Final MTMP Sitganga

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Sitganga Municipality

Office of the Municipal Executive

Province No-5, Arghakhanchi

Municipality Transport
Master Plan (MTMP)

Volume- I-Main Report (Final)

Submitted By
Sharp Research Centre Pvt. Ltd.
Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Sitganga Municipality

Office of the Municipal Executive

Province No-5, Argakhachi district

This document is the draft report prepared for the project, “Municipality Transport Master
Plan (MTMP)” undertaken by Sitganga Municipality Office, Argakhachi district. This
document has been prepared by Sharp Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. for Sitganga Municipality
Office of the Municipal Executive, Argakhachi district. The opinions, findings and
conclusions expressed herein are those of the Consultant and do not necessarily reflect those
of the Municipality.

Data Sources and Credits

Data sets, drawings and other miscellaneous data are produced/ developed by Sharp Research
Centre Pvt. Ltd. for the project during 2019. These data are owned by Sitganga Municipality,
Office of the Municipal Executive, Argakhachi. Authorization from the owner is required for
the usage and/or publication of the data in part or whole.

Name of the Project Municipality Transport Master Plan (MTMP) of
Sitganga Municipality

Project Executing Agency Sitganga Municipality

Office of the Municipal Executive
Province No-5, Argakhachi district

Implementing Agency Sitganga Municipality

Office of the Municipal Executive
Province No-5, Argakhachi district

Name of the Consultant Sharp Research Centre Pvt. Ltd.

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Project Commencement Date

Date of Project Completion

No. of Volumes Two

Volume I: Main Report
Volume II: Maps

Version No 1.0

Date of Submission

Submission Type Hard Copy

Copies Produced For Client : 2 (Two) For Consultant : 1 (one)

Prepared By

Checked By

Reviewed By

Official Stamp


This MTMP Report for Sitganga Municipality has been prepared on the basis of Municipality
Transport Master Plan Preparation Guidelines and terms of reference prepared by the then
Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development, Infrastructure Development Division,
(IDD), Singhadurbar, Kathmandu, November 2014, and as per the ToR provided along with
the contract agreement with the Sitganga Municipality.

The job was entrusted to the Sharp Research Centre Pvt. Ltd, Anamnagar, Kathmandu. This
report is prepared and submitted as Draft report.

The consultants’ team would like to express its appreciation to the officials from Sitganga
Municipality. We are highly grateful for their help and co-operation. We are very grateful to
the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Chief Administrative Officer and other personnel’s of
the Municipality and local peoples who directly and indirectly contributed during this study
and field survey.

Finally, the project team would like to express thanks to all staffs and colleagues for their
anxious support for this study.

Declaration Letter

We hereby declare that we have conducted the study for Municipal Transport Master Plan
(MTMP) of Sitganga Municipality professionally using the then MoFALD guideline and
other acceptable standard methodologies. To the best of our knowledge, the findings of our
study are correct. The Municipality Transport Master Plan has been prepared as per standard
engineering tools, norms and practices. The visionary city development has been finalized on
the basis of the discussion with the stakeholders. We would like to assure you that the MTMP
is reliable, practicable and adequate to the overall development of Municipality transport
system. We shall be accountable for any misleading information in any part of this report in
respective area of study.

Executive Summary
Sitganga Municipality is located in Argakhachi district, Province No. 1. It was established
merging the then seven VDCs viz. This Municipality was established by merging then
seven Village Development Committees (VDCs) i.e. Sitapur, Subarnakhal, Thada, Simalpani,
Siddhara, Jukena and Jaluke and currently divided into 14 wards.
Total area of this Municipality is 610.46 square kilometers with total population of 43,373
from some 9,201 households. As mentioned in the table, ward wise, Ward No. 11 holds the
largest area i.e. 117.82 sq. km. followed by Ward No. 10 and so on whereas Ward No. 4 holds
the smallest size of 18.53 sq. km.
The topography of this local boundary consists of several undulations having peaks, hills,
inner valleys, plain fertile lands with extensive forest cover. This municipality retains a
diverse climatic variations ranging from tropical to temperate climate and elevates
considerably up to the range of 1,600 m. The main economic activity of this Municipality is
agriculture and livestock, whereas people follow other chores as well for their sustenance.
This Municipality has no air transport service to complement the surface transport facilities.
Inner mobility and other development activities fully depend on expansion of road network
within the district. The Municipality has limited number of all-weather transport facilities
because most of the municipal roads are earthen in nature and requires lots of adventure
during the rainy season to shuttle from one place to another.

Sitganga Municipal inventory has identified 236 municipal roads with total length of 773.16
Km in which 752.89km (97.38%) fall under earthen category, 17.8 km (2.30%) gravel, and
0.24 km black top and 2.22 Km as new track. Likewise among four different classes, 6 roads
fall under Class “A”, 16 roads under Class “B”, 32 roads under Class “C” and 189 roads
under Class “D” where Class A, Class B, Class C and Class D constitutes 180.42km, 144.87
km, 166.16 km and 281.71 km respectively.

Likewise, 42 roads have been recommended as prioritized roads that include 6 from Class A
and 16 each from Class B, 15 from Class C and 5 from Class D. Based on investment plan, all
MTMP roads will be maintained over five year period. 332.36 Km MTMP roads will be
improved and prepared for gravel road standard including widening and maintaining
longitudinal and cross drainage system. This intervention ensures to bring into all-weather
road for maintainable stage. 3.15 Km new track will be opened and be brought into vehicle
pliable condition (full design width and side drain construction) during the MTMP period as
projected budget. Additional length could have chance of upgrading if additional fund is
available during this MTMP period. During the MTMP period, NPR 398.72 Million will be
invested for construction while NPR 170.88 Million on maintenance.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................... i
Declaration Letter ........................................................................................................................... ii
Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... iii
Chapter - 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ...................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Objective .......................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Scope of the Work ............................................................................................ 2
1.4 Limitation ......................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Approach and Methodology ............................................................................. 3
1.5.1 General Methodological Overview ...................................................... 4
1.5.2 Comprehensive Task Description ........................................................ 5
1.5.3 Data Collection ..................................................................................... 5
1.5.4 Data Analysis ....................................................................................... 6
1.5.5 Base Map with Indicative Development Potential Map ....................... 7
1.5.6 Preparation of MRIM (Municipal Road Inventory Map) ..................... 7
1.5.7 Perspective Plan ................................................................................... 8
1.5.8 Preparation of MTMP .......................................................................... 8
Chapter- 2: Review of Existing Infrastructure Situation ............................................................ 9
2.1 General Overview ............................................................................................ 9
2.2 Agriculture and livestock ............................................................................... 10
2.3 Forestry (linked) ventures .............................................................................. 10
2.4 Industry .......................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Existing Transportation Infrastructure Situation ............................................ 11
2.6 Visionary City Development Plan ................................................................. 13
2.6.1 Major Plans, Policies and Programs in terms of visionary city
development ....................................................................................... 13
2.6.2 Transportation Sectors ........................................................................ 14
2.6.3 Land Use Pattern ................................................................................ 15
2.6.4 Prospective areas for future settlement .............................................. 16
2.7 Constraints in the Implementation of MTMP ................................................ 18
Chapter - 3: Indicative Development Potential Map (IDPM) ................................................... 19
3.1 Municipal Profile ........................................................................................... 19

3.2 Demographic Status ....................................................................................... 21
3.2.1 Age wide Distribution of Population.................................................. 22
3.2.2 Caste/Ethnicity ................................................................................... 22
3.2.3 Language Spoken ............................................................................... 23
3.2.4 Religious Composition ....................................................................... 23
3.2.5 Differently able (disable) population ................................................. 24
3.3 Basic Services ................................................................................................ 24
3.3.1 Education ............................................................................................ 24
3.3.2 Health Services ................................................................................... 27
3.3.3 Shelter ................................................................................................. 28
3.3.4 Drinking water .................................................................................... 31
3.3.5 Energy ................................................................................................ 33
3.3.6 Sanitation ............................................................................................ 35
3.4 Rivers, water bodies ....................................................................................... 36
3.5 Traffic Volume Study .................................................................................... 37
3.5.1 Traffic Vehicle Count ......................................................................... 37
3.5.2 Vehicle Types ..................................................................................... 41
3.6 Origin and Destination Survey ....................................................................... 41
3.7 Mode choice ................................................................................................... 42
3.8 Active and Passive Transport User ................................................................ 43
3.9 Alternative transportation feasibility.............................................................. 43
3.10 Parking Space ................................................................................................. 44
3.11 Bus parks and Bus terminals .......................................................................... 44
3.12 Bridges/Culverts ............................................................................................. 45
3.13 Drainage System ............................................................................................ 45
3.14 Road Furniture ............................................................................................... 46
Chapter - 4: Municipality Inventory Map of Road Network .................................................... 47
4.1 Municipal Roads ............................................................................................ 47
4.2 Digital Naming of coding (Road Nomenclature) ........................................... 78
4.3 Right of Way for Roads of different Classes ................................................. 79
4.4 Urban Road Classification ............................................................................. 81
Chapter - 5: Perspective Plan of Municipality Transport Network ......................................... 83
5.1 Procedure for collecting demands from wards ............................................... 84

5.1.1 Data Analysis and Field Verification of the Roads from Demand
Form ................................................................................................... 84
5.2 Scoring System for Screening ........................................................................ 84
5.3 Perspective Plan Framework for the RM roads ............................................. 87
5.4 Intervention Categories .................................................................................. 96
5.4.1 Conservation ....................................................................................... 97
5.4.2 Improvement ...................................................................................... 98
5.4.3 New Construction ............................................................................... 98
5.4.4 Sharing of Fund .................................................................................. 98
Chapter - 6: First Five Years Municipal Transport Master Plan .......................................... 101
6.1 Prioritized Municipality Road for MTMP ................................................... 101
6.2 MTMP Output .............................................................................................. 110
Annexs ............................................................................................................................... 111

List of Table
Table Existing Land use Status of Sitganga Municipality 15
Table Sitganga Municipality with its respective wards, population and area 19
Table Population projection of Sitganga Municipality for the Next 15 year period 21
Table Status of disability among the populace of Sitganga Municipality 24
Literacy Status among the population of Sitganga Municipality 25
Proposed plans of extension and promotion of educational set ups in Sitganga Municipality 26
Status of Basic Education infrastructure in Sitganga Municipality 26
Table Households by ownership of house/housing unit in use 28
Table Proposed building construction works in Sitganga Municipality 30
Table proposed drinking water supply schemes in Sitganga Municipality 32
proposed energy related schemes in Sitganga Municipality 34
Table Status of sanitation in Sitganga Municipality 35
Table Streams flowing through Sitganga Municipality 36
Table Vehicle Count Stations 37
Similarly, the following routes are in demand in Sitganga Municipality. 42
Proposed area for bus parks and bus terminals and traffic units 44
Summary of Road Class “A” 48
Summary of Road class “B” 50
Summary of Road class “C” 53
Summary of Road class “D” 57
General summary according road type (in km) 77
Summary according to road class (in km) 77
Ward wise road category status 77
Various methods of road classification are as follows: 78
Urban Road Class and Features 79
Criteria for Prioritization 85
List of road for Municipality Perspective Plan 88
List of prioritized Roads in MTMP 101
Estimated budget for 5 years MTMP period 109
Year wise target output of prioritized road of MTMP 109

Chapter - 1: Introduction
1.1 Background
The Constitution of Nepal has envisioned Federal Democratic Republicanism as the essence
of its governance system. Rights of the local government have been enlisted on Annex -8 of
the constitution. Local Government Operation Act 2074 elaborates and specifies those rights
to be exercised by the local government. Article 11, Sub-Articles 2(G) and (K) specify the
rights of the local government to devise and implement policies and plans regarding roads,
transportation and other relevant development projects directly concerned with the local level.

As a local government, Sitganga Municipality had allocated fund, endorsed by the Village
Assembly, for the preparation of Municipal Transport Master Plan. Therefore, this report is
the product of an extensive field study and study of relevant documents, interactions with the
villagers, people representatives and stakeholders in the Municipality and ward levels for the
preparation of Municipal Transport Master Plan (MTMP).

Physical infrastructure development has been extremely sluggish esp. in rural level in Nepal
since long due to extended political turmoil and transition. Development of transportation
infrastructure is one of the most essential groundwork for opening other avenues of
development. Proper development of transportation system opens accessibility of the people
to larger markets, service centers and overall economic sectors. Development of roads also
leads to the development of urban centers with amenities like hospitals, schools, markets,
services etc. Roads establish significant linkages with the large neighboring cities with
vibrancy of economy, human activities and transactions. This sort of linkage is a key for the
development of rural areas. Therefore, development of transportation basically through the
development of road linkages is a fundamental necessity of this Municipality. It has
prioritized the development of sustainable Municipal Transport Master Plan which is expected
to address the need of opening an easy access to people's mobility in particular and inception
of avenues of all kinds of development in general.

Chiefly this MTMP aims to assess the present status of roads and transportation within the
Municipality through extensive field survey and inventorying the details of existing roads and
transport situation. The study has also unfolded the problems and genuine necessities on road
and transportation along with the recommendation of key interventions to be made for the
sustainable development of road and transportation network. Planning approach adopted by
the consultant is fundamentally bottom up and participatory. Study and analysis of existing
road status and need assessment have been the basis for this overall planning.

MTMP is a long-term visionary plan which aims to systematize the road and transport
development processes in the Municipality. It identifies the roads and creates a complete
inventory of the roads. It categorizes the roads into four classes A, B, C, and D according to
their importance. It prioritizes the interventions and allocates the estimated budget for the
necessary interventions. Above all, it systematizes the process of road and transportation
development according to the need of the Municipality. The consultant has followed all the
prevailing norms and standards for the planning. It is based on the Approach Manual prepared
by DOLIDAR and MTMP guidelines prepared by the then MoFALD. It has determined the
Municipal Road Core Network as practical in planning process of DTMP and has identified
the key linkages with other road network. A complete road network has been identified to
make a basis for future development of roads which primarily helps to develop the transport
access to all the settlements in the Municipality meeting the national standard of nominal
duration to reach the core road network or all weather roads.

1.2 Objective
The key objective of this project is to prepare Municipality Transport Master Plan which
would be a road map for the systematic development of road network and transportation in the
Municipality. Other specific objectives pertaining to the key objective are:

 identify all the existing roads

 analyze the current accessibility situation
 determine Municipality Roads Core Network
 develop indicative Development Potential Map
 prepare Municipality Road Inventory Map
 Collection of demands for new roads and necessary interventions
 Road categorization through standard scoring method
 Road Nomenclature
 Preparation of Perspective Plan of Interventions of Services and Facilities
 Recommendation of fund management
 Finalization of financial Implementation Plan of Prioritized Roads for the MTMP
period (Year wide Budget Distribution)

1.3 Scope of the Work

The scope of the consulting service includes:

 Preliminary presentation of overall planning process in the Municipality level

 Assist the formation of Municipality Roads Coordination Committee (MRCC)
 Field survey and data collection in ward levels

 Collection of demands
 O-D Survey
 GIS work for the finalization of all sorts of maps
 Preparation of Indicative Municipality Development Potential Map
 Preparation of Municipality Road Inventory Map
 Preparation of Base Map
 Study of all relevant secondary data and information including previous MTMP
(If any)
 Prepare field report
 Road classification coding and nomenclature
 Categorization of roads according to standard criteria
 Collect feedback and necessary corrections from the stakeholders Prepare the final
report of MTMP
 Recommend for the approval from the village Assembly for the implementation

1.4 Limitation
This transport master plan is limited within the territory of the Municipality. Since the data
collected for the planning were based on the information provided by the villagers in the ward
levels, they may have supplied limited information. Although Enumerators have attempted
their best to reach all the roads for the necessary data, there are chances of missing the data to
some extent. Misnaming of the road may occur due to the pronunciation error or hearing
problem by the respondent as well as enumerators. Chances of error may occur during data
entry and tabulation. The scale used to work on GIS is also likely to generate some errors.
Though such limitation and errors are obvious, attempts have been made to minimize such
errors taking precautions in the error prone areas.

1.5 Approach and Methodology

The consultant has gone through the general procedures well defined in the ToR for the
completion of the project. Participatory Rural Appraisal approach has been the core of the
planning approach. A preliminary presentation was made in the Municipality among the
village executive members, related officials, line agencies members and stakeholders for the
clarification of how MTMP is prepared consulting the villagers, ward chairman and members
for the collection of data on roads and transportation status as mentioned in the ToR. After the
completion of the ward level meeting and field survey, O-D survey, demand collection, field
data were organized to finalize IDPM, Municipality Inventory Map of Road Network and
base map. On the basis of the IDPM and other maps and data MTMP draft report was
prepared. Furthermore, the draft report was sent to the Municipality for the necessary
correction and feedbacks. After incorporating the correction and feedback, the final report
was prepared for the approval from the village assembly for the implementation.

Field survey and data collection were done to study the existing accessibility condition of the
villagers and analyze the necessary interventions to be made in the future. Demand survey
was done to assess the existing condition and future necessity of road extension and transport
infrastructure. Participatory bottom-up approach was ensured in the overall planning process.
Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning (IRAP) has been the foundational concept of overall
planning which emphasizes on improving the accessibility condition of all the settlements in
the Municipality.

1.5.1 General Methodological Overview

Task Description Activities Outcomes
Expert team conducted initial
Preliminary Presentation
presentation among the village Stakeholders
1. on Sitganga
executive members and all related sensitized
Expert team got
familiarized with
Study and review of all relevant
Study of secondary information
laws, by-laws, best practices,
resources on roads and regarding
2. norms and standard of planning
transportation related to Municipality
Review of previous MTMP (if
the Municipality Transport
Infrastructures and
previous efforts for
the development
Primary data
Participatory Rural Appraisal
collected from the
method adopted during ward level
ward level formed
meetings in all wards for data
3. Ward level meeting strong ground for
collection demand survey; 0-0
the necessary
survey traffic count-survey and all
interventions to be
other necessary information
made in the future
Data obtained from the field were
tabulated; GIS work done to
Data Management and develop base map, IDPM, Data organized and
analysis inventory map and other maps; maps prepared
and nomenclature, coding and
grading of roads
As the part and product of data
management, Indicative
IDPM and MRIM Development potential IDPM and RMRIM
Preparation Map(IDPM) and a complete developed
Municipality Road Inventory Map
(MRIM) was prepared
After identification and Perspective plan
6. Perspective Plan preparation of the existing status helped to prioritize
of all the roads IDPM and MRIM and systematize the

Task Description Activities Outcomes
were prepared and prioritization planning process
of key interventions finalized
Finalize the required interventions
After analysis of all the existing
infrastructures 5 years MTMP
was prepared MTMP was
7. MTMP Preparation
Implementation plan prepared prepared
Fund availability and access to
funds recommended
MTMP was
After all necessary correction and
approved from the
feedbacks, final report of the
village assembly
8. Approval MTMP was submitted to village
ensuring the
assembly for the approval and
ownership of the
1.5.2 Comprehensive Task Description Municipal Level Initial Presentation
Expert team conducted a day-long presentation and workshop to clarify the village executive
members and stakeholders about the holistic process of preparing MTMP. Ward Level Meeting for Primary Data Collection

Enumerators and surveyors were deployed in each ward for the required interactions with the
villagers and for the collection of all necessary data on the existing condition of roads from
the ground level at respective wards.

1.5.3 Data Collection Primary Data
During the ward level meeting and after surveyors were deployed to collect all the necessary
data viz. Road name, condition, length. Similarly, traffic count survey and O-D survey were
conducted. All other relevant information was collected to prepare base map and IDPM which
formed a groundwork for overall planning. Secondary Data

The following documents and sources were reviewed for the important data as the secondary
data and information.

1. The constitution of Nepal.

2. Local Government Operation Act 2074.
3. DOLIDAR's Approach Manual
4. Nepal Rural Road Standard
5. Nepal Urban Road Standard

6. Municipal Profile
7. Demographic Data from CBS
8. Previous MTMP (if any)
9. Relevant Plans and policies (Federal Provincial, Local)
10. SDGs
11. Yearly Plans, Policies and Programs of the Municipality
12. RMTMP/MTMP of adjoining Municipalities or Rural Municipalities
13. Annual reports and policies of line agencies
14. Land use plan and policy
15. Agricultural Plan and Policy
16. Traffic data (if available)
17. All other relevant documents
18. Maps:
• Topographical maps of 1:25,000 scale
• Municipality administrative map
• Arial Photographs
• Municipality trail map
• National Highways, SRN maps
• Land use map
• Other thematic maps
Data Sources
• Office of the Sitganga Municipality
• District Coordination Committee
• Government Line Agencies
• All related Sect oral Offices (Agriculture, Education, Irrigation, Forest, etc.)
• Chamber of Commerce
• Road Division Office
• Local and National NGOs and INGOs
• Department of Survey
• National Planning Commission
• Provincial Planning Commission

1.5.4 Data Analysis

After collecting the necessary data, analysis was done to assess the existing condition of
accessibility. It revealed the demands for the improvement as well as sustainable development
of all transport infrastructure basically roads. Human settlement patterns, core road network
and lack of roads are identified for the planning process. Analysis was done adopting the
proven techniques, norms and standards.

1.5.5 Base Map with Indicative Development Potential Map
1. Base map is the foundation for all kinds of planning. Therefore base map was prepared
with following information.

• Geo-political boundaries
• Land use or Land cover
• National Highways and Strategic Road Network
• District Road Network
• Bridges
• Important historical, religious, natural landmarks
• Water bodies, Watershed
• Elevation, aspect
• Major settlement, all settlement, urban centers, industrial areas
• Major touristic locations

2. Future development potential zones include: (IDPM)

• Areas with extensive agriculture and future expansion
• Areas with forest and future expansion
• Areas with business activities or marketplace
• Areas with touristic importance
• Areas with industry and future expansion
• Watershed areas
• Potential service sector expansion areas
• Areas with open space, recreation, stadium, parks, etc.
• Disaster prone area
IDPM was prepared based on the base map. IDPM indicates the future expansion areas where
management of proper transportation system may become urgent according to the nature of
the potential zones and volume of anticipated traffic after future expansion.

1.5.6 Preparation of MRIM (Municipal Road Inventory Map)

MRIM include a complete plotting of the roads within the municipality on the basis of the
data collected from the ward levels. This map includes all the linkages with bridges and trails.
It is a complete coverage of all the existing roads or like a profile of the roads or road
networks. The roads are classified, codified, named and indicated on the map according to the
above features with separate index.

1.5.7 Perspective Plan
Perspective plan covers the nature of the key interventions to be made upon the roads in the
future in accordance to their importance and necessity. This plan is based on the data
collected from the grassroots level. As a local government Municipality itself determines the
requirements and demands from the ward levels and necessary interventions are
recommended in accordance to the demands and necessity of the local people. Such required
interventions are based on criteria 'B' of the approach Manual. This perspective plan is
finalized after being approved by the Municipality.

1.5.8 Preparation of MTMP

After finalization of fundamental components like base-map, IDPM and perspective plan
MTMP is prepared based on these components. MTMP rests on the following interventions
types in one way or other. They are:

• New construction
• Upgrading
• Rehabilitation
• Recurrent Maintenance
• Periodic Maintenance
The consultant has prioritized the above interventions on the basis of interaction with the
villagers and the necessity of the place and time. Availability of fund for the execution of the
projects have been analyzed and five years projected financial plan devised. Target for the
year and types of interventions have been finalized accordingly.

After that report will be submitted for the approval from the village assembly.

Chapter- 2: Review of Existing Infrastructure Situation
2.1 General Overview
Municipal and ward level surveys have revealed that the overall transport infrastructure,
primarily road network appears to be in fairly weak condition in this Sitganga Municipality.
Geographically Sitganga Municipality is the largest Municipality scattered in the area of
610.43 sq. km covering both hilly and plain areas. Despite being located in geographically
accessible region, this Municipality lags far behind in terms of road infrastructures chiefly due
to inferior road quality characterized by muddy and dusty features.

Gorusinge-Sandikharka Road (Feeder Road) is the life line road of this Municipality because
all major strategic roads traverse through this particular road covering majority of the wards
of this Municipality. Some of the strategic roads of this Municipality include: 1. Sitapur-
Subarnakhal-Mandre-Netapokhara Road (30 km); 2. Thada-Amrai-Jukena-Jaluke-Lamatal-
Bhalubang (48km); 3. Chakla-Borhakhar-Pakuri-Dhankhola Road (36km) and 4. Bhedamare-
Simalpani- Pawara Bikram-Jitpur Road (20 km)

Out of the above mentioned roads, the first road will connect up to the border of Palpa district
passing through Padini Municipality of Argakhachi district. This road also intersects the
Saljhandi- Dhorpatan road. Likewise the second road links remote quarters of this
Municipality and finally ends at Lamatal, quite close to Bhalubang bazar. The Bhalubang
serves as the neartest market point to the people of Lamatal and its nearby vicinity. Likewise
the Bhedamare road ends at Jitpur, one of the settlements of Kapilvastu district. This
particular road retains high potentiality to be developed as an alternate fast track to Terai from
this RM after upgrade of the same. Similarly, one of the agricultural roads passes through the
downhill of wards 1, 2, 3 and 13 with its alignment parallel to the Badganga River. This road
will also serve as the reliable source of construction material (gavel, boulder, and sand)
especially for wards 1,2,3,4, 12 and 13 of Sitganga Municipality. It is also important from
religious tourism point of view as this road connects to the holy premises of Bagra Baje where
hundreds of sacrifices take place every year and is believed to be the second largest
destination popular for animal sacrifices after Supa Deurali Temple in the whole district.

Bhedamare- Simalpani- Pawara Bikram-Jitpur Road and Sitapur-Subarnakhal-Netapokhara

roads are relatively more stable roads among the major roads of this Municipality due to
following characteristics: southward facing slope of both of the roads; prevalence of
gravel/boulder mixed soil type in the Subarnakhal Road (facilitate road operations in all
seasons); the Bhedamare road chiefly follows the ridge alignment with minimal cross
drainages along its alignment.

Most of the roads in this Municipality do not have basic road furniture and also lack basic
structural components like culverts, cross structures (cause ways), check dams, chutes, side
drains and the like so as to retain environment friendly physiognomies of the road. The slope
cutting of the roads are basically done through heavy equipment viz. dozers and excavators
without proper management of the slopes. No balance of cut and fill was observed in the
construction practices posing high risk of landslides and soil erosion in different road sections
of the municipal roads. Provision of check dams, chutes, bioengineering etc. play vital role for
mass balance which ultimately help complying with green road technology essential to be
introduced in the municipal level road construction measures. All of these facts indicate that
the overall development of road transportation is at the elementary stage in Sitganga
Municipality that requires proper interventions along with prioritized and meaningful

2.2 Agriculture and livestock

Agriculture sector is the most potential sector in this Municipality from the aspect of long
term prosperity. The provision of irrigation, scientific technology, fertilizer, seeds and
efficient storage system along with good market system will all help consume thousands of
youthful human resources in these sectors assuring best utilization of the existing barren
lands. Moreover, cash generating activities like Chicken farming/hatchery, goat keeping,
buffalo rearing, bee-keeping, off-seasonal vegetable production, horticulture, herb production,
collection and processing, are some of the prospective areas in line with agriculture and

2.3 Forestry (linked) ventures

Since the forest coverage is almost four fifth of the entire area, these is high scope of forest
based economic ventures in this Municipality that include inception of activities like
horticulture, herbal productions, agro forestry as components of scientific forest
management. There is also high prospect in shifting shrubs and other forest areas into
productive sector. After conducting the feasibilities part of forest could be developed as
pocket areas of Amala, Chiraito, Ganegurji Dalchini Harro Barro, Paanch Aule, Kaljiro,
Kurilo, Dardare, Pipla, Balajor and so.

2.4 Industry
Industries based on locally available resources will lead to employment generation at one
hand and export based growth at the other hand. There is high potentiality of agriculture,
livestock and forestry based industries in this Municipality that include production to

processing related ventures. Likewise many foundation pillars in the name of temples and
shrines, lakes and water falls, along with natural scene sceneries are in place to develop
tourism as another lucrative industry. The development of good transport facilities, qualitative
accommodations including provision of homestay services (with basic facilities) will all
contribute in the rapid growth of this sector. Within tourism industry, this municipality could
be a trade mark in terms of religious tourism. The ward wise potentiality of industrial sector
other than tourism is as follow is as following

2.5 Existing Transportation Infrastructure Situation

Padini Municipality of Argakhachi district and some area of Palpa district lies to the east
whereas Dang and Pyuthan lie to the west. Bhumikasthan and Sandhikarka Municiplalities of
Argakhachi district lie towards the north and some areas of Rupandehi, Kapilbastu and Dang
district lie towards the southern border of this Municipality. This municipality is
circumscribed by the east west highway towards the southern and western border and traverse
through Gorusinge-Sandikharka road from the south to the north. The Saljhandi-Dhorpatan
road is also intersected by Sitapur- Mainapokhar road and retain high potential of future

Geographically this Municipality is extended in 610.43 sq. km area where a huge chunk of the
land is sloped towards the south with sufficient cultivable land as well as plain Chure Bhavar
areas. The Chure region scales gradually from the south toward the north and culminates at
the range of 1500m of Mahabharat. Weak geology, excessive practice of terrace farming,
deforestation, haphazard collection of construction materials from the rivers and natural
quarries, forest fire etc. lead towards floods, landslides and other kinds of natural hazards.

Figure 1: Composition of road by surface type in Sitganga Municipality

Black top


Source: Field Survey

The field survey indicates that a total of 773.74 km of road serves the entire population of this
Municipality in which the share of black top road is almost negligible. The share of gravel
road stands to be 2.27% followed by 95.73% earthen roads.The portion of new trail opening
in the total road portfolio remains 1.95%. The condition of gravel road is not satisfactory at
all. They have been primarily affected by poor water drainage. Similarly, the earthen roads
come under operations only during the fair weather and difficult to pass through due to deep
muddy reels, and excessive slippery.

The earthen roads pass through all of the wards of this Municipality but together. For the
purpose of MTMP, the entire roads of Sitganga Municipality have been classified into four
categories viz. Class ‘A’, Class ‘B’, Class ‘C’ and Class ‘D’. In total 187.6 km of the road
stretch falls under Class “A” as per the field survey while Class “B” holds 262.08 km; Class
“C” 125.76 km and the share of Class “D” road is 198.30 km in the total road length portfolio.

Figure 2: Table Road division by class in Sitganga Municipality


Class D Class A
26% 24%

Class C

Class B

Source: Field Survey

Class “A” Road: Class “A” roads pass through all of the wards of Sitganga Municipality
except Ward. No. 9. Ward no. 10 holds the longest road stretch among Class “A” road i.e.
37.52 km followed by Ward. No. 14 (28.97 km) and so on. Ward. No. 2 holds the shortest
stretch of 5.59 km length among Class “A” road category. In total, 15.2 km gravel and 172.4
km earthen road constitutes the total portfolio of Class “A” road i.e. 187.6 km.

Class “B” Road: Class “B” roads pass through all of the wards of this Municipality. The
longest road span has been recorded in Ward No. 9 (35.12km) followed by Ward. No.
11(25.93) and so on. The shortest road length has been recorded in Ward No. 13 with 10.89
km road length within Class B category. In total, 15.2 km gravel and 172.4 km earthen road
constitutes the total portfolio of Class “A” road i.e. 187.6 km. The entire length of Class “B”
roads fall under earthen category.

Class “C” Road: Class “C” roads pass through all of the wards of this Municipality except
Ward No. 6 and 10. Ward no. 4 holds the longest stretch among Class “C” road with 16.09
km followed by Ward. No. 5 (12.64 km) and so on. Ward no. The shortest span has been
recorded in Ward no. 13 with a total of 4.00km road length. In total some 125.76 km has been
recorded as Class “C” roads in this Municipality out of which 1.63 km falls under gravel road
and 124.13 km under earthen category.

Class “D” Road: Class “D” roads pass through all of the wards of Sitganga Municipality.
The longest stretch has been recorded in Ward No. 6 (26.21km) followed by Ward No. 4
(25.43 km). The shortest of all in this category has been recorded in Ward. No 14 with 3.87
km road length. In the total road length of 198.3 km in this category, the share of black top
road, gravel road and earthen road are 0.25 km, 17.6km and 740.77 km respectively. Another
15.13 km has been recorded as new track construction.

2.6 Visionary City Development Plan

Sitganga Municipality has prepared a long term Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP)
which has chiefly focused on the physical infrastructures. The annual plan and programs of
fiscal year 2075/2076 envisions optimum utilization of natural as well as human capitals and
foresee partnership amongst different stakeholders including the municipal staff and bodies,
local people, national and international non-government organizations, central and provincial
government agencies to materialize its long term vision of prosperous and beautiful Signage.
The CDP emphasizes basically on agriculture, livestock, agro based industry, commerce and
tourism (religious and others) sectors to attain its long term vision as mentioned earlier. The
Municipality cannot ignore its basic social services like health and education as well to
achieve its long term goal. However, development of road and transportation sector is the
foremost condition to attain its long term vision and goals. The long term vision of this
Municipality has been summarized as following:

2.6.1 Major Plans, Policies and Programs in terms of visionary city development

The Comprehensive Master Plan, in short, is a long term development vision, that will help
develop strategic guideline on the basis of which the Municipality could foresee its tentative
outlook by 2033. This CDP envisions the ultimate use of human capital as it is the only

resource that integrates the other resources like natural resources, capital resources and the
human resources itself and intends to reflect the concepts, target and the objective of Signage
Municipality. Like other Municipalities and Rural Municipalities of the country, this
Municipality is also backward in terms of development of physical infrastructure and has
given due priority in these aspects. The long term prosperity of this Municipality has been
linked in the foundation footings of modern and scientific agriculture and development as
well as promotion tourism destinations.

2.6.2 Transportation Sectors

Policies and programs set for the fiscal-year 2075/076 have taken the agenda of upgrading the
existing roads that connect the Municipality Centre with all of its ward centers; connection of
Municipality Centre with strategic roads like National highway or Feeder roads. Similarly,
emphasis was also given for upgrade of those roads that connect ward centers with the
Municipality Centre. This Municipality is committed to join major settlements in its territory
with reliable road network within 5 years’ time and it intends to develop Signage into a smart
Municipality with quality infrastructures in the next 15 years. The Municipality has also made
a strategy to negotiate with the transport entrepreneurs to run public transport services from
its Centre to different wards connecting basic services like health posts, schools and market
centers. It is also in the process to develop a mechanism of rapid responses to release the
blockade in the main roads during rainy season so that those roads could be developed into
all-weather roads. Preparation of MTMP is also one of the key steps taken by the
Municipality to move ahead sustainably for the sake of road and transportation development.
The key objectives taken by the long term plans include:

 Upgrade of all the major roads in the Municipality into safe and smooth all
weather roads
 Increase an easy access of the Municipality in National Highway Network so that
access to large cities will be ensured
 Install and maintain basic road furniture in the prioritized roads
 Explore possibilities of mutual cooperation and partnership with private sectors in
order to ensure safe, economic and reliable transport services and overall
management of public transportation in an efficient manner
 Conduct feasibility studies to check the viability of other modes of alternative
transportation like rope ways/cable cars, and air shuttle during emergencies
 Establish a mechanism that ensures routine maintenance keep continued
 Make transportation system easy, safe and smooth from all aspects
 Opening of new tracks, construction of culverts and bridges etc. as per the need

The provision of Planning Norms and Standard 2015 developed by Urban Development and
Building Construction Department indicates that 90 per cent of households in the municipality
level should have reach over motor able road within access of 2 km periphery which stands at
1.99 while calculating in per 1000 population basis. Likewise, some 3.02 km stretch of road
has been recorded in the area of 1 sq. km. in this Municipality. Both of these statistics indicate
the compliance/fulfilment of the minimum thresh hold level. Despite this very fact, it’s pity
mentioning that the condition of most of the roads are quite pathetic and weak in terms of
service quality. The proper maintenance, upgrading and linkage of current roads to the
network of road are the only ways forward to attaining easy, secure and reliable road
transportation services in the long term plan of next 15 years while the short term plan needs
to focus on the completion of maximum no. of all-weather roads. Hence, the development of
Municipal Road Master Plan will be the key in order to prioritize, improvise and upgrade the
roads as per the MTMP guideline.

2.6.3 Land Use Pattern

Regarding Visionary City Development Plan study of existing settlement pattern and future
expansion is necessary. As per the present land cover status arable land covers just 12.90%
while forest area covers as high as 79.44%. Likewise, settlement area- 0.48%, water cover
area 1.59%, steep ridges and gorges -0.21%, barren land -0.13% and sand occupied area- 5%
percent while the rest 0.25% constitute other areas which are insignificant in terms of

Table Existing Land use Status of Sitganga Municipality

Landuse Percentage

Arable land 12.90%

Settlement/residential area 0.48%
Water bodies or water cover area 1.59%
Forest area 79.44%

Barren land 0.13%

Sand occupied land 5.00%
Steep terrain and gorges 0.21%
Other areas 0.25%

Grand Total 100.00%

Source: Annual Development Plan (Sitganga Municipality)

 2.4.3 Market centers/village centers
 People visit the following village centers/market centers to purchase normal
household commodities and they also travel up to Butwol, Bhairahawa or nearby
Indian border markets for especial or huge purchase. The following bazars
/market centers are normally visited for the local level purchase viz. Lahure
Bazar, Subarnakhal, Mandre, Halde, Sitapur, Kotdanda, Thada Daha Chetra
Bazar, Amrai Bazar, Chakla Bazar, Lahape Bazar, and Pattharkot Bazar.

2.6.4 Prospective areas for future settlement

Similarly, Supa Deurali Mandir, Rawan Ko Sankha, Bagra ka Baje, Rani Cave (Odar), Thada
Daha, Damaru Daha, Band Ganga Dham, Magarakot Mandir, Siddheswor Bhagwati Mandir,
Narpani to Kalikathi range of Mahabharat (Shrinkhala), Khumchikot Durbar are some of the
touristic destinations. ,

Hindu festivals like Dashain, Tihar, Teej, Holi, Ram Nawami, Chaite Dashain, Nag
Panchami, Mata Tirtha Ausi, Kushe Aunshi, New Year, Maghe Sangranti etc are celebrated in
this Municipality whereas the scope of traditional institutions like Guthi and modern youth
clubs remain significant not only in terms of protecting and documenting their intangible
religious and cultural heritages but also in terms of maintaining religious harmony by
mutually exploring and marking different feasts and festivals in order to promote tourism
holistically. The local clubs from different wards can also promote homestay in their
respective areas keeping their unique identity in their food, lifestyle, costumes/attires etc. The
formation of cultural committees in their respective areas along with advertisement and
promotion of major touristic destinations of this particular Municipality are some of the
fundamental activities to be undertaken immediately.

The orientation to the local indigenous community about the inception of home stay facilities
in their respective communities, preparation of Master Tourism Plan for the development of
Sitganga Municipality, Marketing and promotion of major annual activities held in different
religious/cultural destinations within the Municipality through calendar publications, and
display of various jhakis during major national festivals are some of the fundamental activities
for tourism promotion in the municipality while ward wise specific tourism activities include:

Ward No. Proposed tourism promotional activities Cultural heritages

Conservation and infrastructure
development in Rani Odhar (cave) area, Saraye nach, Bagra Baje Maekaat
erection of view tower in Mahabharat ward no.1

Ward No. Proposed tourism promotional activities Cultural heritages
Infrastructure development of Supa
Deurali, Rawan Sangkha, Samartirtha, and Saraye jatra, daily pooja in supa
infrastructure development of Kalikathan Deurali
Mai Mandir located in Jhirra
Develop Kasyap Cave as cente of
attraction for tourism development ,
Develop Bandanda Gufa as centre of
attraction for tourism development,
Develop Damaru Daha as attractive tourist
detinations, construction of view tower and
park in pot, Infrastructure development of
Badegatham area
Provision of three phase lines,
Development of wooden poles free wards
Infrastructure development of Karapu
Mandir, Kalika Malika and construction of
Worship of Shakti Mata in ward
5 Mandir of , Construction of Temple of
Jhakri, Jhakreni mandir, Infrastructur
/Developmnt of
Physical infrastructure development of
Bhulya Bungchi Khola
Popular Aairawati Tirtha(Holy place),
Development of infrastructure in the View of Bar ko bot in Lamatal,
birthplace of Yogi Patanjali , Development Magarkot mandir
of Magarakot Mandir,
Conservation of Barah Daha, Development
8 of Satya Mahadev Cave and promote
tourists, Developemt of Laurikot
Provision of boating in Rapti,
9 Visit of Baraha Chetra
Development of Branch Mandir of Satmara
Management of Bungchi Khola Pahiro and
Bajeko Than, Infrastrucutre to develop
Tara Jhakri

12 Development of Khumchikot Sibalaya

Develop Bhangalo, Kirtipur, Musiyaan
13 aadh, Chidiya Chaur, Rani Odhar as Deusi Vailo, Saraya nach, holi,
destinations with potential tourism,
Development as Picnic spot ,
Watch Saraya nach during
Develop Dumilla Ram ban and Surya
Dashain, retain native
odhar as major touristic destinations,
14 architecture with safe
Develop Baurako danda, Chahare Khola
construction practices and
and work on cultural tourism
promote the same to attract

The roads linking these tourism destinations need to be improved and upgraded first to
promote tourism because reliable and efficient access to those destinations are the first and the
foremost conditions so far for the promotion of tourism industry within the Municipality.

2.7 Constraints in the Implementation of MTMP

Road network is believed to be the lifeline of infrastructure. The doors of other physical as
well as social development possibilities are unlocked through the proper development of
roads and transportation. Since the existing condition of roads in the Municipality is very
poor, large portion of budget is required to address the problem of road upgrade and
maintenance. This budgetary problem is surely a major obstacle for the timely implementation
of the MTMP. Besides this other constraints are:

 Problem of connecting the sparse settlements with roads which is expensive

 Rugged topography with steep slope
 Landslides and soil erosion
 Finalization of standard RoW from the base level is problematic
 Lack of technology
 Lengthy procurement process for hiring construction work
 Lack of qualified manpower and labor force
 Lack of smooth supply of construction materials
 Fuel and energy crisis
 Lack of stable working environment

Chapter - 3: Indicative Development Potential Map (IDPM)
3.1 Municipal Profile
Sitganga Municipality, geographically, is the largest Municipality located in Argakhachi
district of Province 5 which is spread in the area of 610.46 sq. km. This Municipality was
established by merging then seven Village Development Committees (VDCs) i.e. Sitapur,
Subarnakhal, Thada, Simalpani, Siddhara, Jukena and Jaluke. The formation of this
Municipality along with the new composition of wards, population and area has been shown
in the table below:

Table Sitganga Municipality with its respective wards, population and area
Former VDCs formed
SN Population in sq. Remarks
and wards Municipal
Ward. no. 1 of Sitganga
1 Subarnakhal (1-9) Ward No. 1 2833 29.47
Ward. no. 2 of Sitganga
2 Sitapur (1-9) Ward. No. 2 3836 31.85
Ward. no. 3 of Sitganga
3 Thada (1,2,7,8,9) Ward No. 3 2492 23.87
Ward. no. 4 of Sitganga
4 Thada (3,4 and 6) Ward. No. 4 3617 18.53
Ward. no. 5 of Sitganga
5 Jukena (1-5) Ward No. 5 3157 27.8
Ward. no. 6 of Sitganga
6 Jukena (6-9) Ward No. 6 3490 24.8
Ward. no. 7 of Sitganga
7 Jaluke(1-4, 7-9) Ward No. 7 3086 41.83
Ward. no. 8 of Sitganga
8 Jaluke(5,6) Ward No. 8 3056 40.01
Ward. no. 9 of Sitganga
9 Siddhara (1,7,8) Ward No. 9 3082 117.82
Ward. no. 10 of
10 Siddhara (2-4,9) Ward No. 10 2719 66.52
Sitganga Municipality
Ward. no. 11 of
11 Siddhara (5,6) Ward No. 11 2883 23.23
Sitganga Municipality
Ward. no. 12 of
12 Thada (5) Ward No. 12 3012 64.78
Sitganga Municipality
Simalpani Ward. no. 13 of
13 Ward No. 13 2597 50.1
(3,4,6,7,8,9) Sitganga Municipality
Ward. no. 14 of
14 Simalpani(1,2,5) Ward No. 14 3513 49.87
Sitganga Municipality
Total 43373 610.48
Source: MoFALD web portal

As mentioned in the table, wardwise, Ward No. 11 holds the largest area i.e. 117.82 sq. km.
followed by Ward No. 10 and so on whereas Ward No. 4 holds the smallest size of 18.53 sq. km.

3.2 Demographic Status
Likewise, population wise Ward No. 2 dominates all of the wards by some 3836 population
followed by Ward No. 4 (3617) and Ward No. 14 (3513) respectively while the least has been
recorded in Ward. No. 3 with a total of 2492 populace. The total population of this
Municipality has been recorded as 43373 where male to female ratio stands at 0.85.

The Population density per square kilometer is calculated as 71.04 and average house hold
size as 3.94 persons.

The pathetic state of physical infrastructure for e.g. weak road networks, unemployment,
dearth of social and other basic services, slow economic activities, etc. result into the meagre
growth of rate of population of Sitganga Municipality. However, lack of social awareness,
reluctance towards family planning, preference to male child etc. contribute to the growth of
population in this newly established Municipality at least up to some years in the near future
contributing to the negative growth in terms of population size. The population of this
Municipality was calculated as 44672 in the year 2001 and it appears to be 43373 in the year
2011 and again 42482 in the year 2018 following the negative average growth rate of -0.3%.
It has been projected to reach 40034 in 2038 (nearly after 20 years) as shown in the table

Table Population projection of Sitganga Municipality for the Next 15 year

Avg. growth
Year (AD) 2001 2011 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038
44672 43373 42482 41856 41240 40633 40034 -0.3%
Source: Draft CMP of Sitganga Municipality 2019

The poor state of infrastructure for e.g. road, electricity, water supply, health, etc. along with
unemployment, poor quality of basic services health and education has equally led to the
negative growth rate of population in this Municipality. As a result the population of this
Municipality has decreased from 2011 to till date. Considering the same this trend of
population downfall from 2001 to 2018, the population decrease will follow the growth rate
of -0.3%. Thus the projected population after 15 years is expected to be 40633 in 2033 and
40034 in 2038 as shown in table below.

This trend of negative population growth rate is more vocal in many remote quarters of
Nepal at present. Road network development planning should be compatible with serving this
population and their mobility from settlements to several destinations. Integrated urban/or
settlement plans will be highly appropriate to minimize the cost of road construction which is
often necessary in the areas where population is too low.

3.2.1 Age wide Distribution of Population
According to national census 2011, the highest number of population lies between the age
group 10-14 with population of 6526 followed by age categories 5-9 and 0-4 respectively with
6015 and 5147 populations. These three age categories together constitute more than one third
of the entire population constitution of 43373. The age group of 70-74 constitutes the least
populations of 685 followed by above 75 category with 851 people.

Considering the economically most active populace i.e. within the age group of 15-59 years,
the total percentage of the population is calculated as 50.5%. Within the less economically
active populace, the percentage in the age group 0-14 category has been recorded as 40.7%
whereas 60 above category has been recorded as 8.677%. Secondly, the table below also
shows that number of less active population has remained significant in this RM which
indicates that the degree of mobility being higher in comparison to dependent or passive
population. This age wide data keeps high significance in road and transportation planning
like other planning.

Figure 3: Population distribution in terms of contribution in economy

Total 43373

age group 60 and above 3763

age group (15-59) 21922

age group (0-14) 17688

0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000

Source: CBS 2011

3.2.2 Caste/Ethnicity
Out of the total population constitution of Signage Municipality, Magar dominates the others
in terms of caste with a total of 13932 populace (32%) followed by Hill Brahmin 9774 (23%)
and Chhetree 7571 (17%) respectively. Together Kami, Sarki and Damai/Dholi constitute the
entire Dalit populace which is recorded as 8673 (20%). Among these three Dalit communities,
Kami alone holds the majority over the two others by 55.5%. The other dominant caste in the
Municipality include Kumal, Gharti/Bhujel, Gurung, Newar and others as mentioned in the
figure below. Some typical caste people like Badi and Gaine also exist in this Municpality.

Ethnicity wide, in the total population constitution, the percentage of Mangolian community
has been recorded close to 40% against 60% of their Aryan counterparts. Ward no.
1,7,8,9,10,11,13 and 14 are purely dominated by Magar community while wards 2, 3, 4, and 5
are entirely dominated by Aryan people with huge presence of Hill- Brahmin, Chhetree and
Dalit populace. Ethnic composition also affects the mobility of people. Past history shows that
indigenous population have lesser mobility in comparison to other ethnic groups.

Figure 4: Caste wise population distribution in Sitganga Municipality


45000 43373






10000 8673

1021 654 623 354 771

Source: CBS 2011

3.2.3 Language Spoken

In terms of spoken language, majority of the people from this Municipality speak the national
language i.e. Nepali language the percentage of which is calculated above 90%. Magar
language is the second highest speaking language within the Municipality which is spoken by
some 6% Magar. The other languages spoken in the municipality include Gurung, Newar,
Tharu and so.

3.2.4 Religious Composition

Hindus dominates the others in this Municipality in terms of total population size Bouddhist
are the second largest religious group followed by Christianity which stands as the third
largest religious group.

3.2.5 Differently able (disable) population
In the total population constitution of 43373, only some 2.7% of the entire population have
been reported to have sustained some kind of disability. Among the total disable populace,
some 42% sustain physical disability; 15% sustain blindness or low vision associated
disability, 13.5% sustain hearing impaired syndromes, 12% sustain speech related disability;
and 6% sustain mental related disability while the rest sustain combined of one or many

Table Status of disability among the populace of Sitganga Municipality

Population having disability of

Municipal Total Deaf /
without Deaf
Wards population Blindness/ hard Speech Mental Intellectual Multiple
disability Physical –
low vision to problem disable disable disable

Jukena (5
and 6 wards)
6,647 6,413 94 40 25 5 30 15 11 14

Jaluke (7 and
8 wards)
6,142 5,997 57 35 22 4 6 4 3 14

Siddhara (9,
10 and 11)
8,684 8,432 116 39 42 0 27 13 2 13

and 14)
6,110 5,898 97 21 33 4 21 14 6 16

Sitapur(2) 3,836 3,725 44 16 15 0 16 3 12 5

2,833 2,765 23 10 7 1 15 7 2 3

Thada (3,4
and 12)
9,121 8,945 72 19 18 5 34 20 5 3

Total 43,373 42,175 503 180 162 19 149 76 41 68

Source: CBS 2011

3.3 Basic Services

3.3.1 Education
According to census 2011, out of 38226 populace above 5 years age, some 26988 can read
and write, another 1014 can read only while next 10150 can neither read nor write as shown
in the table below. Ward wise, ward no. 1 constitutes the highest literacy rate of 79.10%
whereas the combined of ward no. 7 and 8 has been recorded the wards with lowest literacy
rate of 66.25%.

Literacy Status among the population of Sitganga Municipality

Population who
Wards of Population Literacy
Sitganga aged 5 years not
Municipality & above Can read Can read Can't read stated
& write only & write

5 and 6 (Former
5,904 4,069 225 1,568 42 68.92
Jukena VDC)

7 and 8 (Former
5,342 3,539 157 1,637 9 66.25
Jaluke VDC)

9,10, and 11
(Former 7,538 5,221 150 2,165 2 69.26
Siddhara VDC)
13 and 14
(Former 5,388 3,721 144 1,515 8 69.06
Simalpani VDC)

2 (Former
3,387 2,524 64 798 1 74.52
Sitapur VDC)

1 (Former
Subarnakhal 2,512 1,987 64 458 3 79.10
3,4 and 12
(Former Thada 8,155 5,927 210 2,009 9 72.68

Total 38,226 26,988 1,014 10,150 74 71.42

Source: CBS 2011

There are 104 Child Development Centers, 4 Higher Secondary Schools up to +2 level, 8
secondary level schools (up to class 10), and 96 basic schools(up to class 8). In total there are
only 6 institutional schools (boarding schools) as compared to 212 community ones. Out of
212 community educational setups 104 function as child development centers.

Several technical courses are being planned to be introduced in the local high schools of
Sitganga Municipality for e.g. Janaajagriti Higher School is planning to introduce
Agriculture,Veterinary and Computer courses and intends to develop itself into a technical
school. The remaining plans of promotion and upgrade is as follows:

Proposed plans of extension and promotion of educational set ups in
Sitganga Municipality

SN Name of High School Proposed Courses in future

1 Jajagriti High School Agriculture, Veterinary, Computer Applications

2 Pravakar High School Forestry

3 Vawiswar Multiple Campus Residential Master's College

Saraswati High School, Bachelor Level College


One of the basic schools of Upgrade into high school (no high school in this ward)
ward no.7

One of the basic schools of Upgrade into high school (no high school in this ward)
ward no.9

One of the basic schools of Upgrade into high school (no high school in this ward)
ward no.11

One of the basic schools of Upgrade into high school (no high school in this ward)
ward no.13
Source: Draft CDP

Technical subjects like Agriculture, Forestry, Computer applications have been proposed in
some of the high schools a mentioned above. The government schools are also equipped with
the Library as well as E-Library in this Municipality but need to be upgraded and improved.
Improvement has been seen in rate of students’ enrollment especially girl child enrollment.
Despite all these, lack of competent and proficient teachers, poor quality of drinking water
and sanitation facilities, unsafe buildings, lack of sports and other educational support, lack of
female friendly toilets, poor condition (muddy/dusty) of the school roads are some of the
commonly observed problems in this Municipality.

Status of Basic Education infrastructure in Sitganga Municipality

SN Level of schools Community Institutional Total

1 Child Development Centre 104
2 Basic Level Schools(1-2) 1
6 218
3 Basic Level School (1-3) 36
4 Basic Level School (1-5) 44

SN Level of schools Community Institutional Total
5 Basic level School (1-7) 2
6 Basic Level School(1-8) 13
7 Secondary level (1-10) 8
8 Higher Secondary Level (1-12) 2
9 Higher Secondary Level (6-12) 2
Total 212 6 218
Source: Annual development plan (Sitganga Municipality)

3.3.2 Health Services

Thada Primary Health center has been proposed to upgrade into a fully equipped 15 bed (at
least) hospital to cater to its populace. Fundamental diagnostic instruments have been
proposed in Thada and Siddhara Hospitals for e.g. Video X-ray, Endoscopy, ECG, and ECHO
services with provision of Radiologist. The building construction of Padme Health Center and
operation of Gaon/Ghar Clinic in Harre Barre of Ward no. 10 are some of the major activities
proposed to improve the health sector of this Municipality.

At present, people need to visit Butwol/Bhairahawa for the treatment of infirmities/ailments

and they are also travel up to Bharatpur or Kathmandu in cases of serious nature health
complications. In general, primary health services is provided by the health posts situated in
the ward level of this Municipality. The health centers cater core services in the issues of
family planning, reproductive health, viral fever, diarrhoe, normal eye and skin related
diseases and all whereas few centers are in place to provide general services to TB and
Leprosy. Some of the health posts are also equipped with basic lab facilities and regulated by
Health Assistant under whom a number of CMAs are in place. There are also some Birthing
Centers and dozens of vaccination centers in this Municipality. Sitganga Municipality has
also made health plans to ensure efficient, affordable and quality health services to its people.
It is also in the planning process to provide special grants and subsidies to the chronic patients
from the ultra-poor communities.

Majority of the populace of this RM lack reliable piped water services and are forced to
consume drinking from other sources like tube wells, hand pumps, covered/uncovered wells
and rivers too. No further purification of such water is in practice posing high risk of arsenic
contamination among the water users in the Wards located in southern and western plain areas
of Terai. The water quality test should be made mandatory in case of community water supply

schemes. The Municipality need to focus upon other activities like rain water harvesting,
cleaning of sources of water, and extensive lab testing of drinking water from various wards
to minimize water borne diseases in the long run. Similarly, proper response mechanism
against snake bites shall be established in the existing health facilities. Provision of
ambulances, 24 hour health services, proper lab facilities including services of cold chain with
energy back up, sufficient no. of quality health professionals, efficient response mechanism in
emergency cases, proper water supply and sanitation services in the health centers and
provision of basic surgery kits and tools are some of the major shortcomings observed
particularly in the health sector. Awareness campaigns against various transmissible diseases,
and mobilizing the populace towards Yoga, Pranayama and other physical/mental exercises
will have positive implications in the long run and they should be promoted. Likewise,
promotion of indigenous Herbal or Ayurveda treatment, Homeopathic treatment etc. should
be given due emphasis so as to enhance health tourism in the long run.

3.3.3 Shelter
Ownership of housing units
Amongst 9201 HHs, 96.14% stay in their own private housing units while about 3% stay in
rental houses and the rest falls under institutional categories and others. The rental status is
more vocal in Thada/ the Municipality center where normally government and private office
staff, teachers, bankers, security personnel and some businessmen are found in rental status.

Table Households by ownership of house/housing unit in use

Ownership of house/housing unit

Owned Rented Institutional Others

Jukena (5 and 6
1,435 1,390 32 1 12

Jaluke(7 and 8
1,242 1,224 14 1 3

Siddhara(9,10 and
1,665 1,614 36 12 3
11 wards)

Simalpani (13 and

1,284 1,244 28 1 11

Sitapur (2) 877 839 26 1 11

Subarnakhal (1) 617 605 7 0 5

Ownership of house/housing unit
Owned Rented Institutional Others

Thada (3,4 and 12) 2,081 1,930 129 6 16

Total 9,201 8,846 272 22 61

Source: CBS 2011

Housing units by type of construction technology

According to Census 2011, out of total housing units of this Sitganga Municipality, 77% of
the housing units have been constructed by mud mortar; 3% by cement mortar; 16% by
wooden pillar, another 3% by bamboo and remaining 1% constitute other construction
technologies not mentioned so far. Similarly, for roofing purpose, out of the total of 9201
housing units, 5358 (58.23%) have used thatch/straw for roofing purpose. Similarly, CGI
Sheet- 3436 (37.34%); RCC 181 (1.96%), Tile /slates- 129(1.40%) and the rest 1% have used
other sources like wooden planks and others for roofing as mentioned in the figure below. The
smooth access over locally available construction resources like slate, boulders/ aggregate,
wood, bamboo etc. are likely to impact positively in the cost of construction material which is
possible only after proper and reliable road services across the Municipality.

Figure 5: Distribution of households by the type of construction of outer wall

Households by type of outer wall of housing units



3% Mud bonded
Cement bonded
Wood planks
77% Bamboo

Source: CBS 2011

Figure 6: Distribution of housing units by roof types in Sitganga Municipality

Housing units by types of roof


no. of housing units





Thatch/stra GI sheet Tile/Slate RCC Wood others
w planks
Series1 5358 3436 129 181 41 56

Source: CBS 2011

Proposed building/shelter units

Following are the proposed major construction works within the Municipality from the
government sectors. Chiefly office buildings, school buildings, health service providing
buildings, community buildings, buildings for security personnel (police) have been proposed.
Except three wards, every ward from 1-11 have proposed some kind of building construction
in their respective areas. Ward no. 1,2,7,8 and 9 have relatively more building construction
related works as compared to other wards. Hence, the roads linking the area of these facilities
require proper attention in order to complete these proposed construction projects in due time
and budget.

Table Proposed building construction works in Sitganga Municipality

Ward No. Proposed construction works

School building of Mahendra Ni. Ma. Vi., School building of Mandre Ma Vi,
School building of Ghartisara Adharbhut Vidhyalaya
Building of Ward Office, Building of Women Cooperative, Community
Building, Training hall of Health post, School building of Saraswati Ma.Vi.
3 Community building with capacity of 500 people

4 Building of children home, Community Meeting Centre

5 Ward office building, building of all schools in the ward

Shiva Daha Ma.Vi building, Nilkantha Adharbhut Vi building, Ward Office

Ward No. Proposed construction works
Entertainment/Recreational Building for senior citizens, Community building,
Building of Community Health Unit, Agriculture and Livestock Office
Building, Ward office building, Ward level building (police), Cooperative
building, Vaccination Centre building
Ward Office building, Health Post building, Police Post Building, Community
Assembly Building
Integrated settlement, Building construction in schools without building,
9 Distribution of CGI sheets in poor settlements, Shelter for Poor, Minority and
10 Community Building, Ward Office Building, Integrated Settlement,

11 Dharmasala, Old age home, Women Community Building

Source: Draft CMP 2019

3.3.4 Drinking water

Sources of drinking water
The majority (61%) of the households rely on piped water or tap water for drinking purpose in
Sitganga Municipality. Likewise, 16% rely on uncovered well, 10% - spout water, 6% -
river/stream, 2% -covered well, 1% - tubewell/ hand pump and remaining 1% rely on other
sources not mentioned as shown in the figure below.

Figure 7: Division of dwelling units by their source of drinking water

Division of dwelling units by source of drinking water


piped water/tap water
tube well/hand pump
19% covered well
uncovered well
spout water
1% river/stream
others/not stated

Source: CBS 2011

Table proposed drinking water supply schemes in Sitganga Municipality

Ward No. Proposed drinking water schemes

Ghat Khola Sundu Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Karamdip Ghartisara
1 Drinking Water Supply Scheme,Subarnakhal Drinking Water Scheme, Ghat
Khola Haldi Water Supply Scheme
Kasedhura Lifting B.K tole Drinking Water Supply scheme,Jhirarra Thum
Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Supa Badachaur Drinking Water Supply
Scheme, Maskebari Adhikari Tole Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Jurethum
Nipane Patal Tole drinking Water Supply Scheme
Thada Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Chang Change Padme Drinking Water
Supply Scheme
Beurepata, Kahl, Okhaldhunga Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Ripada Tole
Kuwa Nirman, Ratamata Sahutola Padhera Nirman
Upgrade of water supply schemes under operations, Hande Dhanukharka
Water Supply Scheme
Kalleri Khamari Fursamata-Bokse Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Shivadaha
6 Drinking Water Supply Scheme,Kamalkot Dangsing Water Supply Scheme,
Dhawa Lifting Drinking Water Supply Scheme

7 Juwakot Jaluke Drinking Water Supply Scheme

9 Damara Palase Drinking Water Supply Scheme
Mathillo Samkot Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Liskuna Drinking Water
Supply Scheme,
Khayarbhatti Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Chandeneta Beldamar Drinking
Water Supply Scheme, Mul Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Dabota drinking
Water Supply Scheme, Fodi DrinkingWater Supply Scheme, Bhaisthari
Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Lungri Drinking Water Supply Scheme,
Aanp Khola Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Mauwabari Dhungesera
Drinking Water Supply Scheme
Nipane Kothiha Maidan Jaluke Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Rajiya
MulKhola Lifting Drinking Water Supply Scheme,Khumchikot Lifting
Drinking Water Supply Scheme,Ghaseni Ratamata Drinking Water Supply
12 Scheme,Kotiya Maidan Jokhle Gairha Parepani Drinking Water Supply
Scheme,Aapsete Haduha Bandre Lifting Drinking Water Supply Scheme,
Ranibase Muhan Dholetakura Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Rani
Pattharkot Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Chade Dekhi Thulo Harre Samma

Ward No. Proposed drinking water schemes
Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Harre Gaudamukh Drinking Water Supply
Sanolek Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Kirtipur Drinking Water Supply
Scheme, Jaubari Drinking Water Supply Scheme, NetaKharka Drinking Water
Supply Scheme, Doduwa DrinkingWater Supply Scheme, Kalleri Drinking
13 Water Supply Scheme, Gobrepani Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Simalpani
Drinking Water Supply Scheme, KhutKhute Drinking Water Supply Scheme,
Dhad Chidi Tarike Mailafaant Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Pate Drinking
Water Supply Scheme, Bhalamani Drinking Water Supply Scheme
Karechuli Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Gandi Drinking water Supply
Scheme, Khormare Toribari Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Dawa Sikha
14 Khola Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Bauri Drinking Water Supply Scheme,
Kamerapani Toribari Drinking Water Supply Scheme, Adharpata Drinking
Water Supply , BhaluKhola Drinking water Supply Scheme
Source: Draft CMP 2019

As shown in the table above, majority of the drinking water supply schemes have been
proposed in Wards 11, 12, and 13 while moderately few have been proposed in ward 2 and
14. The nominal number of water supply schemes have been proposed in rest of the wards.
Thus, smooth road transportation services will be vital one for the efficient supply of
construction materials that helps complete the projects on time.

3.3.5 Energy

Sources of cooking energy

Out of the total households in Sitganga Municipality, 97.85% rely on firewood for cooking
purpose. The remaining sources of cooking energy include dried dung cakes, LP-gas, Bio-
gas, kerosene and others among which the share of LP gas alone stands more than 1% of the
total sources followed by kerosene and baked dung cakes respectively. However, along the
development in the road services in the past few years, the users of LP gas are gradually
increasing and expected to increase further rapidly in near future.

Sources of light

Solar bulbs, electricity and kerosene have been recorded as the major sources of energy for
lighting bulbs in Sitganga Municipality where contribution of each of these three sources in
household level have been recorded as 27%, 28% and 29% respectively. Remaining 16% of
the households use other sources besides these. However, the contribution of solar and
electricity will be high in the future due to cost factors and ease factors too. The remaining
sources include bio gas, firewood and so.

Figure 8: Sources of energy to light bulb in Sitganga Municipality

Households by their reliance on various source for lighting purpose


27% Kerosene
29% Others/not stated

Source: CBS 2011

proposed energy related schemes in Sitganga Municipality

Ward No. Proposed energy related schemes

Extension of Halde Transmission Line, Extension of Subarnakhal
Transmission Line
Replacement of wooden poles by Metal ones, Installation of additional
2 transformers as required, provision of three phase lines in prior electric
3 Installation of Street lamps/lights
4 Provision of three phase lines, Development of wooden poles free wards
Expansion of electricity lines in households (in those without electric
Expansion of electricity line from Deurali to Thuldhunga, Expansion of
electricity in Sana Dhungre, Kalleri, Bonse Chaur
7 Management of electricity lines as per the need
Expansion of electricity lines in households (in those without electric
11 Extension of electric lines through out the ward
13 Extention of electricity line in Musiyan, Majhfant Dhad
14 Construction of Micro-hydropower project, development of bio gas
Source: Draft CMP 2019

The major activities in terms of energy/electricity has been mentioned in the table above
where most of the projects remain as extension of transmission lines and distribution of the
same up to the household level deprive of this services. However, ward no. 14 has some
unique projects of regarding installation of alternative energy. The transportation of turbines
and other necessary accessories demand good quality road services which cannot be
completed in timely basis amidst poor road situation.

3.3.6 Sanitation
Status of toilet/sanitation
As per census 2011, still some 4519 (49%) of the entire households of this Municipality lack
toilet facilities in their dwelling units. However, significant changes have occurred in terms of
hygiene and sanitation in recent years. Only some 22% of the total housing units have access
of water in their toilets. This is also referred to as flush toilets. Next 28% have ordinary toilets
without flushing provision as whom in the table below. Despite above facts and figures, the
situation have changed significantly (according to the recent field visit). The table below
shows the status of sanitation in detail.

Table Status of sanitation in Sitganga Municipality

Households with toilet Toilet

Households facility of
Total facility
Municipality wards without
households Ordinary not
toilet facility Flush toilet
toilet stated

Jukena (5 and 6 wards) 1,435 332 242 861 0

Jaluke(7 and 8 wards) 1,242 573 147 513 9

Siddhara(9,10 and 11
1,665 1,329 92 237 7

Simalpani (13 and 14) 1,284 697 172 409 6

Sitapur (2) 877 264 548 63 2

Subarnakhal (1) 617 258 133 224 2

Thada (3,4 and 12) 2,081 1,066 694 308 13

Total 9,201 4,519 2,028 2,615 39

Source: CB 2011

Figure 9: Condition of sanitation in Sitganga Municipality

Status of toilets in Sitganga Municipality

28% without toilets
with flush toilets
with ordinary toilets
not stated

Source: CBS 2011

3.4 Rivers, water bodies

Few rivers flow through this Municipality facilitating the natural drainage of water.

The major rivers include Rapti River, Sit Khola, Band Ganga River, Mandre Khola, Gudrung
Khola, Raangsing Khola, Vangala Khola, Lungri Khola, Khormor Khola, Chor Khola, Surai
Khola, Sukbel Bahabel Khola are some of the major rivers and streams flowing in the
territory of this Municipality. In the same way different lakes and ponds and closed water
bodies could be find in these wards that include Thada Daha, Damaru Daha, Nwar Pokhari,
Sana Daha, Shiva Daha, Lama Tal, etc which could be developed as tourism destinations in
future. Following are the streams and brooks in this Municipality

Table Streams flowing through Sitganga Municipality

Ward No. Name of the Streams

1 Jaluke Khola, Titaure Khola, Chisapani Khola,
3 Dhad khola
8 Siling Khola, Thad Khola
9 Dho Khola, Dhan Khola
10 Bhalu Khola, Kathe Khola
11 Aanp Khola, Shera Khola
12 Hile Khola
13 Sukali Khola
Source: Field Study 2018/2019

3.5 Traffic Volume Study
Generally, traffic volume study is done to establish a relative importance of any road. This
will help to decide the priority of improvement and expansion of road and to allocate fund
accordingly. This will also guide to make analysis of traffic pattern. Inventory of road traffic
physical features was done with the use of GPS. Also, manual vehicle counting method was
carried out as a part of traffic volume survey. By this method traffic volume as well as vehicle
classification was held properly.

Walking constitutes an important mode of transport in rural areas. Besides walking, most of
the people use cycle as another best options mainly due to less availability and costly public
vehicle but bicycles have not been taken into consideration for counting.

3.5.1 Traffic Vehicle Count

The traffic vehicle count was done at the following stations which are listed in Table below.
In all of these vehicle counting points, motorcycles have been recorded as the dominant
vehicles among others. The summary of the survey is given through the figures as mentioned

Table Vehicle Count Stations

Count station
SN Location Name of road Linkage
Amrai-Jukena Road (7km)
Ward no. 4 of Sitganga
1 Amrai (Passing through Sano Daha, Pokhe
Danda, Sitkhola)
Bhedamare-Simalpani (12km)
Ward no. 4 of Sitganga
2 Bhedamare (Passing through Jashrame, Purana Gaon
Bikram-Gundhi (14km)
Ward no. 14 of
3 Bikram Passing through Mundri Tam,Gobre
Sitganga Municipality
Pani Simal Pani etc
Bharlawas-Musiyan (25 km)Passing
Ward no.13 of Sitganga
4 Bharlawas through settlements like Bhadelepani,
Bhalasikhra etc.
Ward No. 9 of
5 Lauri Lauri-Chakla
Sitganga Municipality
Rajuwas-Subarnakhal-Mandre -(Neta)
6 Rajuwas Ward no.1
25 km
The result of traffic survey held in Amrai point, Ward No. 3, along the route of Amari-Jukena
road of Sitganga Municipality is as following – Motorcycle -16 (57%), Tractor- 7 (25%),
Truck- 1 (4%), Jeep/car 2- (7%), and Bus- 2 (7%). Head counting of passer by through this
route has not been included in this traffic survey.

Figure 10: Types of vehicle observed along Amrai-Jukena Route


Jeep Bus
7% 7%

Tractor 57%

Source: Field Traffic Survey 2019

Similarly, the result of traffic survey held in Bhedamare point, Ward No. 4, along the route of
Bhedamare-Simalpani road of Sitganga Municipality is as following – Motorcycle -19 (61%),
Tractor- 4 (13%), Truck- 3 (10%), Jeep/car 3- (10%), and Bus- 2 (6%) as shown in the figure
below. Head counting of people passing through this route has not been included in this traffic

Figure 11: Types of vehicle observed along Bhedamare-Simalpani Route

Vehicle composition

Bus Truck
6% 10%

Jeep Motorcycle
61% Jeep
Tractor Bus

Source: Field Traffic Survey 2019

Likewise, the result of traffic survey held in one of the points i.e. Bikram, Ward No. 14, along
the route of Bikram-Gundhi road of Sitganga Municipality is as following – Motorcycle -10
(59%), Tractor- 3 (17%), Truck- 2 (12%), Jeep/car 2- (12%), as shown in the figure below.
Head counting of passer by through this route has not been included in this traffic survey.

Figure 12: Types of vehicle observed along Bikram-Gundhi Route



Tractor 59%

Source: Field Traffic Survey 2019

In the same way, the result of traffic survey held in one of the points i.e. Bharlawas, Ward No.
13, along the route of Bharlawas-Musiyan road of Sitganga Municipality is as following –
Motorcycle -8 (44%), Tractor- 6 (33%), Jeep/car 2- (11%), Truck- 1 (6%), and Bus-1 (6%), as
shown in the figure below. In this point also, the head counting of passerby through this route
has not been included in this traffic survey.

Figure 13: Types of vehicle observed along Bharlawas-Musiyan Route

Vehicle Composition
Truck Bus
6% 6%

Jeep Motorcycle
11% Motorcycle
Tractor Truck

Source: Field Traffic Survey 2019

Similarly, the result of traffic survey held in Lauri, Ward No. 9, along the route of Lauri-
Chakla road of Sitganga Municipality is as following – Motorcycle -13 (56%), Tractor- 5
(22%), Truck- 2 (9%), Jeep/car 2- (9%), and Bus- 1 (4%). Head counting of passerby through
this route has not been included in this traffic survey.

Figure 14: Types of vehicle observed along Lauri-Chakla Route

Vehicle Composition

9% 4%
9% Motorcycle
22% Jeep

Source: Field Traffic Survey 2019

The result of traffic survey held in Rajuwas point, Ward No. 1, along the route of Rajuwas-
Mandre road of Sitganga Municipality is as following – Motorcycle -20 (63%), Tractor- 2
(6%), Truck- 6 (19%), Jeep 2- (6%), and Bus- 2 (6%). Head counting of passerby through this
route has not been included in this traffic survey.

Figure 15: Types of vehicle observed along Rajuwas-Subarnakhal-Mandre Route

Vehicle Composition

Truck Bus
19% 6%

Motorcycle Jeep
Tractor Bus

Source: Field Traffic Survey

3.5.2 Vehicle Types
Among the types of vehicle, the Indian brands have dominated in terms of motorbikes, bus,
jeep (Bolero/TATA), trucks/mini trucks and tractors for passenger and goods transportation.
Some of the transportation routes from the observations are: Bikram-Pawar-Basri-Chedu;
Kharvatti-Kapilvastu; Buddhi-Mautabari; Cheda-Amrai, etc.

3.6 Origin and Destination Survey

The main purpose of transportation is to connect farm land, market centers and other service
centers. Among the total respondents of 50 respondents of Origin and Destination Survey, 15
(30 %) reported agricultural chores as the primary reason of using roads followed by 13
(26%) respondents who mentioned that they chiefly travel for education purposes. Similarly,
9 (18%) respondents reported to have used roads to acquire health related services. Likewise,
next 7 (14%) respondents reported that they regularly travel to go to office or seek other
livelihood opportunities and remaining 6 (12%) respondents happened to use road for
marketing, business and other recreational purposes.

Figure 16: Purpose of using road transportations in various wards of Sitgaganga


Purpose of using road transportation

Series1 Series2


30% 26% 18% 14% 12%

Agriculture Education Health Day to day work Business and

Source: Field Survey

From the origin and destination survey, the following places have been found to be some of
the major destinations.

1. Amrai/Chakla/Bhedamare
2. Subarnakhal/Mandre
3. Simalpani
4. Jukena

Similarly, the following routes are in demand in Sitganga Municipality.

Ward No. Demanded road routes in Sitganga Municipality

1 Rajuwas-Subarnakhal-Mandre-Halde Padini RM route, Mandre-Pabra route
Budhi Chaur-Jhirarra- Simalchaur route, Kotdanda-Subarnakhal route, Bada
Chaur-sikhra Khandula-Pakhere-sengleng route
Sitapur-Kailase-Padme-Jukena-Lamatal route, Bar bote-Padme-Khipdi route,
Municipality building-Sahutola Ganga Khola route
Bhawin-Galda route, Galdi-Dhanchaur-Karapu route, Bhumikasthan-Pokhari
route, Sallako rukh-Kalimati Bhanjyang Khola route
Thada-Bokse route, Chauba-Rangkas,Kanachaur-Damarbesi-Lamatal route,
Thada-Khanje Pani Sadak route
8 Lahape-Bhalubang Road route
9 Siling Khola-Chidi Chaur-Lape Road route
10 Samkot-Banke-Dhodeni-Batule-Chakla Road route
Chakla-Harre-Dhodeni-Samkot route,Chakla-Batule-Dore route,Banke-
11 Dhodeni-Imiliya-Khayarmadhi route, Dobara-Chape Neta-Chawadip route,
Ranikuwa-Mauwabari-Khayarbhatti, Suragadh-Dobara route
12 Hilekhola-Rajiya-Dohore route, Ghoseni-Maidan-Durbare route
Simalpani-Gaurepani route, Patle-Kalleri-Kurme Simlar-Asare Talla Khanna
route, Kaskharka-PatalePani-Neta Kharka route
Gauda-Tariwari-Khormare route, Pawara-Othar-Pata Kaule-Simalpani route,
14 Khormare-Karechuli route, Simalpani-Musiyan route, Sukaura-Kalegauda
route, Gundhi-Simalpani route, Karechuli-Bharatapura-Neta Pokhara route

3.7 Mode choice

People choose the mode of transportation as per their convenience and their requirement.
Different factors affect the mode choice. Being one of the largest Municipalities close to Terai
having moderate climate, it retains high scope of urbanization in future resulting into
relatively high number of traffic mostly private vehicles. In most of cases, people have
preferred walking for reaching market center within wards. Use of modes of public transport
like bus and jeep have been used for shuttling purpose from one destination to the other.
Motorbikes are the dominant form of transportation in each of the road of this Municipality.
Comparatively high number of tractors were found to be used for the purpose of
transportation of day to day commodities, construction material and agricultural goods from
the production area and market center. Different factors affect the mode choice. Some of them

 Household characteristics

 Zone characteristics
 Residential density, rate of urbanization
 Accessibility
 Vehicle ownership
 Quality of local public transit
 Purpose of travel, nature of work
 Travel time, cost and distance

3.8 Active and Passive Transport User

Active transport (also called Non-motorized transport, NMT and human powered transport)
refers to walking, cycling, and variants such as wheelchair, scooter and handcart use. It
includes both utilitarian and recreational travel activity, plus stationary uses of pedestrian
environments such as standing on sidewalks and sitting at bus stops. The sample household
survey shows that nearly 90% of the daily trips are done via active mode of transport. Active
mode of transport is beneficial in many aspects: this mode can be used by people of any age
group irrespective of gender and economic status, it consumes human energy and does not
depend on fossil fuel, and it is environment friendly and provides many health benefits to the

Motorcycle is used in nearly 60% of the trips and public vehicles in nearly 10% of the trips. 1
motorcycle is owned by every 75/80 people. This leaves the remaining 20/25 people (in every
100 people) without any vehicle. Without proper access to public vehicles, they are left out
with no option but to walk or opt for public facilities. Thus, nearly 75% of the trips are made
either on foot or via public transportation within the municipal wards.

3.9 Alternative transportation feasibility

There are many ways to measure transportation system feasibility, each reflecting particular
perspectives concerning who, what, where, how, when and why. Different methods favor
different types of transport users and modes, different land use patterns, and different
solutions to transport problems in the Municipality. Some transportation system may be
economic and some may be non-economic and non-beneficial to the users and authorities.
However, we do not see any transportation system feasible other than roadway transportation
for the present situation in this Municipality until next five years. However, along the
harnessing of suffice energy within the country, some other potential mode of transportation
like rope way, cable car could be explored. Construction of heli-pads will also facilitate
religious tourism in the long run for qualitative tourism.

3.10 Parking Space
Parking space is one of the major components of transport management. Unlike in urban areas
human activities and traffic intensity is not that congested in this Municipality. Therefore,
parking space has yet not been a serious problem so far. However systematic parking spaces
and bus bays will be necessary for future expansion zones.

3.11 Bus parks and Bus terminals

As in the case of parking space there are no systematically planned bus terminal as well as bus
parks in the Municipality but necessity of both has been felt strongly. Likewise, where there is
possibility of road transport services some stop over, resting sheds, and public toilets need to
be constructed. At least one Helipad in each ward is required for the emergency cases. The
main roads should be accompanied by at least a cycle lane and foot path.

Proposed area for bus parks and bus terminals and traffic units are as following:

Proposed area for bus parks and bus terminals and traffic units

Ward Proposed areas for bus park and bus

Proposed traffic units
No. terminals
1 Mandre Dhara Chaupari, Subarnakhaal
2 Sitkhola Faant Badachaur, Dhar chaur (traffic units)
3 Sitganga, Karapu
4 Ratmata, Bhumikashtan
5 Deurali, Sana Dhunge
6 Lamatal, Jaluke, Timle Jaluke traffic unit
7 Lahape
8 Sisne, Lauri Vakkuchowk traffic unit
9 Dhodeni Kol, Khayarbhatti
Pawara Gathethari, Karechuli Raina
10 Bikram Gauda traffic unit
Devi Mandir, Karechuli Baraju Mandir
Source: Field Survey

Similarly, following are the proposed bus stop (yatru pratikchyalaya) of various roads across
Sitganga Municipality.
Proposed areas for public toilets
Ward Proposed areas for bus stop along the
along the roads of Sitganga
No. roads of Sitganaga Municipality
Subarnakhaal Chaupari, Archal, Ghartisara,
2 Gairikhet, Badachaur Malika, Kamere Badachaur, Jhirra, Rajuwas,

Proposed areas for public toilets
Ward Proposed areas for bus stop along the
along the roads of Sitganga
No. roads of Sitganaga Municipality
danda, Sorkhola, Sikhra, Rajuwas, Pidalne, GangaKhola, Juke Khola, Near
Ganga Chaupari, Way to Khasaraha point bridge towards Sikhra
Bazartole,Point to Khasrakha Khatribari,
Waypoint to Kalikamai Mandir, Barbot
Near Sit Khola, Thula Pokhara Pokhari, Ratamata, Bhumikasthan, Galda,
Kalimati Khola, Besari Pipal Pagheri Khola, Malika mandir
Jaluke, Damabesi, Infront of Lamatal Jaluko, Kalleri, Lamatal,
bridge, Fursa, Baghe Damar, Kalleri, Damarbesi, Syala, Hade, Swami
5 Sahaneta, Sikhabagar, Magrekot, Neta, Suba Neta
Khanyupani, Juwakot(in front of school),
Lahape, Milanchowk, Tinkhanne,
Lahape, Satmara, Bodi Damar, Aanp
6 Satmara, Bodidamar, Ghotwe
Chaur, Belaute
Khola, Nahal Tole
Pakuri, Lami Damar, Thada Khola, Deurali, Pakuri, Lamidamar, Lauri, Thada
7 Gottake, Rangsing, Naya wasti, Sisne, Khola, Sisne, Deurali,Gothake,
Siling Khola Raga Kate, Siling Khola
Simalpani, Thaplebari, Kalleri Dwarika Cheda, Deurali, Janajyoti,
8 Pokhara, Musiyan Chaubari, Cheda, Musiwan, Rikate
Sanilek, Chatiyan Rukh, Patale pani
Sahid Smriti, Chatiyan, Badheni,
Gothghari, Karechuli Raimana Dando, Pawara Ma vi, Sukhaura, Cheda,
Cheda, Chatipan, Bikram Bidhyala Galdi beldande,Devisthan, Bikram,
Karechuli Raimane

3.12 Bridges/Culverts
Bridges, suspension bridges and culverts are most essential components of road and trail
transport. Any road is absolutely incomplete without bridges/cross drainages in the country
like Nepal where we encounter rivers and brooks in every few kilometers. However, as
compared to other hilly areas, the roads along this municipality passes through small streams
and rivers. Thus, instead of big bridges even small culverts and cause ways also work

3.13 Drainage System

Good drainage system is an internal part of road management. Often hilly areas in the
Municipality provide natural drainage of water but if it is not installed and maintained
according to the standard specifications, chances of massive soil erosion and even landslides
are extremely high. Similarly, lack of drainage triggers damages in the roads increasing the

cost of maintenance. Such unsustainable development leads to environmental destruction and
regular obstacles during vehicular movement. Almost all of the roads in the municipality
except the feeder road lack side drains. Therefore, construction and maintenance of drainage
is equally important as the construction and maintenance of roads.

3.14 Road Furniture

Different sorts of objects which are installed in several places of a road to improve
smoothness of travel and ensure safety are collectively called road furniture. They include
objects like street light, lane signs, zebra crossing, all kinds of traffic signals, milestones,
traffic barriers, bus stands, and passenger’s lot etc. These objects enhance the aesthetic
dimension of the roads in one hand and improve the safety of travel on the other. They
equally provide comfort to pedestrian and control and regulate the traffic. Even very basic
road furniture is seem to be missing in most of the roads in this Municipality. Therefore,
installing road furniture after the completion of major construction is essential.

Indicative Development Potential Map (IDPM)

Developing IDPM is a process of mapping potential developing zones where future growth of
services and human activities are likely to increase. According to the nature of the zones and
their growth trends, future forecast of transport mechanism can be judged or estimated. This
chapter has provided sufficient clues of the zones which are potential from future
development prospect and strategically located. Basically, those zones include market centers,
agriculture areas, historical and religious areas and so. Indicative Development Potential Map
has been attached in Volume-II on the basis of the information on this chapter.

Chapter - 4: Municipality Inventory Map of Road Network

Existing road inventory map has been prepared on the basis of ward wise road survey for the
verification of existing roads on GIS for the preparation of maps. Municipal road inventory
forms were used to collect the information during road condition survey. The survey was
carried out from one nodal point to another in each road collecting information on road type,
surface condition, road width, drainage structures, road condition, linkages established by the
road. On the basis of these information MRIM (Municipal Road Inventory Map) has been

4.1 Municipal Roads

Summary of road class A
These roads are major transport corridors within the municipal territory. These roads are
assumed to have higher traffic and they connect major settlements or market areas within the
municipality. Functionally these roads carry the traffic from major settlements, tourist areas to
the SRN linkages. As per the available RoW, topography and land use pattern, typical cross
section may be selected as shown in figure below. Minimum Row for this class of road has
been set to 15m. It is highly recommended to have separate segment for pedestrian and cycle
track. At the same time, these roads need to have adequate median strip to segregate vehicles
coming from different directions.

There are altogether 6 municipal roads that lie in road class A.

Figure 17: Typical Cross Section of Road class "A"

Summary of Road Class “A”

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km

Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Ward pass Gravel Earthen Trail Total
width(m) Topped weather Weather

A001_Amarai Jukena
551M02A001 Deurali Airawati Road 1286 4,5,6,7 4.61 - 0 18.09 0.08 18.17 - 18.09
(Patanjali Marga)

551M02A002 688 9,10,12 4.64 - 0 33.266 0.14 33.41 - 33.27 Khumchikot-Harre-
Harre-Pakhuri- Dhankhola

A003_Gabdawa - Khayar
Gabdawa - Khayar
bhatti - Phorsal -
bhatti - Phorsal -
551M02A003 Suparineta -kathekhola - 185 10, 11 4.00 - 0 13.29 13.29 - 13.29
Suparineta -
Harre (Taratej- Sahidsmriti
Kathekhola- Harre
A004_Pipra - Pawara - Pipra - Pawara -
Simlpani - Bhedemare - Simlpani -
551M02A004 Harre -Shilling khola- 2475 14,13,4,12,10,9,8 - 6.067 58.642 - 64.71 6.07 58.64 Bhedemare - Harre -
Satmara( Krishna sen Shilling khola-
ichhuk marga) Satmara
Suvanakhal Gharthiswara-
551M02A005 689 1,2 5.00 19.28 19.28 - 19.28 Gharthiswara-
Mandre hudai Neta Pokhara
Mandre hudai Neta
(Yagyamin lila Marga)

551M02A006 1563 6,7 4.00 31.56 31.56 - 31.56 Lamataal -Lahpe-

Summary of road class B
These roads serve for the purpose of collectors from relatively small settlements and having less traffic flow. The RoW for such class of roads is
minimum of 10m. The typical cross section of such roads is shown in figure below. These roads serve as linkage to class “A” roads. These roads
have been categorized based on public demand as well as keeping in view the future need of municipality. These roads will be served by smaller
public transport modes.

Figure 18: Typical Cross Section of Road class "B"

There are altogether 16 municipal roads which lie in road class B.

Summary of Road class “B”
General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Road Ward Avg All Fair Settlement
Road name HH's BT GR ER Trail Total
Code pass width(m) weather Weather

Dhodare -
B001_Dhodare - Purkishilli
551M02B001 Ghumaure - Thado khola - 286 8,9 4.00 9.63 - 9.63
9.63 Ghumaure - Thado
khola - Lamidamar
Lamataal -
B002_Lamataal - sitalpati-
551M02B002 264 7,9,10 4.00 13.04 - 13.04 Sitalpati-
chidichaur-nangal 13.04
Nangal - Bokre tole-
B003_Nangal - Bokre tole-
551M02B003 132 10,11 4.00 13.66 - 13.66 Chhhabineta tole -
Chhhabineta tole - Dobata 13.66
Ranikuwa -
B004_Ranikuwa - Mauwabari - Mauwabari -
551M02B004 Khairabhatti - Banakasa Basa 191 10,11 0.00 0.00 - - Khairabhatti -
motor road Banakasa Basa
motor road
Harre - Pokhara
B005_Harre - Pokhara tole-
tole- Kalgaira-
551M02B005 Kalgaira-dhaireni- ranikuda- 429 10,11 4.00 18.06 - 18.06
18.06 dhaireni- ranikuda-
Pathrakot bazaar
Pathrakot bazaar
Harre - Kapurkot-
551M02B006 B006_Harre - Kapurkot- Galdha 531 5,10 4.00 14.42 - 14.42
14.42 Galdha
B007_Damar Besi-Phursa- Damar Besi-Phursa-
551M02B007 277 7 4.00 5.92 - 5.92
Ratamata-dihi 5.92 Ratamata-dihi
Deurali - Thula
B008_Deurali - Thula Dhongre -
Dhongre -
551M02B008 Bangasagar - Chaida Ghat - 131 14 4.00 3.418 - 3.42
3.42 Bangasagar -
Pyuthan motor road
Chaida Ghat
551M02B009 B009_Barabot - Kamle khola - 156 4 4.00 2.82 - 2.82 Barabot - Kamle

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Road Ward Avg All Fair Settlement
Road name HH's BT GR ER Trail Total
Code pass width(m) weather Weather
Pokhe danda Swamika Sita Khola 2.82 khola - Pokhe danda
motor road Swamika Sita Khola
B010_Simalpani -Gandhi - 9. Simalpani -Gandhi -
551M02B010 321 12 5.00 0.00 9.14 -
Mudribas - Pawara 14 9.14 Mudribas - Pawara
Gaura secondary
B011_Gaura secondary school - school -
Supadeuralli - Aryal Tole - Naya Supadeuralli - Aryal
551M02B011 143 12 4.00 1.24 - 1.24
basti - Pokhari - Pahera - Rojiya 1.24 Tole - Naya basti -
Pokhari motor road Pokhari - Pahera -
Rojiya Pokhari
B012_Dhaseni - Ratamata - Dhaseni - Ratamata
551M02B012 Maidan - Dhole Takura - Darbare 417 12 4.00 10.85 - 10.85 - Maidan - Dhole
motor road Takura - Darbare
sitapur- Kodanda-
B013_sitapur- Kodanda-
551M02B013 517 2,13 4.00 9.27 - 9.27 Badganga- besi-
Badganga- besi-salyan danda 9.27
salyan danda
Sitapur - Dodkatta-
B014_Sitapur - Dodkatta- Dhara- Dhara-Nipane-
551M02B014 Nipane-Mulabari- Paiyapata- 373 2 4.00 7.87 - 7.87 Mulabari-
Paire- Dhatibang Paiyapata- Paire-
B015_Simalpani -Gandhi - Simalpani -Gandhi -
551M02B015 581 14 4.00 14.39 - 14.39
Mudribas - Pawara 14.39 Mudribas - Pawara

B016_Karechuli balaju mandir- Karechuli balaju

551M02B016 karechuli danda-Keurepani- 279 14 4.00 11.15 - 11.15 mandir-karechuli
Mahendra Highway danda-Keurepani-

Summary of road class C
These types of urban roads are for the purpose of residential access. Residential streets are designed for lower traffic volumes for especially
private transport. Therefore, RoW for this class is designed for single lane pavement. Minimum RoW for such class of roads is allocated as 8m.
Typical cross section of such roads is shown below. There are altogether 32 municipal roads which lie in road class C.

Figure 19: Typical Cross Section of Road class "C"

Summary of Road class “C”

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km

Ward Avg Black Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total All weather
pass width(m) Topped Weather

C001_Rangakate -
Rangakate -
551M02C001 Nayabasti - Kharghat 179 9 5.00 4.2403 4.24 - 4.24
Nayabasti - Kharghat
motor road
C002_Sitalpati -Palase- Sitalpati -Palase-
551M02C002 69 8,9 5.00 10.129 10.13 - 10.13
Apchaur Apchaur
551M02C003 C003_Siyala- Naumure 239 7 5.00 6.1133 6.11 - 6.11 Siyala- Naumure
C004_Deurali-Bandre- Deurali-Bandre-
551M02C004 144 7 5.00 2.9168 2.92 - 2.92
Tarule Tarule
C005_Pyuthani danda- Pyuthani danda-
551M02C005 Kalleri-Simle-Chisapani- 267 7,6 4.79 7.325 7.32 - 7.32 Kalleri-Simle-
Bebade Chisapani-Bebade
Shivadaha - Sana
C006_Shivadaha - Sana
551M02C006 79 6 4.00 2.1575 2.16 - 2.16 Dhongre - Majhi
Dhongre - Majhi Damar
C007_Malika -
Malika - Dasekharka
551M02C007 Dasekharka - Dhanchaur 152 5,4 4.00 7.7904 7.79 - 7.79
- Dhanchaur
motor road
C008_Chhahare kaseri - Chhahare kaseri -
551M02C008 183 9,10 4.72 8.7269 8.73 - 8.73
Sidhhara Sidhhara
C009_Siddhara - Nepane- Siddhara - Nepane-
551M02C009 81 10 5.00 4.8742 4.87 - 4.87
Dihi motor road Dihi
C010_Aarichaur - Aarichaur -
551M02C010 Hattidunga-Chakla - 164 10,12 4.60 7.1972 7.20 - 7.20 Hattidunga-chakla -
Hattidunga-Chakla Hattidunga-Chakla
551M02C011 C011_Deuralithan-- 121 11 0.00 - - - Deuralithan--Sindure

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total All weather
pass width(m) Topped Weather
Sindure dhunga - dhunga - Phorsalkhet-
Phorsalkhet-Apkhola- Apkhola-Majhkharka
C012_Simaldip- Simaldip-
551M02C012 15 11 4.00 4.8807 4.88 - 4.88
Sinduredhunga Sinduredhunga
C013_Ranagai -
Ranagai - Mauwabari
Mauwabari - Lungri -
551M02C013 117 11 4.00 6.2688 6.27 - 6.27 - Lungri - Aapkhola -
Aapkhola - Dussi motor
C014_Deurali - Nipane - Deurali - Nipane -
551M02C014 Damar - Dhunge - Sera 106 12 4.00 4.6405 4.64 - 4.64 Damar - Dhunge -
motor road Sera
C015_Barabot - Ratamata Barabot - Ratamata -
551M02C015 -Khal - Kolksare -Galda 430 4,5 4.00 5.8581 5.86 - 5.86 Khal - Kolksare -
motor road Galda
Ratamata-Galdha -
C016_Ratamata-Galdha -
551M02C016 205 4,5 6.9187 6.92 - 6.92 Bhabin-Seudeni-
C017_Baiska tree - Bhotu Baiska tree - Bhotu
dhunge bridge - Jhapang dhunge bridge -
551M02C017 169 5 4.00 3.9684 3.97 - 3.97
River - Kalimati krishi Jhapang River -
road Kalimati
C018_Bhumikasthan -
Pokhari -Jhakri Jhakrini - Bhumikasthan -
551M02C018 Sengelen( Bhumika 198 3,5 4.00 6.6048 6.60 - 6.60 Pokhari -Jhakri
nagarpalika sthan ward Jhakrini - Sengelen
no. 10)
C019_Barbot - Khandua - Barbot - Khandua -
551M02C019 239 3 4.00 8.689 8.69 - 8.69
Padme - Pokhar danda Padme - Pokhar

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total All weather
pass width(m) Topped Weather
motor road danda

C020_Kalimati-padme- Kalimati-padme-
551M02C020 sitapur-Kailase - Padme - 147 3,5 5.00 4.9528 4.95 - 4.95 sitapur-Kailase -
Khibdi motor road Padme - Khibdi
C021_Sitapur - sitkhola Sitapur - sitkhola
551M02C021 137 2,3 4.00 2.7391 2.74 - 2.74
sabdaha - Kailaro sabdaha - Kailaro
C022_Bhuwanpata pul - Bhuwanpata pul -
Suppa kasyap gufa - Suppa kasyap gufa -
551M02C022 Suppa deurali - Falaa 85 2 5.00 1.2056 1.21 - 1.21 Suppa deurali - Falaa
chaur - Kharyan - chaur - Kharyan -
Chamar - Todke Chamar - Todke
C023_Jaluke khola- Jaluke khola- Sabdu-
551M02C023 Sabdu-Karmadip- 96 1,2 4.54 5.3484 5.35 - 5.35 Karmadip-
Dhartiswara Sadak Dhartiswara Sadak
C024_Bahunkarka - Bahunkarka -
551M02C024 91 4,10 4.55 5.9542 5.95 - 5.95
Gangafaat Krishi road Gangafaat
551M02C025 108 1,13 4.19 6.72 2.00 8.72 - 6.72 khola- Kalleri -
khola- Kalleri -Bokhar
551M02C026 chowk-Chandithanmandir 127 1 5.00 0.7982 0.80 - 0.80
danda tole
danda tole
Majhgaun-Milan chowk-
551M02C027 383 1 4.87 6.8799 6.88 - 6.88 chowk-Mandre-

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total All weather
pass width(m) Topped Weather

C028_Maineri-Mandre- Maineri-Mandre-
551M02C028 162 1 5.00 2.4373 2.44 - 2.44
Bagra Sadak Bagra
C029_Mandre Maidan Mandre Maidan
Thok- Jadi Kharka- Thok- Jadi Kharka-
551M02C029 Malarani- Pipalneta- 247 1 4.00 3.5682 3.57 - 3.57 Malarani- Pipalneta-
Bahundi- Bajra mandir Bahundi- Bajra
road mandir
C030_Bikram- Khormor - Bikram- Khormor -
551M02C030 Toribari - Salajandi 64 14 5.00 1.0973 1.10 - 1.10 Toribari - Salajandi
highway jodne motor road highway
C031_Karechuli-Dhungri Karechuli-Dhungri
551M02C031 53 14 4.00 8.601 8.60 - 8.60
khola gaun khola gaun
C032_Bharlabas -
Bharlabas -
551M02C032 Musichan Dhab motor 94 13 4.00 4.5564 4.56 - 4.56
Musichan Dhab

Summary of road class D

These types of urban roads have access to settlement level connected to class C roads. Residential streets are designed for comparatively lower
traffic volumes for especially private transport. Right of Way (RoW) for this class is designed for single lane pavement. Minimum RoW for such
class of roads is allocated as 6 m. Altogether 182 roads fall under this category.

Figure 20: Typical Cross Section of Road class "D"
Summary of Road class “D”

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km

Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather

D001_Satmara krishi
551M02D001 8 5.50 0.764 0.76 0.76 - Satmara
551M02D002 8 5.00 0.907 0.91 - 0.91 Milanchowk
bata purba jane bato
Tinkhande Jholunge
551M02D003 Jholunge pul - 8 5.52 0.204 2.464 2.67 0.20 2.46
pul - Charinge
Charinge motor road

D004_Gothki -
551M02D004 9 0.901 0.90 - 0.90 Gothki - Mithiaap
Mithiaap motor road

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather

D005_Dhankhola - Dhankhola -
551M02D005 Bhakkuchowk - 11 5.00 1.354 1.35 - 1.35 Bhakkuchowk -
Jabune motor road Jabune

D006_Chatteban to
Chatteban to Bandre
551M02D006 Bandre - Raktari 8 - - -
- Raktari Badhidamar
Badhidamar ringroad

551M02D007 7 5.50 0.484 0.48 - 0.48 Baghdwar
motor road
551M02D008 amar - Baraha daha 9 5.00 1.163 1.16 - 1.16
- Baraha daha
motor road
D009_Kartike - Lauri
551M02D009 9 5.00 3.541 3.54 - 3.54 Kartike - Lauri
motor road
D010_Kanachaur- Kanachaur-Chidi
551M02D010 8,9 5.00 14.800 14.80 - 14.80
Chidi chaur chaur
551M02D011 9 5.00 3.868 3.87 - 3.87 Lakurikot
D012_Asare - Bisvure Asare - Bisvure -
551M02D012 9 - - -
- Baravure motor road Baravure
D013_Sittalpati -
Sittalpati - Dhokhola
551M02D013 Dhokhola - Barseni 9 - - -
- Barseni
motor road
D014_Ratamata- Ratamata-Naumure-
551M02D014 7 - - -
Naumure-Airawat Airawat
D015_Swamineta - Swamineta - Chidi -
551M02D015 7 5.00 1.761 1.76 - 1.76
Chidi - Sankash motor Sankash

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather

Lamatol Dhikamathi
551M02D016 Dhikamathi ko motor 7 5.00 0.669 0.67 - 0.67
D017_Lamatal Gaun
551M02D017 7 1.512 1.51 - 1.51 Lamatal Gaun
Ring Road

D018_Jaluke - Batako Jaluke - Batako -

551M02D018 7 5.50 1.921 1.92 - 1.92
- Chaupari motor road Chaupari

D019_Swamineta -
551M02D019 7 - - - Swamineta - Kalleri
Kalleri motor road

D020_Dhunge danda
Dhunge danda -
551M02D020 - Damar - Takura 7 - - -
Damar - Takura
motor bato

551M02D021 7 5.00 2.234 2.23 - 2.23 Khaniyapani

551M02D022 Amelichaur- 7 5.00 1.885 1.89 - 1.89

D023_Talla bahule - Talla bahule - Upalla

Upalla bahule - Sera - Bahule - Sera -
551M02D023 7 - - -
Damar besi - Khaireni Damar besi -
- Chahare motro road Khaireni - Chahare

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather

D024_Oripari paani -
Oripari paani - kot -
551M02D024 kot - Swamineta 7 5.50 2.185 2.19 - 2.19
motor road

D025_Kalleri -
Swamineta - Kalleri - Swamineta
Dandabari - - Dandabari -
551M02D025 7 - - -
Aamilechaur - Aamilechaur -
Pakhachaur motor Pakhachaur
D026_Nuwakot -
Nuwakot - Pokhari
Pokhari danda -
551M02D026 7 5.00 5.905 5.91 - 5.91 danda - Jabunne
Jabunne Pokhari
motor bato
D027_Jaluke - Dangal
Jaluke - Dangal
danda - Vada gaun -
551M02D027 7 - - - danda - Vada gaun -
View tower motor
View tower
Pokhardanda sadak-
551M02D028 7 1.564 1.56 - 1.56 -Saligram ko
Saligram ko Chaupari
Chaupari - Siyala
- Siyala motor bato

D029_Shivadaha -
551M02D029 7 5.00 0.789 0.79 - 0.79 Shivadaha - Koibang
Koibang motor road

D030_Jhate -
551M02D030 11 5.00 2.010 2.01 - 2.01 Jhate - Aapkhola
Aapkhola motor road

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather

D031_Shivadatta -
Shivadatta -
551M02D031 Dhungepani motor 6 5.00 0.477 0.48 - 0.48

D032_Tallo Sidhara -
Tallo Sidhara -
551M02D032 Sakeni - Kanachaur 9 - - -
Sakeni - Kanachaur
motor road

D033_Charikattare -
Charikattare -
551M02D033 Budapadhera motor 9 5.00 0.357 0.36 - 0.36
D034_Tallo Chahare
551M02D034 9 - - - Tallo Chahare
motor road
D035_Gabade -
Gabade - Chakhola -
Chakhola -
551M02D035 10 - - - Bhalukhola -
Bhalukhola -
D036_Phedi -
Phedi - Tadhaka
Tadhaka Chaap -
551M02D036 10 - - - Chaap - Khalaka
Khalaka Pokhara
motor road
D037_Harre hulak
551M02D037 10 5.00 0.531 0.53 - 0.53 Harre
office sadak
551M02D038 D038_Harre ringroad 10 0.449 0.45 - 0.45 Harre
D039_Kayureni - Kayureni - Avari
551M02D039 12 - - -
Avari chaur chaur
D040_Phedi -Thapa
551M02D040 10 - - - Phedi -Thapa ko pata
ko pata

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather

D041_Chapaka pata -
Chapaka pata - Rakse
551M02D041 Rakse Bahune moto 10 5.00 5.598 5.60 - 5.60
D042_Barre -Padhera
551M02D042 10 1.297 1.30 - 1.30 Barre -Padhera chaur
chaur motor road
D043_Naha - Palla - Naha - Palla -
551M02D043 10 5.00 7.230 7.23 - 7.23
Unnaye batule motor Unnaye batule
D044_Dhunga Falne -
Dhunga Falne -
551M02D044 Gauri Kunda motor 4 0.227 0.23 - 0.23
Gauri Kunda
D045_Khumchikot - Khumchikot -
551M02D045 12 3.987 3.99 - 3.99
Shivalaya motor road Shivalaya
D046_Nepane -
Nepane - Makaipate -
551M02D046 Makaipate - Sani 12 - - -
Sani Kharka
Kharka Krishi Road
D047_Maidan - Jorule Maidan - Jorule -
551M02D047 12 5.00 0.788 0.79 - 0.79
- Gaira krishi road Gaira
D048_Sera Kalika
Sera Kalika Mandir -
551M02D048 Mandir - Jhuse danda 11 - - -
Jhuse danda
motor road
D049_Deurali danda - Deurali danda - Sera
551M02D049 Sera Khola - Duvar - 11 5.00 1.133 1.13 - 1.13 Khola - Duvar -
Chakla motor road Chakla
D050_Jhate -
551M02D050 11 5.00 1.375 1.37 - 1.37 Jhate - Aapkhola
Aapkhola motor road
D051_Tarai gaun-
551M02D051 12 1.940 1.94 - 1.94 Tarai gaun-jalugai
jalugai sadak

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather

551M02D052 D052_Pirapani sadak 12 0.890 0.89 - 0.89 Pirapani

D053_Kalika madir- Kalika madir-
551M02D053 12 5.50 1.295 1.30 - 1.30
Bhangala tole Bhangala
D054_Dohote gaun
551M02D054 12 5.00 1.194 1.19 - 1.19 Dohote gaun
D055_Kukurgade -
Kukurgade - Daha -
551M02D055 Daha - Aapmoti 12 1.403 1.40 - 1.40
krishi road
D056_Kudule- Kudule-Thanchauki
551M02D056 12 5.00 1.781 1.78 - 1.78
Thanchauki sadak sadak
D057_Rajiya danda
551M02D057 12 0.531 0.53 - 0.53 Rajiya danda
D058_Rajiya gaun
551M02D058 12 5.00 0.756 0.76 - 0.76 Rajiya gaun
551M02D059 D059_Jasrame-Rajiya 4,12 - - - Jasrame-Rajiya
551M02D060 12 - - - Dhaseni Deurali
Deurali motor road
D061_Rata mata -
Rata mata - Thamkot
551M02D061 Thamkot - Sitalpati- 4 5.00 3.569 3.57 - 3.57
- Sitalpati- Bajagara
Bajagara (krishi road)
D062_Shitalpati - Shitalpati - Dhekka
551M02D062 Dhekka fore - Saune 4 - - - fore - Saune -
- Bhabini krishi road Bhabini
D063_Thamkot gaun
551M02D063 4 5.50 0.366 0.37 - 0.37 Thamkot gaun
551M02D064 D064_Sana daha - 4 2.361 2.36 - 2.36 Sana daha - Gaira

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather
Gaira kharka - Paani kharka - Paani pata -
pata - Nepali tole - Nepali tole -
Okhaldhunga solti Okhaldhunga solti
D065_Aamrai -
Aamrai - Gurjithum -
551M02D065 Gurjithum - Phapareni 4 5.00 0.793 0.79 - 0.79
motor road
D066_Sahutol -
551M02D066 Gangakhola motor 4 1.069 1.07 - 1.07 Sahutol - Gangakhola
road (krishi road)
D067_Amarai Tallo D067_Amarai Tallo
Ghumti - Jhakareni - Ghumti - Jhakareni -
551M02D067 4 0.590 0.59 - 0.59
Upallo ganga Fewi Upallo ganga Fewi
krishi firm motor road krishi farm
D068_Thula Padhera Thula Padhera -
- Maina danda - Maina danda -
551M02D068 4 1.166 1.17 - 1.17
Dharam paani - Dharam paani -
Gangakhola Gangakhola
D069_Tatiya bazar - Tatiya bazar -
551M02D069 4 5.50 0.679 0.68 - 0.68
Tundikhel - Barbot Tundikhel - Barbot
D070_Bosse dhunga -
Bosse dhunga -
Telephone tower -
551M02D070 4 5.00 0.579 0.58 - 0.58 Telephone tower -
Khanepani tanki
Khanepani tanki
motor road
D071_Amarai - Tallo Amarai - Tallo bazar
551M02D071 bazar - Chagbaas - 4 0.292 0.29 - 0.29 - Chagbaas -
Gorathum motor road Gorathum
D072_Badachour- Badachour-Kailase-
551M02D072 3,4 1.435 1.44 - 1.44
Kailase-Padme- Padme-Jukena

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather
Jukena hudai Pyuthan

D073_Kalimati- Kalimati-Phanel ko
551M02D073 3 5.50 0.331 0.33 - 0.33
Phanel ko rukh sadak rukh
D074_Paari -
Paari - Khime
551M02D074 Khime Danda motor 5 5.00 1.660 1.66 - 1.66
Hari ma b-
D075_Hari ma b-
551M02D075 5 5.50 1.152 1.15 - 1.15 Dotekharka-
D076_Khanepani- Khanepani-
551M02D076 5 5.50 0.486 0.49 - 0.49
Dhuncahur Dhuncahur
551M02D077 5 5.50 0.536 0.54 - 0.54 Majhgaun dhara
dhara jane bato
D078_Dhanchaur jane
551M02D078 5 0.904 0.90 - 0.90 Dhanchaur
D079_Phalate Cheda -
Phalate Cheda -
551M02D079 Bhala Kharka motor 5 5.00 1.209 1.21 - 1.21
Bhala Kharka
D080_Kalimati -
Kalimati - Chaap
551M02D080 Chaap dhanda (New 5 - - -
551M02D081 Kalimati-Padme- 5 5.50 0.467 0.47 - 0.47
Padme- Sitapur
D082_Ghaiya bari-
Ghaiya bari-
551M02D082 Dosekharka 5 5.50 1.245 1.24 - 1.24
agricultural road

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather

551M02D083 5 5.50 1.278 1.28 - 1.28 Malika- Dosekharka
D084_Bhumikasthan Bhumikasthan -
551M02D084 5 5.00 1.633 1.63 - 1.63
- Tusare motor road Tusare
D085_Lamo Lamo chaupari-
551M02D085 6 5.50 0.752 0.75 - 0.75
chaupari-Deurali- Deurali
D086_Gyan deep -
551M02D086 5 5.50 0.658 0.66 - 0.66 Gyan deep -Batase
Batase Road
D087_Mulabari -
Mulabari - Sana
551M02D087 Sana Kalleri motor 5 5.00 1.238 1.24 - 1.24
D088_Bagar -
Bagar - Damaar -
551M02D088 Damaar - Lamakhet 5 5.00 1.959 1.96 - 1.96
krishi road
D089_Supa-Patal Supa-Patal Tole-
551M02D089 2 5.50 2.377 2.38 - 2.38
Tole-Nipane Nipane
D090_Aatari - Gera
Aatari - Gera Kharka
551M02D090 Kharka - Khamari 5 5.50 0.520 0.52 - 0.52
- Khamari
motor road
D091_Pratichyalaye -
Pratichyalaye -
Kalleri - Gobang -
551M02D091 6 1.428 1.43 - 1.43 Kalleri - Gobang -
Khamari - Badare
Khamari - Badare
motor road
D092_Anpbot- Kalam Anpbot- Kalam kot -
551M02D092 kot - Khamari - Gaira 5,6 0.870 0.87 - 0.87 Khamari - Gaira
kharka kharka
551M02D093 D093_Praktiksyala- 6 5.50 1.980 1.98 - 1.98 Praktiksyala-Kalleri-

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather
Kalleri-Kamalkot Kamalkot

551M02D094 5 0.397 0.40 - 0.40 Praktiksyala-Kalleri
Kalleri raod
D095_Bhanbhane -
Bhanbhane -
551M02D095 Galdung - Khamari 5,6 5.00 4.290 4.29 - 4.29
Galdung - Khamari
motor road
D096_Anpbot- Kalam Anpbot- Kalam kot -
551M02D096 kot - Khamari - Gaira 6 5.00 4.791 4.79 - 4.79 Khamari - Gaira
kharka kharka
D097_Anpbote -
Anpbote - Bokse
551M02D097 Bokse chaur motor 6 5.00 5.485 5.49 - 5.49
D098_Phursamara -
Phursamara - Deurali
551M02D098 Deurali - Kalamkot 6 5.00 1.743 1.74 - 1.74
- Kalamkot
motor road
551M02D099 Boksechaur- Damar 6 5.50 0.661 0.66 - 0.66
Damar besi
D100_Kalika Malika
551M02D100 5 5.50 0.562 0.56 - 0.56 Kalika Malika
mandir sadak
D101_Kohol-Bakhre- Kohol-Bakhre-
551M02D101 Kapabutta-Kartike- 2,3 5.661 5.66 - 5.66 Kapabutta-Kartike-
Damar Damar
D102_Pokhe danda -
Pokhe danda -
Bhusleghat - Pakhere
551M02D102 3 5.00 1.194 1.19 - 1.19 Bhusleghat - Pakhere
- Sengalen motor
- Sengalen

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather

551M02D103 D103_Takura Sadak 3 5.50 0.464 0.46 - 0.46 Takura

D104_Ghumti Khola
551M02D104 2 5.50 0.798 0.80 - 0.80 Ghumti Khola Sadak

551M02D105 Khariyana Khola 2 5.00 0.468 0.47 - 0.47
Khariyana Khola

D106_Khatri Tole Khatri Tole Motor

Motor Bato- Bato-Dhorbanda-
551M02D106 2 5.00 0.281 0.28 - 0.28
Dhorbanda-Karnel Karnel pata-Jholunge
pata-Jholunge pool pool
551M02D107 Khariyana Khola 2 5.00 0.247 0.25 - 0.25
Khariyana Khola
D108_Bhuvan Pata-
Bhuvan Pata-Supa-
551M02D108 Supa-Phalachour 2 5.50 0.719 0.72 - 0.72
D109_Dhara - Kaule - Dhara - Kaule -
551M02D109 Patale tole - Naya 2 5.00 2.135 2.14 - 2.14 Patale tole - Naya
gaun motor road gaun
D110_Upallo Panch Upallo Panch
551M02D110 3 5.50 0.579 0.58 - 0.58
Pokhare Sadak Pokhare
551M02D111 Chalauja- 1,2 - - -
Subarnakhal (new

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather

D112_BK Tole-
BK Tole-Adhikari
551M02D112 Adhikari Tol Samma 2 0.275 0.28 - 0.28
D113_Dharmashala- Dharmashala-
551M02D113 Kalikasthan- Sangam 2 5.00 1.315 1.31 - 1.31 Kalikasthan- Sangam motor road

D114_Padheri Motor
551M02D114 2 5.50 1.195 1.19 - 1.19 Padheri

551M02D115 D115_Ale Marga 3 5.50 0.303 0.30 - 0.30 Ale Tole

D116_kholte pani
551M02D116 3 5.50 0.242 0.24 0.24 - kholte pani
551M02D117 3 5.00 1.389 1.39 - 1.39 Kharseka Baunne
Baunne motor road
D118_Damaru Daha-
Damaru Daha-
551M02D118 Kailase Proposed 3 5.50 0.232 0.23 - 0.23
D119_Purano gaun
551M02D119 4 5.00 1.362 1.36 - 1.36 Purano gaun
D120_Dhara - Ravan Dhara - Ravan
551M02D120 2 5.00 0.908 0.91 - 0.91
Shankha(maika than) Shankha(maika than)
D121_Bharlabas -
Bharlabas -
551M02D121 Khutkhute - Rikot 13,12 - - -
Khutkhute - Rikot
motor road
D122_Deurali - Deurali - Kritipur
551M02D122 13 5.00 2.986 2.99 - 2.99
Kritipur tower - tower - Bolthum

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather
Bolthum chaur - Rikot chaur - Rikot
motor road
D123_Mushi chan -
Mushi chan - Majha
Majha ko faat -
551M02D123 13 5.00 6.978 6.98 - 6.98 ko faat - Dhadeni -
Dhadeni - Pare -
Pare - Deurali
Deurali motor road
551M02D124 D124_Kirtipur sadak 13 5.00 0.985 0.98 - 0.98 Kirtipur
D125_Netakharka - Netakharka -
551M02D125 13 1.832 1.83 - 1.83
Badganga motor road Badganga
D126_Kamal chaur - Kamal chaur -
551M02D126 13 5.00 0.658 0.66 - 0.66
Maithan mandir sadak Maithan mandir
D127_Cheda - Bokhar
Cheda - Bokhar -
551M02D127 - Saani- Lekh - 13 5.00 4.859 4.86 - 4.86
Saani- Lekh - Badare
Badare motor road
mandir- Madhuban Balukurantha
551M02D128 dham - Mahendra 14 5.50 0.643 0.64 - 0.64 mandir- Madhuban
highway jodne motor dham
D129_Sukhaur -
Nepali tole - Kale Sukhaur - Nepali tole
551M02D129 14 5.50 1.535 1.54 - 1.54
gaida jodne motor - Kale gaida
551M02D130 Karyalaya-Bokram 14 5.50 0.352 0.35 - 0.35 Bokram tole
551M02D131 14 5.00 1.296 1.30 - 1.30 Karechuli
ringroad sadak

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather

D132_Raina devi
551M02D132 14 5.00 1.128 1.13 - 1.13 Raina devi mandir
mandir sadak
D133_Karechuli -
551M02D133 Pasrbati adharbhut 14 0.293 0.29 - 0.29 Karechuli -Pasrbati
schoo sadak
551M02D134 3 5.50 0.395 0.40 - 0.40 Damaru daha
D135_Deurali -
Deurali -
551M02D135 Chaapdanda motor 10 5.00 2.268 2.27 - 2.27
551M02D136 Kalika 1 5.50 3.508 3.51 - 3.51
Bhartapur krishi road
D137_Baghkhor -
551M02D137 10 - - - Baghkhor - Lisikuna
Lisikuna motor road
a- Kalika
551M02D138 1 5.00 2.035 2.03 - 2.03 Kalika
Ghatsukaura krishi
551M02D139 9 5.00 0.688 0.69 - 0.69 Rangakate
D140_Upalli Khanda- Upalli Khanda-
551M02D140 Upalla Gaun- Kakri 1 5.00 2.206 2.21 - 2.21 Upalla Gaun- Kakri
chaur krishi road chaur
551M02D141 1 5.50 0.249 0.25 - 0.25 Mandre healthpost
healthpost road
551M02D142 D142_Labdi- Bakheli 1 5.00 2.234 2.23 - 2.23 Labdi- Bakheli

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather
Chautari krishi road Chautari

551M02D143 D143_Shabdu-Paire 1 2.982 2.98 - 2.98 Shabdu-Paire

551M02D144 1 5.00 1.496 1.50 - 1.50 Shabdu-Dhartisara
551M02D145 Chaupara-Kantheri 1 5.50 1.500 1.50 - 1.50
Kantheri Sadak
Chaupari- Bhedabari-
551M02D146 1 5.00 1.115 1.11 - 1.11 Bhedabari- Pakrighat
krishi road
Karechulipakha -
551M02D147 _Karechulipakha - 14 0.727 0.73 - 0.73
Bhatani tole sadak
D148_Jaluke -
Jaluke - Saligram ko
551M02D148 Saligram ko chaupari 7 2.466 2.47 - 2.47
chaupari - Siyala
- Siyala motor bato

D149_Rajmarga bata
551M02D149 3 0.459 0.46 - 0.46
Ghat jane bato

D150_Oli danda-
Oli danda-Jhirrathum
551M02D150 Jhirrathum Majh Gau- 2,3 5.00 2.588 2.59 - 2.59
Majh Gau-Kodanda
Kodanda Sadak

D151_Deurali danda-
551M02D151 6,7 2.961 2.96 - 2.96 Deurali danda-Dihi
D152_Naya basti
551M02D152 9 1.075 1.07 - 1.07 Naya basti

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather

D153_Simal paani - Simal paani -

551M02D153 Janajyoti - 13 0.211 0.21 - 0.21 Janajyoti -
Badare - Dandagaun Badare - Dandagaun
D154_Kareyuli -
Batheni - Bikram -
Kareyuli - Batheni -
551M02D154 Kapilbastu Mahendra 14 5.50 0.249 0.25 - 0.25
highway jodne motor
D155_Khaniya paani Khaniya paani -
- Kumbhi gaira - Rata Kumbhi gaira - Rata
551M02D155 danda - Jaluke - 7 5.50 1.809 1.81 - 1.81 danda - Jaluke -
Vadagaun - Naumure Vadagaun -
- Airabati Naumure - Airabati
D156_Kanchiroad -
Kanchiroad -
Chaupari - Kala
551M02D156 8 5.50 1.629 1.63 1.63 - Chaupari - Kala
siddha mandir motor
siddha mandir
D157_Dohore -
Dohore - Kartike -
551M02D157 Kartike - Bahule 10,11 3.537 3.54 - 3.54
motor road
D158_Rajiya Pokhar
551M02D158 bata Rajmarga jodne 12 5.00 0.742 0.74 - 0.74 Rajiya Pokhar
D159_GalDha -
GalDha - Dhanchaur
Dhanchaur -
551M02D159 5 5.00 2.309 2.31 - 2.31 - Thapakharka -
Thapakharka - Khane
Khane paani mul
paani mul
D160_GalDha - GalDha - Dhanchaur
551M02D160 5 5.00 1.970 1.97 - 1.97
Dhanchaur - - Thapakharka -

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather
Thapakharka - Khane Khane paani mul
paani mul
D161_Bhumikasthan Bhumikasthan -
551M02D161 - Dhanu kharka - 5 5.50 3.678 3.68 - 3.68 Dhanu kharka -
Bhulke motor road Bhulke
D162_Kholtepani -
Kholtepani -
551M02D162 Gangakhola motor 3 5.00 4.679 4.68 - 4.68
road (krishi road)
D163_Nwara Pokhari
551M02D163 3,5 5.00 3.357 3.36 - 3.36 Nwara Pokhari
motor road
D164_Okhadhunga -
Okhadhunga - Sital
551M02D164 Sital paati - Bajagara 4 5.00 1.667 1.67 - 1.67
paati - Bajagara
krishi road
D165_Kopchibas -
Kopchibas - Gorji -
Gorji - lama khet -
551M02D165 4 5.00 3.644 3.64 - 3.64 Lama khet - Bajagara
Bajagara - Bhabin
- Bhabin
(krishi road)
(bhattikhola) - Sahu
551M02D166 4 5.50 0.980 0.98 - 0.98 (bhattikhola) - Sahu
danda - Ratamata
danda - Ratamata
motor road
D167_Rata Danda
551M02D167 3,4 5.50 0.566 0.57 - 0.57 Rata Danda
D168_Army gate,
551M02D168 3 5.00 0.944 0.94 - 0.94 Army gate, Sahutol
Sahutol motor road
D169_Hitan tole - Hitan tole -
551M02D169 Netakharka - Salyan 13 - - - Netakharka - Salyan
dhara - Betane - dhara - Betane -

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather
Khaskharka motor Khaskharka
Jhirrathum Majh
551M02D170 Majh Gau-Kodanda 2 5.50 1.147 1.15 - 1.15
D171_Mandre Pokhe Mandre Pokhe
551M02D171 danda- Pipalneta- 1 5.50 3.005 3.01 - 3.01 danda- Pipalneta-
Bahundi motor road Bahundi
551M02D172 2 5.53 6.709 6.71 - 6.71 Banganga Simalpani
Simalpani Kapilvastu
D173_Sitalpur Sitalpur bazaar-
551M02D173 bazaar- Kodanda- 1,2 5.00 2.170 2.17 - 2.17 Kodanda-
Subarnakhal Subarnakhal
551M02D174 Phalachour-Siddha 2 5.50 2.940 2.94 - 2.94
Siddha Baba
Baba Motor Sadak
551M02D175 Damar- Sengelen 2 5.50 2.454 2.45 - 2.45
motor road
Ghumti-Ghorbanda -
551M02D176 Ghorbanda -Sikhra 2 4.421 4.42 - 4.42
D177_Badachaur- Badachaur-Sikhra-
551M02D177 2,3 3.689 3.69 - 3.69
Sikhra-Dhanchaur Dhanchaur
D178_Mulabari Mulabari School to
551M02D178 2 1.069 1.07 - 1.07
School to Todki hudai Todki hudai Saune

General Information Road Length, Km Road Condition, Km
Ward Avg Black All Fair
Road Code Road name HH's Gravel Earthen Trail Total
pass width(m) Topped weather Weather
Saune thum Sadak thum

D179_Mushichan -
Mushichan - Dhad -
Dhad - Tarike -
551M02D179 13 - - - Tarike - Koidanda -
Koidanda - Patale
Patale paani
paani motor road
D180_kamal chaur -
D180_Kamal chaur -
551M02D180 simal pani-bauri tole 13 5.00 1.957 1.96 - 1.96
Simal pani-Bauri tole
D181_Cheda - Health
Cheda - Health post -
post - Simal Paani -
Simal Paani - Darji
551M02D181 Darji tole - Lekhali 13 4.00 0.547 0.55 - 0.55
tole - Lekhali tole -
tole - Sukali khola -
Sukali khola - Badare
Badare motor road
D182_Kaule - Bakhre
- Odar pata - Powera - Kaule - Bakhre -
551M02D182 Bikram - Kapilbastu 14 4.00 5.732 5.73 5.73 Odar pata - Powera -
Mahendra Highway Bikram
jodne motor road

MTMP inventory survey has identified that this Municipality has altogether 773.16 Km
municipal roads including foot trails as active and passive transport network. The distribution
of road by surface type is 0.25 Km as black top, 17.8 Km as gravel, 752.89 Km as earthen and
2.22 Km stretch as a trail. Most of the roads fall under fair-weather road. The major challenge
in transportation sector is to upgrade of fair-weather roads and budgetary management to
cover all required intervention. Other relevant figures on road class and ward wise distribution
have been shown in the table.

General summary according road type (in km)

Road Types Km.
Black top 0.25
Gravel 17.80
Earthen 752.89
Trail 2.22
Total 773.16
Summary according to road class (in km)
Road Category Black top Gravel Earthen Track Total
Class A - 6.07 174.13 0.22 180.42
Class B - 9.14 135.74 - 144.87
Class C
- - 164.16 2.00 166.16
Class D 0.24 2.60 278.87 - 281.71
Foot trails 0.00
Total 0.24 17.8 752.89 2.22 773.16
Ward wise road category status
Ward No. Class A Class B Class C Class D SRN Total
1 12.30 21.54 4.54 19.05 8.07 65.51
2 14.37 14.74 29.90 16.52 3.01 78.54
3 - 13.97 10.18 15.43 6.12 45.69
4 9.19 15.91 22.18 14.46 61.75
5 7.59 18.67 16.48 16.70 59.44
6 10.18 11.03 23.70 44.90
7 18.70 24.40 11.07 43.06 8.46 105.69
8 19.39 14.70 1.63 5.05 40.77

Ward No. Class A Class B Class C Class D SRN Total
9 17.31 35.86 19.04 33.68 105.90
10 20.20 24.94 30.37 75.51
11 31.51 51.34 8.03 6.94 18.62 116.44
12 13.74 21.27 0.74 21.50 57.25
13 6.38 20.01 8.98 26.92 62.29
14 28.09 15.80 7.69 5.97 57.54
New Track 23.64 42.08 14.49 94.37 174.58
Total 185.31 262.12 125.96 184.98 44.30 802.65
Note: This length is including new track demand

4.2 Digital Naming of coding (Road Nomenclature)

Once the roads are finalized, each municipal roads are assigned a road code. Coding of road is
done based on the guidelines of DTMP and MTMP. Provision of those guidelines have been
slightly modified as per the restructuring of the nation into the federal system.

 First digit (1-7) represents the Province Number. Code 5 Stand for Province No. 5
and similarly for other provinces.
 Second and third digits represent particular district (1-77). Argakhachi district is
coded by 51.
 Fourth code M stands for Municipality
 Fifth and sixth digits represents the particular municipality in that district.
Shitganga Municipality is coded by 02.
 Seventh code indicates letter A-D for particular Class of road.
 Next three digits (000-999) represents the particular transport linkage.

5 51 M 02 A 001 Sample Coding

Various methods of road classification are as follows:

Criteria Class A Class B Class C Class D
Mobility and Access and
Purpose Mobility Access
control access mobility
Connection Connects higher
Through and berween Class Connect local
order roads and
long distance A and C road; trips to higher
Function alternative
movement also provide level roads
mobility to local

Criteria Class A Class B Class C Class D
Support through
High network Access to Direct access to
coverage property property
movement of
Segregated Segregated
NMT facilities NMT Segregated Local NMT
and Bus lay facilities and NMT facilities movement
bays Bus lay bays
Access limited
access to High access
to public
public public transport

Maintenance Municipality
Municipality Municipality Local people
Responsibility and local people

Speed (kmph) 80-100 60-80 50-60 40-50

4000-4800 2400-3600 1500-2400 Less than 1500
Access Control Full control Partial control No No

Mass transit,
Public Mass transit Access to No public
Local public
transport services facilities public transport transportation
Minimum 14
Right of way Minimum 10m Minimum 8m Minimum 6m
Here for the classification of road, guideline has been followed i.e. Right of way has been
considered for road classification.

4.3 Right of Way for Roads of different Classes

The DTMP/MTMP guideline (former DoLIDAR) has expected roads under category of
National Highway (NH), Feeder Roads (FR) and District Roads (DRCN) within the
municipality area. The RoW of these roads are considered as per respective Guidelines. i.e.
the RoW of National Highways, Feeder Roads and District Roads are 50.0 m, 30.0 m and
20.0 m respectively. The guideline has clearly stated about the setback distance for these
roads (having RoW ≥ 20.0) as 6.0 m on either side. All of these standards shall be applied to
the Municipality accordingly.

Urban Road Class and Features

Minimum Minimum Set-back
Road Class Descriptions
RoW (m) Distance (m)
NH National Highways
FR Feeder Roads As prescribed As Prescribed
DRCN District Roads
A Main Collector 20 6.0
B Other Collector 10 2.0 &1.5
C Main Tole Road 8 2.0 & 1.5
D Other Tole Road 6 2.0 & 1.5
Based on DTMP guideline, the building line or setback shall be maintained 6.0 m for roads
having RoW equal to or more than 20.0 m and 2.0 m for other roads. However, Nepal Road
Standards-2070 has considered the setback distance at curved section only and that should be
sufficient to provide the adequate sight distance. It is silent about the building line.

(Source: - Fundamental Guidelines for Settlement Development, Urban Planning and Building Construction - 2072 (2015

However, according to Fundamental Guidelines for Settlement Development, Urban Planning

and Building Construction-2072 (2015 AD), the minimum setback distance for urban roads as

1.5 m on either side. Again, the minimum of Row of roads has set as 6.0 m. i.e. 3.0 m on
either side from the centreline. A portion of this guideline has presented herewith.

4.4 Urban Road Classification

Roads under jurisdiction of Municipal authority are referred as urban roads. The classification
practices of urban roads basically are guided by the functional hierarchy of roads. In the
context of Nepal, Department of Roads (DoR) has classified urban roads as Arterial, Sub-
arterial, Collector and Local/Residential Street in its Urban Road Standard 2068 (draft). The
ToR provided for the preparation of MTMP has formulated the class of roads into A, B, C and

Figure 21: Detail description of Road class

Municipality has a road network hierarchy consisting of National Highways, Feeder Roads,
District Roads and Urban Roads of all four classes. The conceptual layout based on the
functional hierarchy of the entire road network is shown in Figure 19.

National Highways
Arterial roads in Municipality are taken as the links of National Highways. The technical
standards of these roads are taken from the DoR directives for Right of Way (RoW) and other

Feeder Roads

Feeder roads are taken as the sub-arterial road in Municipality. The technical standards for
this category are taken as mentioned by the DoR road Standard. These roads have relatively
higher traffic with through movement of local vehicles.

Class “A” Roads

Class A roads serve as the major collector roads. These roads start either from the Arterial or
Sub-Arterial road. These roads are of relatively long distance which connect big market or
settlement areas or two or more wards centres within the Municipality.

Class “B” Roads

Class B roads are of secondary type of collector roads. These may serve as the collector to the
Class A roads with the relatively lower geometric standard. Intersection and other parameters
may be taken as similar as Class A roads.

Class “C” and Class “D” Roads

Class C roads are residential street and they provide access to the private property and small
industrial or public place. These roads serve mainly for small/light vehicular movement for
low volume intensity. If these roads connect one or more residential blocks then they are
taken as Class C. If they collect from or end to the single residential block then they are
referred as Class D roads. These serve for internal traffic movement without through traffic

Municipality Road Inventory Map (MRIM) has been attached in Volume II.

Chapter - 5: Perspective Plan of Municipality Transport Network
Municipality Transport Perspective Plan is a visionary plan which aims to improve transport
linkages and accessibility to goods and services via different types of trip patterns. Feasibility
of air service in the municipality is almost no in use except emergency services through
helicopters. If we could find the assurance of fruitful investment return, ropeways are viable
in the municipality since hills and hillocks are favorable for ropeways in the future. Water-
transportation or navigations are impossible since there are no navigable rivers or waterways
in our adverse river profile. Feasibility of railways cannot be denied in this scope.

This means, road transportation is the most primary medium of transportation in the
municipality. Therefore, the municipality does not have any alternative except the
improvement of road network in a sustainable way. This chapter deals with the prioritization
of municipal roads for the necessary interventions to be made in the succeeding years to
improve the road network and enhance the accessibility condition of people's mobility.
According to Todd Litman, 2003 (Measuring Transportation: Traffic, mobility and
accessibility) the following factors determine the patterns of mobility of people from one
place to other.

1. Density (number of people or jobs per unit of land area) increases the proximity of
common destinations, and the number of people who use each mode, increasing
demand for walking, cycling and transit.
2. Land use mix (locating different types of activities close together, such as shops
and schools within or adjacent to residential neighborhoods) reduces the amount
of travel required to reach common activities.
3. Non-motorized conditions. The existence and quality of walking and cycling
facilities can have a major effect on accessibility, particularly for non-drivers.
4. Network connectivity (more roads or paths that connect one geographic area with
another) allows more direct travel.

There are many ways to measure transportation system performance, each reflecting
particular perspectives concerning who, what, where, how, when and why. Different methods
favor different types of transport users and modes, different land use patterns, and different
solutions to transport problems. Traffic flow is easiest to measure, but this approach only
considers a narrow range of transportation problems and solutions. Mobility is more difficult
to measure, since it requires tracking people’s travel behavior. It still considers physical
movement an end in itself, rather than a means to an end, but expands the range of problems
and solutions considered to include alternative modes such as transit, ridesharing, cycling and

walking. Accessibility is the most difficult to measure, because it requires much effort for
taking into account of land use, mobility and mobility substitutes, but most accurately reflects
the ultimate goal of transportation, and allows widest range of transport problems and
solutions to be considered. For example, an accessibility perspective may identify low-cost
solutions to transportation problems, such as improving local walkability; encouraging land
use mix so common destinations such as stores, schools and parks are located near residential
areas; and improving communications services for isolated people and communities (Litman
Todd, 2003).

5.1 Procedure for collecting demands from wards

Ward level meeting in every ward or ward cluster is done where information on MTMP are
collected. Demand form for each ward are provided which are later on collected after the form
are duly filled in given time. As road demand from the settlement level is collected bottom up
approach of planning is applied.

5.1.1 Data Analysis and Field Verification of the Roads from Demand Form

Analysis of data regarding the accessibility situation in each settlement, population

forecasting for each sector, major road linkages has been done. Similarly, all the roads
demanded in demand form are verified in field by the survey team.

5.2 Scoring System for Screening

Development of the scoring criteria and prioritization criteria based on the provided
guidelines are prepared and its approval from the municipality and Municipal Road
Coordination Committee (MRCC) is accomplished during first workshop meeting.

Transport linkage in an urban area has greater importance for its overall development. The
development of road transport linkages to each plot of land or each residential unit is ideal
approach for transport planner. Various types of land use pattern require different category of
road transport linkage. The development of road linkage requires tremendous amount of
public fund at the same time; however, the public authorities doesn't have adequate amount of
funding. For better transportation infrastructure development, prioritization approach is only
one approach to be adopted for the rational allocation of limited funds for all types covering
the whole length. The investment activities are new construction, maintenance and
rehabilitation of various categories of road linkage. Conventionally, each construction or
maintenance projects are justified on the basis of cost-benefit ratio. This conventional
approach disregards the benefit due to non-monetary aspects of the transport projects.
Therefore, a multi-criteria approach for the selection of transport linkage is adopted as a
justified approach for the project selection.

Transportation services are highly demanded infrastructure for urban as well as rural areas.
The objective of the transport linkage is to provide accessibility for the given degree of
mobility. Accessibility and mobility requirements are guided by the people’s demand for
better living standard and economic opportunities. The objectives and importance of
individual roads should guide the development of scoring criteria for the project selection for
implementation. A term of Reference (ToR) for the preparation of MTMP has formulated the
criteria and their respective weights for the evaluation. Consultant has worked out the
following weights for the criteria for the prioritization of road links. These scores for the
particular criteria are needed to be discussed and approved by MRCC.

Criteria for Prioritization

S.N. Criteria Scoring Unit Score

1 Link providing service to large settlement Population served/km 20
areas/population served

2 Link providing service to existing, Discretely based on

a) Commerce and business existence.
b) Market sites (local haat) Each facility is given 10
c) Tourist attraction 20% weightage.
d) Agro based and cottage industries
e) Other obligatory centres decided by
3 Link providing service to high potential for Annual transaction in 20
agriculture, horticulture and livestock production these centres (NPR/Km)

4 Link providing service to service centres Number of population 15

(Government offices, educational centres, health served by these service
centres etc.) centres (Person/Km)
5 Link providing service to the potential future Anticipated annual 5
development sites turnover (NPR/Km)
6 Potential growth service center Population served/Km 10
7 Link providing service to the areas recognised by Very important-10 10
the municipality Important-5
Less important-1

8 Linkages with other transport Linkages National Highway- 10 10

Feeder Road- 8
District Road- 6
Total 100

These criteria are described in brief below:

1. Population Served
Population served by the road link is one of the important indicators of prioritization. Higher
the population served by the road, higher will be its necessity or importance. Thus, such road
needs to be upgraded/maintained/constructed first. Scoring is done relatively. Highest score is
assigned for the road link serving highest population and is relatively reduced. Thus, the score
for road based on population served lies within zero to full score. The measuring score is
termed as Population per km road length.

2. Link providing service to existing market, tourist, commercial and business centres
This criterion decribes road linkage with existing market, tourist attraction, commerce and
and agro based cottage industries, market sites (local haat), and other obligatory centres
decided by Municipality discretely based on existence. Each facility is given 20% weightage
for this criterion.

3. Link providing service to high potential for agriculture, horticulture and livestock
production Service centers
It is one of the main governing prioritization indicators as it outlines the specific services
provided to the locals. The road link may provide access to high potential for agriculture,
horticulture and livestock production and service centres. A single road link can serve just a
single or more function. The proposed road interventions which serves all four facilities has
higher importance and given highest score. This facility is measured as annual transaction in
these centres (NPR/Km), is given 20% weightage.

4. Link providing service to service centres (Government offices, educational centres,

health centres etc.)
Road linkage is directly proportional to how far the road can serve number of population
served to have access to government service centers such as educational centers, health
centers, government offices etc. Number of population served by these service centres
(Person/Km) is measuring indicator for scoring purpose.

5. Link providing service to the potential future development sites (Potential future
development sites)
Road is scored based on future development sites of town such as potential town
development, land pooling; potential industrial area and or forming ring road to municipality
etc. as indicated in the Indicative Development Potential Map of the municipality. The scoring
criteria is anticipated annual turnover (NPR/Km).

6. Potential growth service center
Serviceability of the road to the potential growth or service centers identified by the
municipality and shown in the Indicative Development Potential Map of the municipality,
Waste Management Site etc. Population served/Km can be taken as scoring unit.

7. Link providing service to the areas recognised by the municipality (Special

Link providing service to the areas recognized by the municipality as areas for special
consideration, such as areas inhabited by backward and poor ethnic groups/communities,
isolated remote areas, historic sites, religious sites etc. Scoring is done as its importance
ranging from 1 to 10.

8. Linkages with other transport linkages

It is also one of the criteria for prioritization. Road linkages reflects the importance of the road
in the municipality. Road linking with higher class road will be more important and
immediate the intervention required. Road linking with National highways will receive full
score. Road linking with feeder road will receive 80% score and road linking with district
road will receive 60% score. Similarly, road linking with neighboring district or municipal
will receive 40% score and remaining others road will be scored zero.

5.3 Perspective Plan Framework for the RM roads

Perspective plan of the Municipality is the development plan that includes the plan of
development of all road’s hierarchy within the Municipality. MTMP is short term
Municipality Transportation Master Plan generally of 5 years which includes the prioritized
road demands whereas perspective plan is a long-term plan which includes the overall road
demand of the Municipality.

Perspective plan identifies all the transport infrastructure demands of the Municipality. The
proposed road networks and road infrastructure will help to enhance the overall transportation
network of the Municipality which will eventually result in increased accessibility and
mobility. The visionary development plan i.e. the municipal development plan will help to
develop other sectors of the Municipality along with the development of transportation sector.
The well facilitated and well-connected road will facilitate safe, comfortable and efficient
trips to the road user. Moreover, increase in transportation facility will help to boost the
economic development of that particular Municipality which will eventually contribute to
overall economic development of the nation.

The first five-year financial plan is prepared based on the assumption that each year budget
will increase by 10% from previous year budget. All the roads included in perspective plan
along with their score, rank and class are given below:

The framework of the perspective plan of the municipal roads has been presented below
which has been categorized according to the scoring system mentioned before.

List of road for Municipality Perspective Plan

Ward Length Overall Rank in

Road Code Road Name Score
Pass (Km) Rank class
A001_Amarai Jukena Deurali Airawati Road
551M02A001 4,5,6,7 18.17 66 1 1
(Patanjali Marga)
551M02A002 9,10,12 33.41 60 2 2
A003_Gabdawa - Khayar bhatti - Phorsal -
551M02A003 Suparineta -kathekhola -Harre (Taratej- 10, 11 13.29 55 5 5
Sahidsmriti marga)
A004_Pipra - Pawara - Simlpani - Bhedemare - 14,13,12,
551M02A004 Harre -Shilling khola-Satmara( Krishna sen 64.71 58 3 3
ichhuk marga) 10,9,8, 4

A005_Sitapur-Rajubas Suvanakhal Gharthiswara-

551M02A005 Mandre hudai Neta Pokhara (Yagyamin lila 1,2 19.28 58 4 4
551M02A006 6,7 37.64 55 6 6

B001_Dhodare - Purkishilli Ghumaure - Thado

551M02B001 8,9 11.92 45 16 9
khola - Lamidamar
551M02B002 B002_Lamataal - sitalpati-chidichaur-nangal 7,9,10 15.69 51 12 5
B003_Nangal - Bokre tole- Chhhabineta tole -
551M02B003 10,11 15.13 39 23 15
B004_Ranikuwa - Mauwabari - Khairabhatti -
551M02B004 10,11 15.40 46 14 7
Banakasa Basa motor road
B005_Harre - Pokhara tole- Kalgaira-dhaireni-
551M02B005 10,11 18.83 47 13 6
ranikuda-Pathrakot bazaar
551M02B006 B006_Harre - Kapurkot- Galdha 5,10 14.46 42 19 12
551M02B007 B007_Damar Besi-Phursa-Ratamata-dihi 7 5.92 39 24 16
B008_Deurali - Thula Dhongre - Bangasagar -
551M02B008 14 3.42 41 20 13
Chaida Ghat - Pyuthan motor road
B009_Barabot - Kamle khola - Pokhe danda
551M02B009 4 2.82 44 17 10
Swamika Sita Khola motor road
551M02B010 B010_Simalpani -Gandhi - Mudribas - Pawara 12 9.14 41 21 14
B011_Gaura secondary school - Supadeuralli -
551M02B011 Aryal Tole - Naya basti - Pokhari - Pahera - 12 1.24 51 11 4
Rojiya Pokhari motor road

Ward Length Overall Rank in
Road Code Road Name Score
Pass (Km) Rank class
B012_Dhaseni - Ratamata - Maidan - Dhole
551M02B012 12 10.85 45 15 8
Takura - Darbare motor road
B013_sitapur- Kodanda- Badganga- besi-salyan
551M02B013 2,13 9.27 53 9 3
B014_Sitapur - Dodkatta- Dhara-Nipane-
551M02B014 2 7.87 53 8 2
Mulabari- Paiyapata- Paire- Dhatibang
551M02B015 B015_Simalpani -Gandhi - Mudribas - Pawara 14 14.39 55 7 1
B016_Karechuli balaju mandir-karechuli danda-
551M02B016 14 11.15 42 18 11
Keurepani-Mahendra Highway

C001_Rangakate - Nayabasti - Kharghat motor

551M02C001 9 4.24 22 66 32
551M02C002 C002_Sitalpati -Palase-Apchaur 8,9 10.13 23 64 30
551M02C003 C003_Siyala- Naumure 7 6.11 35 25 3
551M02C004 C004_Deurali-Bandre-Tarule 7 2.92 28 39 13
C005_Pyuthani danda-Kalleri-Simle-Chisapani-
551M02C005 7,6 7.32 26 46 19
551M02C006 C006_Shivadaha - Sana Dhongre - Majhi Damar 6 2.16 28 40 14
C007_Malika - Dasekharka - Dhanchaur motor
551M02C007 5,4 7.79 22 65 31
551M02C008 C008_Chhahare kaseri - Sidhhara 9,10 8.73 26 47 20
551M02C009 C009_Siddhara - Nepane-Dihi motor road 10 4.87 24 61 29
C010_Aarichaur -Hattidunga-Chakla -
551M02C010 10,12 7.20 28 36 11
C011_Deuralithan--Sindure dhunga -
551M02C011 11 23.93 26 45 18
551M02C012 C012_Simaldip- Sinduredhunga 11 4.88 28 34 9
C013_Ranagai - Mauwabari - Lungri - Aapkhola
551M02C013 11 6.27 24 60 28
- Dussi motor road
C014_Deurali - Nipane - Damar - Dhunge - Sera
551M02C014 12 4.64 28 35 10
motor road
C015_Barabot - Ratamata -Khal - Kolksare -
551M02C015 4,5 5.86 51 10 1
Galda motor road
551M02C016 C016_Ratamata-Galdha - Bhabin-Seudeni-Chakla 4,5 6.92 27 43 17
C017_Baiska tree - Bhotu dhunge bridge -
551M02C017 5 3.97 32 27 4
Jhapang River - Kalimati krishi road
C018_Bhumikasthan - Pokhari -Jhakri Jhakrini -
551M02C018 Sengelen( Bhumika nagarpalika sthan ward no. 3,5 6.60 28 38 12
C019_Barbot - Khandua - Padme - Pokhar danda
551M02C019 3 8.69 25 54 24
motor road
C020_Kalimati-padme-sitapur-Kailase - Padme -
551M02C020 3,5 4.95 25 50 21
Khibdi motor road

Ward Length Overall Rank in
Road Code Road Name Score
Pass (Km) Rank class
551M02C021 C021_Sitapur - sitkhola sabdaha - Kailaro 2,3 2.74 24 57 27
C022_Bhuwanpata pul - Suppa kasyap gufa -
551M02C022 Suppa deurali - Falaa chaur - Kharyan - Chamar - 2 1.87 30 32 8
C023_Jaluke khola- Sabdu-Karmadip-
551M02C023 1,2 5.35 30 31 7
Dhartiswara Sadak
551M02C024 C024_Bahunkarka - Gangafaat Krishi road 4,10 8.00 27 42 16
551M02C025 C025_Subarnakhal-Badar khola- Kalleri -Bokhar 1,13 11.36 25 51 22
C026_Majhgaun-Milan chowk-Chandithanmandir
551M02C026 1 0.80 32 28 5
danda tole
C028_Subarnakhal-Majhgaun-Milan chowk-
551M02C027 1 6.88 40 22 2
Mandre-Chaupari-Milan Chowk
551M02C028 C028_Maineri-Mandre-Bagra Sadak 1 2.44 25 55 25
C029_Mandre Maidan Thok- Jadi Kharka-
551M02C029 1 5.54 31 29 6
Malarani- Pipalneta- Bahundi- Bajra mandir road
C030_Bikram- Khormor - Toribari - Salajandi
551M02C030 14 1.10 27 41 15
highway jodne motor road
551M02C031 C031_Karechuli-Dhungri khola gaun 14 8.60 25 52 23
551M02C032 C032_Bharlabas - Musichan Dhab motor road 13 4.56 25 56 26

551M02D001 D001_Satmara krishi road 8 0.76 17 83 29

551M02D002 D002_Milanchowk bata purba jane bato 8 0.91 5 154 100
D003_Tinkhande Jholunge pul - Charinge motor
551M02D003 8 2.67 10 115 61
551M02D004 D004_Gothki - Mithiaap motor road 9 0.90 10 115 61
D005_Dhankhola - Bhakkuchowk - Jabune motor
551M02D005 11 1.35 5 154 100
D006_Chatteban to Bandre - Raktari Badhidamar
551M02D006 8 0.92 3 168 114
551M02D007 D007_Baghdwar motor road 7 0.48 8 135 81
D008_LahaveniLamidamar - Baraha daha motor
551M02D008 9 5.29 18 76 22
551M02D009 D009_Kartike - Lauri motor road 9 3.54 3 168 114
551M02D010 D010_Kanachaur-Chidi chaur 8,9 14.80 3 168 114
551M02D011 D011_Lakurikot sadak 9 3.87 0 194 140
551M02D012 D012_Asare - Bisvure - Baravure motor road 9 3.83 3 168 114
551M02D013 D013_Sittalpati - Dhokhola - Barseni motor road 9 2.64 3 168 114
551M02D014 D014_Ratamata-Naumure-Airawat 7 4.96 10 115 61
551M02D015 D015_Swamineta - Chidi - Sankash motor road 7 1.76 7 151 97
551M02D016 D016_Lamatol Dhikamathi ko motor bato 7 0.67 22 67 13
551M02D017 D017_Lamatal Gaun Ring Road 7 1.51 22 67 13

Ward Length Overall Rank in
Road Code Road Name Score
Pass (Km) Rank class
551M02D018 D018_Jaluke - Batako - Chaupari motor road 7 7.02 31 30 2
551M02D019 D019_Swamineta - Kalleri motor road 7 2.63 0 194 140
D020_Dhunge danda - Damar - Takura motor
551M02D020 7 3.11 10 115 61
551M02D021 D021_Khaniyapani road 7 2.23 8 135 81
551M02D022 D022_Kalleri-Amelichaur-Pakhachaur-sadak 7 1.89 3 168 114
D023_Talla bahule - Upalla bahule - Sera -
551M02D023 7 1.21 3 168 114
Damar besi - Khaireni - Chahare motro road
551M02D024 D024_Oripari paani - kot - Swamineta motor road 7 2.19 0 194 140
D025_Kalleri - Swamineta - Dandabari -
551M02D025 7 1.84 12 100 46
Aamilechaur - Pakhachaur motor road
D026_Nuwakot - Pokhari danda - Jabunne
551M02D026 7 5.91 3 168 114
Pokhari motor bato
D027_Jaluke - Dangal danda - Vada gaun - View
551M02D027 7 2.39 3 168 114
tower motor road
D028_Jwakot-Pokhardanda sadak-Saligram ko
551M02D028 7 1.56 3 168 114
Chaupari - Siyala motor bato
551M02D029 D029_Shivadaha - Koibang motor road 7 0.79 3 168 114
551M02D030 D030_Jhate - Aapkhola motor road 11 2.01 0 194 140
551M02D031 D031_Shivadatta - Dhungepani motor road 6 0.48 0 194 140
D032_Tallo Sidhara - Sakeni - Kanachaur motor
551M02D032 9 4.46 0 194 140
551M02D033 D033_Charikattare - Budapadhera motor road 9 0.36 0 194 140
551M02D034 D034_Tallo Chahare motor road 9 1.03 0 194 140
D035_Gabade - Chakhola - Bhalukhola -
551M02D035 10 3.87 0 194 140
D036_Phedi - Tadhaka Chaap - Khalaka Pokhara
551M02D036 10 3.01 0 194 140
motor road
551M02D037 D037_Harre hulak office sadak 10 0.53 0 194 140
551M02D038 D038_Harre ringroad 10 0.45 0 194 140
551M02D039 D039_Kayureni - Avari chaur 12 1.29 0 194 140
551M02D040 D040_Phedi -Thapa ko pata 10 2.94 11 113 59
551M02D041 D041_Chapaka pata - Rakse Bahune moto road 10 5.60 23 62 11
551M02D042 D042_Barre -Padhera chaur motor road 10 1.30 4 163 109
551M02D043 D043_Naha - Palla - Unnaye batule motor 10 7.23 12 100 46
551M02D044 D044_Dhunga Falne - Gauri Kunda motor road 4 0.23 5 154 100
551M02D045 D045_Khumchikot - Shivalaya motor road 12 3.99 0 194 140
D046_Nepane - Makaipate - Sani Kharka Krishi
551M02D046 12 1.88 0 194 140
551M02D047 D047_Maidan - Jorule - Gaira krishi road 12 0.79 12 100 46

Ward Length Overall Rank in
Road Code Road Name Score
Pass (Km) Rank class
D048_Sera Kalika Mandir - Jhuse danda motor
551M02D048 11 1.07 0 194 140
D049_Deurali danda - Sera Khola - Duvar -
551M02D049 11 1.13 12 100 46
Chakla motor road
551M02D050 D050_Jhate - Aapkhola motor road 11 1.37 0 194 140
551M02D051 D051_Tarai gaun-jalugai sadak 12 1.94 0 194 140
551M02D052 D052_Pirapani sadak 12 0.89 12 100 46
551M02D053 D053_Kalika madir- Bhangala tole 12 1.30 5 154 100
551M02D054 D054_Dohote gaun sadak 12 1.19 9 130 76
551M02D055 D055_Kukurgade - Daha - Aapmoti krishi road 12 1.40 0 194 140
551M02D056 D056_Kudule-Thanchauki sadak 12 1.78 8 135 81
551M02D057 D057_Rajiya danda sadak 12 0.53 13 98 44
551M02D058 D058_Rajiya gaun sadak 12 0.76 13 98 44
551M02D059 D059_Jasrame-Rajiya 4,12 3.87 5 154 100
551M02D060 D060_Dhaseni Deurali motor road 12 1.63 19 72 18
D061_Rata mata - Thamkot - Sitalpati- Bajagara
551M02D061 4 4.05 3 168 114
(krishi road)
D062_Shitalpati - Dhekka fore - Saune - Bhabini
551M02D062 4 1.15 0 194 140
krishi road
551M02D063 D063_Thamkot gaun sadak 4 0.37 3 168 114
D064_Sana daha - Gaira kharka - Paani pata -
551M02D064 4 2.36 22 67 13
Nepali tole - Okhaldhunga solti marg
D065_Aamrai - Gurjithum - Phapareni motor
551M02D065 4 0.79 9 130 76
D066_Sahutol - Gangakhola motor road (krishi
551M02D066 4 1.07 29 33 3
D067_Amarai Tallo Ghumti - Jhakareni - Upallo
551M02D067 4 0.59 8 135 81
ganga Fewi krishi firm motor road
D068_Thula Padhera - Maina danda - Dharam
551M02D068 4 1.17 19 72 18
paani - Gangakhola
551M02D069 D069_Tatiya bazar - Tundikhel - Barbot 4 0.68 27 43 5
D070_Bosse dhunga - Telephone tower -
551M02D070 4 0.58 12 100 46
Khanepani tanki motor road
D071_Amarai - Tallo bazar - Chagbaas -
551M02D071 4 0.29 17 83 29
Gorathum motor road
D072_Badachour-Kailase-Padme-Jukena hudai
551M02D072 3,4 1.44 0 194 140
551M02D073 D073_Kalimati-Phanel ko rukh sadak 3 0.33 0 194 140
551M02D074 D074_Paari - Khime Danda motor road 5 1.66 8 135 81
551M02D075 D075_Hari ma b-Dotekharka-Tharpaila 5 1.15 8 135 81
551M02D076 D076_Khanepani-Dhuncahur 5 0.49 8 135 81

Ward Length Overall Rank in
Road Code Road Name Score
Pass (Km) Rank class
551M02D077 D077_Majhgaun dhara jane bato 5 0.54 3 168 114
551M02D078 D078_Dhanchaur jane bato 5 0.90 8 135 81
551M02D079 D079_Phalate Cheda - Bhala Kharka motor road 5 1.21 0 194 140
551M02D080 D080_Kalimati - Chaap dhanda (New track) 5 1.18 0 194 140
551M02D081 D081_Ratamata-Kalimati-Padme- Sitapur 5 0.47 0 194 140
551M02D082 D082_Ghaiya bari- Dosekharka agricultural road 5 1.24 0 194 140
551M02D083 D083_Malika- Dosekharka 5 1.28 0 194 140
551M02D084 D084_Bhumikasthan - Tusare motor road 5 1.63 0 194 140
551M02D085 D085_Lamo chaupari-Deurali- 6 0.75 0 194 140
551M02D086 D086_Gyan deep -Batase Road 5 0.66 0 194 140
551M02D087 D087_Mulabari - Sana Kalleri motor Road 5 1.24 3 168 114
551M02D088 D088_Bagar - Damaar - Lamakhet krishi road 5 1.96 3 168 114
551M02D089 D089_Supa-Patal Tole-Nipane 2 2.38 12 100 46
D090_Aatari - Gera Kharka - Khamari motor
551M02D090 5 0.52 0 194 140
D091_Pratichyalaye - Kalleri - Gobang -
551M02D091 6 1.43 3 168 114
Khamari - Badare motor road
D092_Anpbot- Kalam kot - Khamari - Gaira
551M02D092 5,6 0.87 0 194 140
551M02D093 D093_Praktiksyala-Kalleri-Kamalkot 6 1.98 14 94 40
551M02D094 D094_Praktiksyala-Kalleri raod 5 0.40 0 194 140
D095_Bhanbhane - Galdung - Khamari motor
551M02D095 5,6 4.29 15 89 35
D096_Anpbot- Kalam kot - Khamari - Gaira
551M02D096 6 4.79 18 80 26
551M02D097 D097_Anpbote - Bokse chaur motor road 6 5.49 10 115 61
D098_Phursamara - Deurali - Kalamkot motor
551M02D098 6 1.74 8 135 81
551M02D099 D099_khamari-Boksechaur- Damar besi 6 0.66 0 194 140
551M02D100 D100_Kalika Malika mandir sadak 5 0.56 0 194 140
551M02D101 D101_Kohol-Bakhre-Kapabutta-Kartike-Damar 2,3 5.66 10 115 61
D102_Pokhe danda - Bhusleghat - Pakhere -
551M02D102 3 1.19 3 168 114
Sengalen motor road
551M02D103 D103_Takura Sadak 3 0.46 0 194 140
551M02D104 D104_Ghumti Khola Sadak 2 0.80 0 194 140
551M02D105 D105_Phalachour-Khariyana Khola Sadak 2 0.47 3 168 114
D106_Khatri Tole Motor Bato-Dhorbanda-Karnel
551M02D106 2 2.09 15 89 35
pata-Jholunge pool
551M02D107 D107_Phalachour-Khariyana Khola Sadak 2 1.33 5 154 100

Ward Length Overall Rank in
Road Code Road Name Score
Pass (Km) Rank class
551M02D108 D108_Bhuvan Pata-Supa-Phalachour Sadak 2 0.72 17 83 29
D109_Dhara - Kaule - Patale tole - Naya gaun
551M02D109 2 2.14 22 67 13
motor road
551M02D110 D110_Upallo Panch Pokhare Sadak 3 0.58 0 194 140
D111_Badachaur- Thulakharka- Chalauja-
551M02D111 1,2 3.63 24 58 9
Subarnakhal (new track)
551M02D112 D112_BK Tole-Adhikari Tol Samma Sadak 2 0.28 8 135 81
D113_Dharmashala- Kalikasthan- Sangam
551M02D113 2 1.31 12 100 46
motor road
551M02D114 D114_Padheri Motor Bato 2 1.19 3 168 114
551M02D115 D115_Ale Marga 3 0.30 9 130 76
551M02D116 D116_kholte pani sadak 3 0.24 4 163 109
551M02D117 D117_Kharseka Baunne motor road 3 1.39 4 163 109
551M02D118 D118_Damaru Daha-Kailase Proposed Road 3 2.05 28 37 4
551M02D119 D119_Purano gaun ringroad 4 1.36 10 115 61
551M02D120 D120_Dhara - Ravan Shankha(maika than) 2 0.91 8 135 81
551M02D121 D121_Bharlabas - Khutkhute - Rikot motor road 13,12 8.60 12 100 46
D122_Deurali - Kritipur tower - Bolthum chaur -
551M02D122 13 2.99 26 48 6
Rikot motor road
D123_Mushi chan - Majha ko faat - Dhadeni -
551M02D123 13 6.98 25 53 8
Pare - Deurali motor road
551M02D124 D124_Kirtipur sadak 13 0.98 3 168 114
551M02D125 D125_Netakharka - Badganga motor road 13 1.83 10 115 61
551M02D126 D126_Kamal chaur -Maithan mandir sadak 13 0.66 18 76 22
D127_Cheda - Bokhar - Saani- Lekh - Badare
551M02D127 13 4.86 26 48 6
motor road
D128_Balukurantha mandir- Madhuban dham -
551M02D128 14 0.64 12 100 46
Mahendra highway jodne motor road
D129_Sukhaur - Nepali tole - Kale gaida jodne
551M02D129 14 1.54 12 100 46
motor road
551M02D130 D130_Wada Karyalaya-Bokram tole 14 0.35 11 113 59
551M02D131 D131_Karechuli ringroad sadak 14 1.30 12 100 46
551M02D132 D132_Raina devi mandir sadak 14 1.13 3 168 114
551M02D133 D133_Karechuli -Pasrbati adharbhut schoo sadak 14 0.29 0 194 140
551M02D134 D134_Damarudaha Sadak 3 0.40 33 26 1
551M02D135 D135_Deurali - Chaapdanda motor road 10 2.27 4 163 109
D136_Dharapani- Kalika Bhartapur krishi
551M02D136 1 3.51 19 72 18
551M02D137 D137_Baghkhor - Lisikuna motor road 10 3.16 17 83 29

Ward Length Overall Rank in
Road Code Road Name Score
Pass (Km) Rank class
D138_Dhwasepokhara- Kalika
551M02D138 1 2.03 8 135 81
Ghatsukaura krishi road
551M02D139 D139_Rangakate ringroad 9 0.69 0 194 140
D140_Upalli Khanda- Upalla Gaun- Kakri chaur
551M02D140 1 2.21 14 94 40
krishi road
551M02D141 D141_Mandre healthpost road 1 0.25 4 163 109
551M02D142 D142_Labdi- Bakheli Chautari krishi road 1 2.23 7 151 97
551M02D143 D143_Shabdu-Paire 1 2.98 8 135 81
551M02D144 D144_Shabdu-Dhartisara 1 1.50 18 80 26
551M02D145 Chaupara-Kantheri 1 1.50 15 89 35
551M02D146 Chaupari- Bhedabari- Pakrighat 1 2.85 15 89 35
551M02D147 D147 _Karechulipakha -Bhatani tole sadak 14 0.73 0 194 140
D148_Jaluke - Saligram ko chaupari - Siyala
551M02D148 7 2.47 10 115 61
motor bato
551M02D149 D149_Rajmarga bata Ghat jane bato 3 0.46 5 154 100
D150_Oli danda-Jhirrathum Majh Gau-Kodanda
551M02D150 2,3 2.59 7 151 97
551M02D151 D151_Deurali danda-Dihi 6,7 2.96 3 168 114
551M02D152 D152_Naya basti ringroad 9 1.07 3 168 114
D153_Simal paani - Janajyoti - Badare -
551M02D153 13 0.21 12 100 46
D154_Kareyuli - Batheni - Bikram - Kapilbastu
551M02D154 14 0.25 0 194 140
Mahendra highway jodne motor road
D155_Khaniya paani - Kumbhi gaira - Rata
551M02D155 7 1.81 3 168 114
danda - Jaluke - Vadagaun - Naumure - Airabati
D156_Kanchiroad - Chaupari - Kala siddha
551M02D156 8 1.63 10 115 61
mandir motor road
551M02D157 D157_Dohore - Kartike - Bahule motor road 10,11 3.54 8 135 81
551M02D158 D158_Rajiya Pokhar bata Rajmarga jodne sadak 12 0.74 15 89 35
D159_GalDha - Dhanchaur - Thapakharka -
551M02D159 5 2.31 8 135 81
Khane paani mul
D160_GalDha - Dhanchaur - Thapakharka -
551M02D160 5 1.97 18 80 26
Khane paani mul
D161_Bhumikasthan - Dhanu kharka - Bhulke
551M02D161 5 3.68 8 135 81
motor road
D162_Kholtepani - Gangakhola motor road
551M02D162 3 4.68 9 130 76
(krishi road)
551M02D163 D163_Nwara Pokhari motor road 3,5 3.36 5 154 100
D164_Okhadhunga - Sital paati - Bajagara krishi
551M02D164 4 1.67 0 194 140
D165_Kopchibas - Gorji - lama khet - Bajagara -
551M02D165 4 3.64 5 154 100
Bhabin (krishi road)

Ward Length Overall Rank in
Road Code Road Name Score
Pass (Km) Rank class
D166_Aamarai (bhattikhola) - Sahu danda -
551M02D166 4 0.98 17 83 29
Ratamata motor road
551M02D167 D167_Rata Danda Sadak 3,4 0.57 9 130 76
551M02D168 D168_Army gate, Sahutol motor road 3 0.94 24 58 9
D169_Hitan tole - Netakharka - Salyan dhara -
551M02D169 13 2.47 10 115 61
Betane - Khaskharka motor road
551M02D170 D170_Jhirrathum Majh Gau-Kodanda Sadak 2 1.15 10 115 61
D171_Mandre Pokhe danda- Pipalneta-Bahundi
551M02D171 1 3.01 14 94 40
motor road
D172_Badachour-Jhirra-Banganga Simalpani
551M02D172 2 6.71 22 67 13
Kapilvastu Sadak
551M02D173 D173_Sitalpur bazaar- Kodanda-Subarnakhal 1,2 5.11 17 83 29
D174_Galgade-Phalachour-Siddha Baba Motor
551M02D174 2 2.94 3 168 114
551M02D175 D175_Ghumti-Damar- Sengelen motor road 2 2.45 10 115 61
551M02D176 D176_Ghumti-Ghorbanda -Sikhra sadak 2 4.42 10 115 61
551M02D177 D177_Badachaur-Sikhra-Dhanchaur 2,3 3.69 19 72 18
D178_Mulabari School to Todki hudai Saune
551M02D178 2 1.07 10 115 61
thum Sadak
D179_Mushichan - Dhad - Tarike - Koidanda -
551M02D179 13 4.12 23 62 11
Patale paani motor road
551M02D180 D180_kamal chaur -simal pani-bauri tole sadak 13 1.96 18 76 22
D181_Cheda - Health post - Simal Paani - Darji
551M02D181 tole - Lekhali tole - Sukali khola - Badare motor 13 0.55 18 76 22
D182_Kaule - Bakhre - Odar pata - Powera -
551M02D182 Bikram - Kapilbastu Mahendra Highway jodne 14 5.73 14 94 40
motor road

5.4 Intervention Categories

After the finalization of perspective plan through the categorization of rural municipal road,
required interventions of municipal road, required interventions should be decided according
to the priority and necessity of the roads. Only 0.24 Km is black topped and 17.8 Km
gravelled in this Municipality, therefore, almost all roads need improvement or upgrading in
the first phase parallel with conservation intervention. A considerable length of new linkage
to remote areas require new construction as well. For the reference of the Municipality the
categories of the interventions are defined below

5.4.1 Conservation
Conservation refers to the actions required to repair a road and keep it in good and passable
condition. Conservation activities include:

1. Emergency maintenance - Basic repairs aimed at removing landslides and repairing

damage to the road that inhibit the proper use of the road and make it impassable. This
mainly takes place during and after the rainy season. A provisional lump sum is
reserved for the entire district road core network based on the network length.
Allocation to specific road sections is based on the actual need for clearing landslides or
repairing washouts and cuts in the road.

2. Routine maintenance - General maintenance of the road aimed at preventing damage

by ensuring the proper working of the different road elements (retaining walls, drainage
system, carriageway, etc.) and cutting vegetation. This is carried out each year on a
more or less continuous basis. Routine maintenance is required for the entire district
road core network. The specific requirements for routine maintenance are determined on
an annual basis through the road condition survey and defined in the Annual Road
Maintenance Plan (ARMP).

3. Recurrent maintenance - Repairs of minor damage to the road surface and road
structures to bring them back to good condition. This is generally carried out once or
twice a year. Recurrent maintenance is required for the entire district road core network,
whereby distinction is made according to the surface type. The specific requirements for
recurrent maintenance are determined on an annual basis through the road condition
survey and defined in the ARMP.

4. Periodic maintenance - Larger repairs to the road largely aimed at renewing the road
surface through re-gravelling, resealing or overlays. It is generally carried out with
several years interval. Although periodic maintenance is only required for specific
sections of the district road core network, a lump sum allocation is made for the entire
district road core network based on average annual requirements, distinguishing
between different surface types. The specific periodic maintenance requirements are
determined on an annual basis through the annual road condition survey and defined in
the ARMP.

The length of roads to be included under each conservation type for the first year is indicated
below. This is basically the entire district road core network as far as it does not require

5.4.2 Improvement
Improvement refers to actions required to improve a road to bring it to a maintainable all-
weather standard. It includes the following actions, which are described briefly as following:

1. Rehabilitation - Significant repairs required to bring a very poor road back to a

maintainable standard. This does not include any changes to the original surface type.

2. Gravelling - Placement of a gravel layer to make it all-weather and ensure that the road
remains passable during the rainy season.

3. Cross drainage structures- Placement of suitable cross-drainage structures with the

aim of making the road all-weather and ensuring that the road remains passable even
during the rainy season

4. Protective structures - Placement of retaining walls and lined side drains to avoid
excessive damage to the road during the rainy season and bring it to a maintainable

5. Blacktopping - Placement of a blacktop layer in roads with traffic volumes exceeding

50 passenger car units (PCU) to reduce damage to the road surface.

6. Widening - Increase of the road width in roads with traffic volumes exceeding 500
passenger car units (PCU) to ensure the proper flow of traffic.

5.4.3 New Construction

New construction refers to construction of new road linkage according to the necessity of the
Municipality especially in those places where roads have not linked. This includes opening of
new track and establishment connectivity to the new area.

5.4.4 Sharing of Fund

The financial plan and the finalization of the MTMP shall be done based on terms of
reference as given by ministry (then Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development
,MoFALD now Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration, MoFAGA). During
preparation of MTMP, the investment from total available resources under road sector for
different classes of the road can be distributed as Apportion 30% for maintenance at first and

remaining 70% shall be distributed. The MoFALD guidelines has set different view for
budget distribution in different class of road:

 Class A road, ≥ 50%

 Class B road, ≤ 30%
 Class C road, ≤ 20%
 Class D road, ≤ 10%
Although, MoFALD has set guidelines for the distribution of budget, it was adjusted by
making discussion with local authorities based on local condition and requirement of
Municipality. Sitganga Municipality has decided to invest the 70% in construction and 30% in
Maintenance of road for next 5 fiscal year. The construction sector Budget shall be invested
with 50% in A-Class, 30% in B-class, 20% in C-class.

The estimate of budget required for the five years is prepared based on the assumption that the
Class A road is to be made full of side drain with required widening, Class B road is to be
made widening with side drain and Class C and few of Class D road is to be made single lane
and lane considered are assumed to be gravelled for considerable length. Due to limitation of
budget, the roads are assumed to have simple cross drainage structures within this period
whereas cross drainage structures such as Bridges are not included in this budget and
expected to be completed within this time period by external sources. For approximate
costing, the construction rate of road appurtenances is assumed to be equal to that of
gravelling cost and for short term the minimum width of 3m is assumed if existing road width
doesn’t exist. Similarly, longitudinal drainage on both side of roadway is not considered in
this plan.

MTMP mainly deals with Class A, Class B, Class C, and Class D roads but private owned
Roads are not given any consideration. Interventions on those roads need to be incorporated in
annual budget plan. As compared to the present budget of Municipality, the estimated budget
is more and the deficit amount should be managed from outer sources.

Intervention that needs can’t be completed in predetermined year; hence should be the next
priority in coming year. If a certain road which was targeted to complete in first year could
not be finished in first year, need to be given first priority in next year expenditure plan. If
there is deficit in annual expenditure, municipality needs to incorporate that particular heading
in next year at any cost. They can look for grant, assistance from province or even from
federal level or they can incorporate them by shifting budget from less importance

Total budget

(70%) Maintenance

Class A (45%) Class B(30%) Class C(20%) Class D (5%)

Figure 22: Budget Allocation as Per Interest of Local Authorities over Planning of
Municipal Road (Source: MoFALD MTMP preparation Guidelines)

Chapter - 6: First Five Years Municipal Transport Master Plan
This chapter deals with the interventions to be made in road and transport sectors for first five
years according to the road priority finalized in the perspective plan

6.1 Prioritized Municipality Road for MTMP

Municipality Transport master Plan (MTMP) of this Municipality includes following
prioritized roads for upcoming five years. 6 roads of class “A”, 16 roads under class “B”, 15
class “C” roads and 5 class D will be implemented as conservation, improvement and new
construction in this period.

List of prioritized Roads in MTMP




Road Name Ward pass
A001_Amarai Jukena Deurali Airawati Road (Patanjali
551M02A001 4,5,6,7 18.17 66 1
551M02A002 A002_Chakla-Khumchikot-Harre-Pakhuri- Dhankhola 9,10,12 33.41 60 2
A004_Pipra - Pawara - Simlpani - Bhedemare - Harre - 14,13,12,
551M02A004 64.71 58 3
Shilling khola-Satmara( Krishna sen ichhuk marga) 10,9,8, 4
A005_Sitapur-Rajubas Suvanakhal Gharthiswara-
551M02A005 1,2 19.28 58 4
Mandre hudai Neta Pokhara (Yagyamin lila Marga)
A003_Gabdawa - Khayar bhatti - Phorsal - Suparineta
551M02A003 10, 11 13.29 55 5
-kathekhola -Harre (Taratej- Sahidsmriti marga)
551M02A006 A006_Dhanchaur-Deurali-Lamatal-Lahpe-Bhalubang 6,7 37.64 55 6

551M02B015 B015_Simalpani -Gandhi - Mudribas - Pawara 14 14.39 55 7

B014_Sitapur - Dodkatta- Dhara-Nipane-Mulabari-
551M02B014 2 7.87 53 8
Paiyapata- Paire- Dhatibang
551M02B013 B013_sitapur- Kodanda- Badganga- besi-salyan danda 2,13 9.27 53 9
B011_Gaura secondary school - Supadeuralli - Aryal
551M02B011 Tole - Naya basti - Pokhari - Pahera - Rojiya Pokhari 12 1.24 51 11
motor road
551M02B002 B002_Lamataal - sitalpati-chidichaur-nangal 7,9,10 15.69 51 12
B005_Harre - Pokhara tole- Kalgaira-dhaireni-
551M02B005 10,11 18.83 47 13
ranikuda-Pathrakot bazaar
B004_Ranikuwa - Mauwabari - Khairabhatti - Banakasa
551M02B004 10,11 15.4 46 14
Basa motor road
B012_Dhaseni - Ratamata - Maidan - Dhole Takura -
551M02B012 12 10.85 45 15
Darbare motor road
B001_Dhodare - Purkishilli Ghumaure - Thado khola -
551M02B001 8,9 11.92 45 16
B009_Barabot - Kamle khola - Pokhe danda Swamika
551M02B009 4 2.82 44 17
Sita Khola motor road
B016_Karechuli Balaju Mandir-Karechuli danda-
551M02B016 14 11.15 42 18
Keurepani-Mahendra Highway
551M02B006 B006_Harre - Kapurkot- Galdha 5,10 14.46 42 19
B008_Deurali - Thula Dhongre - Bangasagar - Chaida
551M02B008 14 3.42 41 20
Ghat - Pyuthan motor road
551M02B010 B010_Simalpani -Gandhi - Mudribas - Pawara 12 9.14 41 21




Road Name Ward pass

551M02B003 B003_Nangal - Bokre tole- Chhhabineta tole - Dobata 10,11 15.13 39 23

551M02B007 B007_Damar Besi-Phursa-Ratamata-dihi 7 5.92 39 24

C015_Barabot - Ratamata -Khal - Kolksare -Galda

551M02C015 4,5 5.86 51 10
motor road
C028_Subarnakhal-Majhgaun-Milan chowk-Mandre-
551M02C027 1 6.88 40 22
Chaupari-Milan Chowk
551M02C003 C003_Siyala- Naumure 7 6.11 35 25
C017_Baiska tree - Bhotu dhunge bridge - Jhapang
551M02C017 5 3.97 32 27
River - Kalimati krishi road
C026_Majhgaun-Milan chowk-Chandithanmandir
551M02C026 1 0.8 32 28
danda tole
C029_Mandre Maidan Thok- Jadi Kharka- Malarani-
551M02C029 1 5.54 31 29
Pipalneta- Bahundi- Bajra mandir road
C023_Jaluke khola- Sabdu-Karmadip-Dhartiswara
551M02C023 1,2 5.35 30 31
C022_Bhuwanpata pul - Suppa kasyap gufa - Suppa
551M02C022 2 1.87 30 32
deurali - Falaa chaur - Kharyan - Chamar - Todke
551M02C012 C012_Simaldip- Sinduredhunga 11 4.88 28 34
C014_Deurali - Nipane - Damar - Dhunge - Sera motor
551M02C014 12 4.64 28 35
C010_Aarichaur -Hattidunga-Chakla - Hattidunga-
551M02C010 10,12 7.2 28 36
C018_Bhumikasthan - Pokhari -Jhakri Jhakrini -
551M02C018 3,5 6.6 28 38
Sengelen( Bhumika nagarpalika sthan ward no. 10)
551M02C004 C004_Deurali-Bandre-Tarule 7 2.92 28 39

551M02C006 C006_Shivadaha - Sana Dhongre - Majhi Damar 6 2.16 28 40

C030_Bikram- Khormor - Toribari - Salajandi highway
551M02C030 14 1.1 27 41
jodne motor road
551M02C024 C024_Bahunkarka - Gangafaat Krishi road 4,10 8 27 42

551M02C016 C016_Ratamata-Galdha - Bhabin-Seudeni-Chakla 4,5 6.92 27 43

C011_Deuralithan--Sindure dhunga - Phorsalkhet-
551M02C011 11 23.93 26 45
551M02C005 C005_Pyuthani danda-Kalleri-Simle-Chisapani-Bebade 7,6 7.32 26 46

551M02C008 C008_Chhahare kaseri - Sidhhara 9,10 8.73 26 47

C020_Kalimati-padme-sitapur-Kailase - Padme - Khibdi
551M02C020 3,5 4.95 25 50
motor road
551M02C025 C025_Subarnakhal-Badar khola- Kalleri -Bokhar 1,13 11.36 25 51

551M02C031 C031_Karechuli-Dhungri khola gaun 14 8.6 25 52

C019_Barbot - Khandua - Padme - Pokhar danda motor
551M02C019 3 8.69 25 54
551M02C028 C028_Maineri-Mandre-Bagra Sadak 1 2.44 25 55

551M02C032 C032_Bharlabas - Musichan Dhab motor road 13 4.56 25 56

551M02C021 C021_Sitapur - sitkhola sabdaha - Kailaro 2,3 2.74 24 57

C013_Ranagai - Mauwabari - Lungri - Aapkhola -
551M02C013 11 6.27 24 60
Dussi motor road
551M02C009 C009_Siddhara - Nepane-Dihi motor road 10 4.87 24 61




Road Name Ward pass

551M02C002 C002_Sitalpati -Palase-Apchaur 8,9 10.13 23 64

551M02C007 C007_Malika - Dasekharka - Dhanchaur motor road 5,4 7.79 22 65

C001_Rangakate - Nayabasti - Kharghat motor
551M02C001 9 4.24 22 66

551M02D134 D134_Damarudaha Sadak 3 0.4 33 26

551M02D018 D018_Jaluke - Batako - Chaupari motor road 7 7.02 31 30

551M02D066 D066_Sahutol - Gangakhola motor road (krishi road) 4 1.07 29 33

551M02D118 D118_Damaru Daha-Kailase Proposed Road 3 2.05 28 37

551M02D069 D069_Tatiya bazar - Tundikhel - Barbot 4 0.68 27 43

D122_Deurali - Kritipur tower - Bolthum chaur - Rikot
551M02D122 13 2.99 26 48
motor road
D127_Cheda - Bokhar - Saani- Lekh - Badare motor
551M02D127 13 4.86 26 48
D123_Mushi chan - Majha ko faat - Dhadeni - Pare -
551M02D123 13 6.98 25 53
Deurali motor road
D111_Badachaur- Thulakharka- Chalauja- Subarnakhal
551M02D111 1,2 3.63 24 58
(new track)
551M02D168 D168_Army gate, Sahutol motor road 3 0.94 24 58

551M02D041 D041_Chapaka pata - Rakse Bahune moto road 10 5.6 23 62

D179_Mushichan - Dhad - Tarike - Koidanda - Patale
551M02D179 13 4.12 23 62
paani motor road
551M02D016 D016_Lamatol Dhikamathi ko motor bato 7 0.67 22 67

551M02D017 D017_Lamatal Gaun Ring Road 7 1.51 22 67

D064_Sana daha - Gaira kharka - Paani pata - Nepali
551M02D064 4 2.36 22 67
tole - Okhaldhunga solti marg
D109_Dhara - Kaule - Patale tole - Naya gaun motor
551M02D109 2 2.14 22 67
D172_Badachour-Jhirra-Banganga Simalpani
551M02D172 2 6.71 22 67
Kapilvastu Sadak
551M02D060 D060_Dhaseni Deurali motor road 12 1.63 19 72
D068_Thula Padhera - Maina danda - Dharam paani -
551M02D068 4 1.17 19 72
551M02D136 D136_Dharapani- Kalika Bhartapur krishi road 1 3.51 19 72

551M02D177 D177_Badachaur-Sikhra-Dhanchaur 2,3 3.69 19 72

551M02D008 D008_LahaveniLamidamar - Baraha daha motor road 9 5.29 18 76

551M02D126 D126_Kamal chaur -Maithan mandir sadak 13 0.66 18 76

551M02D180 D180_kamal chaur -simal pani-bauri tole sadak 13 1.96 18 76

D181_Cheda - Health post - Simal Paani - Darji tole -
551M02D181 13 0.55 18 76
Lekhali tole - Sukali khola - Badare motor road
551M02D096 D096_Anpbot- Kalam kot - Khamari - Gaira kharka 6 4.79 18 80

551M02D144 D144_Shabdu-Dhartisara 1 1.5 18 80

D160_GalDha - Dhanchaur - Thapakharka - Khane
551M02D160 5 1.97 18 80
paani mul




Road Name Ward pass

551M02D001 D001_Satmara krishi road 8 0.76 17 83

D071_Amarai - Tallo bazar - Chagbaas - Gorathum
551M02D071 4 0.29 17 83
motor road
551M02D108 D108_Bhuvan Pata-Supa-Phalachour Sadak 2 0.72 17 83

551M02D137 D137_Baghkhor - Lisikuna motor road 10 3.16 17 83

D166_Aamarai (bhattikhola) - Sahu danda - Ratamata
551M02D166 4 0.98 17 83
motor road
551M02D173 D173_Sitalpur bazaar- Kodanda-Subarnakhal 1,2 5.11 17 83

551M02D095 D095_Bhanbhane - Galdung - Khamari motor road 5,6 4.29 15 89

D106_Khatri Tole Motor Bato-Dhorbanda-Karnel pata-
551M02D106 2 2.09 15 89
Jholunge pool
551M02D145 Chaupara-Kantheri 1 1.5 15 89

551M02D146 Chaupari- Bhedabari- Pakrighat 1 2.85 15 89

551M02D158 D158_Rajiya Pokhar bata Rajmarga jodne sadak 12 0.74 15 89

551M02D093 D093_Praktiksyala-Kalleri-Kamalkot 6 1.98 14 94

D140_Upalli Khanda- Upalla Gaun- Kakri chaur krishi
551M02D140 1 2.21 14 94
D171_Mandre Pokhe danda- Pipalneta-Bahundi motor
551M02D171 1 3.01 14 94
D182_Kaule - Bakhre - Odar pata - Powera - Bikram -
551M02D182 14 5.73 14 94
Kapilbastu Mahendra Highway jodne motor road
551M02D057 D057_Rajiya danda sadak 12 0.53 13 98

551M02D058 D058_Rajiya gaun sadak 12 0.76 13 98

D025_Kalleri - Swamineta - Dandabari - Aamilechaur -
551M02D025 7 1.84 12 100
Pakhachaur motor road
551M02D043 D043_Naha - Palla - Unnaye batule motor 10 7.23 12 100

551M02D047 D047_Maidan - Jorule - Gaira krishi road 12 0.79 12 100

D049_Deurali danda - Sera Khola - Duvar - Chakla
551M02D049 11 1.13 12 100
motor road
551M02D052 D052_Pirapani sadak 12 0.89 12 100
D070_Bosse dhunga - Telephone tower - Khanepani
551M02D070 4 0.58 12 100
tanki motor road
551M02D089 D089_Supa-Patal Tole-Nipane 2 2.38 12 100
D113_Dharmashala- Kalikasthan- Sangam motor
551M02D113 2 1.31 12 100
551M02D121 D121_Bharlabas - Khutkhute - Rikot motor road 13,12 8.6 12 100
D128_Balukurantha mandir- Madhuban dham -
551M02D128 14 0.64 12 100
Mahendra highway jodne motor road
D129_Sukhaur - Nepali tole - Kale gaida jodne motor
551M02D129 14 1.54 12 100
551M02D131 D131_Karechuli ringroad sadak 14 1.3 12 100
D153_Simal paani - Janajyoti - Badare -
551M02D153 13 0.21 12 100
551M02D040 D040_Phedi -Thapa ko pata 10 2.94 11 113

551M02D130 D130_Wada Karyalaya-Bokram tole 14 0.35 11 113




Road Name Ward pass

551M02D003 D003_Tinkhande Jholunge pul - Charinge motor road 8 2.67 10 115

551M02D004 D004_Gothki - Mithiaap motor road 9 0.9 10 115

551M02D014 D014_Ratamata-Naumure-Airawat 7 4.96 10 115

551M02D020 D020_Dhunge danda - Damar - Takura motor bato 7 3.11 10 115

551M02D097 D097_Anpbote - Bokse chaur motor road 6 5.49 10 115

551M02D101 D101_Kohol-Bakhre-Kapabutta-Kartike-Damar 2,3 5.66 10 115

551M02D119 D119_Purano gaun ringroad 4 1.36 10 115

551M02D125 D125_Netakharka - Badganga motor road 13 1.83 10 115

551M02D148 D148_Jaluke - Saligram ko chaupari - Siyala motor bato 7 2.47 10 115

D156_Kanchiroad - Chaupari - Kala siddha mandir
551M02D156 8 1.63 10 115
motor road
D169_Hitan tole - Netakharka - Salyan dhara - Betane -
551M02D169 13 2.47 10 115
Khaskharka motor road
551M02D170 D170_Jhirrathum Majh Gau-Kodanda Sadak 2 1.15 10 115

551M02D175 D175_Ghumti-Damar- Sengelen motor road 2 2.45 10 115

551M02D176 D176_Ghumti-Ghorbanda -Sikhra sadak 2 4.42 10 115

D178_Mulabari School to Todki hudai Saune thum
551M02D178 2 1.07 10 115
551M02D054 D054_Dohote gaun sadak 12 1.19 9 130

551M02D065 D065_Aamrai - Gurjithum - Phapareni motor road 4 0.79 9 130

551M02D115 D115_Ale Marga 3 0.3 9 130

551M02D162 D162_Kholtepani - Gangakhola motor road (krishi road) 3 4.68 9 130

551M02D167 D167_Rata Danda Sadak 3,4 0.57 9 130

551M02D007 D007_Baghdwar motor road 7 0.48 8 135

551M02D021 D021_Khaniyapani road 7 2.23 8 135

551M02D056 D056_Kudule-Thanchauki sadak 12 1.78 8 135

D067_Amarai Tallo Ghumti - Jhakareni - Upallo ganga
551M02D067 4 0.59 8 135
Fewi krishi firm motor road
551M02D074 D074_Paari - Khime Danda motor road 5 1.66 8 135

551M02D075 D075_Hari ma b-Dotekharka-Tharpaila 5 1.15 8 135

551M02D076 D076_Khanepani-Dhuncahur 5 0.49 8 135

551M02D078 D078_Dhanchaur jane bato 5 0.9 8 135

551M02D098 D098_Phursamara - Deurali - Kalamkot motor road 6 1.74 8 135

551M02D112 D112_BK Tole-Adhikari Tol Samma Sadak 2 0.28 8 135

551M02D120 D120_Dhara - Ravan Shankha(maika than) 2 0.91 8 135

D138_Dhwasepokhara- Kalika Ghatsukaura
551M02D138 1 2.03 8 135
krishi road




Road Name Ward pass

551M02D143 D143_Shabdu-Paire 1 2.98 8 135

551M02D157 D157_Dohore - Kartike - Bahule motor road 10,11 3.54 8 135

D159_GalDha - Dhanchaur - Thapakharka - Khane
551M02D159 5 2.31 8 135
paani mul
D161_Bhumikasthan - Dhanu kharka - Bhulke motor
551M02D161 5 3.68 8 135
551M02D015 D015_Swamineta - Chidi - Sankash motor road 7 1.76 7 151

551M02D142 D142_Labdi- Bakheli Chautari krishi road 1 2.23 7 151

551M02D150 D150_Oli danda-Jhirrathum Majh Gau-Kodanda Sadak 2,3 2.59 7 151

551M02D002 D002_Milanchowk bata purba jane bato 8 0.91 5 154

551M02D005 D005_Dhankhola - Bhakkuchowk - Jabune motor road 11 1.35 5 154

551M02D044 D044_Dhunga Falne - Gauri Kunda motor road 4 0.23 5 154

551M02D053 D053_Kalika madir- Bhangala tole 12 1.3 5 154

551M02D059 D059_Jasrame-Rajiya 4,12 3.87 5 154

551M02D107 D107_Phalachour-Khariyana Khola Sadak 2 1.33 5 154

551M02D149 D149_Rajmarga bata Ghat jane bato 3 0.46 5 154

551M02D163 D163_Nwara Pokhari motor road 3,5 3.36 5 154

D165_Kopchibas - Gorji - lama khet - Bajagara -
551M02D165 4 3.64 5 154
Bhabin (krishi road)
551M02D042 D042_Barre -Padhera chaur motor road 10 1.3 4 163

551M02D116 D116_kholte pani sadak 3 0.24 4 163

551M02D117 D117_Kharseka Baunne motor road 3 1.39 4 163

551M02D135 D135_Deurali - Chaapdanda motor road 10 2.27 4 163

551M02D141 D141_Mandre healthpost road 1 0.25 4 163

D006_Chatteban to Bandre - Raktari Badhidamar
551M02D006 8 0.92 3 168
551M02D009 D009_Kartike - Lauri motor road 9 3.54 3 168

551M02D010 D010_Kanachaur-Chidi chaur 8,9 14.8 3 168

551M02D012 D012_Asare - Bisvure - Baravure motor road 9 3.83 3 168

551M02D013 D013_Sittalpati - Dhokhola - Barseni motor road 9 2.64 3 168

551M02D022 D022_Kalleri-Amelichaur-Pakhachaur-sadak 7 1.89 3 168

D023_Talla bahule - Upalla bahule - Sera - Damar besi -
551M02D023 7 1.21 3 168
Khaireni - Chahare motro road
D026_Nuwakot - Pokhari danda - Jabunne Pokhari
551M02D026 7 5.91 3 168
motor bato
D027_Jaluke - Dangal danda - Vada gaun - View tower
551M02D027 7 2.39 3 168
motor road
D028_Jwakot-Pokhardanda sadak-Saligram ko Chaupari
551M02D028 7 1.56 3 168
- Siyala motor bato
551M02D029 D029_Shivadaha - Koibang motor road 7 0.79 3 168




Road Name Ward pass
D061_Rata mata - Thamkot - Sitalpati- Bajagara (krishi
551M02D061 4 4.05 3 168
551M02D063 D063_Thamkot gaun sadak 4 0.37 3 168

551M02D077 D077_Majhgaun dhara jane bato 5 0.54 3 168

551M02D087 D087_Mulabari - Sana Kalleri motor Road 5 1.24 3 168

551M02D088 D088_Bagar - Damaar - Lamakhet krishi road 5 1.96 3 168

D091_Pratichyalaye - Kalleri - Gobang - Khamari -
551M02D091 6 1.43 3 168
Badare motor road
D102_Pokhe danda - Bhusleghat - Pakhere - Sengalen
551M02D102 3 1.19 3 168
motor road
551M02D105 D105_Phalachour-Khariyana Khola Sadak 2 0.47 3 168

551M02D114 D114_Padheri Motor Bato 2 1.19 3 168

551M02D124 D124_Kirtipur sadak 13 0.98 3 168

551M02D132 D132_Raina devi mandir sadak 14 1.13 3 168

551M02D151 D151_Deurali danda-Dihi 6,7 2.96 3 168

551M02D152 D152_Naya basti ringroad 9 1.07 3 168

D155_Khaniya paani - Kumbhi gaira - Rata danda -
551M02D155 7 1.81 3 168
Jaluke - Vadagaun - Naumure - Airabati
551M02D174 D174_Galgade-Phalachour-Siddha Baba Motor Sadak 2 2.94 3 168

551M02D011 D011_Lakurikot sadak 9 3.87 0 194

551M02D019 D019_Swamineta - Kalleri motor road 7 2.63 0 194

551M02D024 D024_Oripari paani - kot - Swamineta motor road 7 2.19 0 194

551M02D030 D030_Jhate - Aapkhola motor road 11 2.01 0 194

551M02D031 D031_Shivadatta - Dhungepani motor road 6 0.48 0 194

551M02D032 D032_Tallo Sidhara - Sakeni - Kanachaur motor road 9 4.46 0 194

551M02D033 D033_Charikattare - Budapadhera motor road 9 0.36 0 194

551M02D034 D034_Tallo Chahare motor road 9 1.03 0 194

551M02D035 D035_Gabade - Chakhola - Bhalukhola - Kathekhola 10 3.87 0 194

D036_Phedi - Tadhaka Chaap - Khalaka Pokhara motor
551M02D036 10 3.01 0 194
551M02D037 D037_Harre hulak office sadak 10 0.53 0 194

551M02D038 D038_Harre ringroad 10 0.45 0 194

551M02D039 D039_Kayureni - Avari chaur 12 1.29 0 194

551M02D045 D045_Khumchikot - Shivalaya motor road 12 3.99 0 194

551M02D046 D046_Nepane - Makaipate - Sani Kharka Krishi Road 12 1.88 0 194

551M02D048 D048_Sera Kalika Mandir - Jhuse danda motor road 11 1.07 0 194

551M02D050 D050_Jhate - Aapkhola motor road 11 1.37 0 194




Road Name Ward pass

551M02D051 D051_Tarai gaun-jalugai sadak 12 1.94 0 194

551M02D055 D055_Kukurgade - Daha - Aapmoti krishi road 12 1.4 0 194

D062_Shitalpati - Dhekka fore - Saune - Bhabini krishi
551M02D062 4 1.15 0 194
551M02D072 D072_Badachour-Kailase-Padme-Jukena hudai Pyuthan 3,4 1.44 0 194

551M02D073 D073_Kalimati-Phanel ko rukh sadak 3 0.33 0 194

551M02D079 D079_Phalate Cheda - Bhala Kharka motor road 5 1.21 0 194

551M02D080 D080_Kalimati - Chaap dhanda (New track) 5 1.18 0 194

551M02D081 D081_Ratamata-Kalimati-Padme- Sitapur 5 0.47 0 194

551M02D082 D082_Ghaiya bari- Dosekharka agricultural road 5 1.24 0 194

551M02D083 D083_Malika- Dosekharka 5 1.28 0 194

551M02D084 D084_Bhumikasthan - Tusare motor road 5 1.63 0 194

551M02D085 D085_Lamo chaupari-Deurali- 6 0.75 0 194

551M02D086 D086_Gyan deep -Batase Road 5 0.66 0 194

551M02D090 D090_Aatari - Gera Kharka - Khamari motor road 5 0.52 0 194

551M02D092 D092_Anpbot- Kalam kot - Khamari - Gaira kharka 5,6 0.87 0 194

551M02D094 D094_Praktiksyala-Kalleri raod 5 0.4 0 194

551M02D099 D099_khamari-Boksechaur- Damar besi 6 0.66 0 194

551M02D100 D100_Kalika Malika mandir sadak 5 0.56 0 194

551M02D103 D103_Takura Sadak 3 0.46 0 194

551M02D104 D104_Ghumti Khola Sadak 2 0.8 0 194

551M02D110 D110_Upallo Panch Pokhare Sadak 3 0.58 0 194

551M02D133 D133_Karechuli -Pasrbati adharbhut schoo sadak 14 0.29 0 194

551M02D139 D139_Rangakate ringroad 9 0.69 0 194

551M02D147 D147 _Karechulipakha -Bhatani tole sadak 14 0.73 0 194

D154_Kareyuli - Batheni - Bikram - Kapilbastu
551M02D154 14 0.25 0 194
Mahendra highway jodne motor road
551M02D164 D164_Okhadhunga - Sital paati - Bajagara krishi road 4 1.67 0 194

Estimated budget for 5 years MTMP period

Forecasted Budget For the Municipality

BUDGET Probable Budget Construction (70%) Maintainance (30%) Class A (45%) Class B (30%) Class C (20%) Class D (5%) Total (NPR)
Base Year 73,825,000 51,677,500 22,147,500 23,254,875 15,503,250 10,335,500 2,583,875 51,677,500
First Year 81,207,500 56,845,250 24,362,250 25,580,363 17,053,575 11,369,050 2,842,263 56,845,250
Second Year 89,328,250 62,529,775 26,798,475 28,138,399 18,758,933 12,505,955 3,126,489 62,529,775
Third Year 98,261,075 68,782,753 29,478,323 30,952,239 20,634,826 13,756,551 3,439,138 68,782,753
Fourth Year 108,087,183 75,661,028 32,426,155 34,047,462 22,698,308 15,132,206 3,783,051 75,661,028
Fifth Year 118,895,901 83,227,131 35,668,770 37,452,209 24,968,139 16,645,426 4,161,357 83,227,131
Total 569,604,908 398,723,436 170,881,472 179,425,546 119,617,031 79,744,687 19,936,172 398,723,436

Year wise target output of prioritized road of MTMP

MTMP Period
Base year(2018/2019) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
BT GR ER Trail Total NEW BT GR ER Track BT GR ER Track BT GR ER Track BT GR ER Track BT GR ER Track

Class "A" - 6.1 174 180 6.1 - - 17 - - - 25 - - - 20 - - - 22 - - - 24 -

Class "B" - 9.1 136 145 20 - - 41 - - - 22 - - - 12 - - - 14 - - - 16 -

Class "C" - - 164 164 31 - - 54 1.9 - - 17 0.3 - - 9.8 0.3 - - 10 0.2 - - 29 0.4

Class"D" 0.2 2.6 279 - 282 0.2 - -

SRN 44 - - 44 -

Total 45 18 753 - 815 58 - - 112 1.9 - - 64 0.3 - - 42 0.3 - - 46 0.2 - - 69 0.4

Figure 23: MTMP Output

Road Class Black top Gravelling Widening Track opening

Class A - - 107.88 -

Class B - - 105.09 -

Class C - - 119.39 3.15

Class D - - - -

SRN - - - -

Total - - 332.36 3.15

6.2 MTMP Output

Based on imvestment plan, all MTMP roads will be maintained over five year period. 332.36
Km MTMP roads will be improved and prepared for gravel road standard including widening
and maintaining longitudinal and cross drainage system. This intervention ensures to bring
into all weather road for maintainable stage. 3.15 Km new track will be opened and be
brought into vehicle pliable condition (full design width and side drain construction) during
the MTMP period as projected budget. Additional length could have chance of upgrading if
additional fund is available during this MTMP period. During the MTMP period, NPR 398.72
Million will be invested for construction while NPR 170.88 Million on maintenance.

Annex 1 : Photograph

Presentation on MTMP at Sitganga Municipality

Ward 2 meeting on MTMP

Ward 3 meeting on MTMP

Road maintenance work going on

Ward 4 meeting on MTMP

Ward 9 meeting on MTMP

Publc Vehicle at Ward 5

Ward 7 Meeting on MTMP

Ward 12 meeting on MTMP

A typical bridge at Sitganga Municipaity

Ward 13 meeting on MTMP

Ward 14 meeting on MTMP

Annex 2 : Minuting


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