Abstract: The Artificial recharge of groundwater exploitation continues to rise, significantly in arid and semi-arid countries.
Artificial recharge as a way to strengthen the natural provide of groundwater aquifers is popping into more and more necessary in
groundwater management. the first aim of this study is to arising with and planning of artificial recharge structures for residential
district . The study estimated the degree of generated waste water yet as rain runoff water and from the residential district . the
speed of natural ground water recharge, rain runoff and total treated effluent out there for recharge is calculable as further or various
method of recharge of spring water . From the world bank report it is found that a confined aquifer is goes decreasingly up to 4m to
8m from there natural level. The soil strata below the aquifer was impervious. So recharging below impervious layer is imposs ible in
order that we've to recharge treated water in pervious layer. that's within aquifer in order that treating this water within rapid sand
filter and sends it to the aquifer. the first objective of this technology is enhance groundwater resources in arid and semi arid area
in country.
Artificial Recharge Technique might be a way of replenishing spring water by Surface and Sub-Surface ways. it's necessary that
groundwater need to be recharged naturally or artificially in proportion to the quantum of depletion. As artificial recharge has
improved method, managers have begun to seem for extra sources of recharged water artificially. during this context recharge of
groundwater table using waste water from residential district is one among the simplest method. Different sort
of method are employed everywhere the word can briefly classified into two categories that's surface and sub surface spring
water recharge. In surface method available water is spread on open area to allow them to percolate sub-surface reservoir. In sub-
surface method artificially we bore hole or well and recharge the bottom water. Our project is predicated on sub-surface recharge
of spring water by treating waste water from the residential district . groundwater is that the main source of both drinking and
irrigation water. India is that the largest user of spring water table within the world. It use about 230 cubic kilometers of spring
water per annum . it's adequate to the 1 quarter of the worldwide . India used 60% of their irrigated agriculture water and 80% of
their beverage from the bottom water from A report of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development it said up to 2022 the
bottom water level in 22 different places in India is goes to their critical ground condition. If the over exploitation of groundwater
is continue then the entire country will affected by water scarcity. In India the entire number of bore wells and wells is around
Twenty Seven million which consumed 50% of groundwater. to unravel this problem we create our model. during this model we use
water from residential district to extend the bottom water level . We use waste water from residential district , this water transfer to
cylinder during which sedimentation and floating of oil on surface of water is takes place. By giving some treatment we remove the
oil then we transfer this water to the rapid sand filter during which water is purified upto some level then, this water is send to well
and from well it transfer to the bottom water level . The applications of this project are land subsidence, preserve of spring
water resource partially of India, reduction in wastage of waste water from residential district . Nagpur city, one among the
main metropolitan cities in India, is situated at the centre of the India. Nagpur is inhabited by quite 2.5 million people in a
neighborhood of 227 Sq.km. water system for this population is maintained by augmenting a com¬bination of surface storage
reservoirs and aquifers. Nagpur municipal corporation (NMC) is liable for water system and sewerage services within the Nagpur
Metropolitan Area. The preset study is initiated by considering reuse of waste water to recharge the aquifer for augmen¬tatio n of
groundwater which may be a viable option instead of demanding the extra sources.
In this project following research papers have been studied for the conduction of this project.
Mr. Mohmed A. Dawoud(2012), study on "Ground water aquifer recharge with treated wastewater in egypt:Technical,
environmental,economical and regulatory consider rations." the economic development in egypt and the rapid growth rate in var ious
development sectors are dependent on the availability of water resources. surface water is used to supply approximately 82% of the egyptian
water demand. while the groundwater is used to supply about 12%. the remaining about 6% comes from the reused of agriculture drainage
water and treated water. he Conclude that increasing the basin hydraulic head resulted in significant increase in the infiltration rate.and evaluate
the hydrogeological suitability of artificial recharge with pre treated wastewater in egypt for augmentation of ground water supply and
mitigation the negative environmental impact of direct illegal reused of raw waste water.
Mr. Mohammad matoug(2018), study on "the reused of treated waste water via ground water recharge for the development of sustainable
water resources."due to the reduction of ground water resources,the artificial recharge of these resources through the reuse of treated waste
water is an efficient way to tackle the problems. they Conclude that long term effects of this pollution necessitates a conservative view about
the implementation of policies concerning the ground water recharge system and increasing the quality standard of water.
Mr. Rajni ,Rajesh kumar paswan, Sandeep dubey, sanjay sharma, jyoti NITTTR, Chandigarh (2015), They study on "evaluation of
ground water artificial recharge well in Chandigarh(U.T.)" Chandigarh is a rapidly growing city with a population growth rate of 40% in the
last decade. The demand for water is estimated to grow steeply. It is estimated that by 2025, the water demand will be 800mld. There by
indicating an increase of 58% over the present requirements. They conclude that recharge well should be properly constructed and provide
with appropriate well head protection measures. Maintenance of these well should also be carried out a regular intervals. Silt of upper layer
should be removed in pre-monsoon and post-monsoon season and gravel should be change in every four years
R. J. Patel, H.D. Rank ,B. H.Ajudiya, N. V. Dhanani they study on "An Assessment of ground water recharge potential through tube well".
Water is limited vital natural resource wich is indispensable for existence of all living of all matter plant, animal and man. Farmer of the
saurastra region are tempted to use more irrigation water from the tu e well due to erratic and uneven rainfall to meet the requirements if
intensive cropping, this has been resulted in very heavy withdrawal of ground water therefore, it is a need to recharge the runoff water on their
field. They conclude that the aquifer properties like transbility, storage coefficient and specific capacity of the well was found as 26.45metre
cube per hour,0.27 and 18.89 metre cube per hour per metre respectively through pumping test. or 27.57metre cube per hour ,0.28 and 19.69
metre cube per hour per metre respectively through recovery test. The potential rate of ground water recharge for aquifer of this region
through 0.20m diametre tube well would be 0.03lps. 1.56lps, and 12.50lps for the depth 6m, 26.90m, and 55.98m respectively. The benifit
cost ratio for wheat,cumin and green gram grown by utilising recharged water was found as 2.26, 10.83 and 2.41 respectively.
1. Collection of wastewater
1.1. collection of wastewater is the Initial process of this project.
1.2. In this process wastewater is collected from kitchen and bathroom.
1.3. The waste water is collected by means of pipe which are connected to sedimentation tank.
1.1 Primary Treatment on waste water
1.1.1 Screening
Floating matter such as packets, plastic sheet bits, rags, fibres, hairs etc. needs to be removed by the process of screening. If we do not provide
screening while collecting waste water choked condition can be occur in collecting pipe.the screen is a device with uniform opening, which
may consist of parallel bars, rods, grating or wire mesh.
2.1 Settling
2.1.1 General
Settling tanks, sedimentation tanks are commonly utilized in water treatment. They are utilized to isolate the suspended solids, which can
settle by gravity when the waste water is held in a tank. The essential sedimentation is situated after screens and coarseness chamber lessens
the natural burden on optional treatment units and are utilized to eliminate inorganic suspended solids, Organic and remaining inorganic solids,
free oil and oil and Chemical flocs delivered during concoction coagulation and flocculation.
1.3.2. Disinfection
This is the most widely used technology in both water supply and sewage treatment. As the treated sewage is fresh from secondary aerobic
biological treatment, the chlorination of such effluents does not result in hazards.
Excess of residual chlorine if any is nullified by de-chlorination chemicals like sulphur dioxide (SO2) gas or salts as sodium
Thiosulfate (Na2S2O3), Sodium Sulphate (Na2SO3), Sodium Bisulfite (NaHSO3), Sodium Metabisulfite (Na2S2O5), Calcium Thiosulfate
(CaS2O3), Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and Sodium Ascorbate. Sodium Bisulfite is used by some utilities due to its lower cost and higher rate
of de-chlorination.
= 9.9×10-3
= 35.7 m3/hectare
Area=Length × Breadth
28.56=2 × B2
Volume designed=L×B×D
=152.1 m3
Vdesigned >Vrequired (safe)
Take depth=1m
Volume=Area × Depth
2B×B=3.57 (L: B=2:1)
⸫B=1.35m & L=2.7m
Bar screen size=1×1.35×2.7
IJCRT1133604 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org 43
www.ijcrt.org © 2016 IJCRT | Volume 4, Issue 4 December 2016 | ISSN: 2320-2882
Avg vol demanded per person= 80 l/day
Avg volume per person per day = Avg vol litres per day/ Total number of people in hostel
= 55.5 l/day
Total amount of water supplied =Tank Capacity+ No.of times water is pumped to the per day to overhead tank
No.of students=100
Amount of waste water produce per day =15×150=2250 l/day
This research is carried out for the better understanding of present condition and to improve the aspect technically for the betterment in future
aspect. By conduction of this study & analysis of data following result has been made based on experimental investigation and research.
• By using this technique we treat 50 – 60 % of waste water from residencial area and transfer
to ground by using well.
• Reduce scarcity of water in arid and semi aride areas.
• Increase amount of ground water and helpful for irrigation and environment.
The present techniques are simple, cost-efficient and property within the future.With several communities approaching the boundaries of
their out there water provides, water reclamationand reprocess has become a beautiful possibility for protective and increasing out
there water provides. Groundwater recharge exploitation rescued water is Associate in Nursing approach that helps to create the facility a
lot of property. As technology continues toadvance and therefore the dependableness and safety of water reprocess systems
is wide incontestible, it's believed that water reprocess via groundwater recharge can still expand as an important part in property water
resources management.
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