Ws Fopen
Ws Fopen
Ws Fopen
The current brake (RL109619) and magnetic part (RL139414) are no longer available from
the supplier.
Current New
Parts available: The following parts of the new brake are serviced:
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Bulletin no.: WHSB-03-001 (2/2)
When replacing the old brake with the new brake, three (3) M5 thread holes need to be
machined into the end shield (flange) of the motor. (See also the drawing below.)
The new brake is adjustable, the air gap should be checked every 300 hours or 3 months
and adjusted to 0.15 mm.
The brake disc has an original thickness of 8.2 mm and a minimum thickness of 5.2 mm.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Service Bulletin
Bulletin No.: WHSB-03-002 (1/2)
Group: Brake System
Models: All applicable models
Date: June 2002
Description: In this bulletin it is described how to perform inspection and maintenance on models
equipped with magnetic brakes.
Air Gap:
1. Measure the air gap between armature plate and stator using a feeler gauge.
2. Compare the measured air gap to the maximum permissible air gap(see table).If necessary,
adjust the air gap.
To reset the air gap, undo the adjustment screws and adjust to obtain the necessary air gap. Measure
the air gap at several points. Cycle the brake a number of times then re-check.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and
quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
WHSB-03-002 (2/2)
After several adjustments, variable according to size and use, it is necessary to replace the friction
disc by below procedure.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and
quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Hefbrugweg 77,
1332 AM Almere,
The Netherlands
Phone:+31 36 549 4411
Fax:+31 36 549 4695
Service Bulletin
Proportional electromagnetic brakes are a new feature on the new N-series reach truck.
A proper adjustment at assembly is vital for the functionality of the brake.
This service bulletin contains an instruction for the adjustment of the load wheel brakes.
Bushings must be
0,8 mm x 3
3x Screws to
be used as
table support Lower the wheel slowly
Turn only two against the assembly
turns parallel to the table
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
WHSB-03-003 (2/2)
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-04-001 (1/2)
Group: Electric System
Models: (Curtis) Transistor
Date: January, 1998
Description : Currently a different version of Curtis controller is being installed on all trucks
fitted with the transistor speed controller.
The diferences between the previous installed 1207 Curtis controller and the new 1207A
Curtis controller controller are:
• the new version has no potentiometers for mechanical adjustment and no sliding cover;
• the new version has a different plug for the Programmer;
• the new version has an additional parameter called ‘neutral braking’.
Note: The current Programmer can be used for both versions of Curtis controllers (1207 &
1207A), only a different cable with plug is needed for the new 1207A controller. In
that case the current cable needs to be disconnected from the Programmer and the
new cable need to be connected.
The parameter ‘neutral braking’ has the possibilty to enable plugging braking, when
releasing the accelerator switch to the neutal position during drive.
‘Neutral braking’ is standard disabled (set to OFF), but can be enabled (set to ON) with the
Programmer, depending on the preference of the driver.
Parts available: The part number of the speed controller and the programmer have not
changed, the only new part number is for the ’adapter cable with plug’, needed for the
1207A version speed controller.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Bulletin no: WHSB-04-001 (2/2)
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-04-002 (1/2)
Group: Electric System
Models: Resistor and Transistor
speed controller
Date: January, 1998
Description : On the Resistor and the Transistor speed controller the fuse holder for the
8A control circuit fuses has changed to a new type.
The new fuse holder has a bayonet catch, while the previous one was a ‘click-on’ type fuse
„ „
ƒ ƒ
Parts available:
Ref. No. QTY Description Part number old Part number new
¬ 2 Fuse holder 1074183 RL210797
The table on the next page shows the number and type of fuses installed on the various
models fitted with the Resistor or Transistor speed controller.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Bulletin no.: WHSB-04-002 (2/2)
Truck Model Drive current QTY Pump current QTY Control circuit QTY
fuse „ fuse ® fuse -
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-04-003 (1/1)
Group: Electric System
RB14, RB16(C), RB20
Date: May, 1998
Description : On the current Reach trucks the directional relay K44 (P/N RL196118) has
been replaced by two identical relays K45 and K46 (P/N 801352).
Enclosed you will find the new circuit diagram TS600198, showing the details of the
Together with the relays, also the wire set for the relays (P/N RL450020) has been
changed to a new wire set (P/N RL450050).
In case of malfunction with the relay K44, it can easily be replaced by the new relays K45
and K46, by connecting them as shown on page 3 and 4 of the new circuit diagram. In this
case no change of the wire set is needed.
Start date: The changes have been in production since week 01 of 1998.
Parts available:
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-04-004 (1/3)
Group: Electric System
RB14, RB16(C), RB20
Date: January, 1999
Description : When a new logic unit for traction & hydraulics (ZAPI) has been installed on
a reach truck, the following three steps should be carried out:
For all the three steps which need to be carried out, a special tool called “Zapi-
programmer” is needed. This tool can be ordered through the MCFNET spare parts
system with the part number RL199256.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Bulletin no: WHSB-04-004 (2/3)
From the starting display you can go to the Main Menu by pressing “enter” or you can go to
the Config. Menu by pressing “roll↑” and “set↑” simultaneously.
To enter a sub-menu press “enter”, to go out press “out”.
The “roll↑” and roll↓” buttons are used to go to the next/previous parameter or menu.
The “Param. Set↑” and “Param. Set↓” buttons are used to change the values of the
parameters and options. When a value has been changed then it is immediately valid, you
do not have to press “enter” to save the new value.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Bulletin no: WHSB-04-004 (3/3)
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-04-005 (1/3)
Group: Electric System
RB14, RB16(C), RB20
Date: January, 1999
Description : On the display of the reach truck we have the possibility to adjust the reading of
the battery discharge indicator (BDI).
On the current displays you can find only one jumper and a total of 7 jumper positions placed in
one row, marked with; +3, +2, +1, 0, -1, -2 and -3.
Each jumper position agrees with a different battery discharge curve; battery voltage vs. charge
Standard on this display the jumper is placed on the position marked with “0”.
In the near future the displays will be equipped also with 7 jumper positions, but then with two
jumpers. With this set up we will be able to select 13 different discharge curves.
On this display the two jumpers will be in the positions that agree with discharge curve “0”.
On page 2 you can find the information about the different discharge curves of the current
display (version A), with only one jumper.
On page 3 you can find the information about the different discharge curves of the new display
(version B) with two jumpers.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design
of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Bulletin no.: WHSB-04-005 (2/3)
Cell voltage
Level % Curve +0 Curve +1 Curve +2 Curve +3 Curve -1 Curve -2 Curve -3
0 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.62 1.61 1.60
10 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.66 1.65 1.64
20 1.71 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.70 1.69 1.68
30 1.75 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.74 1.73 1.72
40 1.79 1.79 1.80 1.81 1.78 1.77 1.76
50 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.85 1.81 1.80 1.79
60 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.89 1.85 1.84 1.83
70 1.90 1.91 1.92 1.93 1.89 1.88 1.87
80 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.93 1.92 1.91
90 1.98 1.98 1.99 2.00 1.97 1.96 1.95
100 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.07 2.06 2.05
48V Battery
Level % Curve +0 Curve +1 Curve +2 Curve +3 Curve -1 Curve -2 Curve -3
0 39.19 39.42 39.65 39.87 38.96 38.74 38.51
10 40.10 40.33 40.56 40.79 39.88 39.65 39.42
20 41.02 41.24 41.47 41.70 40.79 40.56 40.33
30 41.93 42.16 42.38 42.61 41.70 41.47 41.25
40 42.84 43.07 43.29 43.52 42.61 42.39 42.16
50 43.75 43.98 44.21 44.43 43.52 43.30 43.07
60 44.66 44.89 45.12 45.35 44.44 44.21 43.98
70 45.58 45.80 46.03 46.26 45.35 45.12 44.89
80 46.49 46.72 46.94 47.17 46.26 46.03 45.81
90 47.40 47.63 47.85 48.08 47.17 46.95 46.72
100 49.92 50.15 50.37 50.60 49.69 49.47 49.24
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design
and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Bulletin no.: WHSB-04-005 (3/3)
Cell voltage
Level Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve
% 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
0 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.62 1.61 1.60 1.60 1.59 1.58
10 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72 1.73 1.66 1.65 1.64 1.63 1.62 1.61
20 1.71 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1.76 1.77 1.70 1.69 1.68 1.67 1.66 1.65
30 1.75 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.74 1.73 1.72 1.71 1.70 1.69
40 1.79 1.79 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.78 1.77 1.76 1.75 1.74 1.73
50 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.85 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.81 1.80 1.79 1.79 1.78 1.77
60 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.89 1.90 1.91 1.92 1.85 1.84 1.83 1.82 1.81 1.80
70 1.90 1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.89 1.88 1.87 1.86 1.85 1.84
80 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.97 1.98 1.99 1.93 1.92 1.91 1.90 1.89 1.88
90 1.98 1.98 1.99 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 1.97 1.96 1.95 1.94 1.93 1.92
100 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.07 2.06 2.05 2.04 2.03 2.02
48V Battery
Level Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve Curve
% 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
0 39.19 39.42 39.65 39.87 40.10 40.33 40.55 38.96 38.74 38.51 38.28 38.06 37.83
10 40.10 40.33 40.56 40.79 41.01 41.24 41.47 39.88 39.65 39.42 39.20 38.97 38.74
20 41.02 41.24 41.47 41.70 41.92 42.15 42.38 40.79 40.56 40.33 40.11 39.88 39.65
30 41.93 42.16 42.38 42.61 42.84 43.06 43.29 41.70 41.47 41.25 41.02 40.79 40.57
40 42.84 43.07 43.29 43.52 43.75 43.98 44.20 42.61 42.39 42.16 41.93 41.70 41.48
50 43.75 43.98 44.21 44.43 44.66 44.89 45.11 43.52 43.30 43.07 42.84 42.62 42.39
60 44.66 44.89 45.12 45.35 45.57 45.80 46.03 44.44 44.21 43.98 43.76 43.53 43.30
70 45.58 45.80 46.03 46.26 46.48 46.71 46.94 45.35 45.12 44.89 44.67 44.44 44.21
80 46.49 46.72 46.94 47.17 47.40 47.62 47.85 46.26 46.03 45.81 45.58 45.35 45.13
90 47.40 47.63 47.85 48.08 48.31 48.54 48.76 47.17 46.95 46.72 46.49 46.26 46.04
100 49.92 50.15 50.37 50.60 50.83 51.06 51.28 49.69 49.47 49.24 49.01 48.78 48.56
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design
and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-04-006 (1/1)
Group: Electric System
Models: All models with (Curtis)
Transistor Controller
Date: April, 1999
Description: For most models the parameter settings of the Curtis transistor controller are
mentioned in the Operation & Maintenance Manual (OMM). In the course of time some of the
parameter settings have changed for various reasons.
Not all these changes have been incorporated in the OMM of the concerning trucks.
Attached you will find the parameter lists with factory settings, which are currently used on the
trucks fitted with a Curtis transistor controller.
Attached: Eight (8) different parameter lists for various truck models.
1 PBC16P + PB18-20P
2 PB20V
3 PB20R
4 PB20
5 SB12-16P + SB12-16V
6 SB12-20R
7 OPB20M
8 OPB08H
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design
of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Service Letter
Letter No.: SL-04-007 (1/3)
Group : Electrical system
Models :
Date : January 2002
Problem Description: Alarm "AUX OUTPUT KO" which means that the logic inside the inverter
has a fault in the driver circuit for the magnetic brake
Action required: To improve the reliability of the AC-2 inverters as traction configuration, a diode
needs to be installed over the brake coil instead of the consisting varistor which is installed in
To improve the reach trucks in the field, with next service visit it needs to be checked if the diode is
already installed. If it's not installed yet the diode needs to be installed by following method.
The needed amount of diodes with cables and connectors (partnumber RL464075) will be provided
free of charge and are included in this shipment.
Page 2 shows the schematic before varistor installation and page 3 the schematic afterwards.
Description: During normal truck operation the controller monitors the battery capacity level and if
the adjusted low capacity limit is reached, all lifting functions will be automatically cut out from the
truck operation, until the battery is recharged.
Since production week 12/2002 the lift cut out feature is included as an option on new trucks, fitted
with Multifunctional Digital Indicator (MDI).
The feature is meant for truck models equipped with Zapi controller models SEM 0 and SEM 1
controller that do not have this feature built in. The lift cut out feature is already included in truck
controllers equipped with Zapi COMBI SEM 1.
Installation instruction: Mount the parts to the truck (picture.1) and connect the electrical wiring
according to the circuit diagram 3-6814 (page 2). The use of professional tools to change the
EPROM of the controller is mandatory (picture.2). Verify all parameter settings and adjust the
option number 1 or 2 if needed
Picture 1 Picture 2
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and
quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
WHSB-04-008 (2/2)
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and
quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Service Bulletin
Bulletin No.: WHSB-04-009 (1/1)
Group: Electric System
Models: OPBH..K
Date: June 2002
Description: Sine January 2002 the SIEMENS logic CPU214 and relay unit EM223/6ES7 have
been replaced by SIEMENS logic CPU224 and relay unit EM223/1PH22 in production. The units
have a flexible cable connection in stead off the fixed connection.
In some hard applications bad connections could occur between the units. Caused by vibration of the
logics in the base. In those cases just remove the mounting rail below the logics and bolt the units
straight to the bottom plate.
The old logics will remain as spare parts but they have now different numbers to be identified as
programmed units (see below)
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and
quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Service Letter
Bulletin No.: WHSB-04-010 (1/2)
Group: Electrical system
Models: PBP13-20M
Date: September 2003
Description: If the operator brakes by releasing the tiller arm, a certain amount of
brake energy will be dissipated in the electromagnetic brake. In heavy
applications this can lead to overheating of the electromagnetic brake.
This Service Letter is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Letters have no warranty implications, unless advised.
WHSB-04-010 (2/2)
Controller: Schwarzmuller
Program version:
Parameter number
PBP13M 35Ah
PBP13M 50Ah
This Service Letter is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Letters have no warranty implications, unless advised.
Service Bulletin
Bulletin No.: WHSB-04-011 (1/1)
Group: Electrical System
Models: PBP13/16/20M
Date: February 2005
Description: The Curtis battery discharge indicator has been replaced by a new type
Sauer Danfoss display. All displayed information is supplied by the drive
motor controller.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
Service Bulletin
Bulletin No.: WHSB-04-012 (1/4)
Group: Electrical System
Models: PBP20M
Date: February 2005
When replacing the old controller with the new controller four (4) M6 thread holes need
to be machined into the electric panel mounting plate(see drawing below)
All 3 traction motor phase cables U, V, W connectors need to be replaced by 5mm/16mm²
All control circuit connectors and parameters are as before.
If you receive a new controller RL473324 the package will include 3pcs connectors
+ 3pcs isolation hoses.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
WHSB-04-012 (2/4)
Cut off all 3 motor phase cable connectors close to the previous ones.
Cut off the cable isolation approx. 10mm from end of all 3 motor phase cables.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
WHSB-04-012 (3/4)
Install the isolation hoses and the connectors on all 3 motor phase cables.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
WHSB-04-012 (4/4)
Pull the isolation hoses in place and heat slightly to crimp on for all 3 motor phase cables.
Do the final connection look out for correct U, V, and W connection, carry out the test drive.
Install the covers.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
Service Bulletin
Bulletin No.: WHSB- 04- 013 (1/ 1)
Group: Electric system
Models: PBP20M
Date: September 2005
Description: For improved durability, the pump motor contactor has been
replaced by a heavier version, as used in the stacker trucks.
Parts: 1074185
PBP20M new pump motor contactor PBP20M old pump motor contactor
(1074185) (RL467846)
The new pump motor contactor will also be used in the PBP13M & PBP16M models,
but a separate bulletin will be released for this.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
Service Bulletin
Bulletin No.: WHSB-04-014 (1/1)
Group: Electric system
Models: PBP13M
Date: October 2005
Description: ` For improved durability, the pump motor contactor has been
replaced by a heavier version, as used in the stacker trucks.
The EL-panel has been reinforced to avoid fuse breakage due to
PBP13M new pump motor contactor PBP13M old pump motor contactor
(1074185) and EL-panel (RL480715) (RL467846) and EL-panel (RL473662)
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuous ly improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
Service Bulletin
Bulletin No.: WHSB-04-015 (1/1)
Group: Electric system
Models: PBP16M
Date: October 2005
Description: ` For improved durability, the pump motor contactor has been
replaced by a heavier version, as used in the stacker trucks.
Parts: 1074185
PBP16M new pump motor contactor PBP16M old pump motor contactor
(1074185) (RL467846)
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
The master-, traction- and pump controllers are replaced. The steering controllers and
steering motors are now separated. This change means, that the changing of parameters
and troubleshooting is from now on possible with the hand held console RL469054.
Steer motor & controller in right load leg Steer motor & controller in left load leg
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
SB- - (2/2)
New valve block same as in reach truck Panel with new type controllers
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
Hefbrugweg 77,
1332 AM Almere,
The Netherlands
Phone:+31 36 549 4411
Fax:+31 36 549 4695
Service Bulletin
The old PLC logics RL465049 and RL465050 are not available anymore from our parts
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
Hefbrugweg 77
1332 AM Almere
The Netherlands
Service Bulletin
Display available in more languages as spare part
Display of the N-serie reach truck is in more languages available as spare part.
The displays can be ordered via the normal parts ordering procedures.
RL483589 English
RL483589-FI Finnish
RL483589-SE Swedish
RL483589-DE German
RL483589-FR French
RL483589-ES Spanish
RL483589-IT Italian
RL483589-PT Portuguese
Note: Since third quarter 2006 the appropriate display is fitted in production according to
the machine order.
Service Bulletin
Wire harness routing new tiller arm
Incorrect routing (too tight) can lead to damage of the tiller sensor harness.
Reassemble the tiller switch in a proper way, see description below.
Service Bulletin
Please replace WHSB-04-020,
Issued November 2009
New tiller switch for PBP and SBP trucks
Changing of the tiller switch Telemecanique to a new type made by SICK
RL467819 Without
1 Tiller Switch RL467819 1 - RL499515 1
RL499515 With -
- Connector --- - - RL450660 1
For both sensors
- Pin --- - - RL450666 1
When changing from the old TELEMECANIQUE tiller switch with to the new SICK tiller switch a
PBP or a SBP truck with a Sauer-Danfoss controller, you also need to change the parameter Tiller
Type from 1 to 0.
Old stock still can be used .Part was changed because of new supplier.
Service Bulletin
Controller terminal’s tightening torque.
Controller terminals should be checked on tightness periodically and during PDI.
PB20V + OPB20L
Date: July, 1998
Description : The swivel castor wheel on the above mentioned models has been changed
for improved reliability.
The new castor wheel can easily be recognized because it is zinc coloured while the old
model is painted black.
The new castor wheel has been in production since the beginning of 1998.
Parts available: The pictures below show the parts breakdown of the new and the old
castor wheel assembly. On the next page you will find the part numbers of the new castor
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Bulletin no.: WHSB-05-001 (2/2)
Of the separate parts only the wheel and the bearings are interchangeable between the old
and the new castor wheel. Also the complete castor wheel assembly is interchangeable.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously
improve the design and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-05-002 (1/1)
Group: Frame & Body
RB14, RB16(C), RB20(H)
Date: January, 1999
Description : The cover material of the seat cushions has recently been changed for
improved wear resistance. Except for the seat cushion (item no.9) and the rear cushion
(item no.10) no other components have be changed.
The new cushions can be recognized by their colour, the new cover material is black while
the current material is gray.
Parts available: The part numbers of the seat assembly and the seat cushions have not
been changed.
The new and the current seat cushions are interchangeable. The new seat and seat
cushions will be available through spare parts as soon as the (very limited) current stock
has run out.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-05-003 (1/1)
Group: Frame & Body
Models: OPB20S
Date: October, 2000
Description : The actuating device for the adjustable steering panel has recently been
changed for improved reliability.
The relief valve in the new gas spring is mechanically actuated while the current
Relief valve is hydraulically operated.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Service Bulletin
Bulletin No.: WHSB-05-004 (1/2)
Group: Frame and Body
Models: RB14K(C)/25K
Date: May 2003
Subject: New Design Of Reach Truck Concerning Truck Frame, Reach Carriage And Mast Hl2
Description: New design improves the operating comfort of the reach trucks, concerning the mast
movement, when lifting, reaching and driving in combination. Following new features in production.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and
quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
WHSB-05-004 (2/2)
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and
quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
Service Bulletin
Bulletin No.: WHSB-05-005 (1/1)
Group: Frame & Body
Models: PBP13/16M
Date: February 2005
The construction of fork carriage shaft locking type from stop screw version to circlip
Old version with stop screw PBP16M (C1601 0204) and PBP13M (C1602 0204):
New version with circlip locking PBP16M (C1601 0105) and PBP13M (C1602 0105):
The new shafts with circlips fit to old type trucks PBP13M all fork widths, PBP16M all fork
widths except 480mm.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
Service Bulletin
Bulletin No.: WHSB-05-006 (1/1)
Group: Frame and Body
Models: PBR20K
Date: June 2005
The size of the safety pedal on our PBR20K trucks has been changed to the
same dimensions as we use on our SBR models, in order to increase safety and
to further optimize the production.
New Pedal
Old Pedal
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and
quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Description: ` For increased durability, the fork plate strength has been
increased to 6mm.
Parts: The spare part numbers for the different fork widths will remain
the same as before the reinforcement.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
Hefbrugweg 77
1332 AM Almere
The Netherlands
Service Bulletin
New type tiller arm
All tiller arm models ordered from the 11th of June 2007 will have a new type of tiller arm with
improved ergonomics, styling and improved impact resistance.
The new tiller arm is fully interchangeable with the current tiller arm as a complete unit.
Operational features
Tiller head
• Ergonomically designed
• Optimized distance between
handle and lever, suitable for all
sizes of hands
• Optimized angle and operation
• Optimized grip shape for hand
• Large safety button with double
switch for safety
• Easy maintenance
• Brake release and slow speed
mode button equipped as
• Strong material
• Easy fitment
On/Off (standard)
2. Lift / lower - On / Off Proportional
Proportional (option)
4. Horn X X X X
5. Safety switch X X X X
6. Brake release X X X X
4 5
Retrofit (installation)
4 5
1. Connect pipe to the joint and pull wires thru the pipe
2. Connect wire set to the tiller head
3. Connect tiller head to the pipe
4. Tighten the screws under the pipe and on top of the tiller head under
the logo plate
5. Install the logo plate
6. Connect the wire set from joint to the main harness
Service Bulletin
Fitting plates for reach truck chassis
If you have adjusted the maximum width of the side roller and not filled up the clearance between
the reach carriages, you can install fitting plates (Ref No.1) on the Rail of the frame
Description : The Operation & Maintenance Manual of the a.m. trucks contains the global
maintenance information for the end user but it does not contain all the technical data which
is required by the dealer to properly service and maintain the machines.
Action : We have collected the available technical information for the above mentioned
machines and put them into a data sheet , which you can find attached to this bulletin.
Make sure this information reaches all the necessary persons within your organisation.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-08-002 (1/1)
Group: General
Date: September, 1999
Description : The Operation & Maintenance Manual of the a.m. trucks contains the global
maintenance information for the end user but it does not contain all the technical data which
is required by the dealer to properly service and maintain the machines.
Action : We have collected the available technical information for the above mentioned
machine and put it into a data sheet , which you can find attached to this bulletin.
Make sure this information reaches all the necessary persons within your organisation.
The user manual for Zapi SEM-zero / SEM-one controller that was sent together with the
service bulletin WHSB-08-001 can also be used for this machine
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-08-003 (1/2)
Group: General
Models: PBP13-20M
Date: May, 2003
Description : The Operation & Maintenance Manual of the a.m. trucks contains the global
maintenance information for the end user but it does not contain all the technical data which
is required by the dealer to properly service and maintain the machines.
Action : We have collected the available technical information for the above mentioned
machines and put them into a data sheet , which you can find attached to this bulletin.
Make sure this information reaches all the necessary persons within your organisation.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Pedestrian Power Pallet - Technical Data Sheet
Concerning Models:
Technical Specifications:
2. Relief valve; The relief pressure is pre-set by the supplier of the pump unit.
The pressure is 130 bar for the PBP13M, 175 bar for PBP16M and 165
bar for the PBP20M.
3. Pump unit; HPI - pump unit with 1.0kW (S3 15%) pump motor
This is a closed unit which is service / maintenance free
Oil fill level of the tank is 1.0 litre.
4. Drive unit; ABM Gearbox with ‘bolt-on’ AC drive motor 0.6 kW (S2 60min) on the
PBP13M & PBP16M and 0.8 kW on the PBP20M.
Oil quantity gearbox 0.6 litre EP80/90.
The PBP13M & PBP16M use grease as gearbox lubricant,
filled for life.
Description : The Operation & Maintenance Manual of the a.m. trucks contains the global
maintenance information for the end user but it does not contain all the technical data which is
required by the dealer to properly service and maintain the machines.
Action : We have collected the available technical information for the above mentioned machines
and put them into the data sheet below.
Make sure this information reaches all the necessary persons within your organisation.
Concerning Models :
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design
of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Technical Specifications :
2. Relief valve: The relief pressure is pre-set by the supplier of the pump unit.
The pressure is 190 bar for the PBV20N, 230 bar for PBV25NH.
3. Pump unit: HPI - pump unit with 1.0kW (PBV20N) pump motor
This is a closed unit which is service / maintenance free
Oil fill level of the tank is 1.0 litre.
4. Drive unit: 2,0 kW drive motor; Oil quantity of gearbox : 0.6 litre EP80/90.
6. Controller : Zapi – AC1 inverter / drive speed controller.
Programmer P/N is 97M2204900.
Controller manual and parameter settings can be found on the
Remote Service Center.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design
and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-06-001 (1/5)
Group: Hydraulic System
Date: January, 1998
Description : There have been some changes to the hydraulic aggregate which is used on
the pedestrian and platform stacker trucks.
The main alteration is the change of the element (picture no.1, ref. no.1), mounted between
the pump motor and the hydraulic tank. The new element is slightly thicker.
Next to the change of the element, there is also a change of the mounting bracket (picture
no.2, of the hydraulic aggregate. The increase in thickness of the new element
causes a slight reduction of the ground clearance below the hydraulic tank. For this reason
a protection plate is integrated in the new bracket to prevent damage to bottom of the tank.
Parts available: The table and picture below show the parts breakdown of the new
hydraulic aggregate.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Bulletin no.: WHSB-06-001 (2/5)
All parts marked with * have not changed compared to the previous hydraulic aggregate.
All items marked with ** are only used on trucks with initial lift.
S = Simplex mast
D = Duplex mast (middle cylinder only)
DS = Duplex mast (outer cylinders only)
DEV = Duplex mast (free lift)
TR = Triplex mast
TREV = Triplex mast (free lift)
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Bulletin no.: WHSB-06-001 (3/5)
Picture No. 1
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Bulletin no.: WHSB-06-001 (4/5)
The table and picture below show the parts for the mounting of the new hydraulic
Picture No. 2
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Bulletin no.: WHSB-06-001 (5/5)
All parts marked with * have not changed compared to the previous hydraulic aggregate.
All items marked with ** are only used on trucks with initial lift.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-06-002 (1/2)
Group: Hydraulic System
Models: PB20, PB20R
Description : There has been a change of the hydraulic aggregate on all the above
mentioned models.
The new hydraulic aggregate can easily be recognized by the blue square oil tank.
Parts available: The table on the next page contains the spare part numbers of the new
hydraulic aggregate.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Bulletin no.: WHSB-06-002 (2/2)
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-06-003 (1/2)
Group: Hydraulic System
RB14, RB16(C), RB20
Date: May, 1998
Description : The lowering of the mast on the current Reach truck is achieved with the
help of a proportional valve. This valve is operated electrically, when the joystick for
lowering is pushed out of its neutral position.
The function of the lowering proportional valve is adjustable with four small potentiometers,
which are placed on the coil connector of the valve. (See drawing of the connector below).
In order to get access to the potentiometers, the connector retention screw needs to be
loosened and the small cover of the connector needs to be removed.
The four potentiometer a,b,c and d are used to set the following parameters:
a) Dither adjustment; this adjustment is used to set the valve piston’s vibration frequency.
To increase the frequency, turn the potentiometer counterclockwise (CCW).
b) Dead band; this adjustment is used to set initial opening time of the valve. To increase
opening time, turn the potentiometer counterclockwise (CCW).
c) Gain; this adjustment is used to set the maximum opening of the valve and therefore
the maximum lowering speed. To increase the lowering speed, turn the potentiometer
clockwise (CW).
d) Ramp; this adjustment is used to set the acceleration and deceleration time of the forks
during opening and closing the valve. To increase the acceleration / deceleration time,
turn the potentiometer clockwise (CW).
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Bulletin no.: WHSB-06-003 (2/2)
When the Ramp is adjusted, the potentiometer (d) is first turned fully counterclockwise
(CCW), until you hear a “click”. After that the potentiometer is turned 1.5 - 2 full turns
clockwise (CW). The lowering of the forks is checked on every half turn. When the lowering
of the forks is smooth and the stop of the forks is not bouncy, then the adjustment is
Note: The Ramp adjustment is dependent on the wishes of the driver and the delicacy of
the application.
In extremely delicate applications, the maximum lowering speed can be slightly reduced by
turning the potentiometer (c) for Gain adjustment a little counterclockwise. This way you will
increase the smoothness and controllability of the lowering and stopping of the forks.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-06-004 (1/1)
Group: Hydraulic System
RB14 - RB25
Date: July, 1998
Description : On the Euroseries Reach trucks the hose clamp is mounted to the reach
carriage with two M6x40 bolts.
The bolt heads should not stick out of the hose clamp profile. If they do so, they may rub
against the mast side hoses and cause breaches.
With this bulletin we advise you to check the mounting of the hose clamp at the next
service interval.
In case the bolt heads do stick out of the hose clamp profile, the washers fitted underneath
have to be removed.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Service Bulletin
Bulletin No.: WHSB-06-005 (1/1)
Group: Hydraulic System
Models: SBR12K
Date: June 2005
Upon field feedback and request from customers, our SBR12K truck models will be
equipped with a new hydraulic system.
The new system now comes with a separate plastic hydraulic oil tank, hydraulic
pump, pump motor and proportional valve.
This modification will decrease the lifting noise level and allow for higher lowering
speeds (equal to SBR16K) due to the changed valve.
Figure 1 - New hydraulic system on SBR12K Figure 2 - Plastic hydraulic oil tank
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and
quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-07-001 (1/2)
Group: Lift Group
RB14, RB16(C), RB20
Date: May, 1998
Description : The lift cylinder seals in the current parts books for the Reach trucks are
incomplete and some of the part numbers are incorrect.
The drawing below shows the set-up of the seals as they are placed in the head of the
outer cylinders and free-lift cylinders.
Piston rod
Cylinder tube
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Hefbrugweg 77
1332 AM Almere
The Netherlands
Service Bulletin
The new gasket holders for reach truck side cylinder.
The old gasket holders (RL474025) and (RL476419) For the Reach trucks (RB14N-25NH) are not
available anymore.
New gasket holders for the side cylinders can be ordered per below table.
The New gasket holders are valid for the cold store trucks too.
RB14N - RB16NC-
1 Gasket holder (piston) RL476419 1 Y RL604362 1
2 Gasket kit --- -- -- RL604222 1 Ø=40 Tool RL479894
3 Gasket holder --- -- -- RL604224 1 Side cylinder
1 Gasket holder (piston) RL474025 1 Y RL604354 1 RB16NHS-RB16NH-
2 Gasket kit --- -- -- RL603998 1 Ø=45 Tool RL479920
3 Gasket holder --- -- -- RL603999 1 Side cylinder
*) The bush has to be installed into the lift cylinder tube with loctite 542.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-01-001 (1/2)
Group: Power train
Date: December 1997
Description : In the beginning of this year some compound drive motors have been
installed on the smaller pedestrian power pallet and stacker trucks equipped with the 230
gearbox. The compound drive motor is replacing the serial drive motor originally installed
on these trucks.
This same compound drive motor is already in use on the stacker trucks with platform, to
create two different maximum drive speeds, one with the platform up and one with the
platform down. To achieve the lower speed, when the platform is up, the compound coils
are connected parallel to the normal field coils. This way you will have a stronger field and
a lower maximum speed, in addition you will have a higher torque and a higher motor
power rating (0.8 kW). To achieve the higher speed, when the platform is down, the
compound coils are disconnected. This way you will have a weaker field and a higher
maximum speed, in addition you will have a lower torque and a lower motor power rating
(0.62 kW).
The compound motor installed on the above mentioned models is always connected with
the compound coils parallel to the field coils, so you will have the lower maximum drive
speed, a higher torque and therefore also the higher motor output of 0.8 kW.
Please note that the power rating mentioned on the label of the motor is 0.62 kW, even
though the actual power rating of the motor in this situation is 0.8 kW!
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-01-002 (1/3)
Group: Power train
Models: PB16-18P
Description : Starting the first quarter of 1997 a new drive unit is being installed on the
above mentioned models. This new drive unit replaces the 230 gearbox and drive motor, as
currently mentioned in the parts books. Also the mounting of the drive unit and the drive
wheels have changed.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Bulletin no.: WHSB-01-002 (2/3)
The new drive unit can easily be recognized, since the housing of the drive motor and
gearbox are integrated, while the 230 drive unit had a separate gearbox and drive motor.
Furthermore the drive wheel has 5 mounting holes instead of 4 on the drive wheel of the
230 gearbox.
Parts available: The following parts of the new drive unit are serviced:
Next to the above mentioned drive unit parts, also the following drive wheels and drive unit
mounting parts are serviced: (See next page!)
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Bulletin no.: WHSB-01-002 (3/3)
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design and quality of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-02-001 (1/1)
Group: Steering System
RB14 RB16, RB20
Date: July 1998
Description : When installing the power steering motor to the truck, special attention has
to be given to the tightening of the retention bolts.
The steering motor is mounted on a ring of flexible material, therefore the four retention
bolts have to be tighten with a special torque of 12Nm. Furthermore Loctite needs to be
applied to prevent the bolts from loosening.
Loose bolts may cause an increased noise level during steering operation.
Before installing the four M8 retention bolts make sure they are free of dirt and grease.
Apply Loctite 270 abundantly to the thread of the bolts and the mounting plate for a secure
fix. The required torque for the bolts is 12Nm.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Warehouse Service Bulletin
Bulletin no.: WHSB-02-002 (1/1)
Group: Steering System
Models: All truck w. electric
power steering
Date: April, 1999
Description : On trucks fitted with the Fly By Wire (FBW) electric power steering it can
happen that the drive wheel is turning very slowly by itself to the clockwise or counter
clockwise direction. In this case the controller activates the power steer motor without an
input from the steering wheel tachometer.
Cause : The unwanted steering action is caused by an incorrect fine-adjustment of the zero-
position potentiometer of the FBW-controller.
Action : The next procedure has to be followed to correct the unwanted steering action.
1. Remove warranty seal from the FBW-controller;
2. Open the cover of the controller (6 screws);
3. Connect a multimeter to the M1 and M2 poles of the power steer motor;
4. Adjust the multimeter to measure DC-Voltage;
5. Turn on the power of the truck with the key switch;
6. Check if the steering system works;
7. Find the zero-position potentiometer P1 in the corner of the controller (see picture);
8. Break the lacquer seal on the potentiometer with a screw driver;
9. Adjust the potentiometer in the ‘standby mode’ with the multimeter to 0 V + 0.02;
If the drive wheel turns clockwise, turn the potentiometer P1 clockwise;
If the drive wheel turns counter clockwise, turn the potentiometer P1 counter clockwise;
10. Check once again if drive wheel is not turning when not steering;
11. Seal the potentiometer with lacquer or a similar kind of sealing;
12. Power off the truck with the key switch;
13. Remove the multimeter;
14. Close the cover of the FBW-controller.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the
design of its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Service Bulletin
Bulletin No.: WHSB-02-003 (1/3)
Group : Steering System
Models : PBP16K/20K
Date : November 2001
Description: For the above mentioned models a new improved type of gas spring is used in
production since September 2001. In case of a broken gas spring of the previous type, the new type
should be installed according to below procedure.
The bracket used in both kits is identical. The two different gas springs have the same mechanical
dimensions but differ by force, 450N or 350N.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of
its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
WHSB-02-003 (2/3)
Installation Procedure:
Remove bracket
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of
its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
WHSB-02-003 (3/3)
(i) Drill 4 holes ø4.2, 1mm lower than marked. (To have a preload on the gas spring after mounting)
Beware of the tiller arm cable while drilling!
(j) Make M5 threads to the 4 holes
Beware of the tiller arm cable while making threads!
(k) Install the bracket using loctite with the M5 screws
(l) Mount the gas spring.
(m) Install the collar and make sure that spring is not touching the lower edge. If so use a knife and
make needed cutting.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of
its products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications.
Service Bulletin
Bulletin No.: WHSB-02-004 (1/1)
Group: Steering system
Models: PBP13/16/20M
Date: May 2005
Description: The new gas spring has proven to be very reliable in the N-series
stacker trucks and will therefore also be used in the PBP13/16/20M
power pallet trucks.
Parts: RL473172
The gas spring on older trucks cannot be replaced by the new one without modification of
the tiller arm. A separate bulletin describing the replacement procedure in detail will be
released soon.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
Service Bulletin
Bulletin No.: WHSB-02-005 (1/8)
Group: Steering system
Models: PBP13/16/20M
Date: July 2005
Description: When replacing the old type tiller arm gas spring (Part Nr. RL462527)
on the AC pedestrian power pallet trucks with the new one as used
in current production, the below mentioned kit is needed.
Replacement procedure
1. Disconnect the battery connector before making any modifications on the truck.
2. Remove the sheet metal cover at the base of the tiller arm.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
WHSB-02-005 (2/8)
4. In order to mount the new gas spring, an opening has to be cut into the base of
the tiller arm.
5. Cut the marked opening using a hacksaw or similar hand cutting tool. Please be
very careful not to damage the cables inside the tiller arm.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
WHSB-02-005 (3/8)
6. Remove the cutout material by first bending it up (1,2), then sawing a horizontal
(3) and finally breaking it away (4). Use a file to remove any sharp edges (5,6).
1 2
5 4
7. Mark the locations of the new holes. All distances are measured from the fastening
bolt of the old gas spring and the surface of the tiller arm.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
WHSB-02-005 (4/8)
8. Drill the marked holes. Please note that the holes have different diameters.
Again, make sure the cables do not get damaged in the process. After drilling the
holes, use a small file to remove any burrs on the edges.
9. Screw the top end ball-head screw of the new gas spring tightly onto the plate.
Place the fixing plate (2) on the inside of the tiller arm and fasten it using the
screws (3) and washers (4) from the kit.
Both washer discs are to be mounted on the outside of the tiller arm (5).
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
WHSB-02-005 (5/8)
10. Remove the sheet metal bar at the base of the tiller arm (1).
Use a piece of rope or similar to hold the tiller arm in the upright position when
changing the spring.
To remove the old gas spring, use a small screwdriver to lift the clips (2) on both
heads of the spring. Remove the spring.
11. Remove the old ball-head screw on the top of the old spring (1).
Replace the ball-head screw at the base of the tiller arm (2) with the new one
that came with the gas spring. Put some grease on the heads of both new
ball-head screws.
12. Attach the lower end of the new gas spring first. Make sure that the orientation of
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
WHSB-02-005 (6/8)
The gas spring must be installed so that the piston rod points down.
This ensures optimum lubrication of the guidance and sealing system.
13. Attach the top end of the spring. The spring has an initial load; therefore some
is required to mount its top end. Use a mid-size box wrench (e.g. 16mm) and a
large screwdriver to lever it in place.
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
WHSB-02-005 (7/8)
14. When the new spring is mounted, put the sheet metal bar back in place (1) and
stow away the cables inside the tiller arm (2,3). Make sure that the cables do not
hinder the movement of the tiller arm. Use cable ties where necessary.
15. Put the gas spring cover back on and close the main compartment.
Check that the tiller arm operates correctly (movement and electrical functions).
Note that after the modification there will remain a small opening at the top end
of the gas spring cover.
If you have any questions concerning the modification, please do not hesitate to
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.
WHSB-02-005 (8/8)
This Service Bulletin is for informational purposes only. MCFE reserves the right to continuously improve the design and quality of its
products. Service Bulletins have no warranty implications, unless advised.