Applications of Maxima and Minima (Reviewer)

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1. What number exceeds its square by the maximum 4. The sum of two numbers is k. Find the minimum value
amount? of the sum of their cubes.
Sol’n: Sol’n:

2. What positive number added to its reciprocal gives the

minimum sum?

5. The sum of two positive numbers is 2. Find the smallest

value possible for the sum of the cube of one number and
the square of the other.
3. The sum of two numbers is k. Find the minimum value
of the sum of their squares.
6. Find two numbers whose sum is a, if the product of one
to the square of the other is to be a maximum. 8. Find two numbers whose sum is a, if the product of the
Sol’n: square of one by the cube of the other is to
be a maximum.

7. Find two numbers whose sum is a, if the product of one

by the cube of the other is to be a maximum.
TOPIC: RECTANGULAR LOT PROBLEMS IN MAXIMA 12. A rectangular field of fixed area is to be enclosed and divided
AND MINIMA into three lots by parallels to one of the sides. What should be
the relative dimensions of the field to make the amount of
9. What should be the shape of a rectangular field of a given fencing minimum?
area, if it is to be enclosed by the least amount of fencing?
Sol’n: Sol’n:

10. A rectangular field of given area is to be fenced off along 13.

the bank of a river. If no fence is needed along the river, Do Ex. 12 with the words "three lots" replaced by "five lots".
what is the shape of the rectangle requiring the least
amount of fencing? Sol’n:

11. A rectangular lot is to be fenced off along a highway. If 14. A rectangular lot is bounded at the back by a river. No fence
the fence on the highway costs m dollars per yard, on the is needed along the river and there is to be 24-ft opening in front.
other sides n dollars per yard, find the area of the largest
If the fence along the front costs $1.50 per foot, along the sides $1
lot that can be fenced off for k dollars. per foot, find the dimensions of the largest lot which can be thus
fenced in for $300.
TOPIC: BOX OPEN AT THE TOP IN MAXIMA AND 16. Find the volume of the largest box that can be made by cutting
MINIMA equal squares out of the corners of a piece of cardboard of
15. A box is to be made of a piece of cardboard 9 inches square dimensions 15 inches by 24 inches, and then turning up the sides.
by cutting equal squares out of the corners and turning up the
sides. Find the volume of the largest box that can be made in this Sol’n:

17. Find the depth of the largest box that can be made by cutting
equal squares of side x out of the corners of a piece of cardboard
of dimensions 6a, 6b, (b ≤ a), and then turning up the sides. To
select that value of x which yields a maximum volume, show that

18. The strength of a rectangular beam is proportional to the 20. Compare for strength and stiffness both edgewise and sidewise
breadth and the square of the depth. Find the shape of the largest thrust, two beams of equal length, 2 inches by 8 inches and the
beam that can be cut from a log of given size. other 4 inches by 6 inches (See Problem 18 and Problem 19
above). Which shape is more often used for floor joist? Why?

19. The stiffness of a rectangular beam is proportional to the

breadth and the cube of the depth. Find the shape of the stiffest
beam that can be cut from a log of given size.
TOPIC: SOLVED PROBLEMS IN MAXIMA AND 24. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is P inches. Find the
MINIMA maximum area.
21. If the hypotenuse of the right triangle is given, show that the
area is maximum when the triangle is isosceles.

22. Find the most economical proportions for a covered box of

fixed volume whose base is a rectangle with one side three times
as long as the other.

23. Solve Problem 22 if the box has an open top.

25. Find the proportion of the circular cylinder of largest volume 27. A lot has the form of a right triangle, with perpendicular sides
that can be inscribed in a given sphere. 60 and 80 feet long. Find the length and width of the largest
rectangular building that can be erected, facing the hypotenuse of
Sol’n: the triangle.

26. Find the dimension of the largest rectangular building that can
be placed on a right-triangular lot, facing one of the perpendicular

28. A page is to contain 24 sq. in. of print. The margins at top and
bottom are 1.5 in., at the sides 1 in. Find the most economical
dimensions of the page.
29. A Norman window consists of a rectangle surmounted by a 31. The base of a covered box is a square. The bottom and back
semicircle. What shape gives the most light for the given are made of pine, the remainder of oak. If oak is m times as
perimeter? expensive as pine, find the most economical proportion.
Sol’n: Sol’n:

32. Find the circular cone of maximum volume inscribed in a

sphere of radius a.

30. From a strip of tin 14 inches a trapezoidal gutter is to be made

by bending up the sides at an angle of 45°. Find the width of the
base for greatest carrying capacity.
33. Find the circular cone of minimum volume circumscribed 35. An Indian tepee is made by stretching skins or birch bark over
about a sphere of radius a. a group of poles tied together at the top. If poles of given length
are to be used, what shape gives maximum volume?



36. A man on an island 12 miles south of a straight beach wishes

34. Find the largest right pyramid with a square base that can be
to reach a point on shore 20 miles east. If a motorboat, making
inscribed in a sphere of radius a.
20 miles per hour, can be hired at the rate of $2.00 per hour for
Sol’n: the time it is actually used, and the cost of land transportation is
$0.06 per mile, how much must he pay for the trip?
37. A man in a motorboat at A (Figure 42) receives a message at
noon calling him to B. A bus making 40 miles per hour leaves C,
bound for B, at 1:00 PM. If AC = 40 miles, what must be the speed TOPIC: CYLINDER OF MAXIMUM VOLUME AND
of the boat to enable the man to catch the bus. MAXIMUM LATERAL AREA INSCRIBED IN A CONE

39. A right circular cylinder of radius r and height h is inscribed

in a right circular cone of radius 6 m and height 12 m.
Part 1: Determine the radius of the cylinder such that its volume
is a maximum.
A. 2 m B. 4 m C. 3 m D. 5 m
Sol’n: Part 2: Determine the maximum volume of the cylinder.
A. 145.72 m3 B. 321.12 m3 C. 225.31 m3 D. 201.06 m3
Part 3: Determine the height of the cylinder such that its lateral
area is a maximum.
A. 10 m B. 8 m C. 6 m D. 4 m

38. In Problem 37, if the speed of the boat is 30 miles per hour,
what is the greatest distance offshore from which the bus can be

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