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Relevant Theories

To further substantiate the literature review, other relevant theories were also properly

reviewed and critically analyzed to enhance the conceptual framework of the academic research

Conceptual Framework


The Proposed * Ethical Validation
Reading Consideration
Data Gathering
Intervention Administration of the
Online questions
Program Statistical treatment
and Data Analysis

Figure 1. The Research Paradigm

Statement of the Problem


The primary objective of this research undertaking ……

More specifically, it sought answers to the following specific questions:

1. How may ___________________________respondents, such as:



2. What are the factors that contributed essentially to the reading difficulties incurred by the

learners as perceived by the reading teacher- respondents to the students' reading


3. Anchored on the recommendations to be obtained from the study, what School-Based

Reading Intervention Program may be proposed?

Null Hypothesis

The Null hypothesis listed below will be tested at a 0.05 level of significance.

Ho. There is no significant difference in the reading difficulties incurred by the Grade 11/12


Significance of the Study


The current research endeavor is of great significance because it attempted to enhance and

improve the ______ on the part of the learners.

The findings that were derived from the study were of paramount importance to the

following personalities who are directly connected in the ongoing formation and education of

the young who are the future of the nation:

Policymakers. The findings of the study may establish a policy development process

evidence-based and participatory mechanisms and procedures for the formulation, adoption,

and review of policies on existing reading programs.

Curriculum developers. The findings of the study may elevate their level of awareness

on the current plight of the struggling Senior High School learners as far as their reading skills

are concerned, so that they institute innovation in making the learning experiences of the

learners more interesting and relevant in their daily lives.

School heads. The output of the study may serve as a strong vehicle in assisting their

reading teachers particularly be properly guided in bringing about more relevant and time-

bound strategic measures in the elevation of reading skills of the learners.

Senior High School learners. The study’s output may serve as a meaningful learning

instrument in their continuous growth and development so that they will become more

productive and responsible citizens on the Philippine soil.

Finally, the future researchers for the salient findings of the study will serve as great

reading materials in enhancing the conceptual framework of the research undertaking, they are

contemplating to deal with.


This portion of academic research presents the methodologies and procedures to be

employed in the whole process. Specifically, it includes the research design, respondents of the

study, research instrument to be used, which are the survey questionnaire and the unstructured

interview, their validation, data gathering procedure, and the statistical treatment for the proper

interpretation and analyses of the data gathered.

Research Design

Specifically, the present research made use of the descriptive quantitative method of

research. This is not only confined to gathering and tabulating the needed data and

information. It will be through the distribution of survey questionnaires in the form of a

google sheet to the participants of the study to be conducted.

According to Aquino (2015), the descriptive method of research is fact-finding with

adequate interpretation. It is something more and beyond just data gathering. In this method,

the true meaning of data collected should be reported from the point of view of the objectives

and the assumptions of the project underway.

Similarly, Almeida, Gaerlan, and Manly (2016) posited that Descriptive Quantitative

research design is a type of imperial investigation. It means that the research focuses on

verifiable observation. This type of research is often expressed in this context; researchers

will represent and manipulate certain observations they struggle with.

There are four types of descriptive quantitative research, these are (1) Survey research that

uses interviews, questionnaires, and sampling to get a sense of behavior with intense

precision, (2) Correlational research, this is about tests for a relationship between two

variables, (3) Causal- Comparative research. It looks to uncover a cause on each other,

specifically by a hypothesis.

The researcher is convinced that the descriptive-quantitative research design is the most

appropriate to realize the primordial objective of the current research undertaking. This is so

because the study is quantitative in its very nature. The pertinent data and reliable information

are to be solicited with the utilization of validated survey questionnaires, and the data are to

be analyzed numerically through tabular presentation.

Respondents of the Study

The select public secondary one hundred twenty (120) ______in the Division of Pampanga

during the academic year ______ and served as the respondents of the study. They were asked

to answer the specific questions in the online survey questionnaire using google sheets.

In selecting the respondents or the study, a purposive sampling technique was

introduced. Purposive sampling (also known as judgment, selective or subjective sampling) is

a technique in which the researcher relies on their judgment when choosing population

members to respond in the study. However, this paper reviewed the principles and practice of

purposeful sampling in implementation research, summarized types, and categories of

purposeful sampling strategies, and provided a set of recommendations for the use of a single

strategy, particularly for state implementation research.

Table 1 shows the distribution of the respondents per participating public school.

Table 1
Frequency Respondents Per School

Codes Number of respondents

A 10
B 11
C 12
D 8
E 6
F 7
G 10
H 6
I 9
J 5
K 6
L 5
M 5
N 6
O 7
P 7
Research Instrument


Utilizing the research capabilities of the researcher as a student of Betis National High

School coupled with the verbalized insights/ realizations of the reading teachers in some of

the participating schools and the reading materials/ related literature that were systematically

analyzed, the Survey Questionnaire is personally constructed by the researcher. This lone

research instrument is utilized in the solicitation of reliable data and information.

Validation of the Survey Questionnaire

The researcher submitted three validation phases to ensure that the survey questionnaire,

gathered essential, valuable data, and pertinent information. The first phase of the validation,

the survey questionnaire was subjected to a face-to-face validation by three experts whose field

of specialization is _______________________in research. The first validation is a research

_______________whose field of expertise is in English research. Meanwhile, the second

validator is a ______________________ whose line of interest is more on English Language

reading and literature; and the third validator is the _________. The comments and valuable

suggestions of these research enthusiasts were incorporated in the final revision of the survey


Meanwhile, the Pre-testing activity is the second phase of the validation of the survey

questionnaire. The main purpose of this pre-testing determined the level of easiness and
difficulties of each question in the survey questionnaire. It was administered to a group of

respondents who were not included in the final administration of the survey questionnaire.

Finally, in the third phase of the validation, the survey questionnaire was subjected to a

Cronback Alpha Hem Analysis to ensure the reliability and validity of each indicator in the

survey questionnaire. It was critically analyzed that made it more scientific and academically


The Data Gathering Procedure


The researcher envisioned a systematic flow in the final administration of the survey

questionnaire in the participating schools. Since it is still a pandemic crisis, the researcher

employed a mixed method of administration of the survey questionnaire: (1) Face-to-face

administration was conducted to the reading teacher- respondents who were very near in the

locality of the researcher and these are researchable in a comfortable manner, (2) The google

Form survey was employed to those respondents who were situated in distant places and very

difficult to approach. In both methodologies, the following specific directories and expectations

were clarified to the teacher- respondents: (1) Concise but comprehensive explanations of the

primary objective of the study will be presented to the respondents, (2) The intentions of the

researcher in motivating was for the respondents to answer the specific questions with the sense

of truthfulness because there are no wrong answers; and they should not leave questions

unanswered, (3) Giving an assurance to the participants that their identities will be treated with
genuine concern because they will be protected, (4) all data and information that were solicited

were secured with utmost confidentiality, (5) and before they started answering, the researches

spent few minutes on entertaining the queries and other clarifications.

Ethical Considerations

Research ethics are moral principles that guide researchers to conduct and report research

without deception. Practicing guidelines while conducting research is essential to establish a

study’s validity. It is important to adhere to ethical norms in research to promote the aims of the

research, such as knowledge, truth, and avoidance of error; it involves a great deal of

cooperation and coordination among many different people in different schools, ethical

standards promote the values that are essential to collaborative work; and many of the ethical

norms help to ensure that researchers can be held accountable to the public (Resnik, 2020).

Meanwhile, Brinkmann (2012) enumerates some essential ethical questions as a guide for

the research at the beginning of the research endeavor. These are as follows: (1) What benefits

may be obtained from the research undertaking? (2) How is the process of obtaining their

informed consent from the participants? (3) How may the researcher ensure the protection of

the identity and responses of the respondents? (4) What are the possible consequences of the

research endeavor to the respondents, and (5) How will the researcher’s role/ functions affect

the research work.

The ethical principles articulated by the authorities above was modified in the systematic

conduct of the research endeavor. Specifically, the following guidelines were religiously and
strictly adhered to by the current researcher: (1) A permission to conduct the study is to

submitted the proper authority (2) Upon the generous approval of the humble request, the data

gathering procedure was drafted by the researcher, (3) An informed consent was signed by the

reading teacher- respondents, (4) Expectations and directing was extensively explained to the

teacher- respondents, and (5) Gave assurance that the identity of the respondents were taken

cared for and their responses in each question in the survey questionnaire that was treated with

a sense of accountability and utmost confidentiality.

Statistical Treatment and Data Analyses


To systematically and critically analyze the data that was gathered, the following statistical

tools were utilized:

a. Mean. This pertains to the sum of the observed values divided by the number of

observations, and often this is called the location measure frequency. This statistical tool

considers the proper weights assigned to the observed values concerning their relative

significance. In his study, this is to be used to categorize the responses of the respondents.

b. Norms for Interpretation. To systematically interpret and critically analyze the computations,

the following norms for interpretations are to be used.

c.1. Likert Scale. This is used to analyze the responses deeply and critically.

c.1.1 For vocabulary, comprehension, literacy appreciation, and work-study skill

difficulties, the 5-point Likert scale was used.

Descriptive Rating Scale Value Range
Very Strongly Agree 5 4.51-5.00
Strongly Agree 4 3.51-4.50
Moderately Agree 3 2.51-3.50
Slightly Agree 2 1.51-2.50
Poorly Agree 1 1.00-1.50

c1.2 for factors that contributed essentially to the reading difficulties, the 5-point Likert

scale was used.

Descriptive Rating Scale Value Range

Very Great Factor 5 4.51-5.00
Great Factor 4 3.51-4.50
Factor 3 2.51-3.50
Minimal Factor 2 1.51-2.50
Not a Factor 1 1.00-1.50

3. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation. This is known as Pearson "r," which reveals the

magnitude and direction of relationships in linearly related variables. The value ranges from

+1 through 0 to -1. The "r" symbolizes the coefficient’s estimate of the linear association

based on sampling data.



This segment concisely presents the results of the demonstration of the survey

questionnaire guided by the specific questions articulated in the statement of the problem.


This part of the study comprehensively discusses the summary of findings, conclusions,

and recommendations obtained from the study. These were arranged in sequence based on the

specific questions cited in the statement of the problem.

Summary of Findings


Findings of the study revealed that teacher-respondents assessed the reading difficulties

incurred by the learners on vocabulary skill difficulties as “Strongly Agreeing” with an average

weighted mean of 3.67. This specific finding of the study was in consonance with the study of

Rohmatillah (2014), that learners faced difficulties in learning vocabulary. He explained that

there are kinds and factors affecting the learning of vocabulary. In addition, a casual discussion

among the parents of the students revealed that it has a significant impact on the interest of their

children in terms of excessive use of technology, such as social media and mobile games. In

addition, during an unstructured interview that took place between the researcher and the

teacher-respondents, the teacher-respondents spoke out that students had no interest in any kind

of study habits in terms of reading vocabulary. Lastly, in the discussion with the students, the

researcher had collected factors that may affect the vocabulary skill such as: 1) The length of

vocabulary that learners are expected to master is an extremely high figure; 2) Both the spoken

and written forms of the English language are distinct from one another; and 3)

misunderstanding of the grammatical structure of the words.


The following are the conclusions based on the summary of findings:

The teacher-respondents assessed the reading difficulties incurred by the learners in terms

of vocabulary skills, comprehension skills, and work-study skills as “Strongly Agree”.

All the factors contributing to reading difficulties were assessed by the teacher-

respondents as “Great Factor”.



Based on the findings, and conclusion that were obtained from the study, the following

recommendations are hereby given:



SAMPLE (use APA 7th)

Appendix A
Letter to Conduct Study



Schools Division Superintendent

Attached are: (a) statement of the problem and (b) the validated survey questionnaire for your
further information.



Researcher Dr. ABNER C. MANALOTO
Appendix B
Letter to the Validator


Ms. Cindy P. Sicat

Master Teacher I,
San Matias High School, Sto. Tomas Pampanga

Dear Madam,

Greetings of peace and understanding!


In line with this, May I humbly seek your good office's permission to help me validate
my research instrument to make it more reliable and academically acceptable.

Herewith is a copy of the problem statement and the self-made survey questionnaire for your
further information.

Thank you very much for your utmost support.



Researcher Dr. ABNER C. MANALOTO

Appendix C
The Informed Consent

Date: _______________________

Dear Teacher - Participant,

Greetings of peace and love!

In connection with this, you are chosen to be one of the participants in this research
undertaking. With this, I humbly seek your active involvement by answering the specific
questions in the online survey questionnaire.

To request informed consent from the intended participants. The information is hereby given:

For your voluntary involvement, please affix your signature.

in my signature below.

________________________ _________________ ____________

Signature over Printed Name Position Date

Appendix D

PART I Demographic Profile

Direction: Please fill in the blank with the necessary information needed and/or put a

checkmark on the space corresponding to your option

Name ________________ Age _______ Gender _______

School and Location ___________________________
Highest Educational Attainment ___________Position ______
Number of Years in the Teaching Profession ____
Seminars / Workshops Attended

Nature of Seminar Participation Venue Date

____________________ _____________ ________________ ____________
____________________ _____________ ________________ ____________
____________________ _____________ ________________ ____________

sAppendix E
Curriculum Vitae

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