SCD Isupplier Final V

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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

Oracle iSupplier User Guide

(Prepared by: Ethio telecom, Supply Chain Division)

1. Disclaimer

All of the information/data provided in this user manual are merely for exemplifying and shall
not be considered as actual transactions. Therefore, all data/information in this document shall
not be considered binding before any law/rule/regulation/proclamation or any other legal party.

2. Introduction

Ethio telecom has implemented different types of Supply Chain ERP modules since 2012. One of
such modules is Oracle I supplier.

3. What is isupplier and its use?

 iSupplier Portal is system based self-service tool, which gives suppliers the ability to directly
access information and enter business transactions across the procure-to-pay life cycle.
 It facilitates:
 View and Respond to Bids /online
 View Orders, Payments, Invoices
 Update Your Company Information – contacts, address, phone, email, offers etc
 Creation of Work Confirmation and others
 Easy access through a standard web browser
 Information transparency across the procure-to-pay cycle
 Single point of visibility for integrated information coming from different
 Ability to submit real-time shipment notices and generate invoices against purchase
 Tight messaging integration through eMail notifications

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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

 Cycle time reduction

 Ability to provide better customer service while working more efficiently
 Many more …
4. Accessing the Platform
 Suppliers can access isupplier portal using URL:

Following this link will provide a logging in page requesting user credential (User name &
Password). Suppliers must log in using their user credential given by Ethio telecom.

Provide User
Name and
password here

Once logged in, there will be two responsibilities:

 Ethio iSupplier Full Access

 ethio Sourcing Supplier

These are your

to work with

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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

Part I
View and Respond to Tenders, Follow up till Award
 In order to access tenders floated by ethio telecom, follow, ethio Sourcing
Supplier=>Sourcing=>Sourcing Homepage.
 Then search the tender using its RFQ number or title, as shown below.

Give RFQ #
& Click Go

 After you click on go, the following page having the tender information will come for you

 Once you accessed the tender, follow these steps to request clarification or submit your

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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

 Click on the hyperlinked RFQ number

 Review the detail information on Header, line, Controls & Contract Terms.
 If the bidder has any clarification request, it can submit it online as follows:
 Select Online Discussion from the action list=>Go=>New Message=>Subject &
Content of the clarification=>Attach (if any) =>Send.

P.O. Box 1047 Addis Ababa Ethiopia
tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

To follow the response of your queries,
Ethio Sourcing Supplier=>Sourcing =>Sourcing Home Page=>see unread messages

Click the response link to see the content and take further action (Reply or print & file)

Clarification can go on like this as long as sufficient response if obtained or as per the allowed bid
Note: any communication with Ethio telecom can be done via ERP system like this at any stage
while the tender is active.


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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

PROVIDING QUOTATION /Participating for Bids/Tenders

 Once you decided to participate for this tender, Select Create Quote from action list

Select Create
Quote & Go

 Then, provide a line by line response to all the requirements under Header section. Your
responses might be of type comply/Not comply, open ended/explanations, etc depending on the
type of response rule provided by the purchaser.

Provide your
responses here

 Suppliers can also view Contract Terms of the purchaser, though specific terms and conditions are not yet
specified/determined. Click Preview Contract Terms=>Open/Save (which appears at the bottom window).

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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

 After answering all the requests on Header section, click on Lines and provide your price offer.

 After answering all the requests on Header and Lines sections, click Continue
NB: Also it is possible to attach documents by clicking on Update.
 Click Submit

 By now you should be able to get success confirmation message as shown below.

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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

 Which means that you are done with the quotation part!
 After the purchaser completed evaluation, you will get your evaluation result under your
worklist (see the snap shot below).

 Click on it and see the details …

 Note
If the bidder needs any clarification concerning the evaluation result, it can submit the
request via online discussion (discussed above).

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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

 You might also be notified of your award results…

Click under Subject to see the details…

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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

Part II
Orders Management
Once your offers are accepted and your company is awarded with approved purchase order, you
should get such notification under your worklist area (shown below).

Then click on it to see the details, including the PDF document…

Alternatively, go to orders under the responsibility Ethio iSupplier Full Access=>Home Page.

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Here you have the following list of actions:

1. Acknowledge- Means either you are convenient with all what are encapsulated in the PO and
hence entirely accepted it or you totally reject the order. (Applicable only if acknowledgement is
required by the purchaser). If required, you have two actions: Accept or Reject Entire order.
2. Request Cancellation: Means you want not to deliver and hence request the purchaser to cancel
this order.
3. Request Changes: Means that you will deliver the goods/services, but needs some modification
on the PO.
4. View Changes: Means simply you want to track changes made before to this PO (if any).
Now assume that you don’t have any issue and want to proceed for delivery.

Go to Shipments=>Shipment Notices=> Create Advance Shipment Notices => Select Shipments Due Any
Time & Click Go


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 Shipment Header:  Shipment Lines:

Shipment Number Packing Slip - Qty to be shipped
Shipment Date Country of Origin - Any attachments
Expected Receipt Date Container Number

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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

Fill necessary data on Shipment Headers:

Click on Shipment Lines, fill necessary data & Click Submit:

Provide all
including Qty

After submitting it, you will get confirmation message…

Now your message is forwarded to the purchaser. You are done with creating advance shipment notice!
Then invoice can be created as follows:

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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00


You can create Invoices in two options:

 With purchase order

 Without purchase order

Option-1: Creating invoice with purchase order

Ethio iSupplier Full Access => Home Page => Finance => Create Invoice =>select with a PO & Go

Give PO Number=>Click on ‘Go’=>Select the PO Number=>Click on Add to Invoice=> Click ‘Next’

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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

provide invoice details including Invoice Numbers, quantity/amount, attachments (if any) etc => Next

Write Invoice No.

& Date

Click ‘Add’ to

Select the Right Tax Rate type =>Click ‘Submit’

Select the right

Tax Rate type

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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

You will get confirmation message once submitted the invoice. This invoice will be accessed at payables
module of the purchaser`s finance division for further payment process.

Option-2: Creating invoice without purchase order

Sometimes you may need to create invoices without having a purchase order. The steps are: Ethio iSupplier
Full Access => Home Page => Finance => Create Invoice=>Select without a PO=>Go

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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

Provide invoice details including Invoice Number, Items, Amount etc =>Click ‘Next’=> Submit. Then you
will get confirmation message once submitted the invoice. This invoice will be accessed at payables module
of the purchaser`s finance division for further payment process

Provide Invoice

Provide List of
Invoice-able Items

Only Shipping &

Handling Charges

View/Update/Withdraw Invoice
To view/update/withdraw your invoices, on ‘Create Invoice’ tab, give the invoice number =>Click ‘Go’=>see
the status/withdraw/update as per your need.

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View Invoice Details

To view/update/withdraw your invoices, on ‘View Invoice’ tab, give the invoice number =>Click ‘Go’=>see
the details by clicking the links as per your need.

Note: Alternatively, suppliers can create Advance Shipment Billing Notice instead of Advance
Shipment Notice. This will allow them to send billing information in addition to shipment notice.

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View Payments made to your Company

In order to view payment for your orders and invoices follow the steps: ‘Finance’ tab=> ‘View
Payments’=>give Order Number=>Click ‘Go’=>see details by clicking on Detail links

Detail Invoice
Provide links


If the purchaser has issued a complex order for your organization, you as a supplier need to create
work confirmation only for the amount/quantity you have performed so far.

Once you have created the work confirmation and submitted it, it will be sent to the purchaser for

After it gets approved by the purchaser, it will create an invoice and will be available in the
purchaser`s finance/payables so that you can claim your payment. So you need to follow your
payment accordingly.

The steps to create work confirmation is as follows:

Ethio iSupplier Full Access =>Home Page (see pic. below)

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Then, go to Orders=>Purchase Orders => Click on the PO # (or you can search by clicking
‘Advanced Search’) (see pic. below)

Use this button if

the order is not
available below

Then, select ‘Create Work Confirmation’ from Actions =>Go

Select ‘All Pay Items’ => Go =>thick on Select (select only the pay items for which you are about
to create work confirmation, may not be all lines) =>Next

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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

Then, provide details like: Work Confirmation, period of performance, Material Stored, progress
(%), etc
Then Submit

This is unique reference #

which must be standard.
Eg. WC/57869/Aug 27

You will get Confirmation: Fill the exact amount of

the service

Note: If you have saved it for later use before submitting, you can trace, update and submit it as

Ethio iSupplier Full Access =>Home Page=>Orders=>Work Confirmations (see pic. below)

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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

You can use the ‘Advance Search’ button if not available.

Then you can click on the Work Confirmation and update/submit. You can also check the status
and take actions.

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tel.: +251 (0) 115 5157 00

Part III
ISupplier Portal Full Access & Profile Management
A. Major Functionalities Under iSupplier Portal Full Access
Navigate to: iSupplier Portal Full Access => Home Page

 Orders:
 Suppliers can access purchase orders issued to their company by the purchaser and take one of the
below actions against the PO.
Request Changes Manage Deliverables
Request Cancellation View Receipts
View Change History View Invoices
View PDF View Payments
View Shipments
 Shipments:
 Displays information regarding Delivery Schedules, Shipment Notices, Receipt History, Overdue
Receipts, Returns and On-Time Delivery performance of the Supplier.
 Enables suppliers to create Advance Shipment Notices.
 Finance:
 Allows suppliers to view their Invoices and Payments. These are view only pages.
 Products:
 Displays a summary of items for which the Supplier is currently an approved Supplier to the
 Provides several quick links for further analysis of data in relation to a specific item.
B. Profile Management
Suppliers can manage profiles of their company on the following matters:
Organization: Contains tax, employees and general information about your organization.
Address Book: Supplier can Include, Update or Remove Sites.
Contact Directory: Supplier can Include, Update or Remove contacts (explained below).
Banking Details: Suppliers can Create & Update banking details.
Payments & Invoices: Supplier can assign Site Specific Payment and invoice methods &
Currencies and notification currencies.

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 Updating Existing Contact:

Note: your contact may mean your company`s user account. You should be fully aware that your user is fully
authorized to deal and decide on business transactions with the purchaser on behalf of your company.
 iSupplier Portal Full Access => Home Page => Admin => Contact Directory => Update


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Then you will be provided with the details with updatable fields as show below.

After you provide the change details, click Apply and it will be official once approved by the purchaser.

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 Creating New Contacts:

 iSupplier Portal Full Access => Home Page => Admin => Contact Directory => Create

Fill all the details, declare whether the newly created contact shall own user account or not and Apply. It will
be submitted to the purchaser for review and approval.

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