Eduetal 2019 Umo
Eduetal 2019 Umo
Eduetal 2019 Umo
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Author NEE was the principal
investigator, conceived and carried out the laboratory work for the research. Authors NEE, PBE and
AJU designed the original work plan of the study, conducted the research and data analysis;
interpreted the results, draft and finalized the manuscript for publication. Authors TLT, NEE, PBE and
AJU carried out the field work; collected and authenticate the plant samples. Authors TLT and MOA
assisted in data analysis and presentations. Authors EAL and IEJ managed the literature searches,
assisted in data presentations and read the first draft of the manuscript. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
Article Information
(1) Dr. Muge K. Davran, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of
Cukurova, Turkey.
(1) J. O. Egahi, University of Agriculture, Nigeria.
(2) Eze Joan, Federal College of Education, Nigeria.
(3) Tsobou Roger, University of Dschang, Cameroon.
Complete Peer review History:
Background: Rapid population growth of human and livestock create increasing demands for
food, nutrition security in developing countries and therefore alternative feed resources must be
identified and evaluated. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of Moringa oleifera
leaf meal (MOLM) on supplemented feed on the growth and carcass quality of broilers in Calabar.
Methodology: Fresh leaves of Moringa oleifera were bought and collected from Calabar, Nigeria.
The leaves were dried for four days and milled. A total of 40 broiler chicks that 48 day-olds,
unsexed (rose 308) were sourced from a reputable poultry farm in Calabar. The broiler chicks were
randomly allotted to four treatment groups (A, B, C and D). 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% of MOLM were
incorporated into the broiler feed which constituted the four treatment groups. Each group was
replicated ten times at 10 birds per replicate. The following parameters were taken including feed
intake, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, mortality rate and carcass quality. Data were subjected
to statistical analysis.
Results: The diet supplemented with 5% of MOLM showed significantly high body weight and
followed by 10% of MOLM. Feed intake values were significantly (p<0.05) different across the
treatment groups. The weight gain (WG) was statistically similar for group B and C but significantly
(p<0.05) different in group D; with birds fed with 10% MOLM based diet having the highest WG.
The feed conversion ratio of the birds were not significantly (p>0.05) different in group B and C, but
differed significantly (P<0.05) in group D when compared with the control in group A. Carcass
characteristics showed higher values of dressing percentage in birds fed supplemented with 10%
MOLM (group C). The levels of MOLM were not significantly different in terms of liver weight, heart
weight, kidney weight and abdominal fat.
Conclusion: Overall, the best significant improvement in the response indices were obtained in
birds fed 10% MOLM, while there was a reduced performance of birds feed with 15% MOLM.
Edu et al.; AJARR, 7(1): 1-7, 2019; Article no.AJARR.50831
[9-12,18-20]. Against this backdrop, there is an examined physically to ensure fitness and
urgent need for an updated evaluation of general body soundness. Each pen was supplied
Moringa oleifera leaf supplemented the feed of with a clean feeder and a drinker of diameter 40
broilers in Calabar, Cross River State. Therefore, and 20cm respectively. The light was provided
this study aimed at evaluating the growth and for 24 hours throughout the experiment period.
carcass quality of broilers using Moringa oleifera The electrical bulbs were initially kept at about 15
leaf supplemented feed in a dose-dependent cm above the ground to provide heat and then
manner in Calabar. raised gradually to 1.75m height towards the end
of the experiment period. The birds were
2. METHODOLOGY brooded and raised for 12 weeks placed on the
same diet as recommended by NRC, 1994 [21]
2.1 Study Location and Duration of the for chick and growing pullets. Water, the feed
Research was given and all necessary vaccinations,
medication was administered to the birds
The study was carried out at the animal house, accordingly, as a certified veterinary doctor.
Department of Genetics and Biotechnology, Chicks immediately after hatching were
University of Calabar, Calabar. The birds vaccinated against Marek’s disease and
(broilers) were brooded and raised for 12 weeks. Newcastle disease.
2.2 Source and Preparation of Plant 2.4 Experimental Design and Study
Samples Parameters
Fresh Moringa oleifera leaves were purchased Forty-eight day old, unsexed commercial broiler
from farmers and some harvested within Calabar chicks (rose 308) was assigned into four groups
environs. The collected plant samples were of 10 chicks (replicates) in a pen, in a completely
authenticated in the herbarium unit, Department randomized design. Group one (A) was kept as
of Plant and Ecological Studies, Faculty of control with 0.0% Moringa oleifera supplement
Biological Sciences, University of Calabar, while the other three groups (group B, C and D)
Calabar, Cross River State. The entire plant was were given experimental diets containing 5%,
washed with clean water, air-dried under shade 10% and 15% Moringa oleifera supplement
for 4 days before powdering using an electric respectively. The following parameters were
blender (Qlink-Q15L40). This was used as a taken.
supplement suitable for incorporation into the
broilers’ diets. 2.4.1 Feed intake
2.3 Experimental Animals The food was weighed weekly to determine the
average feed intake per chick for the different
A total of 40 broiler chicks that was forty-eight treatment groups the feed intake was calculated
day-old were purchased from a reputable farmer by obtaining the left-over food and divided by the
in Calabar for this experiment. Generally, the number of each bird in each group per day than
study was conducted following the totalized to per week. Feed intake was
recommendations from the declarations of calculated using the formula below:
Helsinki on guiding principles in the care and use
of animals. Feed Intake = (Introduced parts of foods –
Residual parts of food)
2.3.1 Housing and management of
experimental animals 2.4.2 Weight gain
The birds were randomly allocated to a deep The weight of each bird was taken every two
litter brooder pen and given a floor space of weeks to determine the average weight gain per
1.45m per bird as suggested by Emam et al. [3]. chick for the different treatment groups. The
Before commencing the experiments, the house weight gain was calculated as the difference
was cleaned and disinfected using the formalin between two successive weekly body weights as
solution. Dry sawdust was used as a litter given in the formulae below:
material with a depth of approximately 6 cm.
Each of the chicks was wing tagged and Weight gain = Final weight – Initial weight
Edu et al.; AJARR, 7(1): 1-7, 2019; Article no.AJARR.50831
2.4.3 Feed conversion ratio (FCR) Range Test (DMRT) was used to separate
significant differences between means as
The birds and feed were weighed weekly to reported by Little and Hills [23]. Statistical
determining the average FCR per groups. FCR significance was set at P ≤ 0.05.
was calculated by dividing the amount of feed
consumed in gram with bodyweight gained in 3. RESULTS
gram i.e.
( ) / 3.1 Bodyweight of Broilers Chicks Fed
= ( ) with Different Levels of Moringa
oleifera Leaf Mean
2.4.4 Mortality rate
The MR (%) was calculated using the formulae: The results presented in Table 1 showed the
body weight of broiler chicks fed on a different
ℎ 100 level of Moringa oleifera leaf meal. The result
= showed significant difference at all levels of the
ℎ 1
Moringa oleifera leaf meal when compared to the
control in group one designated as A. The diet
2.4.5 Evaluation of carcass quality
supplemented with 5% of MOLM showed
significantly high body weight and followed by
At the end of the experiment, two chicks from
10% of MOLM.
each replicate within each treatment were
randomly selected and weighed to obtained live
body weight after being fasted for about 12 3.2 Performance of Broiler Chick Fed with
hours. They were sacrificed without stunning, Different Levels of Moringa oleifera
washed and allow to dry under wooden tables. Leaf Meal
Evisceration was performed by a ventral cut and
visceral as well as thoracic organs were The performance of broiler chicks fed on a
removed. The heart, liver, kidney, abdominal fat, different level of Moringa oleifera leaf meal
head, shanks, lungs, reproductive organs were (MOLM) is shown in Table 2, indicating that there
weighed and calculated as the percentage of live was a significant difference in all measured
body weight using the formulae: parameter concerning the control group. There
was no mortality in any of the groups.
ℎ 100
ℎ 1
3.3 Bodyweight of Organ Proportions of
2.5 Data Collection and Statistical Broiler Carcass fed with Different
Analysis Levels of Moringa oleifera Leaf Meal
All data collected were subjected to analysis Table 3 shows the bodyweight of organ
using Statistical Packages of the Social Science proportions of broiler chicks feed on a different
(SPSS) software version 20.0. Analysis of level of MOLM. The levels of MOLM were
variance (ANOVA) for a completely randomly not significantly different in terms of liver
design according to Stell and Torrie [22] was weight, heart weight, kidney weight and
used to test for significance. Duncan’s Multiple abdominal fat.
Table 1. Bodyweight of broiler chicks fed on different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal
Age (weeks) A B C D
a a a a
0 40.20+10.61 40.65+28.81 40.05+16.30 40.68+28.67
a b c c
2 102.46+28.30 163.38+62.30 158.37+19.81 154.52+87.10
a b c c
4 319.28+67.90 380.42+16.34 379.24+29.16 380.44+13.81
a b c d
6 608.89+21.30 690.53+32.40 654.11+34.41 438.21+16.71
a b c d
8 816.25+33.16 873.31+12.19 848.16+24.90 690.13+44.85
a b c d
10 939.18+10.51 992.61+34.16 974.30+16.81 834.13+48.86
12 236.14+37.70a 1716.79+22.10b 1692.21+26.70c 9.72.40+36.94d
a-b Values in the same row with different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05)
Edu et al.; AJARR, 7(1): 1-7, 2019; Article no.AJARR.50831
Table 2. Performance of broiler chicks fed on different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal
Parameter A B C D
Initial body weight (g) 40.20+10.6 40.65+28.81 40.5+96.30 40.68+28.67
Final live weight 40.20+37.70a 1716.79+22.10b 1692.21+26.70c 792.40+36.54d
a b b c
Bodyweight gain (g) 1195.94 1676.14 1651.95 931.72
Total feed intake (g) 2642.81a 2864.31b 2721.91c 2486.31d
a b b c
Feed conversion ratio (g) 2.21 1.71 1.65 1.16
a-b Values in the same row with different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05)
Table 3. Bodyweight of organ proportions of broiler carcass fed on different levels of Moringa
oleifera leaf meal (MOLM)
Parameter A B C D
Liver weight (g) 3.20+16.81a 3.21+81.20a 3.20+16.31a 3.21+16.71a
a a a a
Heart weight (g) 1.04+19.70 0.03+28.30 1.03+81.71 1.04+28.41
a a a a
Kidney weight (g) 4.22+10.80 4.21+2060 4.21+18.10 4.21+69.2
Abdominal fat weight (g) 2.13+19.31a 2.14+71.13a 2.17+17.173 a 2.19+69.10a
a a a a
Dressing percentage (%) 68.51+1.71 68.74+1.90 69.32+1.81 67.84+1.57
a-b Values in the same row with different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05)
Edu et al.; AJARR, 7(1): 1-7, 2019; Article no.AJARR.50831
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