Handout Checklists Preflight Safety Flight Data

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before every flight
Data Scribe: Read this checklist aloud, asking Pilot:
for the confirm / data from Spotter & Pilot. ❏  Drone checks: 

Spin your props - secured? Check for
Spotter/Safety Lead: loose parts. Battery is charged &
❏  Weather conditions of flying area: connected. (opt) Payload secured?
(Cloud Cover (%), Temperature, wind ❏  Transmitter checks: 

direction, speed, variability, humidity Battery is charged, Joy-sticks work.
❏  Instrument checks: 

❏  Hazards present? (yes/no/describe) Camera: Connected to power? SD card inserted?
Sufficient storage available?

❏  Takeoff/landing area established?
Other sensors & equipment: Power on? memory
card inserted? Sensor working? Secured to
drone? Meter-circle in place?
Investigator Lead: science focused checklist:
TBD by the investigation Everyone:
❏ Step back 5x5 for safety

Before you fly
Safety - Step Back 5x5 for Safety
❏  STOP Data
❏  Put your drone down. scribe - see anything?
Spotter- see anything?
❏  Take 5 steps back. Pilot - See anything?
❏  Look around for 5 Stop to address
seconds. anything you
❏  Look behind you too! see.
hazards, Instructor:
❏  MAKE CHANGES if Team, start your
needed , SAFELY – flight!
complete your flight
Time to fly!
Data scribe: Pilot (s):
1.  Start a stopwatch (app) 1.  Announce out loud – “CLEAR PROPS”.
2.  Call out the route using the 2.  Make sure the throttle (left stick) is all the way
down then turn on the transmitter.
investigation plan.
3.  Back away 3 or 4 steps (or to a safe distance).
3.  If using FPV, take photos
4.  Bind & calibrate drone & take test photo and
4.  Record data video
5.  Keep an eye on the drone too 5.  Announce out loud – “TAKE OFF”.
Spo@er: 6.  Launch drone
1.  Move around so you can 7.  Keep facing the quadcopter the entire time.
always see the drone. 8.  Follow the data scribe’s route directions
2.  Continually scan the flight and –  Maintain a safe altitude when flying over
buildings / obstacles
ground areas for potential
–  Keep a direct line of sight at all times when

Flight data sheet
Session Number: Flight Number:
Battery number:
Time of takeoff:
Names: Pilot / Spotter / Data recorder:
Location: Address/City/State , football field,
Goal for this flight:
south playground etc.)
Flight duration:
Describe your site - Flat/slope? trees - shrubs
GPS location (optional): lat, long, elevation
Flight path (make a map)
Drone & transmitter information: Make /
Image/ video file names / folder name taken
model / battery type & number
from ground / in-flight.
Weather conditions: Cloud Cover (%),
Temperature, wind direction, speed, Observations:
variability, sun direction, humidity (optional) How did flight end? (Crash/soft/etc)
Flight path / altitude description:
Potential dangers and plan for handling each.

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