32.Dmlc Part 2 Approval Mail From Flag State

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From: Javed MunirlJaved Munir@mcga.gov.uk]

Sent: Sunday, January 3, 202'l 13:55
To: RBBN4 - N4anning
Cc: CaptA K Bahl; Chris Roe
Subject: RE: DlvlLC Part ll - Amended - as per2018 MLC amendments

Good day sir

We do not need to re-approve DMLC ll at this time due to recent amendments however you need
to comply with the regulations.

I you wish to have it reapproved we will do it at next MLC lnspection.

I hope this is of help.

kind Regards


Capt. Javod munlr Manne of6c€ +44(0) 20381 72210

MBA (M.nime and Lo9isli6 ManagemenoiAFN|
Lead Audilori Examiner of Masters and Mates
OiEci +4! (O) 20 fi172220
Mobire + 44lo) 777 235 2632

Duty Sutueyo. +il]l (0)7810 528 504 (Out of houc only)

Principal Marlne Surveyor
Javed Munr@mcoa oov uk
uK Survsy and ln3pection

lvlamrr,e &
M.ritim. & C@itguad Agoncy
Sourhamplon Marine Off c€
Spring Plac€. 105 Commercial Road,
Soulhampton. SO151EG

S.fer Liv6, S.fer Shipa, Cl6n.r S...

From: RBBM - ManninS <manning@rbbrltishmarine.com>

Sent:29 December 2020 06:37
To: Javed Munir <aved.Munir@mcga.gov.uk>
Cc: Capt A K Bahl <ashok.bahl@rbbritishmarine.com>; Chris Roe <chris.roe@mc8a.gov.uk>; RBBM - Manning
Subiect: RE: DMtC Part ll- Amended - as per2018 MIC amendments

Dear Sir,

Good day,

With .efto below communication.

Can you pls let us knowthe status of DMLC llsubmitted toyourgood office.

Thanks E Besl Regards.

Capt Prad6op Bh.tn.gar
S..Marine, S&Q Superintendenl
RB Brilish Ma.ine (l) Pvt. Ltd.
C w ng 918 922 215 Alrium Nexl lo Courlyard Mariott Holel,
Andheri KuraRoad Andheri (E.sl) Mumbai-400093, INDIA
T: +91 22 6677 6818 I F: +91 226677 6417 Mr +91 9870438002
websile map email
CIN: U63090MH2005PTC156643


From: RBBM - Manning <!]4!]!g(!rlbliti!hmar ne conr>

Sent: 22 December 2020 13:44
To: Javed Munjr <layc!L!!!!ll'(0!!g!.ga! q!>
Cc: Capt A K Bahl <ashok bahl@!Lb4EIItA!!e.!SD>; Chris Roe <qfuls-roe*^mcsa pov.uk>; RBBM - ManninB
<nrannr!gl9rbbrit shrnd r ne conr>
Subiect: RE: DMLC Part ll - Amended - as per2018 MLC amendments

Dear 5ir,

Good day,

With ref to below msg

Can you pls let us knowthe status of DMtC ll (amended).

Thanks & Best Regards,

Capt Prad.op Bh.tn.Ear
Sr.Marine, S&Q Superinlendenl
RB British Marine (l) Pvt Lrd
C-wln9 91&922,215 Atrium Next to courtyard Mariox Horel,
Andheri- Kurla Road, Andheri (Easl). Mumbai 400 093, lNDlA.
T:+91 22667768101F +91 226677 6417 lM +91 9870438002
website lmap lemail
CIN: U63090MH2005PTC156643


From: Javed Munir <l.ved \4u!lf@Dee!.Es!.qi>

Sent: 15 December 2020 14:24
To: RBBM - ManninB <ndnr'nBOrbbiiI I ndr i1e !o'r'>
Cc: Capt A K Bahl <ashok bahl@!bbjrtr5hQElllelglr>; Chris Roe <chfis.roe@mcaa.eov uk>
Subjeat: RE: DMLC Part ll - Amended - as pe12018 MLC amendments

Good Moming Capt. Bhatnagar

I confirm receipl receiving the amended DMLC ll for review and will revert back on lhis in due

kind Regards


Cept. Jeved Uunlr Manne ol6ce + 4 l0) 20 341 72210
MBA (Ma.Iime and Logistics Managemeni) AFN
Lead Auddo. Eremner 6l Msslers 5nd Msles
Direct +4 (o\ 20 3e172220
Mobile + 14 \o) 777 235 2632

Duiy Sutueyo. +44 (0)781 0 528 5ot (Our of houls only)

Principal f arine Surveyor
Javed Munr@m@a oov uk
UK Survey and ln3pection

M.ftim.&C*tguad Ag.ncy
{s Soulh.mpion M.rine Ofie.
Itlariirne &
Spring Place, 1 05 Commercial Road,
A6errcr. Souihampton, SO151EG

8Etrtrtr Aaf6r Liv6, Safor Ship., Cl6ln.r


From: RBBM - Manning <mannine@rbbntlshmarine com>

Sent: 11 December 202011:52
To: Javed Munir < aled.ltu n ir@ mcga.gov.uk>
Cc: RBBM - Manning <D!nnrnq@rbbritis[!!l]!E.r!! >; Capt A K Bahl <ashok bahl@rbbntisll]rar!e .om>
Subied: DMtC Part ll- Amended - as pe12018 M[Camendments

Dear 5ir,

Good day,

We like to submit amended DMLC Part ll as required by 2018 amendments to MLC for your kind approvaland
guidance. Attached here amended DMLC part ll for both of our UK Flag vessels.
As required by new 2018 amendments DMLC has been amended for Piracy & Armed Robbery in relevant regulations
For your easy ref amendments in DMLC Part ll are :
. Sec 5 Seafarer Employment Agreement {Req 2.1) point no.12
. Sec 6 Wages { ReB 2.2) Point no.7

Thanks & Besl Regards,

c.pt Pr.d..p Bh.tnag.r
Sr.Marane, SEO Superintendeni
RB Brarish M.rine (l) Pvr. Ltd
C Wing 918,922, 215 Atrium, Next to CourtyardMariott Hotel,
A.dheri - Kurla Road, A.dheri (Easl), Mumbai -,100 093, lNDlA.
T: +91 22 6677 64181 Fl +91 22 6677 6817 I M: +91 9870 438 002
website lm6p lemail
CIN: U63090MH2005PTC1 56643


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