3470 Family Feud Game Questions

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Family Feud Game Questions

1. Name a state in the U.S. that is the most fun to visit.

(Answers based on data from wallethub.)
a. Nevada
b. South Dakota
c. Colorado
d. North Dakota
e. New York
f. Wyoming
g. Oregon
h. Louisiana

2. Name a popular kids show adults might be embarrassed to say they watch without
kids. (Answers based on the most popular kid’s shows ranked by tv.com.)
a. Spongebob Squarepants
b. Sesame Street
c. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
d. Paw Patrol
e. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
f. Peppa Pig
g. Dora the Explorer

3. Name a sport most people don’t realize is popular around the world. (Answers based on
data from Pledgesports.org.)
a. Cricket
b. Tennis
c. Rugby
d. Formula 1 racing
e. Ice hockey
f. Volleyball

4. Give me a dog’s name that sounds violent.

a. Killer
b. Beast
c. Bullet
d. Chopper
e. Diablo
f. Fang
g. Thrasher

5. Name the rst thing people reach for when they wake up in the
morning. (Answers based on survey results from Bank of America.)
a. Phone
b. Coffee
c. Toothbrush
d. Signi cant other
e. Remote control

6. Name a place people nd it irritating when others use a cell phone.

a. Movie theater
b. Religious institution
c. Restaurant
d. Public bathroom
e. Concert hall
f. Gym

7. Name an accessory men wear that women usually don’t.

a. Tie
b. Cuff links
c. Suspenders
d. Belt
e. Pocket square

8. Name a pet that lives in a tank.

a. Fish
b. Hamster/gerbil/mouse
c. Snake
d. Guinea pig
e. Lizard
f. Tarantula

9. Name something people save money for over a long time.

a. A house
b. Retirement
c. Children
d. Wedding
e. Emergencies
f. Vacation
g. Fancy car

10. Name a website with over 100 billion users. (User data from Brandwatch.)
a. Facebook
b. Wechat
c. YouTube
d. WhatsApp
e. Weibo
f. LinkedIn
g. Instagram
h. Twitter

11. Name a type of paper you wouldn’t use to write on.

a. Toilet paper
b. Flypaper
c. Wallpaper
d. Sandpaper
e. Tarpaper
f. Gun paper

12. Name a popular holiday where people don’t usually give gifts.
a. Thanksgiving
b. Independence Day
c. New Year’s Eve/Day
d. Halloween
e. Memorial Day
f. Labor Day
g. St. Patrick’s Day
h. Veteran’s Day

13. Name something besides blankets and pillows you nd in a child’s bed.
a. Stuffed animals
b. Toys
c. Spilled milk
d. Books
e. Crumbs
f. Dirty clothes

14. Name a popular mythical creature that ies.TopiBestList

a. Dragon
b. Fairy
c. Vampire
d. Phoenix
e. Imp
f. Griffin

15. Name something besides food and drinks people put in the refrigerator/
freezer. (Answers based on information from The Secret Yumiverse.)
a. Batteries
b. Nail polish
c. Makeup
d. Jeans
e. Envelopes
f. Bodily fluids

16. Name something people do on the toilet besides go #1 or #2.

a. Read a book
b. Browse social media
c. Make phone calls
d. Play handheld games
e. Open mail
f. Listen to music

17. Name a state with no professional sports teams.

a. Alaska
b. Hawaii
c. Rhode Island
d. Virginia
e. Alabama

18. Name something women love to wear that men hate.

a. Harem pants
b. High-waisted jeans
c. Dark lipstick
d. Hair bows
e. Shoulder pads
f. Giant sunglasses
g. Ultra-high heels

19. Name something people binge on when they are emotional.

a. Ice cream
b. Chocolate
c. Netflix
d. Fast food
e. Social media
f. Alcohol
g. Potato chips
h. Sad movies
i. Funny cat videos

20. Name an emoji you use every day. (Answers based on usage data from lifewire.)
a. Face with tears of joy
b. Face with heart eyes
c. Poop
d. Winking face
e. Heart
f. Thumbs up
g. Okay hand sign

21. Name something you don’t want to hear right before major surgery.
a. “Oops.”
b. “Where’s the doctor?”
c. “It’s my rst day!”
d. “This could take awhile.”
e. “We’re gonna keep you awake during surgery.”
f. “Is this normal?”
g. “Have you seen her chart?”

22. Name a ctional “Bob.”

a. SpongeBob Squarepants
b. Sideshow Bob
c. Silent Bob
d. Bob the Builder
e. Bob the Tomato
f. Jim-Bob Walton

23. Name something dog owners do for pets that parents do for babies.
a. Give them full names
b. Walk them in strollers
c. Dress them for holidays
d. Feed them at the table
e. Share food with them
f. Potty train
g. Snuggle
24. Name a ball not used in sports.
a. Cannon ball
b. Snowball
c. Mothball
d. Eyeball
e. Meatball
f. Greaseball
g. Sleazeball

25. Give me a girl’s name that is also a spice.

a. Cinnamon
b. Sage
c. Poppy
d. Ginger
e. Lavender
f. Anise

26. Name one of the top ten most common city/town names in the United States. (Answers
based on data provided by World Atlas). 
a. Washington
b. Spring eld
c. Franklin
d. Greenview
e. Bristol
f. Clinton
g. Fairview
h. Salem

27. Name a dish often prepared in a slow cooker. 

a. Beef stew
b. Chili
c. Cocktail sausages
d. Pot roast
e. Vegetable soup
f. Spaghetti sauce
g. Baked beans 
h. Applesauce

28. Name some of the most popular pies in the United States of America. (Based on data
provided by TasteAtlas.)
a. Cherry pie
b. Apple pie
c. Peanut butter pie
d. Sweet potato pie
e. Cream pie 
f. Key lime pie
g. Pecan pie
h. Pot pie 

29. List one of the six of cial languages of the United Nations. (Based on information on the
of cial website for the United Nations.)
a. Arabic
b. Chinese
c. English
d. French
e. Russian
f. Spanish

30. What ingredients are commonly most used to make gluten-free our? (Based on data
provided by Healthline.)
a. Almonds
b. Amaranth
c. Arrowroot
d. Buckwheat
e. Chickpeas
f. Corn
g. Rice 
h. Teff
31. Name a green, leafy vegetable that people eat. 
a. Collards
b. Kale
c. Lettuce 
d. Mizuna 
e. Mustard greens 
f. Spinach
g. Swiss chard 
h. Turnip greens

32. Name a common houseplant. (Re ects information provided by HGTV.com).

a. Anthurium 
b. Croton
c. Lucky bamboo
d. Orchid
e. Pothos
f. Red aglaonema
g. Snake plant
h. Peace lily

33. Name one of the ve most popular hot dog toppings in the U.S. (Based on a Harris Poll
survey conducted for the United States Hot Dog and Sausage Council.)
a. Mustard
b. Ketchup
c. Onions
d. Chili
e. Relish

34. Name one of the most common faux pas that people make during video teleconferences for
work. (Based on information compiled by CNET.) 
a. Keeping video turned off
b. Typing without being on mute
c. Making noise without being on mute
d. Eating or drinking
e. Smoking
f. Looking down at another device
g. Using a weird camera angle
h. Disappearing from the frame without posting why or signaling

35. Which U.S. theme parks have the most roller coasters? (Based on Data compiled by
a. Six Flags Magic Mountain (California)
b. Cedar Point (Ohio)
c. Six Flags Great America (Illinois) 
d. Kings Island (Ohio)
e. Carowinds (North Carolina)
f. Hersheypark (Pennsylvania)
g. Six Flags Over Texas
h. Six Flags Great Adventure (New Jersey)

36. What is something a person does to the hair on their head?

a. Wash
b. Condition
c. Brush or comb 
d. Perm
e. Cut
f. Braid 
g. Curl
h. Dry

37. Name something that you should take with you when you go hiking. 
a. Bottled water
b. Snack
c. Your dog
d. Backpack 
e. Sunscreen 
f. Mosquito repellent
g. Walking stick 
h. First aid kit
i. Cell phone

38. What foods do people commonly pair with peanut butter?

a. Bananas
b. Apples
c. Bread or toast 
d. Crackers
e. Celery 
f. Honey
g. Jelly
h. Waf es

39. Name a fruit or vegetable that people commonly eat pickled. 

a. Beets
b. Cabbage (including kimchi or sauerkraut)
c. Carrots
d. Cucumbers
e. Onions
f. Radishes
g. Peppers
h. Green beans

40. What kind of garnishes are popular to serve with a Bloody Mary? 
a. Celery
b. Cheese chunks
c. Green beans (pickled)
d. Lemon wedges
e. Lime wedges
f. Okra (pickled)
g. Olives
h. Pepper slices
41. Name a popular tropical cocktail. 
a. Bahama mama
b. Blue Hawaiian 
c. Daiquiri
d. Mai tai 
e. Mojito
f. Pina colada
g. Rum punch
h. Sex on the beach

42. Name a root vegetable that people commonly eat. 

a. Beets
b. Carrots
c. Parsnips 
d. Radishes 
e. Potatoes
f. Rutabagas (also called swede)
g. Turnips
h. Yams

43. Name a type of squash that people commonly eat. 

a. Acorn
b. Butternut
c. Delicata
d. Pattypan
e. Spaghetti
f. Summer (also called yellow)
g. Zucchini

44. Other than fried or scrambled, what are common ways to prepare eggs to eat?
a. Boiled
b. Deviled 
c. Frittata
d. Omelet
e. Over easy
f. Poached
g. Scotch
h. Souf e

45. Name something electronic you would nd in a college dorm room.

a. Cell phone
b. Coffee maker 
c. Computer
d. Hair dryer
e. Phone charger
f. Remote control
g. Tablet
h. Television

46. Name something that comes in pairs of two of the same thing. 
a. Boots
b. Flip ops
c. Gloves
d. Headlights
e. Twins
f. Shoes
g. Socks

47. What are objects you can use to help yourself see better?
a. Binoculars
b. Contact lenses
c. Eye glasses
d. Gun scope
e. Magnifying glass 
f. Microscope 
g. Monocle 
h. Night vision goggles
48. Name a common way to prepare potatoes as a side dish. 
a. Baked 
b. Boiled 
c. French fries
d. Hash browns
e. Mashed potatoes
f. Potato salad 
g. Roasted potatoes 
h. Twice baked potatoes

49. What is a reason you’d take your dog that isn’t sick to the vet? 
a. Bath
b. Boarding
c. Check-up (or wellness visit)/treatment
d. Flea dip
e. Grooming
f. Nail trim
g. Teeth cleaning
h. Vaccinations

50. Name a beverage that is commonly consumed hot. 

a. Coffee
b. Cocoa
c. Espresso
d. Hot buttered rum 
e. Hot toddy 
f. Tea 
g. Mulled wine
h. Wassail 

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