3 Unit 1

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; Tense review. looks/ looks like. Question forms

Vr·...,,: d<il y Family. Description. Names
; ;' -, :t.: pnr;: ; f::. Showing interest

1 1.02 Listen ta two people talking about their names.

Underline the four names you hear for each persan.

The man
Benjamin Ben Benji Tree Big Ben
The woman
Maria Anna -Maria Mumu Mimi Baby

2 Complete these sentences with the words in the box.

brother English friends Mexican friends

old friends parents sisters

a) His parents call him Benjamin.

b) His call h im Tree ,
c) His _ _ call him Big Ben,
d) Her call hcr Arma-Maria.
e) Her call her Maria.
f) Her _ _ calls her Baby,
Listen again and check your answers,

3 Tell a partner the names that people calI you. Which

of your names do you like best?

1 ,, 1.03 Listen and repeat the words in the box .

aunt bovfriend brother brother-in-law cousin daughter father

gidfriend g randfather grand moUlcr half-brother half-sister mother
nephew niece sister sister-in-Iaw son stepfather stepmother uncle

2 Complete the table with words from Exercise 1. Where possible, add U1C first narne of
a persan from your family as an example. •

cf Male 9 Female

boyjricnd - No mm l = Pilat

brother = Paco

Tell your partner about sorne of the people in Y0uf family.
l don 't houe Il boyfriend. My broiher's Ill/me is Diego, He'« Il student, He li ves in Qllito ...

3 Work wilh Y0uf partner, Look at your names in Exercise 2 and discuss these questions.
a) Which names are typical in vour country?
b) Which narnc is the most unusual?
c) Which narne do YOll like best?

4 Name
1 How did your parents choose your name? Was it for one of the reasons below or for
a different reason? Tell a. partner,
a) Your parents narned you after a re lative. e) Yom narne is religions.
b) They narned you after a pla ce. f) It has a special mcaning.
c) They chose an unusu al na rne. g) Yom parents simply likcd the narne.
cl) They named yo u a fter il famous persan .

2 Read the article. Which of the reasons (a-g) in Exercise 1 is not mentioned?

Whats in a name?
Your name is extremely important. It's how you identify means "cool breeze over the rnountain" in Hawaiian?
yourself. If s how other people identify you. 50 how do 25 A recent survey showed that people wit h unusual or
parents make one of the most important decisions of original names feel special. 1 wonder if this is true for
t heir children's lives - givi ng t hem a name? Bruce Willis and Demi Moore's children: Rume r Glenn , Scout
l n the past, parents named their children after LaRue, and Tallulah Belle.
important family relatives. But people are changing . I've chosen t he name 1 want for a daughter. I'm going
Nowadays, parents don't want to name their little 30 to name her La uren. Why? Simply because 1 like t he name.
princess Ethel Gertrude after her grandmother. My mother liked t he name Lauren tco. but unfortunately
It's fashionable to choose names of places for she named me Ethel Gertrude after my grandmother.
10 children's names. For exemple. Madonna named her
daughter Lourdes after the town in France. David and '," Paris
Victoria Beckham named their first child Brooklyn after
an area in New York. However, it isn't a good idea to
follow this trend if your favorite place is your local pizza
15 restaurant or shopping mail!
Some people name their children after famous people.
For exam ple, Leonardo DiCaprio's parents named him after
t he famous Italian painter. A few years ago, the names
Beyoncé and Britney were very popular.
20 Some names have a special meaning. Have you ever
heard of anyone named Sky, Rain, or River? These names
come from nature and you can see what they mean.
But did you know t hat actor Keanu Reeves' name

3 What name would you choose for a baby girl or a baby boy?

Tenses and 1 Match each "hlgh ligh ted verb phrase in the article with a tense.
auxiliary verbs peopte are chansin g - present progressiue
• Simple present: do/ do es
• Present progressive: 2 Write the negative form for each sentence and na me the tense,
am/ ore/is a) I like rock music, cl) 1 went o ut last n ight.
• Present perfect: hove/bos 1 don '! like rock mu sic. (Simple present ) el I' ve been to Peru .
• Simple past: did b) I'rn reading a go od book rig h t new. f) 1 can pla y th e p iano.
• Future (be) going to: c) l'rn going to have so rne coffee aftcr the class.
am/are/ is
Check (,Il the affirmative or negative sentences which are true for you.
a) llike rock music. ,1/ J don '1 likc rock music.

3 Write the question form for each sentence and the short answers Yes and No.
Ask your partner the questions.
a) 00 YOlJ like rock ml/sic? Yes, 1do. / No, l don'i.

Name 5
1 @t 1.04 Listen and repeat the vowel sounds: lui, Iii, 101, /gr/, 101.

2 1.05 Listen and repeat the names in the table. Then label each group (a-el with the
correct vowel sound (jul, Iii, 101, I3r/, h/)o

a) lui b) _ _ c) _ _ d) _ _ 11') _ _

June Bert Charles Eve Dawn

Luke Pearl Robert Dean Shaun
Sue Kurt Holly Pete Paul

. . tor r,

1 1.06 How well can you remember names? Study the pictures of nine people
below and Iisten to their narnes. Don't write them clown.

How many nantes can you remember? Write them clown and compare with a partner,

2 Listen again and check. Who rernembered the most names? Do you have any special
techniques for remembering names?
1 try io repeat the name in my head.

6 Name
1 Read this advice for improving your memory. Match the headings (a-dl with the
appropriate paragraphs (1-4).
a) Connect the narnc and the appearance e) Use the narn e and repeat it
b) Pay attcntion d) Visualize the n a me

2 Discuss thèse questions with a partner.

a) Which of thcsc techniques have you used for remernbering n arnes?
b ) Which of the se techniques could help ya u to rem ernber new English words?
c) What other W<l Ys can you think of to help remember and learn new English words?

look(s) / look(s) like 1 Look Olt the words and phrases in the box. Write N for nouns or noun phrases and A for
look(s) + adjective: adj ecti ves or ad j ective phrases.
YOLl look tired.

look(s) like + noun: ..:iJ friendly [RI a banker t= intelligent !_ shy D a doctor
She tooks like il stude nt.
very y oung D middle-aged D st ressed _ about sixty D Mcxican
_ il, waiter D a student D a retired p olice officer [- rich

What type of ward do you use after look(s)? What type of ward do you use after
lookts) like?

2 Write a sentence ta describe each person in the nine pictures on page 6. Leave a
space for the name. .
_ _ looks about fijty and pretty friendly. Hl' looks lilœ a bunker.

Ask your partner ta complete each sentence with the correct name.

Name 7
1 Read the questionnaire and check (,1) the answers that are right for you. What does
your score mean? Compare with a partner,

a good language learner?
1 Why are you learning English? 6 What's your memory like?
a) 1want to get a better job. a) Excellent.
b) 1want to travel. b) OK.
c) Good question ... er ... c) What was the question?

2 What do you enjoy doing in class? 7 What kind of dictionary do

a) Speaking and listening. you have?
b) Reading and writing. a) A bilingual and an
c) Drawing pictures. English/English dictionary.
b) An electronic dictionary.
3 When did you last read a book or magazine c) My teacher is my dictionary.
in English?
8 How many languages can you speak?
a) Last week.
a) More than two.
b) Six months ago.
b) One or two.
c) Book? Magazine? Read?
c) None. l'm stili learning my own language!
4 Where do you write down new vocabulary? What your score means
a) ln a notebook.
Mainly As = You're an excellent
b) On pieces of paper.
language leamer.
c) On my hand.
Mainly Bs =You're a good
5 How do you practice English at home? language leamer.
a) 1 watch DVDs in English with subtitles. Mainly Cs = Have you
b) 1 Iisten to music in English. ever thought about
c) 1 talk to my dog. taking salsa lessons?

2 Match these language learning tips with the questions in the questionnaire.
a) Read ab much as possible . Graded readers are perfecto Qu estion 3
b) Train your memory. Exercis e your bram.
c) Participa te in class, Spcak ou t. Cive it a try.
d) Go out and buy a good dictionary
e) Have a good rca son for lcarning English.
f) Think about how you learned your own or other languages.
g) Writc clown and constanrly review new language.
h) Look for more English outside the classroom.

Which tips do you follow? What ether tips can you think of?

1 Replace the highlighted words and phrases to make five new questions to ask
a partner. Use the suggestions or your own ideas,
a) What do you enjoy doing in class ? (watching on TV / reading / doing
in your free time)
b) When did YOll last read a book in English ? (go dancing / buy a DYD /
drink champagne)
c) Where do YOll w rite down new voca bulary ? (8 0 On vacation / do your shopp ing 1
have lunch)
d) What's Y0uf memory like? (house 1 city or town 1 family)
c) What kind of d ictionary do you have? (computer / car 1 job)

2 Ask your partner your questions from Exercise 1. What is the most interesting thing
you've Iearned about your partner?

8 Name
Question forms 1 Look at the table and match the questions (a-d) with the correct answers (1--4).
15 she hungry? a) Wh at arc the blue wo rds ? 1 (au xiliary) verb + subje ct
Have they arrived? b) What are the red words? 2 subjects
What does "nephew" c) What is the ward ordcr for statem ents? 3 auxilia ry verbs
mean? d) What is the ward arder for questions? 4 subject + (auxiliary) verb

Statemen ts Questions

You are left-handcd. Are you left-hand ed?

Your mother can speak English. Can your mother speak English?
You have bccn ta Peru. Have you been to Peru ?
Your narne méans " f irst child." What does your na me mean ?

Ask a partner the questions in the table.

2 If necessary, rewrite these sentences with do, does, or did ta make correct questions.
a) You play the guitar? d) Where your mother come from?
b) You slcep well last night? e) Have you been ta Californie?
c) Can yo u drive? f) What's your favorite color?

Ask your partner the questions.

3 Rewrite these questions in the correct order, (OON'T ask your partner the questionsl)
a) you 1 are 1 old 1 How ? Hou: old are you?
b) in life after death 1 Do / believe 1 you ?
el do 1 much / carn 1 you / How ?
d) you 1 ever / Have 1 broken the law ?
e) poJitical party 1 vote 1 Which 1 you 1 do 1 for ?
f) you / many / boyfriends or girIfriends 1 How / had 1 have?

Work in small groups. Decide which questions it is OK to ask .. .

• in your Engli sh class • in your family • never!
• with your best friends • at work

4 St uden t A: page 116 Student D: page 121

5 page 126. Read the explanation and do t he exercises.

1 '. 1.07 Listen to Brad talking about sornebody who Is important to him, Underline
the answers he gives.
a) What's this person's name? rohn Cart er J Carl Johnson.
b) When did YOll mect him? At college / When we were {ive years old.
c) Where docs he live? Near San Diego / In Los Angeles.
d) What does he do? He's a teacher / a doctor,
e) How oftcn do you see him? Every weekend / In the summer.
f) Why is he impor tan t to you? We have the same interests 1 He knows me so weIl.
g) What are his best qualifies? He's a really good listener / He's very funny.
h) [s there an ything YOll don't like abou t him? He's always late / tao busy.
i) When did you last see him? On my birthday J Last weekend.
John Carter
2 You're going to tell your partner about a persan who is important to you.
• Ask yourself th e questions in Exercise 1.
• Think about what to say and how to say if.
• Tell your partner abou t a persoo \-\'11.0 is important to )'ou .

Name 9
1 ".. 1.08 Listen to a conversation between two friends (Adam and Beth) discussing the
weekend. Match the conversation with picture 1 or picture 2.

... .'-

2 1.09 Listen to another version of the conversation. Does Beth sound more
interested this time?

3 1. 10 Listen and repeat the useful phrases Beth uses to show that she's interested.
a) Rcally ?
b) Do Ihey?
c) Thar sounds interesting.
d) Thal sounds great.
e) Wow! That's great.
f) l've never heard of il.
g) Oh , no! 'Jh at's terrible.

4 Complete the conversation with the useful phrases from Exercise 3.

Adam: Did you have a good weekend?
Beth: Not bad. How about you?
Adam: 1 had a really good dinner on Saturday night.
Beth: (1) Real/y?
Adam: Yes, we went to a new place in town - Edamame.
Beth: (2) _ _
Adam: They have a Japanese chef from Tokyo .
Beth: (3)_
Adam: And the food i s fantastic - they ma ke their own sushi,
Beth: (4) _ _
Adam: Yes . It' 5 the best sushi Ive ever tasted .
Beth: (5) _
Adam: And it wasn't expensive. We had appetizers, an entrée, dessert, and wine,
and it only cost sas each.
Beth: (6) _ _
Adam: 1 know, Unfortunately, when we gat back ta the car, we had a parking ticket.
Beth: (7)-

Check your answers and practice the conversation.

5 Work with a partner, Write a conversation about your last weekend . Include as many
of the useful phrases as possible.

10 Name
........ Extra
Family and other reLationships
1 Complete the table.

Male female Definition

a) grandson granddatlgh ter Your children's childrcn
b) nephew nicce Your brothcrs or _ _ '5 children
c) grandmothcr Your parents' parents
d) great· grandfather g reat-g ra nd mother Your grandparents' _ _
el uode aunt YOUT parents' _ _ and sis ter
f) cousin Your aunt's or uncle's children
g) brother-in-law sister-in-law Your wife's or husbands brother and
h) mother-in-law Your wife 's or husbands father and mother
i) stepfather YOUf mother's second husband or your fathcr 's second wife
j) half-sistcr The children from your tathers or mothers second relationship
k) ex-wife 'The man or wom an who YOli are divorced Zseparated From
1) twin A brother or sister who was ba rn at the same rime as you

2 Work with a partner. Discuss these questions and compare your answers.
a) Who is your oldest relative? Who is your youngest relative?
b) Which side of the family is bigg er : your fathers side or your mothers side?
c) What are your neighbors Iike? Do you know ail Y0uf neighbors' names?
d) How many close friends do you have? Who is your best friend?
el VI/ho are your favorite co-workers? Are there any co-workers you don't like?

Focus on names
1 Underline the correct word.
a) My friends cali! name me "Chip."
b) 1 don't know the meaning! sign of my na me.
c) My parents identified ! named me after my grandrnother.
d ) I'm married but I use my maiden 1 feminine narne at work,
e) My letters ! initiaIs arc CJE
f) My sign! signature is very difficult to read .

Check (,/) the sentences that are true for you.

2 Complete the form in as much detail as you cano

Title: First name: Middle name(s): Last narne:

(Mr./Mrs.jMs., etc) (Given na me) (Second name) (Family narne)

Full narne: initiais: _ _ Maiden name: Nicknarne: Signature:

Name 11

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