A Charge Transfer Model For CMOS Image Sensors
A Charge Transfer Model For CMOS Image Sensors
A Charge Transfer Model For CMOS Image Sensors
A. Level-1 Model: Thermionic Emission Theory in Pixel where Ne also represents the number of residual electrons after
the charge transfer phase. Therefore, the number of transferred
Fig. 2 shows the potential diagram along the cross section electrons from the PPD to the FD node in the given transfer
of BB when the TG is open, where E C , E f , and E V represent time is
the energy levels of the conduction band, Fermi level, and
I0 q VC
valence band, respectively; q is the electron charge; q VC is Ntransfer = Ne0 1 − exp − exp − ×t .
the barrier height on the charge transfer path; q Vbf is the q NC V kT
difference between the conduction band barrier in region A (8)
and the Fermi level in the n− PPD region; and |Eff | is the Equation (8) is the level-1 charge transfer model. The
fringing field intensity. In this paper, the electrostatic potential relationship between Ntransfer and Ne0 is linear for a given t.
in a semiconductor is defined as the potential of the middle Fig. 3(a) shows an example of the photoresponse curve
of the bandgap. based on the level-1 model, where Ne0 and Ntransfer correspond
There are six assumptions for this level-1 model. to the exposure and output, respectively. If t is long enough,
1) qVbf is much larger than kT, where k is the Boltzmann the exponential term in (8) approximates to zero, and the
constant, and T is the absolute temperature. charge transfer is complete. With a certain Ne0 as shown
2) Region A and the fringing field region are fully depleted. in Fig. 3(b), the relationship between Ntransfer and t is
3) The conduction band is fixed. exponential, and the charge transfer process is mainly
4) |Eff | is large enough, and the electrons will quickly drift completed during the beginning of the charge transfer phase.
to the FD node if they can cross the barrier. The total
current flow is limited by the emission current.
5) During the charge transfer phase, the Fermi level in the B. Supplement for the Level-1 Model: Diffusion Theory
n− region is balanced, and the charge transfer process As mentioned in Section I, it is hard to say that all pixels
in the PPD is neglected. This is suitable for pixels with have a potential barrier on the transfer path, even though
a small PPD area and large pixels with a special design a monotonic potential distribution is difficult to implement.
for a built-in electric field [1], [8], [17], [20]. For those pixels which have an ideal transfer path as shown
6) The number of transferred electrons is small and the in Fig. 4, the emission theory is also applicable. A simple
potential of the FD node is high enough so that the derivation is given below.
effect of the electrons in the flat region of the tunnel The emission theory is established by calculating the
as shown in Fig. 2 is neglected, and the charge transfer number of electrons that have enough thermal velocity in
process is unidirectional. the transfer direction to cross the barrier per time unit. The
The emission current from the PPD to the FD node is written thermal motion phenomenon of a particle is the physical basis.
as follows: For a typical PPD structure, the order of magnitude of the
n− region doping concentration is 1015–1016 cm−3 , which
IPPD−FD = d Q/dt = I0 exp(−q Vbf /kT ) (1) means that assumption 1) in the level-1 model is also valid.
I0 = A · S A · T 2 (2) Thus, the derivation of the emission current which is based
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 6. Conduction band correction. potential. Multiplying both sides by dϕC gives
d (dϕC /d x) q
dϕC = − (N D + n e ) dϕC (20)
dϕC /d x d x ε ϕC
dϕC dϕC q ND q NC
d =− dϕC +
0 d x d x ε
ϕC 0 ε
qϕC − qϕ f
× exp dϕC
0 kT
where ϕ f is the Fermi level potential, resulting in
Fig. 7. PPD structure with a uniform doping concentration.
2q N D kT n e kT NC −qϕ f
E2 = − ϕC + − exp . (22)
ε ε ε kT
of DD model in region A, so that the level-1 model is also From (19), we can also obtain the following equation:
applicable because of the existence of |E ff |.
dϕC q ND q x
E =− = x− n e d x. (23)
dx ε ε 0
C. Level-2 Model: Conduction Band Correction At two specific positions, the middle of the PPD x = 0 and
The PPD is a finite well for electrons which is fully depleted the edge of depleted region x = d, the respective electrical
after a complete charge transfer. As the number of electrons in field intensities are
the PPD decreases, there are more fixed positive charges which E x=0 = 0 (24)
lead to a stronger electrical field from the inside of the PPD to E x=d = q N D d/ε − q Ne / (2εSPPD ) (25)
region A. Therefore, the effect of conduction band variation is
considered in the level-2 model. Assumption 3) in the where SPPD is the area of the PPD. Substituting (24) and (25)
level-1 model should be modified as follows: the conduction with (22) results in
band profile in region A should be fixed under a certain 2q N D kT n e (0) kT NC −qϕ f
0=− ϕC (0) + − exp
voltage applied to the TG, but the conduction band inside the ε ε ε kT
PPD varies with the number of electrons as shown in Fig. 6. (26)
We expect to obtain the following corrected equation for (q N D d/ε − q Ne / (2εSPPD ))2
the conduction band potential:
2q N D kT n e (d) kT NC −qϕ f
=− ϕC (d) + − exp .
VC = VC0 + VCnwell (18) ε ε ε kT
where VCnwell reflects the variation of the conduction band
Assuming the PPD has a square well and combining
potential in the n− region, and VC0 is defined as the barrier
(26) and (27), VCnwell is approximately expressed as
height when the number of electrons in the PPD is equal to
the FWC with a certain high voltage applied to the TG. VCnwell ≈ ϕC (0) − ϕC (d)
As shown in Fig. 7, we assume that the doping concentration q Ne kT (n e (0) − n e (d))
= ND d − +
is uniform. The x-axis represents the depth direction, the depth 2ε N D 2SPPD q 2N D
of the undepleted PPD region is 2d under full well condition (28)
for a horizontal PPD structure. Solving the Poisson equation
where the first term is much larger than the second term.
to get the relationship between the Ne and VCnwell
Substituting (28) with (18) leads to
d 2 ϕC /d x 2 = −q (N D + n e ) /ε (19) VC ≈ VC0 + q/ (2ε N D ) × (N D d − Ne / (2SPPD ))2 . (29)
where N D is the doping concentration of the n− region, ε is There is a parabolic relationship between Ne and VC as
the permittivity of silicon, and ϕC is the conduction band shown in Fig. 8. It should be noted that the electron density
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 15. (a) Test pixel in chip A. (b) Test pixel in chip B.
A. Measurement Results of Chip A with longer t (1.2 μs for Fig. 16 and 2 μs for Fig. 17). The
The test pixel in chip A is L-shaped as shown in Fig. 15(a), black curves and red curves correspond to the pixels with
and CFD is ∼8 fF. We changed the doping concentration for lower barrier height and greater barrier height, respectively.
the TG by several special p-type implants, and two pixels with As the model predicts, the charge transfer process has a strong
a high barrier height on the same wafer were selected for this correlation with barrier height. Normally, a lower doping
discussion. In chip A, all the transistors in the pixel were concentration in the tunnel region improves the charge transfer
implemented by nMOS, the voltage applied to the TG was performance, but the FWC of the PPD will decrease because
3.3 V, the reset voltage of the FD node was ∼2.7 V. of the feedforward effect [3].
Fig. 16 shows the measurement results, which correspond Since the pixel transistors in chip A were implemented by
to the simulation results in Fig. 10. In the linear response nMOS, the readout of a large signal is limited by the SF.
region, we consider all the electrons to be transferred from In order to observe the large signal region of the response
the PPD to the FD node if t is long enough. Then, Ne0 is curves, the measurement results obtained from the pixel with
obtained by multiplying the exposure by the average sensitivity the pMOS SF and SEL will be shown in Section III-B.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
B. Measurement Results of Chip B Fig. 19. Simulation results for the pinning voltage.
The test pixel in chip B is W-shaped as shown in Fig. 15(b),
where CFD is ∼4 fF, the width of the TG is 0.9 μm, and the
FWC is limited by the FD node rather than the PPD. Fig. 17
shows the measurement results of the test pixel in chip B,
where Fig. 17(a) and (b) corresponds to the simulation results
in Fig. 13(a) and (b), respectively.
As shown in Fig. 17(a), the reset voltage of the FD node
is varied, and the transfer time is fixed at 2 μs. In the small
signal region, the variation of the FD reset voltage has almost
no effect on the charge transfer. In fact, a small difference
between the various curves is observed due to the nonlinearity Fig. 20. Simulation method for the feedforward effect.
of the SF. In the large signal region, the curve with the lowest
FD reset voltage 1.8 V enters saturation first, and the curve
with the highest FD reset voltage 2.2 V has the largest output
range. The improvement in the output range (e− ) is equal
to CFD Vrst /q, where Vrst is the reset voltage difference.
As shown in Fig. 17(b), the transfer time is varied, and
the reset voltage of the FD is fixed at 2.2 V. The difference
between the two curves with a different t becomes narrow
in the saturation region. Yet a small difference still exists
between them which originates from the thermal diffusion
process inside the PPD; this is not considered in our model.
In addition, a small slope is observed in the saturation region Fig. 21. Charge transfer path when the TG is OFF.
as the model predicts.
IV. M ODEL E XTENSION obtain the potential inside the PPD ϕppd , and ϕppd = ϕpin +
VC = 1.37 V.
A. Explanation for the Pinning Voltage Measurement
The method for measuring the pinning voltage was first
reported in [22], and later explained in [23]. The measurement B. Feedforward Effect During Exposure Phase
timing is shown in Fig. 18. During the injection phase, the TG The feedforward effect, which is explained by the
and the reset transistor are open, and the number of electrons thermionic emission theory, is reported in [3]. This effect
injected from the FD node to the PPD is controlled by varying influences the FWC of the PPD. During the exposure phase,
Vinj , where Vinj is the voltage of VDDRST during the injection both the photogenerated current inside the PPD and the emis-
phase. sion current from the PPD to the FD node exist if the barrier
We use the level-3 model to describe the charge injection height is not high enough. Therefore, these two processes
process during the injection phase. The only difference is that should be simulated simultaneously during the exposure phase;
ϕfFD is fixed, and ϕfFD = Vinj. Fig. 19 shows the simulation the simulation method is shown in Fig. 20. The entire exposure
results for the method used to measure the pinning voltage, phase consists of m interval periods. The photoinduced elec-
where ϕpin = 1.2 V, VC0 = 0.03 V, and all other physical trons generate at the very beginning of each interval period,
parameters are the same as the simulation of the level-2 model. and the emission current is simulated by the level-2 model
In the transition region, the shape of the curve has a correlation during the rest of this period (using the level-3 model if ϕfrst is
with injection time ting ; similar measurement results can be very low).
found in [23]. When the PPD is empty, VC = 0.14 V+VC0, Fig. 21 shows the charge transfer path when the TG is OFF,
which can be extracted from (29) and Fig. 8. Then, we can and the position depends on the doping profile between the
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
The authors would like to thank Y. Xu and X. Ge for
providing test chip B and helping with the measurement.
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Liqiang Han (S’13) received the B.E. degree from Albert J. P. Theuwissen (M’82–SM’95–F’02)
the School of Electronic Information Engineering, received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 2010, where from the Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven,
he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in micro- Belgium, in 1983.
electronics and solid electronics. He started Harvest Imaging, Bree, Belgium, where
He has been a Visiting Student with the he focuses on consulting, training, and teaching in
Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory, Delft Uni- solid-state imaging technology, after he left DALSA.
versity of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, He is currently a part-time Professor with the Delft
since Oct. 2014. University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands.