Executive Summary

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Philippines is a source, transit and destination country for human trafficking.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton cited in her agencys 2009 global report on trafficking that the Philippines is now in Tier 2 watch list where the government of the country was not able to show tangible results in convicting traffickers and to make

progress towards compliance of the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. Human trafficking is a violation of human rights where women and children are exploited through prostitution, pornography, sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage, and removal or sale of organs. The enforcement of the Anti-Trafficking Act of 2003 or RA 9208 is lackluster and the low conviction rate has not deterred the crime of trafficking from flourishing. The political, socio-cultural, economic and other personal factors fuelled by corruption in the bureaucracy have increased the incidence of trafficking which is often not reported by the willing victims. The Department of Justice (DOJ) as the Secretariat of the Inter

Agency Council Against Trafficking (IACAT) was not able to effectively establish proper documentation, monitoring and evaluation to prevent the delays in prosecution as manifested by the large number of cases pending preliminary investigation. The Philippine National Police (PNP) is the primary law enforcement agency tasked to undertake surveillance, investigation and arrest of individuals or persons suspected to be engaged in trafficking and to formulate plans and programs for the prevention and/or reduction of trafficking. Human Trafficking or the enforcement of RA 9208 is one of the mandates that falls under the PNP Women and Children Protection Desks (WCPD) formerly womens desks in all police stations nationwide. However, crime prevention and law enforcement do not rest entirely upon the police force to address especially the

human trafficking cases, a concern that needs a holistic approach and cooperation of a majority of stakeholders based on its peculiar nature. The strengthening of WCPD is a challenge that the PNP leadership needs to immediately address. The women and specially the children who are victims and those who are in danger of victimization from human trafficking should be given priority attention to protect their human rights. The response of the PNP as the primary law enforcement agency in Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 (RA 9208) is crucial to eliminate or reduce the incidence of trafficking in persons through prevention, arrest and prosecution of offenders and to provide mechanisms for the victims to access government and non-governmental interventions for their protection and rehabilitation. However, there is a conflict between the mandate and the strategy in addressing the trafficking cases. The focus is placed on WCPC/WCPD for its implementation when there is a need for concerted efforts from all operational units of the PNP (NSUs and

RMGs/PMGs) and not only police stations should be involved in implementing the law on trafficking. The Quad concept of operations (intelligence, operations, investigation and police community relations) are not being fully utilized. The compartmentalization of trafficking as women and children issues has hindered effective law enforcement. The SWOT Analysis, Gap Analysis and Strategy Map using the Balanced Scorecard perspectives were used for the triangulation on the needed strategic interventions to strengthen WCPD for effective law enforcement response in human trafficking cases. Weaknesses-Opportunities (W-O) Strategic Option optimizing

opportunities while neutralizing weaknesses provided the following strategies: 1) Quad (police community relations, intelligence, operations, investigation) focused TIP

operations; 2) WCPD Expansion (NSUs and operating units); 3) Case documentation and monitoring (though Anti-Trafficking Section); 4) Systems Innovation (Case management and Database/Databank); 5) Improved GAD funds utilization; 6) Enhanced framework for cooperation, (Creation of Task forces and MOA with NGOs involved in TIP); and 7) Performance and Policy review.

The WCPD balanced scorecard was created to measure specific performance. The strategy map with the key objectives and the balanced scorecard with its measures and targets as well as the action plan with initiatives and budget will show and ensure the effective management and implementation of the strategic option/strategic interventions which were identified in the SWOT analysis and gap analysis. The mandated 5% GAD funds of the total PNP budget to be utilized for women and children concerns to include TIP programs and the strong support of international and local organizations particularly the LGU Peace and Order funds will assure resource mobilization and implementation.

The Directorate for Investigation and Detective Management (DIDM) shall be the office primarily responsible for the implementation of the initiatives and coordination of efforts of tasked units. The Chief, PNP through DIDM shall issue the Letter of Instruction (LOI) on Strengthening the Women and Children Protection Desks in Combating

Human Trafficking which will incorporate an integrated approach in combating trafficking, expansion of WCPD, systems innovation, and for PROs, NSUs, and other police units to incorporate the strategies in their plans and programs including the crime prevention and law enforcement component in the LGU Integrated Area Community Public Safety Plan (IA/CPSP). The implementation plans and detailed programs shall be formulated from the local level in different WCPDs to be consolidated at WCPC for the component of

IA/CPCP. The focus on TIP would be made a component of the model police stations on strengthening WCPD nationwide.

A Memorandum/Directive from the C, PNP to all police units working on human trafficking shall also be issued for the forging of MOA with NGOs involved in the prevention, of trafficking and the protection and rehabilitation of victims and also the creation of Task Forces in Anti-Trafficking in local level to be spearheaded by the Local Chief Executives through the Peace and Order Councils (POCs).

A strengthened WCPD with the implementation of proposed strategies is expected to remove the Philippines from the Tier 2 watch list with its improved performance on combating human trafficking. The LGU focused approach in anti-trafficking as part of its crime prevention, law enforcement and social development programs would address the concerns of effective prevention of trafficking, prosecution and conviction of traffickers and protection/rehabilitation/reintegration of victims with the expected impact of reducing incidence of trafficking. The POCs and Development Councils of the LGUs of which the PNP and DILG are members are expected to incorporate the recommended strategies as part of the IA/CPSP and Development Plans to address the strengthening of the WCPD in the local level in the fight against human trafficking. Batangas City was exemplified as pilot area to show how the strategy will be implemented at the local level focused on LGU/POC formulated IACPSP addressing prevention of trafficking, prosecution of traffickers and protection of victims and potential victims and their rehabilitation and reintegration in the community.

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