Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Revision: March 23, 2020 9:02 p.m.
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Inventory Management Course Contents
Inventory Management Course.............................................................................................6
Before You Begin....................................................................................................................7
Modules Licensing...........................................................................................................................................7
Environment Setup..........................................................................................................................................8
Application Setup.................................................................................................................11
Company Configuration................................................................................................................................11
Site Configuration Control.............................................................................................................................12
Site Maintenance...........................................................................................................................................13
Maintenance Programs..................................................................................................................................13
Warehouse Maintenance........................................................................................................................13
Additional Warehouse Programs......................................................................................................14
Warehouse Zone Maintenance.................................................................................................14
Warehouse Team Maintenance................................................................................................14
Warehouse Team Attribute Maintenance..................................................................................15
Warehouse Bin Maintenance..................................................................................................................16
Additional Warehouse Bin Programs................................................................................................16
Warehouse Bin Size Group Maintenance..................................................................................16
Warehouse Bin Attributes Maintenance....................................................................................16
Workshop - Create a Warehouse and Bin........................................................................................17
Bin Setup Wizard....................................................................................................................................18
Workshop - Bin Setup Wizard..........................................................................................................18
UOM Maintenance.................................................................................................................................19
Workshop - Define Unit of Measure Codes (English Measurements).................................................20
Workshop - Define Unit of Measure Codes (Metric Measurements)..................................................22
UOM Class Maintenance........................................................................................................................23
How UOM Classes Determine Allowable UOM Code Selections for Transaction Quantity Entries......24
Workshop - UOM Class Code..........................................................................................................26
Create a UOM Class Code........................................................................................................26
Add UOM Conversions (English Measurements)........................................................................26
Add UOM Conversions (Metric Measurements).........................................................................27
Part Class Maintenance...........................................................................................................................28
Workshop - Create a Part Class.......................................................................................................28
Product Group Maintenance...................................................................................................................29
Part Maintenance...................................................................................................................................29
Part Maintenance Sheets.................................................................................................................30
Workshop - Create Part Records......................................................................................................31
Create a Purchased Part...........................................................................................................31
Return Material.......................................................................................................................................65
Workshop - Return Items to Stock...................................................................................................65
Mass Return from Manufacturing...........................................................................................................66
Workshop - Mass Return Material from Job.....................................................................................67
Return Miscellaneous Material................................................................................................................68
Return Assembly.....................................................................................................................................68
Inventory Transfer..........................................................................................................................................69
Workshop - Transfer Parts.......................................................................................................................69
Min Max Safety Mass Update.........................................................................................................................69
Workshop - Create Sales Usage History...................................................................................................71
Ship the Sales Order........................................................................................................................72
Part Class and Part Maintenance Settings................................................................................................73
Workshop - Update Part Class Min/Max/Safety Mass Update Settings..............................................74
Workshop - Exclude a Part from Min Max Safety Mass Update Processing........................................75
Workshop - Add Min/Max Settings for a Part...................................................................................76
Workshop - Run Min Max Safety Mass Update.......................................................................................76
Enter Manual Updates and Complete Copying to Part Records........................................................79
Inventory Reporting.......................................................................................................................................79
Time Phased Material Requirements Report.............................................................................................80
Inventory Usage Report...........................................................................................................................80
Material Transaction Detail Report..........................................................................................................80
Stock Status Report................................................................................................................................81
In Transit Stock Reporting.......................................................................................................................81
Transaction Types..........................................................................................................................................83
This course provides an overview of the entire inventory management process. Use this module to update and
maintain raw materials, work in process (WIP) as well as finished goods inventory quantities and costs.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
• Define user-definable company and site parameters that govern Inventory Management processing.
• Create new warehouses and warehouse bins using Warehouse Maintenance and Warehouse Bin Maintenance.
• Generate warehouse bins using the Bin Setup Wizard.
• Define Unit of Measure (UOM), UOM Class, part class and product group codes for assignment on part records.
• Create new parts using Part Maintenance and identify important inventory data fields.
• Perform inventory transactions such as quantity adjustments, order shipments, receipts, job material issuance,
returns and transfers.
• Configure and process a cycle count to maintain accurate inventory counts.
• Describe what inventory reporting options are available in Epicor ERP.
Read this topic for information you should know in order to successfully complete this course.
Modules Licensing
The following modules must be licensed to complete all the workshops in this course:
• Inventory Management
• Job Management
• Multiple Warehouse
• Shipping Receiving
To complete the workshops in this course, the necessary modules must be licensed and operating in your training
environment. For more information on the modules available, contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager.
It is also important you understand the prerequisite knowledge contained in other valuable courses.
• Foundations Agenda Courses on Epicor Learning Center - These courses describe logging in to Epicor
ERP, using menus and toolbars, working with Tree view and sheets. They give you a quick overview how to
enter data in Epicor ERP, use searches to find data and work with grids. The courses in this agenda teach you
to personalize your application, print forms and reports and use trackers to view information.
• Recommended Knowledge Camp Course - This course provides a high level overview of the quote to cash
flow through the Epicor application. You begin with how to create a quote, process it as an order, and fill
the order across production planning and purchasing. The course also covers the manufacturing plan and
shipment of parts to a customer, as well as how to process invoices, enter cash receipts, and generate supplier
Environment Setup
The environment setup steps and potential workshop constraints must be reviewed in order to successfully
complete the workshops in this course.
Your Epicor training environment, in which the Epicor demonstration database is found, enables you to experience
Epicor functionality in action but does not affect data in your live, production environment.
The following steps must be taken to successfully complete the workshops in this course.
1. Verify the following or ask your system administrator to verify for you:
• Your Epicor training icon (or web address if you are using Epicor Web Access) points to your
Epicor training environment with the Epicor demonstration database installed. Do not complete
the course workshops in your live, production environment.
Note It is recommended that multiple Epicor demonstration databases are installed. Contact
Support or Systems Consulting for billable assistance.
• The Epicor demonstration database is at the same version as the Epicor application. The
demonstration database is installed from the Epicor Administration Console using the "Add Demo
Database" command under Database Server. See Epicor ERP installation guides for details. If you are an
Epicor Cloud ERP customer (and have licensed embedded education), the demonstration database is
installed for you.
• Your system administrator restored (refreshed) the Epicor demonstration database prior to
starting this course. The Epicor demonstration database comes standard with parts, customers, sales
orders, and so on, already defined. If the Epicor demonstration database is shared with multiple users
(that is, the database is located on a server and users access the same data, much like your live, production
environment) and is not periodically refreshed, unexpected results can occur. For example, if a course
workshop requires you to ship a sales order that came standard in the Epicor demonstration database,
but a different user already completed this workshop and the Epicor demonstration database was not
restored (refreshed), then you will not be able to ship the sales order. If you are an Epicor Cloud ERP
customer see section below.
2. Log in to the training environment using the credentials epicor/epicor. If you are logged into your training
environment as a different user, from the Options menu, select Change User.
Note You must have Security Manager credentials to access system administration programs such
as Company Configuration or Site Configuration. The epicor user ID has the required security
3. From the Main menu, select the company Epicor Education (EPIC06).
Note To refresh your Epicor training data, enter a support ticket in EpicCare and include your site ID.
Note To refresh your Epicor training data, enter a support ticket in EpicCare and include your site ID.
The Inventory Management module contains detailed information related to an item, including costs, quantities,
and on-hand requirements.
The primary function of this module is to manage the flow of materials from incoming purchase orders (POs)
through manufacturing and shipping to the customer. You can ship materials from stock or inventory, received
to stock, or receive them directly to a job. Inventory transactions are made in the same manner regardless of the
manufacturing environment, make-to-order (MTO) or make-to-stock (MTS). Ultimately, these transactions result
in revenue and are posted to the general ledger (GL).
Application Setup
This section of the course reviews common company configuration and maintenance program factors that apply
to the general inventory user.
Company Configuration
Company Configuration defines the available options for companies in the Epicor application. When you install
the Epicor application, one company record is created by default. You use this program to define how each
company interacts with the various modules you have licensed. These options customize the application to best
fit each company within your organization.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• System Setup > Company/Site Maintenance > Company Configuration
Use Site Configuration Control to define how each plant site interacts with various functions in the Epicor
application such as the Inventory Management, Production Management, Shipping/Receiving, Time Management,
and Expense Management modules.
When you create a company record in the Epicor application, one site record is automatically created by default.
This site record is the default site selected for each part you create within Part Maintenance for the current
company. You then use Site Configuration Control to define parameters for several application functions. You
can create addition site records as needed in Site Maintenance; once you do this, you use Site Configuration
Control to define operational parameters specific to that site.
Important Before you can open a site record in Site Configuration Control, you may need to have your
System Administrator give you security rights to that site in your user account.
The Modules > Inventory Management tab contains the following sheets you use to define the warehouses,
transfer order definitions/resources, serial tracking default values and cycle count parameters for each site:
• General - Contains settings for definition of the warehouses the site uses for shipping, receiving, DMR
Processing, and so on. You also indicate which warehouses are shared with other warehouses. You also
identify transfer orders by setting up the definitions for transferring part quantities and the resources involved
in transfer orders. Lastly, you define the serial tracking and cycling counting used for parts manufactured
through each site.
• Shared Warehouses - Contains settings for definition of the warehouses the site uses for shipping, receiving,
DMR Processing, and so on. You also indicate which warehouses are shared with other warehouses.
• Transfer Definition - Contains settings for definition of how the site handles transfer orders it requests from
other sites.
• Transfer Resources - Contains settings for definition of the resources involved in transfer orders.
• Serial Tracking - Contains settings for definition of how the site handles serial number tracking.
Note Serial Tracking is covered in detail in the Inventory Management - Specialized Processing
• Cycle Count - Contains settings for definition of physical and cycle counting parameters used with this site
configuration. Use the Detail sheet to indicate the Cycle Count Select Method to run for the site, and also
indicate that this site uses the method selected on warehouse records. Use the ABC Codes > Detail sheet
to select and update the ABC codes used for cycle counting for the site.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• System Setup > Company/Site Maintenance > Site Configuration
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.
Site Maintenance
Use Site Maintenance as needed to add additional sites for the current company. To add more than one site
record through this program, you must license the Multi-Site module. You can then set up as many sites as you
need for each company within your organization.
• In the Detail > Detail sheet, you define the cost set, which determines the costing method used for the parts
manufactured at the site. Lastly, setup the transfer order parameters the site follows when fulfilling internal
sales orders.
• In the Detail > Detail sheet, you define planning parameters such as Production Preparation Time, Rough
Cut Horizon, and the Production Calendar.
Once you do this, you use Site Configuration Control to define operational parameters specific to the site;
these designates how the site interacts with various modules in the Epicor application.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management > Multi-Site > Setup > Site Maintenance
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Site Maintenance
• Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Site Maintenance
• System Setup > Company/Site Maintenance > Site Maintenance
Maintenance Programs
This section of the course discusses common maintenance programs that influence the inventory process.
In most cases, not all of the fields within the following master files are discussed in this course. For a full description
of all available fields, refer to the Application Help.
Warehouse Maintenance
Use Warehouse Maintenance to set up warehouses. You can group items in your inventory in each warehouse.
You must set up at least one warehouse before you can enter parts in Part Maintenance.
When you set up a warehouse, it is automatically placed in the site into which you are currently logged. You can
also share the warehouse with other sites. You can do this on the System Setup > Company/Site Maintenance
> Site Configuration Control > Modules > Inventory Management > Shared Warehouses sheet.
A shared warehouse is a warehouse that belongs to one site in particular, but when you share it with one or
more other sites, you can directly issue parts from or receive parts into the warehouse from the sites with which
it has been shared. In order to set up more than one warehouse in this program, you must license the Advanced
Material Management (AMM) module.
Note Even if you do not physically have separate warehouses with multiple bins, you should still set up
logical warehouses and bins that can help you keep track of inventory within the same location.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Warehouse
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Warehouse
The following are additional warehouse maintenance programs that exist to support the Fulfillment Workbench
feature in the Inventory Management module.
For a full description of all available fields, refer to the Application Help.
Use Warehouse Zone Maintenance to create bin zones within a specified warehouse. A zone is a group of
bins within a warehouse.
The Epicor application allows you to group bins together into a zone, regardless of their type or other attributes.
Warehouse zones can be established, usually based on similarly sized bins / products. Zone codes are then assigned
to specified warehouse bins in the Zone field in Warehouse Bin Maintenance. The Epicor application uses bin
zones primarily in the Fulfillment Workbench.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Warehouse Zone
Use Warehouse Team Maintenance to create and define warehouse teams based on attribute/skill, transaction,
and location. Warehouse teams can be assigned to allocation templates defined in Allocation Template Entry, or
used to process transactions after inventory is allocated in the Fulfillment Workbench.
For example, you can create warehouse teams that process put-away transactions, while others process pick
transactions. Use Warehouse Team Maintenance to perform the following tasks:
• Assign specific shop floor or warehouse employees to the warehouse team.
• Assign bin attributes.
• Identify the transaction types the warehouse team can process and assign a priority code that denotes the
sequence in which they must be processed.
• Identify specific warehouses in which the warehouse team can work.
• Identify specific bins, zones, and optionally, items (parts, classes, or groups) for which the warehouse team
is responsible for each assigned warehouse.
You must be assigned to a warehouse team in order to receive transactions to process when using the Auto-Select
feature from the Handheld menu. The warehouse manager can assign transaction types to warehouse teams
and assign priorities to those transactions. Transaction types include sales order picks, job order picks, transfer
order picks, Planner Workbench bin-to-bin moves, and put-aways for purchase receipts, job production, or transfer
receipts. Warehouse team members can only process selected transactions for selected items in their assigned
warehouses, bins, and zones.
Use Warehouse Team Attribute Maintenance to define attributes assigned to warehouse teams. These
attributes detail specific aspects of each warehouse team, like Picker, Receiving Qualified, Hand Held Expert, and
so on.
You later assign these attributes to a team using Warehouse Team Maintenance. You select these items on the
Attributes sheet.
For example, define an attribute in Warehouse Team Attributes Maintenance that denotes a forklift is required.
Define another attribute that denotes the forklift driver must be certified. When work is assigned on the queue,
you can assign an inventory move transaction from (or to) a bin that requires a forklift based on this forklift
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Warehouse Team Attribute
Use Warehouse Bin Maintenance to identify the specific bins where inventory is stored in a warehouse. You
use the Detail sheet to define operating characteristics (such as the description, zone, size, sequence, type, location
and fulfillment parameters) for each bin, and use the Attributes sheet to assign user-defined warehouse bin
attributes (previously defined in Warehouse Bin Attributes Setup) as needed.
Important At least one bin location is required for a warehouse.
The Type field in the Warehouse Bin Maintenance > Detail sheet designates if a particular warehouse bin is
a Standard type bin or a non-standard Customer Managed or Supplier Managed type bin. Non-standard customer
and supplier-owned inventories provide you with the ability to hold, control, and record inventory items owned
by a specific customer or supplier.
Note Refer to Customer and Supplier Managed Inventories section in the Inventory Management
- Specialized Processing course for more details.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Warehouse Bin
• Service Management > Field Service Automation > Setup > Warehouse Bin
The Fulfilment Workbench feature provides inventory management across bins, warehouses, and zones.
For a full description of all available fields, refer to the Application Help.
Use Warehouse Bin Size Group Maintenance to define bin size code groups that contain height, length,
width, and volume sizing information for bins. The bin size group codes defined into the program are assigned
to specific warehouse bins in Warehouse Bin Maintenance.
Menu Path
You can launch this program using the Main Menu from
Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Warehouse Bin Size Group
Use Warehouse Bin Attributes Maintenance to create user-defined attributes for bins.
These attributes can be assigned to specific warehouse bins on the Attributes sheet in Warehouse Bin
Maintenance. These attributes can detail specific aspects of each bin, like Large Bin, Receiving Bin, Mobile Bin,
and so on.
For example, a user-defined attribute can be defined in Warehouse Bin Attributes Maintenance that denotes that
a forklift is required. When work is assigned on the queue, an inventory move transaction from (or to) a bin that
requires a forklift could be assigned to a user based on this forklift attribute.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Warehouse Bin Attribute
In this workshop, create new warehouses and link new warehouse bins.
Navigate to Warehouse Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Warehouse
Field Data
Warehouse XXX-Whs (where XXX are your initials)
Description XXX Warehouse (where XXX are your initials)
3. Click Save.
5. Click New.
Field Data
Bin XXX-Bin (where XXX are your initials)
Description XXX Bin (where XXX are your initials)
8. Click Save.
Use the Bin Setup Wizard to mass-generate and create bin numbers for a specified set of criteria.
The Bin Setup Wizard performs the following processing:
• For the warehouse number, bin numbering format, and maximum bin number generation limit specified in
the Configure sheet, the utility configures the numbering sequence. After clicking the Generate button on
the Configure sheet, it then generates the proposed bin numbers based on the specified parameters.
• Displays the proposed bin numbers in the Verify sheet. Use the Selected check box and the Clear or Select
All buttons to select the specific bin numbers committed to the Epicor application files.
• When you click Commit on the Commit sheet, or the Save button on the Standard toolbar, the program
applies the user-specified bin definition parameters against all generated bin records and formally commits
them to the Epicor application files.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Warehouse Bin Setup Wizard
In this workshop, generate a block of five bin numbers for the XXX-Whs (where XXX are your initials) warehouse
created in the Workshop - Create a Warehouse and Bin.
Note You must define warehouses and link them to a site before you use Bin Setup Wizard to establish
the bins. You can also create warehouse bins in Warehouse Bin Maintenance.
1. Click New.
2. In the Warehouse field, select XXX Warehouse (where XXX are your initials).
3. In the Bin Number Segments grid, in the Segment column, verify String defaults and click Tab.
5. In the Minimum and Maximum columns, enter CLS and press Tab after each field.
In the Bin Number Segments grid, a second segment line displays.
6. In the second line, in the Segment column, select Separator and press Tab throughout the remaining
fields to add a third segment line.
7. In the third line, in the Segment column, select Number and press Tab.
UOM Maintenance
Use UOM Maintenance to define UOM (Unit of Measure) codes stored in the UOM master file. These represent
the units of measure in which transaction quantities are expressed in the Epicor application. Examples of UOM
codes include weights and measures such as Cubic Centimeters, Each, Feet, Box and Case.
The Epicor application provides extensive unit of measure support, and also provides you with the ability to
(optionally) track inventory balances for parts in multiple units of measure. This gives the Epicor application the
ability to display transaction quantities per unit of measure.
• All inventory, job, quotation, sales order and purchase order transactions created for a given part require entry
of a UOM code.
• For example, when you enter a weight for transaction, you also enter a UOM code representing the weight
measurement (for example, LBS, KG, TONS).
Before processing transactions for an item, all UOM codes must first be defined in UOM Maintenance and then
assigned to UOM Class codes in UOM Class Maintenance. Once they have been assigned to a UOM Class code,
you assign primary inventory, sales and purchase UOM codes to specific part records using the Part Maintenance
> Part > Detail sheet.
• These represent the base unit of measure in which inventory balances are normally stored for the item, and
the default UOM codes that display when entering quotations, sales orders and purchase orders for the item.
Example You might inventory and produce an item by single unit (Each), sell it by the Box but purchase
it by the Case. You would define UOM codes for each of three units of measure, associate it with a
UOM Class code (in UOM Class Maintenance) and then assign it to the part record.
• When processing transactions for the item, the Epicor application would then use the UOM code presenting
Each as the default unit of measure for inventory quantity balances and production quantities.
When selling or quoting the same item, it would display the UOM code representing a Box as the default unit
of measure.
When you purchase the item from a supplier, it would display the UOM code presenting a Case as the default
unit of measure; these default UOM codes can be overridden as needed for specific transactions.
• Once a UOM code has been assigned in Part Maintenance, it cannot be changed once inventory balances
exists for the part, or used in any way.
• Once a UOM code has been created it cannot be deleted, but can marked as Inactive to prevent further use
in the Epicor application.
Note You designate, for each defined UOM code, the number of decimals that should display for quantities
in non-grid fields through use of the Allow Decimals, Decimals, Rounding field settings in the UOM
Maintenance > Detail sheet.
Use the Quantity Display Decimal field in the Company Configuration > Modules > All Modules >
General sheet to designate, by company, how quantities should display in grid fields throughout the Epicor
Note Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) only supports two character UOM codes. If you plan on using the
EDI Import or EDI Export programs, you should limit the length of the UOM codes you create in this program
to a maximum of two characters. Creation of UOM codes in excess of two characters in length would
require customization of the EDI Import and EDI Export programs to handle processing of the longer UOM
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > UOM
• Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > Setup > UOM
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > UOM
• Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > UOM
• Production Management > Engineering > Setup > UOM
• Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > UOM
1. Click New.
2. In the UOM field, enter XXX-PN (where XXX are your initials).
3. In the Description field, enter XXX Pint (where XXX are your initials).
8. Click Save.
9. Repeat steps 1-7 to add the following units of measure (where XXX are your initials):
1. Click New.
2. In the UOM field, enter XXX-ML (where XXX are your initials).
3. In the Description field, enter XXX Milliliters (where XXX are your initials).
8. Click Save.
9. Repeat steps 1-7 to add the following unit of measure (where XXX are your initials):
Use UOM Class Maintenance to define Unit of Measure (UOM) Classes that are assigned to parts in the Part
Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet, or are used for parts created on-the-fly. A UOM Class consists of a defined
set or bundle of alternate UOM codes (for example, Bag, Box, Case, Pallet) that convert to a single base UOM
(for example, Each). You must first define all UOM codes entered using UOM Maintenance.
The graphic below shows the UOM structure.
The only required element for a UOM Class is assignment of a base UOM code. You assign a base UOM code to
each UOM Class to designate how the Epicor application performs conversion from each of the assigned alternate
units of measure to the base UOM. The purpose of this program is to make UOM code assignment in Part
Maintenance easier in cases where the same UOM conversion factors apply to multiple parts.
UOM Class Maintenance eliminates the need to define the same individual UOM conversions multiple times when
you create parts in Part Maintenance that require the same UOM conversions as other parts.
• For example, if you stock and sell multiple parts by weight, you can define a single weight UOM Class that
contains all possible weight UOM codes you wish to use.
• You then assign that UOM Class to each part that requires weight UOMs.
• If you ever need to add additional UOM conversions, you can add the new UOM conversions to the UOM
Class, making the new conversions immediately available to all parts configured to use that UOM Class.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > UOM Class
• Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > Setup > UOM Class
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > UOM Class
• Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > UOM Class
• Production Management > Engineering > Setup > UOM Class
• Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > UOM Class
How UOM Classes Determine Allowable UOM Code Selections for Transaction Quantity Entries
A UOM Class consists of a defined set or bundle of alternate UOM codes (for example, Bag, Box, Case, Pallet)
that convert to a single base UOM code (for example, Each). When entering transactional quantities (sales order
lines, quote lines or jobs), the Epicor application determines the allowable Unit of Measure (UOM) codes you can
select that denote the unit of measure. The processing that occurs is dependent on whether you enter a standard
or on-the-fly part number for the transaction.
How UOM Classes Determine Allowable UOM Code Selections for Standard Parts
The logic the Epicor application uses to determine the default UOM code, and allowable UOM code selections
for transaction quantities, is the same whether you enter a quote line, order line or job. This default displays in
the unlabeled field to the immediate right of the transaction quantity fields. It is primarily dependent on whether
you have entered a standard or On the Fly part into the Part field.
• These are the only selections that appear in the drop-down list.
How UOM Classes Determine Allowable UOM Code Selections for On the Fly Parts
If you have entered an On the Fly part, the default UOM code (that displays in the unlabeled field to the
immediate right of the transaction quantity fields) is dependent on the setting of the System Default check box
in the UOM Class Maintenance > Detail sheet:
• If the System Default check box has been selected for one of your defined UOM classes, the displayed default
is the UOM code (assigned to that UOM class) that has been designated as the default UOM code (the Default
UOM check box has been selected for it in the UOM Class Maintenance > UOMs sheet). In effect, the default
UOM code assigned to the system default UOM class appears but can be overridden.
Example If the Count UOM class is designated as the system default, EA (Each) would display if has
been designated as the default UOM code for the Count UOM class.
• If this check box has not been selected for any of your defined UOM classes, no default UOM code displays
in this field.
You can select one of the following as the unit of measure:
• Any UOM code that is associated with any of the On The Fly type UOM Classes or
• Any of the UOM codes for which a system-assigned standard type (Area, Count, Time, Weight or Volume)
has been defined in the UOM Class Maintenance > Detail sheet.
Note These are the only selections that appear in the drop-down lists to the right of the transaction
quantity fields. UOM codes that are associated with UOM Classes with a type of Other do not appear
in the drop-down lists and cannot be selected as the transaction quantity units of measure.
Note Refer to the On The Fly Classes - Rules and Setup Example Application help topic for a
detailed example of how this works.
• If you select a UOM code assigned to a UOM Class with a system-assigned standard type, the Epicor application
uses that particular unit of measure as the unit of measure for all related transactions.
Example You select the UOM code for Feet (which is part of the system-assigned standard type Length
UOM Class) as the unit of measure for a quote or order line. The Epicor application uses that unit of
measure for related inventory, job and purchasing transactions (all are expressed in Feet). No conversions
to a base UOM are performed in this case.
Note When you ship the item, you can specify the shipping quantity in an alternate unit of measure,
as long as it is associated with the same UOM Class. In this example, you can express the shipment
quantity in Yards, if it is a valid unit of measure for the Length UOM class.
In this workshop, create a UOM Class and add the UOM codes you defined in the previous workshop.
Important All UOM codes must first be defined in UOM Maintenance before they are used in other
programs such as UOM Class Maintenance and Part Maintenance. The Epicor application allows a part to
have multiple UOMs.
2. In the Class ID field, enter XXX-Fluid (where XXX are your initials).
3. In the Description field, enter XXX Fluid Volume (where XXX are your initials).
5. Click Save.
2. In the UOM Code field, select XXX-PN (where XXX are your initials).
3. Verify that the Base UOM and Default UOM check boxes are selected.
When you enter the first UOM code for a given UOM class, the Epicor application automatically selects these
check boxes. The Base UOM check box specifies if this UOM code is the base unit of measure for this UOM
Class; it is normally assigned to the first UOM code entered for a UOM Class. The Default UOM check box
identifies this UOM code as the default unit of measure for this UOM Class.
4. Click Save.
6. From the UOM Code field, select XXX-QT (where XXX are your initials).
7. In the Conversion Factor field, select Divide, and then enter .5 in the next field.
This field identifies the factor used to calculate the quantity conversion between the UOM code and the
base UOM. In this case, 1 Quart equals 2 Pints.
8. Click Save.
10. In the UOM Code field, select XXX-GL (where XXX are your initials).
11. In the Conversion Factor field, select Divide, and then enter .125 in the next field. In this case, 1 gallon
equals 8 Pints (for example, 3 gallons divided by .125 equals 24 pints).
2. In the UOM Code field, select XXX-ML (where XXX are your initials).
3. Verify that the Base UOM and Default UOM check boxes are selected.
When you enter the first UOM code for a given UOM class, the Epicor application automatically selects these
check boxes. The Base UOM check box specifies if this UOM code is the base unit of measure for this UOM
Class. The Default UOM check box identifies this UOM code as the default unit of measure for this UOM
4. Click Save.
6. In the UOM Code field, select XXX-LT (where XXX are your initials).
7. In the Conversion Factor field, select Divide, and then enter .001 in the next field.
This field identifies the factor used to calculate the quantity conversion between the UOM code and the
base UOM. In this case, 1 Litre equals base units of 1000 Militres (for example, 1.25 Litres divided by .001
equals 1,250 Militres).
Use Part Class Maintenance to establish part classes for inventory parts. Part classes are not required in the
Epicor application; but use them when it is important to classify inventory materials for reporting purposes. Part
classes are assigned to each part in Part Maintenance.
Example If you have three distinct types of raw materials, establish three part classes to review the stock
status and other inventory reports for the different types.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Part Class
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Part Class
• Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Part Class
• Production Management > Engineering > Setup > Part Class
• Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Part Class
• Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > Setup > Part Class
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Part Class
• Sales Management > Configurator Management > Setup > Part Class
• Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Part Class
2. In the Part Class field, enter XXX-F (where XXX are your initials).
You can only add two letters in your name initials. For example, John Smith would enter JS-F.
3. In the Description field, enter XXX Fluid Inventory (where XXX are your initials).
This specifies the action the Epicor application should take if transactions against parts in this part class
cause the on-hand quantity of any of the parts to go negative. None denotes that no messages should be
displayed. Stop denotes that an error message should display and processing cannot continue. Warn denotes
that an error message should display, but processing can continue.
Use Product Group Maintenance to set up product groups, which classify the different types of parts you store
in inventory and sell to customers. These classifications are used for General Ledger (GL) and sales analysis
Product groups are not required by the Epicor application; however, you may want to use them to help organize
financial and sales analysis reports. For example, if you manufacture two different product lines, you can assign
parts within each line to a specific group. You assign product groups to specific parts using the Group field in
the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet. Product group definition examples include:
• Customer ID (Edwards International)
• Product Line (Televisions)
• Product Type (Configured Parts)
• Any combination of each (Edwards International - Configured Parts)
Product groups define the general ledger account numbers used during Accounts Receivable (AR) invoicing. The
account numbers for Sales, Discounts, and Returns can be defined within each group. You can also use product
groups to define the General Ledger (GL) controls used to capture work-in-process (WIP) and cost-of-sales (COS)
information. If you do not define these GL controls on the product group, however, the GL controls defined
within Company Configuration are used instead.
You can also define an overall planner for each product group. You can also link sites to each product group;
each site detail can specify a planner. Thus, you can define multiple planners for each product group.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Product Group
• Financial Management > Deferred Revenue Accounting > Setup > Product Group
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Product Group
• Production Management > Engineering > Setup > Product Group
• Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Product Group
• Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > Setup > Product Group
• Sales Management > Configurator Management > Setup > Product Group
• Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Product Group
• Service Management > Field Service > Setup > Product Group
Part Maintenance
Use Part Maintenance to enter or update part information. Parts are either purchased items you use for raw
materials or subassemblies, or manufactured items you use to fill sales orders.
Each part record contains crucial data you may need for purchase or production needs. A part record contains
general information such as part number, description, and search criteria. Also, a part record defines inventory
information, which includes unit of measure (UOM) options for sales, purchases, inventory, non-stock classifications,
serial number tracking, and weight values. You also define warehouse and bin information for each part, including
Minimum, Maximum, and Safety Stock quantities. If this part is included in a sales kit, define these parameters
as well.
When you set up a part, all sites within the company can access the part and use it on jobs. You can also select
parts as materials on quote, job, or part methods of manufacturing. If you use the Engineering module, purchased
or manufactured parts on a bill of material must have a record set up in Part Maintenance.
Tip Most modules do not require parts to exist in Part Maintenance, but it is recommended that you enter
parts in this program, as each record requires little data and can save you data entry time later.
Note When you are setting up part records and realize you've made a mistake assigning a UOM Class or
primary inventory UOM code (in the Primary UOMs - Inventory field), you can make manual updates in
Part Maintenance up until the time you enter a transaction for a part. For example, you inadvertently
assigned a primary Inventory UOM code of BX (Box), but intended to assign a UOM code of EA (Each), or
entered an incorrect UOM Class and associated UOM codes.
However, once you have enter a transaction, you can no longer manually change these fields; you must
instead use Part UOM Class Conversion Maintenance, located on the System Maintenance > Utilities
menu. Part UOM Class Conversion Maintenance is intended for use on parts that have had little to no
transactional usage in Epicor ERP. Refer to the Inventory Management - Specialized Processing section
of the course for more details.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Part
• Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > Setup > Part
• Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Part
• Material Management > Supplier Relationship Management > Setup > Part
• Production Management > Engineering > Setup > Part
• Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Part
• Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > Setup > Part
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Part
• Sales Management > Configurator Management > Setup > Part
• Sales Management > Demand Management > Setup > Part
• Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Part
• Service Management > Field Service > Setup > Part
• Service Management > Field Service Automation > Setup > Part
The following are some of the more important sheets in Part Maintenance that directly impact inventory processing
in the Epicor application.
In this workshop, create two new purchased parts and add related purchasing details.
2. In the Part field, enter BR-XXX (where XXX are your initials).
The part number contains a series of characters that uniquely identifies this part. If creating a new part,
enter a meaningful identifier for the part number, such as type or measurements.
3. In the Description field, enter XXX Oil Machine (where XXX are your initials).
can select to manufacture any part marked as purchased or manufactured. When a part is flagged as a sales
kit item, the sales kit parameters become available.
• Purchased - These are parts you normally purchase from external suppliers and use as raw materials.
• Manufactured - These are parts you normally manufacture and sell to your customers.
• Sales Kit - These are sales kit parts that are sold together as a sales kit.
5. In the UOM Class field, select XXX Fluid Volume (where XXX are your initials).
This is the active UOM Class you assign to this part number. You can change the assigned UOM Class for
a new part until the time it is used in a transaction of any type (for example, inventory, sales or purchasing).
However, once the part is used in a transaction, this field is disabled; the associated UOM class code can
only be changed using the Part UOM Class Conversion Maintenance program.
6. In the Primary UOMs - Inventory field, select XXX-PN (where XXX are your initials) if you set up English
measurements in the previous Unit of Measure workshops. If you set up UOM codes using Metric
measurements, select XXX-ML (where XXX are your initials).
This is the unit of measure in which this item is normally issued. This becomes the default UOM codes for
this item but you can override it for specific inventory transactions. You can assign any of the UOM codes
associated with the UOM Class specified in the UOM Class field.
7. In the Primary UOMs - Sales field, select XXX-QT (where XXX are your initials) if you set up English
measurements in the previous Unit of Measure workshops. If you set up UOM codes using Metric
measurements, select XXX-LT (where XXX are your initials).
This is the unit of measure in which this item is normally sold or quoted; you can override it for specific sales
or quote transactions.
8. In the Primary UOMs - Purchasing field, select XXX-QT (where XXX are your initials) if you set up English
measurements in the previous Unit of Measure workshops. If you set up UOM codes using Metric
measurements, select XXX-LT (where XXX are your initials).
This is the unit of measure in which this item is normally purchased; you can override it for specific purchase
11. In the Class field, select XXX Fluid Inventory (where XXX are your initials).
This identifies the part class to which this part is assigned. The Epicor application uses the part class to
identify various types of inventory parts. Part classes are not required in the Epicor application, but you can
use them to classify inventory materials for reporting purposes.
1. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Warehouses > Detail sheet.
3. In the Warehouse field, select XXX Warehouse (where XXX are your initials).
4. Click Save.
5. In the Part Maintenance tree view, select the XXX Warehouse warehouse you just added.
6. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Warehouses > Primary Bin sheet.
7. In the Bin field, search for and select bin XXX-Bin (where XXX are your initials).
This designates the default bin that should appear for various inventory transactions entered for this part
and warehouse. This becomes the default bin number that displays in the Bin field in Inventory Management
programs such as Inventory Transfer, and can be overridden as needed.
8. Click Save.
10. In the Primary Warehouse field, search for and select XXX Warehouse.
Identifies the primary warehouse for the part in this site. This is the warehouse where the part is typically
manufactured or stocked. The Epicor application uses the primary warehouse as the default in many programs,
such as entry of sales order line items, purchase order line items, and material requirements on jobs. This is
a required field.
16. In the Purchasing section, in the Supplier field, search for and select Gecco Steel.
Use this field to enter the supplier you wish to use on most PO suggestions. You can select the default
supplier and purchase point used on generated PO suggestions on purchased part records. Each part-site
detail record can have two default suppliers. This allows you to set up one supplier for normal purchases
and another supplier for urgent planning.
Use the Approved Suppliers option on the Part Maintenance Actions menu to establish approved suppliers
for a part, and, if applicable, the customer associated with this supplier. This customer is only linked to the selected
part within this approved supplier entry.
4. In the Part field, verify that BR-XXX (where XXX are your initials) appears as the default.
5. Click Save.
8. In the Part field, verify that BR-XXX (where XXX are your initials) appears as the default.
9. Click Save.
In this workshop, create a new part for machine shop oil that is purchased in box increments and used by a single
Field Data
Part XXX-Case
Description XXX Machine Shop Oil
Type Purchased
UOM Class Counted Units
Inventory UOM EA
Sales UOM EA
Field Data
Purchasing UOM BX
Sales Unit Price 7.50
Class Shop Supplies
Track Multiple UOMs Select
The Track Multiple UOMs check box specifies if inventory balances for this part should be stored in a single
base unit of measure (for example, Each), or if the Epicor application should store and track inventory
balances for the part in multiple units of measure (for example, Each, Feet, Inches). The default value for
this check box is cleared.
Important Do not skip the Track Multiple UOMs check box selection. It is important you select the
Track Multiple UOMs check box as this will impact how the Epicor application stores inventory for this
part. This allows you to store inventory in multiple units of measure, instead of just one. You can
select the check box for any part at any time. Once you select the check box, you can clear it only if
no inventory balances exist on the part. This check box is not available for use for parts flagged as
serial tracked.
3. Click Save.
5. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Warehouses > Detail sheet.
6. In the Warehouse field, select XXX Warehouse (where XXX are your initials).
7. Click Save.
8. In the Part Maintenance tree view, select the XXX Warehouse warehouse you just added.
9. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Warehouses > Primary Bin sheet.
10. In the Bin field, search for and select bin XXX-Bin (where XXX are your initials).
13. In the Primary Warehouse field, search for and select XXX Warehouse.
19. In the Purchasing section, in the Supplier field, search for and select Gecco Steel.
Part Tracker
Use the Part Tracker to access current information on parts in the database. This includes information such as
revisions, on-hand quantities, costs, locations, inspection, and planning data.
You can use the Part Search feature to pull multiple part records into the Part Tracker. The tracker displays only
one part at a time. You cannot add or edit records in this tracker.
Numerous sheets are available in the Part Tracker. Many of them are read-only versions of sheets that display in
Part Maintenance. The Part Tracker also pulls in Quality Assurance information for the part.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Executive Analysis > Trackers > Part Tracker
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Part Tracker
• Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > General Operations > Part Tracker
• Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Part Tracker
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Part Tracker
• Material Management > Supplier Relationship Management > General Operations > Part Tracker
• Production Management > Engineering > General Operations > Part Tracker
• Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Part Tracker
• Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General Operations > Part Tracker
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Part Tracker
• Production Management > Scheduling > General Operations > Part Tracker
• Sales Management > Configurator Management > General Operations > Part Tracker
• Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > General Operations > Part Tracker
• Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Part Tracker
• Sales Management > Quote Management > General Operations > Part Tracker
• Service Management > Field Service > General Operations > Part Tracker
• Service Management > Field Service Automation > General Operations > Part Tracker
This section of the course reviews inventory transaction processing that takes place during a typical work day.
These transactions include adding and removing items from inventory using processes in the Epicor application.
Quantity Adjustments
You may have to adjust on-hand inventory quantities for part master records either up or down to account for
certain inventory discrepancies or to establish initial inventory balances.
UOM Split/Merge
Inventory quantities expressed in a specific unit of measure (UOM) for a part can be split into one or more alternate
units. Conversely, inventory quantities expressed in several alternate UOMs can be merged into a single UOM
quantity for parts for which the Track Multiple UOMs check box is selected in Part Maintenance
Issue Miscellaneous Material
Miscellaneous parts can be issued from inventory for non-production purposes (for example, for use as a sample
in a trade show).
Issue Materials to Jobs
Stocked material has to be issued to the job that requires it for production. This process is handled on a part-by-part
basis for an assembly or through a mass issue process for multi-level assemblies.
Inventory Returns
Material or assemblies issued from inventory may need to be returned to stock for whatever reason. The return
transaction adjusts on hand quantities as well as inventory values based.
Inventory Transfer
Materials can be moved (transferred) from one bin and to another within the same site.
Quantity Adjustments
Use Quantity Adjustments to adjust on-hand inventory quantities in part master record. You would use this
program on an exception basis to manually adjust inventory quantities to account for certain inventory discrepancies
or to establish initial inventory balances.
Quantity adjustments can be performed only for parts for which the Quantity Bearing check box has been
selected in Part Maintenance. . Adjustment transactions are generated to provide a full audit trail of all quantity
changes made in this program. Select Transaction Log from the Actions menu to review adjustment transactions.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Quantity Adjustment
In this workshop, create initial inventory balances for the parts you created in the Workshop - Create Part Records,
and adjust the inventory quantity for an existing part.
In this workshop, establish initial inventory balance quantities for each of the parts you created in Workshop -
Create Part Records.
Navigate to Quantity Adjustments.
Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Quantity Adjustment
1. In the Part field, enter BR-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.
2. In the Warehouse field, verify XXX Warehouse (where XXX are your initials) defaults.
3. in the Bin field, accept the default of XXX-Bin (where XXX are your initials).
5. If you set up English measurements in the previous Unit of Measure workshops, verify that XXX-PN (where
XXX are your initials) displays in the UOM drop-down to the right of the Quantity field. If you set up UOM
codes using Metric measurements, select XXX-LT (where XXX are your initials).
8. In the Part field, enter XXX-Case (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.
9. In the Warehouse field, verify XXX Warehouse (where XXX are your initials) defaults.
10. in the Bin field, accept the default of XXX-Bin (where XXX are your initials).
11. In the Quantity field, enter 100 and select a unit of measure of BX (Box) in the drop-down to the right.
In this workshop, adjust a quantity for five pieces of the DIAMOND 8907 part, as they are scratched and unable
to be used.
1. Right click the Part field, then select Open With > Part Transaction History Tracker.
Part Transaction History Tracker displays.
2. In the Part field, enter BR-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.
3. Click Retrieve to retrieve and display transaction history for the part.
In the Transaction History grid, verify that ADJ-QTY displays in the Type column and 100 displays in the
Quantity column. This indicates an adjustment to quantity type transaction of 100. If you are using Metric
measurements in the workshops, note that the Epicor application converted the 100 Litres you entered in
Quantity Adjustments to an on hand balance of 10,000, expressed in the base of unit of measure of Militres.
5. Repeat steps 1-3, but enter XXX-Case (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.
In the Transaction History grid, verify that ADJ-QTY in the Type column to indicate an adjustment to
quantity type transaction. In the Quantity column, verify 2,400 displays. This is the 100BX at the base unit
of EA (100BX x 24EA).
6. Repeat steps 1-3, but enter DIAMOND 8907 and press Tab.
In the Transaction History grid, verify that an ADJ-QTY displays in the Type column and -5 displays in the
Quantity column. This indicates an adjustment to quantity type transaction of -5. Note that the quantity
in the Running Total column decreases from 50 to 45.
UOM Split/Merge
Use Split Merge UOM to split an inventory quantity expressed in a specific unit of measure (UOM) into one or
more alternate units. You can also use this program to merge inventory quantities expressed in several alternate
UOMs into a single UOM quantity. It can only be used for parts for which the Track Multiple UOMs check box
is selected in Part Maintenance.
• For example, for a Split UOM transaction, 100 units on a pallet be broken into one bag (two base units), one
box (four base units), or nine cases (10 base units each or 90 total).
• Conversely, if your inventory is stored in bags and boxes, you can use the Merge option to merge them into
a single pallet of 100 base units.
When you save the transaction, the Epicor application uses the conversion factors defined in UOM Class
Maintenance to determine if the quantities selected for merging or splitting add up to the resulting UOM merge
or split quantity. Entering split or merge transactions has the net effect of zero on the total physical on-hand
inventory quantity for the part. The program updates two or more on-hand tracking part records and creates
STK-ADJ PartTran records to reflect the changes.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > UOM Split / Merge
In this workshop, split a portion of the initial inventory balance quantity you created for the multiple UOM part
XXX-Case (where XXX are your initials) in Quantity Adjustments into multiple alternate units of measure (UOM).
You will split four boxes into a combination of Cases, Dozen packs and individual units.
Navigate to UOM Split/Merge.
Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > UOM Split / Merge
1. In the Part field, enter XXX-Case (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.
2. In the Warehouse field, verify XXX Warehouse (where XXX are your initials) defaults.
3. In the Bin field, verify XXX-Bin (where XXX are your initials) defaults.
4. In the drop-down to the right of the Split field, select a unit of measure of BX (Box).
6. In the On Hand Qty grid, in the Quantity column, enter 1 for CS (UOM).
7. In the On Hand Qty grid, in the Quantity column, enter 3 for DZ (UOM).
8. In the On Hand Qty grid, in the Quantity column, enter 12 for EA (UOM).
Note that a quantity of zero displays in the Remaining Qty field. You have successfully split four boxes into
quantities of Cases, Dozen packs and individual units. You cannot save split or merge transactions unless a
quantity of zero displays.
9. Click OK.
11. Right click the Part field, then select Open With > Part Transaction History Tracker.
The Part Transaction History Tracker displays.
12. Click Retrieve to retrieve and display transaction history for the part.
In the Transaction History grid, verify the STK-ADJ (stock adjustment) type transactions that were generated
for the UOM split transactions you entered.
13. Exit the Part Transaction History Tracker and UOM Split/Merge.
Use Issue Miscellaneous Material to enter a miscellaneous issue of parts from inventory.
A transaction history record is created for the part. The transaction type is STK-UKN. For more information on
inventory transaction types, refer to the Inventory Transaction Types List within the Inventory Transactions
Technical Reference Guide.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Issue Miscellaneous Material
The Vice President of the Sales department needs a sample to take to a trade show he will attend this week.
After a quick check in the Part Tracker, he notes there is a sufficient quantity to take care of this request. In this
workshop, issue miscellaneous material.
Navigate to Issue Miscellaneous Material.
Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Issue Miscellaneous
1. In the Part field, enter BR-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.
2. In the Warehouse field, select XXX-Warehouse (where XXX are your initials).
3. In the Warehouse Bins grid, select the XXX-Bin (where XXX are your initials).
7. Click Issue.
Backflushing is a process where the Epicor application issues materials on your behalf. Backflushing is very
dependent on labor reporting. When labor is reported against a related operation, material is then added as
detail to the operation.
Backflushing can occur at two different points:
1. When a quantity is reported against an operation and all the prerequisites listed below are in order.
2. At job completion - Job Complete/Close Code Parameters Maintenance allows any unissued material
to be backflushed.
Consider the following when deciding if backflushing can be used in the Epicor application:
• The Backflush check box must be selected on the Part > Sites > Detail sheet in Part Maintenance.
• A primary warehouse and bin must be defined for the part in the Part Maintenance > Sites > Warehouses
> Detail sheet, and a primary bin must be defined in the Part Maintenance > Sites > Warehouses >
Primary Bins sheet.
• The material requirement must be attached to the job operation.
• A labor quantity must be reported against the job operation.
• Time and Expense Entry must be accurate and timely.
• Serial number and lot controlled inventory items cannot be backflushed.
1. The Input Warehouse and In Bin locations in Resource Group Maintenance > Resources > Detail, if
the on-hand quantity is greater than zero.
2. The Input Warehouse and In Bin locations in Resource Group Maintenance > Detail, if the on-hand
quantity is greater than zero.
3. The Backflush Warehouse and Backflush Bin locations in Resource Group Maintenance > Resources
> Detail, if defined.
4. The Backflush Warehouse and Backflush locations in Resource Group Maintenance > Detail, if defined.
6. The first bin of the job material warehouse that has a quantity expressed in the Inventory unit of measure
defined in the Part Maintenance > Part > Detail sheet for the backflushed part.
7. The first bin of the job material warehouse that has a quantity, regardless of unit of measure.
• Eliminates the need to manually issue material to each job operation where the material is needed. Backflushing
happens, automatically eliminating manual efforts.
• Takes the scrap factor into account when computing the quantity used. The quantity required plus the scrap
factor is backflushed.
Common Mistakes
• Clearing the Backflush check box on a part while transactions are in process. This causes errors in removing
material from inventory.
• Issuing material and then selecting the Backflush check box causes the material to be issued twice.
• Clearing the Backflush check box on a part without running the Time Phased Material Requirements
Report to determine the impact on other assemblies. You will not know the extent of the manual effort
required to issue these parts to jobs.
• Using substitute materials without telling the Epicor application about the substitution. The material called
for on the job decreases while the substitute part is not decreased causing inventory to be incorrect on both
• Running re-work and not reporting it as re-work. Inventory is reduced by the amount of pieces reported,
while no parts are consumed.
• Labor reporting is not timely; parts are shown in inventory when they have already been consumed.
There is an unstated assumption regarding backflushing that assumes the amount of material used equals the
standard quantity called for on the job. This assumption is a result of the actual process the backflush follows.
The Epicor application relieves inventory for the quantity per called for on the operation. After the operation is
complete and the quantity produced is recorded, the application processes the backflush.
Business Scenario
Your customer, Addison Inc., placed an order for a quantity of 10 of part DCD-100-SP (Frame Rail). Job 2385
was created for the assembly and final inspection of these parts.
Your employee, Linda Carter, worked on Operation 10 (Assembly) of the job and is now ready to enter her time
in Time and Expense Entry. Backflushing will occur when this operation is marked complete.
A production employee has completed job operation so she enters time against operation 10 of the below created
job. Materials marked for backflushing must be related to a job operation. Backflushing occurs when the related
operation completes.
Before you test this workshop, let's create a new job and adjust its bill of materials (BOM). You will also create
a new employee record. It is always better to work with fresh set of data.
6. Select Save.
A message displays with a new job number.
11. In the Job field, enter the recorded job number and press Tab.
16. In the tree view, right-click the Materials node and select Add Material.
The Job Details > Materials > Detail sheet displays.
17. In the Part/Rev field, enter part 516X075B and press Tab.
21. In the tree view, right-click the Materials node and select Add Material.
22. In the Part/Rev field, enter part 516LN and press Tab.
28. In the Req By field, select a date two weeks from today.
35. In the Name fields, enter your first, middle (not required), and last names.
1. In the Employee field, search for and select yourself as the employee.
3. In the Job field, enter the above recorded job and press Tab.
In Epicor ERP, material marked for backflushing are automatically issued to a job once the operation they are
assigned to completes. Use the Job Tracker to review created material transactions.
Navigate to the Job Tracker.
Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Job Tracker
1. In the Job field, enter the job recorded in the last workshop and press Tab.
3. Navigate to the Job Details > Materials > Material Transactions sheet.
4. In the tree view, select material 516X075B and select the Retrieve button.
The Transaction Quantity column field displays the value of 250. This is the issued quantity.
5. In the tree view, select material 516LN and select the Retrieve button.
The Transaction Quantity column field displays the value of 250. This is the issued quantity.
The receiving process enables you to receive stock goods, manufacturing materials, or subcontract work back to
your location. The shipping process allows you to take existing inventory or manufactured products and distribute
them to customers or other facilities within your organization.
Receipt Processing
Use Receipt Entry to enter the receipt of all inventory and non-inventory materials, and subcontract parts.
• Receipt line items are either purchase order receipts (recorded against a purchase order) or miscellaneous
receipts (material received that is not associated with a purchase order).
• Receipt information updates the purchase order, if any, and creates transactions to update inventory or job
quantities and costs. Receipt entries also generate accounts payable invoice entries.
You use RMA Processing in place of Receipt Entry to receive parts returned by the customer.
Note This section of the Inventory Management course briefly covers receipt processing and its impact
on inventory processing. Shipment and receipt processing is covered in greater detail in the Shipping and
Receiving course.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Receipt Entry
• System Management > Compliance Management > General Operations > Receipt Entry
Penn Hardware has shipped a large quantity of part 1032FW (Washer Flat 10/32"), which arrived at the shipping
dock. The remaining three items have been back ordered by the supplier. It is time to create a receipt for the first
portion of the purchase order.
Before we test this workshop, let's create a new purchase order. It is always better to work with fresh set of data.
6. Select Save.
2. In the PO field, enter the previously recorded purchase order and press Tab.
3. In the Packing Slip field, enter the same purchase order number and press Tab.
5. Click the Line/Rel button and search for and select Line 1 for the purchase order.
Verify the Part field displays 1032FW and the Quantity field displays 98,100.
Penn Hardware just sent the remaining material for the previously recorded purchase order. It consists of three
different types of small hardware, shipped in quantities of 10,000 each. These materials have just arrived at the
shipping dock. It is time to create a receipt for the remaining portion of the purchase order.
The Mass Receipt option allows you to receive multiple lines on a purchase order at one time and assumes the
lines are received complete. If some of the lines are not received complete, the listing allows changes to the
Navigate to Receipt Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Receipt Entry
3. In the Packing Slip field, enter XXXX (where XXXX are the last four digits of your phone number) and press
4. Select Save.
8. Select Process.
Shipment Processing
The shipping process allows you to take existing inventory or manufactured products and distribute them to
customers or other facilities within your organization. This process is structured to be a seamless method that
enables your product to reach customers and other facilities.
You use the following programs to ship inventory to your customers:
• Customer Shipment Entry
• Master Pack Shipment Entry
• Miscellaneous Shipment Entry
Use Customer Shipment Entry to process customer shipments and update sales orders. You can either relieve
inventory or ship directly from a job. To do this, you create pack records. A pack record can contain one or more
detail lines that define the shipping quantities sent out with each pack record.
• If a part ships from a sales order using Customer Shipment Entry, it is standard costed. The Epicor application
creates an STK-CUS type transaction and relieves inventory quantities in the designated ship location.
• If shipped from the work-in-process (WIP) transaction (MFG-CUS), the Epicor application captures the standard
unit cost for the part rather than actual costs from the job. If there are variances between the standard cost
of the part and the actual costs of the job, a MFG-VAR transaction is also created for the remaining WIP
Note This section of the Inventory Management course briefly covers shipment processing and its impact
on inventory processing. Shipment and receipt processing is covered in greater detail in the Shipping and
Receiving course.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Customer Shipment Entry
• Service Management > Field Service Automation > General Operations > Customer Shipment Entry
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Reports > Sales Order Pick List
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > Reports > Sales Order Pick List
• Sales Management > Order Management > Reports > Sales Order Pick List
You need to ship 100 units of DCD-300-OR (Steel O-Ring) to Dalton Manufacturing. In this workshop, record
the shipment quantity and create a packing slip record.
Before we test this workshop, let's create a new sales order. It is always better to work with fresh set of data.
Create a Pack ID
Navigate to Customer Shipment Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Customer Shipment Entry
2. Click Save.
The Pack ID number displays.
2. In the Order Number field, enter the previously recorded sales order.
3. Click the Line/Rel button, search for and select Line 1 and Release 1 of the sales order, and select OK.
The line status displays as Complete because enough on-hand quantity exists to ship the full line quantity.
Selecting the check box denotes that the shipment has fully shipped, the parts are no longer considered in
inventory and the shipment is available for invoicing.
7. Click the Bin button, then search for and select 01-02-02.
This is the warehouse bin in which the item you are shipping is stored.
8. Select Save.
3. Review the packing slip and exit the Packing Slip Print and Print Packing Slip/Label windows.
The confirmation window displays.
Issuing Inventory Material is the process of moving inventory items from stock to the job.
Once a job is created you must satisfy the demand for material requirements. You order purchased materials and
receive either to the job or to stock - or as a miscellaneous item. Once received, all materials (purchased or
manufactured) are issued to the demand source individually (by part number) or through a mass issue based on
the job pick list.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Production Management > Job Management > Reports > Cut List
Use the Pick List for Jobs to list material requirements for the jobs selected. You can include both inventory and
purchased materials. Inventory materials are listed in a format useful for entering issue quantities directly on the
The Pick List for Jobs is a shopping list of the materials that need to be issued to the job. The pick list assists
warehouse personnel in locating and physically pulling the parts job assemblies require. The efficient use of pick
lists can maximize the speed with which parts are selected to complete a job or job assembly.
Use the Selection sheet to select the report parameters. Use the Filter sheet(s) to select the specific records to
include on the report. For more information, refer to the Filters Overview topic in the Application Help.
Important For more information on how to review any report status you print, preview, or generate, refer
to the System Monitor Overview topic in the Application Help.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Reports > Job Pick List
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > Reports > Job Pick List
• Production Management > Job Management > Reports > Job Pick List
You create and review the Job Pick List Report to quickly identify the required materials. You include the purchased
materials in the list of material requirements for this job.
Before you test this workshop, let's create a new job. It is always better to work with fresh set of data.
6. Select Save.
A message displays with a new job number.
2. Click the Job button and search for and select the previously recorded job number.
3. Navigate to the Selection sheet and select the Include Purchased Materials check box.
6. Close the Job Pick List Report and exit Job Pick List for Jobs.
Issue Material
Use Issue Material to issue material from inventory to a job. This program issues material to a job one part at
a time. To issue all required parts to a job at the same time, use Mass Issues to Manufacturing.
When you issue material to a job, several events occur:
• The IssuedQty and TotalCost values on the job material or assembly record update with the quantity issued
and the extended cost. Extended Cost is calculated as the issue quantity multiplied by the current inventory
Average, Standard, or Last unit cost (depending on the inventory costing method).
• The On Hand quantity and the Allocated quantity for the part in the part master file are reduced by the
quantity issued.
• A transaction history record is created for the part. The transaction type is STK-MTL (job material issue).
Important To use the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) to issue job material, the Advanced Material
Management (AMM) license must be installed in the Epicor application. Once you install this license, you
can define shop employees as Material Handlers in Shop Employee Maintenance; these users can then
issue or move material on the manufacturing center.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Issue Material
• Service Management > Maintenance Management > General Operations > Issue Material
The Job Pick List Report showed demand for part DCD-100-SP. In this workshop, issue material to the job by
individual material requirements.
Important An Advanced Material Management (AMM) license must be installed for proper access to the
To Warehouse and To Bin fields in Issue Material. If it is not, warehouse and warehouse bin numbers
appear in each respective field, but the fields themselves are disabled and cannot be accessed. When this
occurs, an Issue Material error appears when you attempt to save the transaction. The Application help for
Issue Material contains a published workaround to use if this occurs.
1. In the Job field, enter the previously recorded job and press Tab.
5. Select OK.
Use Mass Issues to Manufacturing to quickly issue all planned materials to a job, rather than enter each
transaction individually.
The main advantage of Mass Issue to Manufacturing is that it issues material to all subassemblies at the same
time. Part transactions generated through this program reduce inventory quantities and post material costs to
jobs. This program is useful if your material estimates are accurate.
After you select the parts listed in the Pick List for Jobs report, they can be issued from inventory to the job or
assembly that requires the material. You can do this line by line or with the mass issue function.
When jobs have several raw material requirements, you can use the mass issue function to expedite the issuing
process. The mass issue function works well with job materials not controlled by serial numbers. If the job calls
for lot-tracked or dimension-tracked material, select the appropriate lot number or dimension code when you
process the mass issue. You will receive prompt messages when you save the transaction.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Mass Issue to Mfg
• Service Management > Field Service > General Operations > Mass Issue to Mfg.
You want to mass issue material for part DCD-200-ML, which is a multi-level frame assembly. Most inventory
items are issued from stock one assembly at a time. If the finished good is a multi-level assembly, you can issue
materials to all sub-assemblies at once.
Note For the purpose of the course you will over-issue materials used to manufacture the job's
sub-assemblies. You will returned the over-issued quantities back to stock later in the course.
Before we test this workshop, let's create a new job. It is always better to work with fresh set of data.
6. Select Save.
A message displays with a new job number.
1. In the Job field, the previously recorded job and press Tab.
6. In the Material grid, in the Qty Issued column field, double the quantities for the following materials:
Material From To
SS-125 20 40
SS-179 65 130
BS-CR-RD-150 250 500
7. Select OK.
Issue Assembly
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Issue Assembly
Once you issue materials to a job, shop employees work on the operations, and you record labor against these
operations, you then finish the production cycle by indicating when production is complete and when the job is
finally finished, or closed.
After you complete the manufacture of items on the job, you can move the completed part quantities to inventory,
or optionally, to another job. You can also move salvaged materials from a job. Salvaged materials are entered
as inventory receipt transactions and reduce the material cost against specific jobs, or to salvage.
Note Refer to the Job Management course for detailed information about creating jobs, reporting
operations completions, labor and other aspects of job management.
Use Job Receipt to Inventory to enter the receipt of manufactured parts into inventory.
After you complete the receipt, the Job Tracker view of the parent job displays a transaction code of MFG-STK
(Manufacturing Receipt to Stock).
When you receive manufactured parts to inventory, several events occur. The on-hand quantity for the part in
the part master file is updated, and the costs are updated. Also, a transaction history record with the job reference
is created for the part.
You do not have to receive parts to inventory before you ship them; you can ship directly out of Work in Process
(WIP). Only receive items to inventory if you are building standard products, or if you have overruns or spares
that you are not able to ship right away.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Data Collection > Handheld > Material Handling > Job Receipt to Inventory
• Production Management > Data Collection > Handheld > Material Handling > Job Receipt to Inventory
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.
5. Select Save.
A message displays with a new job number.
10. In the Job field, enter the above recorded job number and press Tab.
12. In the tree view, select Opr:50 OP INSPE and on the standard toolbar select the Delete (X) icon.
19. In the Job field, enter the above recorded job and press Tab.
25. Use the Employee ID button to search for and select yourself as the employee.
27. In the Job field, enter the above recorded job number and press Tab.
29. In the Labor Qty field, enter 100 and press Tab.
The Opr Complete and Complete check boxes automatically select. This is because you entered the full
job quantity of 100.
33. In the Job field, enter the above recorded job number and press Tab.
1. In the From Job field, enter the above recorded job number and press Tab.
4. Select OK.
5. Right click the Part field, then select Open With > Part Transaction History Tracker.
The Part Transaction History Tracker displays.
6. Select Retrieve to retrieve and display transaction history for the part.
In the Transaction History grid, verify that a MFG-STK type transaction for a quantity of 100 displays. This
indicates a manufactured receipt to stock transaction type.
Use Job Receipt to Job to enter the receipt of manufactured parts to another job.
After the receipt is completed, the Job Tracker view of the parent job displays a transaction code of MFG-WIP
(Manufacturing Receipt to Job).
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Job Receipt to Job
Use the Job Receipt to Salvage program to report receipt of salvaged materials from a job. Salvaged materials
are entered as inventory receipt transactions and reduce the material cost against specific jobs.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Data Collection > Handheld > Material Handling > Job Receipt to Salvage
• Production Management > Data Collection > Handheld > Material Handling > Job Receipt to Salvage
Important This program is not available in Epicor Web Access.
Job Tracker
Use the Job Tracker to review current information about a selected record. The Job Tracker displays only version
of the primary entry program.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Executive Analysis > Trackers > Job Tracker
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Job Tracker
• Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > General Operations > Job Tracker
• Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Job Tracker
• Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Job Tracker
• Material Management > Supplier Relationship Management > General Operations > Job Tracker
• Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Tracker
• Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > General Operations > Job Tracker
• Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Job Tracker
• Production Management > Scheduling > General Operations > Job Tracker
• Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > General Operations > Job Tracker
• Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Job Tracker
• Sales Management > Quote Management > General Operations > Job Tracker
• Service Management > Field Service > General Operations > Job Tracker
Inventory Returns
Material or assemblies issued from inventory may need to be returned to stock for several reasons. The return
transaction adjusts on-hand quantities as well as inventory values based.
Note Returns are not the same as quantity adjustments. A return is the reverse transaction for something
that was issued out of inventory. A quantity adjustment is made to correct an inventory count.
Return Material
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Return Material
6. Select Save.
A message displays with a new job number.
11. In the Job field, enter the above recorded job and press Tab.
1. In the Job field, the recorded job above and press Tab.
4. Review the Required Quantity and Previously Issued values. As you can see, you've issued two more
units of material DSS-1010 (Mtl 10).
8. Select OK.
You've returned two items back to stock.
9. In the Job field, the recorded job above and press Tab.
10. Review the Required Quantity and Previously Issued values. Both values are now equal (2 and 2).
Use Mass Return from Manufacturing to return the already issued job material from the job (Production Floor)
back to stock.
When jobs have several raw materials requirements, you can use the Mass Return functionality to expedite the
return process. The mass return function works well with job materials not controlled by serial numbers. If the
job calls for lot-tracked material, select the appropriate lot number when you process the mass return.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Mass Return from Mfg
In this workshop, mass return the previously over-issued materials. You over-issued materials in the Workshop
- Release Job for Mass Issue as follows.
1. In the Job field, enter the job previously recorded in the Workshop - Release Job for Mass Issue.
5. In the Material grid, in the Qty Returned column field, reduce the quantities for the following materials:
6. Select Save.
Use Return Miscellaneous Material when you need to return previously issued miscellaneous parts to inventory.
To begin, enter the part number and then select the bin to which you returned the part from the Warehouse
Bins grid.
A transaction history record is created for the part. The transaction type is STK-UKN, which indicates the transaction
is a miscellaneous issue of stock. For more information on inventory transaction types, refer to the Inventory
Transaction Types List within the Inventory Transactions Technical Reference Guide.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Return Miscellaneous Material
Return Assembly
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Return Assembly
Inventory Transfer
Use Inventory Transfer to enter inventory transfer transactions within the same site. These transactions track
the movement of inventory parts from one bin and to another.
Important If you need to transfer inventory between sites, you must use Transfer Order Entry.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Inventory Transfer
In storing the EAD-400-RED part, the bin cannot hold more pieces. Since you need to store all the parts together,
you select another bin. In this workshop, transfer 10 pieces from one bin to another.
Navigate to Inventory Transfer.
Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Inventory Transfer
3. In the From Location pane, in the Bin field, verify 01-01-01 defaults.
4. In the To Location pane, in the Bin field, search for and select bin 01-01-02.
As an inventory planner, you can use the Time Phased Material Requirements Report to manage minimum,
maximum and safety stock levels for parts in specified sites.
The report selection contains an Exceptions Only section with Below Minimum, Below Safety and Over
Maximum check boxes; when you select these, the report compares the on-hand balance for each selected part
against the quantities contained in the following fields in the Part Maintenance > Part > Sites > Detail sheet:
• Min On-Hand - Specifies the minimum amount of inventory that should be on hand for a part in a designated
site and warehouse.
• Safety On-Hand - Specifies the minimum amount of inventory that should be on hand for a part in a
designated site. It is a "purchasing cushion" limit; the amount you would need to have to cover your
requirements until a shipment arrives from the supplier. If your on-hand quantity falls below this limit, it means
that there is a good chance that you may run out of material before the next shipment arrives.
• Max On-Hand - Specifies the maximum quantity of inventory that should be on hand for this part in this
site. This value is used to alert you that the inventory quantity is too high.
Use Min Max Safety Mass Update to perform regular mass updates to the Min On-Hand, Max On-Hand and
Safety Stock fields for selected parts in the current site in which you are logged. Using this program, you can
perform two types of mass updates to part/site records:
• Recalculation and mass copying of updated Minimum, Maximum and Safety Stock quantities based on usage
history (Sales, WIP or both) in a designated transaction history window.
• Manual update and mass copying of Minimum, Maximum and Safety Stock quantities to selected part/site
records. Using this method, you do not use the available recalculation functions; you simply manually enter
these quantities into Min Max Safety Mass Update, select the parts you wish to copy and then perform the
actual mass copying.
Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Min Max Safety Mass
In this workshop, create and ship a sales order for part XXX-AS-036 (where XXX are your initials) to create sales
usage history when you run the Min Max Safety Mass Update process in an upcoming workshop. This will
help you to better understand how the Min Max Safety Mass Update process utilizes period usage history to
calculate Daily Usage and suggested Minimum On-Hand, Maximum On-Hand, and Safety Stock quantities.
Before you start this workshop, complete the steps below. Using the steps you will create your own part class,
part, and finally you increase the on hand quantities for the created part, so it is in line with the Min On Hand
value. It is always better to work with newly created records.
3. In the Part Class field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials).
4. In the Description field, enter XXX Part Class (where XXX are your initials).
6. Select Save.
14. In the Part field, enter XXX-AS-036 (where XXX are your initials).
15. In the Description field, enter XXX 6061-T6 ALS .036" x 48" x 144" (where XXX are your initials).
17. In the Class field, select XXX Part Class (where XXX are your initials).
20. In the Part field, search for and select part XXX-AS-036 (where XXX are your initials).
21. In the Bin field, verify bin 02-01-02 defaults. If it does not, search for and select it.
3. In the PO field, enter the last four digits of your telephone number.
6. In the Ship By field, enter the date one week before the Need By date.
7. Select Save.
8. From the Sales Order field, record the sales order number __________.
11. In the Part/Rev field, search for and select part XXX-AS-036 (where XXX are your initials).
3. In the Ship Date field, enter a date two weeks before today's date.
4. Select Save.
The Pack ID number displays.
6. Search for and select the sales order created in the previous workshop (Workshop - Create Sales Usage
The sales order line displays in the Shipment Lines grid.
The following fields in the Part Class Maintenance > Detail and Part Maintenance > Part > Site > Detail
sheets support automated calculation and update, by the Min Max Safety Mass Update process, of the Min
On-Hand, Max On-Hand and Safety Stock fields (in the Part Maintenance > Part > Site > Detail sheet) for
selected parts in the current site in which you are logged.
• Include in Calculation (Part Class Maintenance only) - Specifies if the part class, and the part records
assigned this part class, should be included in Min/Max/Safety Stock calculations.
• Exclude Calculation (Part Maintenance only) - Specifies if this part/site record should be excluded from
Min/Max/Safety Stock calculations performed on its assigned part class.
• Include Sales History - Specifies if sales history should be included in calculations for the part class or part/site
• Include Job Materials - Specifies if job material usage history should be included in calculations for the part
class or part/site record.
• History Window - Specifies, in number of days, how far back from the current date the Min Max Safety
Mass Update process should include sales usage in calculations for the part class or part/site record. For
example, if you enter 180, the calculation process includes sales history for the last 180 days before the date
on which it is being run.
• Safety Factor - Specifies the safety stock factor used in the calculations for the part class or part/site record.
This is the percentage of the Min Stock Qty calculated as the safety stock quantity for the part. For example,
if the Min Stock Qty calculated for the part is 30, and you specify 80 in this field, the calculated Safety Stock
quantity is 24 (30 x 80%).
• Max Factor - Specifies the safety stock factor used in the calculations for the part class or part/site record.
This is the multiplier that should be used when calculating a new Max On-Hand quantity for the part, based
on its Min On-Hand and Safety Stock quantities.
• Max Factor: 2
• Minimum On-Hand: 75
• Safety Stock: 90
New Max: ((Minimum On-Hand (75) x Max Factor (2)) + New Safety (90) = 240
• Default Part Lead Time (Part Class Maintenance only) - Default part lead time for the part class if none
exists at the part/site level for the current warehouse. This is the number of days that pass between the day
this part is ordered from a supplier and the day it arrives at the site.
Note When you run the Min Max Safety Mass Update process, the settings, if any, you enter into the Part
Maintenance > Part > Site > Detail sheet for an individual part/site and current warehouse take precedence
over the corresponding settings defined in the Part Class Maintenance > Detail sheet for the part class
assigned to the part record.
In this workshop, update part class parameters used by Min Max Safety Mass Update.
Navigate to Part Class Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Part Class
1. In the Part Class field, enter XXX and press Tab (where XXX are your initials).
2. In the Calculate Min/Max/Safety Values pane, select the Include in Calculation check box.
This designates that parts assigned this part class should be included in Min Max Safety Mass Update unless
you designate, in Part Maintenance, that individual parts assigned to this part class should be excluded.
This is the default part lead time used in Min/Max/Safety calculations for parts assigned this part class if the
lead time is not defined for a given part in the Part Maintenance > Part > Sites > Detail sheet.
Workshop - Exclude a Part from Min Max Safety Mass Update Processing
Part XXX-CM700 is assigned to the XXX Part Class (where XXX are your initials). You want to exclude it so it
won't display when selecting the XXX Part Class using the Min Max Safety Mass Update process.
Again, you will work with unique and newly created records. Before you test this workshop, you will create a
new part and adjust its inventory quantities.
4. In the Part field, enter XXX-CM700 (where XXX are your initials).
5. In the Description field, enter XXX Aluminum Plate, constrained (where XXX are your initials).
6. Select OK.
7. In the Class field, select XXX Part Class (where XXX are your initials).
10. In the Part field, search for and select part XXX-CM700 (where XXX are your initials).
11. In the Bin field, verify bin 02-01-02 defaults. If it does not, search for and select it.
1. In the Part field, enter XXX-CM700 (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.
2. In the Class field, select XXX Part Class (where XXX are your initials).
In this workshop, define Min/Max/Safety calculation parameters for one of the parts assigned to the XXX Part
Class (where XXX are your initials). These override the settings (if any) you defined in Part Class Maintenance for
this part class.
4. In the Calculate Min/Max/Safety Values pane, in the History Window field, enter 90.
This overrides the History Window setting of 180 you defined for the part class assigned to this part.
In this workshop, use Min Max Safety Mass Update to recalculate and copy updated Minimum, Maximum and
Safety Stock quantities to selected part/site records assigned to the XXX Part Class (where XXX are your initials).
Again, as to work with new database entries, you will duplicate part AS-048 and increase on hand quantities for
the new part.
4. In the Part field, enter XXX-AS-048 (where XXX are your initials).
5. In the Description field, enter XXX 6061-T6 ALS .048" x 48" x 144" (where XXX are your initials).
6. Select OK.
7. In the Class field, select XXX Part Class (where XXX are your initials).
10. In the Part field, search for and select part XXX-AS-048 (where XXX are your initials).
11. In the Bin field, verify bin 02-01-02 defaults. If it does not, search for and select it.
2. Select the Search (binoculars) icon on the Standard toolbar to launch the Part Class Search window
and search for and select part class XXX Part Class (where XXX are your initials).
• All parts to which the selected part classes are assigned in the Class field in the Part Maintenance >
Part > Detail sheet display in the Parts sheet.
• It excludes any parts in the selected part class for which you cleared the Exclude Calculations check
box in the Part Maintenance > Part > Sites > Detail sheet.
• Alternately, you can search by part number by selecting Search By Part on the Actions menu.
3. In the Parts grid, select part XXX-AS-048 and select the Part Detail sheet (where XXX are your initials).
The Parameters pane displays the previously defined calculation parameters for the XXX Part Class in Part
Class Maintenance (where XXX are your initials).
5. In the Parts grid, select part XXX-AS-036 (where XXX are your initials).
7. Select the Parts sheet again and verify that parts XXX-AS-048 and XXX-AS-036 are selected (where XXX
are your initials).
8. Select Calculate Selected button to perform usage (Sales, WIP, Total and Daily) and proposed Minimum,
Maximum, and Safety Stock quantity calculations for the selected parts.
The This process may update existing values for Proposed Min/Max/Safety. Do you want to
continue? message displays.
10. On the Parts sheet, select part XXX-AS-036 and select the Part Detail sheet (where XXX are your initials).
11. In the Calculated Usage pane, review the Sales, WIP, Total, and Daily Usage calculations.
You should see the following values:
Field Value
Sales Usage 3.75
WIP Usage 0.00
Total Usage 3.75
Daily Usage 0.06
12. In the Proposed Values pane, review the New Min, New Max, New Safety, and Calculated Usage
You should see the following values:
Field Value
New Min 1
New Max 4
New Safety 1
Calculated Usage 3.75
Note The Calculated Usage pane displays values from the Part Maintenance > Part > Sites >
Detail sheet.
13. Remain in Min Max Safety Mass Update for the next workshop task.
1. Return to the Parts sheet and select part XXX-AS-048 (where XXX are your initials).
3. In the Current Part Settings pane, in the Minimum field, enter 15.
7. Select Save.
9. In the tree view, select (highlight) the XXX-AS-048 part (where XXX are your initials).
11. In the Parts grid, right-click part XXX-AS-048 and select Open With > Part Entry (where XXX are your
Part Maintenance displays.
13. Note the updated quantities that display in the Min-On Hand, Max On-Hand, Safety Stock and Lead
Time fields.
Inventory Reporting
The following are key reports in the Inventory Management module:
Use the Time Phased Material Requirements Report to link data in the Purchase Management, Job
Management, Order Management, and Inventory Management modules. This report analyzes planned receipts
and requirements for each part to project future inventory balances.
You may find this to be a useful tool in comparing supply against demand. Time-phase can be run for manufactured
or purchased parts. An exception listing can be used to filter the information displayed to parts where supply
and demand are not equal.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Reports > Time Phased Mtl. Requirements
• Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > Reports > Time Phased Mtl. Requirements
Use the Inventory Usage Report to track inventory turns and monthly usage of stock.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Reports > Inventory Usage
Use the Selection sheet to select the report parameters. Use the Filter sheet(s) to select the specific records to
include on the report. For more information, refer to the Application Help topic: Filters Overview.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Reports > Material Transaction Detail
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
• Material Management > Inventory Management > Reports > Stock Status
In Transit Stock
Use the In Transit Stock Report to review transfer orders that are in transit between the specified outbound
and inbound locations. It reports the quantity and total cost value of in transit materials for audit purposes; you
can easily view detailed information about materials moving between sites on transfer orders.
When running the report, you can specify "as-of" shipped and received date ranges to limit the amount of
transfer order data. Using these date ranges, you can filter transfer order information to match up with specific
fiscal period date ranges for auditing the cost of in transit materials for reconciliation of inventory values in the
general ledger.
Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > Reports > In Transit Stock
This section consists of documents used during this course, as well as when using the system. Documents included
• Transaction types
Transaction Types
Each time an action occurs that affects inventory, the system makes a transaction to the PartTran file using the
following transaction types. The Material Transaction Details report found in the Inventory Management module
uses these and can be filtered by them.
• ADJ-MTL - Adjustment to job cost material
• ADJ-SUB - Adjustment to job cost subcontract
• ADJ-PUR - Adjustment to purchase cost variance
• ADJ-CST - Adjustment to stock cost
• ADJ-QTY - Adjustment to stock quantity
Inspection Processing
• ASM-INS - Assembly to inspection
• INS-ASM - Inspection to assembly
• INS-DMR - Inspection to DMR
• INS-MTL - Inspection to job material
• INS-STK - Inspection to stock
• INS-REJ - Inspection to reject
• INS-SUB - Inspection to subcontract
• STK-INS - Stock to inspection
• SUB-INS - Subcontract to inspection
• MFG-WIP - Manufacturing receipt to job
• PUR-INS - Purchase receipt to inspection
• PUR-MTL - Purchase receipt to job material
• PUR-STK - Purchase receipt to stock
• PUR-SUB - Purchase receipt to subcontract
• PUR-UNK - Purchase receipt to unknown
• MFG-CUS - Shipment of manufacturing job to customer
• MFG-VEN - Shipment of manufacturing job to supplier
• STK-CUS - Shipment of stock to customer
• PLT-ASM - Site to assembly
• PLT-MTL - Site to job material
• PLT-STK - Site to stock
Stock Transactions
• STK-ASM - Stock to job assembly
• STK-MTL - Stock to job material
• STK-PLT - Stock to site
• STK-SRV - Stock to service
• STK-STK - Stock to stock transfer
• STK-UNK - Stock to unknown
issue assembly 58 return assembly 68
issue material 56 return material 65
issue miscellaneous material 42 return miscellaneous material 68
mass issues to manufacturing 57