlinegand an internship or still being developed on the basis Participation in organized activities,
Healthcare costs
a trial placement.participation
Because costs of new scientific research and Unpaid work and Paid work with
wage value is always situational feedback from users. Of support. The instrument can
and cannot be seen separately from the ZRM gives you an assessment measure the growth in the degree of
the person, the circumstances and based on observations about the participation of a person, for
the position. The tool generates degree of self-reliance of someone example before, during and after an
insight into the work-related at that moment. So to what extent intervention. The advice is to
competencies of the employee, and someone now has the skills, measure this every six months. The
thus also into his or her development expertise, resources and tool is easy to use and takes little
opportunities. capabilities of others to function time.
normally. The instrument and
accompanying manual can be
downloaded free of charge:
Click here to go
back to
the home menu.
Decrease participation costs
Indicators Tools
• Degree of decrease in hours of Wage value advice tool (LAT) The Self-Reliance Matrix (ZRM): This Participation ladder
supervision with regard to LAT is a reliable, fast and instrument measures the degree of This measuring instrument is used
participation process; (e.g. by affordable way to determine the self-reliance in 17 different areas, to measure the extent to which
employment agencies) wage value for everyone who is or domains, such as finances, someone participates in society. The
eligible for a wage cost subsidy or housing, education and physical ladder consists of 6 levels, where
wage dispensation. The care. The instrument was someone at level 1 is socially
instrument is deployed after the developed in 2010 by GGD isolated and someone at level 6 does
employee has worked for some Amsterdam and paid work. The intermediate steps
time, Municipality of Rotterdam and is are: Social contacts outside the door,
for example on the basis of an still being developed on the basis Participation in organized activities,
internship or a trial placement. of new scientific research and Unpaid work and Paid work with
Because wage value is always feedback from users. With the ZRM support. The instrument can
situational and cannot be seen you give on the basis of measure the growth in the degree of
separately from the person, the observations an assessment of participation of a person, for
circumstances and the position. The someone's level of self-reliance at example before, during and after an
tool generates insight into the work- that moment. So to what extent intervention. The advice is to
related competencies of the someone now has the skills, measure this every six months. The
employee, and thus also into his or expertise, resources and tool is easy to use and takes little
her development opportunities. capabilities of others to function time.
normally. The instrument and
accompanying manual can be
downloaded free of charge:
Click here to go
back to
the home menu.
Decrease healthcare costs
Indicators Tools
• Number of € AWBZ or Wage value advice tool Self-Reliance Matrix (ZRM): This Participation ladder
medication use saved by (LAT) The LAT is a reliable, instrument measures the degree of This measuring instrument is used
reducing healthcare or fast and affordable way to self-sufficiency in 17 different to measure the extent to which
counseling costs determine wage values for areas, or domains, such as someone participates in society. The
anyone who qualifies finances, housing, education ladder consists of 6 levels, where
comes for wage cost subsidy or and physical care. It someone at level 1 is socially
wage dispensation. It inDsatlriyounm ent instrument is inD2a0li1n0gdeveloped isolated and someone at level 6 does
is deployed nlaOdOantkodseatwnesryoukbnseidmiesr by GGDyouaitmkesrtienrgox
n paid work. The intermediate steps
worked for some time, Gesaid Rotterdam and becomes no g are: Social contacts outside the door,
for example on the basis of an continuously developed on the Participation in organized activities,
internship or a trial placement. Because basis of new scientific research Unpaid work and Paid work with
wage value is always situational and cannot and user feedback. With the ZRM you support. The instrument can
be viewed separately fromDnadlineg give e.g. based on observationsZeOn measure the growth in the degree of
man, the circumstances andcosts
participation rgbkeOOsOatrdninformation about participation of a person, for
the function. The tool generates the degree of self-reliance example before, during and after an
insight into the work-related from anyone at that time. So to intervention. The advice is to
competences of the employee, and what extent someone now has measure this every six months. The
thus also into his or her the skills, expertise, resources tool is easy to use and takes little
development opportunities. and capabilities of others to time.
function normally. The
instrument and accompanying
manual can be downloaded free
of charge:
Click here to go
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the home menu.
Choose the effect you want to have on your stakeholder
to have. You will see indicators and instruments
for measuring these indicators for each effect.
Click here to go
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the home menu.
Positive image
of the target group
• % of people who are familiar with
the mission and vision of social
• % of people who are familiar with
target audience problem
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the home menu.
Effects and indicators
Sustainable value chains
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the home menu.
Choose the effect you want to have on your stakeholder
to have. You will see indicators and instruments
for measuring these indicators for each effect.
Click here to go
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the home menu.
Livable A A more stable
Indicators Tools
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the home menu.
Livable A A more stable
income higher price income
A higher price
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the home menu.
Livable A A more stable
income higher price income
• # lanEgeenaterffmiicjniepnrtijesr
An elevated one Diversification of
aeagreements with producers
production production sources of income
• % revenue by source.
Click here to go
back to
the home menu.
Livable A A more stable
A vehrhOOgOegrdeepprirjOsduction
income income
Indicators Tools
Livable A A more stable
income higher price income
• % orEEeyounroesffinicpie
An elevated one Diversification of
rondtyouecreunit costs
production production sources of income
(inputs, labor, etc.).
Click here to go
back to
the home menu.
Diversification of
sources of income
Livable A A more stable
Indicators Tools
income higher price income
• % income of product that your Making Markets Work Better for
company buys compared to the Poor
total income producer offers various tools and
methods to measure the effects of
A more efficient onea Value Chains orDhievteirnskiOfim
An elevated one approxetnie from
of smallholders. Here the
production production sources of income
emphasis is on the
reducing poverty of actors in
the chain. It is described in
tool 7 from page 111
how the diversification of
sources of income can be measured
More certainty through long-term Better onesWedvredretne.ghetntpwsO://Owrw
agreements with customers by pnrooddeyou/c10e7n5at1norganizations
Click here to go
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the home menu.
Livable A A more stable
income higher price income
More security through
long-term agreements with
Click here to go
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the home menu.
Livable A A more stable
income higher price income
Better representation by
producer organisations
Click here to go
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the home menu.
Choose the effect you want to have on your stakeholder
to have. You will see indicators and instruments
for measuring these indicators for each effect.
Click here to go
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the home menu.
A EeEnelneevfebialiagrelrOeon
None / less
living wage working environment child labor and forced labour
Indicators Tools
Click here to go
back to
the home menu.
A safer working environment
Click here to go
back to
the home menu.
No / less child labor and
forced labour
Indicators Tools
living wageagainst child labor and working environment(ecovninvgentities and recommendationskvineldinegreanr)bOepID and forced labour
forced labour his website.
• Number of forced/child
labor cases found ICI Child Labor Monitoring and
Remediation System
Monitoring coercion and
begiidnkgand be
Better counterkwinOdOerrdarin
challenging. The ICI has developed
by trade unions
the Child Labor Monitoring and
Remediation System
developed: a comprehensive
system that focuses on
detecting cases of child labor
and the search for solutions
when found.
Click here to go
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the home menu.
Better representation
by trade unions
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the home menu.
Choose the effect you want to have on your stakeholder
to have. You will see indicators and instruments
for measuring these indicators for each effect.
Click here to go
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the home menu.
Awareness of
the social problem
Awareness of it Consumer creates awareness
problem SE% customers / consumptionkeenyouatznedvaOtor product SEs
has knowledge of the mission of
your company.
• % of customers / consumers who
have knowledge of the specific
problems in the chain.
Click here to go
back to
the home menu.
Consumer creates awareness
choice for product social
awareness of himOtndernemiCngawareness makes conscious
problem SE choice for product SEs
• % of consumers that more
responsible products/
• % market share of your sustainable
product or service
Click here to go
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the home menu.
Choose the effect you want to have on your stakeholder
to have. You will see indicators and instruments
for measuring these indicators for each effect.
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the home menu.
Other companies follow
social enterprise example
Other companies follow New or sharpened
example•image#SEbdrive the onspeackto/appointments
parts thereof
your company has
taken over
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the home menu.
New or sharpened
sector agreements
Other companies follow New or sharpened
example•image#ScEodds, sector agreements
policy changes or
other sector-wide agreements that
have been concluded with a
contribution from your company
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the home menu.