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Download now 1 of 31  Search document  COMM SKILLS NOTES
Gloria Gicheha
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Document 122 pages

1. Introduction: Theory of Communication, Types and modes of Communication
Communication Skills Notes
2. Language of Communication: (Autosaved)
Verbal and Non-verbal
(Spoken and Written)
Personal, Social and Business 100% (1)
Barriers and Strategies
Intra-personal, Inter-personal and Group communication

3. Speaking Skills : Document 4 pages

Monologue Business English
Kushal Jain
Group Discussion
Effective Communication/ Mis- Communication No ratings yet
Public Speech

4. Reading and Understanding

Close Reading
Document 11 pages
Summary Paraphrasing MODULE 1
Analysis and Interpretation Criza Mae Castor Padernal
Translation(from Indian language to English and vice-versa) Literary/Knowledge
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5. Writing Skills
Report Writing
Making notes Document 10 pages

Letter writing Communication

Ubaidillah Yusof
Unit 1. Theory of Communication (2Qs x 5 Marks = 10 Marks)
Unit 2. Language of Communication –  Short Notes (5Qs x 2 Marks = 10 Marks)
Unit 3. Speaking Skills –  3 Sub-topic to be tested = 20 Marks
Unit 4. (i) Unseen Reading Comprehension –  10 Marks
(ii) Summary/ Simple theory question on translation/ translation 5 sentences from English to Document 7 pages
MIL –  5 Marks
Unit 5. Writing Skills –  Report writing + Letter writing –  20 Marks Purposive-
INTERNAL ASSESSMENT  Communication_Module-1
10 Marks –  Class Test + 10 Marks –  Class Work + 5 Marks –  Attendance Angel Marie Martinez
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Lijia Blog
lijia ann jose
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John Rommel Martinez Caballes

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1.1  What is communication?
The word ‘communication’ has been derived from Latin words ‘communis’ and
‘communicare’. The meaning of the first word suggests to make common and
Document 8 pages
‘communicare’ means to share or sharing.
Definition 1: It is the ability to speak, write or to express our ideas, feelings: clearly and Lesson-IX-TTL1-4.2
convincingly. Erica Punzalan
Definition 2: It is the process of sending and receiving messages for the purpose of
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understanding, knowing, informing and in the broadest sense, improving the relation with
the world.
Definition 3 (Robert Anderson): Communication is the interchange of thoughts, opinions
or information by speech, writing or signs.
 Communication can also be symbolic because it is not limited to words or
language. It can always be done by the help of gestures and symbols or facial Document 37 pages
expressions. The symbols can be present with and without language. Our ability COMMUNICATION SKILLS
to symbolize and express makes the process of communication possible.
 Communication is the process of expressing one’s ideas, thoughts, feelings,
expressions, emotions, language, knowledge etc. The process may involve Joshua Hynes
transaction, exchange, and sharing. 78% (23)
 Communication can also be understood as an exchange of meaning and
 Meaning is central to communication, and the transmission of meaning is the
central objective of communication. Document 32 pages
 Communication begins with the sender sending out message cues, w hich are
 perceived by the receiver who assigns meaning to them and responds to them as
 per the need. Communication can be complete unless the message sent by the Joe Moe
sender is properly decoded at the receiver’s end and comprehended. Moreover, No ratings yet
communication can be considered effective only when the receiver’s response is
matching with the meaning the sender wanted to convey.

A model of the communication process would most commonly look like this:

Document 28 pages

Encoding Decoding TECHNICAL

Sender/ Receiver/
message message
Irfan Rashid
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Document 16 pages

Clm 100 Development of

Communications - Books f
Collins Otieno
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Raqeelyna Gadjali
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Ryan Tomelden
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Oral Comm - English

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What is Scribd?
Tools of Communication: Ebooks Audiobooks Magazines Podcasts Sheet music Documents Snapshots

Related titlesThere are various tools that helps in the process of communication.

i)  Language: The main function of each and every language is to communicate.
Each language has various forms. It is one of the foremost and important tool of
Document 22 pages
communication. It is the most clear and comfortable tool to use. Each and every
individual uses this tools in the process of communication. Communication SKILLS
Akhilesh Bhura
ii)  Script: This is a group of symbols used to express the language in the written
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iii)  Drawing/Painting/Sculpture/Visual art: These use creativity to communicate in

an artistic manner. A small piece of art can convey thousands of sentences by its
form, size, colour combination, shades etc.
Document 4 pages
iv)  Body: Our body is one of the most important tools of communication. Whether Communication
we are using language or not it is always present in the process of
Usama Zafar
communication. Without body cues our communication may be confusing. Our
words must be supported by proper actions reflected by the body. They may be in No ratings yet
the form of gestures, postures, eye contact, spacing etc. Every action or non-
action is part of the body. This type of tool is otherwise known as body language.

v)  Silence: In particular situations silence can also act as an important tool for
communication. There are many instances where either we don’t use
Document 13 pages
language/words or we are not in a position to use those. In such situations silence
has the power to convey the message effectively. Types of Communication
50% (2)
1.2  Types and Modes of Communication

Types of Communication Based on Purpose and Style:  

Based on style and purpose, there are two main categories of communication:

1. Formal Communication Document 26 pages

2. Informal Communication
Alex Naval
1.  Formal Communication
In formal communication, certain rules, conventions and principles are followed while No ratings yet
communicating message. Formal communication occurs in formal and official style. Usually
 professional settings, corporate meetings, conferences undergoes in formal pattern. In formal
communication, use of slang and foul language is avoided and correct pronunciation is
required. Authority lines are needed to be followed in formal communication.
Document 15 pages

business communication
Neeraj Aggarwal
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12920Communication is
Transfer of Information…
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Choosing Methods of
Avery Jan Silos
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John Marlo Doloso
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What is
Formal communication is Scribd?
otherwise known Ebooks Audiobooks In case
as official communication. Magazines
of formal Podcasts Sheet music Documents Snapshots
communication we use formal language. Formal communication is used for serious or official
Related titles

 purposes. E.g. Debate, discussions, lectures, interview, seminars, speech, Group work,
meetings, presentations, public speaking, press briefing etc. Most times it is bereft of personal
feelings and emotions. That’s why critics categorize formal communication as artificial
communication. In formal communication, the same topic communicated at different places,
Document 8 pages
to different persons under different situations and environment can vary. The status and
 position of the persons involved in the process also changes the form of formal Lesson 1 Reading Material
communication. Ethel May Granil
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2.  Informal Communication
Informal communication is done using channels that are in contrast with formal
communication channels. It can be a casual conversation. It is established for societal
affiliations of members in an organization and face-to-face discussions. It happens among
friends and family. In informal communication use of slang words, foul language is not
restricted. Usually informal communication is done orally and using gestures. Informal Document 13 pages

communication, unlike formal communication, doesn’t follow authority lines. In an UNIT ON1
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organization, it helps in finding out staff grievances as people express more when talking
informally. Informal communication helps in building relationships.

Informal communication includes all the communication that we do either in a professional No ratings yet
set up or in social set up without yourpurpose
any serious documents to to
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it. E.g. casual greetings or
 private conversations, chatting, gossiping etc... Informal communication is natural and free
flowing communication without any rules, restrictions and formality. It reflects personal
touch, humility and emotions.
One must understand that there is a hair line difference between formal and informal Document 3 pages
communication. Language Become a Scribd
used in both member
types of for fulldepends
communication access.on Your
the kind of
Business English
relationship plus in what context the communication is taking place. The environment has a
first 30 days are free. Agastya Jain
definite role in deciding the degree of formality in the process of communication.
Types of communication based on the communication channels used  are: No ratings yet
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1.  Verbal Communication
2.   Nonverbal Communication

1.  Verbal Communication:

Document 24 pages
Verbal communication refers to the form of communication in which message is transmitted
verbally; communication is done by word of mouth and/or a piece of writing. Verbal PCO Module 1 Introduction
communication is any communication that uses language. To Communication
Verbal Communication is further divided into:
i.  Oral Communication
ii.  Written Communication No ratings yet

Document 172 pages

Business Communication 1
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Unit 1 Introduction to
Technical Communication.
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Gian Garcia
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ankit tau
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Gladys Campos
What is Scribd?
1)  Oral Communication: Ebooks spoken
In oral communication, Audiobooks
words are used.Magazines
It includes face- Podcasts Sheet music Documents Snapshots
0% (1)
to-face conversations, speech, telephonic conversation, video, radio, television, voice
Related titlesover internet. In oral communication, communication is influence by pitch, volume, speed

and clarity of speaking. 
Advantages of Oral communication:  
   It brings quick feedback.
Document 16 pages
   In a face-to-face conversation, by reading facial expression and body language
one can guess whether he/she should trust what’s being said or not.  Speech and Stage Arts -
Disadvantage of oral communication:   Module 1
  In face-to-face discussion, user is unable to deeply think about what he is

Rica Pajanustan
delivering, so this can be counted as a
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2)  Written Communication:

   In written communication, written signs or symbols are used to communicate.

Document 8 pages
A written message may be printed or hand written.

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  In written communication message can be transmitted via email, letter, report,
memo etc. Message, in written communication, is influenced by the
Tj Ronz Saguid
vocabulary & grammar used, writing style, precision and clarity of the
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language used. 

   Written Communication is the most OR

common form of communication being
used in business. So, it is considered core among business skills.Memos,
reports, bulletins, job descriptions, employee manuals, and electronic mail are Document 6 pages
the types ofBecome a Scribd member
written communication forinternal
used for full access. Your
communication. Group 1 ,
first 30 days are free. Alona Caritativo
   For communicating with external environment in writing, electronic mail,
Internet Web sites, letters, proposals, telegrams, faxes, postcards, contracts, No ratings yet
advertisements, brochures, and Continue for Free
news releases are used.

Advantages of written communication :

   Messages can be edited and revised many time before they are actually sent.Written Document 7 pages
communication provides a record for every message sent and can be saved for later
   A written message enables the receiver to fully understand it and send appropriate lener
feedback. No ratings yet

Disadvantages of written communication  includes:  

   Unlike oral communication, written communication doesn’t bring instant feedback. 
   It take more time in composing a written message as compared to word-of-mouth and
a number of people struggle with writing ability.
Document 73 pages

Business Communication
Suvramanym Patra
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Hassan Atef
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Unit 4 - Communication
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Chapter 1 Communication
Processes, Principles and…
Cuttie Anne Galang
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Communication Definitio…
Qadr Iftikhar
What is Scribd? Ebooks Audiobooks Magazines Podcasts Sheet music Documents Snapshots
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Broadly, Written Communication can be divided into two types as per the use:
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i.  Professional (communication with respect to official communication) and
ii.  Personal.

As per the method, style, composition, length and use these are 5 different categories of
Document 7 pages
written communication.
i.  Documentation: Applications, letters, circulars, memos, telegrams, forms, Lecture 2 Communication
questionnaires, manuals, tenders etc. Ajuco Peramiho
ii.  ii) Books: Novels, stories, poems, articles, essays, puzzles, travelogues etc.
No ratings yet
iii.  Research: Samples, projects, inventory, bibliography, surveys, journals reports,
thesis, dissertations, hypothesis etc.
iv.  Meeting: Agenda, minutes, MOU, agreement, contract etc.
v.  Print media: News, magazines, journals etc.

Document 9 pages
2.  Nonverbal Communication
 Nonverbal communication is the sending or receiving of wordless messages. We can English a Prelim Module
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say that communication other than oral and written, such as gesture, body language,
posture, tone of voice or facial expressions, is called nonverbal communication. Nonverbal
Jian P Mendoza

communication is all about the body language of speaker.   No ratings yet

 Nonverbal communication Uploadhelpsyour documents
receiver to download.
in interpreting the message received. Often,
nonverbal signals reflects the situation more accurately than verbal messages. Sometimes
nonverbal response contradicts verbal communication and hence affect the effectiveness
of message.
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Nonverbal communication Become a Scribd
have the member
following for full access. Your
three elements:
first 30 days are free. module-1-lesson-1-…
Speaker: clothing, hairstyle, neatness, use of cosmetics
Surrounding: room size, lighting, decorations, furnishings Gene Lourd Erlano Hufancia
 Body Language  Continue for Free No ratings yet
 facial expressions, gestures, postures
Voice Tone, Volume, Speech rate
Types of nonverbal communication:  
Document 14 pages

vi.  Conscious: Winking of an eye, traffic police gestures etc. Marathon BCR -

vii.  Subliminal: It affects our mind without our knowledge. Police uniform,
Modelling, Military attire etc.
viii.  Voluntary or involuntary messages: Communicators are unaware of their body
cues. Scratching the back of your head while telling a lie. No ratings yet

Document 9 pages

Edrick Ancheta
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Document 13 pages

Communication 1
Edna Acedilla
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Document 9 pages

What is Comunication
Shambhu Kumar
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english 3rd
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Vanessa Cadsawan
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PROXEMICS What is Scribd? Ebooks Audiobooks Magazines Podcasts Sheet music Documents Snapshots

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The space around us communicates in its own way and contributes to communication. This
aspect of communication is called proxemics, that is, the role of space in communication or
space language. The distance between the sender and the receiver is the space that displays
the relationship shared by them. The four distinct spatial zones in proxemics theory are:
Document 8 pages

1.  Public Space Part-A Unit-1 Notes

12 to 25 feet, or range of eyesight. This is formal space. It is possible that there is no madhu
kind of personal relationship between the sender and the receiver. Communaication
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often happens through the use of microphone. For example, the Prime Minister or the
President addressing the nation.

2.  Social Space

4 to 12 feet. In this zone, relationships are more formal and official. People are more
cautious in their movements. For example, an interview. Document 20 pages

Lesson 1 Oral Comm

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3.  Personal Space
Raymond Correa
18 inches to 4 feet. This zone is personal, relaxed and casual, so spontaneous,
informal, and unplanned communication is possible. One communicates with friends, No ratings yet
 peers, colleagues etc. in your documents to download.
this zone.

4.  Intimate Space
Extends to 18 inches. One communicates with members of the family, lovers, spouses
Document 10 pages
etc. in this zone. Most communication in this zone is informal. For example, a pat on
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the back or a hug.
first 30 days are free. Pm
muhammad idrees
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Or Time language. This is the study of the use of time to communicate. In the
 professional world, time is a valuable resource. When we are late for an appointment,
 people respond negatively. If we arrive early, we are considered over-eager.
Therefore, it is important to be punctual. Punctuality is a tool in time language.
Document 37 pages

Types of Communication
Lesson 2
Or Touch Language. This indicates communication through touch. It includes the
way we communicate by our physical contact or by touching the other person. It Quennie
varies in acceptability across cultures. For example, a pat on the back, kissing, No ratings yet
slapping, shaking hands with someone are ways of communicating.

PARALANGUAGE Document 64 pages

Jollibee Chickenjoy
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Ebook 93 pages

Communication Skills:
Learn How to Talk to…
Sebastian Clark
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Document 12 pages

j.n tickner
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Document 5 pages

The Postmodernist
Perspective in Politics
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Paralanguage is is
theScribd? Ebooks
way meaning is conveyed byAudiobooks
how we say thingsMagazines
while speaking. Podcasts Sheet music Documents Snapshots
It is a kind of non-verbal communication. It involves speed, volume, pitch, whether
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the spoken word is loud or inaudible, high-pitched or husky, fast or slow, the accent
while speaking etc. Word stress is also an important element in paralanguage. The
meaning of a sentence changes according to which word you choose to stress. So, for
example, all of the following four sentences have different meanings, according to
Document 2 pages
which word is stressed:
1.  Have you read the new book? understanding political
2.  Have you read the new book? theory
3.  Have you read the new book?
4.  Have you read the new book?
5.  Have you read the new book?  No ratings yet


Document 5 pages
2.1 Verbal and Non-verbal communication (oral and written) The Postmodernist
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- See above in ‘Types and Modes’ 
Perspective in Politics
2.2  Personal, Social and Business your documents
Communication to download. No ratings yet

(a) Personal Communication
Personal communication is the exchange of message or ideas between two
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individuals. It can be formal or informal, oral or written. Personal
Become a Scribd member for full access. Your Deliberative Democracy
communication is often distinguished from business communication since it
does not have the kind of first 30 days are
organizational free. that business
formality kavya
communication does. Any conversation between two individuals, verbal or
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non-verbal, that does not involve a formal organisational setting is called
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 personal communication.

(b) Social Communication
Social communication is the exchange of message or ideas between an
individual and a group of individuals or between two groups of individuals. Document 8 pages

Social communication, like personal communication, can be formal or 2017 Honours

informal, oral or written, or verbal or non-verbal. Any conversation occurring
in a social (rather than personal/private) setting is considered social
communication. No ratings yet

(c)  Business Communication

Business Communication is generally a formal type of communication. It is
done by professionals with a specific purpose for a specific audience. It is
dictated by rules, formal structures, and convention. It follows specific Document 6 pages

2016 political science

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Document 4 pages

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Document 2 pages

b.a.(Hons.) Political Science

[Dc-1.4] Political Theory…
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Document 24 pages

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Key Ideas of Postmodern

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What is and
directions Scribd? Ebookscommunication
protocols. Business Audiobooksalso uses Magazines
technical, formal Podcasts Sheet music Documents No ratings yet
language. It is the process of transmitting information about and within the
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organization. An example of business communication is an email to
employees with a list of items to be discussed at the next meeting.

2.3  Barriers and Strategies

Document 12 pages

(i)  Barriers to Communication Evs Presentation

The objective of any communication is to have people understand what we are trying kavya
to convey. When we talk to others, we assume that others understand what we are
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saying because we know what we are saying. But this is not always the case. Usually
 people bring their own attitude, perception, emotions, and thoughts about the topic,
which creates barriers to delivering the right meaning.
Recognizing barriers to effective communication is a first step in improving communication
style. Following are some of the more common barriers to communication:
Document 13 pages
Encoding Barriers. The process of selecting and organizing symbols to represent a rights
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message requires skill and knowledge. Obstacles listed below can interfere with an
effective message.
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1. Lack of Sensitivity to Receiver. documents
breakdown to download.
in communication may result when a
message is not adapted to its receiver. Recognizing the receiver’s needs, status, knowledge
of the subject, and language skills assists the sender in preparing a successful message. If a
customer is angry, for example, an effective response may be just to listen to the person
vent for a while.
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Become a Scribd member for full access. Your ASTM D 5341 - 99 (2010).pdf
2. Lack of Basic Communication Skills. The receiver is less likely to understand the
message if the sender has trouble choosing 30 precise
days are free.
words needed and arranging those Servando Lozano
words in a grammatically-correct sentence.
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3. Insufficient Knowledge of the Subject.  If the sender lacks specific information about
something, the receiver will likely receive an unclear or mixed message. Have you
shopped for an item such as a computer, and experienced how some salespeople can
explain complicated terms and ideas in a simple way? Others cannot.
Document 2 pages

4. Information Overload. If you receive a message with too much information, you may coa NaOH
tend to put up a barrier because the amount of information is coming so fast that you may
Anonymous T32l1R
have difficulty comfortably interpreting that information. If you are selling an item with
twenty-five terrific features, pick two or three important features to emphasize instead of No ratings yet
overwhelming your receiver (ho-hum) with an information avalanche.

5. Emotional Interference. An emotional individual may not be able to communicate

well. If someone is angry, hostile, resentful, joyful, or fearful, that person may be too
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Call for Concept Notes

Climate Adaptation and…
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Kat Z
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PHYSICS 08&09 chapter.ppt

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Marquez Marqu
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Vandiksha Maharaj
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 preoccupied with is Scribd?
emotions Ebooks
to receive the Audiobooks
intended message. If you don’t Magazines
like someone, forPodcasts Sheet music Documents Snapshots
example, you may have trouble “hearing” them. 
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Transmitting Barriers: Things that get in the way of message transmission are sometimes
called “noise.”  Communication may be difficult because of noise and some of these
Document 5 pages

1. Physical Distractions. A bad cellular phone line or a noisy restaurant can destroy DLL_WK-7_CONCEPT-PAPER
communication. If an E-mail message or letter is not formatted properly, or if it contains Joziel Khiong
grammatical and spelling errors, the receiver may not be able to concentrate on the message
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 because the physical appearance of the letter or E-mail is sloppy and unprofessional.

2. Conflicting Messages. Messages that cause a conflict in perception for the receiver may
result in incomplete communication. For example, if a person constantly uses jargon or
slang to communicate with someone from another country who has never heard such
expressions, mixed messages are sure to result. Another example of conflicting messages Document 4 pages
might be if a supervisor requests a report immediately without giving the report writer Bolivia IFRS Profile
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enough time to gather the proper information. Does the report writer emphasize speed in
writing the report, or accuracy in gathering the data?
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3.  Channel Barriers. If Upload your
the sender documents
chooses to download.
an inappropriate channel of communication,
communication may cease. Detailed instructions presented over the telephone, for
example, may be frustrating for both communicators. If you are on a computer
technical support help line discussing a problem, it would be helpful for you to be
sitting in front of a computer, as opposed to taking notes from the support staff and
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then returning to your computer station.
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4.  Long Communication Chain. The firstlonger
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the communication chain, the greater the mahmut123
chance for error. If a message is passed through too many receivers, the message
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often becomes distorted. If a person starts a message at one end of a communication
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chain of ten people, for example, the message that eventually returns is usually
liberally altered.

Decoding Barriers. The communication cycle may break down at the receiving end for
some of these reasons: Document 17 pages

Oracle Crystal Ball

1. Lack of Interest. If a message reaches a reader who is not interested in the message, the
Binary Semantics
reader may read the message hurriedly or listen to the message arelessly. Miscommunication
may result in both cases. 100% (1)

2. Lack of Knowledge. If a receiver is unable to understand a message filled with technical

information, communication will break down. Unless a computer user knows something
about the Windows environment, for example, the user may have difficulty organizing files if
given technical instructions. Document 24 pages

David Grusky - Social

100% (4)

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The Great Golden Guide

2017 4th Version
johur rihan
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Santhosh Malkapur
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Nob Odyk Nows
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3. Lack of Communication Skills. Those who have weak reading and listening skills make
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ineffective receivers. On the other hand, those who have a good professional vocabulary and
who concentrate on listening, have less trouble hearing and interpreting good
communication. Many people tune out who is talking and mentally rehearse what they are
going to say in return.
Document 16 pages

4. Emotional Distractions. If emotions interfere with the creation and transmission of a Blasting Fragmentation
message, they can also disrupt reception. If you receive a report from your supervisor Management Using (1)
regarding proposed changes in work procedures and you do not particularly like your
medhanie tesfay
supervisor, you may have trouble even reading the report objectively. You may read, not
objectively, but to find fault. You may misinterpret words and read negative impressions No ratings yet
 between the lines. Consequently, you are likely to misunderstand part or all of the report.

5. Physical Distractions. If a receiver of a communication works in an area with bright

lights, glare on computer screens, loud noises, excessively hot or cold work spaces, or Document 2 pages
 physical ailments, that receiver will probably experience communication breakdowns on a 04401110
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regular basis.
Responding Barriers — The communication cycle may be broken if feedback is No ratings yet
unsuccessful. Upload your documents to download.

1. No Provision for Feedback. Since communication is a two-way process, the sender

must search for a means of getting a response from the receiver. If a team leader does not
 permit any interruptions nor questions while discussing projects, he may find that team
Document 2 pages
members may not completely understand what they are to do. Face-to-face oral
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communication is considered the best type of communication since feedback can be both
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verbal and nonverbal. When two communicators are free.care must be taken to ask for
are separated, People and Organization…
meaningful feedback.
mian saad
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2. Inadequate Feedback. Delayed or judgmental feedback can interfere with good
communication. If your supervisor gives you instructions in long, compound-complex
sentences without giving you a chance to speak, you may pretend to understand the
instructions just so you can leave the stress of the conversation. Because you may have not
fully understood the intended instructions, your performance may suffer. Document 9 pages

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2.4  Strategies for effective Communication
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It is essential to deal and cope with these communication barriers so as to ensure smooth and
effective communication. Following are a few ways to overcome the barriers to

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Number 13197 and Before
Alberth Mauricio Casteblanco…
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Research Proposal
Chem Vatho
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Mateus Mendes
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MP PET-Chemistry-Sample-
Joyita Biswas
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Case Study
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Majid Khan Orakzai
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1.  Eliminating
What is Scribd?in perception:
differences Ebooks Audiobooks
 Understanding Magazines
how one’s message can be Podcasts Sheet music Documents Snapshots
misunderstood because of the kind of language used, or tone, or style is the first step
Related titles towards preventing miscommunication. Realizing that perspectives differ might help

one to anticipate and avoid any difference in the interpretation of message.
2.  Use of Simple Language: Use of simple and clear words should be emphasized. Use
of ambiguous words and jargon should be avoided.
Document 4 pages
3.  Reduction and elimination of noise levels:  Noise is the main communication barrier
which must be overcome on priority basis. It is essential to identify the source of Resume- Sheetal
noise and then eliminate that source. Khandelwal 2yr Exp TGT -…
4.  Active Listening: Listen attentively and carefully. There is a difference between
kamal khandelwal
“listening” and “hearing”. Active listening means hearing with proper understanding
of the message that is heard. By asking questions the speaker can ensure whether No ratings yet
his/her message is understood or not by the receiver in the same terms as intended by
the speaker.
5.  Emotional State: During communication one should make effective use of body
language. He/she should not show their emotions while communication as the Document 6 pages
receiver might misinterpret the message being delivered. For example, if the conveyer RK
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of the message is in a bad mood then the receiver might think that the information
Kou Uraki
 being delivered is not good.
6.  Avoid Information Overload: One should know how to prioritize their work. They No ratings yet
Upload your
should not overload themselves documents
with the work. Theyto download.
should spend quality time with
their subordinates and should listen to their problems and feedbacks actively.
7.  Give Constructive Feedback: Avoid giving negative feedback. The contents of the
feedback might be negative, but it should be delivered constructively. Constructive
feedback will lead to effective communication between the superior and subordinate.
Document 13 pages
8.  Proper Media Selection:  One should properly select the medium of communication.
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Simple messages should be conveyed orally, like: face to face interaction or meetings.
first 30should
Use of written means of communication days are free.
be encouraged for delivering complex Izabela Nicoleta Savu
messages. For significant messages reminders can be given by using written means of
No ratings yet
communication such as Memos, Notices etc.
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9.  Flexibility in meeting the targets: For effective communication in an organization
the managers should ensure that the individuals are meeting their targets timely
without skipping the formal channels of communication. There should not be much
 pressure on employees to meet their targets.
Document 10 pages

2.4  Intra-personal, Inter-personal, and Group Communication MPA Comprehensive Exam

Sarah Jane Usop
(a)  Intra-personal communication
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Intrapersonal communication takes place within a single person, often for the purpose of
clarifying ideas or analyzing a situation. Other times, intrapersonal communication is
undertaken in order to reflect upon or appreciate something. Talking to oneself, thinking etc.
can be included in this. Internal discourse involves thinking, concentration and analysis.
Psychologists include both daydreaming and nocturnal dreaming in this category. Solo vocal  Document 9 pages

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Boats - SelfRighting
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What isspeaking
communication includes Scribd? aloud toEbooks
oneself. ThisAudiobooks Magazines
may be done to clarify thinking, to Podcasts Sheet music Documents Snapshots
rehearse a message intended for others, or simply to let off steam. Example: Talking to
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yourself as you complain about your boss. Solo written communication deals with writing
not intended for others. Example: An entry in a diary or personal journal.

(b) Inter-personal Communication

Interpersonal communication involves a direct face-to-face relationship between the sender

and receiver of a message, who are in an interdependent relationship. Any communication/
conversation between two or more people falls under this category. Interpersonal
communication involves not only the words used but also the various elements of nonverbal
• Public communication involves a large group with a primarily one-way monologue style
generating only minimal feedback. Information sharing, entertainment and persuasion are
common purposes of public communication. Example: Lecture in university class.

(c)  Group Communication

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Group communication involves three or more persons, though communication scholars are
inconsistent as to the top end of the number scale. The smaller the number in the group, the
more closely this mode resembles interpersonal communication.
It can also refer to an organisational your documents
communication, which to download.
means communication within an
organisation, or communication between different organisations.

(d) Extrapersonal Communication
In extra-personal communication, human beings interact with non-human entities. An
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example would be communicating with one’s pets. Similarly, any communication with
inanimate objects can be termed so. first 30 days are free.

(e)  Mass Communication

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Mass communication is a more public form of communication between an entity and a large
and diverse audience, mediated by some form of technology. This may be either real time or
on a taped-delay basis, or it may be rooted in the usually recent past. Examples: Radio and
television, newspapers and magazines.


3.1 Monologue
A monologue is a lengthy speech by a single person. It can be of various types:

(i)  Soliloquy:

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A soliloquy is an What
act of is Scribd?one's thoughts
speaking Ebooks Audiobooks
aloud when Magazines
by oneself or regardless of any Podcasts Sheet music Documents Snapshots
hearers, especially by a character in a play. In drama, a special form of monologue, where no
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other person is present on stage beside the speaker, is called soliloquy.

(ii)  Interior Monologue

Internal monologue, also known as inner voice, internal speech, or verbal stream of
consciousness is thinking in words. It also refers to the semi-constant internal monologue one
has with oneself at a conscious or semi-conscious level. It is the expression of a character's
thoughts, feelings, and impressions in a narrative. 
An interior monologue may be either direct  or indirect :
  direct , in which the author seems not to exist and the interior self of the character is given
directly, as though the reader were overhearing an articulation of the stream of thought and
feeling flowing through the character's mind;
  indirect , in which the author serves as selector, presenter, guide, and commentator.

(iii)  Dramatic Monologue

A poetic form in which a single character, addressing a silent auditor at

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a critical moment, reveals himself or herself and the dramatic situation. A dramatic
monologue is a long excerpt in a play, poem or story that reveals a character's thoughts and
feelings. When we read a story, sometimes we can see what a character is thinking, but it isn't
always so clear. When a writerUpload
allows ayour documents
character toa download.
to speak in monologue, we get to see
inside a character's head and then we better understand what motivates that character.

3.2 Dialogue
Dialogue is (1) a verbal exchange between two or more people, or (2) a conversation reported
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in a drama or narrative. While writing a dialogue it is important to pay heed to the difference
in voice and register of the participants. first 30 days are free.

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3.3 Effective Communication/ Miscommunication

Miscommunication occurs when the message is not adequately sent or received in

communication. When the receiver is unable to transmit meaning to the sender, or the sender
is unable to decode the meaning, miscommunication results. Miscommunication often occurs
when communication meets one of the barriers described above.

Effective Communication is communication where meaning is adequately sent as well as

received. To prevent any barriers to communication, and thereby to have effective
communication, one should pay heed to the strategies for effective communication described
above. See unit 2.3

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UNIT 4: READING is Scribd? Ebooks
UNDERSTANDING Audiobooks Magazines Podcasts Sheet music Documents Snapshots

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4.1 Summary and Paraphrasing
Writing information in your own words is a highly acceptable way to include the ideas of
other people in your writing. There are two ways you can do this: paraphrasing and
summarising. It is very important, however, to paraphrase and summarise correctly because
there is a fine balance between acceptable and unacceptable paraphrasing and summarising

To paraphrase is to rewrite something using different words without changing the original
meaning. This is what is usually meant by the phrase ‘in your own words’. The paraphrase
should be clearer and more easily understood than the original and is often about the same
length. Paraphrases are a good alternative to using direct quotations. For example:

ORIGINAL TEXT (45 words)

Traditionally, in oral and written discourses, the masculine pronoun

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'he' was used as a pronoun to refer to a person whose gender was
unknown or irrelevant to the context. Recently, this usage has come
under criticism for supporting gender-based stereotypes and is
increasingly your documents
considered inappropriateto download.
(Smith, 2010, p. 24).


If the gender of a person was not known or was unimportant to the
meaning of oral or written texts, it was customary to use the masculine
form of 'he' when a pronoun was required; however, there has been
Become a Scribd member for full access. Your
growing concern about this practice in modern usage because it
appears to privilege 30 daysbased
stereotypes are free.
on gender (Smith, 2010, p. 24).

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Summaries of material may be used to give an overview of the work of one or more authors,
so they are much shorter than the original text. Because they are very brief outlines of
arguments made, they are very useful when you want to indicate the support given for and/or
against some position you are taking in your argument. It is generally shorter than the original
text, as it is meant to convey information in a concise, capsuled manner. For example:

ORIGINAL TEXT (103 words)

“For most people, writing is an extremely difficult task if they are trying to grapple in
their language with new ideas and new ways of looking at them. Sitting down to write
can be an agonising experience, which doesn't necessarily get easier with the passage
of time and the accumulation of experience. For this reason you need to reflect upon
and analyse your own reactions to the task of writing. That is to say, the task will
 become more manageable if you learn how to cope with your own particular ways
avoiding putting off the moment when you must put pen to paper” (Taylor 1989, p. 3). 

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Inexperienced and even skilled writers can feel a great deal of anguish when faced
with writing tasks; however, this response can be managed by recognising and coping
with personal avoidance strategies (Taylor, 1989, p. 3).

4.2 Translation:
Societies have learned that no one lives in isolation, neither individuals nor whole
communities. At one time or another, it becomes necessary to communicate with a neighbor
or to retrieve information from the distant past. In both cases, if the two parties do not share a
language, the process of translation must be undertaken.
A translator is a person trained in the art and science of understanding two or more
languages in relationship to each other, and skilled in the ability to interpret one language for
a person or audience that does not understand that language. A translator has both a native
language and at least one non-native language in which he or she is fully fluent (in reading,

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writing and speaking) at virtually the same level as a native speaker would be. Translators
also may have additional languages with which they are familiar, often with a listening or
reading fluency that allows them to understand the language but not necessarily writing or
speaking fluency. Upload your documents to download.
A good translator obviously is bilingual, preferably multilingual. This can lead to
what is called natural translation, which means that translation is done informally by people
without specialized training, merely as a by-product of their bilingual abilities.
But translation involves more than simply knowing another language. It also involves
understanding another people, another culture, another place and often another time; it also
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requires specialized training. Merely being bilingual does not guarantee that a speaker will
first 30
have the skill to translate effectively between days are free.
Additionally, a translator must know the field in which he or she is working. For
example, a translator of biological texts must understand the field of biology. Finally, a
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translator must be an effective writer and have the sensitivity of a diplomat. Translators do
more than merely substitute words one for the other in two different languages. They also
major judgments about the people who produced the original message, called the source text
or source language.
Those message producers had their own assumptions, worldviews and presuppositions
and their own social and cultural relationships. Translators first must understand the world
and mindset of the creators of the source text. Then they create its equivalent in the second
language, called the target text (target language).
Translation generally refers to written communication, and translators are people who
translate written language. However, there is a similarity to the interpretation process that is
 part of speech communication, though the two have different training for essentially different
skills. Here are some aspects of speech interpretation:
-  In consecutive translation, the person requiring the interpreter participates in
the communication directly. The speaker says something and pauses, the

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interpreter translates it intoEbooks Audiobooks
a different language, Magazines
the respondent answers and Podcasts Sheet music Documents Snapshots
 pauses, the interpreter translates this response for the original speaker, and so
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-  Simultaneous translation is used for persons who are primarily listeners
rather than speakers. An interpreter listens to a speaker who presents a
message without pauses. The interpreter then translates the message into a
second language while the speaker continues on.
-  Sight translation is a specialized area in which a person reads a document in
one language and recites it aloud in another.

To summarise, translation can be defined as:

- A communication (written or spoken) in a second language having the same meaning as a
communication in the first language.
- The process of changing a text from one language to another.
- A copy made in one language what has been written or spoken in another.
- Producing in a target language the closest natural equivalent of the source language,
focusing first on meaning and secondly on style.

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Essentially there are two styles/ types of translation:
1) Literal
2) Semantic/ Idiomatic  Upload your documents to download.

1) Literal translations see the preservation of the original words as the highest priority, even
at the expense of clarity and naturalness. This approach focuses on the form of the original
language, often presenting more of a transliteration of words than a translation of meaning.
Literal translations also are called word-for-word translations or more accurately, formal
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equivalence translations. However, the meaning of language rests not simply with individual
words but rather in the relationship of words 30 days are
phrases free.
and in their cultural and historical
2) The word semantic has to do with meaning. A semantic translation would be one where
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the translator tried to come as close as possible to the meaning conveyed by the words.
Semantic translation takes relationships, contexts and literary style into account. It refers to
the process of presenting the original thought in the source text both accurately and naturally
in the second language or target text. This is sometimes referred to as a free translation or a
thought-for-thought translation, because the purpose of the translator is to preserve the
original meaning, even at the expense of specific words and phrases. For example, the French
 phrase ‘j’ai faim’ is literally rendered into English as ‘I have hunger ’, but a better translation
would be ‘I am hungry’, adopting the grammar, syntax and structure of the target text.
Semantic translations also are called functional equivalence translations. Often, a semantic
translation can be more accurate and meaningful than a literal translation. So the skilled
translator will ask both the meaning in the original language and whether the translation
means the same thing.

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What is Scribd?
A google (machine) translation of Ebooks Audiobooks
any language will Magazines
not always provide the true Podcasts Sheet music Documents Snapshots
meaning of the phrase or sentence translated. A semantic translation would change word
Related titles

order and maybe word choice so that the true meaning is conveyed.
Understand that a translation is not the same as a paraphrase, which is a deliberate
restatement of the meaning of something in different and often fewer words. However, a
translator may occasionally use a cultural substitute by presenting a word or phrase in the
second language that, while not exactly the same as in the original, carries to the second-
language audience essentially the same meaning as the original.

Problems in Translation :

The process of translating from one language to another is full of difficulties. Here are some
of the recurring issues that linguists have to deal with.

-Words and phrases often have meaning primarily within a particular culture, and one
difficulty in translation is to account for the cultural context of individual words. Related to
this is the idiosyncratic use of clichés and sayings.

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-Related to this is the linguistic proximity of the source and target languages. It is relatively
easy to translate between closely related language, such as Spanish and Portuguese. It is
much more difficult to navigate the greater dissimilarities between more culturally and
linguistically remote languageUpload your documents
such as Chinese and German,to ordownload.
English and Arabic.
-Some languages feature a certain ambiguity, such as the deliberate elimination of subjects or
verbs that would translate as only sentence fragments into another language.
- Another issue in translation is the reading ability of the audience. A text intended for well-
educated readers in Language A might not be understandable to readers of only average
ability in Language B.
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-Translation also creates a problem when a word in one language carries a different
connotation or extended meaning in another. first Consider,
30 days are free. the word no. To an
for example,
American, “no” or “no, thank you” is a definitive and final statement. To an Arab, however,
“no” is seldom taken as a final decision but rather  as part of social interplay. A Japanese
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 person, meanwhile, might say “I’ll consider it” when he means emphatically “no,” which in
the Japanese culture would be too impolite to express so directly.
-Another difficulty is the syntax, the flow of sentences and the order or patterns within
sentences. One language, for example, might feature short sentences that in another language
would be considered choppy. Others languages have unique word patterns. Arabic, for
example, generally follows a Verb-Subject-Object pattern, while English uses Subject-Verb-
Object. Japanese, meanwhile, uses Subject-Object-Verb.
-Finally, translation deals with the problem of neologisms, new words. Sometimes a word is
adopted into a language more-or-less intact. Coke is Coke the world over. A place to buy
food to eat is a restaurant in French and English, a restaurante in Spanish, a ristorante in
Italian, and a resutoran in Japanese. Japanese is comfortable in picking up a foreign word,
usually English, and pronouncing it phonetically with perhaps a Japanese twist, so Diet Pepsi
 becomes something like di-et-oh peh-puh-shi; train tickets are called both kippu (the
traditional Japanese word) and ticketo (an obvious English import).

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Translators generally is Scribd?
make Ebooks
decisions on the appropriate Audiobooks Magazines
approach to their work by analyzing Podcasts Sheet music Documents Snapshots
several factors: • The type of source text being translated and the subject matter (for example,
Related titles

the difference between poetry and a maintenance manual). • The intended audience for the
target text, its level of linguistic awareness, and its presumed use for the text. • The
translator’s ability to understand both the source language and the target language, and the
culture of each.

-A representation of the characters in an alphabetic script with the characters of another
script, allowing the representation of the original writing in a second language.
-A systematic way of converting letters in one alphabet or phonetic system into an other
-The letter-for-letter or sound-for-sound presentation of a word into another language.
-The substitution of one alphabetic system for another.

The process of adapting a message from one language to another, while maintaining its

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intent, style, tone and theme. The phrase has historically been used by advertising and
marketing professionals looking to transfer the meaning of a message into a new language
without losing intended meaning.
The aim of a transcreated message is to your documents
successfully to download.
evoke the same emotions and contextual
relevance in the new language as the original or source language. This includes words,
graphics, video, audio, and cultural nuances.


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There are four main types of writing: expository, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive.
first 30 days are free.
  Expository –  Writing in which author’s purpose is to inform or explain the subject to the

  Persuasive –  Writing that states the opinion of the writer and attempts to influence the
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  Narrative –  Writing in which the author tells a story. The story could be fact or fiction.

  Descriptive –  A type of expository writing that uses the five senses to paint a picture for

the reader. This writing incorporates imagery and specific details.

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KINESICS: What is Scribd? Ebooks Audiobooks Magazines Podcasts Sheet music Documents Snapshots

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The word kinesics comes from the root word kinesis, which means “movement,” and refers to
the study of hand, arm, body, and face movements. Specifically, this section will outline the
use of gestures, head movements and posture, eye contact, and facial expressions as
nonverbal communication.

1.  Gestures

There are three main types of gestures: adaptors, emblems, and illustrators.

Adaptors are touching behaviors and movements that indicate internal states typically
related to arousal or anxiety. Adaptors can be targeted toward the self, objects, or others. In
regular social situations, adaptors result from uneasiness, anxiety, or a general sense that we
are not in control of our surroundings. Many of us subconsciously click pens, shake our legs,
or engage in other adaptors during classes, meetings, or while waiting as a way to do
something with our excess energy. Common self-touching behaviors like scratching, twirling
hair, or fidgeting with fingers or hands are considered self-adaptors. Some self-adaptors
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manifest internally, as coughs or throat-clearing sounds.

Emblems are gestures that have a specific agreed-on meaning. A hitchhiker’s raised
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thumb, the “OK” sign with thumb and index finger connected in a circle with the other three
fingers sticking up, and the raised middle finger are all examples of emblems that have an
agreed-on meaning or meanings with a culture. EmblemsOR can be still or in motion; for
example, circling the index finger around at the side of your head says “He or she is crazy,”
or rolling your hands over and over in front of you says “Move on.”  Emblems are gestures
that have a specific meaning. In the a Scribd
United member
States, for up
a thumbs- fullcan
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mean “I need a ride” or
“OK!”  first 30 days are free.
Illustrators are the most common type of gesture and are used to illustrate the verbal
message they accompany. For example, youContinue
might usefor Free
hand gestures to indicate the size or
shape of an object. Unlike emblems, illustrators do not typically have meaning on their own
and are used more subconsciously than emblems. These largely involuntary and seemingly
natural gestures flow from us as we speak but vary in terms of intensity and frequency based
on context. Although we are never explicitly taught how to use illustrative gestures, we do it
automatically. Think about how you still gesture when having an animated conversation on
the phone even though the other person can’t see you. 

2.  Head Movements and Posture

In terms of head movements, a head nod is a universal sign of acknowledgement in cultures

where the formal bow is no longer used as a greeting. In these cases, the head nod essentially
serves as an abbreviated bow. An innate and universal head movement is the headshake back
and forth to signal “no.” This nonverbal signal begins at birth, even before a baby has the
ability to know that it has a corresponding meaning. Babies shake their head from side to side

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