Annex C

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Annexe CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS Name of Applicant: Application Code: Feiton Apolitd Por fe f the Poston Applied Por Contact Namber Retgon Beni; Peron ith Disab: Ye () NO () Sob Parent You {) No () Sond, engine ‘Basie Documentary Requirement sobmianion | are See Tii | Submit | Remar a | Uetterof intent addressed to the Schools Division Superintendent {name of school applied must be indicated in the letter), Duly accomplished Pereonal Data Sheet (PDS) (CS Form to, 212, Roviead 2017) and Work Exporionco Sheet, if applicable ‘Cerifed True Copy of valid and updated PRC License/ID, applicable (Certified True Copy of Certificate of Bligiility/Report of Rating, applicable ‘Gevilied True Copy of schelastic/academic record such as but not lunited to 2. | Transcript of Records (TOR) and Diploma, including completion of graduate and post-graduate unite/degreea, if avaiable £_| Certified True Copies of Certifoate/s of Training, Wapplioable ‘Certifed True Copy of Certificate of Employment, Contract of Service, oF © | cui’ signed Service Record, whichever is/are applicable Th | Cettifed True Copy of latest appointment, ifapplieable ‘Gavtilad True Copy of the Performance Ratings in the lat rating parioale) covering one (1) year performance prior to the assessment, applicable ‘Checklist of Requirements and Omnibus Svorn Statement on the Cersiicwton 9 J. | the Authentetty and Verseity [CAV] af the documenta eubmitted and Dats Privecy Consent Form (Annex C) 1k | COMELECT ID or voter's regletation certification (for reeldency purpoees) Photacopy of NBT clearance and NSO Birth ceriheate and/or Mariage 1 | corsiteato (for fomato applicants) Means of Verification (MOV) showing Outstanding Accomplishments, 1m,| Application of Education, and Application of Learning and Development reckoned from the date of last issuance of appointment ‘Atte “luman Resource Managessent Officer ‘OMNIBUS GWORN STATEMENT ‘CERTIFICATION OF AUTHENTICITY AND VERACITY hereby certify that all information above are true and comet, and of my personal knowledge and belief, and the docurrents submitted herewith fare orginal anor certified true copies thereof. DATA PRIVACY CONSENT {hereby grant the Department of Education the right to collect and process my personal information as stated above, for purposes relevant tothe recruitment, selection, and placement of personnel ofthe Departzment and for purposes of comple with the laws, rules, and regulations being implemented by the Civil Service Commission. ‘Name and Signature of Applicant ‘Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of yer, Pereon Administering Oath In econonane th epi et Wo, 8792 ofthe sherman Af 200" osreb nae the eg eft, aya ena hy the document oul wating a fee tee eines sdocarent ob wri the ruleent aay en ses dca the aid sone ee ante Es te ‘haven and san be utente tans be seuble foramen rence.

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