Just Say Yes

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Activity Type Introduction

Reading and speaking In this amusing guessing game, students practice the present
activity, group work perfect to talk about experiences at an unspecified time in the
past. Students then use the past simple to find out more details.

Language Focus Procedure

Present perfect for
Divide the students into groups of three and give each group a
set of cards.
'Have you ever...?'
questions and short Ask the students to shuffle the cards and place them face down
answers in a pile.

Past simple Tell the students that they are going to take it in turns to interview
the other people in their group. Explain that their task is to find
out who is lying and who is telling the truth.
One student takes on the role of the interviewer and begins by
To ask and answer
taking the top card from the pile. This student asks the other two
present perfect 'Have
students the question on the card using the present perfect with
you ever...?' questions
'ever', e.g. 'Have you ever won a competition?'
and use the past simple
to ask for and give more
The other students answer 'Yes, I have', even if it’s not true.
The interviewer then asks the two students three past simple
follow-up questions from the prompts on the card, e.g. 'What
competition did you enter?'
Make one copy of the
cards for each group The interviewer then tries to work out if the students are lying or
of three and cut as telling the truth, scoring one point for each correct guess.
The next student then picks up a card and takes on the role of the
interviewer and so on.
The student with the most points at the end of the game wins.
Afterwards, have a class feedback session and elicit some of the
Time interesting things that the students have done.

35 minutes

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Teach-This.com © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.



you / win a you / raise money for you / write a love

competition? charity? letter?

•  What / enter? •  Which charity? •  Who?

•  When? •  How? •  When?
•  What / prize? •  How much? •  What / write about?

you / fly in a you / call the you / go to

helicopter? police? America?

•  Where / go? • Why? •  Which city?

•  When? •  When? •  When?
•  How long? •  What / happen? •  What / see?

you / skip you / won a medal or you / meet a

class? trophy? famous person?

•  Why? • When? • Who?

•  When? •  What for? •  When?
•  What / do? •  What / do with it? •  What / they say?

you / buy something you / be near a you / lose something

very expensive? dangerous animal? important?

• What? •  Which animal? • What?

•  Where? •  Where? •  When?
•  How much? •  When? •  What / do?

you / go on you / give you / swim in

a date? a speech? the sea?

•  Who with? •  What about? • Where?

•  Where? •  Where? •  Who with?
•  What / do? •  How / feel? •  How / feel?

Teach-This.com © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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