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English and Arabic Phrasal Verbs in Four Selected Short Stories

Article · January 2015


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Kamal G. Nasir
University of Thi-Qar


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English and Arabic Phrasal Verbs in Four Selected Short Stories

Kamal Gatta Nasir

Department of English
College of Education
Thiqar University


The present paper is concerned with a linguistic contrastive analysis of one

particular characteristic of grammar and vocabulary in both English and Arabic
languages, (i.e. combinations of lexical verbs with adverbial and/or prepositional
particle(s)), which are commonly known as: phrasal verbs - ( ‫) االفعال المركبة‬.

In addition, the paper attempts to prove the fact that there are fundamental sim-
ilarities and dissimilarities between English and Arabic phrasal verbs. Such similarities
and dissimilarities are investigated at length through a theoretical comparison of these
combinations in both languages and through the testing of four selected short stories

This paper falls into five sections as follows : section one is an introduction,
sections two and three are devoted to the theoretical backgrounds of phrasal verbs in
English and Arabic respectively , section four is the practical testing of the target verbs in
two English short stories: Saki's " The Open Window " and Hemingway's " Cat in the
Rain " and two Arabic short stories: Hanan al-Shaykh's " Yasmine's Picture " and Fu'ad
al- Takarli's " A Hidden Treasure ", and section five reveals the conclusions.
1. Introduction :

The English phrasal verbs can be defined as the combination of the verb with a
preposition or an adverb, they can have idiomatic and non-idiomatic meanings ( Swan
and Walter, 2001: 138 ). Nevertheless, the Arabic phrasal verbs may come as a result of
the previous combination but without the use of the adverb (i.e. lexical verb plus a

English phrasal verbs constitute one of the major difficulties learners of English
language as well as translators encounter when rendering this type of idiomatic
expressions into their own languages. This is due to the syntactic and semantic
complexity of such problematic phrases.

Al-Khalaili ( 1979 ) asserts what is said by focusing on the different structures of

both English and Arabic . Although in many ways grammatically simple, English does
present considerable problems to Arabic speaking students, particularly in its colloquial
use of verbs followed by prepositions or particles – the phrasal verbs. This problematic
area in the two languages is the motive beyond the present contrastive study.

For the absence of ' phrasal verb ' heading in Arabic language, this paper
hypothesizes that ' Arabic two-word verbs, verb-preposition idiom / expression and
transitive verbs by means of a preposition ' are equivalent to English phrasal verbs. This
paper also hypothesizes that the target verbs in the two languages are different in form
but similar in content.

Alongside, the paper is limited to the theoretical backgrounds of syntactic and

semantic English and Arabic phrasal verbs as well as their practical highlighting in four
short stories respectively :( The Open Window; Cat in the Rain ) and ( Yasmine's Picture;
A Hidden Treasure ).

Likewise, this paper aims to illustrate the different meanings in context of a

practical and representative selection of the most useful and widely used phrasal verbs
both in English and Arabic. It may also lead the foreign learners to such type of verbs in
both languages.

Along the study of one hundred and four quotations of the four short stories which
are decided as samples in this paper, Leech ( 2006 ) is adopted as a model for the analysis
of English phrasal verbs and Ryding ( 2005 ) is adopted as a model for the analysis of
Arabic phrasal verbs.
2. Phrasal verbs in English:

Leech (2006: 84 – 85) highlights that ' phrasal verb ' is a verb idiom which consists
of two words ( i.e. a main verb + a prepositional adverb ) (e.g. take off, carry on , and
find out ) . Particularly in informal English, phrasal verbs are common and numerous.
Their meaning is idiomatic: one cannot easily infer what the expression means from the
meanings of its parts. They can be transitive and intransitive:

1- " As one aircraft took off, the other one was touching down.
( both verbs are intransitive ) . ( ibid. )
2- " I asked them to put off the meeting, but they decided to call it off
completely. ( both verbs are transitive ). ( ibid. )

It is necessary here to refer to the fact that with transitive phrasal verbs, the position of
objects varies. When the object is a personal pronoun, it comes before the particle ( call it
off ). Otherwise, the object can occur either before or after the particle: e.g. " put the
meeting off or put off the meeting ".

Further more , there is another group of phrasal verbs , they consist of three words ,
namely main verb + particle + preposition ( e.g. put up with , look forward to , do away
with ) , they are called " phrasal-prepositional verbs " ( ibid. : 86 ).

Crystal ( 2008 : 367 ) states some words that support what is said by Leech above ,
when he defines a phrasal verb as " a type of verb consisting of a sequence of a lexical
element plus one or more particles such as ( prepositional or adverbial types ) " . In other
words , the English phrasal verb is a combination of two or three items ( i.e. verb +
adverb ; verb + preposition ; verb + adverb + preposition ) functioning as a single unit of
meaning in that its meaning cannot be figured out from the total sum of the meanings of
its separate components (Al-dahesh, 2008: 326).

3- " I looked up the word " or " I looked the word up ". ( Hart, 1999: 37 )
4- " She put on her dress " or " she puts her dress on " . ( ibid. )

With short objects , it is optional to put the object between the verb and the particle
or after the particle , whereas with pronouns , it is obligatory to put it between the verb
and the particle .

5- " She put it on." ( ibid. )

6- " The thieves broke into the jewelry Store. " ( ibid. : 314 )
7- " Our neighbour recently passed away. "
( passed away = intransitive phrasal verb )
8- " The criminals will be tracked down. " ( ibid. : 91 )
3. Phrasal verbs in Arabic :

It is worth noting , at the beginning , that Arab scholars who dealt with the
phenomenon of English phrasal verbs ( EPVs ) have given it various labels in Arabic
such as: " ‫ "االفعال العبارية‬and " ‫( " االفعال المركبة‬Al-dahesh, 2008: 70). Arabic has one
structure which is similar to EPVs, that is verb + preposition structure just as idiomatic
expression ( ibid.: 326 ).

Arabic constructions of verb + preposition have the characteristics of both phrasal

verbs ( PVs ) and prepositional verbs in English ; they are syntactically prepositional
verbs but semantically phrasal verbs due to the fact that they are idiomatic in nature , that
is , each of which constitutes a single unit of meaning which has nothing to do with
individual meanings of its components (ibid.: 86).

Unlike English grammarians, Arabic ones do not group such constructions under a
specific heading (ibid.: 70). Arabic grammars written in English show different names for
these verbs like : two word verbs , verb – preposition idiom / expression , transitive verbs
by means of a preposition or verbs pass on ( to an object ) through something else than
themselves ( viz. through a preposition ) ( Wright,1971, 2: 46; Haywood and Nahmad,
1993: 392; Al-dahesh, 2008: 79).

The only class of prepositions that can be combined with verbs to create verb-
preposition idioms are the true Arabic prepositions:( bi- , li- , ka- ) one letter prepositions,
( fii- , min- , an- ) two letter prepositions , ( ilaa , alaa , hataa , and mundhu ) three letters
prepositions ; in addition , they can be classified as ' separable ' and ' inseparable ' ( e.g.
bahatha fii ' discuss ', bahatha an ' search for ' )( Ryding , 2005 : 367 ).

1 - " I believe in God . ‫ ( " امنت باهلل‬Haywood and Nahmad , 1993 : 413 )
2 - " He came with a thing . ‫" أتى بشيء‬
3 - " I was angry with thee . ‫ ( " غضبت عليك‬ibid. : 416 )
4 - " I stayed with them a whole year . ‫ ( " لبثت عندهم سنة كاملة‬ibid. : 393 )
5 - " I awoke in the morning . ‫ ( " تنبهت في الصباح‬ibid. )
6 - " He arose at dawn . ‫ ( " قام عند الفجر‬ibid. )
7 - " They bowed down to the idols . ‫(" سجدوا لألصنام‬Thackston , 2000 : 236)
8 - " He pointed to the woman . ‫ ( " أشار الى المرأة‬ibid. )

Taking the previous examples in regards , the verbs : ( believe in – ‫ امن ب‬, came
with – ‫ اتى ب‬, angry with – ‫ غضب على‬, stayed with – ‫ لبث عند‬, awoke in – ‫ تنبه في‬, arose at
– ‫ قام عند‬, bowed down to – ‫س َجدَ ل‬
َ , pointed to – ‫ ) أشار ل‬are equivalent to EPVs.

Thus, Arabic phrasal verbs (APVs) are quite formal in standard Arabic as the verb
( ‫ – راغب عن‬shirk from ) in the following example from the glorious Qur'an :
  
9-    
- Said he: " Do you shirk from my Gods, O Ibrahim " (Ghali, 2002: 308).
4. English and Arabic phrasal verbs in four selected short stories :

4.1 – English phrasal verbs ( EPVs ) in the two short stories :

This practical section is meant to highlight the most used English phrasal verbs and
their meanings in the two well known short stories: " The Open Window " which is
written by Saki and " Cat in the Rain " which is written by Ernest Hemingway . The two
stories are cited in Abdul-Razzak and Al-Muttalibi's " A Book of Short Stories " ( 1991) .
All the translations for these phrasal verbs are taken from " NTC's dictionary of phrasal
verbs and other idiomatic verbal phrases which is written by Spears ( 1995 ) . Likewise,
the English phrasal verbs in the coming quotations can be transitive or intransitive and
separable or inseparable.

A- EPVs in " The Open Window " by Saki :

1- " In the meantime you must try put up with me "

- put up with : to endure someone .

2- " Her husband and her two young brothers went off their day's shooting "
- go off : to go away to something .

3- " They never came back in crossing the moor to their favourite snipe
shooting ground "
- come back : to return to a favourite state .

4- " They and little brown spaniel that was lost with them was walking in at
window "
- walk in at : to enter something directly .

5- " She broke off with a little shudder "

- break off with : to end communication with someone or something .

6- " It was certainly an unfortunate coincidence that he should have paid his
visit on this tragic anniversary "
- pay on : to make a payment .

7- " Framton shivered slightly and turned towards the niece with a look
intended to convey a sympathetic comprehension "
- turn towards : to turn something to face something else .

8- " The child was staring out through the open window with dazed horror in
her eyes "
- stare out through : to be in a place staring outward at someone or something .

9- " In a chill shook of nameless fear Framton swung round in his seat "
- swing round : to move around to another position .
10- " ... and looked in the same direction "
- look in : to see someone or something .

11- " In the deepening twilight three figures were walking across the law
towards the window "
- walk across : to move across .

12- " ... and one of them was additionally burdened with a white coat hung
over his shoulders "
- burden with : to weight down something with something else .

13- " Framton grabbed wildly at his stick and hat "
- grab at : to seize something .

14- " who was that who bolted out "

- bolt out : to run out of the same place .

15- " .... as we came up "

- come up : to come near .

16- " .... could only talk about his illnesses "
- talk about : to discuss something .

17- " ... and dashed off without a word of good-bye "
- dash off : to leave in a hurry .

B- EPVs in " Cat in the Rain " by Ernest Hemingway :

18- " They did not know any of the people they passed on the stairs "
- pass on : to leave the thing being dealt with and move on to another .

19- " Italian came from a long way off "

- come from : to arrive from something to have originated with other thing .

20- " Look up at the war monument "

- look up at : to raise one's gaze to something .

21- " The rain dropped the palm trees from "
- drop from : to release something from some higher point .

22- " ... and slipped back down to the beach to come up "
- slip back down : to move quietly and cautiously .
- come up : to approach .
23- " A waiter stood looking at the empty squire "
- look out : to be watchful for the appearance .

24- " The American wife stood at the window "

- stand at : to stand in front of something .

25- " The husband went on reading "

- go on : to continue .

26- " Laying propped up with the two pillows at the foot of the bed "
- prop up : to stand or lean something against another thing .

27- " ... and she bowed to her as she passed the office
- bow to : to bend in respect to something .

28- " It was the maid who looked after their room "
- look after : to take care of something .

29- " Did you get the cat ? he asked putting the book down "
- put down : to lower or set down something .

30- " Don't you think it would be a good idea if I let my hair grow out ? "
- grow out : to re-grow for something has been cut back .

31- " He hadn't looked away from her since she started to speak "
- look away : to turn one's gaze away from someone .

32- " She laid the mirror down on the dresser "
- lay down on : to place something down on something .

33- " Oh , shut up and get something to read "

- shut up : to be quite .

34- " Someone knocked at the door "

- knock at : to knock at a particular location .

35- " He looked up from his book "

- look up : to gaze upwards .
4.2 – Arabic phrasal verbs ( APVs ) in the two short stories :

This section represents a practical study of the most used Arabic phrasal verbs
( APVs )( two word verbs ) and their meanings in the two Arabic short stories : ‫صورة‬
‫ " ياسمين‬Yasmine's Picture " which is written by Hanan Al-Shaykh and ‫ " خزين الالمرئيات‬A
Hidden Treasure " [sic.] which is written by Fu'ad Al-Takarli. Along the study , the
Arabic texts written by Al-Shaekh and Al-Takarli as well as all translations into English
are taken from Ronak Hussni and Daniel L. Newman's " Modern Arabic Short Stories / A
Bilingual Reader " ( 2008 ). In addition, the translations of Arabic phrasal verbs into
English are checked in Baalbaki's " Al-Mawrid : A Modern Arabic-English Dictionary "
( 2010 ) . It is necessary here to remind the reader that all Arabic phrasal verbs are of a
( verb + preposition ) type . Moreover, all verbs below are ' transitive by means of a
preposition ', they can be separable or inseparable.

A- APVs in " Yasmine's Picture " by Hanan Al-Shaykh :

36- " ‫ (( هل هي جميلة كالصورة ؟ )) ردت عليه‬: ‫استدار الى زوجته يسألها‬
. )) ‫ (( لمحتها مرة من بعيد مع نوال‬: ‫و هي ترفع غطاء السرير‬
" He turned to his wife and asked : " Is she as beautiful as
in the picture ? " She replied , raising the bedcover : " I only
had a glimpse of her from a distance , when she was with Nawal . "
(Hussni & Newman , 2008 : 148 )
- ‫ يستدير الى‬: to turn to ; ‫ يرد على‬: to reply at ( literal ) ( Baalbaki , 2010 : 581 ) .

37- " ‫" لم يتضايق من زوجته النها لم تحبها‬

" He had not been annoyed with his wife for not liking
Her " . ( Hussni & Newman , ibid. )
- ‫ يتضايق من‬: to annoy with .

38- " ‫" تضفي جوا شاعريا على غرفة النوم‬

" they gave the bedroom a poetic atmosphere " ( ibid. )
- ‫ يضفى على‬: to give to , to bestow upon , to reflect on ( Baalbaki , 2010 : 121 )

39- " . ‫" وجد نفسه ينظر الى الصورة الموضوعة على تواليت الزينة‬
" He suddenly found himself looking at the picture
on the dressing table . " ( Hussni & Newman , ibid. )
- ‫ ينظر الى‬: to look at .

40- " ‫" فكر في جسمها اذا كان كالوجه دقيق العظام‬
" He wondered whether her body was as fine-boned as her face " ( ibid. )
- ‫ يفكر في‬: to think of ( literal ) .

41- " ‫" أما االن فقد علقت عليه قبعات من القش و القماش‬
" The rack he was looking at had a straw and canvas hats hanging on it "
- ‫ يعلق على‬: to hang on .
42- " )) ‫ (( كم عمرها ؟‬: ‫" لما شعر بزوجته تدخل السرير سألها‬
" When he felt his wife climbing into bed he asked her :
" How old is she ? " " . ( ibid. )
- ‫ يشعر ب‬: to feel of .

43- " ‫" استيقضا على صوت انفجارات تقلق سكون الفجر‬
" They awoke to the sound of explosions disturbing the calm of dawn . "
- ‫ يستيقض على‬: to awake to .

44- " ‫" وجد نفسه يجلس في السرير يفكر في حزن و ضيق‬
" He sat up in bed , saddened and exasperated . " ( ibid. : 150 )
- ‫ يجلس في‬: to sit up in ; ‫ يفكر في‬: to think of .

45- " ‫" تمنى لو استمع الى زوجته و بقيا في بيتهما‬

" He wished he had listened to his wife and stayed in their own house " .
- ‫ يستمع ل‬: to listen to ; ‫ يبقى في‬: to stay in .

46- ‫" لكان االن يزور الجيران مستأنسا َ يلعب معهم الورق او الطاولة‬
" ‫و أذا لزم األمر يختبيء في الملجأ مع الجميع‬
" He would be enjoying the company of the neighbours now ,
playing cards or backgammon with them and , if necessary ,
they could take refuge in the shelter . " ( Hussni & Newman , 2008 : 150 )
- ‫ يلعب مع‬: to play with ; ‫ يختبيء في‬: to take refuge in .

47- " ‫" بينما في هذه البناية الهادئة لم يلمح عند مدخلها أنسانا‬
" In this quiet building , however , he had never seen anyone at the entrance . "
- ‫ يلمح عند‬: to see at .

48- ‫عله يصادف أحدا من سكان البناية فيعرفه على نفسه‬ َ "
‫ و لربما‬, ‫و يتبادالن الحديث في االوضاع و الحرب‬
" ‫بث االخر فيه روح االمل او التشاؤم‬
" … in the hope of meeting one of the inhabitants of the building , so he could
introduce himself to them and exchange a few words about a current events and
the war . Perhaps others could share their hopes or even pessimism with him . "
( ibid. )
- ‫ يعرف على‬: to introduce .. to ; ‫ يتبادل في‬: to exchange with ; ‫ يبث في‬: to share with .

49- " ‫" السكينة تخيم على الشقة‬

" The flat was totally quiet . "
- ‫ يخيم على‬: to cover with ( literal ) .

50- " ‫ يكتفي بالنظر‬. ‫ يدخل كل الغرف‬, ‫" يتمشى في البيت‬

" He walked around the house , going into every room . He was content
with looking " ( ibid. : 152 )
- ‫ يمشي في‬: to walk around ; ‫ يكتفي ب‬: to content with .
51- " ‫ على شي اتسلى فيه‬, ‫ افتش على كتاب‬: ‫" رد كاذبا‬
" He answered with a lie : " I am looking for a book , anything to pass time
with . "
- ‫ يفتش على‬: to look for ; ‫ يتسلى في‬: to pass time with .

52- " ‫" طول الفستان وصل حتى كاحلها‬

" Her tanned complexion was revealed in an ankle-length sleeveless dress . "
- ‫ يصل حتى‬: to reveal in , to arrive at ( literal ) .

53- " ‫" تجلس في كلسون أبيض على كرسي من خشب‬

" ... , wearing white underpants and sitting in a wooden chair . "( ibid. : 154 )
- ‫ يجلس على‬: to sit in .

54- " ‫" تقفز عاليا في الهواء‬

" jumping high in the air . "
- ‫ يقفز في‬:to jump in .

55- " ‫" أكتبي لزينة ان تدرس لكي أنجح‬

" Write to Zina , tell her to study so that I can pass my exams . "
- ‫ يكتب ل‬: to write to .

56- " ‫" كان يجب أن يعرف من يعلق كهذه اللوحات على الجدران‬
" He should have known and met someone who hangs paintings like these
on the walls . " ( ibid. : 156 )
- ‫ يعلق على‬: to hang on .

57- " ‫" و وصل الى مجموعتها الموسيقية‬

" Then he got to her music collection . "
- ‫ يصل الى‬: to get to / at .

58- " ‫" وجد نفسه فجأة يغفو على الكرسي الهزاز‬
" he suddenly felt tired and dozed off in the rocking chair . "
- ‫ يغفو على‬: to doze off in .

59- " ‫" كأنه شعر بوجود شخص في الغرفة‬

" he suddenly felt someone's presence in the room . "
- ‫ يشعر ب‬: to feel of .

60- " ‫" نهض عن الكرسي يبحث في الغرف‬

" He got up from the chair and started looking in the rooms . " ( ibid. )
- ‫ ينهض عن‬: to get up ; ‫ يبحث في‬: to look in .

61- ‫" وجد نفسه يفيق من نومه تماما و يبتسم ألنه‬

" ‫ظن حلمه بياسمين حقيقة‬
" he woke from his sleep , and smiled as realized that he had only been
dreaming about Yasmine . "
- ‫ يفيق من‬: to wake from .

61- , ‫" تفكيره بياسمين المتواصل زاد من توتره‬

" ‫و أنبت فيه األحاسيس بالكبت‬
" The fact of continuously thinking about Yasmine made him more tense and
repressed . " ( ibid. : 158 )
- ‫ ينبت في‬: to plant in ( literal ) .

62-" ‫" كما وضعتها في رسالة كتبتها لصديقة أميركية‬

" as she had put it in a letter to an American friend . "
- ‫ يضع في‬: to put in .

63- " ‫" أم يسافر الى لندن حالما تضع زوجته ؟‬

" or should he travel to London as soon as his wife gave birth ? "
- ‫ يسافر الى‬: to travel to .

64- " ‫" أن كل بيروت توقفت عن السقي‬

" people in Beirut had stopped watering their plants . "
- ‫ يتوقف عن‬: to stop to , to give up .

65- ‫ لدرجة انه شعر‬, ‫" كان ينظر في صورها طويال‬

" . ‫ذات ليلة بأنها تنظر اليه ايضا‬
" He stared at her pictures for such a long time that one night it was as if
Yasmine was looking back at him . "
- ‫ ينظر في‬: to stare at ; ‫ ينظر الى‬: to look at .

B- APVs in " A Hidden Treasure " by Fu'ad al-Takarli :

66- ‫ خزين من‬, ‫ ال كلها‬, ‫" في ثنايا بعض النفوس‬

, ‫ يفيض فيحيل‬, ‫أحاسيس القناعة أو الرضا‬
‫ مرارة الحياة و ضغوطها الشديدة‬, ‫مع الزمن‬
" . ‫الى حال مقبولة و غير مؤذية‬
" Inside some people – not everyone – there is a store of contentment and
satisfaction which can overflow and , in time , make the pressures and
bitterness of life bearable . " ( Hussni and Newman , 2008 : 222 )
- ‫ يحيل الى‬: to make to , to change to , to alter to . ( Baalbaki , 2010 : 494 )

67- ‫" حين كان أبي حيا تعودنا – أنا و أمي و شقيقاتي – على العيش‬
" ‫ يضمن لنا طعاما جيدا و لباسا الئقا و خدمة متواضعة‬, ‫بمستوى متوسط‬
" When my father was still alive , my mother , sisters and I used to have a
modest lifestyle : we were well fed and adequately clothed . "
- ‫ تعود على‬: used to ; ‫ يضمن ل‬: to ensure to , to bring about ( Baalbaki , ibid. : 714 ).
68- , ‫ بقي لنا‬. .... ‫" كنا من ساللة عائلة كريمة كما يقولون‬
" ‫ أن نقتات على راتب تقاعده الضئيل‬, ‫و قد شاخ أبي‬
" We were descendants of what could be called a noble and respectable
family .... my father grew old , and we had to make do with his small
pension . "
- ‫ يبقي ل‬: to stay to , to be left behind / over ( ibid. : 244 ) ;
- ‫ يقتات على‬: to make do with .

69- " ‫ ُرزق بنا أبي من زوجته الثانية والدتي‬... ‫" كنا اربعة اطفال‬
" I and my three younger sisters were born to my father and his second wife
– my mother . "
- ‫ ُرزق ب‬: was/were born to ( passive ) .

70- " ‫" لم يكن ذلك ما يريده لنفسه أو لزوجته أو ألبنائه‬

" ... which was something he neither wished for himself nor for his wife or
children . " ( Hussni and Newman , 2008 : 222 )
- ‫ يريد ل‬: to wish for .

71- ‫" فتح هللا عليهما باب الرزق فجئنا نؤنس وحدتهم‬
" ‫و نزيد من ثقل المسؤولية على كتفي أبي‬
" The almighty had mercy on my parents and they had us . On the one hand
we were a comfort to them in their loneliness , but on the other , we added to
their financial burden . "
- ‫ يفتح على‬: to have mercy on ; ‫ يزيد على‬: to add to .

72- " ‫" هبطت بنا الدنيا و جار علينا الزمن‬

" our world was shattered and destiny treated us harshly "
- ‫ يجور على‬: to be unjust to , to do wrong / injustice to ( Baalbaki , ibid. : 406 ) .
- ‫ يهبط ب‬: to fall down with , to descend with , to come down with ( ibid. : 1201 ) .

73- " ‫" اتشوق بحماس ألنهاء دراستي الجامعية‬

" ... eagerly awaiting the day I would complete my university studies . "
- ‫ يتشوق ل‬: to be eager to .

74- " ‫" و طالبَنَا بأجرة الشهرين الماضيين‬

" ... came to ask us to pay him the two months' rent we owed him " ( Hussni
and Newman , ibid. : 224 )
- ‫ يطالب ب‬: to ask to .

75- ... ‫ و سمحت له‬, ‫" لم استطع حتى اعتذر له بشكل مالئم‬
" ‫بأن يُسمعني كلمات فظة و غليظة لم ارد عليها‬
" I was unable even to apologise to him in an appropriate manner ... I did not
react the rough and rude way he spoke to me "
- ‫ يعتذر ل‬: to apologise to ; ‫ يسمح ل‬: to allow to ; ‫ يرد على‬: to respond to .
76- ‫" و اغرورقت عيناي بالدموع و أنا اروي لوالدتي ما جرى لي‬
" ‫ ليغفر هللا له‬- : ‫ احتضنتني بحنان و قالت لي‬....
" My eyes were filled with tears when I told my mother what had happened ,
.... she embraced me tenderly , and said : " May God forgive him ! "
- ‫ اغرورق ب‬: to be filled with ; ‫ يروي ل‬: to narrate to ; ‫ يجري ل‬: to happen to ;
‫ يقول ل‬: to say to ; ‫ يغفر ل‬: to forgive to .

77- ‫ و تركت دراستي بعد ان وجد‬... ‫" فانتقلنا الى دار اخرى‬
‫لي خالي مكانا في معهد صناعي ادرس فيه المكننة‬
" ‫في مصافي النفط‬
" We indeed organize our affairs by moving into a smaller and cheap house ,
while I quit my studies when my uncle found me an apprenticeship at a
technical college to study petrochemical in oil refineries . "
- ‫ ينتقل الى‬: to move into ; ‫ في‬/‫ يجد ل‬: to find to / at .

78- ‫ بل ركزت اهتمامها‬... ‫" و ال تحسرت كثيرا على ما مضى‬

" . ‫بتلقائية محببة على ما نملك االن‬
" ... , nor did she much regret what we had lost , instead she lovingly and
naturally focused her attention on what we had now " ( ibid. )

- ‫ تحسر على‬: to regret , to sigh for , to grieve at ( Baalbaki , 2010 : 286 ) .

- ‫ يركز على‬: to focus on .

79- " ‫ وضعت عليها كعكة جميلة‬, ‫ حول مائدة صغيرة‬... ‫" جمعتنا‬
" She gathered us ... around a small table , on which she had placed a nice
cake . "
- ‫ يجمع حول‬: to gather around ; ‫ يضع على‬: to place on .

80- " ! ‫ انظروا ما أجملكم‬, ‫" أنظروا الى انفسكم‬

" Look at yourselves ! Look how beautiful you are ! "
- ‫ ينظر الى‬: to look at .

81- " ‫ رسخت في أذهاننا أنا و شقيقاتي‬, ‫" كانت أمسية رائعة‬
" It was a wonderful evening , my sisters and I would remember it for the
rest of our lives "
- ‫ يرسخ في‬: to firm in , to fix in ( ibid. : 570 ) .

82- ‫" و ال محيص بعد ذلك من أن تمضي األيام بنا و‬

" ‫و تجلب معها ما تجلب‬
" After that , we just had to accept whatever hardships , joys and troubles
came our way . "
- ‫ يمضي ب‬: to go on , to proceed in or with ( ibid. : 1055 ) .
- ‫ يجلب مع‬: to bring with .
83- " ‫" لم أتخرج بسهولة من معهد المكننة البترولية ذاك‬
" I did not graduate easily from the Institute of Petrochemical Engineering "
- ‫ يتخرج من‬: to graduate from .

84- ‫ كنا نعيش بتوازن‬, ‫" يقع في ضاحية غير بعيدة عن بغداد‬
" ‫مادي و نفسي نحسد عليه‬
" ... not far from Baghdad . Our circumstances improved , both materially
and psychologically , and we were the envy of many people . "
( Hussni and Newman , ibid. : 226 )
- ‫ يقع في‬: to situate / locate in ( Baalbaki, ibid. : 1220 ) .
- ‫ يعيش ب‬: to live in .

85- " ‫" لم ننتقل من دارنا المتواضعة و لم نقبل مساعدة من أحد‬

" We did not move from our modest house , not did we accept handouts
from anyone . "
- ‫ ينتقل من‬: to move from ; ‫ يقبل من‬: to accept from .

86- ‫ مع والدتي فانتهينا الى نتيجة‬, ‫ بهدوء‬, ‫" ناقشت الفكرة‬

" ‫مرحة و مشرقة هي أن القطار لم يفت بعد علي‬
" I did discuss the idea quietly with my mother ,reaching the happy and
optimistic conclusion that it was not too late for me . "
- ‫ يناقش مع‬: to discuss with ; ‫ ينتهى الى‬: to reach at .

87- , ‫" ال تترصد لالنسان و ال تسعى اليه كي تغريه‬

" ‫ يحرض نفسه على التمني و االشتهاء‬....
" ... life ... , did not force people to pursue them , nor did it tempt them to do
so ; the fact of the matter is that people instil in themselves a desire and love
of ownership and control . "
- ‫ يترصد ل‬: to wait for , to lie in wait for ( Baalbaki , ibid. : 308 ) .
- ‫ يسعى الى‬: to strive to / for , to try hard to ( ibid. : 632 ) .
- ‫ يحرض على‬: to stir up , to spur on , to provoke ( ibid. : 463 ) .

88- ‫ فقامت‬, ‫ و تأثرت بها‬... ‫" هذه الخاطرة قلتها لوالدتي‬

" ‫لتقبلني و تدعوا هللا ليحفظني‬
" I discussed this with my mother ... she was so touched by it that she came
over to kiss me , praying God to keep me in good health . " ( Hussni and
Newman , ibid. : 226 )
- ‫ يقول ل‬: to discuss with , to say to( literal ); ‫ يتأثر ب‬: to touch by , to influence by .
- ‫ يقوم ل‬: to come over to ; ‫ يدعوا ل‬: to pray to .

89- ‫ ادخلوني بعدها الى‬... ‫" جلست منتظرا في غرفة السكرتيرة‬

" . ‫مكتبه الفخم‬
" I sat waiting for a few minutes in the reception area and was then shown
into his grand office . " ( ibid. : 228 )
- ‫ يجلس في‬: to sit in ; ‫ يدخل الى‬: to show into , to enter to ( literal ) .
90- " ‫" كنت سمعت مرارا عن استقامته‬
" I had often heard about his integrity . "
- ‫ يسمع عن‬: to hear about .

91- ‫ ثم كلم سكرتيرته ان تخبر سائقه‬... ‫" أيدته في اقواله مبتسما‬

" . ‫أن ينقلني الى بيتهم و يعود بي بعد ذلك‬
" I concurred with his argument , and smiled . Then he called his secretary
and asked her to tell his driver to take me to his house and bring me back
afterwards . "
- ‫ يؤيد في‬: to concur with ; ‫ ينقل الى‬: to take to ; ‫ يعود ب‬: to bring back .

92- " ‫ الحت لنا في نهاية طريق مقير نظيف‬... ‫" أشار السائق الى دار فخمة‬
" ... the driver pointed to a grand , white house with two floors , which
appeared at the end of a clean tarmac road "
- ‫ يشير الى‬: to point to ; ‫ يلوح ل‬: to appear to / at .

93- " ‫" دلتني على قسم من الجهاز نصب في الجهة الخلفية من الدار‬
" The maid showed me to the boiler room at the back of the house . "
- ‫ يدل على‬: to lead to ( literal ) , to show to ; ‫ ينصب في‬: to install in ( literal ) .

94- ‫ و رفعت يدها المغطاة‬... ‫" رأتني حين استدرت اليها‬

" ‫بالخواتم الى فمها‬
" She looked at me as I turned towards her .She raised her beringed
hand in front of her mouth . "
- ‫ يستدير ل‬: to turn to ; ‫ يرفع الى‬: to raise to , to raise in front of .

95- " ‫" تسعى لخدمتي بكل الطرق‬

" she was always eager to please me . " ( Hussni and Newman , ibid. : 232 )
- ‫ يسعى ل‬: to seek to , to try hard to ( Baalbaki , ibid. : 632 )

96- " ‫ و تبقيها عندنا كي تساعدني و تلعب مع البنات‬... "

" ... and leave Khadija with us so that she could help me out around the
house and play with the girls . "
- ‫ يبقى عند‬: to stay with ; ‫ يلعب مع‬: to play with .

97- " ‫ فضممتها الى صدري‬... ‫" التصقنا ببعض حذو الجدار‬
" We were wedged together next to the wall ...and drew her close to my
chest . "
- ‫ يلتصق ب‬: to wedge to ; ‫ يضم الى‬: to draw to .

98- " ‫" ال تختبيء الذكريات عن وعي االنسان دون سبب‬

" Memories do not vanish from person's mind for no reason "
- ‫ يختبيء عن‬: to vanish from .

99- " ‫" اخذت بلبي و ذهبت بنا بعيدا عن العالم‬

" It completely threw me , and took us away from the world "
- ‫ يذهب عن‬: to take from .

100- " ‫" حين سرقنا من الزمن لحظات ال تثمن‬

" We stole priceless moments from time "
- ‫ يسرق من‬: to steal from .

101- " ‫" صعدنا بسرعة الى الغرفة الخشبية الصغيرة‬

" We quickly went up to the small room "
- ‫ يصعد الى‬: to go up to .

102- ‫ فسهلت لي ذلك‬... ‫" اشكرك يا عبد الرحمن على مخابرتك هذه‬
" ‫لو تعلم كم سعدت برؤيتكم‬
" Thank you for this call , Abdul Rahman , ... and you've
made it easy for me. If only you knew how I was happy
to see all . "
- ‫ يشكر على‬: to thank for ; ‫ يسهل ل‬: to make easy for ; ‫ يسعد ب‬: to be happy to .

103- " ‫" هل تعلم ما حصل لي و انا اراك ؟‬

" Do you know what happened to me when I saw you ? "
- ‫ يحصل ل‬: to happen to .

104- " ‫" استنجدت في اليوم التالي بذلك الخزين الذي حدثتها عنه بافتخار‬
" The next day I sought refuge in that store of feelings
I had proudly told her about . "
- ‫ يستنجد ب‬: to seek refuge in ; ‫ يحدث عن‬: to tell about .

5. Conclusions :

The ' phrasal verb ' heading can be found in both English and Arabic languages.
English phrasal verbs (EPVs) are commonly used in informal English, whereas Arabic
ones are quite formal in standard Arabic. The paper ensures that Arabic phrasal verbs
(APVs) can be found under the titles ' two-word verbs, verb-preposition idioms and
transitive verbs by means of a preposition '.

Throughout the testing of the forms and contents of the verbs in one hundred and
four quotations, the highlighted verbs in both languages are equivalent. As far as
structures are concerned, there is some similarity in both languages (i.e. EPVs are a
combination of some lexical verbs and prepositions and/or adverbs, whereas APVs are a
combination of some lexical verbs with prepositions only, without adverbs).

As a result of the tested short stories, the number of the used Arabic phrasal verbs
is more than their equivalents in English (i.e. 35 EPVs; 112 APVs). English phrasal verbs
can be transitive or intransitive, whereas all Arabic ones are transitive by means of a
preposition. They can also be separable or inseparable in both languages.
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‫ركبة في اربع قصص قصيرة ُمختارة‬
‫الم ّ‬
‫األنكليزية و العربية ُ‬
‫األفعال ً‬

‫كمال كاطع ناصر‬

‫قسم اللغة االنكليزية‬
‫كلية التربية‬
‫جامعة ذي قار‬

‫معينة في النحو و معنى الكلمة في اللغتين األنكليزية و‬

‫لخاصية ّ‬ ‫تهتم هذه الدراسة بالتحليل اللساني المقارن‬
‫الخاصية بجمع بعض األفعال المعجمية مع بعض األدوات كحروف الجر و الظروف و التي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫العربية ‪ .‬تتمثل تلك‬
‫المركبة ‪.‬‬
‫ّ‬ ‫تُعرف بأسم – األفعال‬

‫المركبة األنكليزية و‬
‫ّ‬ ‫تحاول الدراسة كذلك أن تُثبت حقيقة وجود بعض التشابه و األختالف بين األفعال‬
‫العربية ‪ .‬تم التحقق من تلك التشابهات و األختالفات من خالل المقارنة النظرية لتلك التراكيب في كلتا اللغتين و‬
‫كذلك من خالل اختبار القصص القصيرة األربعة ‪.‬‬

‫تقع هذه الدراسة في خمسة أقسام و كما يلي ‪ :‬القسم األول هو مقدمة الدراسة ‪ُ ,‬ك ّرس القسمين الثاني و‬
‫المركبة في اللغتين األنكليزية و العربية على التوالي ‪ .‬يمثل القسم الرابع‬
‫ّ‬ ‫الثالث لعرض الخلفيات النظرية لألفعال‬
‫التحليل التطبيقي لألفعال المقصودة في قصتين أنكليزيتين قصيرتين هما ‪ " :‬الشباك المفتوح " لساكي _ ‪ Saki‬و "‬
‫قطة في المطر " لهمنغواي – ‪ Hemingway‬و قصتين عربيتين قصيرتين هما ‪ " :‬صورة ياسمين " لحنان الشيخ –‬
‫‪ Hanan al-Shaykh‬و " خزين الالمرئيات " لفؤاد التكرلي – ‪ , Fu'ad al-Takarli‬و ُيظهر القسم الخامس‬
‫األستنتاجات لتلك الدراسة ‪.‬‬

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