SSS Syllabus Robotics

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The New Senior Secondary

Curriculum for Sierra Leone

Subject Syllabus for Robotics
Subject Stream: Science and Technologies

This subject syllabus is based on the National Curriculum

Framework for Senior Secondary Education. It was prepared
by national curriculum specialists and subject experts.
Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Curriculum Elements for Robotics Engineering – a core subject

Subject Description
Robotics is the science or study associated with the design, fabrication, theory, and application of robots. Robotics is an ideal organizer for engineering
education. This curriculum integrates the independent disciplines of Math, Engineering, Literacy, Technology and Science (MELTS) from a learning
approach and delivery apropos to our local environment of Sierra Leone. The next generation of creators and technology developers are eager to learn
about modern technology and Robotics falls squarely into this category. Learners studying Robotics in Senior Secondary will be imbued with highly
sought for 21st Century skills and competencies such as creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, leadership, and technology literacy
while learning in a fun but enabling environment.

Rationale for the Inclusion of Robotics Engineering in the Senior Secondary School Curriculum
Sierra Leone has an opportunity to take a quantum leap in its development by transforming its subsistence economy into a high-value-added skill-
based and technology-driven one. To realize this goal requires a computational, practical, and thinking-based education for learners.

The rationale of this robotics curriculum is to encourage learners to take ownership of a learning process that allows them to think critically and practically
create automation solutions targeted at the 4th industrial revolution using readily available resources, especially those obtained locally. Doing so will
offer our learners the affordance to not only learn cutting-edge technologies but use the knowledge gained to contribute to the development of Sierra

General Learning Outcomes (Broad Goals)

This curriculum is designed for the attainment of the following general broad goals.:
To stimulate, nurture and maintain scientific curiosity in the area of robotics
2. To demystify the difficulty surrounding the study and the practice of robotics by the girl-child
3. To develop competent practically oriented creative skills for tackling everyday problems
4. To systematically analyses technical problems and develop sustainable automated solutions

Subject Content Outline by Broad Themes & Specific Topics

Robots and Society
The History and Future of Robots
Introduction to Robotics
Robotic systems and Subsystems of Robots
Safety and Ethics in Robotics
Application Areas of Robotics

Simple Electronic and Mechanical Machines

Electronic Components

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Building Basic electronic circuits

Mechanical Components
Building Basic mechanical machine
Digital systems design principle
• Logic Gates and Truth Tables
• Boolean Algebra
• Combinational Circuits Design principles
Basic Mechanics
• Gears
Reverse-Engineering of simple electronic systems.
Reverse-Engineering of simple mechanical systems.
Fault tracing and correction in electronic systems
Fault tracing and correction in mechanical systems

Accelerating Technologies in the Field Of Robotics

AI and Intelligent machines
Autonomous Vehicles
Drone Technologies
Internet of Things (IoT)

Fundamentals of Programming
Pseudocodes and Flowcharts
Programing Basics
• Variables and Data Types
• Operators
• Input and Output
• Flow Control
Programming responsive Robots for event-driven actions
Programming Robots for Fault Tolerance (Error detection and correction)
Programming Robots for Fault Avoidance (Error Prediction and avoidance)
Autonomous Machines (Unmanned Ground Vehicles and other)

Robots in Action
Writing structured programs to control Robots for defined tasks.
Programming responsive Robots for event-driven actions
Programming Robots for Fault Tolerance (Error detection and correction)
Programming Robots for Fault Avoidance (Error Prediction and avoidance)
Autonomous Machines (Unmanned Ground Vehicles and others)

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Drone Technology
Physics of flight
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Assembling
UAV Flight Controls and Dynamics
Assemble a model airplane using pre-modelled or 3D-printed parts.

Robot Design and Construction

Sensors and Actuators
Light Sensors
• Ultrasonic Sensors
• Motors
• Motor Rotation Sensors
Compound Gear Systems
Rotational Systems
Driving robots with single or multiple motors
Sensors and Actuators II
• Temperature Sensors
• Gyro Sensors
• Touch Sensors
Swinging Mechanisms
Lifting Mechanisms
Walking Machines
Requirement analysis for robot design and construction
High-level and Low-level design specification Definition
3D modelling and Additive Manufacturing
Building Robot Prototypes from local materials and 3D printed parts.

Project Work
Solving everyday problems in a home environment using robots.
Identifying and solving pressing societal or environmental problems using robots.
Creating innovative robot-based solutions for local industries

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Structure of the Syllabus Over the 3-Year Senior Secondary Cycle


First Term Robots and Society I Robots and Society II Simple Electronic and Mechanical
Machines III
The History and Future of Robots Safety and Ethics in Robotics
Reverse-Engineering of Simple Electronic
Introduction to Robotics Systems
Application Areas of Robotics
Robotic Systems and Subsystems of • Security Reverse-Engineering of Simple Mechanical
Robots • Health Care Systems
• Space
Simple Electronic and Mechanical Fault Tracing and Correction in Electronic
Machines I Exploration Systems
• Entertainment
Electronic Components • Agriculture Fault Tracing and Correction in Mechanical
• Manufacturing Systems
Building Basic Electronic Circuits • Military, etc.
Mechanical Components Simple Electronic and Mechanical
• Building Basic Mechanical Machines II
Digital systems design principle
• Logic Gates and Truth Tables
• Boolean Algebra
• Combinational Circuits Design

Basic Mechanics


Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Second Accelerating Technologies in the Fundamentals of Programming II Drone Technology

Term Field of Robotics
Functions Principles of Flight
AI and Intelligent Machines Event-driven Programming
Higher Order Design Thinking Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
Autonomous Vehicles Assembling

Drone Technologies Robots in Action II UAV Flight Controls and Dynamics

Internet of Things (IoT) Programming Responsive Robots for Assemble a Model Airplane Using Pre-
Event-driven Actions modelled or 3D-printed Parts.
Fundamentals of Programming I
Programming Robots for Fault Tolerance Robot Design and Construction III
Pseudocodes and Flowcharts (Error Detection and Correction)
Requirement Analysis for Robot Design
Programing Basics Programming Robots for Fault Avoidance and Construction
• Variables and Data Types (Error Prediction and Avoidance)
• Operators • Autonomous Machines High-level and Low-level Design
• Input and Output (Unmanned Ground Vehicles and Specification Definition
• Flow Control Others)
3D-modelling and Additive Manufacturing

Robots in Action I Building Robot Prototypes from Local

Materials and 3D-printed Parts
Writing Structured Programs to Control

Robots for Defined Tasks

Third Term Robot Design and Construction I Robot Design and Construction II Project Work III

Sensors and Actuators Sensors and Actuators II Creating Innovative Robot-based Solutions
• Light Sensors • Temperature Sensors for Local Industries
• Ultrasonic Sensors • Gyro Sensors
• Motors • Touch Sensors
• Motor Rotation Sensors
Swinging Mechanisms
Compound Gear Systems
Rotational Systems Lifting Mechanisms

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Driving Robots with Single or Multiple Walking Machines


Project Work I Project Work II

Solving Everyday Problems in a Home Identifying and Solving Pressing Societal

Environment Using Robots or Environmental Problems Using Robots

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Teaching Syllabus

Topic Sub-topic Expected learning Recommended teaching method (s) Suggested resources
Robots and The History a. Appraise the relevance Experiential Learning: Watch videos on the Video Documentaries,
Society I and Future of and impact of robots in various industrial revolutions and document History Charts,
Robots society. personal observations. pictures/videos of simple
b. Demonstrate knowledge of physical machines from the
the evolution of robot- Collaborative Learning: Sit in groups and various industrial revolutions,
based solutions from the discuss learner observations on the Articles and narratives,
first to the fourth industrial peculiarities of each revolution and the Textbooks etc.
revolution. transitions. Groups should classify various
a. Critically analyze the machines under the identified
peculiar characteristics of industrial revolutions.
the various industrial
Introduction to b. Evaluate the concepts of Initiating Talk for Learning: The facilitator Videos, textbooks, online
Robotics design, construction, and leads a discussion by introducing what robotic resources, etc.
programming of robots for systems are, emphasizing their ability to
sensory feedback and provide intelligent services and interact with
automated actuation. their environment. Learners discuss and
c. Explain the flow and critique different encounters with systems that
sequencing process that they will consider robotic systems.
takes place in robotic
systems starting from Problem-Based Learning: Learners in
sensing to actuation. different groups research and present on
either non-feedback loop or feedback loop

Managing Talk for Learning: The facilitator

moderates a discussion where learners draw
out contrasting differences from their research
Robotic a. Distinguish between robot Experiential Learning: Learners watch a Videos, pictures, online
Systems and and non-robot-based documentary showcasing the differences resources, textbooks, simple
Sub-systems automated systems. between robotic and non-robotic systems and robotic systems, etc.
of Robots evaluate the concepts of design, construction,

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

b. Identify and describe the and programming of robots for sensory

subsystems of robots and feedback and automated actuation.
their functions.
Think-Pair-Share: Learners based on the
observed characteristics of robotic systems
are given a few examples of systems they will
classify as robotic or non-robotic systems.
Using a think-pair-share approach, learners
are given a few minutes to individually classify
these examples noting them in their books,
then pair with any of their colleagues and
share their justification for their classification.
The pair then share their collective
submissions and resolve their differences, if
any, calling on the facilitator where need be.
The facilitator finally asks various teams to
share their joint classifications and
Simple Electronic a. Identify components such Project-Based Learning: Facilitators provide Basic electrical components,
Electronic and Components as Resistors, Capacitors, learners with pictures of various basic schematic diagrams,
Mechanical LEDs, Inductors, Circuit electronic components (e.g. resistors, datasheets, measuring
Machines I Breakers, Relays, Diodes, capacitors, LEDs, inductors, circuit breakers, instruments, textbooks,
Transistors, etc., their relays, diodes, transistors, etc.). Learners are pictures, videos, online
ratings and purposes in then given electronic circuits from which they resources, etc.
electronic circuits. are made to identify the components on board
b. Use appropriate measuring and their ratings. Learners then research the
instruments to take relevant functions of these components using textbooks
readings and deduce and online resources. Finally, they document
component ratings from the identified components, their specifications
measured values. and their function in the circuit.
c. Use appropriate testing
equipment to diagnose or Project-Based Learning: Facilitators will
test the functionality of introduce learners to schematic and block
electronic components. notations. They then will take a circuit and
develop its block and schematic
representations. Learners will then pick other
schematic and block diagrams and write
descriptive summaries of

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

what they observe.

Building Basic a. Analyze the Facilitator gives a brief introduction to Multimeters, resistors, wires,
Electronic relationship among voltage, electricity to cover the following: solderless breadboards,
Circuits current and resistance • What is electricity? schematic diagrams,
(Ohm’s Law) and apply this • Voltage Current Resistance and Power textbooks, videos, online
understanding in the • The algebraic relationship to each other resources, etc.
technical design of basic Ohms Law
electrical circuits.
b. Assemble Project-Based Learning: Facilitators will
electronic circuits on introduce learners to schematic and block
solderless breadboards notations. They then will take a circuit and
from pre- designed develop its block and schematic
schematic diagrams. representations. Learners will then pick
other schematic and block diagrams and
write descriptive summaries of what they

Project-Based Learning: Facilitators will

explain the configuration of breadboards to
learners and guide learners to use
monitoring tools like the digital multimeters.
Learners using pre-designed schematic
diagrams will assemble and test electronic
circuits on a solderless breadboard.

Mechanical Identify and explain the • Discuss principles of operation for simple Videos, pictures, online
Components functions of the foundational machines, such as the lever, inclined resources, textbooks
components (gears, springs, plane, wheel and axle, pulley, and screw.
wheels, pulleys & belts, bolts & • Discuss the basic elements of industrial
nuts, washers, pumps, screws, machines, as well as common
rivets, etc.) of machines and measurement tools used to monitor and
work- producing devices. adjust equipment.
• Discuss hand tools, power tools and
fasteners, and discuss ways to
reduce friction and wear.

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Building Basic Design and build simple Identify and discuss four different types of Videos, pictures, online
Mechanical machines such as levers, motion. resources, textbooks,
Machine inclined planes, wheels and motors, gears, springs,
axles, wedges and pulleys. pulleys
and belts, bolts and nuts,
Evaluate and washers, pumps and other
recommend simple machines basic mechanic components
for basic tasks based on and tools.
efficiency and mechanical
advantage computations.
SSS 2 Term 2
Accelerating AI and Identify and establish the Videos, pictures, online
Technologies Intelligent essence for the application of resources, textbooks, etc.
in the Field of Machines artificial intelligence in
Robotics robotics.
Autonomous Examine the use case and
Vehicles relevance of autonomous
robotic vehicles.

Drone Examine the use case and

Technologies relevance of unmanned aerial
Internet of Examine the use case and
Things (IoT) relevance of the Internet of
Robotic Things (IoRT)
Fundamentals Pseudocodes Use flowchart and Through discussions, the facilitator should Videos, CAD tools,
of and pseudocodes to depict defined build learners interest and understanding of flowcharts, pictures, online
Programming Flowcharts solutions to problems. programming and create functional decision- resources, textbooks, etc.
I making programs that control a built robot in a
Analyze, evaluate and critique chosen programming language or
flowcharts meant to implement environment.
known solutions in robotics.
Project-Based Learning: Learners will work in
Use digital tools to design groups to develop their own functional
flowcharts and pseudocodes. decision-making programs that implement
every single decision condition identified in
their flowchart

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Programming a. Demonstrate an Computers, integrated

Basics understanding and development environment,
• Variables application of the suitable programming
and Data fundamentals of structured language, textbooks, tutorial
Types programming with one entry videos, online resources,
• Operators point and one exit point. etc.
• Input and b. Define programming
Output problems methodically and
• Flow formulate corresponding
Control solution algorithms that are
specific and correct.
c. Explain the differences
between syntax errors,
runtime errors, and logic
Robots in Writing Apply knowledge in procedural Project-Based Learning: With the Computers, integrated
Action I structured programming to control robots facilitator's guidance, learners will work in development environment,
programs to for the execution of defined groups to develop decision-making programs suitable programming
control Robots tasks. that implement nested decision condition. language, textbooks, tutorial
for defined videos, online resources,
tasks. etc.
SSS 1 Term 3
Robot Design Sensors and a. Critically analyze the Experiential Learning: Learners should Videos, pictures, online
and Actuators similarities between robots watch videos of various bio-inspired robots resources, textbooks,
Construction • Light sensors and living organisms and and for each robot draw parallel feature maps sensors (e.g. light sensor,
• Ultrasonic outline significant scientific to living organisms. ultrasonic, temperature,
sensors principles that underpin how etc.), actuators (pumps,
• Motors sensing is achieved in Talk for Learning: Facilitators will lead a relays, switches, etc.),
robots. discussion on various scientific principles multimeter, measuring
• Motor rotation
b. Experiment with varying underpinning sensors' operation. instruments, graphs, etc.
sensors linear sensors and explain
their outputs. Experiential Learning: Learners test and
c. Apply mathematical discuss the behavior of the various Sensors in
equations for the calibration groups. They should record the limits/boundary
of linear sensors. values for all the sensors and discuss real- life
situations where and how these sensors can
be employed.

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Compound a. Build and modify gear trains The facilitator introduces students to gears Videos, pictures, online
Gear Systems to increase seed or torque. and gear trains. resources, textbooks,
b. Use building instructions to already built gear train for
build and test varying Learners work in teams to build a simple gear demonstration, etc.
compound gear systems. train and experiment with how to increase
c. Explore the application of torque or speed.
compound gear systems for
actuation in robots. Work with teams as they observe the rotary
motion produced by the gear train. Point out
how the gears are rotating in opposite

Explore the use of different compound gear

systems for different forms of robot
Rational Systematically follow a Design Brainstorm on ideas and solutions to a Flip Charts, brainstorming
Systems & Engineering Process guide challenge sheets, Robotic Kits,
to develop rotational systems • Discuss design ideas. Instructional Manuals,
solutions to a defined • Consider building components. Textbooks, videos, online
challenge • Sketch out design ideas on paper. resources, reports etc.
• Choose the best design.

Build A Prototype of the best design using

robotics kits or local material

Discuss the following items with your team

and be prepared to share with the rest of the
• How did the team arrive at the final design
• Is the design realistic and well-
• How did each team member contribute
towards the overall design?
• Do you feel like everyone had an equal
opportunity to contribute in the creative

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Driving Robots Systemically follow a Design Brainstorm on ideas and solutions to a Flip charts, brainstorming
with Single or and Engineering Process challenge sheets, robotic Kits,
Multiple guide to build driving robots • Discuss design ideas. instructional manuals,
Motors with wheels for a defined • Consider building components. textbooks, videos, online
challenge. • Sketch out design ideas on paper. resources, reports etc.
• Choose the best design.

Build a prototype of the best design using

robotics kits or local material

Discuss the following items with your team and

be prepared to share with the rest of the class.
• How did the team arrive at the final
design solution?
• Is the design realistic and well-
• How did each team member contribute
towards the overall design?
• Do you feel like everyone had an equal
opportunity to contribute in the creative
Project Work Solving Identify and define a problem Brainstorm on problems in a typical Sierra Flip charts, brainstorming
everyday in an environment and follow a Leonean home setting and identify solutions sheets, robotic kits, local
problems in a Design & Engineering Process that address the problem. materials, instructional
home to build a robot-based solution • Discuss the problems. manuals, textbooks, videos,
environment to the identified problem • Discuss design ideas. online resources, reports
using robots • Consider building components. etc.
• Sketch out design ideas on paper.
• Choose the best design.

Build a prototype of the best design using

robotics kits or local material.

Discuss the following items with your team

and be prepared to share with the rest of the
• How did the team arrive at the final
design solution?

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

• Is the design realistic and well-

• How did each team member contribute
towards the overall design?
• Do you feel like everyone had an equal
opportunity to contribute to the creative
Robots and Safety and Justify the need for integrating Learners should analyze and enumerate both Videos, pictures, online
Society II Ethics in robots in human-centered the positive and negative impacts of robots resources, textbooks, robotic
Robotics environments for positive on society. principles and policy
impact and outline documents, news articles,
ethical/safety considerations Learners should explain the need for robot etc.
for successful coexistence. coexistence with humans, taking into
consideration safety and robotics.

Learners should write short articles on topics

related to ethics, safety and robot coexistence
in society.
Application Evaluate and justify situations Evaluate and justify situations where robots Videos, pictures, online
Areas of where robots can be applied to can be applied to improve performance or resources, textbooks, news
Robotics: improve performance or reduce risk to humans in relatable local articles, etc.
Security reduce risk to humans in industries.
Health Care relatable local industries.
Space Analyze the performance impact of robot
Exploration Analyze the performance integration in different application areas.
Entertainment impact of robot integration in
Agriculture different application areas
Military, etc.
Digital Explain Logic gates and their Explain Logic gates and their use in the Videos, Pictures, Online
Simple systems use in the conditional conditional regulation of the flow of electricity Resources, Textbooks, Truth
Electronic and design regulation of the flow of through electronic circuits. Tables, solution narrative,
Mechanical principle electricity through electronic Use Boolean algebra and truth tables for the etc.
Machines II • Logic Gates circuits. definition of automation solutions.
and Truth a. Use Boolean algebra and
Tables truth tables for the definition Explain how logic gates are combined to build
• Boolean of automation solutions. circuits within processors.

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

• Combination b. Explain how logic gates are Design combinational digital circuits from a
al Circuits combined to build circuits solution narrative.
Design within processors.
principles c. Design combinational digital
circuits from a solution
Basic Determine the gear ratio and Discuss how the arrangement of the small and Videos, pictures, online
Mechanics output speed of a gear train. large gears determines if the gear train will resources, textbooks, etc.
increase torque or speed.

Work with teams to determine the gear ratio

and output speed of the gear train.
SSS 2 Term 2
Fundamentals Functions Explain the difference between Computers, integrated
of a function and a procedure development environment,
Programming suitable programming
II Define structured functions language, textbooks, tutorial
with appropriate input videos, online resources,
parameters, correct etc.
processing logic and route out
valid outputs.

Decompose complex
procedural programming tasks
into sub-tasks using functions.
Event-driven Establish the relevance of Computers, Integrated
Programming event-driven programming Development Environment,
functions, describing possible Suitable Programming
scenarios where they can be Language, Textbooks,
used. Tutorial videos, online
resources, etc.
Define/program functions that
listen for the occurrence of
specific anticipated events
(from sensors or sent
messages or the state of a
device/process) and trigger an
appropriate response.

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Higher Order Determine the inputs, Flip charts, brainstorming

Design processes and outputs sheets, textbooks, videos,
Thinking required to solve a particular online resources, reports,
problem. etc.

Define solutions to basic

automated and robotic
problems using algorithms,
pseudocodes, and flowcharts
Robots in Programming Apply knowledge in function- Discuss how finite state machines work by Flip charts, robotic kits, local
Action II Responsive based programming to control transitioning between different states based materials, instructional
Robots for finite state machines or finite on specific event occurrences. manuals, textbooks, videos,
Event-driven state robots. online resources, reports,
Actions Learners brainstorm on how sensors can be etc.
used to capture events and trigger functions
leading to state changes.

Learners program and test finite state

machines in software and test them on simple
Programming Formulate and implement an Facilitators steer a discussion on proportional Robotic kit, computers,
Robots for error-guided continuous time controllers and the role of proportional gain in a integrated development
Fault driving robot (e.g., line classical Proportional controller. environment, robot mats,
Tolerance following robot) using the line. videos, textbooks, online
(Error Learners use a single or multiple sensors on a resources, etc.
Detection and Apply the principle of variation robot to implement proportional controls for
Correction) in experimenting the effect of the robot to perform an assigned task (e.g.,
scaling the constant of line following robot).
proportionality on the stability
of a feedback-controlled Learners work in groups to experiment and
systems. document the effects of varying the
proportional gain on system stability.
Programming Formulate and implement error Discuss PID controllers stressing on the role PID controllers (e.g., line
Robots for avoidance robotic system of derivative and integral gain as error following, light following,
Fault using the concept of PID reduction and avoidance mechanisms. color following, wall tracking,
Avoidance controllers. object tracking, etc.), robotic
(Error kits, videos, textbooks,

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Prediction and Apply the principle of variation Learners use a single or multiple sensors on online resources, robot mats,
Avoidance) in experimenting the effect of a robot to implement PID controls for the etc.
scaling the derivative and robot to perform an assigned task (e.g., line
integral gains on the stability following robot).
and performance of a PID
Autonomous Combine knowledge in basic Learners share tasks and coordinate to PID controllers (e.g., line
Machines mechanical and electronic design, build and program controls for an following, light following,
(Unmanned machines with understanding autonomous ground vehicle. color following, wall tracking,
Ground of PID controllers and object tracking, etc.),
Vehicles and programming to design sensors, actuators, robotic
Other) and prototype an autonomous kits, videos, textbooks,
ground vehicle. online resources, robot mats,
SSS 2 Term 3
Robot Design Sensors and Examine sensor power source, Facilitator leads a discussion to walk learners Videos, pictures, online
and Actuators input and output using through to understand Analogue & Digital resources, textbooks,
Construction • Temperature appropriate measuring Signals, Analogue and Digital Systems, Basic sensors (e.g., light sensor,
II Sensors instruments and properly Digital Devices, and terminologies/principles ultrasonic, temperature,
• Gyro classify them as either active- in analogue and digital sensor technologies. etc.), multimeter, measuring
Sensors analogue, passive-analogue, instruments, graphs, etc.
• Touch active- digital or passive- Learners should classify sensors as either
Sensors digital. active- analogue, passive-analogue, active-
digital or passive- digital.
Leverage mathematical
knowledge for sensor data Learners should apply mathematical methods
manipulation and application to programmatically convert continuous-time
for digital control of actuators. sensor output to discrete-time digital output
and to calibrate sensor values
Explain the effect of noise on
sensor readings and
demonstrate ability to calibrate
linear sensors operating in a
noisy environment.
Swinging Systematically follow a Design Brainstorm on ideas and solutions to a Videos, pictures, online
Mechanisms & Engineering Process guide challenge resources, textbooks,
to develop solutions to a • Discuss design ideas. swinging actuators (e.g.,
• Consider building components needed. servos, springs, elastics,

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

defined problem that requires • Sketch out design ideas on paper. hinges, gears, etc.), robotic
swinging mechanisms. • Choose the best design. kits, instructional manuals,
Build a prototype of the best design using etc.
robotics kits or local material.

Discuss the following items with your team and

be prepared to share with the rest of the class.
• How did the team arrive at the final design
• Is the design realistic and well-
• How did each team member contribute
towards the overall design?
• Do you feel like everyone had an equal
opportunity to contribute in the creative
Lifting Systematically follow a Design • Brainstorm on ideas and solutions to a Videos, pictures, online
Mechanisms & Engineering Process guide challenge Discuss design ideas. resources, textbooks, lifting
to develop solutions to a • Consider building components needed. actuators (e.g., servos,
defined problems that require • Sketch out design ideas on paper. gears, pulleys, etc.), robotic
Lifting mechanisms. • Choose the best design. kits, instructional manuals,
Build a prototype of the best design using
robotics kits or local material.

Discuss the following items with your team

and be prepared to share with the rest of the
• How did the team arrive at the final design
• Is the design realistic and well-
• How did each team member contribute
towards the overall design?
• Do you feel like everyone had an equal
opportunity to contribute in the creative

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Walking Systematically follow a Design Brainstorm on ideas and solutions to a Videos, pictures, online
Machines & Engineering Process guide challenge resources, walking actuators
to develop solutions to a • Discuss design ideas. (e.g. servos, gears, tires,
defined problems that require • Consider building components needed. belts, etc.), robotic kits,
Walking Robots. • Sketch out design ideas on paper. instructional manuals, etc.
• Choose the best design.

Build a prototype of the best design using

robotics kits or local material.

Discuss the following items with your team and

be prepared to share with the rest of the class.
• How did the team arrive at the final design
• Is the design realistic and well-
• How did each team member contribute
towards the overall design?
• Do you feel like everyone had an equal
opportunity to contribute in the creative
Project Work Identifying and Identify and define a societal Brainstorm on problems in a typical Sierra Flip charts,
Solving or environmental problem and Leone setting, brainstorming sheets, robotic
Pressing follow a Design & Engineering society or environment and ideate solutions kits, local materials,
Societal or Process to build a robot-based that address the problem. instructional manuals,
Environmental solution that addresses the • Discuss the problems. textbooks, videos, online
Problems identified problem. • Discuss design ideas. resources, reports etc.
Using Robots • Consider building components.
• Sketch out design ideas on paper.
• Choose the best design.

Build A Prototype of the best design using

robotics kits or local material

Discuss the following items with your team and

be prepared to share with the rest of the class.

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

• How did the team arrive at the final design

• Is the design realistic and well-
• How did each team member contribute
towards the overall design?
• Do you feel everyone had an equal
opportunity to contribute to the creative
Simple Reverse- Demonstrate skills in reverse- Learners reverse engineer an existing Combinational circuits,
Electronics engineering of engineering of combinational combinational circuit and implement similar datasheets, schematic
and Simple digital electronic systems. circuit or improved versions. diagrams, measuring
Mechanical Electronic instruments, online
Machines III Systems resources, etc.
Reverse- Demonstrate skills in reverse- Learners reverse engineer an existing Datasheets, schematic
engineering of engineering of mechanical mechanical machine and implement diagrams, block diagrams,
Simple machines. prototypes of similar machines or improved mechanical toolkit, online
Mechanical versions. resources, pictures, videos,
Systems. etc.
Fault Tracing Demonstrate skills in the use Measuring instruments,
and Correction of appropriate measuring tools schematic diagrams,
in Electronic to trace and correct defects in datasheets, online
Systems electronic systems. resources, etc.

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

SSS 3 Term 2
Drone Principles of Analyze a flight vehicle for trim Discuss steady and unsteady airflow. Explain Online resources, textbooks,
Technology Flight conditions, stability and the concept of a streamline and explain videos, pictures, etc.
handling qualities. airflow through a stream tube.

Design an aerospace system, Discuss the force resulting from the pressure
component, or process to distribution around an aerofoil and explain
meet desired needs within center of pressure and aerodynamic center.
realistic constraints such as
economic, environmental, Learners resolve the resultant force into
social, political, ethical, health, components of ‘lift’ and ‘drag’ and describe
and safety, manufacturability, the direction of lift and drag
and sustainability
Discuss the following parameters of a wing:
• span
• tip and root chord
• taper ratio
• wing area
• wing planform
• aspect ratio
• dihedral angle
• sweep angle
Unmanned Assemble a model flying Learners research and review existing flying Drone Assembly Kit,
Aerial object based on understanding machines and flying organisms to design an Mechanical Tool Kit,
Vehicles of the Physics of flight. fit for purpose flying machine for a defined Instructional Manual, online
Assembling mission. resources, videos, pictures,
• Discuss the purpose of the flying textbooks, CAD tools, 3D
device printer, local materials, etc.
• Discuss design ideas.
• Consider building components.
• Sketch out design flying device on
• Choose the best design.

Build a prototype of the best design using 3D

printed or local material

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Discuss the following items with your team

and be prepared to share with the rest of the
• How did the team arrive at the final
design solution?
• Is the design realistic and well-
• How did each team member
contribute towards the overall design?
• Do you feel like everyone had an equal
opportunity to contribute in the creative
UAV Flight
Controls and
Robot Design Requirement
and Analysis for
Construction Robot Design
III and
High Level
and Low Level
3D Modelling a. Work with and navigate the Facilitator provides an introduction to
and Additive unique features of the creating, editing, and analyzing 3D models.
Manufacturing digital 3D modeling tools
and workspaces to create Learners will set up a Tinkercad or Fusion
3D objects. 360 accounts and explore the Tinkercad or
b. Identify characteristics of Fusion modelling workspace.
rendering 3D objects for
optimal system processing Learners work with, and navigate the digital
and printing. 3D modeling workspace to create 3D models
c. Operate and service a 3D of robot parts.

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

Learners use rendering tools like Cura to

prepare and convert 3D models into g- codes
for 3D printing.

Learners operate a 3D printer to actualize

their models.
Building Robot Design a proof of concept that Learners design 3D printed parts to improve 3D Printers, CAD tools,
Prototypes demonstrates functionality to aesthetics and support functionality of videos, online resources,
From Local be vetted out by customers, prototype robots. etc.
Materials and clients, or a design team.
3D Printed

Building Young Futures
MBSSE’s Senior Secondary School Curriculum

SSS 3 Term 3
Project Work Creating Innovative Robot- Identify and define a Brainstorm on problems in a 3D printers, CAD tools,
based Solutions for Local problem in any local typical Sierra Leonean local videos, online resources,
Industries industry and follow a industry and ideate solutions mechanical and electrical
Design & Engineering that address the problem toolkits, brainstorming
Process to build a robot- • Discuss the problems sheets, flip charts, robotic
based solution that • Discuss design ideas. kits, local materials, etc.
addresses the identified • Consider building
problem. components.
• Sketch out design
ideas on paper.
• Choose the best

Build a prototype of the best

design using robotics kits or
local material.

Discuss the following

items with your team and be
prepared to share with the
rest of the class.
• How did the team arrive at
the final design solution?
• Is the design realistic and
well- proportioned?
• How did each team
member contribute towards
the overall design?
• Do you feel everyone had
an equal opportunity to
contribute to the creative


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