The Buried Giant LitChart

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harassing a boatman for taking her husband to the island and Chapter 1 Quotes
leaving her behind. From these two, Beatrice and Axl gather
I have no wish to give the impression that this was all there
that, although the island is highly populated, most people
was to the Britain of those days; that at a time when
wander it for eternity without encountering another person. In
magniScent civilizations Tourished elsewhere in the world, we
rare instances, apparently, couples who are bonded by love are
were not much beyond the Iron Age. Had you been able to
ferried there together to spend eternity as a pair, but couples
roam the countryside at will, you might well have discovered
whose relationships are more fraught are destined to spend
castles containing music, Sne food, athletic excellence; or
eternity on the island alone. From this, Beatrice becomes
monasteries with inhabitants steeped in learning. But there is
preoccupied with the idea that she and Axl must go to the island
no getting around it. Even on a strong horse, in good weather,
together, expressing a common human desire not to go alone
you could have ridden for days without spotting any castle or
into death nor leave behind loved ones. As Beatrice’s death
monastery looming out of the greenery. […] I am sorry to paint
approaches, she Snds purpose and comfort in trying to deepen
such a picture of our country at that time, but there you are.
her marriage to ensure that she won’t go to the island alone.
However, Beatrice and Axl’s beliefs about the island might not
be true—they are based on rumors and hearsay, pieced Related Characters: The Narrator / The Boatman (speaker)
together from things said by those left behind when their loved
Related Themes:
ones departed and from the evasive boatmen who ferry people
to the island. These are not credible sources, as the boatmen
Page Number: 4-5
are proven liars (the initial boatman told the old woman he
would come back to bring her to her husband, but he didn’t), Explanation and Analysis
and the grieving people don’t have Srsthand knowledge of the In the opening paragraphs to The Buried Giant, the narrator
island. Because of this, it’s never totally clear whether the
describes what England was like at the time of the events of
island is a real place—let alone whether it’s actually true that
the story. Only a few years had passed since the death of
some couples can go there together.
the legendary King Arthur, which places the story at some
At the end of the novel, Beatrice and Axl stand at the shore point in the sixth century. The narrator is keenly aware that
with a boatman negotiating their passage to the island. In this when people think of England, they think of an advanced
moment, Beatrice, who is clearly dying, is able to see the island and even glamorous country—England, after all, would
and is eager to go, while Axl (who still enjoys good health) eventually colonize dozens of countries and islands all over
struggles to see the island at all. This discrepancy lends the world, London would become one of the most important
credence to the notion that the island is perhaps not a physical cities in the Western world, and English universities would
place (or else Axl would be able to see it, too), but rather a myth become famous for producing some of the greatest
or metaphor for death and the afterlife, one that seems more philosophers, writers, inventors, and scientists of all time.
urgent and real to Beatrice as death approaches. Furthermore, This is why the narrator feels compelled to apologize for
their conversation with the boatman (who seems to be telling presenting to the audience an England that was largely
them what they want to hear in order to coax Beatrice to get unpopulated, undeveloped, and, as the narrator says, “not
into the boat alone) suggests that it might not have ever been much beyond the Iron Age.”
true that couples can go together to the island. Perhaps all
One of the major themes of The Buried Giant is the rewriting
people are destined to die and spend eternity alone, as Beatrice
of history and denial of truth. The narrator’s apology for
ultimately does. The reader never learns the true nature of the
“paint[ing] such a picture of our country at that time” serves
island—whether it is myth or reality—but its signiScance
a double purpose: Srst, reminding the reader that England
throughout the novel seems to be its role in the stories that
was not always as important and developed as the picture
people tell one another about death. Beatrice’s belief that it’s
most have in their mind; second, to assure the reader that
possible for her to die with her husband lends her comfort, and
he, the narrator, will not shy away from being honest about
her quest to recover their memories and repair their
the story and will present the events and characters as they
relationship gives her purpose, which prevents her from
are, with all of their faults, without sugarcoating or changing
Sxating only on her fear.
anything to make it more pleasant.

Note: all page numbers for the quotes below refer to the
Vintage edition of The Buried Giant published in 2015.

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Chapter 2 Quotes “But Axl, we can’t remember those days. Or any of the
years between. We don’t remember our Serce quarrels or
“But isn’t it hard, sir,” Beatrice asked, “to see what truly lies
the small moments we enjoyed and treasured. We don’t
in people’s hearts? Appearances deceive so easily.”
remember our son or why he’s away from us.”
“That’s true, good lady, but then we boatmen have seen so
“We can make all those memories come back, princess. Besides,
many over the years it doesn’t take us long to see beyond
the feeling in my heart for you will be there just the same, no
deceptions. Besides, when travelers speak of their most
matter what I remember or forget. Don’t you feel the same,
cherished memories, it’s impossible for them to disguise the
truth. A couple may claim to be bonded by love, but we
boatmen may see instead resentment, anger, even hatred. Or a “I do, Axl. But then again I wonder if what we feel in our hearts
great barrenness. Sometimes a fear of loneliness and nothing today isn’t like these raindrops still falling on us from the
more. Abiding love that has endured the years—that we see soaked leaves above, even though the sky itself long stopped
only rarely. When we do, we’re only too glad to ferry the couple raining. I’m wondering if without our memories, there’s nothing
together.” for it but for our love to fade and die.”

Related Characters: The Narrator / The Boatman, Beatrice Related Characters: Axl, Beatrice (speaker), Axl and
(speaker) Beatrice’s Son, The Narrator / The Boatman

Related Themes: Related Themes:

Related Symbols: Related Symbols:

Page Number: 43-44 Page Number: 45

Explanation and Analysis Explanation and Analysis

On the Srst night of Axl and Beatrice’s journey, they take After asking the boatman how he determines which couples
shelter in an abandoned and decaying villa, where they meet can go to the island together and learning that he makes his
a boatman and an old woman. The old woman tells Beatrice decision after asking them each about their most cherished
and Axl of how the boatman separated her from her memory, Beatrice becomes worried that the relationship
husband, bringing him to the island and leaving her on the she has with Axl is not as strong as it seems at the present
shore and thus dooming them to spend eternity apart. Once time. Without memories, Axl and Beatrice can only really
the old woman leaves, Beatrice asks the boatman how he experience their relationship from one moment to the next,
determines which couples can go to the island together and making it rather two-dimensional. Memories, both good and
which cannot. The boatman requires couples to be “bonded bad, of the history of their marriage add depth and shape to
by love,” but that love has to be genuine and pure, which is their relationship. Beatrice’s greatest fear is that, without
rare. The boatman determines this by listening to each talk that added depth and shape, what they share is not strong
about their good memories together, or, more importantly, enough to stand up to the boatman’s questions when the
by determining similarities and differences in how each time comes for them to go to the island.
perceives the same good memory. For most couples, those Beatrice’s insecurity and fear about the strength of their
whose marriages are actually characterized by anger or love stands in contrast to Axl’s conSdence and Srm belief
resentment, the Sne line between remembering the good that what he feels for Beatrice in this moment can
and reliving the bad is very thin and easily crossed, such as withstand anything. Instead, his Snal question to Beatrice
when Axl and Beatrice think back to a time they were reveals that his real insecurity may be that she doesn’t love
walking together as young lovers and end up having a him as much as he loves her. In either case, these
disagreement over whether Axl had gotten jealous of insecurities are the Srst indication that perhaps there is
another young man or not. something beneath the surface of their relationship that
This quote also highlights the idea that undercurrents of would prevent their love from standing up to the scrutiny of
hatred can still exist in even the most seemingly loving and the boatman who will decide whether or not they can go to
idyllic relationships—an idea that can be applied equally to the island together.
both personal and national or political relationships.

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Chapter 3 Quotes Chapter 5 Quotes

“It was just a thought. That perhaps God is angry about “Even so, sir, isn’t it a strange thing when a man calls
something we’ve done. Or maybe he’s not angry, but ashamed.” another brother who only yesterday slaughtered his children?
“A curious thought, princess. But if it’s as you say, why doesn’t And yet this is the very thing Arthur appears to have
he punish us? Why make us forget like fools even things that accomplished.”
happened the hour before?” “You touch the heart of it just there, Master Wistan. Slaughter
“Perhaps God’s so deeply ashamed of us, of something we did, children, you say. And yet Arthur charged us at all times to
that he’s wishing himself to forget. And as the stranger told spare the innocents caught in the clatter of war. More, sir, he
Ivor, when God won’t remember, it’s no wonder we’re unable to commanded us to rescue and give sanctuary when we could to
do so.” all women, children and elderly, be they Briton or Saxon. On
such actions were bonds of trust built, even as battles raged.”

Related Characters: Axl, Beatrice (speaker), Ivor

Related Characters: Sir Gawain, Wistan (speaker), King
Related Themes: Arthur

Related Symbols: Related Themes:

Page Number: 112

Page Number: 76
Explanation and Analysis
Explanation and Analysis
After stumbling upon Sir Gawain on the road between the
During their stay at Ivor’s house, Beatrice asks Ivor what
Saxon village and the monastery, Wistan begins a
he’s heard about the mysterious mist that permeates the
conversation about the peace that currently exists between
country and makes everyone forget the past, both near and
Saxons and Britons after decades of brutal civil wars and
distant. Ivor tells them a stranger had suggested that the
violence between the two groups. Wistan’s question shows
mist is the result of God forgetting the past, thus making it
that he strongly doubts that Arthur would have been able to
impossible for mere human beings to remember it.
establish such peace so quickly through honest means. Sir
Beatrice’s addition to this theory, that God has willfully
Gawain, who is a knight of Arthur’s as well as his nephew,
forgotten the past out of shame, is notable because it raises
has numerous reasons for wanting to protect Arthur’s
the possibility that something truly horriSc and shameful
reputation. As one of Arthur’s knights, Sir Gawain would
has happened in the past, and that they were the ones who
have been among those who committed the kind of
committed it. Either way, the idea that God has forgotten
slaughter Wistan describes, so saying that he was on orders
the past is akin to denying the reality and truth of history,
to spare innocent lives distances himself from such
and that denial is forced upon all of the people in England in
unwarranted violence. However, Sir Gawain also has his
an attempt to create a fresh slate from which to move
family’s reputation to protect since Arthur was his uncle. It
is not enough to distance himself from the slaughter of
It is also notable that Axl does not see the forgetting of the children; he must also distance Arthur from it. He does this
past, both personal and national, as a punishment in itself. by saying that Arthur continually sent orders to his knights
Unlike Beatrice, Axl does not appear to be haunted by all not to kill women and children, which would mean those
the things he can no longer remember of the past. Axl, then, who did commit these crimes would have gone against
is more comfortable than Beatrice with allowing some Arthur’s orders and, presumably, would have been
things to be hidden from view, implying that he has done punished. Above all, Sir Gawain wants people to remember
something in the past that he was ashamed of and he senses Arthur, the leader of the Britons, as just and wise and good.
this even if he does not quite remember what it was.
Wistan’s questions also reveal unresolved anger, if not on
the part of all Saxons, then at least on his part. His question
is an indirect challenge to the image of Arthur that Sir
Gawain wants to perpetuate and is indicative of how most, if
not all, Saxons would view Arthur if they could remember
clearly the civil wars he led against them, despite Sir
Gawain’s description of him as just and generous.

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Chapter 6 Quotes “I speak of people at the end of a brutal road, having seen
their children and kin mutilated and ravished. They’ve
What had brought the pair of them to that village that
reached this, their sanctuary, only after long torment, death
morning? Axl remembered the cries of outrage, children crying,
chasing at their heels. And now comes an invading army of
the looks of hatred, and his own fury, not so much at Harvey
overwhelming size. The fort may hold several days, perhaps
himself, but at those who had handicapped him with such a
even a week or two. But they know in the end they will face
companion. Their mission, if accomplished, would surely be an
their own slaughter. They know the infants they circle in their in
achievement unique and new, one so supreme God himself
their arms will before long be bloodied toys kicked about these
would judge it a moment when men came a step closer to him.
cobbles. They know because they’ve seen it already, from
Yet how could Axl hope to do anything tethered to such a
whence they Ted. They’ve seen the enemy burn and cut, take
turns to rape young girls even as they lie dying of their wounds.
They know this is to come, and so must cherish the earlier days
Related Characters: The Narrator / The Boatman of the siege, when the enemy must Srst pay the price for what
(speaker), Harvey, Axl they will later do.”

Related Themes:
Related Characters: Wistan (speaker), Axl
Page Number: 136
Related Themes:
Explanation and Analysis
Page Number: 141-142
After watching Wistan kill the grey-haired soldier in a duel
and listening to the discussion about King Arthur between Explanation and Analysis
Wistan and Sir Gawain, Axl begins to spontaneously recover
Once inside the monastery, Wistan quickly recognizes that
memories of his past life, among them a memory of traveling
it must have once been a Saxon stronghold and points out
the countryside with a companion named Harvey. Harvey
all the different signs of this to Axl. These signs include
was a very different person from Axl: much more violent,
traps, areas where people within the fort could look down at
short-tempered, needlessly cruel, and blood-thirsty. This
those coming up the mountain toward them, and entire
memory, while it does conSrm that Axl had been a soldier or
buildings designed for luring people in and killing them.
knight in his youth, also reveals a lot of important details of
Wistan tells Axl that the people in the fort would have been
what he is like as a person. Axl sees being assigned to work
happy to see the violence against the invaders, but Axl
with Harvey as being “handicapped” and he feels “tethered,”
denies that this could have been the case, suggesting that
both of which mean he sees no way to get rid of Harvey and
the people in the fort would have spent their last days
he believes that Harvey will make it harder, if not
praying and hoping for peace. Wistan’s graphic description
impossible, to carry out his real mission.
of the people who would have sought sanctuary in the fort
Furthermore, the fact that Axl Snds Harvey’s violence so shows that he not only understands their hatred for those
repulsive and deeply offensive implies that Axl is gentle, who drove them there, but that he has felt this hatred
kind, judicious, and wise. He has patience and keeps an open himself. Even though it has been years since the events he
mind even when dealing with people he does not agree with. describes, Wistan is still appalled and still keenly feels the
Above all, Axl is a humanitarian and values human lives, no injustice and inhumanity in how the Saxons were treated by
matter which side of the war they are on. This is something the Briton armies.
that is conSrmed later when Axl remembers that he had
Wistan’s description also challenges what Sir Gawain said
always been a better diplomat than soldier.
earlier about King Arthur ordering his armies not to
slaughter innocent women, children, and the elderly. Even if
the fort itself wasn’t the site of the violence Wistan
describes, the fact that these traps have been built into the
fort indicates that whoever built it felt that such
precautions were necessary because of how violent the
Britons were and how unsafe the Saxons felt.

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“How can you describe as penance, sir, the drawing of a “Yet are you so certain, good mistress, you wish to be free
veil over the foulest deeds? Is your Christian god one to be of this mist? Is it not better some things remain hidden
bribed so easily with self-inTicted pain and a few prayers? Does from our minds?”
he care so little for justice left undone?” “It may be so for some, father, but not for us. Axl and I wish to
“Our god is a god of mercy, shepherd, whom you, a pagan, may have again the happy moments we shared together. To be
Snd hard to comprehend. It’s no foolishness to seek forgiveness robbed of them is as if a thief came in the night and took what’s
from such a god, however great the crime. Our god’s mercy is most precious from us.”
boundless.” “Yet the mist covers all memories, the bad as well as the good.
“What use is a god with boundless mercy, sir? You mock me as a Isn’t that so, mistress?”
pagan, yet the gods of my ancestors pronounce clearly their “We’ll have the bad ones come back too, even if they make us
ways and punish severely when we break their laws. Your weep or shake with anger. For isn’t it the life we’ve shared?”
Christian god of mercy gives men licence to pursue their greed,
their lust for land and blood, knowing a few prayers and a little
penance will bring forgiveness and blessing.” Related Characters: Beatrice, Father Jonus (speaker), Axl

Related Themes:
Related Characters: Father Jonus, Wistan (speaker)
Related Symbols:
Related Themes:
Page Number: 157
Page Number: 151
Explanation and Analysis
Explanation and Analysis
When Beatrice is Snally allowed the opportunity to talk to
Hearing that a group of people have come to the monastery
Father Jonus, her primary concern becomes Snding out if
to meet him, Father Jonus asks another monk to sneak the
he knows anything about the mist. To her delight, he is able
group into his cell where he is recovering from injuries
to tell her that Querig the dragon causes the mist, which
sustained after he was chained outside so the birds that live
means that if Querig is slain then everyone’s memories will
in the monastery could peck at him. For the monks in the
come back. Beatrice is excited by this news because it offers
monastery, this practice is a form of penance for atrocities
a solution to her fears that, without memories of their
committed in the past, and it is what Wistan refers to as a
relationship, she and Axl will not pass the boatman’s test.
“drawing of a veil over the foulest deeds.” Although neither
This is one of the Srst open conversations the characters
Wistan nor Jonus says so directly, this conversation makes
have about the bad memories that will return with the good.
it clear that they both know the monks are guilty of
Beatrice describes the loss of memories as being similar to a
something but do not agree that submitting to being
“thief” robbing them at night, meaning she feels personally
tortured is an adequate method of penance.
targeted and victimized.
Wistan clearly has no interest in a god that offers
Beatrice admits that it might be better “for some” that some
“boundless mercy,” which shows that he, himself, is not very
things are kept hidden, but her focus is on her and Axl.
forgiving and will not be easily convinced to extend mercy to
However, what Father Jonus was really asking is if it
other people. Furthermore, Wistan’s hostility and continued
wouldn’t be better on a national level for the past to remain
anger is representative of what the rest of the Saxons in the
obscured. This also emphasizes Beatrice’s conSdence in the
country will feel when they, too, remember what was done
strength of the friendship and positive relationship between
to them by the Britons. Additionally, Wistan launches a
Saxons and Britons that has developed over the years.
direct attack on Christianity, holding it responsible for how
easy the Britons found it to treat the Saxons inhumanely.
Christians, according to Wistan, believe they can get away
with even the worst crimes because “a few prayers and a
little penance” will earn them their god’s forgiveness.

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Chapter 7 Quotes “We need not quarrel, Master Axl. Here are the skulls of
men, I won’t deny it. There an arm, there a leg, but just
“What are you suggesting, sir? Skulls? I saw no skulls! And
bones now. An old burial ground. And so it may be. I dare say,
what if there are a few old bones here? What of it, is that
sir, our whole country is this way. A Sne green valley. A pleasant
anything extraordinary? Aren’t we underground? But I saw no
copse in the springtime. Dig its soil, and not far beneath the
bed of bones, I don’t know what you suggest, Master Axl. Were
daisies and buttercups come the dead. And I don’t talk, sir, only
you there, sir? Did you stand beside the great Arthur? I’m proud
of those who received Christian burial. Beneath our soil lie the
to say I did, sir, and he was a commander as merciful as he was
remains of old slaughter. Horace and I, we’ve grown weary of it.
gallant. Yes, indeed, it was I who came to the abbot to warn of
Weary and we no longer young.”
Master Wistan’s identity and intentions, what choice had I?
Was I to guess how dark the hearts of holy men could turn?
Your suggestions are unwarranted, sir! An insult to all who ever Related Characters: Sir Gawain (speaker), Horace, Axl
stood alongside the great Arthur! There are no beds of bones
here!” Related Themes:

Page Number: 171

Related Characters: Sir Gawain (speaker), King Arthur, Axl
Explanation and Analysis
Related Themes: A short time after refusing to acknowledge the presence of
piles of human bones in the tunnels beneath the monastery,
Page Number: 169 Sir Gawain Snally admits that there are bones there and
Explanation and Analysis that they are human. However, he refuses to admit that it
means something tragic happened there. Instead, Sir
Axl, Beatrice, and Edwin are betrayed by the abbot of the
Gawain suggests that the site was an “old burial ground,”
monastery and sent to the tunnels, where they regularly
which is meant to eliminate any lingering suspicion that
send people that they want to have killed by a monster.
bodies had simply been thrown down into the tunnels to
Fortunately, Father Jonus got a message to Sir Gawain who
dispose of them after brutally murdering them during war.
meets them in the tunnels and promises to help defeat the
However, Sir Gawain also admits that he and Horace have
monster and get them out. In the tunnels, however, Beatrice
seen more than their fair share of violence, which makes
believes she saw the bones of a child and, on closer
them “weary,” not just in body but in soul.
inspection, Axl sees them too, which seems to offend Sir
Gawain. In this instance, Sir Gawain’s reaction seems Sir Gawain also describes the incongruity between the
indicative of a guilty conscience, which is conSrmed when surface appearance of the English countryside and what lies
he reveals that he was the one who warned the abbot about beneath the earth. Even the most beautiful places,
Wistan and, therefore, is the indirect reason the group was according to Sir Gawain, may well have been a battleSeld
put into the tunnel. where so many people were killed that not all of them could
be given a Christian burial. This reTects the relationship
Sir Gawain, however, reveals that what is actually preying
between Saxons and Britons: although things are peaceful
on his mind is the guilt he feels about murdering innocent
and even friendly between the two groups now, one doesn’t
people under King Arthur. Sir Gawain is in denial about the
need to dig far into their history to Snd violence, mutual
reality of what he did in the past, insisting on referring to
hatred, and a thirst for revenge for past wrongs.
Arthur as “the great Arthur” even though he remembers
being ordered to do terrible things. The bones in the
tunnels remind Sir Gawain of the numerous people he killed

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“What do you suggest, mistress? That I committed this “So many skulls we trod on before coming out to this
slaughter?” He said this tiredly, with none of the anger he sweet dawn! So many. No need to look down, one hears
had shown earlier in the tunnel, but there was a peculiar their cackle with each tread. How many dead, sir? A hundred? A
intensity in his voice. “So many skulls, you say. Yet are we not thousand? Did you count, Master Axl? Or were you not there,
underground? What is it you suggest? Can just one knight of sir?”
Arthur have killed so many?” He turned back to the gate and
ran a Snger along one of the bars. “Once, years ago, in a dream, I
Related Characters: Sir Gawain (speaker), Axl
watched myself killing the enemy. It was in my sleep and long
ago. The enemy, in their hundreds, perhaps as many as this. I Related Themes:
fought and I fought. Just a foolish dream, but I still recall it.” He
sighed, then looked at Beatrice. “I hardly know how to answer Page Number: 180
you, mistress. I acted as I thought would please God.”
Explanation and Analysis

Related Characters: The Narrator / The Boatman, Sir After Snally killing the monster in the tunnels and Snding
Gawain (speaker), King Arthur, Beatrice their way out, Sir Gawain prepares to leave Axl and Beatrice
so they can continue their journey and he can go to Querig.
Related Themes: Sir Gawain has asked Axl more than once if he was “there,”
by which he means in the battles led by King Arthur.
Page Number: 173 Although it is Sir Gawain’s job to prevent the past from
being remembered, he continually challenges Axl to answer
Explanation and Analysis this question, indicating that he wants Axl to remember.
After arriving in a large chamber that allows some of the This is because Sir Gawain believes that if Axl remembers
moonlight from outside in, Axl, Beatrice, Sir Gawain, and the past, Sir Gawain will have the chance to talk about what
Edwin take a moment to look around. They are clearly happened with someone who might not judge him as
surrounded by bones and Sir Gawain overhears Beatrice harshly. However, this also implies that Axl took part in the
ask Axl if the monster in the tunnels could really have killed murder of hundreds or even thousands of people, which
so many people. Mistaking her meaning, Sir Gawain jumps contradicts the image of Axl as kind, peace-loving, and
to the conclusion that she is talking about him. Sir Gawain’s hesitant to commit violence.
assumption reveals that the actions he committed in the Sir Gawain’s Srst line, “So many skulls we trod on before
past are eating away at him. He feels guilty, and so he coming out to this sweet dawn,” refers to both getting out of
answers Beatrice in a guilty way: “tiredly, with none of the the tunnels that had been full of bones and the peace that
anger he had shown earlier.” In fact, Sir Gawain Snds a way exists in England after years of violence. Thousands of
to half-admit his crimes by saying he dreamed of “killing the people died and were killed in the name of future peace, and
enemy” in the hundreds. It is clear that Sir Gawain is that has been achieved. For Sir Gawain, all the previous
struggling to keep the truth of the past locked away but is horrors and the guilt he feels are justiSed by the “sweet
still determined not to admit that truth and instead promote dawn,” full of peace that has allowed Saxons and Britons to
the image of King Arthur as a hero to Britons and Saxons Snally live side by side without bloodshed for so many years.
Sir Gawain also tries to deTect blame away from himself by
saying, “I acted as I thought would please God.” By this Sir
Gawain means he believed in the rightness of what they
were doing at the time but has since begun to realize that
much of what he did under King Arthur’s orders was wrong.
Although Sir Gawain goes on to describe how he warned
the abbot about Wistan, he clearly yearns for the
opportunity to come clean about what happened in the past
and be given some sort of absolution or forgiveness.

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Gawain’s First Reverie Quotes “Master Axl, what was done in these Saxon towns today
my uncle would have commanded only with a heavy heart,
“These cursed Saxons. Why Sght on this way with only
knowing of no other way for peace to prevail. Think, sir. Those
Death to thank them for it?”
small Saxon boys you lament would soon have become warriors
“I believe they do so for sheer anger and hatred of us,” he says. burning to avenge their fathers fallen today. The small girls
“For it must be by now word has reached their ears of what’s soon bearing more in their wombs, and this circle of slaughter
been done to their innocents left in their villages. I’m myself just would never be broken. Look how deep runs the lust for
come from them, so why would the news not reach also the vengeance! […] Yet with today’s great victory a rare chance
Saxon ranks?” comes. We may once and for all sever this evil circle, and a great
“What news do you speak of, Master Axl?” king must act boldly on it. May this be a famous day, Master Axl,
from which our land can be in peace for years to come.”
“News of their women, children and elderly, left unprotected
after our solemn agreement not to harm them, now all “I fail to understand you, sir. […] This circle of hate is hardly
slaughtered by our hands, even the smallest babes. If this were broken, sir, but forged instead in iron by what’s done today.”
lately done to us, would our hatred exhaust itself? Would we
not also Sght to the last as they do, each fresh wound given a Related Characters: Axl, Sir Gawain (speaker), King Arthur
Related Themes:
Related Characters: Axl, Sir Gawain (speaker)
Page Number: 213-214
Related Themes: Explanation and Analysis
Page Number: 212 Sir Gawain thinks back to a particularly bloody and violent
battle between the Saxons and Britons and the account Axl
Explanation and Analysis has brought him about the mass slaughter of innocent
After leaving Beatrice and Axl outside of the tunnels, Sir Saxon women, children, and elderly people back in the
Gawain rides Horace back towards Querig. On the way, he unprotected Saxon towns. Although Sir Gawain has
looks back at the past and remembers the time when both expressed surprise that this happened (particularly because
he and Axl were knights of Arthur. This particular memory is there was a treaty barring this kind of unwarranted
from the same day that Arthur ordered his soldiers to go violence), he immediately sets to work defending King
into Saxon villages and kill everyone in them, including Arthur’s decision to break the treaty. What Sir Gawain
women, children, and the elderly. The news evidently takes knows and Axl does not is that Sir Gawain had gone on a
Sir Gawain by surprise, and Axl is obviously enraged by it. In secret mission to enchant a dragon’s breath so that all who
fact, Axl is so hurt and mad about the slaughter of innocent breathe it will forget the past. The past that they want
villagers in Saxon towns that he is unable to be mad at the people to forget, however, is still ongoing in the form of the
Saxon warriors for Sghting so hard against the Britons. Axl battle. Sir Gawain expresses the hope that the day will be a
also indirectly condemns Arthur’s decision by claiming that “famous day” that brings peace, which is the beginning of his
if the situations were reversed then there would be nothing active attempts to change everyone’s perceptions of what
to stop Britons from Sghting to the death out of hatred and happened that day. Even while history is still happening, Sir
anger. Gawain begins to rewrite it, denying the ugly truth and
instead promoting a positive message about Arthur’s
This memory also reveals that the war between Britons and
Saxons had shifted in intent. Rather than Sghting over land
and cultural differences, they seem here to be Sghting for Axl, however, is of a very different opinion. Once again, Axl’s
revenge and out of profound hatred. Hatred, as they all deep emotional intelligence and understanding is
seem to know, precludes the possibility of being able to highlighted by his statement that he believes the “circle of
bring peace and understanding between the Britons and hate” is being made permanent and lasting. Although the
Saxons. Had the battles simply been about land, then dragon’s breath may make people forget, that circle of hate
negotiations and agreements might have helped end the remains just beneath the surface. Despite Sir Gawain’s
war, but this hatred ensures that war will continue and it will optimism about the future, Axl sees only future trouble and,
only get more violent. instead of Sghting against it like Gawain, he accepts it as

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Yet I was a good knight who performed his duty to the end.
Let me say so, and he will see I do not lie. I will not mind Related Characters: Wistan (speaker), King Arthur, Edwin
him. The gentle sunset, his shadow falling over me as he moves
from one side of his vessel to the other. Related Themes:

Page Number: 242

Related Characters: Sir Gawain (speaker), The Narrator /
The Boatman Explanation and Analysis
When Wistan and Edwin begin tracking down Querig,
Related Themes: Wistan feels compelled to ready Edwin for what is about to
come. Both Edwin and Wistan are Saxons, so it was their
Related Symbols: people who were most wronged by King Arthur during the
war. Wistan, who values justice above all else, realizes that
Page Number: 214 in order to get justice for the murdered Saxons, he will need
to fuel the Tames of hate that will Tare up in the hearts and
Explanation and Analysis
minds of the old Saxons who were alive during the war.
When Sir Gawain is done reminiscing about the However, that hate will only exist in the hearts of those who
conversation he had with Axl about the broken treaty years remember it, which is why Wistan takes the time to explain
before, he tries to comfort and convince himself that, when to Edwin that he has a “duty” to hate Britons and needs to
it is time for the boatman to take him to the island, he will keep that duty in mind.
have nothing to regret or be haunted by. He imagines an
Wistan has spent a lot of time around the Britons, including
idyllic death very different from the chaotic and stressful
Axl and Beatrice, so this conversation with Edwin is also his
life he currently leads trying to protect King Arthur’s
way of reminding himself of his duty to “hate every man,
memory and reputation. In fact, Sir Gawain idealizes death,
woman and child” with Briton blood. Wistan’s commitment
perhaps knowing that he has not much longer to live, either
to his hatred and his desire to pass that on to younger
because of current tensions in the country or because he is
generations also conSrms what Axl said about hatred being
getting older himself.
made permanent by Arthur’s decision to break the treaty
Sir Gawain reassures himself that he has done the right and kill unprotected Saxon women and children during
thing: “I was a good knight who performed his duty to the battle.
end.” Sir Gawain sees performing one’s duty as the most
morally good thing they can do. This is also how Sir Gawain
avoids taking personal responsibility for the atrocities he Chapter 13 Quotes
committed in war. By shifting blame off of himself and onto
whoever gave him orders, Gawain is able to justify his “Axl, tell me. If the she-dragon’s really slain, and the mist
actions and convince himself that he had been in the right. starts to clear, Axl, do you ever fear what will then be revealed
This need to reassure himself that he did nothing wrong to us?”
reveals a hidden propensity to blame himself. He is haunted “Didn’t you say it yourself, princess? Our life together’s like a
by guilt over what he did, even if he did only do them tale with a happy end, no matter what turns it took on the way.”
because he was ordered to. “I said so before, Axl. Yet now it may even be we’ll slay Querig
with our own hands, there’s a part of me fears the mist’s fading.”

Chapter 12 Quotes
Related Characters: Axl, Beatrice (speaker), Querig
“There are Britons who tempt our respect, even our love, I
know this only too well. But there are now greater things press Related Themes:
on us than what each may feel for another. It was Britons under
Arthur slaughtered our kind. It was Britons took your mother Related Symbols:
and mine. We’ve a duty to hate every man, woman and child of
their blood. So promise me this. Should I fall before I pass to Page Number: 249
you my skills, promise me you’ll tend well this hatred in your
heart. And should it ever Ticker or threaten to die, shield it with Explanation and Analysis
care till the Tame takes hold again.” After leaving Sir Gawain, Axl and Beatrice continue their

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journey to their son’s village only to be sidetracked by a promise to keep loving him, Axl is able to get some
young girl who has poisoned her goat in order to leave it reassurance that they will be okay. Furthermore, Axl is
with Querig so that Querig will eat the poisoned goat and coming to appreciate just how strong their love is at the
die. Seeing an opportunity to kill the dragon and restore her present time. No matter what the past was, Axl truly
memories of her marriage to Axl, Beatrice coaxes Alx to take treasures the relationship he has with Beatrice.
the goat up to Querig’s lair. As the possibility that they Axl’s fears also indicate that he thinks he it is he—not
actually could get their memories back begins to seem more Beatrice—who has done something wrong in their marriage.
likely, Beatrice’s earlier insecurities come back with a This hearkens back to past thoughts he has had—a “trace of
vengeance. Now, however, she worries about the possibility sadness” while looking at her in the morning—about the
that the bad memories that return might ruin what she and strength of their love for each other. Still, it does not cross
Axl have in the present, thereby guaranteeing that they will his mind that he might remember something that Beatrice
not be able to cross over to the island together. did and stop loving her. This shows that, above all, he has
Axl, who had once seemed at best ambivalent and at worst faith in the idea that Beatrice has always been good to him,
unwilling to have all of their memories restored, is now the even in times when he may not have deserved it.
one who believes that no lasting harm can come from
having their memories restored. Axl believes their life
already has a “happy end,” which shows his conSdence that Chapter 15 Quotes
no bad memory will be strong enough to ruin what they
“I accuse you of nothing. That great law you brokered torn
currently enjoy together. Axl has begun to focus more on
down in blood! Yet it held well for a time. Torn down in blood!
the whole picture of their marriage, not just the present or
Who blames us for it now? Do I fear youth? Is it youth alone can
future, and this thought encourages him to be more
defeat an opponent? Let him come, let him come.”
optimistic about what getting their memories back will
mean for them.
Related Characters: Sir Gawain (speaker), Wistan, Axl

Related Themes:
“Should Querig really die and the mist begin to clear.
Should memories return, and among them of times I Page Number: 271
disappointed you. Or yet of dark deeds I may once have done to
make you look at me and see no longer the man you do now. Explanation and Analysis
Promise me this at least. Promise, princess, you’ll not forget Sir Gawain, Axl, and Beatrice meet up on the road to
what you feel in your heart for me at this moment. For what Querig’s lair. When they get to the top of the mountain, Sir
good’s a memory’s returning from the mist if it’s only to push Gawain begins to talk more and more about what happened
away another? Will you promise me, princess? Promise to keep in the past. Sir Gawain holds Axl blameless for what
what you feel for me this moment always in your heart, no happened, which implies that, on some level, he does blame
matter what you see once the mist’s gone.” King Arthur. Sir Gawain calls the treaty between Saxons and
Britons—which apparently Axl had created—a “great law,”
Related Characters: Axl (speaker), Querig, Beatrice which shows that he personally really liked and respected
that treaty, just as he did Arthur, whom he calls a “great
Related Themes: king” many times throughout the book. Sir Gawain’s
statement that the treaty was “torn down in blood” means
Related Symbols: that it was not dissolved willingly by both parties but was
violently broken and betrayed.
Page Number: 258 Sir Gawain dwells on youth, particularly Wistan’s youth.
Those who fought during the time of Arthur are old, like Axl
Explanation and Analysis
and Sir Gawain. If forgetfulness continues to reign in the
As Axl and Beatrice get closer to Querig’s lair with the land, then the old will die and take the memories of past
poisoned goat that they believe can be used to kill her, Axl hatred with them. It is youth learning the truth and then
succumbs to the nagging fear that Beatrice is going to stop reigniting the earlier wars that Sir Gawain really fears,
loving him because she will remember that he committed although he is unwilling to admit it. Still, by repeating “Let
some unforgiveable wrong against her. By making her

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“A dark man he may have been, but in this he did God’s will,
him come, let him come,” Sir Gawain shows that he is ready not only Arthur’s. Without this she-dragon’s breath, would
to take a last stand and face Wistan knowing that if he loses, peace ever have come? Look how we live now, sir! Old foes as
Querig will be slain and everyone’s memories, including cousins, village by village. Master Wistan, you fall silent before
those of being betrayed, will return, inevitably leading to this sight. […] Her breath isn’t what it was, yet holds the magic
new wars. even now. Think, sir, once that breath should cease, what might
be awoken across this land even after these years! Yes, we
slaughtered plenty, I admit it, caring not who was strong and
“Will you not understand the acts of a great king, sir? We who weak. God may not have smiled at us, but we cleansed the
can only watch and wonder. A great king, like God himself, land of war. Leave this place, sir, I beg you.”
must perform deeds mortals Tinch from! […] Who calls me a
coward, sir? Or a slaughterer of babes? Where were you that Related Characters: Sir Gawain (speaker), King Arthur,
day? Were you with us?” Querig, Merlin, Wistan

Related Characters: Sir Gawain (speaker), King Arthur, Axl Related Themes:

Related Themes: Page Number: 285

Explanation and Analysis

Page Number: 275
Once Wistan and Edwin make it up to the top of the
Explanation and Analysis mountain where Sir Gawain is waiting with Axl and Beatrice,
While Axl, Beatrice, and Sir Gawain prepare for Wistan to Sir Gawain openly admits that King Arthur was the one who
make it up the mountain where Querig’s lair is, Sir Gawain decided to enlist the wizard Merlin to curse the breath of
becomes more and more unhinged due to his fear of what is Querig to make all the people, both Saxons and Britons,
going to happen when everyone remembers what he did forget the past. This, according to Sir Gawain, was
during the war between the Saxons and Britons. Still, Sir necessary to establishing peace between the warring
Gawain is eager to continue defending King Arthur’s groups. Without Querig’s breath, people will gradually
reputation. Sir Gawain’s question about “understand[ing] recover their memories and, despite having lived in peace
the acts of a great king” is meant to discredit anyone who together for years, Saxons will take up arms against Britons
might offer a divergent opinion of what kind of person to get revenge. This shows a deep lack of trust in the power
Arthur was. As a “great king,” Arthur would only ever have of friendship to overcome past hatred on Sir Gawain’s part,
acted in the best interest of the entire country, although Sir but this is understandable because that hatred is rooted in
Gawain implies that this is something ordinary people the fact that Gawain and other Britons “slaughtered plenty
cannot truly understand. […] caring not who was strong and who weak.”
Sir Gawain also asks Axl where he was during the battle Peace in England was only achieved by using magic and a
when the treaty between Saxons and Britons was broken. dragon’s breath, which means that no matter how friendly
By asking this, Sir Gawain implicitly accuses Axl of being Saxons and Britons have become, their friendship is not
either equally guilty if he was there or unable to understand genuine. Peace in England was based on lies and a
why Arthur broke the treaty if he wasn’t there. Either way, concerted effort to rewrite history. Despite this, Sir Gawain
Sir Gawain’s questions imply that Axl must have been in hopes to convince Wistan that, in this case, it is better to let
some way complicit, thus alleviating some of the guilt Sir the people live with the lie in order to prevent war from
Gawain feels about his own role in breaking the treaty. breaking out again.

“Foolishness, sir. How can old wounds heal while maggots

linger so richly? Or a peace hold for ever built on slaughter
and a magician’s trickery? I see how devoutly you wish it, for
your old horrors to crumble as dust. Yet they await in the soil as
white bones for men to uncover.”

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Related Characters: Wistan (speaker), Merlin, Sir Gawain recovers all of their memories. For the Srst time, Axl begins
to understand the larger implications of restoring
Related Themes: everyone’s memories. Despite knowing that “old hatreds”
are about to wreak havoc in England, Axl holds on to his
Page Number: 286 hope that mankind’s better nature and love of peace will
prevail. However, his statement that “custom and suspicion”
Explanation and Analysis
has always divided Britons and Saxons shows that, even in
After listening to Sir Gawain’s impassioned plea to let peace, nothing has ever truly been resolved between the
Querig live just a little while longer so that “old wounds” can two groups. This would also mean that the predisposition
Snish healing, Wistan rejects what Sir Gawain has to say and for violence and hatred has always been there, just below
asserts that there was never any chance that peace would the surface.
last. Where Sir Gawain only saw peace, Wistan says there
The “giant” that was “once well buried” is the secret history
were “maggots” just below the surface, meaning that no
of King Arthur and his decision to break the treaty. Evidence
wounds have healed and, therefore, hatred and suspicion
of the broken treaty and the mutual hatred between Britons
have never entirely died out. Wistan believes that peace can
and Saxons was quite literally buried just below the surface
only last if it is genuine and founded on truth and that it is
of the earth on what used to be battleSelds and villages.
better to risk war to get the truth out than to allow peace to
Now that the giant “stirs,” it will not be long before fresh
continue if it’s founded on lies and “trickery.”
violence breaks out, most likely leading to a new war.
Furthermore, Wistan makes things more personal for Sir
Gawain by saying that what Gawain wants is his own “old
horrors to crumble as dust.” By saying this, Wistan is Chapter 17 Quotes
accusing Sir Gawain of being an active participant in the
slaughter of innocent women and children, which is at the “What did you hope to gain, sir, preventing not just your
root of the hatred that he believes will sweep through the wife but even yourself grieving at your son’s resting place?”
land. Like the fraudulent peace that exists, Wistan believes “Gain? There was nothing to gain, boatman. It was just
that the crimes Sir Gawain took part in would have foolishness and pride. And whatever else lurks in the depths of
inevitably been discovered in time. For Sir Gawain, that a man’s heart. Perhaps it was a craving to punish, sir. I spoke and
would mean that he had devoted his entire life to protecting acted forgiveness, yet kept locked through long years some
King Arthur’s reputation for nothing. small chamber in my heart that yearned for vengeance. A petty
and black thing I did her, and my son also.”

“You and I longed for Querig’s end, thinking only of our Related Characters: The Narrator / The Boatman, Axl
own dear memories. Yet who knows what old hatreds will (speaker), Axl and Beatrice’s Son, Beatrice
loosen across the land now? We must hope God yet Snds a way
to preserve the bonds between our peoples, yet custom and Related Themes:
suspicion have always divided us. Who knows what will come
when quick-tongued men make ancient grievances rhyme with Page Number: 312-313
fresh desire for land and conquest?”
Explanation and Analysis
“How right to fear it, sir,” Wistan said. “The giant, once well
After witnessing Wistan slay Querig, Axl and Beatrice run
buried, now stirs."
into the narrator, who is also one of the boatmen who takes
people to the island and who questions Axl and Beatrice
Related Characters: Wistan, Axl (speaker), Querig, about their relationship. Axl reveals that Beatrice had an
Beatrice affair in the past, which caused a lot of anger and tension in
their house and ultimately drove their only son away from
Related Themes: home. A short time later, Axl and Beatrice were reunited,
but when they learned about their son’s death, Axl had
Page Number: 297 refused to let Beatrice go to mourn at his grave. Axl says he
Explanation and Analysis had “a craving to punish,” but does not speciScally say that
he wanted to punish Beatrice. This could mean that he
Wistan slays Querig after killing Sir Gawain in a duel, which wanted to punish himself, as well.
means it is only a matter of time before everyone fully

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Axl’s account of his hidden anger and resentment toward actions and motives conSrms what the boatman told them.
Beatrice hearkens back to the Srst conversation between Unfortunately for both Axl and Beatrice, the thing they
Beatrice and another boatman who told her that, for many wanted most (their memories to come back) proves to be
couples, the love between them is not genuine and instead much more powerful than they expected and it threatens to
masks something much darker. Axl’s description of his tear their relationship apart.

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The color-coded icons under each analysis entry make it easy to track where the themes occur most prominently throughout the
work. Each icon corresponds to one of the themes explained in the Themes section of this LitChart.

The narrator notes that the English landscape at the time this The narrator provides the @rst indication that this is a fantasy novel
story is being told is very different from what it would become when he introduces ogres and claims they carry off children. He also
famous for in the future. Instead of “winding lane and tranquil indicates that the land is experiencing a peaceful period because,
meadow,” one Snds “miles of desolate, uncultivated land.” Roads aside from the ogres, all anyone is worried about is cultivating land
that the Romans created have been grown over and ogres still and illness, not @ghting with each other.
haunt the forests and marshes. The people there, rather than
living in constant terror of the ogres, focus on trying to grow
food and stop the spread of plague. The people have grown to
accept that every once in a while, an ogre will carry a child off.

On the edge of a bog, an elderly couple, Axl and Beatrice, live Axl and Beatrice are “isolated” even in a large warren, indicating
together in one of many communal warrens in the area, a lot of that they are not living with or near their children and grandchildren
which are “dug deep into the hillside.” These buildings are and all they have is each other. This further indicates that they love
connected by underground passages and hallways, but despite each other deeply and, in the absence of friends or other family,
having numerous neighbors in the warren, Axl and Beatrice have only each other to rely on and con@de in. The narrator’s
lead “an isolated life” there. The narrator notes that warrens apology for his portrayal of the country indicates that he is unwilling
are a primitive habitat and reassures the reader that there are to sugarcoat or glaze over the realities of what life was like at the
castles to be found in the countryside, though they are very time and will, to the best of his ability, be honest and open in telling
few and far between, and not always hospitable. “I am sorry to the story.
paint such a picture of our country at [this] time,” the narrator
apologizes, “but there you are.”

Axl and Beatrice live “on the outer fringes” of their warren, far Although he can’t clearly remember having children, the gnawing
from the large Sre in the Great Chamber and less protected sadness Axl feels shows that he loves them and the sense that
from the cold. Axl believes there was a time when they lived they’re missing from his life is painful. The excitement he feels over
closer to the Sre with their children, and this thought would his “momentous decision” promises a coming happiness that is
occasionally “gnaw at his heart” and keep him from sleeping. closely related to his distant memories of children and the
This may be why, on this morning, Axl has left the warmth of his happiness he believes he felt at the time, if they did in fact exist.
bed to sit outside in the cold. Noticing the sun rising, Axl
returns to his room, happy that he has remembered things that
had been forgotten long ago. Axl senses that he’s “about to
come to some momentous decision” and he is excited about it.

Back in their room, Axl sees that Beatrice is still sleeping and is Even though Axl is excited, he places Beatrice’s need for rest above
careful not to make too much noise and wake her up, although his desire to share his thoughts and feelings with her. This is a
he is tempted to do so because he’s excited to share his further indication that he loves her very much and wants to take
decision with her. Quietly sitting on a stool, Axl wonders if this care of her. His continued thoughts about whether they’ve always
is how he and Beatrice have always lived, alone “at the lived in such dismal and isolated conditions also shows that he
periphery of the community,” or if things really had been resents the way they’re forced to live now. However, within that is a
different once. When he was outside, Axl had received “some seed of doubt because he can’t be sure that he actually remembers
fragments of a remembrance” of walking through the warren that happier past and isn’t just a fool.
with his arm around one of his children when he was much
younger. However, he can’t be sure this memory is real and not
“just an elderly fool’s imaginings.”

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The narrator notes that the reader may wonder why Axl The fact that it’s not just Axl’s memory that is unreliable is evidence
doesn’t ask someone in the warren for answers as to whether that there is something bigger and more insidious at play that has
he and Beatrice had had children once. The reason for this is made everyone in the warren a victim. This means that nobody can
that nobody in the warren speaks of the past. This isn’t because truly be considered a reliable source of information, and it even calls
it’s taboo, but because “it ha[s] somehow faded” and never into question the narrator’s reliability.
occurs to anyone to discuss it anymore, “even the recent [past].”
An example is that Axl remembers a woman with red hair who
had been kind to him and Beatrice, and lived in the warren for a
time. But one day she disappeared and no matter who he asked,
Axl couldn’t Snd anybody who remembered her ever existing.

Recalling the incident of the red-haired woman and how Perhaps the most frightening thing about the mysterious
everyone, even Beatrice, had forgotten her, Axl wonders if he’s forgetfulness that is plaguing the people here is that they can forget
mistaken about her existing. However, “this instance […] had their own families and friends just moments after losing sight of
been merely one of a steady run of such puzzling episodes.” them. This has dire implications for those who are forgotten; what if
One of these episodes involves a young girl named Marta who Marta had been cornered by wolves and might have been saved if
was unusually adventurous and had wandered off shortly only her mother hadn’t forgotten her? This means that anyone who
before nightfall. Fearful that ogres or wolves might Snd and eat leaves the warren, even for just a few hours, is in danger of being
her, the community started to panic until two shepherds came forgotten and, if they need help, they can’t trust that anyone will
in and started talking about seeing a wren-eagle, which was remember them well enough to realize they’re gone.
notable because wren-eagles are capable of scaring wolves
away. Everyone stopped looking for Marta to listen to the
shepherds talk and debate amongst themselves whether it was
an eagle. Suddenly, Marta appeared and only Axl could
remember how scared everyone had been for her.

The sun is rising higher and lighting up Axl and Beatrice’s room. Beatrice chose to go to the strange woman even though everyone
Watching her sleep, Axl notes that she looks peaceful and he else was afraid the woman was a demon, which shows that Beatrice
experiences a “sudden rush of happiness” as he watches her. is not as susceptible to the kinds of superstitions and fears that
Rather than waking her, Axl quietly sits on his stool and waits most of their neighbors entertain. This further sets them apart from
for the sun to wake her up. As he sits, he wonders how the talk their neighbors and makes them stand out, which helps explain why
of him and Beatrice taking a journey had begun. He decides the they are treated as poorly as they are.
talks must have started when a strange woman had entered the
village last November. Although others believed this stranger
was a demon, Beatrice had insisted on bringing her food and
Axl was sent to talk to her.

Beatrice was with the stranger at a tree called “the old thorn,” Axl knows Beatrice well enough to tell just by the way she walks
but she ran down to meet Axl before he could come up and talk whether or not she is in some kind of pain. This “secret pain” of
to the stranger himself. Axl agreed with Beatrice that the Beatrice’s began after her conversation with the stranger, which
stranger was safe and simply in need of food. Beatrice sent Axl indicates that it is not something physical but emotional and
away, saying she wanted to talk to the stranger a while longer. mental. Beatrice shows her love for Axl by trying to spare him
Later, after Snishing his day’s work, Axl hurried back to the old whatever pain she is harboring and not telling him what happened
thorn and found Beatrice alone there. Beatrice was deep in to upset her; she is willing to carry the pain herself rather than
thought, but Axl noticed that she was walking differently, as if burden Axl with it.
she was “nursing some secret pain somewhere.” Beatrice
assured him the stranger hadn’t upset her, although Axl noted
that she was in “a strange mood.”

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Suddenly, Beatrice told Axl that she was beginning to agree Beatrice tells Axl that he was against them going to see their son in
with his belief that it’s “queer the way the world’s forgetting the past, which means that this is something they have fought
people and things” and compared it to a sickness. Beatrice about before. Axl doesn’t remember ever being against the idea,
worried about what else they weren’t remembering and Axl which calls into question which (if either) of them is remembering
saw that her eyes were full of sadness. Beatrice said that even correctly. If Beatrice remembers correctly, then it would mean that
though Axl was against it, she though it was time for them to Axl had been very cruel in the past, although it is unclear why. If it’s
take a journey to their son’s village. Axl wondered why Beatrice true that Axl was never against the idea, then it begs the question of
thought he was the one against it, but she said she couldn’t why Beatrice would accuse him of something like that.
remember why she thought that, she just did. Axl agreed that
they might be able to go in the spring, but insisted that they talk
about it later because they had to help with some more work
around the warren.

Despite their promise to talk about the trip, Beatrice and Axl By taking Beatrice away from the warren to @nd their son, Axl is also
have rarely brought it up again. They become “oddly trying to protect his wife from being mistreated and forced to live in
uncomfortable” whenever it is brought up, and their the dark by the neighbors in the warren. He is willing to do this at
conversation typically ends in “evasiveness or bad temper.” So, the expense of his own possible comfort and happiness there, which
talks of a journey have dropped, but Axl has now decided that is a testament to how much he loves her and how much he’s willing
he wants to take the trip after all. Part of why he’s willing to to sacri@ce for the possibility of giving her a better life even in their
leave the warren is because just a couple of weeks prior, a old age.
young girl had made a candle for Beatrice and Axl, who had
long been prohibited from having candles because of their age
and the likelihood of them inadvertently burning the warren
down. Beatrice was excited to get the candle, but then
everyone else surrounded her and tried to take it back. This
sent Beatrice into hysterics until Axl found her and held her to
him. The pastor, a leader in the community, broke up the group,
but demanded that Beatrice return the candle.

Walking away from the scene of the incident, Beatrice told Axl By avoiding a serious talk about whether or not Axl had prevented
that all she could think about was their son and how Axl had Beatrice from going to see their son, they are also deliberately
refused to let her go to him. Axl was astonished, believing he avoiding having to seriously consider some of the negative elements
never would have done such a thing, but Beatrice insisted that of their past that their forgetfulness has saved them from having to
it was him. Rather than talk about it further, Axl and Beatrice think about too seriously. By avoiding these serious discussions
went back to their room for the rest of the day. about the bad parts of their past, they are also trying to rewrite their
relationship in accordance with their current happiness together.

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As more people wake up around the warren, Axl notices Both Beatrice and Axl are relying on their deep internal instincts as
Beatrice starting to move. He leaves his stool to go sit on the parents to guide them towards their son, even though their minds
edge of their bed. When she Snally wakes up, Axl immediately struggle to remember him. They are choosing to put all of their faith
tells her that he thinks it’s time for them to start their journey in the power of love—speci@cally the love parents have for their
to their son’s village. Beatrice is happy, although she admits children, no matter how old they are and how long they’ve been
that sometimes she struggles to remember their son at all, and apart—to guide them to their son. Furthermore, they are trusting
nobody else in the warren remembers him either. Axl also says that their son, even if he was sent away and Axl prevented Beatrice
he has a hard time remembering their son or why he left, but from going to him, will feel the same amount of love for them and
Beatrice says she knows that their son a good man and can any past resentment will have dissipated.
“feel things about him.” Axl and Beatrice agree that their son
will be excited to see them, and the journey will only take a few
days. Although they don’t remember the way, Beatrice believes
it will come back to them once they start. The begin preparing
for the journey immediately.

Before taking off, Axl and Beatrice must get permission to take As they travel through the Great Plain, known for being a hotspot
certain things with them, like communally owned blankets and for ogres and wolves, all Axl and Beatrice worry about are the
water Tasks. Between the time it takes to gather supplies and monsters, not bandits or running into hostile armies. This
the long wait for good weather, it takes a while for them to emphasizes that the people in the land are at peace with one
begin their journey. When they do, however, they stay close another, something that is further demonstrated by the fact that
together out of fear of the monsters that inhabit the bog and they, Britons, are going to stay at a Saxon town overnight and are
forests. Beatrice leads the way because she knows how to get con@dent that they can do this without any @ghts about differences
to the nearest Saxon town. She continually calls back to Axl to in culture, religion, and lifestyle. Beatrice continually checks on Axl,
make sure he’s close behind her and hasn’t been taken by an demonstrating her concern for his well-being and fear of losing him.
ogre or other monster. Without roads to guide them, the
journey can be dangerous and the two don’t talk often because
they pay a lot of attention to their steps, making sure they don’t
twist an ankle or trip over anything.

After reaching the end of the Great Plain, Axl and Beatrice rest Axl and Beatrice maintain a @rm belief that the love they feel in this
in a safe corner and talk about meeting their son again. moment for their son will help guide them to him. Still, it is
Beatrice dreamed of their son the night before and tries to disconcerting for both of them that they do not remember his face,
describe his face, but Axl says he can’t remember their son’s which testi@es to the power the mist has of making people forget
face and assumes it is “the work of this mist” that gathers in the even the most important parts of their lives.
area and makes people forget. Still, Axl believes either he or
Beatrice will remember the details of their son’s life at some
point and Beatrice encourages him to try.

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After resting, Axl and Beatrice prepare to continue walking. The stones that Beatrice insists she and Axl carry and the fact that
Beatrice gives Axl some smooth stones to carry as a charm to they need to be very cautious while they walk around the buried
keep them safe. She also warns Axl to be careful walking giant reveals how superstitious and afraid they are of hidden
around a hill where a giant is buried and that they should not dangers in their country. Although they don’t fear other people, Axl
talk to any strangers they see walking. Axl agrees with this, and and Beatrice do fear what the country itself is hiding.
they start walking. The path is difScult and muddy from past
rain, so they stay very close to each other and keep an eye on
the sky for fear of more rain. They stop to rest by a brook one
more time, but Axl notices the sky starting to darken. He is
prepared to stay beneath a thick tree to stay dry, but Beatrice
says there’s an abandoned villa ahead that they can reach and
take shelter in before it rains. Axl agrees to go there and they
hurry on.

It starts to rain shortly before Axl and Beatrice reach the villa, The existence of this apparently “splendid” villa means that there
which “must have been splendid enough in Roman days,” but is was a time, back when the Romans lived in England, when there
now decaying and largely obscured by foliage. Axl calls in to see were a greater number of rich and powerful people who built grand
if anyone is there and they walk in believing it’s empty when he houses to show off their power and wealth. Now, however, the villa
doesn’t receive a reply. Only after walking through some ruined is in ruins and covered in plants, which means that it has been a
rooms do Axl and Beatrice arrive in a safe shelter, but they really long time since the days of these grand families. This harkens
notice a “small, bird-like old woman” holding a rabbit and a tall back to when the narrator describes how hard it would be for a
man standing as far away from the woman as he can. Looking at traveler to @nd a castle. Furthermore, this villa and its condition
his coat and shoes, Axl realizes he must be a sailor or Ssherman. brings up the question of why the Romans left and provides
The man is staring at a wall silently, but looks up when Axl and evidence of past turmoil.
Beatrice come in. Axl and Beatrice Snd a dry seat and the four
people sit silently together, listening to the rain and thunder.

Once the rain “settle[s] to a steady fall,” the old woman greets Although Axl and Beatrice struggle with remembering the past, the
Axl and Beatrice and asks where they’re going. Axl tells her fact that the boatman says he likes to remember his childhood in
they’re going to their son’s village but will seek shelter at a the villa means that he does not share the same struggle, or at least
nearby Saxon village for the night. Suddenly, the woman grabs a not to the same extent as other people. The old woman, however,
rusted knife and puts it against the rabbit’s throat. Just then, disrupts his ability to reminisce by darkening the villa (quite literally
Axl notices old bloodstains all over the Toor and asks the by covering the Aoor in blood) and making it a place of bloodshed
woman to break its neck rather than cut it open while it’s still and violence. This shows that even though the land is largely at
alive. The man turns around and asks Axl and Beatrice to hear peace, there are still serious conAicts going on.
him out. He says he’s “a humble boatman” and works hard, and
this is one of his rare spells of free time. The house they are in
used to be his family’s and he enjoys reminiscing there, but the
woman always shows up there, insults him, and kills a small
animal. The boatman asks Axl and Beatrice to convince the
woman to leave. Silence Slls the room.

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Watching the woman stroke the rabbit, Beatrice asks her not to Although the boatman had seemed innocent and as if he were an
cut open the animal and to instead let Axl help her kill it cleanly. undeserving victim of a deranged woman’s anger, the woman’s
Beatrice scolds the woman for harassing the boatman, but Axl account makes it clear that her actions are not without justi@cation.
tells her to get the woman’s side of the story before rushing to By not sharing the details of his shared past with the woman, the
judgment. The woman agrees and tells them that the boatman boatman had, in a sense, rewritten history and cast himself as a
is the reason she’s separated from her husband. The boatman faultless character. The truth, however, turns out to be far more
was supposed to take them to a mysterious island together but complicated and makes it clear that neither person is entirely right
insisted on bringing her husband Srst and promised to come or wrong in this situation. Both the amount of blood and the
back for her. Although she waited while the boatman took her accounts of both the old woman and the boatman indicate that this
husband to the island, upon returning the boatman ignored her situation has happened again and again over a number of years,
calls and pleas for him to take her there, too, as promised. The which shows how dedicated the woman is to the memory off her
boatman instead gave her a rabbit, thinking she’d like it for her lost husband and the love she has for him.
dinner. Since then, she’s brought him a rabbit each year. The
boatman insists that he was only trying to be kind by giving her
the rabbit, which he had intended for his own supper.

Beatrice tells the boatman it was cruel of him to separate the This is the @rst time that Beatrice and Axl are told what the island is
married couple, but the boatman tells her that the island they like and how to get there, and it is, therefore, the @rst time they
wanted to go to is “no ordinary one.” Even though it must be seriously begin to consider whether their love is strong enough that
heavily populated by now, those who go to the island can spend they would be allowed to go to the island together. The fact that the
all day walking around and never run into another person. The woman could have gone to the island but chose not to when she
boatman says he had been willing to bring the woman, but she knew she couldn’t go with her husband shows that her primary
no longer wanted to go once she heard that she wouldn’t be concern wasn’t just getting to the island, but also not being alone
with her husband there. The woman argues that the boatman is there. The boatman, from her perspective, was condemning her to
telling half-truths, that married couples who go together can an eternity of isolation and loneliness by not bringing her with her
stay together instead of being alone. The boatman agrees but husband.
says it’s “rare” that a couple is permitted to go there together. It
requires “an unusually strong bond of love between them” and
they don’t even have to be married. It is the boatman’s job to
decide whether or not a couple is truly bound by this kind of
love; the old woman and her husband were not, and she knows

Although the old woman is invited to argue against this point, The old woman chooses not to argue with the boatman about
she remains silent. Axl tells the woman she can walk with him whether or not she loved her husband, which reveals that she knows
and Beatrice for part of the way and talk if she likes, but that the love between her and her husband was not genuine and
she needs to leave the boatman in peace. The woman doesn’t reaf@rms that her anger is directed at the prospect of being alone
answer, but silently stands up, walks to an opening, and and not at losing a loved one. Confronted with this reality, the
releases the rabbit. She turns around and says that the woman is able to accept the truth and walk away, leaving the
“strangers” have made her lose her appetite for the moment, boatman in peace for the moment.
then steps out and walks away. The boatman thanks Axl and
Beatrice for helping him get rid of the old woman for the time

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Beatrice observes that the house must have been magniScent The boatman’s story about the villa he lived in as a child surviving
in its prime and the boatman agrees, saying that he’s just happy past wars indicates that these wars were actually pretty recent. This
it’s still standing and that it has survived past wars. As the is further proven by the fact that Axl has such a visceral reaction to
boatman talks about these wars, Axl suddenly grabs Beatrice’s hearing stories of battles and feels like he’s “remembering things,”
arm and tells her that hearing these descriptions makes it seem too; it means that Axl, too, may have had some part in the wars or
like he is “the one remembering things here.” Axl attributes this been affected by them in some way.
to foolishness, however, and Beatrice expresses her anxiety to
leave the place, so they get their stuff together and prepare to

The boatman wishes Axl and Beatrice a safe journey as they Beatrice’s decision to ask the boatman about the questions he asks
walk away, but suddenly Beatrice stops and asks the boatman if couples who want to go to the island together indicates that she
he’ll answer a question she has. Beatrice expresses curiosity herself is beginning to think of going there and is assuming that Axl
about how he determines which couples can go to the island would want to go with her. It also means she wants to be prepared
together and asks him how he questions them. The boatman to face the boatman’s questions so they can go together, which also
tells her that it’s strange that they’ve met at all because “by means she’s worried that the love between her and Axl wouldn’t be
rights” they shouldn’t have. Still, he agrees to answer her strong enough on its own without preparation.
question because they helped get the old woman to leave him

The boatman explains that he separates the couple and asks The boatman’s description of the hidden resentment and anger
them each what their most cherished memories of each other between even the seemingly happiest couples furthers the message
are, and the truth soon reveals itself. Beatrice asks if this is hard that the characters in this story need to learn to look below the
to do and the boatman says it is, but that with experience he’s surface and do some digging to arrive at the truth. This, however, is
gotten really good at quickly deciphering the truth. Where complicated by the fact that everyone struggles with memory issues
most couples “claim to be bonded by love,” boatmen recognize and can’t completely trust their own minds. This also plants the idea
“resentment, anger, even hatred. Or a great barrenness.” True in Beatrice’s mind that the love between her and Axl may be illusory,
love, according to the boatman, is rare. Beatrice thanks him for something which can only be af@rmed by getting their memories
the answer and she and Axl leave. back.

As Axl and Beatrice make their way back to the road, Beatrice Beatrice is worried that the reality of the love between her and Axl is
tells him that she’s afraid. When Axl asks why, Beatrice tells him contingent on retrieving their lost memories. Without their happy
about the time she discussed the mist that makes people memories, she worries that they won’t be able to maintain their
forget with a strange woman whose husband had also been current happiness, which indicates that, even with that happiness,
taken to the island. The woman had asked Beatrice how she she senses something beneath the surface that prevents them from
and Axl could ever get to the island if they couldn’t remember truly being bonded by the kind of love that is required to go to the
their lives together. Axl reassures Beatrice that they will be Sne island together.
because they have no plans to go to the island, but Beatrice
asks what will happen if their “love withers before [they have] a
chance even to think of going to such a place?”

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Again, Axl comforts Beatrice and assures her that their love is It’s not just Beatrice who is worried about the love between her and
very strong, but Beatrice is worried about the fact that they Axl; Axl, too, shares a sense that not everything is right between
can’t remember the details of their marriage and she worries them and that the love he feels for her and the happiness they share
that, without their memories, love will “fade and die.” Axl says is not as deep as they would like it to be. However, he also clearly
God would never let that happen, but he still feels a pang of believes that they can remember again, shown by his description of
fear. Axl tells Beatrice that their memories aren’t lost, “just their memories as simply “mislaid” and not irretrievably lost.
mislaid somewhere on account of this wretched mist” and
they’ll remember everything when they Snd their son. Beatrice
says she hopes that’s true and they prepare to continue their

The Saxon village, notes the narrator, looks more like a The heightened security at the gates of the village indicate that
traditional village: it’s made of houses and buildings, not dug there is some new tension or problems in the town and the people
into a hillside like Axl and Beatrice’s warren. Around the town is have become afraid and suspicious of outsiders. Even though there
a large fence with sharpened poles to keep creatures (and is peace, there is still this feeling among the Saxons that they need
people) from climbing over it. Looking down at it, Beatrice to protect themselves with large fences and guards, unlike the
observes that there are several soldiers guarding the gate, Britons who live in unsecured warrens.
which is different than in the past when it was just one or two
men and a couple of dogs.

Axl worries that they won’t be welcome here, but Beatrice Even more evidence of peace is shown by the fact that this Saxon
assures him that they know her because she trades there with town is being led by a Briton and Britons are also welcome to come
other women from the warren. Furthermore, the leader of the and go when they have goods to trade, which shows that Britons
town is a Briton and a friend of hers. Even still, Beatrice says and Saxons are cooperative and work together instead of trying to
that the increased security means something serious has avoid each other. Still, Axl seems to fear that, being Britons, they will
happened. Axl is prepared to Snd shelter for the night not be welcome, which reveals suspicion and tension despite
somewhere else, but Beatrice disagrees because it’s nearly apparent peace.
dark and she wants to see a medicine woman in the village
about a discomfort in her side she’s been experiencing. Axl is
worried, but Beatrice tells him it’s “nothing to worry about.”

As they approach the gate, the Saxon guards look “panicked,” so All around them in the town, there is evidence of unexplainable
Beatrice insists that she go up alone and Axl wait for her at a tension. As Britons, both Axl and Beatrice are “others” in this
distance. After checking both Beatrice and Axl out, the guards environment, which makes them vulnerable to suspicion and that
let them enter the town, which is not as orderly as it had could put them in real danger. Even Beatrice, who was con@dent
appeared from a distance. Beatrice notes that it is “eerily still” about their welcome even when she saw the guards, senses that
in the village, which is usually busy and lively. Beatrice decides something truly serious is going on by how “eerily still” the town is.
to go to the medicine woman before going to the inn. Stepping
into what appears to be a village square, they see a bonSre and
a number of people talking around it. Axl and Beatrice,
however, continue on their way to the medicine woman’s

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Beatrice Snds the medicine woman and they talk together in Saxons have a completely different language than Britons, which
the Saxon language (which Axl can’t understand) for a while highlights how different the two groups really are. Axl is able to
before the woman leads Beatrice toward her hut. Beatrice tells recognize the strange man at the center of attention as a warrior,
Axl to wait outside, so he leans against a wall and observes the which harkens back to his own sense of remembering things when
people in the square. There is “a growing restlessness” and the boatman talked about past wars and battles. This could indicate
many people are walking back and forth hurriedly. Just as he’s that Axl recognizes something in this warrior that is also applicable
about to nod off, the crowd makes a simultaneous movement to some part of his own past, possibly as a warrior himself.
and several men walk out of a nearby building. One man seems
to be the object of everyone’s attention, and Axl realizes the
man is dressed and acts like a warrior. The two men who
emerge with the warrior look nervous even though they carry

Suddenly Beatrice is next to Axl and tells him that the warrior Beatrice’s con@rmation that the strange man is indeed a Saxon
arrived shortly before they did, and that he is a Saxon from a warrior from far away brings up a new question: if the land is at
distant part of the country. Beatrice also explains that, earlier in peace, why is a mysterious warrior traveling through it? In fact, the
the day, a villager ran into the village with a hurt shoulder and a existence of a warrior at all implies the continued existence of Saxon
story about ogres attacking him, his brother, and his nephew. armies, which would mean that, even in the absence of conAict, this
The ogres killed the man’s brother and “carried off the boy, who group stands in readiness for future conAict.
was alive and struggling.” The man had come back to get backup
and return to where the ogres had been to rescue his nephew.
Unfortunately, there was a trap and three of the party were
killed before the rest were able to return to the village. Shortly
after the group returned, the warrior came into town asking for
shelter. He volunteered to help search for and rescue the boy
with the help of several more men from the village.

The medicine woman tells Beatrice that she and Axl need to go The medicine woman’s advice is more evidence that, as Britons, Axl
straight to the longhouse (an inn) and stay inside until morning and Beatrice are vulnerable to suspicion in a Saxon town. Given the
because the whole town is so tense. Before they can leave, events earlier that day involving the young boy, there is evidently a
however, the crowd starts cheering and chanting with the fear that Axl and Beatrice might @nd themselves in trouble if they
warrior and the group of men accompanying him begin to head stumble on the wrong group of people, which appears to happen
out. Once the group moves away, Beatrice asks for directions when they are suddenly surrounded while innocently walking down
to the longhouse and she and Axl start walking there. Before the street.
long, however, they are lost and Snd themselves walking along
the perimeter fence. Suddenly Axl and Beatrice hear a rush of
footsteps, and before they know it, they are surrounded by
guards. Axl panics, but Beatrice speaks in Saxon to one of them.
They hear shouting from somewhere and an elderly man
appears, scolding the guards for leaving their posts.

The elderly man, addressing Axl and Beatrice in the Briton Even though the guards clearly don’t trust Britons in general, they
language, wonders how the guards could so soon forget their trust and respect Ivor in particular. This means that, taken
duty to stay at their posts. Beatrice, addressing the man as Ivor, individually, Saxons and Britons can and do get along and any
observes that all the men are exceptionally jumpy that evening. distrust between the two groups exists in a general sense and can be
Ivor apologizes for the guards’ behavior and Beatrice asks for gotten over on an individual basis.
directions. Ivor tells her it’d be better if she and Axl stay at his
house for the night, and they agree to follow him there.

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Ivor’s house is large, comfortable, and warmed by a big Sre. Axl Ivor’s account of the forgetfulness in the village con@rms that the
unpacks his and Beatrice’s blankets as they Snd comfortable mist is affecting a much larger area than perhaps Beatrice or Axl
spots to sit. Ivor apologizes for the guards once again, and Axl had considered. Ivor also believes that there is something about
tells him he understands and appreciates the kindness Ivor is being a Briton makes him less susceptible to the mist’s ability to
showing them. Ivor notes that it’s still strange that the men make people forget, which implies that he believes he has a stronger
forgot their orders to stay at their posts and says that “such mind than the Saxons. This type of bias, if it is indicative of what
strange forgetfulness” happens all the time. Axl says it’s the most Britons think of the Saxons, could contribute to ongoing
same where he and Beatrice are coming from. Ivor thinks this is tension and suspicion between them, despite the prevalence of
interesting and wonders if it’s because he’s old or because he’s peace and cooperation.
“a Briton living here among Saxons” that he seems to remember
more than those around him. Axl notes that he and Beatrice
remember more than “the younger ones” and asks Ivor if he
knows where the mist that makes them forget comes from.
Ivor says he’s heard a lot about the mist, but before he can
share what he knows, a noise outside distracts him and he
excuses himself.

With Ivor gone, Axl and Beatrice wonder what he would have Ivor’s marriage reveals just how integrated the Saxons and Britons
said about the mist. Axl asks Beatrice if Ivor has always lived have become over time and also explains how he may have come to
with the Saxons and Beatrice tells him it’s only been since Ivor be the leader of the town. The argument between Axl and Beatrice,
married a Saxon woman, but she isn’t sure what happened to even though it is only a minor one, reveals a huge difference in what
the wife since then. Beatrice also says it would be “a Sne thing they think of the mist and the possibility of getting their memories
to know the cause of the mist.” Axl agrees, but doubts that it back. Beatrice is preoccupied with being able to remember her life
would do any good. Beatrice is upset by this and asks how he with Axl, but Axl has managed to put it largely out of his mind,
can speak “so lightly of it” when it could make “such a which could indicate that he is already unsure that getting their
difference” to them. Axl apologizes and says he was thinking memories back would actually be a good thing.
about the men who went out in search of the kidnapped boy.
Beatrice, still upset and believing he’s speaking too “harshly,”
tells him there’s no need to snap at her. Axl apologizes again
and says they’ll talk to Ivor about the mist before they leave.

Axl asks Beatrice if she received an answer from the medicine Even though they just had an argument, Axl’s primary concern is
woman about her pains. Beatrice tells him that the medicine Beatrice’s health, shown by his questions about what the medicine
woman told her the discomfort was a normal part of aging. Axl woman said and his insistence on going to see Jonus even though
says he knew there was no reason to worry, but Beatrice the climb up the mountain will be dif@cult and exhausting for him.
reminds him that he had insisted on her seeing the medicine Although neither of them have said it openly, it is clear that both Axl
woman that night. Beatrice tells him that the medicine woman and Beatrice are concerned that Beatrice’s pain might be more
mentioned a wise monk named Jonus in a monastery nearby serious than she is willing to admit.
who helps a lot of people from the village. Axl says they may as
well go visit Jonus even though Beatrice says the trail will be
hard to climb up. Axl insists on at least thinking about going
there and then sees Ivor coming back.

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Ivor comes back into the house and says that a “young fool” Axl’s surprise that Querig is still roaming the mountains near the
thought he saw a “Send” come over the fence, but it turned out monastery reveals that he has some kind of long-term memory
to be just a dream—the man had fallen asleep at his post. Ivor associated with the dragon, as does everyone else. Querig, it would
tells Axl and Beatrice that they’ll have to sleep in the main room seem, is perceived as being a greater threat to everyone in the
while he sleeps in an inner room. Axl thanks him again for giving country than anything else, but her extended absence and Ivor’s
them such a comfortable space in which to stay the night. Ivor lack of belief in the accounts of recent attacks casts doubt on the
asks where they are traveling and Axl tells him about their plan idea that she is actually alive and/or able to do anyone any real
to Snd their son’s village and to take a detour to meet Father physical harm.
Jonus. Ivor observes that the path to the monastery is in
“Querig country,” which somewhat startles Axl and prompts
him to ask if the “she-dragon” is still feared there. Ivor says that
there are accounts of her attacking travelers but he thinks that
it may actually be wild animals or bandits doing this.

Ivor says that he thinks the real danger associated with Querig Ivor’s story of the old knight and his relation to King Arthur places
“comes less from her own actions than from the fact of her the story after King Arthur’s death. This knight, however, is still alive,
continuing presence.” Ivor believes a “dark force” surrounds which con@rms that the wars between Saxons and Britons, in which
Querig and draws evil toward her, and he thinks it is “a disgrace King Arthur is known to have played an important role as leader of
she remains unslain all these years.” Beatrice asks Ivor who the Britons, took place in the not too distant past. This would mean
would be brave enough to face Querig and Ivor tells her there’s that Axl was alive at the time and his memories that were aroused
an old knight from the days of King Arthur who says his plan is by the sight of the Saxon warrior and the boatman’s stories of war,
to slay the dragon, but he doubts that “the old fool” has ever which indicates he may have taken part in these wars as soldier.
given Querig “a single moment of anxiety.” Ivor tells Beatrice
and Axl to press on to the monastery, but to be careful.

Ivor starts going toward his bedroom, but Beatrice sits up and Ivor’s opinion that the mist is the result of God’s desire to forget the
stops him, asking him to Snish what he had been saying earlier past is a way of denying the past’s reality. If it was God who made
about the mist. Ivor says that a strange Saxon had come everyone forget, then it would be akin to him giving both Saxons and
through the year before and was really interested in why the Britons a clean slate from which they could build more peaceful
people in the village were being affected by the mist. The relations, but this, it would seem, could only happen by making
stranger theorized, and Ivor has begun to agree, that “God everyone forget. However, this forgetting also means people forget
himself had forgotten much from our pasts, events far distant, the good parts of their pasts, which is why Beatrice is appalled that
events of the same day,” and that if God forgot these things God would do that to them.
then human beings stood no chance of remembering them
either. Beatrice asks Ivor if God would really forget everything,
but Ivor doesn’t know how to answer. Instead, he excuses
himself for bed.

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Axl is suddenly shaken awake by Beatrice in the middle of the The sight of the warrior covered in blood and holding the severed
night. There are noises outside, and Ivor tells them to hope for arm of a large monster, presumably an ogre, is an alarming sight,
good news as he rushes out the door. Beatrice tells Axl to get particularly because this is a town that has only known peace for a
out of bed so they can go see what’s happened. Still “bleary long time. The warrior’s calmness implies that he has seen some
with sleep,” Axl takes Beatrice’s arm and they walk out toward kind of combat before and is unbothered by violence and bloodshed,
the town square with the villagers. The bonSre is burning but also begs the question of how he experienced these things in
Sercely, but just beyond it, Axl spots the warrior, who appears what is supposed to a peaceful land.
calm even though he has specks of blood all over his face,
standing there. As the crowd closes in, the warrior begins
talking, although Axl can’t understand what he says. The crowd
reacts as he makes gestures and tells a story. To his horror, Axl
sees the warrior lift up the severed arm of a large creature and
then toss it on the ground. The warrior continues talking and
Beatrice tells Axl that the warrior has killed both monsters and
points out the rescued child, who is sitting on a stone staring at
the warrior and surrounded by women who are cleaning his

Looking at the boy, Axl feels not happiness, but a “vague If Axl is right and the boy was being forgotten by his family and the
unease” that he attributes to the “odd manner of the boy rest of the village, then this could explain why they’re acting
himself.” However, Axl soon realizes that what’s really odd is suspicious of him now that he’s returned. Once again, despite peace,
how the boy is being treated: “there [is] a reserve, almost a Beatrice and Axl worry that if violence breaks out, they will be
coldness” rather than jubilation. This reminds Axl of Marta and targeted because they are two of only three Britons in a well-
he wonders if the boy was being forgotten when he was protected Saxon town.
suddenly found. Beatrice has trouble understanding what’s
being said as the crowd grows louder, but suddenly Ivor
appears next to the warrior and tries to say something. The
crowd starts shouting and Beatrice tells Axl they should go
back to Ivor’s house. Axl asks her what was being said, but
Beatrice is unsure and says there’s an argument over the boy
and that they will Snd out more in the morning.

Axl wakes up the next morning just as the sun starts lighting up The “trace of sadness” Axl experiences is yet another indication that
the room. He is “in good spirits” because he woke up with a there is something wrong between him and Beatrice, but it’s buried
“pleasant memory drifting through his head.” Looking at under the surface and Axl is actively trying to bury it further, not
Beatrice, Axl feels a rush of “tender joy,” but he is unsettled wanting to remember the reality. The return to daily life after such
when, unexpectedly, there is also “a trace of sadness.” Axl hears violence just the night before could be another sign of the power of
noises outside, but they seem to be the regular noises of daily the mist to make people forget, although it’s clear that some people,
life in a village. He realizes they’ve slept in later than he including Axl and Beatrice, remember something of what happened.
planned, so he opens a door, letting the sunlight in to wake
Beatrice up. Beatrice also realizes it’s late in the morning but is
comforted by sounds outside that indicate life is going on as
usual after the events of the night before.

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Axl and Beatrice quickly get dressed and pack up their Wistan speaks both the Briton and Saxon languages Auently, which
belongings before heading outside to Snd something to eat. means that he has spent a lot of time in both groups and cultures
The town is bustling with life as they walk into the street and and would have an elevated understanding of their relationship,
spot Ivor talking with the warrior. Spotting them, Ivor tells differences, and perhaps take a unique view of the peace that exists
them he tried not to wake them up too early and offers to bring between the two groups. Wistan staring at Axl in fascination implies
them to the longhouse for breakfast. He also introduces the that he recognizes Axl from somewhere, but this memory would
warrior as Master Wistan and tells them that Wistan speaks likely be something locked away in his long-term memory, which has
the Briton language with ease. Axl greets Wistan and tells him been shown as particularly vulnerable to the mist’s inAuence.
it’s an honor to meet such a brave man. As Wistan thanks him
and commends his comrades from the night before, he stares
intently at Axl, “as though some mark on the latter’s face
greatly fascinate[s] him.”

Axl tells Wistan that he speaks “our language” very well. As someone who spent much of his life with both Britons and
Wistan, catching himself staring, tells Axl that although Wistan Saxons, Wistan brings with him the best of both worlds. This is
is a Saxon, he lived among Britons for many years. Axl also shown by his adoption of the Briton way of carrying his sword.
notes that Wistan wears his sword like a Briton and not a Wistan says he was trained by the Britons, but this once again
Saxon, which Wistan laughingly conSrms, explaining that he brings up the question of why he is being trained as a soldier in
had been very well trained by a Briton. Wistan, observing that addition to why he, a Saxon, was being trained by a Briton. Wistan’s
Axl is not from the village, asks Axl where he comes from. Axl questions about where Axl is from con@rm that he recognizes Axl
describes the warren, but Wistan asks again if he’s not from from somewhere long ago, but he can’t quite remember where or
some place further west. Axl denies this and Wistan apologizes, how and hopes to remember more details about it if Axl can verify
saying he Snds himself “seeing everywhere shadows of half- where they would have met.
remembered faces” before asking Axl where they’re going. Axl
explains their journey and decision to go to the monastery. Ivor
tells Wistan he needs to bring Axl and Beatrice to the
longhouse for breakfast, and they leave.

Ivor, Axl, and Beatrice reach the longhouse and Ivor shows Ivor con@rms his belief that, as a Briton, he is somehow superior to
them in. Beatrice asks Ivor what happened the night before and the Saxons, who are plagued by what he sees as nonsense
he shares that some women found a small wound that looked superstitions that limit their ability to think intelligently because
like a bite on the boy, whose name is Edwin, and wanted to they “will not look beyond” them. Furthermore, his choice of words
have him killed. Ivor locked the boy in a barn to keep him safe. (that they will not look instead of cannot) implies that he believes
Beatrice asks how this could happen and Ivor explains that that Saxons are willfully living in ignorance and choosing not to be
“pagans will not look beyond their superstitions”—they think reasonable, presumably by adopting the beliefs of Britons.
the boy will be transformed by the bite. Ivor has asked Wistan
to take the boy with him and leave him at a village of Britons
where he’ll be safe, and Wistan has agreed to think this plan
over. Before leaving them to eat breakfast, Ivor asks them to
come say goodbye before leaving and then walks back into the
town square.

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As they eat, Beatrice asks Axl if he thinks there was anything to Beatrice’s opinion that human beings in England have done
what Ivor said about the mist the night before. Axl says he something unbelievably terrible in the recent past and that God has
doesn’t know what to think and Beatrice tells him that she grown ashamed of them indicates that she herself believes some
thinks God is angry and ashamed about something they did in major sin has been committed, although she struggles to imagine
the past and is wishing for them all to forget it. Axl asks what what that sin might have been. The disagreement Axl and Beatrice
they could have done, but Beatrice doesn’t know what it might have over what was supposed to be an innocent and happy memory
have been. Axl tells her that maybe the wise monk they are is alarming because it reveals that, even though they are happy
going to see will have an answer and he shares with Beatrice a together now, they can’t agree about the happiness they might have
happy memory he woke up with: walking arm in arm with her shared in the past, which, as Beatrice knows, would be a problem if
when they were young. Beatrice, trying to remember, says that they had to answer the boatman’s questions.
Axl had gotten jealous over something a drunken man said to
her that day, but Axl disagrees with this. Even though they
disagree about the memory, Beatrice asserts that it’s a
wonderful thing to remember anything, and they continue

Walking back to Ivor’s house, Beatrice and Axl spot Wistan Wistan once again drops a hint that he recognizes Axl from
sitting on a lookout platform. All three are leaving shortly, but somewhere by stating that just being in the country there is calling
Wistan asks Axl to come up to him to talk for a moment. back to his mind a number of memories from the distant past. It is
Beatrice tells Axl to go while she prepares for their departure. another testament to the general amiability between Britons and
Up in the lookout post, Axl and Wistan admire the view of the Saxons that Wistan is so con@dent Edwin, an injured Saxon boy who
countryside, which Wistan says stirs up strange feelings and presumably does not speak the language of Britons, will be treated
memories in him. Wistan then tells Axl about Edwin’s plight, well and welcomed into a Briton village.
saying that he wants to bring the boy to a village of Britons
where Edwin will be safe. Wistan asks Axl if he would consider
taking the boy to a Briton village himself, although Wistan will
also accompany them for a while on the road, and Axl says
they’ll be happy to help and can bring the boy to their son’s
village. Axl and Wistan decide they should leave soon.

Edwin sits at the top of a tree, admiring the view of his village. Edwin, it seems, remembers a number of things from his past,
The old woman is telling him not to climb any further, but the namely his friendship with an elderly man in his village. Although he
warrior had told him to keep watch from a height. From this has undoubtedly been introduced to Beatrice, Axl, and Wistan by
vantage point, Edwin can see three soldiers guarding a bridge name, he doesn’t refer to them by name, instead putting a distance
and arguing with a rider. The tree Edwin is in reminds him of between himself and them by referring to their age and professions
Steffa, an elderly man who had been crippled but had the spirit when describing them, even to himself.
of a warrior. Steffa had seen the same spirit in Edwin and
predicted that someday he’d “become one to fear.”

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Edwin thinks back to the events leading up to his departure Edwin hears his mother’s voice while he is locked in the barn, which
from the village. His aunt, who cared for him since his mother means that he still feels a lot of love for her even though it’s been
left, had cursed him, and Elder Ivor was forced to drag him years since she left. His aunt found it easy to curse him and was
away and push him inside a barn for his own safety. In the barn, happy enough to send him away, which could mean that they were
Edwin listened to the others throw rocks at the building. For never particularly close. The voice of Edwin’s mother told him to call
hours Edwin had turned a wheel in the barn, hallucinating his to Wistan, which prompts him to see Wistan as his primary
mother’s voice. Just as he felt that he was about to collapse protector and the one he now owes the most loyalty to after his
with exhaustion, Edwin’s mother’s voice told him to call for the aunt cursed him earlier.
warrior. A short time later, Wistan opened the barn doors and
examined Edwin’s injury, which Wistan had made him promise
not to talk about with the villagers. Wistan told him not to
scratch the bite and to keep it clean, which Edwin agreed to.

Edwin momentarily forgot how he received the wound, but Although Edwin seems to have maintained many of his long-term
after leaving the village he remembers being back in the cage memories, including those of Steffa and his mother, it’s clear that he
he had been trapped in by the ogres. They had tormented him has trouble with short term memories because he somehow forgot
with a “vicious little creature” by allowing it into the cage to how he was injured, which is notable because his abduction was
attack him periodically, and during the Snal attack the creature clearly violent and traumatic. Edwin sees leaving with Wistan as an
had bitten him. The bite doesn’t hurt, but it scared the people in opportunity to live up to what he believes his potential is as a
his village so badly that he had to leave with the warrior. Edwin warrior. Just as Axl and Beatrice believe the love they have for their
remembers Steffa’s prediction that he’d Snd someone to train son will guide them to him, Edwin believes the love he has for his
him to be a warrior one day and he rejoices that, by leaving with mother will guide him to her.
Wistan, it seems to be coming true. Edwin looks back down at
the old Britons and Wistan and wonders why they’re traveling
together. He looks back to the soldiers on the bridge and
realizes Wistan wanted to avoid them, which is why they
weren’t on the main road. However, there will be no way
around them if Edwin and Wistan want to go forward. Edwin
hopes that he will Snd his mother on their journey.

After a long hike upwards, Axl, Beatrice, Wistan, and Edwin Wistan’s plan to act like “a mute and a half-wit” rather than risk
realized they would have to Snd a bridge to cross a large river. appearing able-bodied and mentally stable in front of Briton
However, the bridge was guarded by a group of soldiers, and soldiers shows that he, at least, doesn’t trust that existing peace
even though they waited in the trees for a long time, the men means he won’t be stopped and ill-treated by Lord Brennus’ soldiers.
didn’t leave. Realizing the soldiers belong to Lord Brennus (a This is also the @rst clue that Wistan has something to hide and
Briton) and aren’t about to leave their post, Wistan suggests could be lying about his intent in traveling through the country.
that he will keep his “jaw slack like a fool’s” and leave the talking
to Axl and Beatrice, who will say that Wistan is “a mute and a
half-wit,” that Edwin is his brother, and that they have been
given to Axl and Beatrice to pay a debt. Beatrice asks if this is
necessary and Wistan says it is merely a precaution.

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Although they’re not wearing chainmail, it is obvious that the Axl relates to the grey-haired soldier’s evident desire to tell the other
three men are trained soldiers, and one of them, the grey- two soldiers not to be needlessly cruel, particularly because Wistan
haired soldier, is apparently in charge. Walking up to them, Axl appears to be mentally ill. This shows that Axl himself is not a
bids them good day and asks if they can cross the bridge, willfully cruel person and is predisposed to kindness and
assuring them that they are “simple farmers” going to their understanding rather than bravado. Axl’s sense that he’s been in a
son’s village. One of the soldiers asks Axl who the two boys position similar to that of the grey-haired soldier also indicates that
traveling with them are and Axl explains that they are brothers he remembers a time when he would have been the one in charge,
and will be trained to help them on the farm. The grey-haired but unable to exercise complete authority over those under him.
soldier watches as Edwin holds their horse and Wistan giggles
manically to himself. Axl notes that the grey-haired soldier
seems ready to reprimand the two other soldiers for harassing
Wistan, which reminds him of something he may have done
himself once.

Axl comments that the soldiers must be busy and again tells Beatrice reminds the grey-haired soldier of his own mother, which
them that he and his group just want to cross the bridge in causes him to be much kinder and gentler to the whole group. The
peace. Tension is thick in the air when the grey-haired soldier soldier’s ability to relate to Beatrice because of the love she
Snally comes over and tells them that there are some broken evidently has for her son, which is similar to the love the soldier has
planks on the bridge and says they might be there to warn for his mother, is enough to do away with the suspicion that all of
travelers of the risk. The grey-haired soldier asks Axl if they’ve the soldiers clearly felt. This shows that while suspicion existed, it
seen any strangers, but Beatrice is the one who answers in the was something easily gotten over once two people could @nd
negative. The grey-haired soldier’s look softens as Beatrice common ground.
tells him they are going to visit their son. He tells her that he
hasn’t seen his own parents in a long time before allowing her
and the others to go “in peace.” His fellow soldiers hesitate but
let them pass.

Once out of sight of the soldiers, Wistan drops his act and Even though they now travel with two more people, Beatrice and
suggests they take a shortcut to avoid the main road. As they Axl stand apart because of their relationship and age. The fact that
hike, Beatrice calls back to Axl from time to time to make sure Beatrice associates her pain with having their candle taken away
he’s still there. They wonder if the people back at their warren validates Axl’s desire to get her away from the warren. Clearly the
miss them, although Beatrice insists it was wrong of the people social environment there was worse for her than she had let on at
to take their candle away, and she believes the darkness is what the time.
caused the pain in her side. Axl reassures Beatrice that her pain
is “nothing more than a tiny trouble,” but promises that he’ll ask
for a candle when they return.

When they emerge from the forest back onto the main road, Although Wistan remains suspicious enough to want to pretend to
Wistan realizes that there is a rider somewhere ahead of them. be weaker than he is, the stranger is clearly very trusting and truly
Standing in the road, the group sees a man wearing armor and believes that no matter who these people are, he will surely be safe
sitting against a tree next to a horse. The man calls out and with them. The stranger has more con@dence in the peace between
demands that the group tell him who they are. Wistan tells Axl Saxons and Britons, giving him no reason to be as suspicious as
to do the talking, so Axl calls back that they’re “simple Wistan, Beatrice, and Axl clearly are.
wayfarers” who “wish only to go by in peace” with their horse, a
young boy, and “a half-wit mute.” The man tells them to come
and rest next to him and he’ll share his bread. Beatrice asks if
they should accept the invitation and Wistan says they should,
so they go forward after establishing that Edwin will keep the
horse nearby, Wistan will resume acting like a mute, and
Wistan’s sword will be kept well-hidden.

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Seeing their hesitation, the man calls out that he’s a knight, but The knight serves the now deceased King Arthur, which is further
only carries his sword and armor “out of duty” to King Arthur, proof that the wars between Saxons and Britons occurred only a
who died many years before. As they get closer, Axl notes that few short years before the current day. The knight’s willingness to
the knight is, in fact, very old and that his armor is rusted and own that he was part of King Arthur’s army (made up of Britons) so
creaky. The knight says that his horse, Horace, tricked him into close to a Saxon village means that he expects all those in the
stopping to rest and eat. He invites Axl and the others to share country to share his respect for Arthur and is not worried about any
some fresh bread. Axl and Beatrice sit next to the knight, but lingering anger. It’s also clear that the knight is very familiar with the
Wistan and Edwin stay at a distance with the horse. The knight area, which is near where Querig is said to live, because he knows
asks where they are going, so Beatrice tells him about going to the monks enough to be able to reassure Beatrice that they’ll all be
Snd their son’s village and their intention to stop at the welcomed there.
monastery. The knight tells them he’s sure the monks will
welcome them.

Wistan suddenly walks up, drops his act, and apologizes for Even though he is a Saxon, Wistan seems to know that he is safe
having pretended to be a mute before introducing himself and around a knight of King Arthur, which seems to con@rm Sir Gawain’s
telling the knight that he is on a mission for his king. The knight feelings that Arthur is universally respected and liked. Because King
observes that Wistan is far from home. Wistan agrees with this Arthur is Sir Gawain’s uncle, it means that Arthur’s reputation
and then hazards a guess that the knight is none other than Sir reAects directly on his own and that of his family, which makes Sir
Gawain. The knight conSrms that he is, and that King Arthur Gawain even more anxious to see that Arthur is considered a
had been his uncle. Wistan tells Sir Gawain that even though positive @gure in English history.
he’s a Saxon, he holds King Arthur in high esteem.

Having become friendly with each other, Wistan asks Sir Wistan expects that Sir Gawain will be able to remember who Axl
Gawain to look at Axl, who is about as old as Sir Gawain, and tell was once upon a time, which is another indication that Axl had been
him if he’s seen Axl before somewhere. Beatrice is surprised, part of the army led by King Arthur. Sir Gawain evidently does
and Axl asks how Wistan thinks he recognizes him. Instead of remember Axl, and Axl senses that this is so, but he is also anxious
answering, Wistan says they should let Sir Gawain do as he to convince Beatrice that this can’t be possible and that a mistake
asked. Sir Gawain, thinking it’s a game, turns and looks. As he has been made. This shows that there are other things Axl is worried
looks at Axl, however, Sir Gawain is evidently surprised and Axl Beatrice might learn about their past that would challenge her love
looks away. Sir Gawain says he’s never seen Axl before, and for him. Wistan’s assertion that he associates Axl’s face with good
Beatrice asks Wistan what he’s looking for in Axl. Wistan says memories is comforting to all of them, including Axl, who is still not
Axl’s face reminds him of someone from the past, but he can’t entirely sure of what role he might have played as a soldier.
remember whom. Axl tells Beatrice not to worry, that Wistan
has just made a mistake. Still, Beatrice wants to know if Axl’s
face brings Wistan good or bad memories, so Wistan tells her
that he thinks they’re good memories but can’t remember.

Axl asks Wistan why he insists on using a disguise even though Wistan con@rms that there is still a predisposition for violence and a
the country has been at peace for years. Wistan says that the deep lack of trust between Saxons and Britons when he says that he
question is a fair one and explains that he doesn’t want to get was sent to check on the state of Briton-Saxon relations.
into a Sght with Lord Brennus or his soldiers on account of Presumably, if Saxons are being mistreated then the Saxon king will
being a Saxon in Briton-ruled territory. Furthermore, Wistan send armies to defend them, bringing war back to England.
has been asked by his king to look into rumors about Saxons
being ill-treated by Britons in the area. Sir Gawain says he
understands Wistan’s situation perfectly, having traveled in
Saxon-ruled land himself.

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Wistan asks Sir Gawain if he receives the same respect as a Wistan says Arthur was once a “dreaded enemy,” which is a direct
knight of King Arthur in areas where Arthur “was once such a challenge to the image of a wise and just leader that Sir Gawain
dreaded enemy.” Sir Gawain assures him that Arthur’s name is a encourages. Wistan’s awareness of this previous perception of
well-respected one everywhere he’s gone because he had been Arthur means that nothing about Arthur’s history is as simple as
so generous even after defeating the Saxons. As they talk about Gawain makes it out to be. As Wistan and Gawain discuss Arthur
Arthur, Axl discovers a “fragment of a memory” of himself being and his legacy, Axl receives a clearer memory of battle and being
in a tent near and battleSeld and feeling very angry about angry. The timing of this memory suggests that Axl’s anger had
something. something to do with Arthur.

Beatrice tells Wistan that there are several Saxon families in Beatrice’s anxiety to convince Wistan that Britons and Saxons get
their own village and he points out the prosperity of the Saxons along shows that she understands how dangerous things can get if
in the town they lately left. Sir Gawain also assures Wistan that, Wistan decides Saxons are being mistreated. Sir Gawain’s
although there are wars in other places, Saxons and Britons explanations, however, seem inadequate. He fails to account for the
have “long been friends and kin” in this country. Wistan agrees fact that, as Wistan says, women and children were slaughtered
and says he’ll be happy to tell his king as much. Wistan also asks during war and it is highly unbelievable that entire Saxon villages
Sir Gawain how King Arthur brought peace to the land. Sir that had been threatened and even plundered by Arthur’s armies
Gawain says that the people who were conquered by Arthur would simply accept him as a leader because he was generous.
simply “saw his fairness and wished him as their king.” Wistan Wistan is of this same opinion, which is why he continues to
Snds this hard to believe after so many Saxon children were challenge what Gawain is saying. Gawain is choosing to share the
slaughtered, but Gawain tells him that Arthur had always image of Arthur that he wants people to remember but refusing to
ordered them not to touch innocent women or children. Still, admit any of Arthur’s faults or mistakes, thus endowing him with a
Wistan says that the peace there is “remarkable” and wants to much better reputation that he would otherwise have.
know if Axl agrees.

Just then the group notices Edwin calling to them from the The appearance of the grey-haired soldier and Wistan’s immediate
road and then they hear hooves approaching. The grey-haired reaction to resume acting like a mute is a stark reminder of the
soldier from the bridge appears and greets Sir Gawain. Wistan danger of letting one’s guard down in the country at the time. The
resumes acting like a mute and Edwin stealthily moves closer, event also highlights that nobody is truly safe from the mysterious
but the grey-haired soldier tells him not to come any closer, mist that makes people forget, as shown by the fact that the soldier
telling Sir Gawain he wants to question Axl and the others. Axl had forgotten the one assignment he had been given by his
watches the soldier adjust his position, which makes it commander.
impossible for Wistan to rush at him without being killed. Axl
and Beatrice stand up and then help Sir Gawain up. Axl asks the
soldier if he’s forgotten quizzing them not long before. The
soldier says he does remember them, but at the time had
forgotten his duty, only rushing after them once he
remembered that he was looking for a Saxon warrior and a
young boy.

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Axl explains to the grey-haired soldier that he doesn’t think the Sir Gawain grows just as angry with the grey-haired soldier as the
Saxons he’s traveling with are the ones the soldier is looking out same soldier grew with his own men when they harassed Wistan,
for because they were given to Axl to pay off a debt. The soldier which had reminded Axl of similar feelings he had experienced once.
asks Sir Gawain what he knows about them and Sir Gawain This shows that all three men are keenly aware of the importance of
conSrms that they are “simple creatures.” Even when the being just, but also shows that they struggle to stand up for people
soldier raises his sword to Wistan, he doesn’t break character who are being wronged when those in the wrong are doing what
and continues to act like a mute. Sir Gawain grows angry at the they’re told to. This calls into question exactly how much wrong they
soldier, but the soldier insists on inspecting Edwin to see if he is would allow to happen on their watch in the name of following
the same boy he’s looking for. The soldier is distracted just long orders, even if they know those orders are unjust or inhumane.
enough for Wistan to call his horse and grab his sword.
Preparing for a duel, the soldier begs Sir Gawain to help, but he

The grey-haired soldier tells Sir Gawain that Wistan is here to The grey-haired soldier seems to know that Sir Gawain would be
slay Querig, which alarms Sir Gawain. Wistan conSrms that this alarmed by the news that Wistan means to kill Querig, but Sir
is part of his mission but says he doesn’t see why anyone would Gawain’s insistence that he be the one to do it just because Arthur
be against it. Sir Gawain explains that King Arthur had told him to seems rather inadequate. This implies that there is a
entrusted the slaying of the dragon to Sir Gawain himself, and different, secret reason for Sir Gawain’s alarm. More importantly,
he doesn’t want help doing it. He tries to talk Wistan out of the soldier is obviously trying to justify the use of violence against
pursuing the dragon. The soldier continues asking for help, but Wistan and knows that Sir Gawain will not stop him because,
Sir Gawain continues to refuse. Beatrice asks Wistan if he can’t secretly, Gawain will want him to win, thus ensuring Querig’s safety
just disarm the soldier and send him away, but Wistan predicts from Wistan.
and the soldier conSrms that he would just go to Lord Brennus
for backup. This established, the soldier is forced to face
Wistan alone and is quickly killed in a duel.

Turning away from the dead soldier, Wistan tells Sir Gawain It would seem both Lord Brennus and the Saxon king are prepared
that the Saxon king has also received word that Lord Brennus for war to break out despite the peaceful relationship between most
wants to wage war and take the land in which they’re traveling. Saxons and Britons. This indicates that, for a select few at least, the
Furthermore, he reveals that they have received word that wars from the past are not entirely over; their mutual preparedness
Lord Brennus has a man who can tame dragons with him, and to do battle together means this period of peace is doomed to end in
he intends to tame Querig and use her in battle. Wistan’s the near future. And, as is soon discovered, whether Querig lives or
mission is to kill the dragon before she can be taken by Lord dies is one of the most important determining factors in how soon
Brennus. Sir Gawain is surprised but believes Wistan’s words. violence breaks out across the country again, hence Sir Gawain
Sir Gawain then says he will help bury the soldier’s body and (who loves peace) is anxious to convince Wistan to let Querig live.
then return the soldier’s horse to Lord Brennus and say he was
attacked by bandits. He also begs Wistan to return to his
homeland and leave Querig to be slain by himself.

Although he’s exhausted, Axl has a difScult time sleeping Wistan is cutting wood even though he was told not to, which
because their bed is in an upper story and he’s never been able means he has an ulterior motive for wanting to be outside in the
to sleep so high up. Axl thinks his sleeplessness might also be courtyard even in the middle of the night. The warning to Wistan
due to the strange sounds in the monastery, although Beatrice also shows that there is some kind of suspicion attached to him and
fell asleep quickly in spite of them. Edwin, too, is asleep, but by cutting wood he is drawing a dangerous amount of attention to
Wistan waited until the monks retired to bed and then snuck himself.
out to explore and, even though he was warned not to, cut
more wood. Although he hasn’t heard their voices in a long
time, Axl believes there are dozens of monks listening to
Wistan just below the window.

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Earlier that day, Axl looked out at the monks and noticed “a The “furtive mood” in the monastery shows that the monks are ill at
furtive mood among them” as they whispered to one another ease with the arrival of Wistan, Axl, Beatrice, and Edwin. This
and looked impatiently at one of the stone buildings. Another implies that the monks know something about the group and are
monk, Father Brian, brought up a tray of food for Axl and suspicious, but are also anxious to avoid that being noticed, further
Beatrice while Wistan and Edwin were out exploring the implying that something is not right and the group could be in
monastery. While Axl and Beatrice eat, Father Brian talks about danger.
other visitors, Sshing in a nearby stream, and a dog they had
cared for once. All the while a group of birds inside the building
Tew back and forth above them until another monk came
running up to scream at the birds, trying to chase them out and
throwing rocks until Father Brian convinced him to leave.

Once the monk who yelled at the birds was gone, Beatrice Although he is not directly saying no, Father Brian is knowingly
asked Father Brian if she could meet with Father Jonus to ask making a false promise to Beatrice that he will get her an interview
his advice soon. Father Brian told her that Father Jonus was with Father Jonus. His promise to talk to the abbot falls through
unwell and that there were orders from the abbot not to let immediately.
anyone disturb him, although he promised to ask the abbot to
make an exception for her as soon as he could. Beatrice spotted
the abbot returning and pointed him out to Father Brian, who
promised to talk to him that day if he could.

Listening to Wistan chop wood, Axl thinks back to their parting Sir Gawain’s eagerness to make Wistan promise not to kill Querig
from Sir Gawain, who had attempted up until the last moment and “intense hostility” when Wistan refuses to make that promise
to make Wistan promise not to try to kill Querig and instead con@rms that there is a lot of distrust, suspicion, and even hatred on
speed home immediately after bringing Axl and Beatrice to the Sir Gawain’s part. Furthermore, Gawain feels threatened by Wistan,
monastery. Wistan refused to give Sir Gawain this promise. as shown by his desire to exact the promise not to kill Querig.
Afterward, Sir Gawain looked at Wistan “with intense hostility.”

Lying in the dark in the monastery, Axl feels sorry for the grey- As more of Axl’s long-term memories come back to him, it becomes
haired soldier and suddenly remembers being on horseback clearer that he had been a soldier under King Arthur, but that he
behind a man named Harvey, whose entire posture “announced had not entirely @t in. He sees his companion, Harvey, as a burden
malevolence” toward a group of people heading their way. because of his violence, which shows that Axl himself was not
Knowing the “savagery” of his companion, Axl carefully brought violent and preferred peace to war. This would also mean that Axl
his horse up next to Harvey’s, thus coming between him and got very little pleasure from being a knight, but his concern for the
the people trying to pass safely. Harvey, not realizing Axl’s real safety of the shepherds shows that he may have been better suited
purpose, simply nodded to him. Axl had been “especially to politics or diplomacy.
anxious” for these travelers because not long before he had
seen Harvey suddenly start beating innocent villagers. Axl was
angry at whoever had “handicapped him with such a
companion,” but he had no choice but to press on.

Axl also remembers talking with Beatrice, who was much Axl’s memory of Beatrice shows that they had once been very
younger then, about whether or not a plant they had found was playful together. This differs from their current attitude toward one
rosemary or a weed that brought bad luck to maidens. Beatrice another; now they are serious, gentle, and careful with one another
had called him off the road to ask him if he could recognize the even though, at one point, Axl had been comfortable teasing her.
plant, but he believed it was just a weed and teased Beatrice for
thinking so much about its potential for bad luck. Axl wonders if
this was the Srst time the two of them had talked, or if she had
known him already.

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Axl hears Wistan resume cutting wood and wonders why the Wistan con@rms that he is suspicious of the monks and what is
warrior is so intent on working so late at night, especially after going on in the monastery. Wistan wants to explore the area, which
Father Jonus told him not to do it anymore. Axl had believed could also mean that he wants to be sure of being able to @nd an
that the woodcutting was just out of courtesy, but Wistan exit when they need one, which reveals that his suspicion is that
explained to him that the view from the woodshed allowed him someone might come looking for him in the monastery.
to keep an eye on everything going on in the monastery.
Furthermore, delivering wood where it is needed gives Wistan
further opportunities to explore the area.

Axl leaves Beatrice dozing in their room to talk to Wistan in the The secret space in the stable implies that there are a number of
courtyard while the monks are away in a meeting. Axl asks secretive things that happen in the monastery at all times, not just
Wistan if he’s suspicious of the monks. Wistan says that he now that Wistan and the others are there. This casts suspicion on all
wants nothing more than to sleep, but now that they’re in the of the monks themselves and whether they are really there out of
monastery, he can’t shake the idea that it “holds dangers” for faith or if they have some other motive and are using their status as
them. In explanation, Wistan tells Axl that when brought his monks to deAect suspicion from outsiders. Unlike Wistan, Axl is
horse to the stables, he heard the sounds of another horse predisposed to give the monks the bene@t of the doubt, which is a
behind a wall but couldn’t Snd access to it. He had asked testament to how much of a trusting person he is.
another monk, but that monk said they didn’t keep any horses.
Wistan says this leads him to believe that another person has
arrived, and that the monks are trying to hide this fact from
them. Axl points out that Father Brian mentioned an important
visitor was due to arrive, and Wistan agrees that this may be
the explanation but says that he sent Edwin to explore some
more just in case.

Wistan tells Axl that Edwin came to him earlier to report that Wistan is evidently familiar with Saxon military history and
he had heard moans “as of a man in pain” coming from a nearby traditions because he is able to recognize details that indicate traps
shelter, and had noticed blood, both fresh and old, by a locked and imply some sort of past violence. By turning the fortress into a
chamber. Axl tells him that it may be that a monk fell down the monastery, the monks are trying to cover up the truth. Between this
narrow stairway, which Wistan agrees might be the case. Still, and evidence that the monks are on edge and hiding something,
Wistan wishes he had his sword nearby and mentions that the Wistan begins to see the monastery as a dangerous place, shown by
“walls whisper to [him] of days gone by.” Axl asks what he means his desire for his sword.
and Wistan explains that the building had not always been a
monastery but was very likely a Saxon fort with traps to keep
the inhabitants safe and trap invaders. Wistan states, “This is
today a place of peace and prayer, yet you needn’t gaze so deep
to Snd blood and terror.”

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Axl shudders at Wistan’s description but realizes it’s the truth. Axl and Wistan’s discussion reveals how differently they think:
Wistan goes on to say that, in times of war, the Saxon families Wistan readily sees the hatred and negativity present in men’s
would have stood in the yard to “witness the invaders squeal hearts, but Axl focuses on the good, hope, and light in men. This
like trapped mice” as they were slaughtered at the gates. Axl further con@rms that Axl is more of a diplomat than a solder and
disagrees and says they would have hidden and prayed to God that he would struggle with having to commit violence. Wistan’s
because such people “would take no pleasure in bloodshed, description of the people who would have used the monastery as a
even of the enemy.” Wistan, however, argues that they were a fortress also implies that Wistan has had similar near-death
people “at the end of a brutal road, having seen their children experiences during a war and is, therefore, better able to understand
and kin mutilated and ravished” and, although the fort would the fear and hatred the Saxons felt there.
have been their Snal retreat before being overtaken, they
would have cherished the sight of the invaders being killed. Still
Axl disbelieves that it’s possible “to hate so deeply” for
something that hadn’t happened yet and insists they would
have held out hope. Once again, Wistan says that Axl is wrong
and that he himself has seen “dark hatred as bottomless as the
sea” in the elderly and children alike, and felt this hatred

To end the argument, Axl says he’s glad that the idea will never Wistan looks “strangely” at Axl after hearing Axl say that he’s glad
be put to the test. Wistan looks “strangely” at Axl before they’ll never witness the kind of violence Wistan just described. This
apologizing for “questioning that good knight” about whether look shows that Wistan is still struggling with the feeling that he
or not he recognized Axl. Axl tells him that he took “no offense” recognizes Axl as someone from his past, which was evidently
and has no doubt that Wistan made a simple mistake. Wistan characterized by hatred and war. This calls into question exactly
tells Axl that he mistook him for a man who was “a thing of what role Axl played in the war in his youth and whether he had
wonder” to him when he was a child and who often came to the always been so unwilling to use violence against another person.
village to talk with the elders and move amongst them, even
though he was a Briton. This, however, was before Wistan was
taken by soldiers and trained as a warrior by Britons. Wistan
tells Axl that seeing him the Srst time brought back memories
of this man from his childhood, but he admits he was mistaken.

Edwin comes back from his exploring and speaks to Wistan for The torture device Edwin @nds was obviously not supposed to be
a moment. Axl walks over to them and Wistan tells him that found because it reveals a side to life at the monastery that is not as
Edwin found something that they should go see for themselves. cheery and straightforward as Father Brian tried to portray. Instead,
On the way, Wistan says he may keep and train Edwin as a it becomes clear that something dark is going on there and it goes
warrior instead of leaving him at a village. Edwin leads them to beyond the fact that the monks are suspicious of the group.
a distant part of the monastery in which there is a cart with a
cage full of chains, manacles, and an iron mask with only a small
hole for the mouth. Observing it, Wistan realizes that the
device is for holding a man in place while the mountain birds
peck away at him. Wistan also sees that it has been used
recently, an observation that sends a chill down Axl’s spine.

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Axl says he wants to return to Beatrice, and Wistan agrees. As Ninian brings Axl, Beatrice, Wistan, and Edwin to Jonus in private,
they start walking back, Edwin abruptly stops, and they notice a which reveals divisions between monks in the monastery. This also
monk watching them silently. Wistan leads them over to the implies that Father Brian is suspicious of what Father Jonus might
monk and asks him what the purpose of the device they just tell them and is using Jonus’s injuries as an excuse not to give him
found is. The monk remains silent but leads them down narrow the chance to talk to them.
paths back inside the monastery, where Beatrice is waiting for
them. The monk leads them to a small room and a “frail voice”
welcomes them. There is a monk in the bed suffering from
numerous injuries, who introduces himself as Jonus, and the
silent monk as Ninian. Beatrice asks him how he got his injuries,
but he changes the subject.

Jonus asks Edwin to come forward, but Wistan doesn’t let him Wistan evidently scorns the Christian god because Christians use
even though Beatrice says he should let Jonus look at Edwin’s the possibility of forgiveness to justify their crimes. This attitude
wound. Jonus asks why Wistan seems so cautious, so Wistan allows them to commit the worst atrocities without allowing it to
explains that he has seen the torture device and believes they weigh too heavily on their conscience—at least, if they truly believe
use it as a form of penance for past iniquities and questions in God’s forgiveness. Wistan’s condemnation of the Christian god
how their God can be bribed this way. Jonus tells Wistan that also shows that he prefers vengeance and making those who did
their God is merciful, to which Wistan replies that “boundless wrong pay for their crimes. It follows that Wistan himself will not
mercy” is useless since it allows people “to pursue their greed, show much mercy to those who wrong him. Father Jonus’s
their lust for land and blood” knowing they can receive mercy con@rmation that Wistan has “friends” in the monastery means that
later. Jonus agrees with Wistan’s feelings and says the there are others who are supportive of Wistan’s mission in the
presence of the birds is a sign of God’s anger. Wistan becomes country and may be able to help him in some way, which further
more understanding and asks if this means he has “friends” in highlights the divisions between monks in the monastery.
the monastery, which Jonus conSrms. Wistan then allows
Edwin to be examined by Jonus, who says the wound will go
away if kept clean.

Interested in the conversation between Jonus and Wistan, Father Jonus says that the monks in the monastery are there to
Beatrice tells Jonus about her conversation about the mist protect and help care for Querig. It is also known that the monks are
with the medicine woman. She asks Jonus if either he or Wistan Britons, which means that whoever gave them the orders to take
knows where the mist comes from and how she and Axl “might care of Querig was also a Briton. Beatrice’s immediate thought is
be free of it” and get their memories back. Wistan tells her that that they can use the knowledge of the source of the mist to end it
Querig causes the mist and that the monks in the monastery and bene@t themselves by restoring their memories. This shows
protect her. Beatrice tells Axl this means that everyone’s either a lack of consideration for the possible negative repercussions
memories will come back if either Wistan or Sir Gawain can kill of reminding the entire country about all that used to divide them,
the dragon. Still, there is danger that Wistan will not be able to or a @rm belief that, for all those in England (as well as themselves),
do so if he is caught at the monastery, so both Beatrice and the return of bad memories along with the good will not be enough
Jonus urge him to hurry on his way. Wistan doesn’t agree, but to disrupt the peace and happiness they are all enjoying.
steps out with Edwin so Beatrice can ask Jonus about her pain.

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Axl struggles to identify the emotions he felt when he and Axl’s inability to recognize how he felt when he learned there was a
Beatrice were told the cause of the mist, but he is unable to. way to restore his memories indicates that he is as yet unsure that
Jonus asks Beatrice questions about her pain and where it he wants the past to be revealed to them and is keenly aware that,
started, eventually telling her that she’ll be able to go to her son as strong as the peace between Britons and Saxons (as well as
in safety, although Axl can’t remember how Jonus arrived at between Beatrice and himself) may be, nobody can be sure that
this conclusion. Jonus notes that Beatrice is happy to know restoring everyone’s memories is actually the best thing for anyone.
about the mist. Beatrice conSrms this and says it gives her and
Axl a clearer idea of what they should do going forward. Jonus
asks her if she’s sure it’s not better for them to have forgotten
the past, but Beatrice insists they’re ready to know the whole

A bird Tying across the room startles Axl and he realizes he had Beatrice’s primary concern is that she will be separated from Axl by
fallen asleep. He notices the sound of Wistan’s woodcutting the boatman, which means they will both be alone for eternity. Axl
has stopped. Axl thinks about Jonus’s questions about realizes this and it tells him that Beatrice is insecure about their
Beatrice’s pain, but realizes that the questions Beatrice is really relationship even though they are so happy in the present.
afraid of are the boatman’s.

Axl is woken up by Father Brian shaking him. Beatrice is already Wistan was right to be suspicious of the monastery, as shown by the
awake, and Edwin is getting out of bed while Father Brian urges presence of soldiers there. Furthermore, the presence of soldiers
them to hurry. Axl hears voices outside and Father Brian provides yet another striking contrast between what the monastery
assures them that he is going to try to save them, but they have is supposed to be and reality. Once again, a Saxon is being targeted
to hurry and do as he says. Father Brian says the “older Saxon there by Britons just as Wistan described happening in the past.
brother” is trapped but is distracting the soldiers. Father Brian
tells them to leave their stuff and follow him quietly. The three
follow Father Brian to a room full of boxes and broken
furniture. Axl asks what has happened and Father Brian says
it’s “a mystery” and the soldiers had simply appeared and
demanded the two Saxons. Beatrice expresses anxiety about
Wistan’s safety, but Father Brian says they have very little time
and must go down through a trapdoor and escape the
monastery through some secret tunnels.

Axl helps Father Brian lift the heavy door so they can go down, Beatrice and Axl both blindly trust the goodness of the monks just
but Edwin initially refuses and insists on going to help Wistan. as they blindly trust appearances. However, as has been seen,
Axl tells Beatrice to tell Edwin whatever she has to in order to appearances can be deceiving: the monastery appears to have been
get him into the tunnels. Beatrice says something and Edwin made for prayer and peace, but Wistan had been able to recognize
goes straight down the ladder into the tunnel. Beatrice and Axl the hidden truth that it had initially been a scene of gruesome
follow him and then hear the trapdoor slam shut. Beatrice says violence.
that this seems a bit strange, especially because they can hear
furniture being moved back over the door. Axl agrees but
reminds her of the soldiers and says they should go forward in
the tunnels.

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As they walk, Axl, Beatrice, and Edwin notice a “feeble light” Sir Gawain’s account further justi@es Wistan’s suspicions. This
that allows them to see each other a little bit. Edwin suddenly highlights how dangerous it could be to be too trusting in England at
comes to a stop and Beatrice grabs Axl’s hand and asks if he the time even though there is peace and, seemingly, no further
also hears the noise, saying that there is something in the reason for violence between anyone. Still, Beatrice and Axl @nd
tunnels with them. There is a sudden loud sound and some themselves with few choices other than to continue trusting those
Tashes that make a Tame before Sir Gawain announces his around them, especially Sir Gawain.
presence and tells them he’s relieved to see them. Beatrice asks
what he’s doing in the tunnels and he explains he’s been walking
in front of them to protect them from a beast that lives in the
tunnels. He says the monks deceived them and sent them into
the tunnels to die, but Ninian got word to Gawain about the
plan and brought him to the tunnels earlier.

Axl asks about the monster in the tunnel and Sir Gawain The monks rely on their appearance as holy and pious men to avoid
explains that the monks, and even the abbot, “send down here suspicion of the truth that they are dangerous, treacherous, and
those they wish dead” rather than poisoning or stabbing them. guilty of committing some of the worst sins. In this, they resemble
Beatrice asks if the monks want them dead, and Sir Gawain the very monastery they live in: peaceful on the surface, but full of
says that they certainly want Edwin dead because he is a darkness within.
danger and they would have Beatrice and Axl killed to keep
them from being witnesses to their crimes. Sir Gawain assures
them that he, as a knight of Arthur, can keep them safe from the
monster and that Ninian told him the tunnel had an exit.

As they walk, Beatrice is alarmed when she feels her foot hit Sir Gawain’s dramatic response to Beatrice and Axl claiming to have
against what she thinks is a child. Although Sir Gawain tries to seen human bones reveals that Gawain is being weighed down by a
keep them moving, Axl uses the candle to look around and sees guilty conscience. Sir Gawain considers the most noble time of his
a dead bat for a moment before the candle goes out. Beatrice, life to have been when he was @ghting alongside the supposedly just
however, insists she saw a child’s bones and Axl tells Sir Gawain and wise King Arthur, which is why he brings up the fact that he had
he thinks he saw bones under the bat. Sir Gawain insists he saw been with Arthur once. Sir Gawain’s guilt is associated with the fact
no bones and asks Axl if he ever stood “beside the great that he had turned Wistan in, and the bones Beatrice found remind
Arthur,” because Sir Gawain had. Sir Gawain then admits that Sir Gawain that Wistan may be killed and, if he is, it will be Gawain’s
he told the abbot about Wistan but asks if he was to know “how fault.
dark the hearts of holy men could turn” before insisting again
that there are no bones.

Sir Gawain continues talking loudly despite Axl’s warning until The fact that Sir Gawain and Horace are “weary” with the evidence
they hear a sudden noise down the tunnel. For “several of past slaughter means that he is able to recognize the signs of it
moments” the group stands still and listens, but no more just as well as Wistan is. Furthermore, Sir Gawain extends the
sounds are made. Beatrice says she wants to get out of the concept that, despite surface appearances of beauty and peace, the
tunnels and Sir Gawain tells them they have no choice but to entire country is pervaded by an undercurrent of darkness and
keep going forward. Eventually, they Snd themselves “in some bloodshed that can only be recognized once one actively tries to dig
sort of mausoleum” with pillars and traces of murals on the beneath those surface appearances.
walls. They also realize that they are now surrounded by
human bones, which Sir Gawain no longer tries to deny. He
says, “our whole country is this way,” with bones from times of
slaughter lying just beneath the surface of the earth. Sir
Gawain says he and Horace have “grown weary of it.”

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Sir Gawain and Axl realize that there is a portcullis that can be Not only do the monks use these tunnels to trap people so they can
raised or lowered with a pulley, but it is currently raised so they be killed by a monster, but they actively feed that monster to keep it
can pass through it. Sir Gawain believes this is how the monks alive so they can carry on with their work. This means that the
stay safe while they feed the monster. Sir Gawain also notices monks are always prepared to betray someone when needed.
that Edwin has begun to sing what sounds like a lullaby while Ironically, the monastery—supposed to be an immensely peaceful
facing the wall and rocking his body. Sir Gawain notes that place—is one of the most dangerous and treacherous places any of
Edwin sounds bewitched. Axl then decides to cut the rope them have been.
holding the gate open to let it close, in the hope that the
monster will come forward and they can see what it is before
Sghting it. Sir Gawain agrees and cuts the rope. Relaxed now
that the gate is closed, they wander around the chamber.

Referring to the skeletons, Beatrice asks Axl if “this beast” When Sir Gawain hears Beatrice mention a “beast” that has killed a
really killed so many people. Sir Gawain turns to them and asks lot of people, his immediate conclusion is that she is talking about
if Beatrice is suggesting that he “committed this slaughter,” but him. This reveals that, on some level, Sir Gawain considers himself a
he says it “tiredly, with none of the anger he had shown earlier.” beast for the things he has done in the past, including killing people.
He says that he had seen himself kill hundreds at a time in a Sir Gawain is trying to right some of his past wrongs by volunteering
dream once. He tells Beatrice, “I acted as I thought would to help protect Beatrice and Axl now.
please God.” Sir Gawain then explains that as soon as he found
out what was in store for Axl, Beatrice, Wistan, and Edwin, he
had asked Ninian to put him in the tunnel to protect them.

Edwin starts singing again and Axl says it’s because the boy is Wistan had feigned interest in the boy as an innocent person in
overwhelmed before asking Sir Gawain why the monks want need of protection, but Sir Gawain’s story means that Wistan has
Edwin dead and if it has to do with the ogre bite. Sir Gawain been exploiting Edwin for his own ends from the beginning. This
explains that the bite came from a dragon, not an ogre, and that calls into question just how honorable and just Wistan (who has
this bite will compel Edwin to “seek congress with a she- consistently argued in favor of fairness and justice) actually is.
dragon.” This, Sir Gawain explains, is why Wistan is interested in
Edwin: he can lead Wistan to Querig. Edwin suddenly rushes to
the gate and Sir Gawain grabs him. Edwin resists, but soon they
both step back and the monster reveals itself. It is the size of a
bull, but with a wolf-like head. Sir Gawain, however, says he had
imagined worse and, despite Axl’s warnings, is conSdent that he
can slay it.

They form a plan for Axl and Beatrice to pull the rope that Despite evidence of Sir Gawain’s treachery and the danger having
opens the gate while Edwin stands and back with Sir Gawain so Edwin has put them in, the whole group is able to work together
that when the monster charges at Edwin, Sir Gawain can step towards a common end. Furthermore, Axl’s initial reaction to seeing
out and kill it. Although Axl and Beatrice initially struggle with the beast keep running is to get everyone else out of the tunnels and
the gate, eventually it opens, and the beast charges out as leave him to distract the monster, which highlights his selAessness
planned. Sir Gawain swings his sword, but it seems as if he and concern for others that was @rst implied in his disgust with his
misses and the creature continues running down the tunnel. former companion’s violence towards other people.
Axl tells them to run and he’ll distract the beast, but they ignore
him and stare at something on the ground near Sir Gawain’s
feet: the beast’s head, although the body has kept running and
the jaw keeps snapping. Axl congratulates Sir Gawain, who says
they should hurry out of the tunnel.

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Soon they reach the end of the tunnel and Snd themselves in Axl’s questions about his shared past with Sir Gawain shows that
the forest. Axl and Beatrice sit down, but soon notice Edwin is Axl is beginning to understand and accept that he once lived a very
gone. Sir Gawain tells them the boy immediately ran off—he different life from the one he leads now. On the other hand, Sir
believes Edwin is going back to help Wistan. Axl is upset, but Sir Gawain loses interest in reminding Axl of all they went through
Gawain insists there was nothing he could do to stop Edwin. together under King Arthur, a possible act of mercy on Sir Gawain’s
Beatrice asks Sir Gawain if they’re to understand that he part because he does not want to cause Axl undue pain by
turned Wistan in, but instead of an answer Sir Gawain asks, reminding him of the darker elements of their past.
“Why go through it again, mistress?” Axl tells Sir Gawain he
thanks him for protecting them and then asks if they were
“comrades once long ago.” Again, Sir Gawain doesn’t answer,
but says he must go to Horace. Axl tells him the talk of King
Arthur “stirs long-faded thoughts,” but Sir Gawain simply tells
him to go to his son and that the fastest way is to sail

A young monk leads Edwin through a forest. Edwin asks him if Edwin is torn between competing loyalties: loyalty to his mother
his “brother’s wounds seemed not to be mortal.” The monk says and her memory and loyalty to Wistan as the man who can help
that Father Jonus said they’re not. Edwin knows this means Edwin ful@l his potential as a warrior. Sir Gawain’s revelation that
Wistan “could not be so badly hurt.” According to the monk, Wistan is using Edwin to @nd Querig, however, calls into question
Father Jonus instructed him to take Edwin to the cooper’s whether Wistan ever truly planned to train Edwin or if he was only
cottage, which is where Wistan is. Edwin feels bad for having going to use him to further his own ends and then abandon him.
abandoned Wistan, but had only gone in the tunnel because he
thought his mother was in there. Edwin ran back to the
monastery once he emerged from the tunnel and was very
careful not to be seen when he Srst got there. In the monastery,
Edwin sees evidence of a battle: corpses, a blackened stone
tower, and what look like pools of blood. Ninian appears behind
him and Edwin asks if Wistan is lying in the courtyard. Ninian
shakes his head and signs for him to be quiet before leading him

On the previous day, Edwin asked Wistan how he knew the When Wistan calls Axl a “deep fellow” and warns Edwin not to think
soldiers would come. Wistan said he didn’t know for sure but him too simple, he reveals that he has his own reasons for being
had a sense that someone would tell Lord Brennus where they suspicious of Axl. Axl’s memories indicate that he was once a soldier
are. Edwin was helping determine which bales of hay had for the Britons and it is known that Wistan is a Saxon warrior who
wooden slats in them, but Wistan had “given no hint as to the had been trained by Britons in his youth. It follows that Wistan
purpose.” Edwin asked if it’s “the old couple” who will betray recognizes Axl for something Axl did while serving King Arthur,
them, doubting that it could be them because “they’re too although it is not yet clear whether what Axl did is something
foolish and honest.” Wistan said he didn’t think they’d do it but Wistan considers good or bad.
warned that Axl isn’t foolish and is actually “a deep fellow.”
Edwin asked why they’re traveling with them and Wistan
explained that he wanted to spend some more time with Axl.
He asked Edwin to check another bale of hay, then told Edwin
he counts on him.

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Edwin regrets having let Wistan down by falling asleep and Edwin, like Axl and Beatrice, is motivated primarily by love: he loves
then going into the tunnel. As he follows the young monk, his mother and he wants to @nd her and save her. Coincidentally, he
Edwin thinks of a time he found and freed a young girl who’d is using Wistan as a means of doing this, meaning they are each
been tied up. The girl had told him he was old enough to go using the other for their own ends.
rescue his mother. This made Edwin feel ashamed, but Wistan’s
arrival and decision to take Edwin had changed that, and Edwin
hopes that he will be able to Snd his mother while traveling
with Wistan.

From the moment they entered the monastery, Wistan had Wistan is able to recognize the stone tower for what it is: a trap that,
been “preoccupied” with a stone tower there. He frequently used correctly, can kill a large number of people at one time. This
stopped to look at it and took trips around it to examine it. implies @rst-hand familiarity with how the trap works, which
Eventually, Wistan told Edwin they were going to go inside the explains why Wistan @nds it so easy to validate the Saxons’ hatred
tower and examine it. As they walked in, Wistan pointed out and his immediate condemnation of Britons. Wistan’s familiarity
that there was a type of moat dug inside the doorway that can with the trap also implies that his warrior training has prepared him
only be gotten over with a bridge of planks that had to be put to use it to his advantage. The reason for Wistan’s insistence on
down. Wistan said he believed the tower was a place of chopping load after load of @rewood is revealed: Wistan knows the
slaughter once. It is shaped like a chimney with steps circling up soldiers are coming and plans to use the trap against them.
to the open top. Wistan said he thought this was once a trap:
Saxons would lure bands of Briton soldiers in after Slling the
moat with Srewood, run up the stairs so the soldiers chased
them, and then throw a torch down into the moat, setting a Sre
from which no one could escape. Near the top of the tower is a
doorway that someone can open and jump out of into a cart of
hay waiting below.

The young monk leads Edwin across a stream and Edwin thinks The young monk’s description of the @ght between Wistan and the
back to when he met the monk, who cheerfully announced that soldiers shows that the monk, at least, did not fully understand
he’d be Edwin’s guide, near Father Jonus’s cell. On the way, the what had happened or that the whole thing had been planned by
monk tells Edwin about the soldiers that came and how Wistan Wistan. This shows that not all the monks in the monastery are as
had gone straight into the tower with the soldiers behind him. treacherous as Father Brian and the abbot.
Despite the predictions of the monks, Wistan was not quickly
captured, but injured soldiers were brought out of the tower.
Suddenly, the tower caught Sre and killed many. Ninian found
Wistan wandering the corridors and Jonus had secretly treated
him before sending him to a cottage. Jonus told the monk that
Wistan and Edwin should leave the country together. Edwin
continues following the monk, planning on what to tell Wistan
when he is reunited with him.


Sir Gawain wonders why God had put “dark widows” on his The “dark widows” Sir Gawain sees remind him of all the men he has
path on the mountain. He wonders if it’s not enough that he killed in the past. Not only is Sir Gawain responsible for the deaths
saved the old couple and boy. Even though the widows insulted of many men, but he is also responsible for the ongoing loneliness
him and threw dirt at Horace, Sir Gawain talked to them and despair of those men’s wives. On some level, Sir Gawain knows
“courteously.” Sir Gawain told Horace that they must “bear all God sent the widows to him to remind him of the consequences of
such trials well” because they would soon face worse. his past and the wrongs he committed.

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Waking up that morning, Sir Gawain “felt the lingering joys” of Sir Gawain is happy that Wistan escaped because it means that Sir
having had a good dream about a beautiful woman he had seen Gawain is, so far, not responsible for another death. Thinking about
once years before. Horace woke Sir Gawain up, knowing it was possible weaknesses in Wistan indicates that Sir Gawain, although
time for them to leave. Despite being unhappy about waking glad that Wistan is alive, is already thinking of the inevitability of
up, Sir Gawain gently rested his head against Horace and having to @ght him to the death very soon. The highest compliment
thought of how much he’s put Horace through. Sir Gawain Sir Gawain can give Wistan is that King Arthur would have been
wanted to get Horace some breakfast, but a monk ran out and impressed with his skill.
told him Wistan had escaped the monastery. This news made
Sir Gawain happy even though it “br[ought] back a heavy task.”
Sir Gawain thinks that even King Arthur would be impressed
with Wistan’s abilities, but Gawain also thinks he had noticed a
weakness in Wistan’s left side when he fought the grey-haired

Sir Gawain wonders, “Yet these dark widows, why do they cross Although he doesn’t admit it, the reason Sir Gawain is so bothered
our path? Is our day not busy enough?” The widows are by the sight of the widows is because it is getting harder for him to
gathered in a “barren spot” and Sir Gawain urges Horace to justify his past actions. By calling him an “impostor knight,” the
“remember them as ladies” because they had once been young widows are reminding Gawain that he did not always act justly or
and beautiful. One of them calls Gawain an “impostor knight” with chivalry because he caused them to lose their husbands. This is
and the rest start saying the same. The women say they know because Sir Gawain is not only responsible for killing a lot of
him as “the foolish knight too timid to complete the task given innocent people, but also for continuing to force forgetfulness on
him” and they scold him. Sir Gawain asks them why they are everyone in the country because he helps protect Querig. Because
distressed and he offers help, to which they reply that he of that, these women are not allowed to rest on the island with their
should have slain Querig by now. By way of explanation, one husbands.
widow says that as she was preparing to go to the island with
her beloved, she suddenly lost her memories of their
relationship because of Querig. Sir Gawain asks how they know
about Querig and they say few things can be hidden from

Sir Gawain urges Horace forward, and the widows let them The widows call Sir Gawain a coward not because he is going on to
pass, but they chant “coward” at Sir Gawain as he goes. He defend Querig, but because he refuses to let someone slay her and
wonders if they would have called him a coward if they could restore everyone’s memories. The story of Edra highlights how the
have seen him face Querig with a band of men the Srst time. hatred that was born out of war extended to everyone; male, female,
Furthermore, Sir Gawain had fulSlled a promise to Edra, a young, old, Saxon, or Briton—everyone wanted revenge for wrongs
“young maid” who was determined to get onto the battleSeld to done to them, and everyone had been wronged. Through war, the
get revenge on a Saxon lord for what he did to her mother and Britons and Saxons had created a vicious cycle that was stripping
sisters. Sir Gawain tried to persuade Edra not to go, but everyone of their humanity and driving even the most innocent
eventually made her promise to wait for him so he could looking people to commit gruesome acts of violence.
protect her on the battleSeld. Sit Gawain kept his promise to
come back and lead her through the Seld. While there, Edra
found the Saxon lord and brutally murdered him.

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As Sir Gawain watched Edra kill the Saxon, Axl appeared on the Axl’s lack of interest in defending himself on the battle@eld shows
battleSeld. Axl was without a shield and showed no interest in just how deeply he felt the betrayal of the treaty with the Saxons. It
defending himself. Sir Gawain wondered why the Saxons went is as if Axl wants to punish himself for the betrayal of the treaty by
on Sghting so hard, and Axl said that he believed it was out of putting himself at risk of being killed just like the innocent women
anger because word had come back to them that all the and children in the villages. For Axl, the breaking of this treaty was
women, children, and elderly they left unprotected in their also a personal betrayal: he had worked hard to develop a good
village had been slaughtered. Sir Gawain questioned why Axl rapport and befriend the Saxons, so this broken treaty means that
would dwell on this and Axl reminded him that he had his hard work was not valued and that now those Saxons might
“befriended” them “in Arthur’s name” and was known as the possibly blame him for what happened.
Knight of Peace in some places. Sir Gawain told Axl not to
blame himself and praised the “law [Axl] once brokered.” Axl
said the Saxons had believed in that law up until this day but
now took “no joy in Arthur’s victory.” Still, Sir Gawain argued
that breaking the treaty was for the best because by killing the
women and children, Arthur would break “this circle of
slaughter.” Axl disagreed, saying that they had rather forged
this circle in iron.

Sir Gawain wonders if they had merely been “slaughterer[s] of Sir Gawain, although he likes to brag of having fought alongside the
babes” that day. He reminds himself that he hadn’t been there, great King Arthur, feels enough shame to wish to distance himself
and even if he was, that it wasn’t his place to question Arthur’s from the events of that day. Sir Gawain’s attempts to reassure
decisions. Sir Gawain thinks that when his time comes, he will himself that he is okay with meeting the boatman when it’s his time
“greet the boatman contentedly” because he was “a good actually reveals that he worries what will happen when that time
knight who performed his duty to the end.” For now, however, actually comes, believing that others will recognize his complicity in
Sir Gawain and Horace must go to Querig because their “work the treachery shown by King Arthur.
is unSnished.”

Edwin doesn’t mean to “deceive the warrior,” but does so By having Wistan cared for after the attack at the monastery,
before he realizes what’s happening. He walks into the cooper’s Father Jonus shows his total approval of and desire for Wistan to
cottage and Wistan greets him. Edwin asks him if his injuries succeed in killing Querig and restoring everyone’s memories. This
are very bad and Wistan says that they aren’t serious but have also means that Jonus, like Wistan, believes that it is time for the
brought on a fever that he’s struggling to overcome. Edwin Saxons to get justice, which can only be achieved by making them
apologizes for having abandoned Wistan the night of the remember the way in which the Britons, under Arthur, had wronged
attack, but Wistan tells him that he has a way Edwin can make it them.
up to him. Wistan remembers jumping from the burning tower
into a cart of hay and then being cared for by “gentle monks
loyal to Father Jonus,” but not much else.

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Edwin apologizes again and Wistan asks him if he thinks he was It is evident that Edwin is beginning to mistake love for his mother
chosen merely for his bravery. Wistan admits Edwin has a for the power a dragon’s bite has to draw human beings toward
“remarkable spirit,” but that he also has a “hunter’s gift” and them. Although it is still love that drives Edwin forward, it is no
ability to track the location of Querig’s lair. Edwin says that not longer the genuine love and sadness at having lost his mother that
even Steffa had seen a quality like that in him, but Wistan he experienced when he was younger in the Saxon village.
insists he is right and that once he feels better, they will begin
their journey. It is in this moment that Edwin begins lying,
saying that he feels Querig’s pull when he’s really just listening
to his mother’s voice begging him to Snd her. Edwin says they
should go soon before he loses the scent and Wistan nods in
satisfaction, telling Edwin he knew that the boy was a born

Edwin asks Wistan if there’s “some special feud” between him Wistan’s story illustrates how tension and even hostility continue to
and Lord Brennus. Wistan says that he and Brennus had been exist between the Britons and Saxons. For Wistan, just being a
trained to be warriors for the Britons together as children. Saxon was enough to cost him the respect and approval that his
Although Wistan had grown close with most of the other superior abilities as a soldier had won him. This also means that
children, he had never been close with Brennus, who was the Lord Brennus’s pursuit of Wistan is not merely due to a desire for
son of a lord and not as strong as the others. Because of who warfare, but also due to personal hatred. To satisfy this hatred and
Brennus’s father was, the other boys had to let him win at all desire for revenge, Lord Brennus is willing to take military action.
their games. Still, Wistan says he must thank Lord Brennus for These same motives are what caused the earlier wars between
being the one who stopped him from loving all the Britons by Britons and Saxons to be so deadly and inhumane, which means
reminding him that the Britons hated him. To do this, Brennus that success on Lord Brennus’s part could have the same eventual
told the other boys that Wistan was really a Saxon and they consequences of restoring everyone’s memories.
turned against him. As revenge, one day Wistan caught
Brennus alone and stood threateningly in front of him, knowing
Brennus was a coward but was also so full of pride he wouldn’t
dare call for help. That night, Wistan ran away. Years later, Lord
Brennus still lives in fear of Wistan. Wistan notes that Edwin is
restless and assures him that they will start their journey soon.

Axl wishes the sun would come out and warm Beatrice, whose It is becoming clear that Beatrice is seriously ill, which adds urgency
shivering has grown progressively worse. Just as he’s about to to their desire to get to their son. Furthermore, Beatrice’s fear of
suggest another rest, they spot the roof of a boathouse and being separated from Axl represents her growing fear that they will
walk over to it. Seeing a man inside, Axl tells him that he and have to spend eternity away from each other because they will not
Beatrice want to go downstream to visit their son. Noticing be able to pass the boatman’s test since they still don’t know what
Beatrice shivering, the man asks if she’s alright. Axl says their happiest and most cherished memory is.
Beatrice is Sne but is too tired to continue walking and asks if
the man will take them downstream in his boat. The man says
he can’t take them in the boat because he’s waiting for a load of
barley that needs to be taken down. However, the man points
out two large baskets and suggests that they tie them together
so the two of them can Toat down to the next boathouse.
Beatrice doesn’t like the idea of being separated from Axl, but
Axl tells her this is the best solution and promises they won’t be

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As Axl reassures Beatrice that they won’t get separated, the Beatrice’s “image” of being alone indicates that whatever happened
man helps them into the baskets and gives Axl a large pole to in their past, they had not always been together as they are now.
help direct the baskets when needed. Axl asks the man if there This thought is deeply uncomfortable to Axl because, as he feared, it
is a covering that he can put over Beatrice, so the man gives her would mean he had left Beatrice and, therefore, she might decide to
a large fur and instructs them to leave the baskets and fur at stop loving him because of whatever he had done. Furthermore,
the lower boathouse. The river is icy and Axl continuously Beatrice’s memory could mean that this separation is the reason
checks on Beatrice. Beatrice tells him that she has an image in their son left them, which, to Axl, would also mean that it’s his fault
her mind, either dreamed or remembered, of herself standing they can’t @nd or remember their son.
and waiting for him in their room in the middle of the night
after he’d gone away from her. Axl says it was just a dream, but
Beatrice says she knows that Axl left her that night and that
their son had left a day or two before. Axl tells her it was just a
dream brought on by a fever and Beatrice agrees.

Up ahead, Axl spots a small rowboat that he and Beatrice might Beatrice’s fears take a terrifying turn: if they have forgotten their
be able to Toat in together, so he directs their baskets toward son, Axl might forget her. Absence leads to forgetting, so Beatrice
it. As they get closer, their baskets get stuck in the reeds, but sees Axl’s decision to leave her in the basket, even though he’s just
Axl tells Beatrice that if the boat is in good shape then they can steps away, as him risking forgetting her. This would also condemn
use that for the rest of their journey. Axl boards the boat and her to having to go to the island alone.
sees what looks like a “pile of rags” that is actually an old
woman, who asks Axl to help her. Beatrice asks what’s going on
and Axl tells her about the woman. Beatrice tells him not to
forget her and Axl says he’d never forget her. The woman hears
Axl and Beatrice talking and says they can all share her boat if
Axl will help her.

The woman tells Axl to “Show them a Serce face” as he reaches As Beatrice grows weaker, Axl’s @rm health and ability to @ght off a
out to help her. Axl spots a small creature running in the boat. horde of pixies is notable. The island they hope to go to is
Axl asks the woman if rats are bothering her and turns around representative of the afterlife, which one typically only goes to when
to investigate what the creature is. A sound makes him turn they die. If Axl is in such good health instead of growing ill along
back around and he sees the woman covered in pixies. Axl with Beatrice, then it could mean that he will be left on the shore to
reaches for a hoe in the boat but feels himself “enveloped by a @nish living while Beatrice is carried to the island alone.
sense of tranquility” and moves slowly. Swinging at the pixies
with the hoe, Axl remembers that he had always been a better
diplomat than a swordsman. Still, Axl is determined to Sght the
pixies off and protect them all, but wonders if Beatrice is safe.

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Axl hears a voice telling him to “Leave her.” Fearfully, he turns Axl is given the opportunity to leave Beatrice in that space that was
around and sees pixies swarming Beatrice’s basket. HorriSed, made tranquil by the pixies. His “warrior’s bellow” shows just how
Axl lets out a “warrior’s bellow” and jumps into the water to unready Axl is to lose Beatrice and his unwillingness to let her go
wade to Beatrice’s basket. Axl feels and sees pixies climbing up even if it will be less painful for her, as the pixies promise. The pixies
all around them but he pushes on toward Beatrice. As he wades have the ability to read the latent thoughts and desires of those who
forward, Axl hears a voice telling him to let them have Beatrice fall under their spell. It is, therefore, telling that what they choose to
because they can ease her suffering. The voice, which is coming offer Axl is freedom from having to continue to care for Beatrice,
from the pixies, tells Axl that Beatrice is only going to get sicker indicating that they sense that, on some level, Axl wants to be free
and it will get harder and harder to take care of her, but they from the responsibility of having to care for an ailing wife. However,
can take responsibility for caring for her if Axl leaves her there. this could also be read as Axl having genuine concern that Beatrice
Axl refuses and charges toward her. would be better off being left with the pixies, who can ease any pain
and suffering she’s experiencing. In that case, it would be out of
concern for her and not for himself that Axl would consider leaving
her there.

When Axl reaches Beatrice, he discovers that she is fast asleep The “evil” in that spot is the temptation to leave Beatrice behind
even with pixies all over her. He throws the pixies out and rather than press on with her and face an uncertain future; a
pushes the basket to safety before lifting Beatrice out and temptation that Axl is uncertain he’d be able to continue to resist.
carrying her to dry land. Beatrice wakes up and asks him what Axl’s anxiety to leave reveals that he is just as afraid of them
they’re doing. Without explaining, Axl says the spot is “evil” and forgetting each other as Beatrice was that he would forget her.
they must walk, but that Beatrice can ride on his back.

Edwin can hear Wistan calling to him to slow down but he Although the force that seems to be pulling Edwin forward is
ignores him because Wistan is walking too slowly. Edwin is created by the venom of the dragon bite on his chest, Edwin is
looking forward to reaching the top of a hill so that he can run consumed by it and his earlier thought that it is leading him to his
down it, although he can’t recall their destination. Edwin also mother. Edwin’s inability to remember where exactly his destination
knows there is something he needs to come clean about to is, however, is evidence that he is also falling under the sway of
Wistan but can’t remember the details. Reaching the top of the Querig’s breath.
hill, Edwin looks down and decides to break into a run for the
trees in the distance. Suddenly, Edwin feels the wind knocked
out of him and realizes Wistan is on top of him with his knee
pressed into Edwin’s back. Wistan ties Edwin up so he can’t run
away anymore. They walk on this way, with Edwin pulling
forward and singing loudly.

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Edwin and Wistan enter the forest and walk on until they come Wistan understands that, despite what he believes, Edwin is no
to a clearing. Edwin wants to press on and follow his “hunter’s longer tracking his mother, but Querig. Wistan’s shame can be
instincts,” but Wistan insists that they stop in the clearing and attributed to the fact that he is deceiving Edwin and, by not telling
he ties Edwin to a tree to prevent him from running away. him the truth, is setting him up for heartbreak in the near future.
Edwin tells Wistan that he’s been lying about bringing him to
Querig. Wistan asks him to explain, but Edwin can’t because he
forgets what his confession was supposed to be. Wistan says
that it’s because they’re so close to Querig and that he’ll forgive
Edwin if he’ll only lead the way to the dragon. Edwin, however,
says that he’s not leading Wistan to the dragon at all, but is
tracking his mother, who had been taken away by Britons and
“longs” to return to him. Wistan looks at Edwin strangely,
almost as if he’s ashamed, but says nothing at Srst.

Wistan then tells Edwin that he’ll forgive Edwin’s deception if Wistan knows that they are not far from Querig and soon he will
Edwin makes a promise to him. Edwin asks what the promise is, slay her, which will restore memories and bring war back to England.
and Wistan replies that it’s to “carry in [his] heart a hatred of Even though Edwin feels he is being drawn forward by love, Wistan
Britons.” When Edwin asks if this includes Britons who share begs him to instead harbor hatred. In this way, Edwin is turned into
bread with and protect him, Wistan says that it was Britons another link in the chain of hatred that has bound the Britons and
who “slaughtered our kind” and took their mothers away. Saxons together for decades. Furthermore, Wistan’s statement
Because of this, Wistan says they have a duty to hate the about it being “early enough for revenge” is meant to prepare Edwin
Britons and demands that Edwin promise to keep a hatred for to commit some kind of violence.
Britons in his heart and never let it die out. Edwin agrees, but
says he hears his mother calling. Wistan agrees to keep going
forward, saying that even if they’re “too late for rescue, it’s still
early enough for revenge.” Edwin again promises to hate the
Britons and asks if they can keep going.

Axl watches the goat munching on the grass while he and Beatrice is rejuvenated by the prospect of being able to be the one
Beatrice rest. Looking down at the countryside, Beatrice asks if to kill Querig and therefore make it possible for her and Axl to go to
the river had only carried them a short distance, and Axl the island together because they will have their memories back. By
explains that they were stopped before they could Snish their deciding to take the goat up to the dragon instead of continuing to
trip. Axl worries that the young girl hid the “true hardship” of try to @nd their son’s village, Axl and Beatrice are showing that they
taking the goat back up the mountain, but Beatrice says they value being able to remember the truth about the past over all else.
can’t blame her because she’s just a child and has “more cares
that one her age should bear.” Looking down at the valley,
Beatrice and Axl notice some large black Sgures, but can’t
agree about whether they are soldiers or birds. Axl again talks
about the young girl, but says he can’t blame her because she
had helped them when they were “soaked and shivering” and
because the girl wasn’t the only one anxious “to have this goat
go up to the giant’s cairn.” Beatrice says she’s still anxious for
this to happen because it would be “a Sne thing” for Querig to
die and the mist to be lifted.

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In a Tashback to that morning, Beatrice points out to Axl a Although there have been several instances of adults forgetting
cottage against the hillside that Axl initially mistakes for an children thus far, this is the @rst time Axl and Beatrice have found
entrance to a warren like the one they live in. In front is a children whose parents were the ones who wandered off. This is
fenced enclosure holding a goat who’s eating contentedly, and further proof that the mist is powerful enough to disrupt all families
they spot three children, “unaware of their approach,” standing and separate parents from children. However, it also makes helping
by a ditch and looking in. Beatrice asks Axl what the kids are the children by bringing the goat up the mountain seem more
doing and Axl predicts it’s “mischief.” Axl calls out a greeting, appealing to both Beatrice and Axl.
which surprises the children. However, the children become
excited and say that they prayed for someone to come and help.
Axl tells the young girl that he and Beatrice are just two
travelers and asks the child to call their mothers so that Axl can
ask if he and Beatrice can seek warmth and shelter there. The
girl tells Beatrice and Axl that it’s just her and her brothers
living there and insists that they go inside, get some food, and
sit by the Sre. Axl is reluctant, but the girl insists that he and
Beatrice go inside.

Back in the present on the hillside, Axl urges Beatrice to sit and Axl’s statement that whatever happened between him and Beatrice
rest instead of looking at the Sgures in the valley. Sitting next to that morning is “best forgotten” directly contradicts what they are
Axl, Beatrice asks if he can believe that “before the great trying to do, which is to remember everything again. However, it also
knights and warriors, it’s a weary old couple like us […] who may means that Axl is becoming more and more sure that Beatrice will
slay the she-dragon” with a goat. Axl shares Beatrice’s wonder, cease to love him when she gets her memories back. Axl has given
but also notes that the solution may have been in the girl’s up most of his hope, but his determination to help bring the goat to
head. Beatrice asks Axl if he’s afraid of what they will remember Querig because doing so will make Beatrice happy is evidence of
when the mist clears, but he tells her their story already has a how much he is willing to sacri@ce for her happiness.
happy ending. Beatrice agrees but says part of her is still afraid
of what will happen when the mist clears, and Axl says he is
more afraid of what Beatrice told him earlier. Beatrice says she
can’t remember what she said and asks if they had a Sght, but
Axl won’t elaborate on it, saying that “it’s best forgotten.”

Back in the Tashback, Beatrice is sleeping in the cottage while Beatrice’s remembrance con@rms Axl’s worst fears: that he has
Axl dries their clothes and stokes the Sre until it roars. Beatrice deeply wronged her and that remembering it will make her want to
shoots awake and is bewildered for a moment before saying leave him alone. It also means that their relationship was not
that she was “thinking of a night long ago” when Axl had left her, always characterized by love, but there was a period in which
wondering if he would ever come back. Axl says this is the work Beatrice hated him, and it may or may not have been reciprocal.
of the pixies and Beatrice admits that he may be right, but that
the memories are enough “to make [her] shrink from [him].” She
asks Axl to keep a distance from her when they’re ready to walk
on. Beatrice slips back to sleep quickly, leaving Axl to think
about what she said, and he envisions them walking separately.

Axl wakes up and sees Beatrice looking through a window. Axl Axl wants to get Beatrice to leave quickly because he has a sense
recalls their previous conversation, but Beatrice shows no sign that if they stay, the children will compromise their current mission
of remembering it. Watching the children from the window, to @nd their son. Furthermore, Axl is anxious to get out of the
Beatrice asks Axl what might have happened to their parents. environment that had called to Beatrice’s mind a past wrong that he
Axl says it’s none of their business and that they should get had done her.
going. Beatrice asks if they had fought about something, but Axl
says it’s nothing they “can’t put aside” and that they might talk
about it later. He urges her to get ready to leave.

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Once outside, Beatrice asks the children where their parents The children’s request that Axl and Beatrice bring the goat to Querig
are, but they don’t answer. Beatrice asks what they keep forces Axl to confront the inevitable: Querig will die and Beatrice
looking at in the ditch and the oldest child says their goat is will remember everything. Unfortunately, it also means that he will
dead in there. She invites them to look, explaining that an ogre help, making him co-author in his own future unhappiness because
had stolen and eaten the goat after she fed the goat special he believes that restoring memories will directly lead to Beatrice
leaves that would make it poisonous in the hope of using it to hating him.
kill Querig. The children ask Axl and Beatrice if they will take
their remaining goat up to the giant’s cairn and leave it for the
dragon to eat. The girl also explains that killing Querig will help
their parents remember them and Snally come back home.

Axl refuses to help bring the goat to the giant’s cairn, saying Even though Axl wants to get as far away from temptation as they
they are too old to do it. Despite the pleading of the children, can, he does not have the heart to deny Beatrice anything that she
Axl leads Beatrice onto the road and they walk away for a while wants because, as the possibility of being separated grows nearer,
before Beatrice stops him. She asks Axl to think about how he is beginning to value their current happiness more and more.
valuable the opportunity is. Doubtful, Axl says they don’t know
if the goat will kill the dragon, but Beatrice reminds him that
they just need to get the goat to the giant’s cairn and then
leave, so they should turn back and take the goat up the

As they climb the mountain with the goat, Axl wonders if “he The promise Axl asks Beatrice to make clearly tells both her and the
had been foolish to give in.” Axl tells Beatrice that, in case they reader about his real fear that she will forget their current happiness
succeed, he wants her to promise him something. Beatrice asks when her memories return, and that memories of the distant past
what it is and Axl tells her that if they kill Querig and get rid of will ruin the love they have in the present. However, this also shows
the mist, he wants her to promise not to forget how she feels how strongly Axl believes that he is the one who will need to be
about him in this moment and to keep it in her heart. Beatrice forgiven. He has not yet considered that he will be the one called on
makes the promise and suggests they start walking. to do the forgiving.


Sir Gawain curses the wind. He knows Horace won’t mind a As Sir Gawain climbs the mountain, he begins to consider his own
storm but does mind that a stranger is sitting on him. Sir mortality. His belief that God will thank him for saving Edwin means
Gawain reminds Horace that it’s just an old woman but that he’s counting on his recent good deeds to cancel out the sins he
wonders at Axl for bringing Beatrice up the mountain when committed in the past.
she’s clearly ill. Sir Gawain sees Sgures below and points them
out to Horace, who seems to ask him if this will be the last time
that they climb the mountain together. Gawain wonders what
Arthur would have him do about the Sgures coming up the
mountain. Still, Gawain believes God will thank him for saving
the boy from the monks.

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Sir Gawain “put a little spur on Horace” and looks around at the Retracing his steps up the mountain also reminds Sir Gawain of the
trees, which grow oddly and remind Gawain of Merlin, who had role he played in trapping and enchanting Querig. More importantly,
been such a brave help when they had Srst come up the it reminds him those who died, because some part of him suspects
mountain to Querig and lost two of their companions. Gawain that he is heading towards his own death this time.
remembers when one of them, Buel, had been mortally
wounded and begged to be brought to water. Sir Gawain
wonders if he, too, will long to be back with the water when his
time comes to die.

Sir Gawain presses on with Beatrice astride Horace and Axl Sir Gawain’s willingness to help Beatrice and Axl up the mountain
tugging the goat. Sir Gawain knows the others are coming. shows that he is truly beginning to accept that the whole truth will
When Sir Gawain had Srst run into Beatrice and Axl there, he soon come out and he will no longer be able to deny it, making it
had urged them to go back but they refused and looked at him pointless to deny Axl and Beatrice help. It is one more good deed for
suspiciously. Finally, Sir Gawain had agreed to accompany them Sir Gawain to do that might win him God’s favor.
to the giant’s cairn, eager to get there before Wistan and the

The narrator states that some people will have “Sne The giant’s cairn was erected by someone who wished to
monuments by which the living may remember the evil done,” commemorate the truth about what happened in the past, but
some will only have wooden crosses, and some will have knew they could not do it where just anyone could see it because it
nothing. It is possible the giant’s cairn was erected as a would lead to them asking questions and might make it easier for
memorial to a tragic loss of innocent lives—there aren’t many them to @gure out just why the cairn was built.
other reasons for it to exist. The narrator is sure Axl is bafTed
by the sudden view of the giant’s cairn. The goat begins
struggling to get away, although it soon stops, prompting
Beatrice to ask if the mist makes goats forget, too.

Sir Gawain looks out at the landscape while Axl and Beatrice Sir Gawain’s observation that there is “nothing now” that will send
struggle to tie up the goat. Sir Gawain turns around and says, “I Wistan and Edwin back is the moment that he truly accepts the
see them below,” noting that there’s “nothing now to turn inevitable: he and Wistan, who is much younger and stronger, will
them.” Axl asks who Sir Gawain is talking about and learns that duel over the life of Querig. The difference between how Axl feels
it’s Wistan and Edwin. Beatrice is excited that they are coming looking at Beatrice in this moment and how Sir Gawain feels could
to help, but Sir Gawain becomes uneasy and asks Axl if the still indicate that Gawain had cared for Beatrice in the past and that she
thinks they have “gather[ed] here in this forsaken spot as is possibly the beautiful woman Gawain mentions dreaming about
comrades.” Sir Gawain walks to Axl and asks if they hadn’t when he thinks about his regret over not having a romantic partner.
parted ways years ago, but when he sees Beatrice following, he This would also mean that Gawain and Beatrice had had an affair,
tells her to go rest and leave the goat with him. Watching her which could account for Axl’s feelings of anger while he and Gawain
walk back to the giant’s cairn, Axl feels “distinct shadows of sit together and watch Beatrice. Axl’s spontaneous anger also
anger and bitterness” and wonders if it was her who left him suggests that he was mistaken in thinking he wronged her, which
alone once. He also feels “both memory and anger growing forces him to the confront the question of whether his love for her
Srmer” as he looks at Beatrice. When he looks at Sir Gawain, can actually withstand remembering the truth if she is the one who
Axl sees tenderness in his eyes as he watches Beatrice. betrayed their marriage. The answer is perhaps found in the fact
that, instead of con@dently being able to say he will always love her,
Axl actually feels “anger growing @rmer,” indicating that he would
struggle to keep the same promise he insisted Beatrice make earlier
to always keep the love she feels for him in the moment alive even
when their bad memories return.

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Sir Gawain asks if it’s not possible that Axl’s decision “wasn’t While Sir Gawain has undoubtedly regretted that he had no
the more godly,” leaving Arthur and investing himself in his romantic partner to pass his days with, his description of choosing
marriage to Beatrice. Sir Gawain wonders if it wouldn’t have to leave Arthur as “more godly” shows that he recognizes that some
been better for him to make the same choice as Axl because of the things Arthur asked the knights to do were wrong or immoral
there have been days when he’s longed for a “kind shadow” to and it may have actually been ungodly to stick by Arthur after
follow him. Sir Gawain walks away, leaving Axl to Snish driving everything.
the stake and tying the goat to it.

Axl goes to Beatrice and says that the goat is secure and that he As the time when he will have to face Wistan draws closer, Sir
is ready to leave when she is, but Beatrice is reluctant to enter Gawain is evidently more anxious to speak plainly with Axl about
the forest again. Suddenly Sir Gawain calls out, “They’ll soon be what happened between them and Arthur. The fact that Axl stood
upon us!” Axl tells Beatrice they should go to him. Sir Gawain up to Arthur is a testament to his strength of character and
tells him the “Saxon warrior” will be there soon and then tells unwillingness to show deference to someone whom he sees as
Axl that he remembers the night Axl cursed at Arthur in front immoral or wrong. Unlike Sir Gawain, Axl was not a “yes man” for
of the other knights, who had kept their heads lowered. Sir Arthur. Still, Sir Gawain persists in portraying King Arthur in a
Gawain asks Axl if he remembers this and Axl says he doesn’t. positive light out of a continued sense of duty.
Sir Gawain explains that he and the rest of the knights feared
for Axl’s safety, but Arthur had used “gentle words” and
excused him. Although Sir Gawain “shared something of [Axl’s]
anger,” he criticizes Axl’s choice to yell at Arthur after he won a

Sir Gawain notes that there had been a shift in what they Although Sir Gawain prides himself on his sense of honor and
fought for during the war: “Where once we fought for land and justice, his description of the reasons for continuing the war “to
God, we now fought to avenge fallen comrades,” and children avenge fallen comrades” implies that honor had fallen by the
were growing up only knowing war. Axl remembers “God wayside as more and more people gave up their humanity and
himself betrayed” by Arthur’s betrayal of a treaty that Axl had compassion in the quest for revenge. War without honor had turned
brokered. Sir Gawain says that he had initially agreed with Axl barbaric, which, in Sir Gawain’s eyes, meant it was better to tell a
but changed his mind when he saw how peace was restored. great lie to achieve peace rather than to keep telling the truth and
Axl says he doesn’t want these memories, but only those of his continue @ghting in a war that was ruining the entire country.
“dear wife,” and asks to borrow Sir Gawain’s horse to get down
the mountain. Sir Gawain, appalled, refuses. Beatrice expresses
interest in waiting to see if Wistan will slay Querig.

Axl continues trying to get Sir Gawain to let him borrow the Axl wants to get Beatrice far away because, by doing so, he might
horse while Beatrice questions whether Axl really wants to see delay the moment at which they both remember the past, which he
the dragon slain and the mist lifted, and Sir Gawain asks if Axl now accepts will compromise their future. Sir Gawain, by saying
thinks that no “tender Tower or two” had tempted Gawain to they “can only watch and wonder” at King Arthur’s decisions,
make the same choice Axl did. He tries to justify King Arthur’s continues trying to convince Axl that all that had been done during
actions by saying ordinary people “can only watch and wonder” the war was done for a higher purpose and so he cannot be
at the “acts of a great king.” The three shout over each other condemned for his part in it, nor can the misunderstood Arthur.
until the warrior and Saxon boy arrive and shout over them.
Everyone falls silent and looks at the warrior and boy.

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Wistan walks forward, laughing at the sight of Axl and Beatrice, By pulling out his sword, Sir Gawain is sending a clear message to
and asks why they are on the mountain instead of with their Wistan that he is ready to @ght and that Wistan will have to get
son. Beatrice explains that they want to see Querig slain and through Sir Gawain to get to Querig. This also gives Sir Gawain the
that they brought a poisoned goat. Edwin strains against the opportunity to size Wistan up and plan how he wants to approach
ropes Wistan tied him with and Wistan decides to tether him their now unavoidable duel.
next to the goat. As Wistan does this, Sir Gawain keeps a close
eye on him, drawing out his sword and watching until Wistan
turns around. Edwin begins shouting about a bandit’s camp up
ahead before slumping to the ground and falling silent.

Axl asks that there be “no more disguises between us” and asks Axl’s request to do away with “disguises” shows that he is ready to
Sir Gawain if he is the dragon’s protector, which Sir Gawain hear the truth, but he wants to know the whole truth. This, Sir
conSrms is true. Wistan asks if Querig is close and Sir Gawain Gawain knows, is likely his @nal opportunity to share his side of the
says that this is true, as well. Beatrice asks how Sir Gawain story.
came to be the protector of Querig and Wistan says he’d like to
hear the story, too. Sir Gawain reluctantly agrees to lead them
all to the pit Querig stays in.

As they walk on, Beatrice tells Axl she’s beginning to think she’s Despite their fears, both Axl and Beatrice are determined to know
“the one to fear most the mist’s clearing” and is afraid she the whole truth of their marriage rather than live in doubt as to who
betrayed Axl somehow in the past. Still, she is determined to wronged who, how, and why. Beatrice’s desire to “see freely the
“see freely the path [they’ve] come together,” no matter how path” that brought them to this point shows that she now wants to
light or dark it is. Axl is struck by a sense that he was the one be able to judge for herself whether their marriage and the love they
waiting alone in their room and wonders if Beatrice is right. have is strong and genuine.

Sir Gawain indicates that they are close, and the group silently Sir Gawain’s defense of Merlin against Axl’s accusation that Merlin
walks on until Sir Gawain asks Wistan if he won’t reconsider his was dark provides further evidence of Sir Gawain’s adamant belief
mission there. Wistan refuses, so they continue on quietly. Sir that no price is too high if it achieves peace. This, of course, could be
Gawain leads them to a pile of rocks from which they can look due to the fact that only Sir Gawain can truly say he remembers
down and see Querig, who is sleeping and looks as if she is everything from the war, including the mutual and insurmountable
aging and fragile. Beatrice says that the dragon looks “no more hatred between Saxons and Britons that he believed would only
than a Teshy thread” and Sir Gawain agrees but says that as grow and get worse if it were allowed to continue.
“long as she’s breath left, she does her duty.” Axl says he
remembers Merlin’s work and calls it “dark.” Sir Gawain rejects
this idea and points out that, because of Merlin’s work, Saxons
and Britons live side by side in peace.

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Sir Gawain begs Wistan to think about “what might be awoken Wistan’s youthful idealism means he values truth over all else. Sir
across this land” if he kills Querig and to just leave. Wistan Gawain’s age and greater experience, however, have shown him that
questions what kind of god “wishes wrongs to go forgotten and there are times when letting the truth be known is not worth the
unpunished.” Sir Gawain admits the justice of this question and consequences. In this case, the truth will lead to war: a bloodier,
acknowledges that his god “looks uneasily” on what was done more serious war in which Britons will be targeted and slaughtered
that day, but suggests that allowing Querig to Snish out her life for the actions of their parents and grandparents. All Wistan sees in
(which won’t last much longer) because that might give time for this argument, however, is Sir Gawain’s desire that his own
“old wounds to heal for ever.” Wistan argues that this is reputation not be sullied by the truth coming out that Arthur had
“foolishness” and asks how Sir Gawain can think a “peace [will] broken the treaty and Sir Gawain had helped cover it up.
hold for ever built on slaughter and magician’s trickery.” Wistan
says he sees “how devoutly” Sir Gawain wants the past to be
forgotten, but refuses to give in. Wistan asks Sir Gawain to
leave, but the knight refuses and they prepare to duel.

Sir Gawain asks Axl to use his “Sne eloquence” to help him and Sir Gawain’s @nal bid to stop the inevitable reveals his fear of dying.
Wistan leave the place as friends, but Axl says he and Beatrice Sir Gawain knows that he does not stand a chance against Wistan
are there to see the dragon slain and won’t help Sir Gawain if he unless Axl is able to help them both @nd common ground. However,
tries to stop it. Sir Gawain says he understands and asks if, in Axl is unwilling to do this because he does not want to disappoint
the event that he is slain, they would be willing to take Horace Beatrice, who is still determined to watch Querig be slain and get
and Snd him “a Sne green meadow where he may eat to his her memories back.
heart’s content and think of old days.” Axl agrees to this.
Wistan, too, asks a favor: that if he is slain, Axl and Beatrice will
take Edwin to a safe village. Axl agrees to this, as well. As the
two men draw their swords and prepare to Sght, Beatrice looks
away and leaves Axl to watch. Wistan and Sir Gawain duel as
Axl looks on, remembering how to do some of the moves they
are doing. The duel is close, but Wistan defeats Sir Gawain
after a hard Sght.

Wistan stands over Sir Gawain’s body until Axl calls down, Now that nothing stands between Wistan and successfully killing
“Bravo, sir,” and tells him that nothing stands between him and Querig, he begins to show signs of regret. Even though Wistan had
killing the dragon. Wistan walks by Axl and Beatrice to look made Edwin promise to always hate Britons, Wistan himself is
down at Querig. Beatrice asks him to hurry and slay the dragon, @nding it dif@cult to hate Axl and Beatrice, particularly because he
but Wistan is staring at Axl again. Wistan asks Axl if he is the remembers the good that Axl tried to do during the war. Axl, too,
“gentle Briton” that he remembers from his childhood and had realizes that because he is a Briton, he will soon be the target of
tried to “keep innocents beyond the reach of war.” Axl says that hatred and violence. Without directly saying so, Axl looks to Wistan
if this was him, he only remembers it “through the haze” of the for some reassurance that both he and Beatrice are not in danger of
mist. Wistan thanks him for his honesty and Axl requests some being killed by him even though Axl knows Wistan can’t guarantee
honesty in return before asking if Wistan would want to seek their safety beyond that.
vengeance on the man he remembers. Wistan says that he has
dreamed of revenge, but now realizes that the man did his best.
Wistan would ask him to go in peace if he were to see him, even
though “peace now can’t hold for long.”

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Wistan descends into the pit without waking up Querig and Despite Wistan’s growing sense that killing Querig might do more
only examines her for a few moments before cutting off the harm than good, he does it anyway. Once he does and it cannot be
dragon’s head. Axl and Beatrice note that it’s over, but Axl undone, the full force of what Sir Gawain had tried to tell him about
wants to stay and ask Wistan something. When Wistan gets the hatred that would be unleashed hits him, forcing Wistan to
out of the pit, he looks “overwhelmed and not in the least realize that he had grown closer and seen more good in the Britons
triumphant.” Beatrice asks him why he looks “so despondent” than he had been willing to admit. Although he has succeeded in his
and Wistan says he doesn’t rightfully know, but thinks that he’s mission, Wistan fears that he has committed a greater error than
“been too long among you Britons,” having admired and that which Arthur committed when he broke the treaty with the
despised them every step of the way. Now that his mission is Saxons.
done, Wistan struggles to wrap his mind around what he’s done
and what the future holds. Beatrice asks what he means and
Wistan says that “justice and vengeance await” and the Saxons
are planning a conquest, made possible by the returning
memories of Saxons all over the country who will want revenge
for past wrongs.

Axl tells Beatrice that Wistan is right and observes that while Similarly, Axl and Beatrice realize they had been short-sighted in
they had longed for the dragon’s death for the sake of their their desire to get their memories back at any cost. The cost, as it
personal memories, they had failed to consider “what old turns out, is their safety and any chance that their lives would
hatreds will loosen across the land now.” Wistan agrees and simply pick up where they left off. Meanwhile, Wistan undergoes a
says, “The giant, once well buried, now stirs.” Once that giant rapid change, even advising Axl and Beatrice to leave the country.
rises, all the friendships and relationships between Saxons and This goes against his earlier belief that all Britons are inherently bad
Britons will be torn asunder and violence will break out. Wistan and deserve death, no matter how kind they may seem. This change
notes that this vengeance, for the Saxons, will be “justly served,” of heart will presumably make it dif@cult for Wistan to continue
but he is ashamed to say that part of him “turns from the Tames moving forward as a warrior.
of hatred.” Axl and Beatrice prepare to leave, but before they
walk away Wistan tells them to “ride fast from these parts” to
escape the coming violence, and to untie Edwin and send him

The goat chews on grass near Edwin’s head, which annoys him, Edwin, who had been propelled by love towards Querig believing
but he’s too tired to chase it away. Edwin is surprised by “the her to be his mother, is now driven by hatred. However, that hatred
sudden conviction that his mother [is] gone” and he no longer is not directed towards Britons as Wistan had advised, but towards
hears her voice. He feels someone untying him and he opens whoever killed his “mother,” meaning Wistan. Edwin is determined
his eyes to Snd Beatrice with him. When he stands up, he to kill whoever killed his mother, calling into question whether
remembers what the warrior had said about it being “early Wistan is going to be safe now that Edwin has been let loose by Axl
enough for revenge” and decides to make whoever killed his and Beatrice.
mother pay. Edwin doesn’t see Wistan, just the old Britons.
Beatrice tells him to go to Wistan, so Edwin runs forward.
Suddenly he stops and looks back at the couple. Beatrice calls
out to him and tells him to remember them and their friendship
in the coming days. This reminds Edwin of the promise he made
to Wistan to hate Britons, but he decides Wistan didn’t mean
for him to hate these Britons, and runs off to Snd him.

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The narrator sees the old couple riding through the rain and Axl’s attempt to carry Beatrice indicates that she is, once again,
wonders why they get off their horse so far from shelter. The growing too weak to walk. Axl, however, remains in good health. It
narrator calls to them, inviting them into take shelter under the also shows Axl’s continued love for Beatrice even though Querig is
pines. The old man doesn’t hear at Srst, but soon he does and slain and they have presumably begun to remember their past
looks around until he notices the narrator. The old woman together.
slides off the horse and the old man attempts to carry her, but
the narrator runs out to help carry her to the trees, setting her
down against the trunk while the old man comforts her.

The narrator listens as the old woman tells Axl that she The island represents the afterlife, so by saying their son is there,
remembers their son lives on an island and it is nearby. Axl Beatrice is con@rming that he is actually dead and that she is ready
wonders how that is possible, but Beatrice swears she can hear to go to him. Axl wants to convince her this is wrong because he
the sea nearby and says they forgot because of the mist but wants her to stay with him, but Beatrice will no longer allow Axl to
she knows their son is there. Axl thinks it’s just her fever, but tell her what to think and which of her memories are real and which
the woman tells him to ask the narrator. The narrator wonders are not. Axl’s alarm at the narrator’s answer is due to his growing
if he’s supposed to stay silent, but instead turns and tells Axl, realization that Beatrice is about to go to the island and that he
“The good lady’s right, sir.” Axl looks alarmed, but the narrator might not be going with her.
goes on describing the close proximity of the island and
explains that he can bring them over there in his boat once the
rain clears. Axl asks if the narrator is a boatman, and he says
that he is. Axl fearfully holds his wife closer.

Axl asks if there is shelter with a Sre nearby to warm Beatrice. Axl’s reluctance to go to the cove is explained by his realization that
The narrator says he has one in the cove, but Axl says that the closer they get to the sea, the sooner the narrator (who is
they’d better stay under the tree and they don’t really have an evidently a boatman) will put their relationship to the test. Unlike
interest in going to the island. Beatrice, shocked, asks what Axl Beatrice, Axl is not ready for this, which indicates that he knows
means and insists on going to the cove. Axl agrees to bring her their relationship is not strong enough for the boatman to be willing
there but is reluctant to let the narrator carry her despite his to bring them to the island together.
own weakness. From the cove, the narrator points out the
island, calls it “a gentle place,” and wonders if the couple is there
“of their own will.”

Beatrice calls to the narrator and asks if the island they see is The narrator’s unwillingness to provide direct answers to Beatrice’s
the same she heard of in stories where a person can walk alone questions serves to draw both her and Axl out even more. Beatrice is
forever without running into another person. The narrator says the only one showing any excitement or asking questions, which
that it may be, but he has no way of conSrming. Beatrice asks if shows that she is the only one who is really ready to be taken to the
it’s true that couples can be taken there together so they are island. Axl’s silence reveals his fear that he is about to lose Beatrice.
not separated, but the narrator gives her another evasive
answer, saying it’s only his job to carry people who want to go
across the water. Beatrice asks if the narrator could bring her
and Axl there together so they won’t have to part, and the
narrator assures her that they would be permitted to be
together there. This excites Beatrice, who also hopes to
occasionally run into their son.

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The narrator prepares to get the boat and give the couple time With their memories returning, Beatrice and Axl are able to share
to decide what to do when Beatrice asks if they’ll be their most treasured memory. When the boatman tells Axl that they
questioned. The narrator says he nearly forgot about that, but should get the boat ready, it lulls Axl into a false sense of security
that they will be. Axl is sent away while the woman talks about because he believes they have passed the test and that now it is
her memories of Axl. After a while, the narrator says it’s time over.
for him to talk to Axl. The narrator shares a memory that
Beatrice had told him about her and Axl walking together with
a basket of eggs. Axl smiles and says he remembers. The
boatman says they should go get the boat ready and they start
walking back.

On the way, the narrator asks if there are any memories that Although Axl is able to recall in detail what made him hate Beatrice,
cause “particular pain,” assuring Axl he is no longer being he is unable to remember how he learned to love her again.
formally questioned. Axl shares the story of the abrupt Furthermore, he admits to harboring negative thoughts and feelings
departure of their son and says he shares the blame, having about her, even though he insists that this was all in the past and it
created a toxic home life after discovering his wife’s inSdelity. is different now. Still, his inability to remember how or why he fell
Their son had vowed never to return and was gone even after back in love with Beatrice shows that it was not as memorable to
the couple was “happily reunited.” When they got word that him as the pain she had caused him and his desire to cause her pain
their son had died of plague, Axl says he “forbade her to go to in turn.
his grave” because he still had “a craving to punish” even as he
“spoke and acted forgiveness.” The narrator asks what has
changed since then to make Axl love his wife again, and Axl
explains that there was no one thing, but that he had gradually
fallen back in love with her.

When they return to Beatrice, Axl wants to carry her to the Axl clearly understands that if he gets out of the boat, there is a
boat but the narrator insists on doing it, which makes Axl chance that the boatman will not come back for him and it will be
suspicious. When they get to the boat, Axl gets in, but the the last time he sees Beatrice. Whether Beatrice understands this or
narrator says he can only bring one person at a time because not is less clear, but it is telling that she @nds it easy to send him out
the water is choppy. He will return shortly for Axl. At Srst, Axl of the boat now, especially when just the day before she had been so
refuses to get out, but eventually his wife tells the narrator to scared of him leaving her for even a moment because she didn’t
give them a moment. She tells Axl that she trusts the boatman want to lose him. Axl’s decision to get out of the boat and Beatrice’s
will return for him and asks him not to argue. Axl asks her if she decision to encourage him to do so, even though they both promise
thinks the only reason their love has grown so strong is each other they will see each other soon, implies that they both
because the mist had erased their pasts long enough for old realize and accept that they will not be on the island together. This
wounds to heal, but she says that doesn’t matter now and is further con@rmed by the fact that Axl walks away entirely, not
encourages him to apologize so the narrator will return for him. even stopping to listen to the boatman or to watch Beatrice be
Axl agrees to get out of the boat and the narrator hears him tell taken away. This can be read as indicating that the love that they
his wife goodbye. Axl walks past the narrator, who tells him to had such con@dence in has failed under the stress of the “buried
wait, and continues walking off into the distance. giant” of Beatrice’s affair and Axl’s resentment. But it can also be
read as a recognition of the brutal realities of human life and death.
Being taken to the island can be read as a metaphor for dying—and
dying, the novel makes clear, is always something that happens

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MLA Ishiguro, Kazuo. The Buried Giant. Vintage. 2015.
Greenwood, Alissa. "The Buried Giant." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 18 CHICA
Nov 2019. Web. 21 Apr 2020.
Ishiguro, Kazuo. The Buried Giant. New York: Vintage. 2015.
Greenwood, Alissa. "The Buried Giant." LitCharts LLC, November
18, 2019. Retrieved April 21, 2020.

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