L16Measurement and Scaling
L16Measurement and Scaling
L16Measurement and Scaling
Scaling Techniques
Comparative Noncomparative
Scales Scales
Semantic Stapel
• Comparative Scales
Paired Comparison of 4FanBrands
Total 0 3 1 2
n (n-1)/2
“+” indicates that the column brand is preferred over row brand and “-”
indicates that the row brand is preferred over column brand.
Preference for Toothpaste Brands
Using Rank Order Scaling
On the next slide, there are eight attributes of
bathing soaps. Please allocate 100 points among the
attributes so that your allocation reflects the relative
importance you attach to each attribute. The more
points an attribute receives, the more important the
attribute is. If an attribute is not at all important,
assign it zero points. If an attribute is twice as
important as some other attribute, it should receive
twice as many points.
Importance of Bathing Soap Attributes
Using a Constant Sum Scale
Average Responses of Three Segments
Attribute Segment I Segment II Segment III
1. Mildness 8 2 4
2. Foam 2 4 17
3. Shrinkage 3 9 7
4. Price 53 17 9
5. Fragrance 9 0 19
6. Packaging 7 5 9
7. Moisturizing 5 3 20
13 60 15
8. Cleaning Power
Sum 100 100 100
Q Sort
• It uses a rank order procedure in which objects are
sorted into piles based on similarity with some
• Ex : Respondents are given 100 attitude statements
on individual cards and asked to place them into 9
piles, ranging from ‘most highly agreed with’ to
• The number of objects to be sorted should be in
range of 60-120.
Q-Scale in which the respondent directly compares
two or more objects and makes choices among them
• a) Ranking Scale
• b) Rating Scale
• c) Graphic Scale
• d) None of these
Q-In comparative rating scales
a) Judgments are arranged in a particular order.
b) Relative judgments are involved.
c) Halo effect plays an important role in getting a correct
d) Response categories are numbered.
Q-Paired comparison scale is an example of:
a) Non forced scale
b) Itemized rating scale
c) None of the above is true
• Non-Comparative Scales
1-Continuous Rating Scale
Respondents rate the objects by placing a mark at the
appropriate position on a line that runs from one extreme
of the criterion variable to the other.
+5 +5
+4 +4
+3 +3
+2 +2X
+1 +1
-1 -1
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4X -4
-5 -5
The data obtained by using a Stapel scale can be analyzed in
the same way as semantic differential data.
Direct Quantification Scale