Capital Budgeting
Capital Budgeting
Capital Budgeting
Part 1: Multiple Choice. b. increase the estimated cash inflows and increase the
discount rate.
1. The relevance of a particular cost to a decision is c. increase the estimated cash inflows but not the discount
determined by rate.
a. riskiness of the decision. d. decrease the estimated cash inflows and increase the
b. number of decision variables. discount rate.
c. amount of the cost. 9. The capital budgeting model that is ordinarily considered
d. potential effect on the decision. the best model for long-range decision-making is the
2. The term that refers to costs incurred in the past and are not a. payback model.
relevant to a future decision is b. accounting rate of return model.
a. discretionary cost. c. unadjusted rate of return model.
b. full absorption cost. d. discounted cash flow model.
c. under-allocated indirect cost. 10. A company has no capital rationing constraint and is
d. sunk cost. analyzing many independent investment alternatives. It
3. A depreciation tax shield is should accept all investment proposals
a. an after-tax cash flow. a. if debt financing is available for them.
b. a reduction in income outflow. b. that has positive cash flows.
c. the cash provided by recording depreciation. c. that provide returns greater than the before-tax cost of
d. the expense caused by depreciation. debt.
4. The length of time required to recover the initial cash outlay d. that has a positive net present value.
of a capital project is determined by using the 11. The internal rate of return is the
a. discounted cash flow method. a. hurdle rate.
b. payback method. b. rate of interest for which the NPV is greater than 1.0.
c. weighted net present value method. c. rate of interest for which the NPV is equal to zero.
d. net present value method. d. rate of return generated from the operational cash flows.
5. The payback reciprocal can be used to approximate a 12. The profitability index approach to investment analysis
project’s a. fails to consider the timing of project cash flows.
a. profitability index. b. considers only the project’s contribution to net income
b. net present value. and does not consider cash flow effects.
c. accounting rate of return if the cash flow pattern is c. always yields the same accept/reject decisions for
relatively stable. independent projects as the NPV method.
d. internal rate of return If the cash flow pattern is d. always yields the same accept/reject decisions for
relatively stable. mutually exclusive projects as the NPV method.
6. The net present value (NPV) method of investment project 13. A company is studying a capital acquisition proposal in
analysis assumes that the project’s cash flows are reinvested which newly acquired assets will be depreciated using the
at the straight-line method. Which of the following statements
a. computed internal rate of return. about the proposal would be incorrect if a switch is made to
b. risk-free interest rate. the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System
c. discount rate used in the NPV calculation. (MACRS)?
d. firm’s accounting rate of return. a. The net present value will increase.
7. The proper discount rate to use in calculating with certainty b. The internal rate of return will increase.
equivalent net present value is c. The payback period will be shortened.
a. risk-adjusted discount rate. d. The profitability index will decrease.
b. cost of capital. 14. The profitability index (present value index)
c. risk-free rate. a. represents the ratio of the discounted net cash outflows to
d. cost of equity capital. cash inflows.
8. When determining net present values in an inflationary
environment, adjustments should be made to
a. increase the discount rate only.
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b. is the relationship between the net discounted cash a. IRR method.
inflows less the discounted cash outflows divided by the b. ARR method.
discounted cash outflows c. payback method.
d. NPV method.
c. is calculated by dividing the discounted profits by the 16. Which one of the following capital investment evaluation
cash outflows. methods does not take the time value of money into
d. is the ratio of the discounted net cash inflows to consideration?
discounted cash outflows. a. NPV. c. IRR
15. The method that divides a project’s annual after tax net b. discounted payback. d. ARR
income by the average investment cost to measure the
estimated performance of a capital investment is the
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28. _____ A project requires an investment of P40,000 and
has a net present value of P10,000. The project’s
profitability index would be 4.0.
29. _____ The internal rate of return is the rate of return
for which the net present value is greater than 1.0.
30. _____ The discount rate that equates the PV of
expected cash flows with the cost of investments is the
net present value.
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