The Role of Hotels in Economic Development
The Role of Hotels in Economic Development
The Role of Hotels in Economic Development
The question of why it is necessary to rely on facts and achieve the emergence of many opinions
in the organization and improvement of personnel management in hotel enterprises is considered
important. There are many aspects that are the basis for making decisions.
Keywords: tourism, hotel industry, population employment, gross domestic product, industry,
entrepreneurship, service industry, need, social sphere, hospitality, history of tourism.
Associate Professor of the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service
Expansion of hotels does not happen by itself. It is known from world practice that the
development of tourism leads to the growth of the country's economy, the development of
underdeveloped regions, the increase of population employment, and the rise of the culture of the
Another important aspect of the development of this sector for Uzbekistan is that it is a decisive
factor in providing employment to the unemployed population in the rural areas of our country2.
With the expansion of the scale of tourism, the number of service enterprises, including hotels,
continues to increase. In addition to these, the field related to the development of tourism
includes many more enterprises and economic entities (food outlets, transport, entertainment
facilities, etc.) and they operate during the tourist season. Their turnover increases depending on
the number of tourists.
Tourism belongs to the service sector and is one of the rapidly developing sectors of the
economy. The rapid growth of tourism in Uzbekistan has a positive effect on the economy by
providing a large amount of foreign exchange earnings, and allows the development of the
country's tourism industry. Because, if we look at the history of tourism, it is based on
hospitality. This has been and remains an age-old custom of mankind. Previously, guests were
welcomed in their own home.
Now its content has changed. Usually, people have to live away from home for several days,
weeks, months. He will need the support and help of "strangers". This is done through
According to the explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language, hospitality means "hospitality,
behavior, waiting for a guest3”. Nowadays, hospitality visits are made not in someone's house,
but in connection with spending the night and relaxing in guest houses. Because of this, the
terms hospitality and tourism are used interchangeably in economic literatur4. Scientists of our
country use the expression "hospitality" instead of hospitality5.
It can be seen from these that revealing the nature of the concept of hospitality is important in the
study of theoretical issues of tourism. For this, it is necessary to develop a definition of each
concept. Hospitality is currently a type of services provided in tourism, and to a certain extent, it
also has signs of entrepreneurship. Based on its content, we found it appropriate to define
hospitality as follows: Hospitality is related to the provision of services such as
accommodation, feeding, transportation, excursions, conferences, and entertainment. is a set
of relationships.
Xolikulov A., Yuldasheva N. Mehmonxonalarda servis sifatini oshirishning konseptual yo„nalishlari va uni
baholashning ilmiy-nazariy va uslubiy masalalari //Obshestvo i innovatsii. – 2021. – T. 2. – №. 2. – S. 76-86.
Ortikniyozovich U. F. The Significance of Theoretical Concepts of Services and Service Activity //American
Journal of Economics and Business Management. – 2022. – Т. 5. – №. 6. – С. 43-45.
O„zbek tilining izohli lug„ati. J. 2 Ye-M
Папирян Г.А. Менеджмент в индустрии гостопримства (отелы и рестораны). М.: ОАО НПО: Изд-во
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Mamatkulov X.M. Turizm va servisga oid izohli lug„at. Samarqand: SamISI, 2010. – 151 b.
1. Xolikulov A., Yuldasheva N. Mehmonxonalarda servis sifatini oshirishning konseptual
yo„nalishlari va uni baholashning ilmiy-nazariy va uslubiy masalalari //Obshestvo i
innovatsii. – 2021. – T. 2. – №. 2. – S. 76-86.
2. Ortikniyozovich U. F. The Significance of Theoretical Concepts of Services and Service
Activity //American Journal of Economics and Business Management. – 2022. – T. 5. – №.
6. – S. 43-45.
3. O„zbek tilining izohli lug„ati. J. 2 Ye-M.
4. Папирян Г.А. Менеджмент в индустрии гостопримства (отелы и рестораны). М.: ОАО
НПО: Изд-во “Экономика”, 2000., Уокер Дж. Введение в гостопримство: Учебник /
пер. с англ. М.: ЮНИТИ, 1999., Основы управления предприятиями и организациями
индустурии гостопримства / Под ред.А.Браймера. – М., 1994.
5. Mamatkulov X.M. Turizm va servisga oid izohli lug„at. Samarqand: SamISI, 2010. – 151 b.