IETM Development Process
IETM Development Process
IETM Development Process
Table of Contents
Understanding about IETM .................................................................................................................... 1
1. Outline of IETM ............................................................................................................................. 1
2. IETM for beginners ........................................................................................................................ 1
3. What is IETM and What is Not IETM? ............................................................................................... 1
Developing IETM .................................................................................................................................. 3
Following are the steps to develop and deliver the IETM projects. .............................................................. 3
STEP-1: Preparing the Table of content.......................................................................................................... 3
The above is for very big systems smaller systems may have ........................................................................... 4
STEP-2: Building the table of content in IETM........................................................................................... 4
Step-3 Converting pdf content into Database .......................................................................................... 4
Step-4 Making it interactive -Giving hyperlinks, Hot spots, Glossary, Related topics .......................................... 4
Step-5 Drawings and Original PDF manuals .............................................................................................. 5
Step-6 Branding .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Step-7 Internal Quality check ................................................................................................................. 5
Step-8 OEM’s Quality check ................................................................................................................... 5
Step-8 OEM’s Quality check ................................................................................................................... 5
Do we need to have software proficiency for using the tool? .............................................................. 6
If the IETM Requirement is one-time. ..................................................................................................... 7
Training:.............................................................................................................................................. 7
This article describes the end-to-end process of the IETM development and
1. Outline of IETM
2. IETM for beginners
3. What is IETM and What is Not IETM?
We strongly recommend you go through the above 3 links (5 minutes of reading time) beforereading the
below content)
I will start with an example so that you will understand how IETMs are developed.
Let us assume, you have to send an electrical wiring diagram to your client, what doyoudo?
First, you open Auto Cad, design it, and save it as .dwg file , which is a source file. Youwon’t
share the source file, because the recipient might update or edit the file or the recipient might
not have AUTO cad software to open.
Hence you convert that drawing to PDF and share it with them so that they can view thedrawing
but not edit it.
In another scenario, assume that you want your recipient to edit the file. So, you sharethem
.dwg but your client can not edit it, as they might not have Auto cad software installed on their
PC. To edit the drawing, they need Auto cad which is called an authoring tool.
To create cad drawings, you need tools like auto cad etc. Similarly, to create an IETMyou need
an authoring tool.
The authoring tool is a piece of software which is used to build or develop IETMs.Usingthis
software we develop IETMs
Developing IETM
It is not like you import the user manual PDF into software, and it automatically convertsto
Database. No. It will not. We need to build it from scratch.
Following are the steps to develop and deliver the IETM projects.
All the manuals will be categorized and a detailed table of content is prepared. If thedelivery is
very big then a broad classification would be something like the below.
o Navigation equipment
User Handboo
Technical Manual
Illustrated part list
Manufacturer's Recommended List of Spares
o Communication equipment
o Main switchboard
o Alarm systems
o Battery chargers
o Tawin Hook
o Magnetitic Compass
o Life arts
o Insulation
o Windlass
o Fire fighting
o Main engines
o DA sets
o PD pumps
o CF Pumps
o Compressors
o Propulsion
The above is for very big systems smaller systems may have
User handbook
Technical Manuals part -1
TM – Part – 2
Illustrated part list
Manufacturer's Recommended List of Spares
Once the tree structure is fully made, then they will be checked against the original PDF for the
correctness of flow.
Step-4 Making it interactive -Giving hyperlinks, Hot spots, Glossary, Related topics
Once the content is pasted into text editors of IETM, the next step is to create interactivitywith the
Using the IETM authoring tool, these hyperlinks and hot spots, links to related topics and the
glossary is created dynamically.
There is a misconception about IETM. As the name indicates interactive, then people assume
that it is a 3d based on blowup software. Interactive means, users can browseor cross-refer or
interact with the software to search for a particular topic/sub-topic.
Assume that you have 3000 pages in 10 different manuals, you cannot refer to all thepages
quickly. But this interactive electronic technical manual searches the entire database of 3000
pages in a second and displays results. Because all the text is converted into the database,
hence search and retrieval will be done in seconds. Users can see related topics and alsoon
rollover of text, users can see images, Video or text descriptions, etc.
Users can save bookmarks and annotate text etc. Users can see his search history,document access
history, etc.
These elements are called INTERACTIVITY. These features power the document and make it
an Interactive electronic manual. These documents are technical in nature and seen using
electronic devices hence they are termed interactive electronic technicalmanuals.
For future reference, all the original/actual manuals/ PDFs will also be stored inside IETM, under
the manuals tab.
Step-6 Branding
OEMs logo will be taken and fixed on the Upper left corner. Based on the imagesprovided by
OEM, the background for Log -in screen will be prepared.
Based on the review, the observations if any will be updated and IETM is released.
Deliverables contain
IETM Viewer
The installation manual will be provided along with files so that anyone can install IETM.
All the above deliverables will be shared in a DVD/USB/ZIP format and OEM can makemultiple
copies and distribute them to the defence accordingly.
IETM can be installed in an Independent PC/Laptop or it can be installed in a server andall the
systems connected with the server (LAN) can access the IETM using the browser.
By the way, IETM is a browser-based application. IETM can be used in Windows or LinuxOperating
Tools used to develop the IETM framework are Angular, Node and the DatabaseMariaDB.
The authoring tool is not a deliverable. OEM has to deliver only IETM Viewer to the Client.Because
other than OEM no one is permitted to update the documentation
These IETM viewers come with the Logo of the OEM on the Top Left Corner. They are fixed or
hard coded. The OEM logo is always visible on IETM. Whereas Client logos can be changed by
the OEM
Once OEM purchases IETM Viewer, they can distribute freely unlimited copies tounlimited
customers. There won’t be any licensing or hardware binding etc.
Case1: If you have a regular need for IETMs and your content keeps updating every timeyou need
not come back to us. We will train your personnel on how to edit, delete and create IETM.
Case 2: If you have one piece of equipment and you have many models similar and youneed to
deliver IETM for each piece of equipment as and when delivery is needed.
Case 3: For different clients, you may want to change test certificates or add additional data. In this
case, you make one basic IETM and take a backup of the original and updatethe data as per the
client’s need.
Case 4: Your data is highly confidential and you want to get that done inside the defencelab
Otherwise, give the assignment as a project basis, it will be much more economical thanowning the
Authoring tool.
IETM authoring tool is a very easy and GUI-based tool and with a day of training, anyone
can use this tool. No programming knowledge is needed to handle these tools. Any
person with basic knowledge of Computers can use this software.
Is this perpetual or do we need to pay any yearly License fee?
This is a perpetual license and you need not pay any yearly license for it
Other points
The authoring tool is not a deliverable for the end users. Because the end user is not
authorized to update IETM without knowledge of OEM. Hence, the Authoring tool is only
for OEM’s purpose so that OEM can update IETM without coming backto Code and pixels
for updations.
This Software license is for reuse in your organization’s products only. Not for reselling. Once
you buy the authoring tool, Your logo will be placed and delivered toyou.
2 days of training will be given remotely for the identified set of people.User
manual and installation manual will also be shared
Training will consist
Using an Authoring tool to build IETM (Hands-on training)
Using Configuration file to customize IETM
Installation process