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Technical Instructions

Document No. CM2N3351E-P25

Rev. 1, February, 2000

Universal Controller for
HVAC Installations

Description Fully autonomous electronic universal controller with up to three configurable

controllers as sequence controllers with P, PI, PID response or as digital controllers
with P-response.

Features • Universal inputs for analog or binary signals.

• Separate outputs for analog or binary signals.
• 24 Vac operating voltage.
• Direct entry and setting of all data on the controller
• No extra tools required.

Product Numbers Table 1.

Product Numbers Inputs Outputs

Analog/Binary Binary Analog Binary
RWX62.5030 3 2 3 0
RWX62.7032 5 2 3 2
RWX62.7034 5 2 3 4
RWX62.7036 5 2 3 6

Warning/Caution Notations
WARNING: Personal injury/loss of life may occur if a procedure is not
performed as specified.

CAUTION: Equipment damage may occur if the user does not follow a
procedure as specified.

Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.

Technical Instructions RW62… Universal Controller
Document Number CM2N3351E-P25 for HVAC Installations
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Application The universal controller is primarily intended for comfort ventilating and air conditioning
installations. However, the controller can also be used in comfort heating installation.

Controlled Variables The following variables can be controlled:

• Temperature –31 — 266°F (-35 — 130°C)

• Relative humidity 0 — 100%
• Absolute humidity 0 — 20 g/kg
• Pressure 0 — 480 psi (0 — 40 bar)
• Pressure differential in liquid media 0 — 145 psi (0 — 10 bar)
• Pressure differential in gaseous media 0 — 3.75 mmHg or 0 — 22.5 mmHg
(0 — 500 Pa or 0 — 3.00 kPa)

3 3
Volumetric air flow 0 — 850 m /s or m /h or l/h
• Indoor air quality 0 — 2000 ppm CO2 (0 — 200 display)
Application Functions • Controller:
− 1 to 3 sequence controllers with auxiliary functions and analog and digital (two-
position) outputs or
− 1 to 3 digital controllers with digital (two-position) outputs
• Auxiliary functions:
− Operating mode changeover
− Set point compensation
− Switching function based on outside temperature
− Cascade control
− Minimum and maximum limitation
− Frost protection function
− Message on excessive control deviation
− Maximum priority for cooling/dehumidifying
− Reversal of operating action of the positioning signal
Ordering When ordering, specify quantity, product number and description.

Replacement Parts Flush Panel Mounting Frame ARG62.10

Customized Units Siemens Building Technologies supplies customized units on large orders; these units
differ as follows from standard units with regard to configuration and/or design:

• Pre-configured applications within the standard options range

• Preset, adjustable parameters within the standard options range
• Unit with customer logo and customized type reference

Please contact the Siemens Building Technologies branch or representative in your

area for customized units.

Page 2 Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.

RW62… Universal Controller Technical Instructions
for HVAC Installations Document Number CM2N3351E-P25
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Equipment The following Siemens Building Technologies sensors, actuators and signal converters
Combinations can be connected to the POLYGYR universal controllers RWX62...:


• Sensor with LGNi 1000 Ω temperature sensing element

• Sensor with DC 0...10 V measuring signal
• Frost sensor QAF63... and frost monitor QAF64...
• Room temperature sensor with set point adjuster QAA25
• Remote set point adjusters FZA21.11 + FZA61.11
• Air damper actuators with 0 — 10 Vdc input
• Valve actuators with 0 — 10 Vdc input
• Control valves
• Various signal converters

Combinations using third-party units are possible, provided they correspond to the input
and output specifications of the POLYGYR RWX62....

Functions The RWX62... Universal Controller executes main and auxiliary functions. You can
specify the desired effect by entering configurations and setting parameters. Each input
is based on a function code. In the data sheet, the [function code] is printed in brackets.

Controller Types The universal controller can alternately be used as either a sequence or digital
Sequence Controller
[SEQREG] with up to three mutually independent P, PI or PID controllers.
Digital Controller
[DIGREG] with up to three mutually independent P-controllers.

Main Functions A sequence controller may comprise a maximum of four sequences (sequence.1 to 4)
Sequence Controllers combined as follows:

One sequence: sequence 1 or sequence 3

Two sequences: sequence 1+2 or sequence 1+3 or sequence 3+4

Three sequences: sequence 1+2+3 or sequence 1+3+4

Four sequences: sequence 1+2+3+4


Seq.2 Seq.1 Seq.3 Seq.4



"Heating" XDZ "Cooling"
Figure 1. Controller Sequence Combinations.

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Technical Instructions RW62… Universal Controller
Document Number CM2N3351E-P25 for HVAC Installations
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Operating Action
The "Heating" set point [SEL] is allocated to the interdependent sequences 1 and 2.
Their output signal acts in reverse to the load (input variable), e.g., heating.

NOTE: Sequence 1 can be set to act directly on the load, e.g. cooling.
The "Cooling" set point is allocated to the interdependent sequences 3 and 4.
Their output signal acts directly to the load (input variable), e.g., cooling.

Zero Energy Band

The zero energy band (XDZ dead zone) lies between the "Heating" and "Cooling" set
point, i.e., between sequences 1 and 3.

The "Heating" set point and the dead zone can be changed by the user within
adjustable limits for standard operation.
Controller Outputs
One analog output (Y1...3) and/or 1...6 binary outputs (Q1...6) can be allocated to each
sequence; these outputs then act in the operating action of the sequence as follows:
Analog Outputs • Modulating output (Y...) to control positioning units with a 0 — 10 Vdc positioning
signal input.
• Modulating output (Y...) combined with binary outputs (Q...) to switch installation
elements based on the Y-signal (e.g., pump switching based on the valve position).
Binary Outputs • One binary output Q..) for single-step switching
• Linear step switch with 2 to 6 steps, i.e., 2...6Q
• Binary step switch with 2 to 4 Q (2Q= 3-step, 3Q= 7-step, 4Q= 15-step)
• Step switch (Q...) combined with Y… for modulating output control between the
individual steps
Example Ventilating plant with room temperature
B1 = Room temperature
Sequence 1 = Heat recovery,
acting directly or reversed
depending on the system
Sequence 2 = Heating, reverse action Seq.2 Seq.1 Seq.3 Seq.4 B1
Sequence 3 = Cooling, direct action Y
Sequence 4 = Unused

RWX62...Load/Manipulated variable diagram

Figure 2.

Auxiliary Functions The following section shows all possible optionally selectable sequence controller
Sequence Controller auxiliary functions based on typical ventilating/air conditioning applications. The
individual auxiliary functions can be configured by selecting the associated [function
code or symbol].

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RW62… Universal Controller Technical Instructions
for HVAC Installations Document Number CM2N3351E-P25
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Operating Mode [NIGHT] and/or [STNDBY]

E1 = “Night” operation (NIGHT) input
E2 = “Standby” operation (STNDBY) input

E1 E2 B1

RWX62... Auxiliary Input

Figure 3.
"Night" Operation: [ NIGHT]
On switching an AC 24 V signal (e.g., via a timer) to a binary input E1, the control loop
is switched to the "Night" set point(s).
(see Parameterization Tables).
"Standby" Operation: [ STNDBY]. On switching an 24 Vac signal (e.g., fan OFF
message) to binary input E2, the control loop is switched to a zero output state excepting
the frost protection function.
For each controller, an E1 and E2 binary input is available for all active sequence
control loops. Their influence on each operating mode and each control loop can be
enabled or disabled.
Set Point Actual Value
Deviation Alarm
Q… = Deviation Alarm

Q... B1

RWX62... Reference/Actual Value

Deviation Alarm

Figure 4.

On long-term actual value deviations (adjustable time) outside of the set tolerance limit,
a de-energized open alarm contact Q… is closed (e.g., to actuate a separate alarm
siren). At the same time, the deviation alarm is indicated on the LCD. After returning to
the accepted actual value deviations, the deviation alarm is deactivated automatically.

For each controller, one common deviation alarm contact is available for all active
sequence control loops. The alarm function can be deactivated by entering an extreme
setting for the corresponding DEVALM set points.

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Technical Instructions RW62… Universal Controller
Document Number CM2N3351E-P25 for HVAC Installations
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Remote Set Point

B... = Remote set point

The standard or "Day" operation set

point can be set via a separate remote set
point potentiometer B... (separate B... B1

potentiometer or potentiometer integrated
in the room temperature sensor). The
remote set point setting range can be RWX62...optional auxiliary input
limited in the controller. A dead zone [XDZ]
can also be set between the set points Figure 5.
"Heating" and "Cooling". Possible "Night"
set point(s) are not influenced by the
remote set point. The remote set point
function is not available for control loops
with a compensated set point.
Set Point Compensation [MULFUN] and [COMP] set point
[CONST] constant set point
B2 = Compensation variable [MULFUN]
B1 = Compensated variable [SEQREG]
B2 B1
With the so-called "multifunction"

measured variable, the controller set point,

for instance, can be compensated to the RWX62...optional auxiliary inputs
outside temperature. For each controller,
one common multifunction measured value
Figure 6.
is available for all active sequence control
loops. Their influence on the controller set
point can be enabled or disabled for each
operating mode or control loop.

You can set summer and/or winter compensation. The set point is compensated via the
value of input MULFUN as follows:

Summer and winter compensation ⇒ SEL3 ≠ SEL2


XDZ w Seq3+4
w Seq1+2



Figure 7. Summer and Winter Compensation.

You can select different set points for sequence 1 + 2 and sequence 3 + 4.

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RW62… Universal Controller Technical Instructions
for HVAC Installations Document Number CM2N3351E-P25
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Set Point Compensation,

Summer or winter compensation ⇒ SEL3 = SEL2

(=SEL3) (=SEL3) w Seq.3+4

XDZ w Seq.1+2




Figure 8. Summer or Winter Compensation.

If you enter SEL3 = SEL2, prompts for COMP3 and COMP4 values no longer appear.

Shifting the "Day" set point of AUTO MODE.

You can shift the specified set point curve in AUTO MODE by means of parameter COR
within the range –MAXCOR... +MAXCOR.

For a compensated "Day" set point, the following alternative controller set points are
available for night operation:

• Constant "Heating" and "Cooling" set points with zero energy band (dead zone) or
• Controlled "Heating" and "Cooling" set points with zero energy band (dead zone)

For a compensated "Night" set point, the unchanged "Day" set point is altered by the set
corrective value COR. In this instance, the "Heating" set point of sequence 1+2 is
lowered and the "Cooling" set point of sequence 3+4 is increased. This then results in a
dead zone that corresponds to twice the corrective value. COR can be set from 0 to

B... = Supply air sensor

The general limiter function with PI

response allows for the following:

Absolute maximum and minimum limitation

(e.g., supply air or humidity) B... B1

When the value drops below or exceeds

RWX62...optional auxiliary input
the limiter set point, the PI limiter function
overrides the standard control function to
maintain the limiter set point. Figure 9.

Maximum temperature differential limitation:
(room temperature B1 - supply air temperature B... )

When the value drops below the limiter set point, the PI limiter function overrides the
standard control function to maintain the limiter set point. The supply air temperature
cannot drop below the current room temperature actual value by more than the set
temperature differential.

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Technical Instructions RW62… Universal Controller
Document Number CM2N3351E-P25 for HVAC Installations
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Cascade Control PI/PI [LIM + CASC ACTIV]

B... Supply air temperature sensor
You can select the PI/PI room/supply air temperature cascade control function in
addition to the limiter function. In this case, the virtual PI room temperature controller
determines the set point within the limiter set points for the PI supply air temperature
Minimum Limitation PI for
Sequence 1
B... = Temperature sensor to detect risk of
icing on the air side (e.g., in the exhaust air
heat exchanger of a system connected to
the control loop used to acquire the water /
glycol inlet temperature).

The minimum limitation for sequence 1

allows for implementing icing protection
for PI exhaust air heat recovery. B... B1

When the value drops below the limiter set RWX62...optional auxiliary input
point, the PI limiter function overrides the
standard control function sequence 1 to Figure 10.
maintain the limiter set point.

Other typical applications include maintenance of the water inlet temperature in a

corrosion-prone heating boiler.
Maximum Limitation PI for [LIMMAX]
Sequence 3
B... = Room humidity sensor
Maximum PI room humidity limiter
for cooling output control
(= dehumidification) of sequence 3.

When the value exceeds the limiter set B... B1


point, the PI limiter function overrides the

standard control function sequence 3 to
RWX62...optional auxiliary input
maintain the limiter set point.
Figure 11.

The resulting undercooling of the supply air/room temperature is corrected by the room
temperature sequence controller via increased (re)heating.

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RW62… Universal Controller Technical Instructions
for HVAC Installations Document Number CM2N3351E-P25
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Maximum Priority Control [MAXPRI]

for Sequence 3
B... = Dehumidifying signal 0 — 10 Vdc
from a separate room humidity control loop
(poss. with additional humidifying control
outputs). ϕ
Priority cooling/dehumidifying in
sequence 3: B... B1

The dehumidification signal is sent to input
B... [MAXPRI]. For output sequence 3, a RWX62...optional auxiliary input
maximum selection of the dehumidifying
Figure 12.
signal and of the cooling output demanded
by the sequence controller is formed.
The resulting undercooling of the supply
air/room temperature is corrected by the
room temperature sequence controller via
increased (re)heating
Frost Monitor [ PROT]
B... = 24 Vac of the frost protection
Two-position frost protection
for water/heating coil:
On interruption of the signal on input B...: B... B1
• Sequence 1+2 with Y outputs move to

100% heating output

• All other sequences move to zero output RWX62...optional auxiliary input
• Signal level limitations are ineffective
Figure 13.
• The LCD indicates a frost alarm
After the 24 Vac signal returns to input B…
(i.e., danger of frost no longer exists), the
sequence controller resumes standard
control operation.


During “Standby“, all frost protection functions remain active. When control
operation is disabled, all frost protection functions are also disabled. When
frost protection is active, but the heating output is insufficient (e.g., no
heating water), the frost protection function cannot protect the plant from
frost damage.

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Technical Instructions RW62… Universal Controller
Document Number CM2N3351E-P25 for HVAC Installations
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Super Frost Protection PI [S PROT]

B... = Correctly placed temperature sensor
on the water / heating coil.
Q1= Frost alarm changeover contact
Normally open contact Q14: Fans, etc.
locking. K1
Normally closed contact Q12: External B... 14 12 B1
alarm (e.g., siren).

K1 External plant switching command 0/1
RWX62...optional auxiliary input
2-phase, modulating/2-position frost
protection limitation function for water / Figure 14.
heating coils with frost protection alarm
contact (Q1).
The super frost protection function works in two phases:

Modulating super frost protection PI limiter phase:

When the value drops below the current limiter set point, the modulating PI limiter
function overrides the current sequence controller function to maintain the limit value. In
this case, the Y-signal level limitations temporarily are rendered ineffective (fresh air
dampers are completely closed for 100% heat recovery).

• In control operation:
− The limiter set point is permanently set to 7K above the alarm set point
− Limitation acts on all active sequences 1 to 4
• In Standby mode:
− The limiter set point is adjustable, but must be at least 7K above the alarm set
− The limitation acts only on the reverse acting sequences 1+2 with Y;
defined Y-signal limitations are ineffective
Two-position super frost alarm phase:
This phase is active only when the frost protection temperature drops below the
specified super frost alarm set point despite the previous modulating super frost PI
limiter phase. This triggers the following responses:

• Ventilation is deactivated via alarm contact Q1 and the external alarm is activated.
• Sequences 1+2 with Y outputs move to 100 % heating output.
Signal level limitations are ineffective.
• All other sequences move to zero output.
• The LCD indicates a frost alarm.

After the temperature again exceeds the alarm set point, the sequence controller
resumes operation as soon as the frost alarm has been acknowledged.

The following alternative alarm acknowledgement methods are available:

Automatic acknowledgement on temperature increase [AUTO].

• Manual acknowledgement (press button on controller) of each alarm [MANUAL].

• Manual acknowledgement (press button on controller) of every third consecutive

alarm sent within 30 minutes [MANU3].
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RW62… Universal Controller Technical Instructions
for HVAC Installations Document Number CM2N3351E-P25
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Super Frost Protection PI

Limiter, Continued
During Standby operation, the super frost protection functions remain
active. When control operation is disabled, all super frost protection
functions are also disabled. The super frost alarm contact then moves to
the alarm position. On failure of the super frost temperature input, the
super frost protection function moves to the alarm state. When the super
frost protection function is active, but heating output is insufficient (e.g., no
heating water), the super frost protection function cannot protect the plant
from frost damage.
Control Based on Outside [MULFUN] and [RELEAS ACTIV]
Temperature Multifunction-dependent switching of Q...with Y...:
B2 = Multi-function measured value (here: outside

Additional outside temperature-dependent activation of the hot B2 Q... Y...
water circulation pump Q…:
This, for example, keeps the hot water circulation pump active
(also during Standby mode) in combination with super frost Figure 15.
protection monitoring for as long as the outside temperature is
below the associated set point (e.g., <2 °C; adjustable).
Operating Action Reversal
[MULFUN] and/or [ALTDIR]
Sequence 1
The operating action for sequence 1 can be reversed. Reversal depends on whether
the sequence was configured to [REVERS] ( \ \ _ / / ) or [DIRECT] ( \ / _ / / ) during
standard operation.

The following changeover actions are possible:

Changeover from external via digital signal 24 Vac [DIG]

This signal must be configured to input [ALTDIR] with [DIG] .

Changeover in the case of an adjustable value [ABS]

The following measured values are used:

If only MULFUN is configured: Input [MULFUN]

If MULFUN and ALTDIR are configured: Input [ALTDIR]
If only ALTDIR is configured: Input [ALTDIR]

Changeover in the case of an adjustable difference between two measured values



This changeover is possible only if both B are configured as temperature

sensors (1xNi; 2xNi or VOLT °C).

The following measured value differences are possible:

If only MULFUN is configured: [ ∆B... MULFUN – B... SEQREG]
If MULFUN and ALTDIR are configured: [∆B... MULFUN – B... [ALTDIR]

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Technical Instructions RW62… Universal Controller
Document Number CM2N3351E-P25 for HVAC Installations
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Locking Sequences Based [MULFUN] and [LOCK]

on Outside Temperature
The [LOCK] function allows for locking individual sequences in dependence of the input
variable on [MULFUN] (e.g., outside air temperature).
The cooling sequences can be locked on low and the heating sequences on high
outside air temperatures. This ensures that, among other things, heating is not active in
summer and cooling is not active in winter for compensated set points that are based
on outside air temperature.

The [LOCK] function can be activated for sequences 1+2 and/or sequences 3+4. This
function is active also during Night operation.

Sequence Controller The previously described sequence controller functions have the following priorities in
Function Priorities the sequence control loop (1= highest priority)

Control Operation 1: "OFF" via E2 [STNDBY]

2: "Night" operation via E1 [NIGHT]
3: "Day" or standard [MODE]
Limiter and Priority 1. Delay times [T1 and T2]
Functions 2. Frost protection [ PROT] or [S PROT]
3. Activation of Qs via MULFUN [RELEAS]
4. Maximum selection sequence 3 [MAXPRI]
5. Auxiliary controllers sequence 1 and sequence 3 [LIMSPE] and [LIMMAX]
6. General limiter [LIM]
7. Locking sequences via MULFUN [LOCK]
8. Sequence controller [SEQREG]

Main Functions Digital For single- or multi-step P-control of the control variable acting on one or several two-
Controller position output elements.

The digital controller has 1 to 6 binary outputs (Q1 to 6) with adjustable set point per
switch-on and switch-off point for each binary output (see Parameterization Tables).
Example, see Figure 16.

Q1 Q4 Q2 Q3


On and off setpoints
Figure 16. Digital Controller with Four Binary Outputs.

Auxiliary Functions [STNDBY]

Digital Controller By switching an AC 24 V signal (e.g., via a timer) to input E2, the digital controller is
switched to the zero energy (Standby) state. At the same time, all Q-outputs are
For each controller, one common E2 binary input is available for all active digital control
loops. Its influence on each operating mode and each control loop can be enabled or

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RW62… Universal Controller Technical Instructions
for HVAC Installations Document Number CM2N3351E-P25
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Technical Design The automatic control operation is secured against measured value range violations or
universal input (B) errors by means of the following responses:
Operational Safety
1 x NI °F (°C) and
Measured value < -58°F (−50°C) or >302°F (150°C) means short-circuit or interruption.
2 x NI°F (°C)
This results in the following:

• ERROR replaces the associated actual value on the LCD.

• For sequence or digital controller input: controller outputs switch to 0% output. Frost
protection functions remain active.
• For super frost protection input: changeover to super frost alarm.
• Other inputs: the associated function is ineffective.
Remote Set Point
Measured value > 1200 Ω stands for an interruption and has the following effect:

• ERROR appears on the LCD.

• Sequence controller without night operation: outputs switch to 0% output.
Frost protection functions remain active.
• Sequence controller with night operation: changeover to night operation with night
set point(s).
0 – 10 Vdc
Measured value < −1.4 V or > 11.4 V has the following effect:

• Flashing actual value display of the associated range end value.

• Indication of the associated control or auxiliary function by including the range end
Mechanical Design The RWX62… Universal Controller is a compact unit enclosed in a plastic housing with
the following features:
Mounting Options
The following mounting options exist for control cabinet mounting:

• Mounting in a standard cabinet as per DIN 43 880.

• Wall mounting on an existing top-hat rail (EN 50 022-35x7.5).
• Wall mounting using two mounting screws.
• Flush panel mounting with ARG62.10 mounting frame.
Connection Terminals
Plug-in screw terminals. The terminals for G, G0 are orange for clear recognition.

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Technical Instructions RW62… Universal Controller
Document Number CM2N3351E-P25 for HVAC Installations
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Operating and Display Operate the RWX62... by actuating the operating elements on its front panel. No
Elements auxiliary tools such as PC tool, etc. are required.

Value inputs B1..5: to cont.Bnr

B1: Room temperature restaurant B1

B2: Supply air temperature B1 Y2
B3: Freeze protection temperature B1 Q1 SEL
B4: Outdoor temperature B1 Q4 C

B5: (inactive) SEL
(Alarms and errors see back page)

Figure 17. RW62… Front Panel.

Transparent Compartment
The transparent compartment contains the application-specific operating instructions
(operating cards).
The following information is indicated on the LCD:

• The current operating values (maximum 3 digits)

• The functional code and the symbols
Operating Buttons
The operating buttons have the following functions:
Press the INFO operating buttons to select the information picture (function code).
Press the left arrow button (<) to select the previous picture and the right (>) for the next
Press the right arrow (>) to acknowledge a flashing display and simultaneously proceed
to the next picture.
Press the SEL button to enable changes or acceptance of the settings. Flashing
displays mean: the data can be changed.
Press the + and the − buttons to increase or decrease the flashing data values.

Operation You can choose different operating modes:

Controller Operating Mode
Operation of the configured control loops with general access.

• Display of all current input and output states on the LCD.

• Option to modify the standard ("Day") operating set point for each configured
sequence controller. Settings are possible within the limits defined in the
parameterization mode (MINSEL...MAXSEL or + / − MAXCOR).
• Manual acknowledgement of possible super frost alarms.
Configuration Mode
These modes are accessible only to authorized personnel to protect the settings; see
Parameterization Mode
Engineering Notes.
Simulation Mode

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RW62… Universal Controller Technical Instructions
for HVAC Installations Document Number CM2N3351E-P25
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Engineering Notes See Description and Applications for guidelines on the proper use of this unit. Observe
all conditions and restrictions imposed in this section and in Specifications.
Intended Use

Technical Design To engineer HVAC control loops, HVAC experts must first define the following for the
desired application:

• Controller type (sequence controller or digital controller).

• Controlled variable (e.g., room temperature or room humidity).
• Type of set point (e.g., constant set point or compensated set point, day/night set
point changeover).
• Type and sequential positioning of the control elements (e.g., modulating heating
valve or multi-step electric heating).
• Additional functions (e.g., remote set point and or limitation and/or reference
Configuration Mode 2
[CO2] Configuration starting point. This is where you allocate the inputs and outputs to
the control loops. After quitting configuration mode 2, the function configurations and
the input and output terminal designations are all defined. The optimal unit type is also
Configuration Mode 1
[CO1] Fine tuning of the configuration data, such as °C/K or °F display,
P/PI or PID mode, cascade function inactive, active.
Parameterization Mode 2
[PA2] Setting of all fine-tuning parameters such as P-bands, integral action time,
measured value corrections, actual value limitations, delay times.
Parameterization Mode 1
[PA1] Setting of all set points for both sequence controllers and associated auxiliary
Simulation Mode
[SI] In the simulation mode, you can check the configured functions by entering
simulated power values (sequence controller) or simulated actual values (digital
controller). The sequence diagram (sequence controller only) and the output values
appear on the LCD. This allows you to check both switching points and plant wiring.

Installation Notes For DIN rail (top-hat rail) mounting, no additional components are required (Figure 18).

Two #6 screws are necessary for screw mounting (Figure 19).

For flush panel mounting, the ARG62.10 mounting frame is necessary (Figure 20).

The plug-in terminals can be connected to the litz wire before or after flush panel
mounting. (Use litz wire for reasons of moveability.)

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Technical Instructions RW62… Universal Controller
Document Number CM2N3351E-P25 for HVAC Installations
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Installation Notes,

Figure 18. DIN Rail Mounting.


Figure 19. Wall Mounting.

7.09 ±
1.95 ± 0.04

Figure 20. Flush Panel Mounting.

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RW62… Universal Controller Technical Instructions
for HVAC Installations Document Number CM2N3351E-P25
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Electrical Installation You can use normal cables for wiring the POLYGYR system. However, when mounting
in an extremely impaired EMC environment, use only shielded cables.
The operating voltage must comply with the requirements for Class 2 voltage.
Use safety insulating transformers with double insulation designed for 100% duty.
When using several transformers in one system, the connection terminals G0 must be
galvanically connected. The POLYGYR RWX62...units are designed for operation of
24 Vac maximum10 A Class 2 voltage and are short-circuit-proof.


Supplying voltages above 24 Vac to low voltage connections may damage

or destroy the controller or any other connected devices. Additionally,
connections to voltages exceeding 42V endanger personnel safety.
Connect only mains voltages of up to maximum 250 Vac to the potential-
free contacts Q.

Commissioning The following documentation is necessary for commissioning:

• The installation and commissioning instructions supplied with the universal
Required Reference controller.
• Commissioning protocol with project-specific entries.
• Plant wiring diagram as well as further control documentation stored in the control
cabinet or with the plant manager.
Configuring and Only HVAC experts may program and configure the controllers for installation-specific
Parameterizing operation.
Observe the following:

• The unit must be connected and 24 Vac must be supplied.

• The values and settings specified in the unit remain in memory even on power
• Data entries made to the commissioning protocol during engineering must be
transferred to the unit. See the POLYGYR User's Guide for detailed procedures. The
User's Guide provides blank tables in the appendix.
• Manually record the application-specific data on the operating cards supplied with
the unit and store them in the controller's transparent compartment.

Specifications Operating voltage 24 Vac ± 20%

Q1 to Q6, 24 — 230 Vac)
Power Supply Class 2 low voltage
Frequency 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Power Consumption 7 VA

Prompting Speed Output renewal speed 1 second

Displays (LCD) Actual values and set points 3-digit

Resolution of values <100 0.1
Resolution of values >100 1
Resolution of ranges <10 0.01
Analog outputs (-1 — 11V) 2-digit, resolution 1 Volt / 10%
Binary switching outputs OFF/ON

Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. Page 17

Technical Instructions RW62… Universal Controller
Document Number CM2N3351E-P25 for HVAC Installations
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Environmental Transport
Conditions Temperature range -13 — 158°F (-25 — 70°C)
Humidity <95% RH
Temperature range 32 — 122°F (0 — 50°C)
Humidity <95% RH
Agency Approvals Energy management equipment UL 916

Safety Meets UL requirements

Connection Terminals Plug-in screw terminals 14 AWG

Tool Connection Connector plug for POLYCOPY 4-pin

Weight Without RWX62.5030 0.8 lb.

Packaging RWX62.7032 0.9 lb.
RWX62.7034 1.0 lb.
RWX62.7036 1.0 lb.

Dimensions See Figure 22

Universal Inputs B1 —5 Range -31 — 266°F (− 35 — 130°C)

Temperature Sensors (LG Under- and overrange -58 — 302°F (− 50 — 150°C)
Ni 1000 / 32°F [0°C]) Resolution <0.09°F @ 32°F (<0.05 K at 0°C)
RWX62... accuracy -0.9°F — 0.9°F (− 0.5K — 0.5 K)
Measuring voltage 5.0 Vdc
Measured current 2.6 — 3.4 mA
Maximum permissible cable length for 22 AWG maximum 980 ft. (300 m)
(4.5Ω total line resistance
corresponds to approx. 1.8°F error)
Temperature Sensors LG Range -31 — 266°F (− 35 — 130°C)
Ni 1000 (2 x LG Ni1000 / Under- and overrange -58 — 302°F (− 50 — 150°C)
32°F [0°C] parallel) Resolution <0.2°F / 32°F (< 0.1K / 0°C)
RWX62... accuracy -1.8°F — 1.8°F (− 1K — 1K)
Measuring voltage maximum 5.0 Vdc
Measured current 3.1.—.3.9 mA
Maximum permissible cable length for 22 AWG maximum 980 ft. (300 m)
(2.25 Ω total line resistance
corresponds to approx. 1.8°F error)
Analog Voltages (for Range 0 — 10 Vdc
Measured Variables in °F Under- and overrange -1.4 — 11.4 Vdc
[°C], % Without Unit) Resolution 1.0 mV
RWX62... accuracy − 0.1 — 0.1 V at 0 V
− 0.25 — 0.25 V at 10 V
Maximum current consumption 0.11 mA
Internal resistance Ri ≥ 100 kΩ
Maximum permissible cable length for 22 AWG maximum 980 ft. (300 m); also see
information for connected unit
Remote Set Points B2 to 5 Range 0 — 1000Ω
Overreach 1200Ω
Offset unit 0.15Ω
RWX62... accuracy − 2.5Ω — 2.5Ω at 1000Ω
− 5Ω — 5Ω at 0Ω
Measured voltage maximum 5 Vdc
Measured current 2.9 — 4.4 mA
Max. permissible cable length for 22 AWG maximum 980 ft. (300 m) (10Ω total line
resistance corresponds to 1% error)
Page 18 Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.
RW62… Universal Controller Technical Instructions
for HVAC Installations Document Number CM2N3351E-P25
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Binary Voltage Inputs Voltage 24 Vac

Current consumption ≤8 mA
log. 0 ≤5 Vac eff.
log. 1 ≥ 15 Vac eff.

Binary Control Inputs Polling voltage for control commands 24 Vac

E1, E2 Current consumption ≤8 mA
Maximum permissible cable length for 22 AWG maximum 980 ft. (300 m)

Analog Ouptuts Y1 to Y3 Range 0.—.10 Vdc

Under- and overrange -1.4.—.11.4 Vdc
Resolution 15 mV
Working voltage maximum ±1 mA

Binary Switching Switching output of the relay contacts Q1 to Q6

Outputs Q1 to Q6 AC voltage 24 — 230 Vac, 4 A res., 3 A ind.
DC voltage maximum 50 Vdc, maximum 40 W,
maximum 5 A
Minimum contact rating
for main voltage 230 Vac / 5 mA
for low voltage 24 Vdc / 10 mA
Maximum switch-on current 10 A (1 second)
Life of the relay contacts
Alternating voltage at 0.1 A res. 2 × 10 cycles
at 0.5 A res. 2 × 10 cycles
at 3 A res. 2 × 10 cycles
Red. factor for ind. loading (cos. phi = 0.8) 0.85
Direct voltage 2 × 10 cycles
External fuse on input side maximum 10 A
Changeover switch Q1 and Q3
ON/OFF-switch Q2, Q4 to Q6

Wiring Diagram RWX62.7032 RWX62.7034 RWX62.7036


G G0 M M M Tool E1 E2 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
Y1 Y2 Y3 Q11 Q14 Q12 Q21 Q24 Q31 Q34 Q32 Q41 Q44 Q51 Q54 Q61 Q64


G-G0: 24 Vac supply

M: Ground (G0) for signals, universal inputs, analog outputs
B: Universal input
E: Binary input
Y: Analog output
Q: Binary output, various voltages permissible
Tool: Connection for POLYCOPY
Figure 21.

Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. Page 19

Technical Instructions RW62… Universal Controller
Document Number CM2N3351E-P25 for HVAC Installations
Rev. 1, February, 2000

Dimensions 0.43








= = EN 50 022-35 x 0.30 2.68

6.14 2.09
6.89 2.85

Figure 22. Dimensions in Inches.

Information in this publication is based on current specifications. The company reserves the right to make changes in specifications and models as
design improvements are introduced. © 2000 Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.
Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. Document No. CM2N3351E-P25
Landis & Staefa Division Printed in the U.S.A.
1000 Deerfield Parkway Page 20
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-4513

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