Philips MDK 900

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Suspended & Surface Mounted Luminaires MDK900 Range

MDK900 Range
A sturdy long lasting quality electrical Main applications
gear housing of compact and elegant • Industrial areas
design, suitable to give together with • Sports halls
a range of reflector types and • Commercial areas or other
attachments, the right solution for • large halls requiring
low and high bay lighting requirement. • luminaires, suitable for high
• mounting ceiling.
• The gear housing can be combined Materials and finish
• with standard Philips aluminium This range consists of a die-
• reflector and a range of acrylic cast aluminium gear housing,
• reflectors. mounting cups and a mounting
• For use with any of the following plate . The reflector is made of
• HID lamps: SON 150W, 250W, pure aluminium or acrylic.
• 400W, HPI BU 250W, HPI BUS
• 400W MS1000/C/BU/1000W Installation and mounting
• QL lamps at 55W, 85W and The luminaire can be mounted
• 165W can also be used. by hook, pipe, tanchion or
• The aluminium material is of heat, directly to the ceiling. Mains
• corrosion and UV resistant type. cable entry is made through the
MDK900/400W WB • The gear box uses Philips standard mounting system.
• ballasts and is using silicone cable
• to improve resistance against the Accessories
• heat inside the housing. Narrow and wide beam
• The luminaire is suitable for indoor reflectors.
• and outdoor use at an ambient Acrylic reflectors.
• temperature of max 50°C Glass cover for reflectors
• Luminaires in combination with (HPI-T lamps).
• narrow beam reflectors are ideal Mounting hook for H/M/SDK
• for lighting in very high halls, or 900.
• halls with high obstacles and or Casle gland for mounting hook.
MDK900/400W NB MDK900/1000W • high machines. Adapter for acrylic reflector.
• Luminaires in combination with
• wide beam reflectors are suited Classifications
• for relatively low halls and areas IP 65 (Gear component)
• where vertical illuminance is Class I
• required. Complies with IEC 598
• Luminaires in combination with
• acrylic refractors are ideal when
• a percentage (up to 20%) of
• uplighting is required.
• Each reflector can be fitted with a
• glass-dust cover for applications
• industry and humid areas.
• Emergency lighting halogen
• lamp can be installed for
• emergency lighting, only available
• on request.
564 600

520 424

MDK900/250W NB Dimensions in mm MDK900/400W WB Dimensions in mm

Type Lamp Voltage/frequency Weight(Kg)
MDK 900 / 250 AL (WLB) MDK 900 / 250 AL (N) C MDK 900/250W NB HPIBU250W 220V/50Hz 11.80
Luminous Intensity Diagram (candela/1000 lumen) Luminous Intensity Diagram (candela/1000 lumen)
120 o 150 o 180 o 150 o 120 o
MDK 900/250W WB HPIBU250W 220V/50Hz 10.35
120 o 150 o 180 o 150 o 120 o
MDK 900/400W NB HPIBUS400W 220V/50Hz 12.70
MDK 900/400W WB HPIBUS400W 220V/50Hz 11.25
90 o 90 o 90 o 90 o
MDK 900/1000W MS1000/C/BU 220V/50Hz 17.50
SDK 900/150W NB SON 150W 220V/50Hz 11.90
SDK 900/150W WB SON 150W 220V/50Hz 10.45
60 o 60 o 60 o 60 o SDK 900/250W NB SON 250W 220V/50Hz 12.60
SDK 900/250W WB SON 250W 220V/50Hz 11.15
250 750 SDK 900/400W NB SON 400W 220V/50Hz 14.10
SDK 900/400W WB SON 400W 220V/50Hz 12.65
MDK 900/LEXA825 250W HPIBU250W 220V/50Hz 13.42
MDK 900/LEXA825 400W HPIBUS400W 220V/50Hz 14.32
30 o 0o 30 o 30 o 0o 30 o
SDK 900/LEXA825 250W SON 250W 220V/50Hz 14.22
C = 180 o Imax C = 0o C = 180 o Imax C = 0o
C = 270 o C = 90o C = 270 o C = 90o
SDK 900/LEXA825 400W SON 400W 220V/50Hz 15.72

Product 12NC Code Model No Outer Box Outer Box Outer Box Matching Lamp

(Pieces per) (Gross Wt ) Kg (size)mm

MDK900W 910401996780 MDK900/250 +ZDK007+ZDK005 HPI BU 250W

MDK900W 910401240780 MDK900/250 2 13.6 480x315x360 HPI BU 250W

MDK900W 910225102480 ZDK007(NB)(reflector) 4 6.4 575x575x450

MDK900W 910925102880 ZDK005(NB)(glass) 2 6.8 555x545x54

MDK900W 910401996880 MDK900/250+ZDK009+ZDK004

MDK900W 910225102580 ZDK009(WB)(reflector) 4 5.4 575x470x470

MDK900W 910925103080 ZDK004(WB)(glass) 2 4.4 460x460x460

MDK900W 910401996980 MDK900/400+ZDK007+ZDK005

MDK900W 910401240480 MDK900 400W 2 15.4 480x315x360 HPI BUS 400W

MDK900W 910401997080 MDK900/400+ZDK009+ZDK004

MDK900W 910401997180 MDK900/1000+MDK900/1000 Reflector+MDK900/1000 Glass

MDK900/1000W 824106904280 MDK900/1000W 1 15.00 450x315x260 MS1000/C/BU

MDK900/1000W 824106904380 MDK900/1000W-Reflector(WB) 4 2.40 620x620x460

MDK900/1000W 824106904480 MDK900/1000W-Glass 2 6.20 640x640x450

MDK900/1000W 910401997280 SDK900/150+ZDK007 SON 150W

MDK900W 910401241080 SDK900 150W 2 13.8 480x315x360 SON 150W

MDK900W 910225102480 ZDK007(NB) 4 6.4 575x470x470

MDK900W 910401997380 SDK900/150+ZDK009 SON 150W

MDK900W 910225102580 ZDK009(WB) 4 5.4 575x470x470

MDK900W 910401997480 SDK900/250+ZDK007 SON 250W

MDK900W 910401241380 SDK900 250W 2 15.2 480x315x360 SON 250W

MDK900W 910401997580 SDK900/250+ZDK009 SON 250W

MDK900W 910401241380 SDK900 250W 2 15.2 480x315x360 SON 250W

MDK900W 910401997680 SDK900/400+ZDK007 SON 400W

MDK900W 910401241680 SDK900 400W 2 18.2 480x315x360 SON 400W

MDK900W 910401997780 SDK900/400+ZDK009 SON 400W

MDK900W 910401997880 MDK900/LEXA825-250+reflectorassy+lens+clamp accessory HPI BU 250W

MDK900W 910401603580 MDK900/LEXA825-250 2 13.6 480x315x360 HPI BU 250W

MDK900W 910401997980 MDK900/LEXA825-400+reflectorassy+lens+clamp accessory HPI BUS 400W

MDK900W 910401603680 MDK900/LEXA825-400 2 15.4 480x315x360 HPI BUS 400W

MDK900W 910401998080 SDK900/LEXA825-250+reflectorassy+lens+clamp accessory SON 250W

MDK900W 910401603980 SDK900/LEXA825-250 2 15.2 480x315x360 SON 250W

MDK900W 910401998180 SDK900/LEXA825-400+reflectorassy+lens+clamp accessory SON 400W

MDK900W 910401603780 SDK900/LEXA825-400 2 18.2 480x315x360 SON 400W

Specification subject to change without prior notice

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