Competing With Free
Competing With Free
Competing With Free
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Research Article
Competing with Free: The Impact
of Movie Broadcasts on DVD
Sales and Internet Piracy1
By: Michael D. Smith distribution in one channel on sales through paid channels,
H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and and the impact of illegitimate free distribution in pirated
Management channels on sales through paid channels. We do this by
Carnegie Mellon University studying the impact ofmovie broadcasts on D VD demand and
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 the impact of piracy availability at the time of broadcast on
U.S.A. DVD demand. Our data include all movies shown on over the-air and cable television during an eight-month period in
Rahul Telang
H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and With respect to the impact of movie broadcasts on piracy and
Management sales, we find that movie broadcasts on over-the-air networks
Carnegie Mellon University result in a significant increase in both DVD sales at Amazon,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 com and illegal downloads for those movies that are available
U.S.A. on BitTorrent at the time of broadcast. With respect to the impact of piracy on sales, we use the television broadcast as
an exogenous demand shock andfind that the availability of
pirated content at the time of broadcast has no effect on post
broadcast DVD sales gains.
Together our results suggest that creative artists can use
The creative industries have frequently expressed concern product differentiation and market segmentation strategies to
that they can't compete with freely available copies of their compete with freely available copies of their content. Speci
content. Competing with free is particularly concerning for fically, the post-broadcast increase in DVD sales suggests
movie studios, whose content may be more prone to single that giving away content in one channel can stimulate sales
use consumption than other industries such as music. This in a paid channel if the free content is sufficiently differen
issue has gained renewed importance recently with the advent tiated from its paid counterpart. Likewise, our finding that
of new digital video recording and distribution technologies, the presence ofpirated content does not cannibalize sales for
and the widespread availability of Internet piracy. the movies in our sample suggests that if free and paid pro
ducts appeal to separate customer segments, the presence of
We examine competition between 'free " and paid video con free products need not harm paid sales.
tent in two important contexts: the impact of legitimate free
Keywords: Information goods, movie broadcasts, movie pro
motion, DVD sales, movie piracy, broadcast flag, consumer
1 Chris Kemerer was the accepting senior editor for this paper. surplus
DVDs. In our sample, over-the-air movie broadcasts result in net effect of television broadcasts is to increase media sales,
an increase in DVD sales at by an average of and that the presence of pirated content does not reduce post
118 percent during the first week after broadcast. broadcast sales of movies shown on television.
With respect to the impact of free pirated content, studies of For academics, our research presents a new empirical strategy
the impact of piracy face the endogeneity concern that for tracking piracy levels on the BitTorrent network and a
(unobserved) popularity influences both sales (left-hand-side new strategy for analyzing the impact of piracy on media
variable) and piracy levels (right-hand-side variable). In this sales. Specifically, in settings where the decision to promote
study, we attempt to address this endogeneity concern by or distribute a product (through broadcast in our case) is
using the promotional stimulus from the movie broadcast as uncorrelated with the availability of the product on pirate
an exogenous shock, and comparing the post-broadcast pro networks, the promotional stimulus can be used as a natural
motional gain for movies that have pirated versions readily experiment to compare the response of products with and
available on BitTorrent networks at the time of broadcast and without pirated copies available.
those that do not. If piracy is harming sales for these movies,
movies that have pirated copies readily available on The remainder of this paper proceeds as follows. In the next
BitTorrent will exhibit a smaller post-broadcast promotional section, we review the relevant literature pertaining to the
stimulus than those that do not because some consumers who impact of broadcasts and piracy on product sales, and on the
would otherwise have purchased a DVD will (illegally) effectiveness of product differentiation and market segmen
download the free BitTorrent version instead. However, we tation strategies in Internet markets. In the third section, we
observe in our data that movies that have pirated copies present our main empirical tests and briefly discuss the
readily available on BitTorrent networks at the time of broad theoretical basis for each test. We then discuss our data and
cast have statistically the same increase in DVD sales as those present our empirical models and results. Finally, we discuss
that do not. the implication of our findings, limitation of our analysis, and
areas for future research.
For movie studios, our results suggest that competing with
free is possible through product differentiation and customer
segmentation. With regard to differentiation, our results
suggest that the television broadcast of a movie is sufficiently Literature HHHH
differentiated from the DVD version (in terms of conveni
ence, usability, and content) that, not only does it not appear Our work most closely pertains to the lit
to cannibalize sales, it has a net promotional effect on sales? of piracy in markets for information go
even though nearly the entire copy of the movie is shown on in this area has focused on software
television and even though movies are thought to be single particularly on peer-to-peer file sharin
use consumption products. With respect to segmentation, our impact on firm profitability. A prominen
results suggest that, at the time of broadcast, pirates and literature has been to show that piracy
purchasers represent two different market segments. The firms. Prasad and Mahajan (2003) argue
movie broadcast stimulates demand for DVDs and demand for good for a new product if the firm needs
piracy. However, the presence of pirated content does not user base to speed up diffusion. Gu
cannibalize DVD sales at the point of time a movie is shown show that because piracy removes the m
on television. This is conceptually similar to well-known buyers from the market it can reduce p
examples of price discrimination where a lower priced benefiting sellers. Finally, Peitz and Wa
product (in this case a free pirated product) need not canni that piracy can act as a free "sample,
balize sales from higher priced products if the two products awareness.
appeal to different customer segments. The difference, in this
case, is that rights holders have only limited control over the The empirical work on piracy has focused on estimating the
availability and "price" of pirated content as compared to impact of piracy on demand for legitimate content. The
price setting and product differentiation strategies available to majority of this literature has focused on the music industry,
firms in more traditional settings. addressing three related sets of empirical questions. The first
question is the degree to which the emergence of peer-to-peer
For policy-makers, we find no evidence to indicate an imme file sharing in 1999 can explain the steady decline in record
diate need for "broadcast flag" style copy protection of movie sales from 1999 to 2003. In addressing this question, Liebo
broadcasts. In contrast, our results suggest that at present the witz (2008) finds that increased Internet penetration can
explain the significant reduction in album sales from 1999 to supply of piracy, Byers et al. (2003) show that the majority of
2003, while Hong (2004) and Peitz and Waelbroeck (2004) movies available on file sharing networks originate from
find that approximately 20 percent of the decline in record studio leaks, as opposed to copies from DVDs or other post
sales can be explained by piracy using data from 2000 and market sources.
1998 to 2002 respectively.
From the perspective of empirical methods, our analysis
The second, and related, major question addressed in the relates to the growing empirical literature using Amazon's
literature is the degree to which the consumption of pirated sales rank data to estimate the company's product-level sales.
content displaces sales of legitimate content. Here, estimates While does not provide product-level sales
range from 42 percent displacement in an international sample information for its products, the company does provide
from 1994 to 1998 (Hui and Png 2003), to 33 percent dis information about the sales ranking of products within a
placement among U.S. sales in 2003 (Blackburn 2007), to 30 particular product category. Researchers have used this sales
percent displacement among 15,000 European consumers in rank data to estimate Amazon's sales through direct empirical
2001 (Zentner 2006), to 20 percent displacement among a estimation (Brynjolfsson et al. 2003) and experimental cali
sample of University of Pennsylvania students (Rob and bration (Chevalier and Goolsbee 2003). Subsequent papers
Waldfogel 2006), to finally no displacement among U.S. in the literature have used Chevalier and Goolsbee's experi
downloaders in late 2002 (Oberholzer and Strumpf 2007). mental calibration technique in a variety of contexts (e.g.,
Chevalier and Mayzlin 2004; Ghose et al. 2006; Ghose and
The third major question addressed in the literature is the Sundararajan 2005; Smith and Telang 2004).
degree to which harm from piracy affects popular and less
popular artists. Here Blackburn (2007) finds that piracy has Finally, we note that the impact of piracy on product markets
a stronger impact on popular artists while Bhattacharjee et al. is conceptually similar to the impact of used goods markets on
(2007) and Rob and Waldfogel (2006) seem to find the new product sales (Ghose et al. 2006), the impact of increased
opposite effect: that less popular CDs face higher piracy TV and radio penetration on the movie and music industries
risks. Thus, each of the papers in the literature?with one (Liebowitz 2004), competition between traditional print
notable exception?has found some level of harm from music copies of books and PDF copies of books (Kannan and Jain
piracy in the late 1990s and early 2000s, but there is a fair 2002), consumers' decisions to rent or purchase movies
amount of disagreement as to the degree of harm from piracy. (Knox and Eliashberg 2005), and international movie release
windows (Elberse and Eliashberg 2003).
However, while there is now a great deal of literature in the
context of music piracy, we are aware of only two papers to
address movie piracy. First, Rob and Waldfogel (2007) use
survey data from 500 University of Pennsylvania under Theoretical Framework
graduates and find that piracy displaces paid consumption by
nearly 100 percent on the first viewing and 20 percent on the In this section, we outline the main empirical questions ad
second viewing. Second, Smith and Telang (2007) find that dressed in this paper and discuss the theoretical rationale
increases in broadband Internet penetration from 2000 to 2003 underlying each question.
led to a $ 1.3 billion increase in DVD sales. Moreover, it may
be particularly important to analyze the impact of video piracy
separately from music piracy because of differences in size, The Impact of Movie Broadcasts
download speed, digital rights protection, and consumption on DVD Sales
patterns between the two types of content.
On one hand, it is possible that the dominant impact of
Another stream of the literature analyzes piracy from a policy "giving away" a movie through an unencrypted, freely avail
perspective. In this context, Gopal and Sanders (1998) show able medium such as broadcast television would suppress
that government enforcement of intellectual property rights DVD sales. In this view, consumers who would have other
depends on the robustness of the domestic software industry. wise purchased the movie on DVD would be less inclined to
With respect to copyright policy, Png and Wang (2006) show do so if they could instead watch and retain copies of movies
that copyright extensions enacted by OECD countries from shown on free television. The movie studios first raised this
1991 to 2002 were associated with an increase in movie argument in 1982 as part of the development of the first
production?and that this increase was stronger in countries analog videocassette recorders. At that time, the movie
where piracy was lower. Finally, from the perspective of the industry argued before the United States Congress and
Supreme Court that home recording of television programs The Impact of Pirated Content
infringed the studios' copyright and that manufacturers of on After-Broadcast DVD Sales
home video equipment should be held liable of all resulting
instances of copyright infringement. This argument was most If movie broadcasts serve to stimulate DVD sales, will this
famously advanced by Jack Valenti's statement before sales stimulus be lower for movies that have pirated content
Congress that "the VCR is to the American film producer and available at the time of broadcast? This is a critical empirical
the American public as the Boston strangler is to the woman question for movie studios looking to protect their valuable
home alone."3 As noted above, studios have again raised this content.
concern in the context of HDTV broadcasts and digital video
recorders, noting that it is easier for consumers to retain, edit, On one hand, the majority of the empirical literature has
and share digital broadcasts than analog broadcasts and that, shown that, at least in the context of music and software, the
unlike analog broadcasts, digital storage, editing, and sharing availability of pirated content reduces, at least somewhat,
can occur without loss of signal quality. legitimate demand. It would be natural to expect that the
same rationale would carryover to movies as well.
On the other hand, it is possible that television broadcasts of
movies could have no effect on DVD sales, or even stimulate However, it is also possible that the availability of pirated
sales. The "no effect" view is consistent with Liebowitz content for movies has a negligible effect on legitimate
(1985), who concluded that there was no detrimental impact consumption. This view is consistent with the notion that
of the VCR on TV content providers. In the "stimulate sales" pirated content for music and software is a much stronger
view, the television broadcast would serve as advertising for substitute for paid content than pirated copies of movies.
the movie, allowing consumers who otherwise would not have Pirated music and software have nearly the same quality and
purchased the DVD to become aware of (or reacquainted usability as the legitimate content. In the case of music,
with) its content. These consumers might decide to purchase pirated content may have even higher usability as, unlike
the DVD even after seeing the movie on television because many legitimate digital downloads, pirated music does not
DVDs offer more information (e.g., deleted scenes, director's contain restrictions associated with Digital Rights Manage
commentary), higher convenience (e.g., no commercials, easy ment, and unlike CDs, pirated music does not require a
portability), and higher video quality than television broad separate step to be played on portable digital music players.
casts do. A similar idea was espoused, though not empirically
tested, by Liebowitz (1985). In contrast, pirated movies frequently have significantly lower
quality than legitimate media due to the compression neces
We also note that these effects might exist side-by-side, with
sary to facilitate easy Internet downloads. Likewise, from a
some consumers deciding not to purchase DVDs because they usability standpoint, it is harder to play pirated movies on
can view and retain the television broadcasts, and some most home theater systems than it would be to play a
consumers deciding to purchase the DVD on the basis of legitimate DVD.
seeing the broadcast. While our data do not allow us to
separately identify these two effects, we are able to identify
The impact of piracy on legitimate demand also critically
the net effect of the television broadcast on DVD sales. depends on how loosely (or tightly) coupled the user seg
ments in these markets are. On one hand, it is possible that
these segments are tightly coupled and that a significant
number of users would forgo the purchase of a DVD if pirated
content were available. On the other hand, these segments
might be loosely coupled such that potential DVD buyers
would not consider the availability of pirated content in their
purchase decision, and potential pirates would not consider
purchasing the DVD if pirated content were not available.
November 23,2005, was the day before Thanksgiving, the traditional start 6This table includes all data from 14 days before broadcast date through 28
of the Christmas shopping season. Our results are not sensitive to this choice days after the broadcast date consistent with our regressions below.
of dates. For example, a more conservative approach of eliminating all
observations from November 1, 2005, to January 1, 2006, would result in a 7This technique has also been applied in a variety of other studies, including
slight (and statistically insignificant) increase in the post-broadcast sales Chevalier and Mayzlin (2004), Ghose et al. (2006), and Ghose and
gains reported here. Sundararajan (2005).
This relationship can be parameterized using either direct (i.e., leechers), and the number of cumulative downloads.
observation of sales and ranks for select titles, typically ob This characteristic makes BitTorrent tracker sites particularly
tained from product suppliers (see Brynjolfsson et al. 2003) useful for empirical analysis of piracy levels, and we believe
or by means of an experiment (see Chevalier and Goolsbee that the use of BitTorrent tracker sites in this way represents
2003). an additional contribution of this paper to the literature.
Lacking supplier data, we apply Chevalier and Goolsbee's Among BitTorrent trackers, we selected Piratebay and Mini
experimental technique by finding two DVDs with high rank nova as data sources because they were among the most
(low sales) and observing their rank over the course of several popular BitTorrent tracker sites during our study period,9 and
weeks to estimate the number of daily sales. We then ordered these sites also listed the current number of seeds, leechers,
seven copies of the DVDs in an hour, observing the initial and and downloads for each of their trackers at the time of our
final rank. This allows us to obtain two points on the curve, study (Figure 1 shows a sample screen from
which we can then use to determine the slope (?) of equation
(1) in log-log space. We performed this experiment on July For each of the movies in our data set, we use an automated
1 and July 8, 2004, for two separate DVDs and found the ? script to search for movie torrents matching the movie title.
parameter for equation (1) was equal to -1.61 in both cases. We collect this data daily starting before the movie's broad
We performed this experiment again on February 8,2006, for cast date and continuing after the broadcast date. This allows
two additional DVDs, and found ? parameters of-1.76 and us to track both (1) any activity on torrents that existed before
-1.81 respectively. We use the average of the four ? esti the broadcast and (2) any new torrents that might be added
mates (-1.70) in our subsequent calculations.8 after the broadcast date. For all trackers that match the movie
title and general description, we collect the date the tracker
Our piracy data come from and, was added to the respective tracker site, the file size, and daily
two public tracker sites for the BitTorrent protocol. We observations of the number of seeds, leechers, and cumulative
selected BitTorrent as a proxy for piracy levels for two downloads.
reasons. First, BitTorrent is currently the most popular
protocol for sharing large files, such as movie files (which Our final data set covers the period of October 28, 2005,
typically range from one to six gigabytes in size for content through March 3,2006. As above, we exclude the Christmas
sourced from DVDs). Second, the design of the BitTorrent holiday period (November 23,2005, through January 1,2006)
protocol is such that all nodes participating in a file download to avoid the possibility that piracy levels are systematically
report their status to the tracker every 20 seconds. Thus, different during this time period. The summary statistics for
tracker sites such as Piratebay and Mininova can report in our piracy data are shown in Table 2.10
near real-time the number of users providing the entire file
(i.e., seeds), the number of users actively downloading the file 9
For example, Gil (2006) lists both Piratebay and Mininova among the five
most popular BitTorrent tracker sites.
Our results would be qualitatively the same if we used either the July 2004 10Our summary statistics only include observations from 14 days before
or February 2006 coefficients. broadcast to 7 days after broadcast, consistent with our regressions below.
Harn? Brawn* cat?gorte$ ? Upload a tornwu Atfvawiart starch COfmmyjifcy * Searrf? doud
To ?art tru? ?2P downJodd, yoy have to t^stati a 8<? Torrent ctoern Kk* ?jTorr?nt or W
Results time the broadcast started on the East Coast of the United
States. Likewise, D(l) equals 1 for the first week after the
start of the broadcast in Eastern time zone.
The Impact of Movie Broadcasts
on DVD Sales
We then estimate a model with DVD-level fixed effects to
examine how sales change after a movie is broadcast on over
To estimate the effect of movie broadcasts on DVD sales, we
the-air or cable television. A fixed effect model ensures that
create a set of weekly time dummy variables that control for
the sales levels before and after the broadcast. For notational changes in sales are captured within DVDs. The fixed effect
model we estimate is
simplicity, the dummy variable D(x) will be equal to one for
x weeks before or after the broadcast. Thus, D(-l) equals 1
for the time period from one week before broadcast until the Ln(Rankit) = ? Priceit + ?Dt + et (2)
where / indexes a movie and / indexes time. ? and ? are the vision, the DVD sales rank decreases (DVD sales increase)
vectors of coefficients to be estimated, where S captures the significantly for both movies shown on broadcast networks
effect of the movie broadcast on DVD sales, our variable of and movies shown on cable networks. Similarly, D(2) and
interest. Due to time series effects, we control for AR(1) D(3) are also negative and significant (except for D(3) in the
disturbances in the error term. case of ad-cable, which is insignificant), although the magni
tudes are decreasing with respect to D(l). Thus the sales in
As noted above, we start observing the sales rank for a DVD weeks two and three are also higher than pre-broadcast levels,
two weeks before its television broadcast. Using this data, the although they are not as high as in week one. Finally, the
left out variable in this regression is the average sales level estimate on D(4) is small, positive, and insignificant (except
two weeks before broadcast. Since the number of viewers in the case of ad-cable, where it is positive and significant).
differs significantly across movies and across channels, we Thus by week four, DVD sales reach approximately the same
interact our time dummy variable Dt with the number of level as they were two weeks prior to the broadcast. To focus
viewers reported by Nielsen media research (in units of on the event of interest, we do not include dummies beyond
100,000 viewers). This allows us to control for differences in week four, although the estimates on D(5) are economically
viewership and for movie popularity effects. Thus, the impact and statistically insignificant. Also note that, over time, DVD
of Dt should be interpreted as the change in rank in week / per sales show a declining trend. If we were to control for it (by
100,000 viewers. Our results for this regression are shown in including age of the DVD or by including a control group of
Table 3. movies that were not broadcast) our estimates on the weekly
dummies would be even stronger. In summary, broadcasting
movies on television?essentially giving away the content for
The crucial variables in our model are the dummy variables
free?provides a strong short-term stimulus to DVD sales.
on time. As noted above, the left out category is the time
period two weeks prior to broadcast. First note that D(-l) is
Based on these estimates, we can quantify the percentage
insignificant. Thus, in the week prior to the movie broadcast
increase in sales due to a movie broadcast. To do this, we
there is little change in the rank (sales) of DVDs relative to
interpret the values of the dummy variables in terms of overall
their sales two weeks before broadcast. This suggests that our
changes in sales. Recall that Ln(Sales) =? x Ln(Rank) where
results are not driven by consumers delaying their purchases
? = -1.70. From this, it is straightforward to show that the
until after the movie is broadcast or by responses to pre
percentage increase in sales resulting from a coefficient 8t is
broadcast promotion of the movie.11
From Table 4, we can see that movies shown on over-the-air increase in sales typically persists for three to four weeks
broadcast networks experience a 119 percent increase in DVD before returning to its baseline level. Thus, our findings show
sales in week one, a 56 percent increase in week two and a 22 that the sales promotion benefits of digital television
percent increase in week three. As noted above, by week broadcasts far outweigh any short-term cannibalization effect.
four, DVD sales return to levels that are statistically the same We next turn our attention to measuring the impact of
as the levels before the movie was broadcast. broadcasts on the supply of and demand for pirated content.
Table 5. Impact of Movie Broadcasts on Piracy (Fixed Effects) for Broadcast Channels
data we do not interact viewership numbers with time It is important to note that these increases are driven by
dummies as done in the previous section. We first estimate demand-side effects as opposed to supply-side effects. To test
the impact of over-the-air broadcasts on piracy (Table 5). supply-side effects, we used our BitTorrent tracker data to
analyze the names and sizes of all trackers added in the month
Our results show a significant increase in piracy immediately after the movie's broadcast date and found no evidence that
after movies are broadcast on over-the-air channels. From our television broadcasts (whether digital or analog) serve as the
estimates, we quantify the magnitude of these changes in source material for pirated content in our sample. That is, the
Table 6, where the baseline levels for daily downloads, increase in downloads, seeds, and leechers is driven by
leechers, and seeders were 8.8, 15.7, and 5.4 per week per increased interest in the existing trackers for these movies
tracker respectively. (based on similar affects to those driving increased DVD
sales), as opposed to an increased supply of copies of the
The magnitude of these changes is nontrivial. For example, movies taken from the (unencrypted) over-the-air or cable
our results suggest that daily downloads increase by 60 to 100 broadcasts.
percent in the four weeks after broadcast. Similarly, seeds
and leechers increase by between 25 and 55 percent in the Given these empirical findings, we are now able to analyze
first two weeks after broadcast, with smaller (and statistically whether the availability of pirated content on prominent
insignificant) increases in weeks three and four. BitTorrent networks at the time of broadcast is associated
with smaller increases in DVD sales after broadcast than for
We ran the same piracy regressions as above on the movies movies where no BitTorrent tracker is available at the time of
shown on cable channels in our sample. Our results are broadcast. One might wonder if the availability of pirated
shown in Table 7. The cable results reveal a slight increase content at the time a movie is broadcast on television reduces
in downloads, which is statistically significant only in week the number of DVD purchases that otherwise would have
three. The regressions show no statistical change in the levels occurred. In short, does movie piracy adversely impact DVD
of leechers or seeders after broadcast. As in the previous sales for movies at the point in time where they are shown on
section, a significant reason for the low estimates on piracy television? To analyze this question, we use the television
levels in these regressions is that viewership levels for ad broadcast of movies as an exogenous demand shock and
cable movies are significantly smaller than those for over-the compare the DVD sales gain for movies that have BitTorrent
air broadcasts. trackers at the time of broadcast to the DVD sales gain among
movies that do not have BitTorrent trackers at the time of
In summary, we find that over-the-air movie broadcasts tend broadcast. If the presence of pirated content harms sales, we
to stimulate both DVD sales and piracy, and these increases should see a smaller increase in post-broadcast sales for
are substantially higher for over-the-air broadcasts than they movies with pirated copies available than for those with no
are for cable broadcasts. pirated copies available.
Table 7. Impact of Movie Broadcasts on Piracy (Fixed Effects) for Cable Channels
Independent Variables Daily Downloads Leechers Seeds
D(1) 0.31 (0.42) 0.34 (0.33) 0.25* (0.13)
D(2) 1.15** (0.57) -0.45 (0.45) 0.02 (0.17)
D(3) 2.1** (0.63) -0.55 (0.51) -0.04 (0.19)
D(4) 0.69 (0.68) -0.07 (0.54) -0.07 (0.20)
D(5) 0.11 (0.73) 0.17(0.58) 0.006 (0.21)
Tracker Age 0.22 (1.23) -1.24** (0.55) -0.91** (0.23)
Constant 3.91 (3.29) 16.71** (1.26) 7.82** (0.61)
Number of Observations 5628 6070 6070
Number of Groups 388 390 390
The dependent variable is daily downloads (column 1), number of leechers (column 2), and number of seeds (column 3). Standard errors are listed
in parenthesis; ** and * denote significance at 0.01 and 0.05, respectively. All models use tracker-level fixed effects.
We have data for 160 movies that were available on in terms of the change in rank after broadcast (see Table Al
BitTorrent at the time of broadcast and 107 movies that in the Appendix for these estimates). Moreover, in our
were not available on BitTorrent at the time of broadcast. regressions we control for movie popularity by including
One potential concern with the data is that more popular the number of viewers as a control variable. The fact that
movies might be more likely to be available on BitTorrent we see no differences between popular and less popular
than less popular movies.13 However, note that we are movies in terms of percentage change in rank after broad
interested in changes in sales rather than the absolute sales cast, combined with our use of movie-level fixed effects and
level (the fixed effect model measures changes in rank controls for the number of viewers (popularity), should
within movies). Thus, the actual starting rank is less of a control for selection effects when analyzing the change in
concern. Rather, if popular movies show a larger increase sales for movies available on BitTorrent versus the change
in sales after broadcast than do less popular movies, we in sales for movies that are not available on BitTorrent.
would have cause for concern due to a selection problem. However, below we also use a propensity score method
(Rosenbaum and Dubin 1983) as an additional check on the
However, we see no evidence in the data that there is a
possibility of selection bias, again finding no evidence of
difference between more popular and less popular movies selection bias in our results.
Thus, the dummy variable estimates the average change in our results. To address this possibility, we reestimate our
DVD sales per 100,000 viewers over the four-week period piracy regressions using a propensity score matching method.
after the movie broadcast. To capture the effect of BitTorrent, Propensity score matching has been used extensively in
we also interact the BitTorrent dummy variable with the "after economics and statistics to overcome the problem of selection
broadcast" dummy variable. Note that we cannot include a bias (Dehejia and Waba 2002). The basic principle of the
separate BitTorrent dummy variable in our estimation propensity score is to use some observable variables (e.g., box
because, in the fixed effect estimation, this dummy variable office revenues, user ratings) to predict the
cannot be identified. We show the results for both over-the probability of a movie being on the BitTorrent network. This
air and ad-cable movies in Table 8. allows the direct comparison of movies that have similar
characteristics (propensity scores), where one movie is
We first note that the estimate on the after broadcast dummy available on BitTorrent while the other is not. Matching
is negative and significant, which is consistent with our movies in this way should substantially reduce any remaining
finding above that sales rank decreases (sales increase) in the selection bias issues.
month after a movie is broadcast on television. However, we
also note that the estimate on the interaction dummy variable Propensity scores are calculated using the standard Probit
is positive but statistically and economically insignificant. function with observed explanatory variables (see Table A2
This suggests that the increase in sales after broadcast is in the Appendix for the Probit results). We plot the pro
statistically the same for movies that are available on pensity scores for movies on BitTorrent (BT =1) and not on
BitTorrent at the time of broadcast (BT =1) and those that are BitTorrent (BT = 0) in Figure 2.
not (BT = 0).
Propensity score analysis techniques rely on being able to find
One potential concern about this result is that over-the-air movies with similar propensity scores in both groups (BT =
movies seem to show a much stronger increase in piracy than 0 and BT = 1). Based on this, it is important to note that the
ad-cable movies do, and thus over-the-air movies may plots in Figure 2 have a similar shape and most importantly
experience more harm from piracy. To address this issue, in that for any given propensity score it is possible to find
Table 9 we run this regression again, but this time with only movies with similar propensity scores in both the BT = 1 and
movies that were shown on over-the-air broadcast networks. BT = 0 groups.
The results of this regression are similar to those in Table 8, Once the propensity score is calculated, the analysis reduces
with slightly lower significance on the after broadcast dummy to comparing the sales changes of movies in the treatment
variable. Likewise, the interaction term is still statistically (BT =1) and control groups (BT = 0) with appropriately
and economically insignificant, although the sign is now matched propensity scores. For this test, the estimate on the
negative. difference in sales changes for movies on BitTorrent (as
compared to movies not on BitTorrent) is -0.038 with a
Finally, despite the controls for movie popularity outlined standard error of 0.061, making this coefficient statistically
above, it is still possible that a selection problem is driving insignificant.
The dependent variable is Log(Rank). T-statistics are listed in parentheses; ** and * denote significance at
0.01 and 0.05, respectively. All models use tracker-level fixed effects. Results are normalized per 100,000
.4 .6
Propensity Score (BT=1) Propensity Score (BT=0)
We find that after a movie is shown on broadcast television, Second, our finding that the availability of pirated content
there is a strong and immediate increase in sales of the does not seem to impact the demand for legitimate content
corresponding DVD through Similarly, we suggests that, at least at the point in time where a movie is
find that after broadcast there is a strong increase in the shown on television, demand from legitimate consumers and
demand for pirated content of these movies through two pirates is relatively segmented. That is, we do not see evi
prominent BitTorrent tracker sites. However, there is no dence that the availability of pirated content causes consumers
corresponding after-broadcast increase in the supply of who would have otherwise purchased a DVD after broadcast
pirated content. That is, movie broadcasts in our sample to consume pirated content instead. This result suggests that
studios may wish to focus their scarce antipiracy resources on
promote the consumption of pirated material but do not serve
recent theatrical and DVD releases where the availability of
as the source material for pirated content.
pirated material may have a stronger negative impact on sales.
Second, we believe that, at present, online retailers such as comments from conference and workshop participants at the 2007 are the most appropriate reference point for International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2007
measuring the trade-offs consumers make between satisfying Workshop on the Economics of ICT, 2007 International Industrial
Organization Conference (HOC), 2006 Workshop on Information
the demand for movies through legitimate outlets and online
Systems and Economics (WISE), the 2006 INFORMS Marketing
pirate networks.
Science Conference, the 2006 Statistical Challenges in Electronic
Commerce Conference, the 2006 Telecommunications Policy
Third, our piracy results come from two public BitTorrent Research Conference (TPRC); and from seminar participants at
trackers and are not a comprehensive measure of the avail MIT, the Ohio State University, Purdue University, Temple Univer
ability of pirated material. Rather, we are using these data as sity, the University of California at Irvine, the University of Florida,
proxies for overall content availability and piracy levels. the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the University of
However, we believe these measures serve as valid proxies Minnesota, the University of Texas at Austin, the University of
based on the popularity of the BitTorrent protocol for movie Texas at Dallas, the University of Washington, and Carnegie Mellon
piracy and given the relative popularity of these two sites for University. We thank Pisit Chartbanchachai, Samita Dhanasobhon,
posting trackers related to movie piracy. Lawrence Gioia, Reshma Kane, Sang Dong Lee, Thomas Oliver,
Amita Pimple, Jocelyn Sabruno, and Kelly West for excellent
research assistance. Both authors acknowledge the National Science
Finally, it is possible that the post-broadcast sales increase
Foundation for generous financial support provided through
observed in our data is driven by promotion unrelated to the
CAREER award IIS-0118767 (Smith) and CAREER award
television broadcast. However, we also note that we believe
CNS-0546009 (Telang). Both authors also acknowledge generous
this is unlikely given that our results show a strong increase financial support through the Center for the Analysis of Property
in movie sales the week after broadcast and no statistical
Rights and Innovation (CAPRI) at the University of Texas at Dallas.
change in the week before broadcast. Author names are in alphabetical order.
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Radio on the Record Industry," Review of Economic Research About the Authors
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Liebowitz, S. L. 2008. "Testing File-Sharing's Impact by Exam Michael D. Smith is an associate professor of Information Systems
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852-859. at the Heinz College's School of Information Systems and Manage
Lucey, A. 2002. "Comments of Viacom Before the Federal Com ment and the Tepper School of Business. He received his Ph.D. in
munications Commission, in the Matter of Digital Broadcast Management Science and Information Technology from the Sloan
Copy Protection," MB Docket No. 02-230, December 6. School of Management at MIT. Michael's research relates to
Netherby, J. 2005. " Dominates in Online DVD analyzing and designing efficient information exchanges. His
Sales," Reed Business Information Inc. Gale Group, Farmington research in this area has been published in leading Management
Hills, MI, December 19. Science, Economics, and Marketing journals and covered by popular
Oberholzer, F., and Strumpf, K. 2007. "The Effect of File Sharing outlets including The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, Sloan
on Record Sales: An Empirical Analysis," Journal of Political Management Review, The New York Times, Time Magazine, and
Economy (115:1), pp. 1-42. Business Week. He also jointly conducted some of the first
PBS. 2005. "NowPlaying...andPlaying...andPlaying,"PBSFront academic research into the social welfare impact of increased
line (available from product variety in Internet markets. This work was cited in Chris
Anderson's best-selling, and artfully titled, book The Long Tail. various security/privacy laws, compliance, and standards on con
Michael has received several awards for his teaching and research sumer welfare. He received the NSF Career Award for his work in
including the National Science Foundation's prestigious CAREER the domain. His second stream of research is focused on interaction
Award, the best published paper award runner-up for Information of various digital media distribution platforms with particular focus
Systems Research in 2006, and the Best Teacher Award in the on online piracy. He has empirically investigated the impact on
Master's of Information Systems Management program. used book markets, P2P file sharing for music, movies and television
shows. He is the recipient of the Alfred P. Sloan foundation
Rahul Telang is an associate professor of Information Systems and industry studies fellow for his work in this domain. Rahul has
Management at the Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University. He published many articles in various journals including Management
earned his doctorate from the Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Science, Information Systems Research, Journal of Marketing
Mellon University in 2002. Rahul's main research interests are in Research, and IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. He
economics of information security. He has examined software serves on the editorial boards of Management Science
vulnerability disclosure, patch release policies, and impact of vari and Information Systems Research.
Table A1. Estimates with Different Starting Ranks
Independent Variables Starting Rank 1,000-8,000 Starting Rank 10,000-20,000
DM) -0.000 (-.013) 0.002(1.6)
D(1) -0.010** (-21.7) -0.008** (-7.7)
D(2) -0.004** (-7.4) -0.005** (3.8)
D(3) -0.001** (-2.6) -0.001** (-0.7)
D(4) -0.001 (-1.0) -0.003 (2.2)
Amazon Price 0.115** (18.2) 0.083** (9.3)
Constant 6.872 ** (87.1) 8.401** (71.6)
Number of Observations 7,191 4,020
Number of Groups 332 170
Dependent variable is ln(sales rank). T-statistics are listed in parenthesis;1 ' and * denote significance at 0.01 and
0.05, respectively. All models use DVD-level fixed effects.