Introduction - Recommendation
Introduction - Recommendation
Introduction - Recommendation
The poultry species most commonly used for food production is the chicken
specifically the broiler chicken, scientifically named as, Gallus gallus domesticus.
Broiler chickens rank first as the economic source of meat and egg production in the
perceived higher level of health advantages compared to red meat. Initially they
were originally kept for family consumption in the backyard; broiler production has
grown to become one of the most well-known farming industries worldwide and has
significantly boosted our economy. Despite these benefits, there is growing pressure
on the global broiler sector to improve its methods of production, with both
consumers and the government noting health, the environment and animal welfare
healthy and productive and basically, the amount of these essential nutrients varies
illness status. Providing the chicken with feed of the highest possible quality in terms
of the components utilized, processing techniques used, and lastly the manner in
which the feed is supplied to the birds is necessary for effective broiler production
different medicines and vitamins to help them grow. When, in fact, it may have
detrimental impacts for farm neighbours and consumers. Furthermore, the use of
antibiotics in animal feeds has sparked growing public concern due to their build-up
in food derived from animals and environmental harm (Vishnuraj et al., 2016).
that places the greatest possible reliance on locally available and renewable
resources. Among the various plants that are added to animal diets as supplements,
oregano is one of the most popular. According to many studies that oregano will help
to boost the immune system and are believed to protect against prevalent poultry
diseases. Leaves of oregano plant and its essential oils are considered as
Water supplement has the major part in growing animals since this will also help to
boost its growth. Further research is needed to truly determine the effectiveness of
the intestinal microbial community, immune system status and the growth
The objective of the study was to determine the effects of oregano decoction
in terms of the body weight and what is the most effective dosage of oregano
This study was conducted from June 2022 to July 2022 at Cañete residence,
Philippines. Poultry farming is a lucrative business, with a market demand for poultry
meat and eggs (Jagdish, 2022). Poultry growers raised broiler chickens because of
its characteristics that grow rapidly and gain weight quickly. Broiler chicken can gain
Authority (PSA) on the chicken situation report in 2022 that the total live weight
broiler chicken production was approximately 1.87 million metric tons which implies
an annual growth rate of 7.0% from the previous years with 1.74 million metric tons.
The increasing level of production in 2022 was a recovery from the annual declines
in 2020 (-6.1%) and 2021 (-3.6). Highest chicken producer was Bulacan with a
production of 203.80 thousand metric tons, live weight. In addition, the gross value
which increase up to 21.8 per cent compared with the 2021 gross receipts of Php
192.97 billion.
433.09 thousand metric tons. This was 10.7 per cent higher than the recorded level
of 391.12 thousand metric tons in 2021. The highest importation of chicken meat in
2022 was noted in the period of October to December at 124.04 thousand metric
tons. The value of imported chicken meat amounted to USD 525.75 million, which
was higher by 18.0 per cent than the previous year’s record of USD 445.45 million.
The highest value of imported chicken was reported during the period of July to
September 2022 at USD 154.32 million (PSA Chicken Situation Report, 2023).
The majority of this growth has occurred in emerging nations since the 1960s,
when broiler meat production began to rise globally. If modern methods and
excellent supplies are applied, raising chicken for meat can be extremely profitable
venture. Popularity of broiler meat is attributed to its lower cost, greater versatility
and alleged higher health benefits. In spite of its many advantages and the positive
outlook, the world broiler sector faces increasingly challenges according to Shane
Mediterranean region for generation which used for medicinal purposes. It belongs
to Lamiaceae family that has a bushy, and woody-branched which grows to 1-3
inches tall. The leaves are light green with round to ovate shape, Singletary (2010).
Oregano is a perennial, widely disseminated all over Euroasia and North Africa. Its
herbs are one of the most traded and consumed spice. Its leaves are usually
pubescent with dentate margin and acute rounded apex (Kosakowska and Czupa,
aromatic plants which have potential in creating greater biomass (Sivicka et al.,
2019). Oregano is coated with granular trichomes (hairs) which serve as storage for
the essential oil. In 1cm3 of oregano leaf blades contains between 207 and 734
essential oils, while dry herb contains between 0.50 and 5.1% essential oil
There were six subspecies of oregano that have been distinguished on the
and total content. The variation is closely correlated with their geographic origin, but
accumulated with carvacrol, thymol and their precursors. Those subspecies had
lower content of essential oil are rich in other monoterpenes (Kosakowska & Czupa,
Carvacrol and thymol are two constituents of oregano that plays significant
principally responsible for this activity. The essential oil derived from oregano is
in broiler chicken, broiler turkeys and pigs, Marcincak et al. (2008). Other bioactive
compound found in oregano leaf includes phenolic acid, rosmarinic acid, caffeoyl
derivatives, ursolic acid, carnosic acid, and mixture of flavonoids (Singletary, 2010).
layers. In broiler chicken, oregano can help for rapid growth (Surai & Kochish, 2019).
According to the article of Poultry DVM (2023), the primary bioactive components in
oregano are carvacrol, thymol, beta-terpinene and p-cymeme which are known to
aid in inhibiting pathogenic bacterial growth, stimulation of the digestive system, and
composition. It also had positive effect in body weight and carcass traits.
humoral and innate immune responses (Galai et al., 2016). The antibacterial
alternatives can improve overall productivity due to the absence of side effects and
Oregano Decoction
medicinal plant materials. This process includes boiling the plant material with water.
This method is suitable for extracting heat-stable compounds and does not require
helps avoid the toxic effects showed by oregano essential oil (Martins et al., 2014).
A total of one hundred (100) broiler chicken was randomly distributed to five
Housing Preparation
Twenty cages were built and each cage measures 3x3 square meters in a
deep litter system with 3 inches depth rice hull as litter material. Rice hull was placed
inside the cage to minimize foul odors. The roof of the chicken house is made up of
sackolin and net was used to cover the cage. Every cage has its respective feeder
and drinker. Brooder cage was installed 50 watts incandescent bulbs for light and
All equipment such as cages, feeders, waterers and tools were cleaned and
were used to disinfect around the poultry house to eliminate the ants before the
arrival of chicks. Net was used to cover around the bird’s house to avoid the entry of
animals. Dead chicks were immediately removed and buried upon discovery.
Brooding Management
The chicks were brooded for up to 14 days and were reared under good
hygienic conditions. They were kept warm with the 50 watts incandescent bulbs as
an artificial brooder. The bulbs were turned on at 23 hours and provide 1 hour of
darkness for one week and 4 hours of lighting for the succeeding week, the bulb was
adjust depend on the temperature. The rice hull and newspaper as litter material
were added to maintain the dryness of floorings. They were provided with proper
Feeding Management
Upon the arrival of the chicks, they were confined in the brooder house.
Integra chick booster was given in the first 7 days. Integra starter feeds were
provided in the second week. Integra grower feeds were given in the third week.
Water Management
The broilers were provided a clean and potable drink (Fig.4). Drinkers were
washed before they were used. Water with oregano decoction is provided to the
medicinal plant materials. This process includes boiling the plant material with water.
This method is suitable for extracting heat-stable compounds and does not require
Washed thoroughly the collected fresh leaves of oregano and chopped it into pieces
then put it in the heater and add 1 cup of water and let it boil for 3-5 minutes. Let it
cool and transfer it in a cleaned container and ready to use for treatment.
Data Gathered
Feed Intake (g). Data for feed intake of the chicken was gathered every day.
This was done by subtracting the feed offer and feed refused divided by the number
Water Intake (ml). Data for water intake of the chicken was gathered every
day. This was done by subtracting the water offer and water refused divided by the
Weight Gain (kg). This was determined by computing the difference between
the initial body weight and final body weight. Initial body weight was taken 7 days
interval prior to the treatment period. The final weight was taken on the harvest
period. Five sample chicks per treatment were selected randomly. Weighing scale
Feed Conversion Ratio. This was gathered at 7 days interval. This was done
by adding the average feed consumed divided by total average weight gain every 7
All collected data was organized, tabulated and statistically analysed using
the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Orthogonal Polynomial Contrast and Least
Feed Consumption
The result for feed consumption of broiler chicken supplemented with oregano
analysis showed highly significant effect in terms of feed intake in week 3, week 4,
The result in week 3, linear trend was found highly significant while the
significant found in cubic trend. In comparison of mean, the highest feed intake was
observed in broiler chicken treated with 450ml oregano with a mean of 97.90a which
comparable with the broiler chicken treated with 400ml oregano (91.57b), 350ml
(89.58b) and 300ml (91.25b). Lowest mean was found in control (77.45c). However,
in week 4, the linear and quadratic trend found highly significant whereas the
significant was found in cubic trend. Highest mean was found in broiler chicken
treated with 450ml and 400ml oregano (98.69a),followed by 350ml with 98.25b,
300ml (97.85c). On the other hand, during the termination period, the linear trend
found highly significant. In mean comparison, the broiler chicken treated with 450ml
oregano decoction had the highest mean with 94.49a, which is not significantly
different 400 ml (94.34ab). The 300ml oregano decoction (94.09b) was comparable
to 350ml (94.06b). The lowest mean was found in the untreated chicken that had
The results of the study collaborate with the work of Vásquez R. et al., (2015)
significant effect on feed intake. However, according to the study of Blahova J, et al.,
in broiler chicken(Gallus gallus domesticus), They concluded that under the low
Figure6. The feed intake performance of broiler chicken supplemented with different
levels of Oregano Decoction.
ns = Not Significant
* = Significant
** / *** = Highly Significant
ns = Not Significant
* = Significant
** / *** = Highly Significant
Water Consumption
week 3 and week 4 the statistical analysis showed no significant effect in terms of
water intake. However, during the termination, broiler chicken treated with different
with the mean of 98.42a which comparable with 450 ml (98.35ab), 300 ml (97.97ab)
and 350 ml (97.90b). The lowest mean was observed in untreated chicken which is
factor affect the water consumption of the chicken. The results of the study
collaborate with the work of Orapoghenor O., et al., (2021) Effects of environmental
temperature on water intake in poultry; they concluded that when the environmental
Means 97.90
97.80 with the same letter are not significantly different
97.20 97.30
CV(%)= 0.31
ns = Not Significant
* = Significant
** / *** = Highly Significant
Weight Gain
The result for the body weight gain of broiler chicken supplemented with
highly significant in linear and quadratic trend while the quartic trend was found
Chicken treated with different levels of oregano decoction found the highest
mean in 450ml with the mean of 975.15a. However, 400ml and 350ml of oregano
were comparable with each other with the mean of 816.70b and 749.95b. Treatment
0 (462.15d) and treatment 300 (550.20c) are significantly different among other
The result of the study collaborates with the work of Hertrampf (2001) his
study proved that the 300ml oregano supplemented through the 1000ml drinking
water improved the chicken growth performance. However, the result of this study
shows highly significant effect toward the growth performance of broiler chicken at
0 462.15d
300 550.20c
350 749.95b
400 816.70b
450 975.15a
Means with the same letter are not significantly different
1000 975.15
800 749.95
600 550.2
ns = Not Significant
* = Significant
** / *** = Highly Significant
The feed conversion ratio of the broiler chicken supplemented with oregano
and cubic trend while the quartic trend is found significant. The lower the FCR, the
higher the efficiency, in comparing of means, the results revealed that the broiler
treated with 450 ml oregano has the highest mean of (1.27d) followed by 350 ml
oregano (1.64c) which is comparable to 400 ml oregano (1.50c). The lowest mean
was found in the untreated chicken (2.66a) followed by chicken treated with 300ml
oregano (2.23b). According to poultry study in United State (2018) that the lower the
feed conversion ratio, the more efficient animals are at converting feed into food.
0 2.66a
300 2.23b
350 1.64c
400 1.50c
Table11.Feed 1.27d
Conversion Ratio of Broiler chicken supplemented with oregano
decoction as water supplement.
Figure 10. The feed conversion ratio of Broiler Chicken supplemented with different
Levels of oregano decoction
3 with the same letter are not significantly different
2.5 2.66
1.5 1.64
Feed Conversion Ratio
Source of
Variance DF SS MS F Value Pr(> F)
TREATMENT 4 5.2458 1.3115 87.13*** 0.0000
Linear 1 4.5542 4.5542 302.57*** 0.0000
Quadratic 1 0.4341 0.4341 28.84** 0.0001
Cubic 1 0.1749 0.1749 11.62** 0.0039
Quartic 1 0.0827 0.0827 5.49* 0.0333
Error 15 0.2258 0.0151
Total 19 5.4716
CV(%)= 6.60
ns = Not Significant
* = Significant
** / *** = Highly Significant
among the varying levels has the significant effects toward the growth and
performance of broiler chicken. The study was conducted at Purok-5 Sto. Niño
Kidapawan City, Cotabato from June to July 2022. This was carried out in
Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments replicated Four times.
Result was computed and Analysed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and mean
The result of the study showed that Oregano Decoction had significant effect
on the feed intake, water intake, feed efficiency and growth performance of broiler
chicken. In connection with, the environmental factors truly affect the performance of
broiler chicken. Broiler chicken treated with 450 ml oregano showed to have the
highest average of feed intake, growth weight and the feed conversion ratio among
other levels of treatment on most parameters. However, In terms of water intake the
broiler treated with 400 ml revealed to have the highest average among other levels
as water supplement for broiler chicken from the level of 450 ml to higher dosage
and longer duration is highly recommended to get the best result in terms of growth
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