15522HE0253 Rev 0

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Approved By
General Hydrostatic Testing Global Standards Manager

 Deformation: Shape change due to stress.
 Hydrostatic Test (Hydrotest): a test for strength and integrity for components and assemblies using
non-compressible fluids (typically water).
 MAWP: Maximum Allowable Working Pressure.
 MAOP: Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure.

1. Process/procedure

1.1 General Process

1.2 All local procedures must comply with all applicable safety regulations and laws.
1.3 Test Code Verification.
1.3.1 Responsible personnel shall verify the specific testing code to be applied to casting and
TABLE 1 Testing Standard Time and Acceptance Criteria
Governing Test Minimum Test Acceptance
Standard Pressure Duration (minutes) Criteria Comments
No visible leakage
ASME B&PVC Time required to from vessel or
1.3 x MAWP UG-99(b)
Sec VIII Div 1-2017 make inspection physical
No visible leakage
ASME B&PVC Time required to from vessel or
Per 8.2.1
Sec VIII Div 2-2017 make inspection physical
no visual evidence
ASME B31.1-2016
1.5 x MAWP 10 of weeping or 137.4.5
ISO 5199:2002

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controlled source, Title: General Hydrostatic Testing F2-6 J1-1000-047-001 Ref: CORP-ENG-
0028 Rev: 3, Printed: 6/30/2020
Approved By
General Hydrostatic Testing Global Standards Manager

TABLE 1 Testing Standard Time and Acceptance Criteria

Governing Test Minimum Test Acceptance
Standard Pressure Duration (minutes) Criteria Comments
1.5 x MAWP
x (St/S)
S = allowable 345
ASME B31.3-2016 stress at 10 no visible leaks
component no visual leaks
St = allowable
stress at test

1.5 x MAWP
ASME B73-1-2012 10 No visible leaks * thermoset polymer
1.1 x MAWP*
materials only
For ASME Sec III an ASME certified person shall authorize and supervise the test
according to the service limits for each part. MAWP and test pressure must be
calculated according to code ASME PBVC III.A 2017 G2215
≤2 NPS 0.25
2.5 to 6 NPS
API 600-2015 See API 598 Per API 598-2016 Table
1 No visible leaks
ISO 13709 Table 2 2 and Table 4
8 to 12 NPS 2
≥14 NPS 5
1.5 x MAWP
x (St/S)
API 610 11th Edition S = allowable
stress at 30 No visible leaks 8.3.2
ISO 13709 component
St = allowable
stress at test

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controlled source, Title: General Hydrostatic Testing F2-6 J1-1000-047-001 Ref: CORP-ENG-
0028 Rev: 3, Printed: 6/30/2020
Approved By
General Hydrostatic Testing Global Standards Manager

TABLE 1 Testing Standard Time and Acceptance Criteria

Governing Test Minimum Test Acceptance
Standard Pressure Duration (minutes) Criteria Comments
1.5 x MAWP
x (St/S)
API 676-2009 S = allowable
stress at 30 No visible leaks 8.3.2
ISO 13709 component
St = allowable
stress at test

EN 14161 1.25 x MAOP 60 Hold Pressure 6.7.3

1.25 x MAOP
EN 14161 60 Hold Pressure 6.7.3
EN 14161 1.1 x MAOP 240 Hold Pressure 6.7.3 After Strength Test
1.1 x MAOP
EN 14161 240 Hold Pressure 6.7.3 After Strength Test

For Industrial Pumps and Auxiliary Equipment Specific Test Pressures according to Class and material
code please see CORP-ENG-0336 Industrial Pumps Hydrotest Alloy cross-reference tables and Name
1.4 Test Preparation
1.4.1 All components shall be cleaned using good manufacturing practices (e.g., solvent wash steam
1.4.2 Components will be free of dirt, grit, and machining chips, and shall appear clean to the
unaided eye.
1.4.3 All gaskets surfaces shall have been machined and free of burrs.
1.4.4 All hydrotest stud/bolts holes shall have been drilled and tapped.
1.4.5 All mechanical and welded joints shall be accessible for examination during the test.
1.4.6 Secondary components that are not subject to the hydrostatic test shall be either disconnected
from the component to be tested, or isolated by blank flanges or similar means.

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controlled source, Title: General Hydrostatic Testing F2-6 J1-1000-047-001 Ref: CORP-ENG-
0028 Rev: 3, Printed: 6/30/2020
Approved By
General Hydrostatic Testing Global Standards Manager

1.4.7 If a hydrostatic test is to be maintained for a period of time, and the test medium is subject to
thermal expansion, precautions required to avoid excessive pressure will be included in the
engineering drawings, bill of materials or router sheets.
1.4.8 Select appropriate pressure measuring instrumentation, and verify that the device calibrations
are current. Dial indicating, bourdon type pressure gages shall have a pressure indicating
range between 1.5 and 4.0 times the test pressure. Instrument calibration will be accordance
with the applicable quality system procedures.
1.4.9 Test equipment must not provide any support or reinforcement which is in excess of that
experienced when the part is used in service.
1.4.10 If time-temperature pressure charting is required, verify that calibrated instrumentation is
available for preparing such charts.

1.5 Assembly and Bolting for Testing

1.5.1 Drive all required hydrotest studs with appropriate torque (job fasteners will be used when
required by the bill of materials.) If temporary fasteners are used, the fastener size and thread
class must be selected to withstand the pressure load and not to deform any internal threads.
For recommended torque values see Appendix.
1.5.2 Install gaskets on all openings. Adessives may be used when installing gaskets on large
openings, or openings where it is difficult to retain the gasket during assembly. When required
(e.g. pumps and components hydrotested to ISO 130709 / API 610 specifications) the pressure
test shall use a gasket of the same material and design as the gasket to be used when the
pump is shipped to the customer. When required, the gasket detail will be described on the bill
of material or route sheets.
1.5.3 Install plugs in all taped pressure retaining holes not required for the hydrotest. Anti- seize
lubricants should be used on all plug threads.
1.5.4 Vertical turbine pump series cases may be stacked during hydrostatic testing The quantity that can be stacked will depend on the size of the components, and safe
working practice. When stacked, each component will be examined and accepted/rejected separately.
O-rings or gaskets will be used between individual components to prevent leakage.
1.5.5 Provide Vents at all the high points of the component for venting air while filling the component.
Note: Specific minimum/maximum plug and torque values will only be required when detailed on the
engineering drawings and bill of materials, or route sheets.
1.6 Testing
1.6.1 The component on which the test is to be conducted must be positioned so that air pockets are
precluded and air can be vented from the component.
1.6.2 Fill components with testing medium: city water, at ambient temperature (60° F/16° C min. for
carbon steel) containing less than 50 PPM chloride content.

1.6.3 Vent component from the highest point available, it is critical that all the air and air bubbles are
removed prior to the test pressure application.
1.6.4 Connect pressure gauge to component, verifying that gauge face will be visible to the test
operator throughout duration of the test.

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controlled source, Title: General Hydrostatic Testing F2-6 J1-1000-047-001 Ref: CORP-ENG-
0028 Rev: 3, Printed: 6/30/2020
Approved By
General Hydrostatic Testing Global Standards Manager

1.6.5 Pressurize the component to the required test pressure, specified on the engineering drawings,
Bill of Materials or route sheet, and hold for the minimum time required. Table 1 provides a
guide for commonly specified testing pressures and hold times.
1.7 Examination for leakage/deformation.
1.7.1 Dry component with compressed air
1.7.2 Visually inspect 100% of the component surface for leakage and deformation.
1.7.3 Mark any areas of suspected leakage, dry the component, and reexamine.
Note: It is prohibited to exceed the maximum allowable torque of component fasteners or to violate the
torque sequence in order to prevent leakage through a bolted joint.
1.7.4 Notify appropriate personnel for initiation of a Non-conformance Report after any indication of
unacceptable leakage.
1.7.5 Any unexpected deformation shall be marked on the component and Non-conformance Report
shall be initiated.
1.8 Records
A hydrostatic test log listed all tests conducted will be kept by the hydrotest operator, and it will
 Job Number or other internal Flowserve identification number
 Hydrostatic test pressure
 Date Test was performed.
 Test medium (e.g. water, wetting agent)
 Test duration
 Operator/ inspector identification
 Pass/ fail
 Pressure gauge identification number
 Unique component traceability number (when applicable)
1.9 Documentation
All Flowserve or customer required documentation shall be completed after the hydrotest has been
performed. The required documentation is listed on the engineering drawings, Bill of Material, or
route sheet.
Nameplates: For those industrial products requiring nameplates, please consult CORP-ENG-0336
to verify nameplate mounting and alignment.
1.10 Post-Test Cleaning and Drying
1.10.1 Relieve test pressure from the component being tested.
1.10.2 Drain the component to the greatest possible degree.
1.10.3 Dry component by circulating forced air through all internal passages and over all exposed
1.10.4 Mark each component to indicate its post-test status (i.e. Stamp “TOK” on component in non-
critical area such as flange O.D. and record test pressure on component with permanent metal
marking ink, not Magic Marker). Marking will be per the facility/Business Unit approved

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controlled source, Title: General Hydrostatic Testing F2-6 J1-1000-047-001 Ref: CORP-ENG-
0028 Rev: 3, Printed: 6/30/2020
Approved By
General Hydrostatic Testing Global Standards Manager

Appendix: Recommended Torque Values

NPT Size (inch) Torque (N*m) Torque (lb-ft)

1/8 6.8 5
¼ 13.6 10
3/8 20.3 15
½ 27.1 20
¾ 33.9 25
1 40.7 30
1¼ 47.5 35
1½ 54.2 40

2. Document Management

2.1 Documents are stored, managed and archived electronically in accordance with the DocuQuest
2.2 Records are maintained per Flowserve Policy – Records Retention Schedule
Retraining Days: 1095 Days
Review Days: 365 Days

3. Revision History

Rev Description Revised By

0 New Document 1995-10-22 Michael Mueller
Added reference to ISO 13709 and updated API 610 Edition.
1 Michael Mueller
Added requirement for API 610 pump gasketing. 2006-02-21
Added reference to parts supporting pressure. ASME B31
2 references and deformity inspection. Leonardo Castro
Document migrated to new format. 2018-10-30
ISO 5199:2002 added as reference and governing standard, note
3 including auxiliary equipment on CORP-ENG-0336 Leonardo Castro

This document is confidential and is the property of Flowserve Corporation. It may not be copied,
reproduced or disclosed in any way without the expressed written consent of Flowserve Corporation.
Uncontrolled when printed. Verify revision number and date before using.

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controlled source, Title: General Hydrostatic Testing F2-6 J1-1000-047-001 Ref: CORP-ENG-
0028 Rev: 3, Printed: 6/30/2020

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