Grundfos Pump CRN2 CRN2G Parts D1101
Grundfos Pump CRN2 CRN2G Parts D1101
Grundfos Pump CRN2 CRN2G Parts D1101
C on ten
onten ts
Parts List
Spare Part Kits
Special Tools
Standard Tools
Part Dimensions
LSM-PL-CN2 (Rev. 11/01)
Par ts List
arts Models C RN2G
Pos. Stages No. MAT.
No. Part Description x 10 Used Comments/Dimensions NO. in kits ?
2 Motor Stool-CPL ............................................................. 20/1-80 1 NEMA 56C (incl. pos. 78,98) *p 415322 No
100-180 1 NEMA 182TC/184TC *q 415323 No
4 Intermediate Chamber - CPL .......................................... 30-80 #Stgs-2 Includes pos. 45 & 65 405202 No
100-180 #Stgs-3 Includes pos. 45 & 65 405202 No
◆ 4a Chamber w/Ceramic Bearing - CPL ............................... 20/1-80 1 Includes pos. 45 & 65 405203 Yes — see kits
100-180 2 Includes pos. 45 & 65 405203 Yes — see kits
5a Bottom Chamber - CPL .................................................. 20/1-180 1 Includes pos. 45 & 65 405204 No
6 Suction/Discharge Chamber ........................................... --- 20/1-180 1 CRNG ANSI Flange *o 415292 No
D --- 20/1-180 1 CRN Victaulic Flange *o 415298 No
7 Coupling Guard ............................................................... 20/1-80 2 84x 128 mm *r 411026 No
100-180 2 90 x 128 mm *s 481006 No
7a Coupling Guard Screw .................................................... 20/1-180 4 M4 x 8mm *t 410289 No
9 Allen Screw ..................................................................... 20/1-80 4 M6 x 25mm zinc plated 00ID5448 No
100-180 4 M8 x 25 mm zinc plated 00ID5449 No
10 Shaft Pin ......................................................................... 20/1-180 1 ø5 x 26 mm 310192 No
76a 10a Coupling Half .................................................................. 20/1-80 2 NEMA 56C x 12 mm 410108 No
100-180 2 NEMA 182TC/184TC x 12 mm 410109 No
18 Vent Plug ........................................................................ 20/1-180 1 1/2" *l 405150 No
25 Drain Plug (+ EPDM O-Ring) ......................................... D 20/1-180 1 O-Ring is pos.38 415294 No
Drain Plug (+ FKM O-Ring) ............................................ D 20/1-180 1 O-Ring is pos.38 415295 No
26 Staybolt ........................................................................... A-C --- 20/1-20 4 M12 x 133 mm 404202 No
A-C --- 30 4 M12 x 151 mm 414202 No
A-C --- 40 4 M12 x 169 mm 404204 No
A-C --- 50 4 M12 x 186 mm 404205 No
A-C --- 60 4 M12 x 205 mm 414204 No
A-C --- 70 4 M12 x 222 mm 404207 No
A-C --- 80 4 M12 x 241 mm 404208 No
A-C --- 100 4 M12 x 277 mm 404210 No
A-C --- 120 4 M12 x 313 mm 414208 No
A-C --- 150 4 M12 x 367 mm 414210 No
A-C --- 180 4 M12 x 421 mm 414212 No
Staybolt ........................................................................... D --- 20/1-20 4 M12 x 142 mm 404102 No
D --- 30 4 M12 x 160 mm 414102 No
D --- 40 4 M12 x 178 mm 404104 No
D --- 50 4 M12 x 196 mm 404105 No
D --- 60 4 M12 x 214 mm 414104 No
D --- 70 4 M12 x 232 mm 404107 No
D --- 80 4 M12 x 250 mm 404108 No
D --- 100 4 M12 x 286 mm 404110 No
D --- 120 4 M12 x 322 mm 414108 No
D --- 150 4 M12 x 376 mm 414110 No
D --- 180 4 M12 x 430 mm 414112 No
Staybolt ........................................................................... --- 20/1-20 4 M12 x 155 mm 404132 No
--- 30 4 M12 x 173 mm 414132 No
--- 40 4 M12 x 191 mm 404134 No
--- 50 4 M12 x 209 mm 404135 No
--- 60 4 M12 x 227 mm 414134 No
--- 70 4 M12 x 245 mm 404137 No
--- 80 4 M12 x 263 mm 404138 No
Pos. Stages No. MAT.
No. Part Description x 10 Used Comments/Dimensions NO. in kits ?
Due to part changes/deletions over time, all position These columns indicates which model of this pump the part is used in.
numbers (1-112) are not used If blank, the part is used in all models. If ---, the part is not used in any of these models.
Models CRN2
Pos. Stages No. MAT.
No. Part Description x 10 Used Comments/Dimensions NO. in kits ?
◆ 102 O-Ring (EPDM) .............................................................. 20/1-180 1 ø18 x 2.5 mm, VAR CODE AUUE 00ID2041 Yes — see kits
O-Ring (FKM) ................................................................. 20/1-180 1 ø18 x 2.5 mm, VAR CODE AUUV 00ID2187 Yes — see kits
◆ 103 Upper Seal Ring ............................................................. 20/1-180 1 Tungsten carbide *g 980190 Yes — see kits
◆ 104 Lower Seal Ring ............................................................. 20/1-180 1 Tungsten carbide 980163 Yes — see kits
◆ 105 Bellows Shaft Seal (EPDM) ........................................... 20/1-100 1 VAR CODE BUBE *m 985701 Yes — see kits
Bellows Shaft Seal (FKM) .............................................. 20/1-100 1 VAR CODE BUBV *m 985702 Yes — see kits
◆ 107 O-Ring (EPDM) .............................................................. 20/1-180 1 ø11.5 x 4.3 mm, VAR CODE AUUE 00ID2040 Yes — see kits
O-Ring (FKM) ................................................................. 20/1-180 1 ø11.5 x 4.3 mm, VAR CODE AUUV 00ID2186 Yes — see kits
◆ 108 Seal Spring .................................................................... 20/1-180 1 12 mm *h 980195 Yes — see kits
◆ 111 Upper Seal Driver ........................................................... 20/1-180 1 *i 980192 Yes — see kits
◆ 112 Lower Seal Driver ........................................................... 20/1-180 1 *j 980191 Yes — see kits
Due to part changes/deletions over time, all position These columns indicates which model of this pump the part is used in.
numbers (1-112) are not used If blank, the part is used in all models. If ---, the part is not used in any of these models.
Key to Symbols
◆ ........................ Recommended spare part
ø ............................. Diameter
ANSI ...................... American National Standards Institute
CPL ........................ Complete assembly -- these parts consist of more than one component
EPDM .................... Ethylene Propylene (also known as EPR and EPT) -- an elastic substance similar to rubber
FKM ....................... Fluoro Elastomer (formerly known as FPM or Viton®)
M ............................ International standard thread size designation (thread diameter in mm)
mm ........................ Millimeter
NBR ....................... Buna-N (also known as Nitrile) -- an elastic substance similar to rubber
NEMA .................... National Electrical Manufacturers Association
UNC ....................... Unified National Coarse -- a standard for threads on bolts
Modification Histor
*a ..................................... Prior to early 1988, this was material # 400023.
*b ..................................... In May 1987, this was changed from material # 405201 and the Model was changed from B to C.
*c ..................................... In May 1987, this was changed from material # 400038 and the Model was changed from B to C.
*d ..................................... In May 1987, this was changed from material # 400022 and the Model was changed from B to C.
*e ..................................... Prior to September 1987, this was material # 410142.
* f .................................... In May 1987, this was changed from two parts — a spacer (400022) and a washer (410026) — to just one part, a clamp
(400061). This clamp was redesigned in September 1987 and the material # was changed to 400101. This was changed
again November 1997 to material #400214 and a locking star washer was added, this was material #96409004, along
with nut change to 00ID0144, all interchangeable, July 1999, 00ID0144 reverted back to 00ID2061.
*g ..................................... Prior to February 1989, this was material # 985142.
*h ..................................... Prior to February 1989, this was material # 300037.
*i ...................................... Prior to February 1989, this was material # 985128.
*j ...................................... Prior to February 1989, this was material # 985136.
*k ..................................... Prior to 1993 this was material #405205.
*l ...................................... Prior to date code 9314, this was material # 330074 from 9314 to August 1995, material #400143.
*m ................................... Bellows shaft seals were standard on pumps with 1-10 stages beginning with date code 9308 to August 1996, although
either seal can be used in these pumps.
*n ..................................... Prior to 1993, the Base Plate for Model A pumps was material #415038. From '94 to '97 material # 415284 and 415283.
*o ..................................... To replace this part you must order the Model D Base (6), Base Plate (56), Priming Valve (25), and Staybolts (26).
*p ..................................... Prior to November 1995, this was material # 415050.
*q ..................................... Prior to February 1996, this was material # 415051.
*r ..................................... Prior to November 1995, this was material # 480024.
*s ..................................... Prior to February 1996, this was material # 330092.
*t ...................................... This part was added, November 1995.
*u ..................................... Prior to August 1997, this was material # 00ID0122.
*v ..................................... Prior to August 1997, this was material # 410034.
*w .................................... Prior to January 1998, this was material # 415283.
*x ..................................... This part was added August 1997.
*y ..................................... Prior to August 1997, this was material # 00ID2061. August 1997 to July 1999 this was material # 00ID0144, July 1999
it reverted back to # 00ID2061.
*z ..................................... Prior to July 1998, this was material # 00ID0852.
Spare Par
artt Kits
Par Flange Sets
Since certain pump parts can be expected to exhibit wear at the same time as Models No in Set Description Material No.
related pump parts, they have been grouped into the following kits for your Victaulic Fitting Set ................................. N 1 1 1/4" Set (incl. all components) ....................... 4013010
Victaulic Coupling w/ EPDM Gasket ...... N 2 1 1/4", Vic77 ..................................................... 00ID1781
convenience. The numbers indicate the quantity of the part within each kit. Please Nipple ................................................ N 2 1 1/4" male NPT, 316 ss ................................... 4000011
order these kits using the kit material number at the top of the columns. ANSI Flange Set .................................... NG 1 Complete set ....................................................... 419918
Mat. No. Mat. No. Mat. No. Mat. No. Mat. No. Mat. No. Mat. No. Mat. No. Mat. No.
405146 985769 405096* 405097* 985167 405130 405131 405132 405083
Shaft Seal Shaft Seal Shaft Seal Shaft
FKM Seal Shaft Seal Repair Repair Repair Impeller Stack®
Pos. Material
Kit w/NBR Kit w/EPDM & Gasket & Gasket & Gasket Kit Kit Kit Kit Kits
No. Description Number
Sleeve Gasket Sleeve Gasket 2-11 Stgs. 2-11 Stgs. All Stages 2-9 Stgs. 10-15 Stgs. 22-26 Stgs. (N and NG)
EPDM & EPDM & EPDM & EPDM & Do not include
EPDM FKM FKM FKM FKM FKM seal & gasket kit
*Not recommended for abrasive or salt water applications. Use 985167 for these applications . See All Product Spare Parts/Service Kits Price List for other seal options.
The parts listed above are included in kits being produced on January 1, 1999. Since pumps (and their components) are redesigned from time to time, a kit you receive may contain different parts
than those shown..
Special Tools Part Dimensions
Tools not generally available from normal sources. All dimensions in millimeters (mm)
Mat. No. Description and Use
4 and 4a – Intermediate Chamber
Shaft Holder for Dismantling
00SV 0237 Used to hold the shaft during dismantling
when the impeller stack is too tight to
dismantle by hand.
Punch for Dismantling Shaft
00SV 0238 Used to punch the shaft down through
the shaft holder when the impeller
stack is too tight to dismantle by hand.
Puller for Neck Ring
00SV 0239 Used to remove the neck rings from 5a Bottom Intermediate Chamber
intermediate chambers.
Shaft Holder for Assembly
00SV 0040 Used to hold the shaft during assembly
and during dismantling when the
impeller stack isn't stuck.
Bellows Seal Tool
00SV 0384 For use when fitting Bellows shaft seals
45 – Neck Ring
Standard Tools
In addition to being available from Grundfos, comparable tools can be purchased
through normal sources.
Mat. No. Description and Use
Used to tighten various nuts. 49 – Impeller
00SV 0083 NV 10 mm for M6
00SV 0055 NV 13 mm for M8
00SV 0054 NV 19 mm for M12
00SV 0122 NV 24 mm
T-handled Allen Wrench
Used to tighten various allen screws.
00SV 0124 NV 5 mm for M6
00SV 0050 NV 6 mm for M8 50a – Top Guide Vane
Torquing Wrench
Used to torque various screws.
00SV 0292 4 - 20 Nm (3 - 15 ft. lbs.)
00SV 0269 20 - 100 Nm (15 - 74 ft. lbs.)
Ring Spanner
00SV 0310 NV 10 mm for M6
00SV 0294 NV 13 mm for M8
00SV 0271 NV 19 mm for M12 65 – Neck Ring Retainer
Socket Spanner with Inside Hex
00SV 0296 NV 5 mm for M6 (1/2" x 1/2")
00SV 0297 NV 6 mm for M8 (1/2" x 1/2")
Ratchet Spanner
00SV 0295 9 mm x 12 mm x 1/2" x 1/2"