2022.09.09 Handout Kuliah Kromatografi
2022.09.09 Handout Kuliah Kromatografi
2022.09.09 Handout Kuliah Kromatografi
Counter counter
ions ions
The mobile phase is then forced through a stationary phase held in a column or on a
solid surface. The stationary phase needs to be something that does not react with the
mobile phase or the sample.
The sample then has the opportunity to interact with the stationary phase as it moves
past it. Samples that interact greatly, then appear to move more slowly. Samples that
interact weakly, then appear to move more quickly. Because of this difference in rates,
the samples can then be separated into their components.
Chromatography is based on a physical equilibrium
that results when a solute is transferred between the
mobile and a stationary phase.
K = distribution
A coefficient or
partition ratio
K =
A Where CS is the molar
A concentration of the solute in the
A stationary phase and CM is the
molar concentration in the
mobile phase.
Cross Section of Equilibrium in a column.
“A” are adsorbed to the stationary phase.
“A” are traveling in the mobile phase.
Konsep dan teori kromatografi
Konsep dan teori kromatografi
Grafik Kromatografi K=1
0 2 4 6 Jumlah
8 Tahap
10 12 14 16 18
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 180 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Jumlah Tahap -2