Roundel 1952-11 Vol 4 No 10
Roundel 1952-11 Vol 4 No 10
Roundel 1952-11 Vol 4 No 10
Issued on the authority of
Royal Canadian Air Force
VOL. 4, No. 10 NOVEMBER 1952
* * * CONTENTS * * *
Sgt. Shatterproof Ventures Forth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
This Month's Cover
R.C.A.F. Sport Panorama: Wrestling. . . . . . . . . . . 3
It's in the Wind: 4 Lightning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
The Party Line: The R.C.A.F.'s Functional Com-
mand Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
And Now Nippon.................... 33
Air Power The Key to Our Survival. . . . . . . 42
Pin-Points in the Past. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
The Suggestion Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
R.C.A.F. Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
What's the Score?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
No. 2 Fighter Wing's Sabres drawn
Royal Canadian Air Cadets.... . . .. .. .. . . ...... 26 up at R.C.A.F. Station Uplands for the
Personnel Movements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 ceremonies attendant on their de-
parture overseas, September 23rd.
Letters to the Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ··. 48
(Photograph taken by W.0.2 D. E. E.
Sankey, B.E.M.)
Coming, Sir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Aristophanes Thought So, Too. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
How to Lose Weight in an Aeroplane..... . . . . . . 32
Nasty Man.................................. 39
Enumerophobia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Octogenarian Wing Commander , . . . . . ·. 41
Living Symbol of Security , . . . 45
No. 2 Fighter Wing Takes Off................. 46
A Prophecy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
R.C.A.F., Victoria Island,
Ottawa, Ont.
Jorn Griffin Library
It is Sunday afternoon. Through my window I slalom course behind the vinegar-works; and as for
can see a premature snow-flurry scurrying along hockey well, I need only point to the colours
the road outside. Presently I shall repair to the of the tie I wear when attending the Stanley Cup
Mess for the pre-prandial pint, and then, fortified Finals, the puce and heliotrope of the Boilerhouse
against the elements, I shall venture forth to dine Flyers. Nevertheless, my welcome to the winter
with my old friend Farmer Fetlock. It will be the stems less from my athletic enthusiasm than
first time I have paid him a visit for more than a from my resurrected ambitions in the field of
month; but, unless my calculations err, it was gastronomy. For, as the last leaves disappear from
during this past week that Bertram, the Black the trees, so vanishes the barrier that for nearly
Berkshire, was to take the first irrevocable step five weeks has intervened between myself and the
towards the Fetlock table. Fetlock board the autumnal crooning of Miss
This, Sir, is not a season for gaiety. No more can Clasper.
the ladies of the Station vie for the connoisseur's
attention around the swimming-pool; no more can
W.0.1 Gallstone work off his spleen on a golf-ball.
The boats are long since stored away in the NI s
Station boat-house, and the hunting-horn of
Flight Lieutenant Oglebody's convertible is no Els
longer heard outside the nursing-sisters' quarters.
In a word, it is the season most dreaded by the
boys in the field the season when the Brass has
even more leisure than usual in which to interfere
with the operation of the Service. Our only hope
lies in the fact that Christmas will bring its
distractions before the Air Force has once and
for all been nudged into the abyss.
Amid the prevailing gloom, I alone rejoice.
That, of course, may not surprise you. Perhaps
you will smile to yourself, knowingly. "Ah," you
will say, "the old eagle is yearning for the snowy
slopes and the invitation of the ice. Already he is
furbishing his skis. Even now he grinds his skates
to a razor edge. He means to set new records for
our Service athletes to aim at." But, Sir, you are
not entirely right. True, I have not forgotten the
days when, at the age of fourteen, 'Downhill
Shatterproof led his team to victory over the
Issued on the authority of
Royal Canadian Air Force
VOL. 4, No. 10 NOVEMBER 1952
* * * CONTENTS * * *
Sgt. Shatterproof Ventures Forth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
This Month's Cover
R.C.A.F. Sport Panorama: Wrestling. . . . . . . . . . . 3
It's in the Wind: 4 Lightning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
The Party Line: The R.C.A.F.'s Functional Com-
mand Organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
And Now Nippon.................... 33
Air Power The Key to Our Survival. . . . . . . 42
Pin-Points in the Past. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
The Suggestion Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
R.C.A.F. Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
What's the Score?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
No. 2 Fighter Wing's Sabres drawn
Royal Canadian Air Cadets.... . . .. .. .. . . ...... 26 up at R.C.A.F. Station Uplands for the
Personnel Movements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 ceremonies attendant on their de-
parture overseas, September 23rd.
Letters to the Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ··. 48
(Photograph taken by W.0.2 D. E. E.
Sankey, B.E.M.)
Coming, Sir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Aristophanes Thought So, Too. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
How to Lose Weight in an Aeroplane..... . . . . . . 32
Nasty Man.................................. 39
Enumerophobia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Octogenarian Wing Commander , . . . . . ·. 41
Living Symbol of Security , . . . 45
No. 2 Fighter Wing Takes Off................. 46
A Prophecy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
R.C.A.F., Victoria Island,
Ottawa, Ont.
Jorn Griffin Library
It is Sunday afternoon. Through my window I slalom course behind the vinegar-works; and as for
can see a premature snow-flurry scurrying along hockey well, I need only point to the colours
the road outside. Presently I shall repair to the of the tie I wear when attending the Stanley Cup
Mess for the pre-prandial pint, and then, fortified Finals, the puce and heliotrope of the Boilerhouse
against the elements, I shall venture forth to dine Flyers. Nevertheless, my welcome to the winter
with my old friend Farmer Fetlock. It will be the stems less from my athletic enthusiasm than
first time I have paid him a visit for more than a from my resurrected ambitions in the field of
month; but, unless my calculations err, it was gastronomy. For, as the last leaves disappear from
during this past week that Bertram, the Black the trees, so vanishes the barrier that for nearly
Berkshire, was to take the first irrevocable step five weeks has intervened between myself and the
towards the Fetlock table. Fetlock board the autumnal crooning of Miss
This, Sir, is not a season for gaiety. No more can Clasper.
the ladies of the Station vie for the connoisseur's
attention around the swimming-pool; no more can
W.0.1 Gallstone work off his spleen on a golf-ball.
The boats are long since stored away in the NI s
Station boat-house, and the hunting-horn of
Flight Lieutenant Oglebody's convertible is no Els
longer heard outside the nursing-sisters' quarters.
In a word, it is the season most dreaded by the
boys in the field the season when the Brass has
even more leisure than usual in which to interfere
with the operation of the Service. Our only hope
lies in the fact that Christmas will bring its
distractions before the Air Force has once and
for all been nudged into the abyss.
Amid the prevailing gloom, I alone rejoice.
That, of course, may not surprise you. Perhaps
you will smile to yourself, knowingly. "Ah," you
will say, "the old eagle is yearning for the snowy
slopes and the invitation of the ice. Already he is
furbishing his skis. Even now he grinds his skates
to a razor edge. He means to set new records for
our Service athletes to aim at." But, Sir, you are
not entirely right. True, I have not forgotten the
days when, at the age of fourteen, 'Downhill
Shatterproof led his team to victory over the
those difficult days was naturally at a premium, civilians had favourable repercussions a few years
but despite this handicap Flt. Sgt. Greene managed later, when a goodly number of the latter enlisted
to instil into his pupils some of his own great in the R.C.A.F.
enthusiasm. One rather unusual but useful wrest- Among the grapplers who appeared in those
ling prop at his disposal, however, was an overhead weekly affairs were Flt. Sgt. Freddie Ewart}, Sgt.
crane from which was suspended a 190-lb. para- Harry Bryant®, LAC's Bobby Goss' and Bill
chute dummy. Lord®, and A.C.l Harry Anderson", most of whom
During those peak depression years, Rockcliffe are still active in the R.C.A.F. All were rough
served both as an Air Force Station and a relief customers in the ring, and scarcely one of them
camp for hundreds of unemployed civilians. For knew his own strength, Bryant in particular. He
these men, who could ill afford any form of enter- had previously gained broad biceps and experience
tainment on their pay of 20 cents a day, Flt. Sgt. through wrestling in the Winnipeg area. Flt. Sgt.
Greene's weekly wrestling matches were a welcome Greene's opponent on about half-a-dozen occasions
break in an otherwise grim existence. Sparked by was Goss, who was the heavier of the two by some
Stan's great energy and vibrant personality, they 30 lbs.; but Bob admits to having been beaten
were perfect entertainment for people who were "about six times."
badly in need of a little cheer; and they served a Occasionally Stan would venture from the
more practical purpose by raising funds to provide Station precincts to take part in the odd amateur
those same people with a few of life's comforts. bout at the scene of his first triumph. As usual, he
This fostering of good will between airmen and was generally outweighed by anywhere from
30 to 40 1bs., but that was the way he liked it. His
last bout was in 1936, but he nevertheless conti-
Group Captain Stan Greene. nued to be one of the R.C.A.F.'s most enthusiastic
supporters of sport in any form until his untimely
death last summer.
In the mid-thirties there appeared on the
Canadian sports scene an athlete who seemed
automatically to excel in every sport he pursued
Terry Evans". Although wrestling held a special
appeal for him, he became highly proficient as a
paddler, sculler, sailor, swimmer, diver, table-
tennis player, and, more recently, skier. It was in
1935 that the young matman began to attract
attention by winning the Canadian middleweight
(175 lbs.) championship, a title which he was to
hold for the next five years. Still a middle-weight,
he went on to take the light-heavyweight and
heavy-weight crowns, often wrestling men as
heavy as 240 lbs. He was all science, acrobatics,
and speed, and there were few who could touch
him in any weight bracket.
Possessing all the necessary mat qualities and
"intangibles" that go to make champions, Evans
was a natural for the Olympics. Sweeping through
the Olympic trials in 1936, he earned himself a
trip to Berlin. Unfortunately, an accident just
before the Games partially paralysed his left arm,
is ±»
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In 1942, Service wrestling in the Halifax area A few wrestlers with professional experience in
was given a boost by Flt. Lt. Reg Axcell11, who the game of grunt-and-groan were wartime mem-
organized weekly bouts at the "Y" Depot. A bers of the R.C.A.F. George Richards' invaded
veteran heavyweight since 1928, Reg in previous the heavy-weight ranks in the early 30's. In 1935,
years had often practise-wrestled with Stan Greene, '36, and '37 he appeared in almost every ring in
and therefore knew all the tricks of the trade. New York City and the State of New York. He
With a constant flow of transient personnel to then toured Missouri, Kansas, Michigan, Illinois,
draw from, he managed to line up some first-class and California, opposing "name" wrestlers as
wrestlers for his shows. often as four and five times a week. After covering
Interesting matches were run off, which some- the Pacific North-West, he returned home to join
times turned loose two muscle-bound members of the R.C.A.F. shortly after the outbreak of war.
the R.C.A.F. and occasionally pitted an airman While stationed at No. 1 Manning Depot as a
against a bruising vigilante of the Halifax Navy P.T. & D.I. in 1941 and 1942, Sgt. Richards
Shore Patrol. In the latter case usually one or the wrestled in numerous exhibition bouts in surround-
other was hung up on the rafters. These affairs ing R.C.A.F. and Army camps. Two of his better-
were always well received, and the Depot drill known Canadian opponents were Earl McCready
hall never failed to be crowded on wrestling night. and "Whipper" Watson, 1942 and 1952 British
From time to time Reg matched himself in a bout, Empire heavy-weight champions, respectively.
but only after ensuring that his opponent was But his most interesting match from a spectator's
either an ex-pro or an old-time amateur. (Such men viewpoint was that with a former French sub-
believe neither in taking nor inflicting more marine officer, Maurice Tillet, alias "The Angel."
punishment than is necessary to appease the For thirty minutes the pair put on a pleasing
paying customers.) He confesses that his drawing demonstration of how to make and break holds,
power lay only in the fact that the spectators, while several thousand embryo airmen roared
mostly airmen, would have gladly given their eye their delight and forgot their homesickness. The
teeth to see an officer taken apart. Angel, whose prehistoric mien and obviously
Among the other Simon Pure mat performers of prodigious strength must alone discourage the
the R.C.A.F., past and present, are: W.O.2 Harry staunchest of opponents, finally bear-hugged
Vernon 12, light-weight champion of the City of George into submission. Nevertheless the sergeant
Winnipeg and the province of Manitoba in 1925; got in a few good licks with his favourite hold, the
Flt. Lt. Alex Stark13, a scrappy Ontario amateur body-scissors. Incidentally, he found Monsieur
before the Second World War; and L.A.C. "Art" Tillet to be a real sportsman when in action and a
Arthurs', welter-weight (160-lb.) champion of thorough gentleman out of the ring.
the City of Montreal and the province of Quebec. Late in 1942 Flt. Sgt. Richards was transferred
to duty with the overseas conducting staff, where-
Professionals upon he began a dizzy whirl of Atlantic crossings
Anyone with biceps and a flare for dramatics numbering forty-eight in all. A civilian again in
should take up wrestling for a living. It is one of 1945, he made a brief reappearance in the ring
the few mediums in which such seemingly in- before retiring.
compatible attributes can be effectively combined If you can picture a man 6 feet 7 inches tall,
to bring in coffee and cakes. And if one can weighing 265 lbs., with a size 21}5 neck, and with
acquire the knack of emoting properly with nary an ounce of superfluous flesh, then you will
somebody else's foot in his mouth, then so have conjured up a fair image of ''Mike" Sharpe'®.
much the better. This art can be mastered either Imagine a man one inch shorter, 10 lbs. lighter, and
by enrolling in a recommended school of wrestling equally well-proportioned, and you have Mike's
or by becoming apprenticed to a proven profes- brother, Ben+". Or, give your imagination a rest
sional. and just look at the pictures.
George Rchards
I an d Monsieu
. r Tillet.
available mat talent. With their recent winning of
the world's tag team wrestling championship, they
are now doubtless at their peak.
Not long after arriving in California, Ben had
a brief fling at Hollywood. After extensive screen
tests he was seriously considered for the part of the
giant slave in the movie, "Quo Vadis," only to be
turned down at the last minute for fear his charms
might overshadow those of leading man Robert
Taylor. It was the closest Ben ever came to
wrestling a bull.
Ben Sharpe.
[" nir itrs #isl
{ 1lfgfnfiug]
By R. A. Hornstein
IF ONLY ONE choice were permitted, there is no cause occur in places with 2,500 or less inhabitants,
according to the American survey, and this is
doubt that lightning would be named as the
weather element which causes the greatest amount despite the fact that considerably less than half
of fear among Canadian citizens. Yet it does not the total population lives on farms and in smaller
claim a large death toll; as a matter of fact it is communities. City dwellers are relatively safe, one
ridiculously small compared to other accidental reason being that the steel structures of the tall
causes in the home and on the street. buildings act as lightning conductors. Moreover,
Statistics, which have been compiled in the persons in urban areas, when caught in a sudden
United States, indicate that about 400 persons are thunderstorm, usually do not have far to go to
killed annually by lightning in that country. This reach a place of shelter. Rural dwellers, on the
amounts to roughly 3 out of every million of the other hand, are more likely to be caught some
population, and, on a similar basis of reckoning, distance from a safe shelter, and to find them-
about forty Canadians would be struck down selves a target for the electric discharge, parti-
annually by this naturally destructive force. cularly when they are on a broad level stretch of
Although Canadian figures are not readily availa- countryside.
ble, it is doubtful if the Canadian lightning death Women, as a general rule, are frightened most
toll would run that high, because thunderstorm by lightning, but men and boys are the chief
activity is not nearly as widespread in this country victims, owing to their greater participation in
as in most of the United States. However, Cana- outdoor activities, both with regards to work and
dians do lose their lives in thunderstorms, in to recreation. The number of men and boys killed
many cases needlessly, and hence it is worth while by lightning is five times as great as the number of
to know the simple precautions which reduce the girls and women so struck down.
chances of being hit. Many lives are lost each year because of the
The probability of being fatally injured by dangerous actions of persons caught in thunder-
lightning is far greater in rural than in urban areas. storms. Records of a 5-year period from 1941 to
About nine out of every ten fatalities from this 1945 show that one-third of the victims lost their
When Terry Evans wrestled in the Olympic
trials of 1936, he met and defeated a seventeen-
year-old named Winnett Watson'® (not to be
confused with "Whipper" Watson, who, as "Billy
Potts,'' was also defeated by Evans). Winnett, who
started to wrestle at the age of fourteen, met Terry
several times, but the best he could do against that
terror of the mat was to force him into overtime
in one provincial final.
Most of Watson's wrestling has taken place
since the Second World War. A wireless air gunner
when released from the R.C.A.F. in 1945, he
headed back to England on a pro wrestling tour.
His travelling-companion was "Whipper" Billy
Watson, who had dropped the "Potts" for profes-
sional reasons. A clash of names inevitably
resulted, and to avoid confusion Winnett thence
forward used the professional name of Pat
Flanagan, which was very considerate of him, as it
will make the rest of this thing a little less puzzling.
During his tour of Britain, Pat and his 220-odd Pat Flanagan.
pounds were matched by some sadistically-minded
promoter with a human pachyderm weighing
24 stone. (I make that 336 pounds.) The fat man title the pair had to defeat such internationally
scored the perfect wrestling fall by body-slamming infamous mat villains as Hans Hermann and Lee
Pat and almost instantaneously landing full Henning, Roberto Pico and Wee Willie Davis, and
weight on his stomach. Pat filed an immediate Lord Athol Layton and the Masked Marvel.
protest which read "OOF !", then quietly blacked They obviously earned it.
out. In all, Pat has had well over 2000 individual and
Years later, in Detroit, he was doing a few pre- tag bouts, and the latter type he considers much
bout warm-up exercises on the ropes, when, the tougher of the two.
without warning, a faulty turnbuckle tore loose,
and he assumed an undignified position on the ring
floor. The ropes, used to being as taut as piano 1
Group Capt. Stanley A Greene, M.B.E., (deceased).
Group Capt. Frederick J. Ewart, D.F.C., (ret.).
wires, went into a snake dance for his benefit, and Wing Cdr. Harry Bryant, (R.C.A.F. Stn. Comox).
·Sgt. Robert A. Goss, (R.C.A.F. Stn. Rockcliffe).
he found himself being sharply scourged about the ·Wing Cdr. William H. Lord, (A.F.H.Q.)
'Flt. Lt. Harry F. Anderson, (Na. 6 R.D., Trenton).
head by the turnbuckle end. Almost knocked out, 7Wing Cdr. Terence J. Evans, (A.F.H.Q.).
·Sgt. Morgan Plumb, (R.C.A.F. Stn. Trenton).
he declined the crowd's shouted requests for a Sgt. Michael W. Nicholas. (R.C.A.F. Stn. Edmonton).
"Wing Cdr. Albert U. Houle. D.F.C., (CE. & PE., Rockcliffe).
repeat performance. Flt. Lt. Regmald J. Axcell, M.B.E., (released).
1W.O.2 Henry Vernon, (R.C.A.F. Sin. Clinton).
Still going strong, Pat recently became co- FIE. Lt. A. Alex Stark, (released).
LAC Alvin J. Arthurs, (R.C.A.F. Stn. Lachine)
holder of the Canadian tag-team championship W.O.2 George _Richards, (released). '
A.C.1 George E. Sharpe (released)
with his partner, "Whipper" Watson. To win this 7Cpl. Benjamin J. Sharpe, (released).
I·Pilot Officer Winnet Watson, (released).
[" nir itrs #isl
{ 1lfgfnfiug]
By R. A. Hornstein
IF ONLY ONE choice were permitted, there is no cause occur in places with 2,500 or less inhabitants,
according to the American survey, and this is
doubt that lightning would be named as the
weather element which causes the greatest amount despite the fact that considerably less than half
of fear among Canadian citizens. Yet it does not the total population lives on farms and in smaller
claim a large death toll; as a matter of fact it is communities. City dwellers are relatively safe, one
ridiculously small compared to other accidental reason being that the steel structures of the tall
causes in the home and on the street. buildings act as lightning conductors. Moreover,
Statistics, which have been compiled in the persons in urban areas, when caught in a sudden
United States, indicate that about 400 persons are thunderstorm, usually do not have far to go to
killed annually by lightning in that country. This reach a place of shelter. Rural dwellers, on the
amounts to roughly 3 out of every million of the other hand, are more likely to be caught some
population, and, on a similar basis of reckoning, distance from a safe shelter, and to find them-
about forty Canadians would be struck down selves a target for the electric discharge, parti-
annually by this naturally destructive force. cularly when they are on a broad level stretch of
Although Canadian figures are not readily availa- countryside.
ble, it is doubtful if the Canadian lightning death Women, as a general rule, are frightened most
toll would run that high, because thunderstorm by lightning, but men and boys are the chief
activity is not nearly as widespread in this country victims, owing to their greater participation in
as in most of the United States. However, Cana- outdoor activities, both with regards to work and
dians do lose their lives in thunderstorms, in to recreation. The number of men and boys killed
many cases needlessly, and hence it is worth while by lightning is five times as great as the number of
to know the simple precautions which reduce the girls and women so struck down.
chances of being hit. Many lives are lost each year because of the
The probability of being fatally injured by dangerous actions of persons caught in thunder-
lightning is far greater in rural than in urban areas. storms. Records of a 5-year period from 1941 to
About nine out of every ten fatalities from this 1945 show that one-third of the victims lost their
lives when they sought shelter under a tree, and From all of which it should now be abundantly
by so doing they, of course, increased the danger clear that there is indeed considerable hazard
of being struck. Trees, and particularly isolated involved in being outdoors during a lightning
trees, because of their height, are more likely to be storm. Here, then, are a few "dos" and "don'ts"
struck than persons; and, after striking the tree, which cover many commonly-asked questions:
the bolt may fly sideways or, after reaching the X Don't worry about open windows or doors
base of the tree, it may run along the ground and so far as their leading a lightning stroke into the
strike anyone in its path. Ironically enough, a house is concerned. By closing them, though, the
number of those killed were standing under trees rain is kept out!
only a short distance from their homes. Houses, X Don't sit on heating-radiators. They are
properly equipped with lightning rods, provide connected to ground through their pipes, and a
virtually complete safety. Similarly, the metal lightning stroke hitting the building might well
bodies of automobiles protect the occupants, use the heating system to reach ground.
even if the car is struck by lightning. X Don't stand in front of fireplaces. If the
The practice of seeking refuge in small sheds, chimney is struck and if it is dirty it may blow
especially in exposed areas, is also dangerous. apart; flying bricks are dangerous! If it is clean,
These structures are more likely targets than the discharge may follow the chimney down to the
are individuals. There are instances of men being fireplace, then jump to a nearby radiator on its
struck in small farm barns, where they were way to ground; if you are not in the way you
waiting for the storm to subside. In one of these won't form part of that path!
cases the victim was struck while leaning against X Don't handle the telephone or radio receivers.
the wooden wall; a friend standing in the centre Most times you won't be hurt; but if the telephone
of the barn was unharmed. Another was struck line or radio aerial is struck, it could damage you.
while seeking shelter in a small, isolated wooden It has happened to others!
bath-house at a beach. The records show also that X Don't handle any electrical appliances for
one person was killed while trying to keep dry reasons similar to the above.
in a small ticket booth at a baseball field; the bolt X Don't take a bath or shower! If the bath-
struck a nearby telephone pole, and then ran room vent pipe were struck, you might die clean,
along the wire to the booth. One youngster, but you would still be dead!
camping in a public park, was fatally struck as he X Don't stand under trees, overhead wires or
held on to the pole of his small tent, trying to keep transmission towers.
the tent from being blown down; the pole was V - Do lie down in an open field or lawn, or
capped with a metal fixture. better still in a ditch, if caught outdoors. You
Other victims tempted fate in a variety of ways. might be wet, but at least you would be alive!
Some, caught in sudden storms while engaged in y Do remain in an all-steel automobile ... it is
water sports, continued to swim or to row in small
boats. Persons in small boats are conspicuous y' Do sew or knit if you must; a knitting or
targets, while swimmers are in danger not only of sewing needle is too small to create much of a
being struck directly, but also of being electrocuted
y Do be comfortable! Don't hide in a stuffy
by a charge carried by the water from a bolt
closet! Don't crawl under the bed! The nearest
striking at some distance. One golf caddie was
approach to complete safety is to lie down and
killed as his group continued to play during a
relax in an iron bed which has a projecting head
thunderstorm. Other men were struck while engag-
and foot. Keep the bed away from the wall.
ed in highway, bridge, or airport construction. A Stay on the bed with neither arms nor legs hanging
farmer was killed while walking with a metal- out and you'll be in a position safely to enjoy
tined pitchfork pointing upwards over his shoulder. Nature's magnificent display of fireworks.
e- s ~--~;J
35% «gpgg
[in thePast
Perp'.y,r,s4~.:k?.ts"hone of us any harm to glance
back casually now and then at some of the
activities and people both everyday and ex-
ceptional that have built up the tradition which
it is our present task to foster. In this belief,
"The Roundel" proposes to publish each month
a few photographs taken during the Air Force's
earlier days. Though they will probably be of L
interest chiefly to our older readers, it is hoped
that they will also remind comparative new- Refuelling an Avro 504-K at Camp Borden, 1922.
comers to the R.C.A.F. that more than a whole
generation of men has already come and gone in
the Service to which they belong.
The Editor will be most appreciative of any
material that may contribute to the interest of
this section. Photographs will be returned to
their owners after use.
Wing activities are now getting back into full
swing for the autumn and winter seasons, with
many extensive programmes planned. Recruiting
information centres manned by Association per-
sonnel also report that they are expecting renewed
activity after the summer vacation period.
Officials of National Headquarters visited
Kingston and Montreal. At Kingston, the Ontario
Group executive and the Kingston Wing executive
were joined by representatives of the Belleville
Wing in a round-table discussion. Association
Group and Wing affairs were discussed in some
Ontario Group officers endorsed in principle a
To further mutual efforts and understanding, proposal first made by the Windsor Wing that the
the five Montreal Wings met and decided to form
a Wings' Council. Officers of the Wings' Council
elected were: No. 406 (North Bay) Wing's colour party at Battle of
Britain Sunday ceremonies. Left to right: Allan Larden,
President: "Nick" Mozel (305 Wing). John Douglas, Ralph Christie.
Secretary: Greig Harrison (306 Wing).
Treasurer: Martin Simon (301 Wing).
strong Wings in any area should take the lead in The first major project under the arrangement
promoting meetings between Wings which could whereby band tours, and requests from Association
conveniently gather in a central locality, engage in sources for the services of an R.C.A.F. band, are
programmes of mutual aid, hold "beef sessions," to be dealt with on a basis of co-operation between
sponsor visits to nearby R.C.A.F. Stations, and A.F.H.Q. and National Headquarters, was a tour
engage in any other suitable projects which might of the Maritime Provinces which was made by the
be undertaken in common. R.C.A.F. Central Band between 24 September
Since this meeting, Windsor, Kingston, and and 6 October. As the result of experience gained
Kitchener-Waterloo have been asked to take the in the planning, additional instructions and
lead in an informal sectional organization to further clarification of General Bulletin No. 54,
promote mutual assistance and explore the possi- covering arrangements, were sent to all Wings.
bilities of additional Wings in each area.
After the Kingston meeting, the National
Headquarters officials visited Montreal, stopping Applications are now being accepted from
en route to pass greetings to the Brockville and civilian volunteers to take part in the Ground
Cornwall Wings. In Montreal, they held discus- Observer Corps, and it is hoped that many
sions with officials of the Ground Observer Corps, members of the Association will come forward for
and also attended a general meeting of the Quebec this work. Filter centres in charge of regular Air
Group. A special committee met with them later Force personnel have been established at Vancou-
in order to discuss in detail future plans for ver, North Bay, Barrie, London, Brockville, St.
bon voyage parties. Jerome, Three Rivers, Rimouski, Truro and
Continued success is reported from No. 250
(Saint John) Wing in its programme of Wing-
sponsored flights over the city in commercial
aircraft every Sunday afternoon. Great interest in
flying was aroused in the area by the air show
staged during the summer, and so far there has
been no indication of that interest having waned.
A report on the air show, given at the first meeting
of the fall season, showed a net profit of $2,805.00.
The air show committee has recommended that
$1500 be turned over to get the defunct Fundy
The first book of tickets being sold in raffle for two-week Flying Club back in operation, that $1000 be used
'Coronation Tour" for two, sponsored by No. 306
(Maple Leaf) Wing. for the Wing building fund, and that the remainder
be given to the Air Cadets.
R.C.A.F. Station Centralia was host to a number
Gander; and training of civilian volunteers at
Vancouver and Truro is expected to get under
of members of No. 429 (Elgin) Wing of St.
way by the beginning of December, with training Thomas. The visitors were taken on a tour of the
at other centres to follow closely. Station, visiting the Flying Training School, the
It is proposed to train at least 500 volunteers at Instrument Flying School, the control tower, and
each centre to perform the duties of supervisors, the Air Radio Observers School flight. An inspec-
filterers, plotters, tellers, recorders, etc. Civilians tion of various types of aircraft was also part of
will be trained in groups of approximately 30. the tour. Dinner at the officers' mess concluded
Full details have gone out to Wings in a General the visit.
Bulletin, and further information may be obtained
from Wing Secretaries. Flying Officer B. Fleming addressing No. 306 Wing.
No. 252 (Fredericton) Wing staged an air
show, and, although a full report had not been
received in time to include more details in this
issue, the display was evidently a success and local
residents had a good day at the airfield despite the
fact that bad weather occasioned a day's post-
ponement of the show.
A bit unseasonal, perhaps, but well worthy of
mention is the Alberta Group golf competition
held in Red Deer. The cup was won by Red Deer,
and Lethbridge was the runner-up. There was
keen competition all the way, and an extra hole
had to be played to decide the issue.
No. 306 (Maple Leaf) Wing took over the
sponsorship of No. 555 (Maple Leaf) Air Cadet
Squadron, and activities got under way on sche-
dule. Instructors and officers were provided by
the Wing.
Flying Officer Bruce Fleming, a jet pilot with BOOKS FOR OVERSEAS
Korean service, spoke to a meeting of No. 306 While National Headquarters has sufficient
(Maple Leaf) Wing. books on hand to take care of the needs of No. 2
Fighter Wing, we still have the requirements of
Now that the club-rooms in which the members
four more formations to meet in the next year or
have been so comfortable and happy have been
so. Impetus in gathering books for Operation
expropriated by the city, No. 416 (Kingston)
Library appears to have slackened sadly. Members-
Wing is looking for new quarters.
at-large are urged to join in providing us with
No. 406 (North Bay) Wing obtained its own books of fiction. Hard-covered books are preferred,
Wing colours especially for Battle of Britain as pocket books, though very acceptable, quickly
ceremonies. Following the laying of a wreath at wear out. Donations should be addressed to the
the cenotaph, Flt. Lt. J. W. Wilkinson, padre of Secretary, R.C.A.F. Association, 424 Metcalfe
R.C.A.F. Station North Bay, consecrated the Street, Ottawa.
colours at the Canadian Legion Hall, where the
flag was placed in custody. CHRISTMAS CARDS
No. 426 (Brockville) Wing, elected a new slate Members-at-large are again reminded that
of officers at the first fall meeting: we have specially-printed Association Christ-
President: Matt Bonokoski mas cards available. Priced at $1.25 per
Vice-Pres.: Donald Bunce dozen, they may be obtained for $1.00 per
Secretary: Donald Barrett
Treasurer: Douglas Flynn dozen in ten dozen lots.
(This little item from "The Times Weekly from the Bastille to the Madeleine, each with a
Review" is reprinted here in solemn tribute tray bearing a full bottle of aperitif and two
to one whom many thousands of our Service·glasses? ..• "2,
and ex-Service
· readers will remember with
,,_,,, p%rd
ef ly an
wil ue 1ey balance
,j, the fofoaming
the i% i
pint of
Be affection
id. Er.) and respect the
J] British
[f' 5tte idthe spy%' idle th
oitter and the small port and lemon that the/and-t h e he 1di
arma1 • DITOR. {'";/!, . ' cappers have fixed on as the right weight. Not a
If 150 French waiters can race for three miles drop willbe.spilt nor a strand of hair dishevelled
through the streets of Paris in this weather, fromHyde Park Corner to Piccadilly Circus and
carrying and not spilling or breakingthe tools ofthrough Leicester Square to the winning-post that,
their trade, a loyal Londoner is entitledtoask the in such a race, should, beyond controversy, be
barmaids of his city whether they are content to in the Strand. After that, let the pick of the French
bow meekly and accept defeat. Garcon" is a waiters come over and take their chance in an
magic word across the water, but not more so international contest. They are chivalrous fellows
than is "Miss" from Mayfair to Seven Dials. Shall and, in their gallantry, they might be tempted by
it be said that the ladies who preside so pleasantly their rivals to drink, just before the race, a pint of
over saloon and private and public bars are less English beer. That might well do for the barmaids
quick on their feet than these Parisians who raced what the golden apples did to Atalanta.
Continued success is reported from No. 250
(Saint John) Wing in its programme of Wing-
sponsored flights over the city in commercial
aircraft every Sunday afternoon. Great interest in
flying was aroused in the area by the air show
staged during the summer, and so far there has
been no indication of that interest having waned.
A report on the air show, given at the first meeting
of the fall season, showed a net profit of $2,805.00.
The air show committee has recommended that
$1500 be turned over to get the defunct Fundy
The first book of tickets being sold in raffle for two-week Flying Club back in operation, that $1000 be used
'Coronation Tour" for two, sponsored by No. 306
(Maple Leaf) Wing. for the Wing building fund, and that the remainder
be given to the Air Cadets.
R.C.A.F. Station Centralia was host to a number
Gander; and training of civilian volunteers at
Vancouver and Truro is expected to get under
of members of No. 429 (Elgin) Wing of St.
way by the beginning of December, with training Thomas. The visitors were taken on a tour of the
at other centres to follow closely. Station, visiting the Flying Training School, the
It is proposed to train at least 500 volunteers at Instrument Flying School, the control tower, and
each centre to perform the duties of supervisors, the Air Radio Observers School flight. An inspec-
filterers, plotters, tellers, recorders, etc. Civilians tion of various types of aircraft was also part of
will be trained in groups of approximately 30. the tour. Dinner at the officers' mess concluded
Full details have gone out to Wings in a General the visit.
Bulletin, and further information may be obtained
from Wing Secretaries. Flying Officer B. Fleming addressing No. 306 Wing.
No. 252 (Fredericton) Wing staged an air
show, and, although a full report had not been
received in time to include more details in this
issue, the display was evidently a success and local
residents had a good day at the airfield despite the
fact that bad weather occasioned a day's post-
ponement of the show.
A bit unseasonal, perhaps, but well worthy of
mention is the Alberta Group golf competition
held in Red Deer. The cup was won by Red Deer,
and Lethbridge was the runner-up. There was
keen competition all the way, and an extra hole
had to be played to decide the issue.
No. 306 (Maple Leaf) Wing took over the
sponsorship of No. 555 (Maple Leaf) Air Cadet
Squadron, and activities got under way on sche-
dule. Instructors and officers were provided by
the Wing.
Flying Officer Bruce Fleming, a jet pilot with BOOKS FOR OVERSEAS
Korean service, spoke to a meeting of No. 306 While National Headquarters has sufficient
(Maple Leaf) Wing. books on hand to take care of the needs of No. 2
Fighter Wing, we still have the requirements of
Now that the club-rooms in which the members
four more formations to meet in the next year or
have been so comfortable and happy have been
so. Impetus in gathering books for Operation
expropriated by the city, No. 416 (Kingston)
Library appears to have slackened sadly. Members-
Wing is looking for new quarters.
at-large are urged to join in providing us with
No. 406 (North Bay) Wing obtained its own books of fiction. Hard-covered books are preferred,
Wing colours especially for Battle of Britain as pocket books, though very acceptable, quickly
ceremonies. Following the laying of a wreath at wear out. Donations should be addressed to the
the cenotaph, Flt. Lt. J. W. Wilkinson, padre of Secretary, R.C.A.F. Association, 424 Metcalfe
R.C.A.F. Station North Bay, consecrated the Street, Ottawa.
colours at the Canadian Legion Hall, where the
flag was placed in custody. CHRISTMAS CARDS
No. 426 (Brockville) Wing, elected a new slate Members-at-large are again reminded that
of officers at the first fall meeting: we have specially-printed Association Christ-
President: Matt Bonokoski mas cards available. Priced at $1.25 per
Vice-Pres.: Donald Bunce dozen, they may be obtained for $1.00 per
Secretary: Donald Barrett
Treasurer: Douglas Flynn dozen in ten dozen lots.
(This little item from "The Times Weekly from the Bastille to the Madeleine, each with a
Review" is reprinted here in solemn tribute tray bearing a full bottle of aperitif and two
to one whom many thousands of our Service·glasses? ..• "2,
and ex-Service
· readers will remember with
,,_,,, p%rd
ef ly an
wil ue 1ey balance
,j, the fofoaming
the i% i
pint of
Be affection
id. Er.) and respect the
J] British
[f' 5tte idthe spy%' idle th
oitter and the small port and lemon that the/and-t h e he 1di
arma1 • DITOR. {'";/!, . ' cappers have fixed on as the right weight. Not a
If 150 French waiters can race for three miles drop willbe.spilt nor a strand of hair dishevelled
through the streets of Paris in this weather, fromHyde Park Corner to Piccadilly Circus and
carrying and not spilling or breakingthe tools ofthrough Leicester Square to the winning-post that,
their trade, a loyal Londoner is entitledtoask the in such a race, should, beyond controversy, be
barmaids of his city whether they are content to in the Strand. After that, let the pick of the French
bow meekly and accept defeat. Garcon" is a waiters come over and take their chance in an
magic word across the water, but not more so international contest. They are chivalrous fellows
than is "Miss" from Mayfair to Seven Dials. Shall and, in their gallantry, they might be tempted by
it be said that the ladies who preside so pleasantly their rivals to drink, just before the race, a pint of
over saloon and private and public bars are less English beer. That might well do for the barmaids
quick on their feet than these Parisians who raced what the golden apples did to Atalanta.
2. Air defence of Western Europe (N.A.T .0.)
someone must be charged with developing opera-
3. Maritime operations. tional tactics whereby surface troops may be
4. Tactical operations. adequately supported by air power and airborne
troops may be transported when and where
These are supported by organizations devoted required. These specialized tactics require spe-
entirely to: cialist attention, constant training exercises with
the Army, and the general co-ordination necessary
1. Training.
2. Air transport. if fighter, tactical, and transport aircraft and
3. Logistics. resources are to be successfully utilized. One
central functional body must hold the fort for
Air Defence (Canada) tactical operations. It cannot be everybody's
Only in recent years has Canada been exposed business at planning level.
to the possibility of air attack by foreign countries,
and the problem of air defence did not previously Air Transport
exist to any appreciable extent. Now, however, the In a modern air force none of the three opera-
threat is very real, and the R.C.A.F. has been tional functions mentioned above could be success-
required to develop an entirely new organization fully carried out without air transport. That being
to deal with the complex and unique systems of so, one might argue that each operational com-
aerial and radar defence. This organization must mand could well control its own transport squa-
necessarily be cohesive and of a specialist nature,
drons and train them for the specific job being
and one cannot fail to accept the requirement for
done. But the requirement for airlift can and does
placing control and responsibility in one, and only
vary considerably, and the grouping of all air
one, operational headquarters.
transport under one Command provides a more
Maritime Operations economical supporting force capable of concen-
trating maximum effort in any direction, according
Defence against enemy submarines has little in
as the air defence or tactical requirement dictates.
common operationally speaking with defence
against enemy bombers. Here again there exists a
specialized field of endeavour, an all-out struggle
to overcome, by the utilization of both air and More and more the Air Force is confronted with
surface craft, the tactical advantage inherent in the requirement for specialized training in ground-
undersea craft. The training of pilots and crews to crew trades as well as aircrew. Ample proof was
fly heavy long-range aircraft to search out and afforded by the B.C.A.T.P. during the Second
attack craft on or below the surface of the ocean World War that the training of aircrew to wings
is a far cry from the training of jet pilots to standard must be made the responsibility of a
intercept swiftly-flying enemy bombers ten miles distinct and separate segment of the R.C.A.F. It
above that ocean's surface. One H.Q. and one is inconceivable that A.F.H.Q. should attempt to
A.O.C. must be, and is, responsible for the defence co-ordinate basic flying training at numerous
of our shipping from submarine attack, and for F.T.S.'s, located in various Command areas across
co-ordination with the Royal Canadian Navy and the country, at the same time that those Commands
the navies of other democratic countries. are getting on with the vital job of building air
defences. The cost of training our ever-expanding
Tactical Air Operations
air force is great, and only by centralization of
Co-ordination and co-operation in this field is experience and by concentration of all training
with the Canadian Army. Somewhere, somehow, facilities can we hope to justify the cost.
Logistics cannot be exploited if our capabilities are split and
The logistical support of armed forces can be divided among various higher field formations
aligned more closely with commercial or industrial whose terms of reference make them Jacks of all
practice than can the other basic functions. trades and masters of none. Inherent in the func-
Therefore it is fairly evident that the centralized tional Command organization, however, is the
control of thousands of items which must be necessity for the delegation to Commands of a real
warehoused and reshipped is recommended by big and clear-cut authority whereby field experience,
business methods. We have not always had an judgment, and initiative may be given adequate
Air Materiel Command responsible for supplying scope. It may be that this delegation of authority
the Air Force with its multitudinous requirements to specialist Commands tends to blur the line of
and for administering a co-ordinated and complex demarcation between Air Force Headquarters
system of repair, but experience has proved policy and Command implementation, but these
beyond a shadow of doubt that centralization ambiguities are resolved as time goes by, and no
at Command level is by far the most efficient and thought can seriously be given now to the opera-
economical method of providing these very basic tion of the R.C.A.F. under any but a functional
services. Command organization.
Those of us in the Air Force who not merely
Air Defence (Western Europe) support the present organization, but who are also
convinced of the wisdom behind it, feel that no
Discussion of this operational element has been
structure built on shifting concepts of air power
avoided until our home commands were described
can be expected to remain unchanged in outline.
briefly, for the R.C.A.F. Air Division in Europe
It may be that added or changed tasks and capa-
is a new Command in every way. Here we have a
bilities will dictate still more reorganization in the
not inconsiderable force of squadrons, trained and
future, but those changes will be based on require-
equipped in Canada, and integrated with N.A.T.O.
ments and experience and must again be calculated
forces for the joint defence of Western Europe. to provide the maximum efficiency that is com-
To be sure, these forces must continue operational
mensurate with economy.
training after they have been incorporated into the We have not discussed here the inevitable
Air Division, but it is self-evident that the em- instances in which some sort of compromise has
ployment of this air power must be co-ordinated been necessary whereby certain elements, because
and controlled by a H.Q. quite separate from the of that very administrative convenience mentioned
functional Commands at home. There can be no earlier, have been introduced into a Command
argument in this instance, perhaps, because at the charged with an entirely different function. The
moment the overseas Command is both geo- subject of Command organization has here been
graphical and functional. dealt with in very broad terms indeed. It is hoped,
however, that it will serve to explain, to some
CONCLUSION extent, the consolidation of effort which has been
The cardinal characteristics of air power are achieved by the adoption of a functional system
mobility and flexibility, and these characteristics in the development of our higher field formations.
DD mDVNUE FF nDI! UP ED me g • e
2. The movement of No. 2 Fighter Wing to 8. The R.C.A.F. Air Division in Europe will
Europe was known as: form part of:
(a) Moondog Two. (a) The 4th Allied Tactical Air Force.
() Hop-Scotch Two. (b) The 3rd Night Fighter Command.
(c) Leap-Frog Two. (c) The 1st Strategic Air Group.
(d) Hopalong Two. (d) The 4th Fighter Air Force.
3. Now on its second post-war tour of overseas 9. The R.C.A.F. airfield at Gros Tenquin is in:
duty is: (a) Quebec.
(b) The Yukon.
(a) No. 416 Squadron. (c) France.
(b5) No. 421 Squadron. (d) Belgium.
(c) No. 439 Squadron.
(d) No. 430 Squadron.
10. The first A.O.C. of Canada's Air Division 16. Not one of U.N.'s 60 members is:
overseas will be:
(a) Dominican Republic.
(a) Lt. Gen. Norstad. (b) Yemen.
(b) Air Vice-Marshal Campbell. (c) China.
(c) Air Vice-Marshal Plant.
(d) Air Vice-Marshal Miller. (d) Japan.
11. Canada has no air attach& in: 17. Ole Bjorn Kraft is the name of:
(a) Russia. (a) The founder of an old established firm of cheese-
(b) Yugoslavia.
(c) Norway. manufacturers.
(d) Sweden. (b6) The Chairman of the N.A.T.O. Council.
(c) A Swedish writer of fairy-tales.
(d) Chairman of the N.A.T.O. Defence Production
12. The only N.A.T.O. country with no armed Board.
forces is:
(a) Denmark. 18. The lake with the longest area on the Cana-
(b) Portugal.
(c) Turkey. dian side of the boundary is:
(d) Iceland.
(a) Great Bear.
(b) Huron.
13. The Canadian Permanent Delegate to N .A.T.0. (c) Superior.
is: (d) Great Slave.
(a) Mr. Lister Sinclair.
(b) Mr. Lester Pearson.
(c) Mr. Walter Harris. 19. Not one of the six provincial political parties
(d) Mr. Arnold Heeney.
now in power in Canada is:
--~- -
; arras cno»- ··
~- :-
By Arthur Macdonald
the summer activities of Air Cadet Paul Schofield,
of No. 507 (Kentville, N.S.) Squadron.
Paul took a summer job at the Lakeside Inn, a
C.P.R. resort hotel near Yarmouth. When manager
Lloyd Margeson found out that Paul could play
the bagpipes, he introduced the custom of "piping"
the guests into the Inn. The idea was so favourably
received by the American tourists that Mr.
Margeson decided to send the young piper to
greet the S.S. "Yarmouth" which docks there three
times a week. The incoming tourists were delighted
cadet scored an average of 94 % on flying and
written tests to rate as top man among the 246
cadets who took the four weeks' course this
This marks the second year in succession that
the coveted trophy has gone to Edmonton, last
year's winner having been Sgt. Roger J. Neill,
also of No. 12 Squadron.
Of the 246 cadets who took training in early
July, 215 succeeded in passing the final tests and
over 80 % of the graduates have already qualified
for private pilot's licenses. This brings to 1450 the
number of cadets who have received R.C.A.F.
scholarship flying courses since the scheme was
introduced in 1946.
League Headquarters has also announced the
award of the A.T.C. "Token of Friendship"
trophy to the North-West Ontario, or Lakehead,
Zone. This trophy goes to the area committee whose
cadets obtain the highest average marks on the
flying scholarship course. Lakehead air cadets, who
No. 25 (Campion College) Squadron's precision drill Mr. H. L. Garner presents the Garner Trophy to
team at annual inspection. Stewart Smith of No. 58 (Kingston) Squadron, honour
cadet of the Technical Training Course,
D. Bugden (left) and J. Meldrum look hopefully at an engine they have just assembled during the Air Cadet
Technical Training Course at Trenton.
trained at the Thunder Bay Flying Club, rolled Donald Barnes, incidentally, has already been
up an average score of 78.2% to wrest the trophy mentioned as team commander of the Canadian
from last year's winner, Alberta. In second place entry for the International Drill Competition.
k 4 j
(F.) Fighter R.D. Repair Depot
(F.B.) Fighter Bomber R.O.S. Reserve Officers' School
F.I.S. Flying Instructors' School R.S. - Radio Station
F.T.S. Flying Training School R.U. -Recruiting Unit
I.F.S. Instrument Flying School
J.S.E.S.U. Joint Services Experimental Station Unit Sa.»s 12"."#ass ta Rowse Barone
(L.B.) Light Bomber (T.) Transport
M.D. Manning Depot T.A.G.H.Q. -- Tactical Air Group Headquarters
o.s. Officers' School T.C.C. &%R. FIt.-- Training Command Communication & Rescue FIt.
O.T.U. Operational Training Unit T.CH.Q. - Training Command Headquarters
(P.) Photographic T.G.H.Q. Training Group Headquarters
P.S.U. Personnel Selection Unit T.S.U. Technical Service Unit
R.C.S. Radar & Communications School T.TS. Technical Training School
ONE OF THE primary chores of to-day's aircraft In scientific parlance, his explanation shows that
engineers is to devise means of keeping down the the reduction in weight is the result of a conflict
weight of new jet fighters. between gravitational and centrifugal forces. At
The weight-savers who labour at this task take the equator, the earth is turning at a rate of 900
comfort, cool as it is, from an interesting and quick knots; at the latitude of Dallas the surface (rota-
solution suggested recently by William C. School- tional) speed is 760 knots. A jet fighter, flying at
field, chief of aerodynamics at Chance Vought. constant altitude (that is, in a curved path around
Developing his theme, Schoolfield says that any the earth's surface) at a speed of 600 knots, is
pilot who is interested in reducing the weight of subject to a centrifugal force factor proportional
his jet fighter can do it by following three easy to the square of 760 plus 600 knots, divided by the
steps. First, he must fly at top speed. Let us
radius of the earth's curvature. This centrifugal
assume that top speed is 600 knots, about 690
force factor acts in the opposite direction to the
miles an hour. Second, he must maintain a con-
force of gravity to reduce the airplane's weight
stant altitude. Third, he must head due east. If
(that is, the effect of the force of gravity on the
these simple directions are followed, Schoolfield
airplane) by approximately 135 pounds.
maintains, the weight of a 25,000-pound fighter
will decrease approximately 135 pounds. The Putting it another way, Schoolfield says, "If
faster the pilot flies, the more weight his airplane you tie a rock on the end of a rope and swing it in a
will lose. If he can get his airplane up to approx- circle, it will tend to fly off into space. In the same
imately 14,600 knots, it won't weigh anything. way, a jet fighter, traveling in the same direction
If the pilot wants to increase the weight of his that the earth turns, increases its tendency to fly
aircraft, an improbable situation, he may do so by off into space from the circle to which the earth's
following the same procedure, with the exception gravity holds it. Gravity has the same function
of the third step. In this case, he must fly due as the man at the end of the rope."
west. Results will not be gratifying, Schoolfield All a person of experimental mind has to do to
warns, as the most the pilot can hope to gain check the validity of this theory is to put a jet
in a jet fighter of average weight, is about 60 fighter in a railroad car moving east on level
pounds at 600 knots. At speeds beyond 760 knots, ground at 600 knots, and the airplane will show a
however, the airplane will start losing weight loss of about 135 pounds.
until, at 16,100 knots, it will again weigh nothing,
even going west. (Keith Baker, in "The Bee-Hive":
United Aircraft Corp'n.)
By Sergeant J. H. B€langer, No. 426 (T.) Squadron
(Our world-traveller who, in his "Idyll of the South Atlantic" and Operation X," de-
scribed for us his somewhat unorthodox reactions to Europe, Africa, and the Canadian Arctic,
here enters a few more marginal whimsicalities in the Belanger atlas. EDITOR.)
/,%% ou SovaApRoy was alerted for the bonds of kinship that last unto death, and that
Tokyo airlift in the summer of 1950, an unmarried such bonds often find expression in a symbol.
airman, who was still uncertain of his Service Unfortunately, as I soon learned, the symbol is not
status, asked on muster parade: always eternal: by the time I arrived, the young
"Are single airmen going to be picked first for angora girl, who used to deal cigarettes out to the
the move? I mean, are you going to consider the boys, was no longer in office.
single guys as volunteers?" The third day, however, brought me a measure
The C.O's answer was unequivocal. "I consider," of solace. The West-Coast fog lifted, and Mount
said he, "that every man in the Squadron is a Rainier's tremendous twin peaks were revealed
volunteer." It followed from this brief discussion to me, solemn and clean-cut against the wide
that every man in the Squadron was considered expanse of the Western sky.
to be a volunteer. Many months were to elapse, On the eve of our departure, Cpl. Richardson
however, before my name in the roster was and I got by the Air Police and found ourselves
reached and I had a chance to assess the Far cascading down Pacific Avenue in the bus to
Eastern situation for myself. Tacoma. The avowed purpose of our escapade was
k k
window-shopping, but we were unable to stick
entirely to our resolution. Not being endowed with
A North-Star flight across Canada, especially the determination necessary to resist high-pressure
if it lacks even novelty, is not an exhilarating salesmanship, I shortly acquired a couple of
experience, although it must be admitted that the multiple-use gadgets which I had no idea until
Rockies, in clear weather, never fail to offer a then that I could not do without.
thrill. Thus, it was not until we reached McChord The next phase of our Tacoma activities might
Air Base, and were awaiting clearance from be referred to as the academic phase. Having
M.A.T.S., that the momentous events depicted confessed to never having seen T.V., I could only
below began to unfold. assent when Ritchie amiably suggested that I
One undeniable trait of Canadians in exile is should correct such backwardness forthwith.
their national solidarity. Never had it been given Therefore, in order to quench our thirst for know-
to me to observe such unanimity of opinion as that ledge, we directed our steps to an adjacent
of those friends who had, during the past year, estaminet.
urged me to visit the McChord P.X. and admire Before very long I had made the acquaintance
the good looks of the salesgirls. I have heard that of several important T.V. personalities. Indub-
men who have been together under fire develop itably, the most outstanding one is Dagmar,
personages have been known to refer to the Isle of
Shemya as performing a rather uncouth function
in the physiology of the earth, for airlift purposes
this airfield is admirably located. Anybody who
has been up in a North Star for ten hours is apt
to look upon any land as heaven even, by the
gods, if that land is Shemya !
k k
showing sequence drawings and emitting loud "In sailing, as in other walks of life, headwinds
sobs and guffaws.
are more prevalent than winds from astern,'
Another aspect of Japanese behaviour which is wrote the author of "Moby Dick." No doubt,
improperly felt to be odd, is the custom of leaving this observation applies equally to flying. At any
rate, its accuracy was well illustrated on the folk particularly when (as on the occasion of
return trip to Canada. The north-westerlies which I am writing) the whole B.C. coast is
seemed to have seized the occasion to blow from shrouded in thick fog. They have their hands full,
the east for a change, with a decidedly upsetting keeping out of "stuffed areas." "Stuffed clouds,"
effect upon our schedule. But Cpl. T. Thompson, to quote Mr. Churchill's phrase, are clouds with
our engineer, took it philosophically enough. "As mountains in them, and obviously it is commend-
long as we don't get becalmed," he assured me, able practice to shun such clouds. The navigators
"we'll make it home just the same. Those fans are also have a fair amount of reckoning to do at such
the only thing I ever worry about." Becalmed times, which is perhaps not too difficult for them,
airplanes do not stay aloft for any great length for I strongly suspect that navigators are part
of time. homing-pigeons to start with. Be that as it may,
In the old sailing days, on long sea voyages, it is most of the aircrews who fly the Tokyo airlift are
said that there always existed a risk of mutiny - men of wide experience, and the safety record
especially when it became necessary to cut the indicates it is not unwise to place your faith in
rum ration. It was the captain's responsibility to them.
secure adequate supplies of the stuff and to distri- As our journey ended, one of the G.I. veterans
bute it wisely. But the task of to-day's aircraft of Korea whom we were bringing back to the
captain is easier. In the first place, the time United States summed the whole business up in
element is not so considerable, and secondly, there two brief sentences.
are no rum rations issued at any time on board "A good trip in good time," he said, "but an
Service 'planes. awful grind. You certainly have a tough job on
This does not imply that the captains are idle your hands, and my hat is off to you."
The Federal Government's census figure for the last number by three, subtract a blank file and
Vancouver (340,272) does not tally with know automatically how many members of the
Vancouver's own official population (397,140). squad had died from the previous day's gas drill.
City officials are reported to be angry about this, As a result I was either over-eager, harmonizing
milling around and occasionally dashing out on on a number with the man to my right, or over-
the balcony of the City Hall to shake a fist towards cautious, so that the man on my right thought it
the east. was his turn and sang out my number first. It was
This will lead to bloodshed, since the City Hall largely thanks to me that the corporal spent most
has no balcony. of our mornings trying to count how many men
he had. As a rule he was in a black rage before we
* * k
had drilled a step.
The reason that the federal census shows 340,272
instead of 397,140 is that there are 56,868 people
in Vancouver who do not want to be counted, and
haven't been. I know, because I am one of them
(No. 34,514).
We 56,868 all suffer from the remarkable
enumerophobia, or fear of being counted. We will
do anything to avoid being counted. I know that
if anybody tries to count me I immediately run
under the carpet and pretend to be dirt.
If a psychiatrist traced my enumerophobia
back to my early childhood he would be wasting
his time, since it began when I joined the R.C.A.F.
during a recent war. A corporal would take me and
a squad of fellow-goofs out on the parade square
and, after bulldozing us into three ranks, bark:
"By the right, number!
Following the short pause during which the
whole squad figured out which was right, the man
on the right end of the front rank cried ''One!"
the next man "Two!", and so on to the last man in
the front rank. The corporal then could multiply
This made me even more nervous about
numbering. Even when I yelled out my number on
cue, it was liable to come out strangely distorted
from the original Arabic. "Sykes!" I cried once,
in a cold sweat, and another time I got "four" and
"five" fused into a shout of 'Fire!" It warmed "ti
the corporal up considerably.
I tried to escape the ugly business of numbering
by falling in with the rear rank, but by giving an
about-turn the corporal put me right back in the
front rank again with a mouth full of digits. < "
It was not until the last months of the war that
I realized the only place safe from numbering was
the middle rank. By then I was too neurotic for An experience like that scars a man. I and
the discovery to help much, and I marched along thousands of others left the services swearing that
mumbling numbers to myself right up to the day we would never be counted again, especially from
of my discharge. the right ....
The Key to Our Survival
(The following review, by Air Marshal Sir Robert Saundby, K.B.E., C.B., M.C., D.F.C.,
A.F.C. of Major Alexander P. de Seversky's remarkable book, 'Air Power: Key to Survival,
is reprinted here by courtesy of the editor of the well-known British publication,'Air Pictorial
and Air Reserve Gazette." This book is published by Herbert Jenkins Ltd., price 21s.--EDITOR.)
But he goes further and argues that it will, in When he comes to consider America's strategic
any case, be impossible to hold forward bases in position, he argues powerfully against reliance
future, since the enemy can concentrate his upon the triphibious teams of the last war. He
whole air power against them, one by one, and says: "Should we choose once more to conduct war
wipe them out. As for the super-carriers, he main- simultaneously in all three elements land, sea
tains that it would be suicidal for them to approach and air we shall be accepting battle against the
within striking distance of the shores of a continent tremendous land forces of the Soviet Union ....
dominated by hostile air power. This means war on the Kremlin's terms, with a
terrifying risk of defeat."
"Fallacy of killing people" He therefore believes that the time has come
Next he considers the atomic bomb. He to recast the pattern of the armed forces of the
condemns the folly of believing that wars can Western Powers, and to concentrate on the
be won by the possession of superior stock- building-up of overwhelming air power, able to
piles of atomic weapons. Without victorious defeat the enemy's air power and to "take com-
air power the bombs cannot be delivered at mand of the air ocean." Thereafter the victorious
the decisive points and, if Western air power air force can do what it likes, and it remains only
should fail, the stock-pile would become to finish the war in the most rapid and economical
valueless. manner.
Major de Seversky emphasises the importance He believes that the "fear that Red armies
of accuracy in bombing, which includes not only deployed through Europe might continue in
technical accuracy in bomb aiming, but correct occupation after their home government is de-
selection of the targets vital to the enemy's war feated that they might have to be dislodged by
effort. He refers to the "fallacy of killing people." bombing - is utterly unfounded. They would
He recounts a conversation with an American quickly be reduced to an impotent mass of dis-
military man who asked "how many Russians, if placed persons, eager to get home to their families
war came, we should have to kill to make them and their personal interests."
quit." Asked if ten million would suffice, Major de
Seversky replied: "If the industrial war-making Table of priorities
vitals of the country were not paralysed, the Finally, he believes that overwhelming air
death of ten million would not bring surrender. superiority and a large stock-pile of atomic weapons
It would, therefore, be purposeless in the military would enable the Atlantic Treaty Powers to keep
sense. Worse, it would raise the mood of resistance, the peace. He gives a table of priorities for the
the will to fight." He underlines the necessity for United States "in this crucial period of prepared-
using air power, not to kill masses of people, ness for peace and for victory if war should be
but to beat the weapons out of the hands of thrust upon us."
aggressive Governments. He points out that war
It would be "roughly as follows":
with Russia would, for the first time since the
"First; Long-range American strategic air
great religious wars of the past, be "a fairly
force for direct intercontinental warfare.
clear-cut ideological contest." Speaking as a
Russian himself, he goes on to say: "The implica- ''Second; Adequate air force and other de-
tions of this fact are deep-reaching. It means that fensive means to shield the American continent.
we should not be at war with Russia as a nation 'Third; Reinforcement of the British Isles as
nor with the Russians as a people but with our most important (and only tenable) advance
Communism as a system of power. We shall not air base and creation of necessary naval forces
be committed to eliminating Russia as a nation for that purpose.
but making it into a co-operative, non-aggressive "Fourth; Rearmament of Western Europe
nation." and its industrial rehabilitation to make pos-
sible the eventual emergency of independent If Major de Seversky is right, there is not much
military strength." time to lose. Already the North Atlantic Treaty
Summing up, he says: "Soviet Russia, because it Powers, through trying to build up balanced forces
is condemned to channel its major potentials into of all arms, are visibly in danger of losing the race
invincible surface force, cannot at this stage also for air superiority to the Russians. If this should
provide air power capable of winning an inter- happen, it is hard to believe that our armies or
hemispheric air war. Its main strength is and navies could deter the Kremlin from resorting to
must remain on the ground. There we have force. They would not enable us to win a war
neither the manpower nor the economic potentials should it be thrust upon us, nor would our stock-
to match it. Even if we could generate armies of pile of atomic weapons, however vast, save us from
the necessary size, we could not land them or defeat.
transport them to the battlefields before the enemy There can be no doubt that this book will have
was denuded of his air strength. But when he is a considerable effect on public opinion in this
thus denuded, there is no longer any need for country. Its publication, long overdue, is an event
mile-by-mile surface struggle.' of some importance.
Airmen of six countries, now under instruction at R.C.A.F. Station Gimli, form the initials
N.A.T.O. in front of a Harvard trainer.
a ""»
" ~~ ~
4Ai 1A ~ ~:~ -------,.
who would fly them and the groundcrews who one which brings home to us everything that is
AirMarshalW. A. Curtis, C.B.,C.B.E.,D.S.C., E.D., and Air Vice-Marshal A. L. James, C.B.E., talks with Flt. Lt.
Flying Officer G. J. Tobin. E. G. Cameron.
[ettiers ~
Dear Sir:
It has been my intention for some time to enquire as to the
possibility of obtaining a subscription to our magazine, 'The
Roundel.' I believe that you had the same trouble quite some
time ago with people begging for subscriptions. At that time
it was inferred that subscriptions could not be accepted, but
Answers to" What's the Score?
We will record our conviction to-day that the 1: (b) 2: (c) 3: (b) 4: (d)
coming of the Comet has changed the travelling 5: (d) 6: (a) 7: (b6) 8: (a)
habits of the globe as much as the coming of the 9: (c) 10: (b) 11: (c) 12: (d)
Rocket sounded the knell of the long-distance, 13: (d) 14: (a) 15: (b) 16: (d)
horse-drawn coach.
17: (b) 18: (b) 19: (c) 20: (b)
('The Aeroplane": U.K.)
All those who have attended the R.C.A.F.
Staff College as students, or who have served
there on the Directing Staff, are entitled to wear
the new R.C.A.F. Staff College tie.
Related in design to the ties of the R.A.F.,
R.A.A.F., and S.A.A.F. Staff Colleges, it is none
the less distinctively Canadian. The background
colour is medium dark blue, with narrow azure
blue diagonal stripes broken by small maple
leaves at regular intervals and set off against
wider stripes of dark blue. It is manufactured
in a special English non-crease weave of
finest silk.