By Aman Mulla
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About Author
Cyber security enthusiast eager to learn in the field of Information
security through hard work,
with specialities in excellent team management skills, leadership
skills, CS Soft skills &
Communication skills. Motivated to learn, grow and excel in the
field of Cyber security.
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Table Of Content
- Welcome
- About C Programming
- Setting up the Development Environment
Getting Started
- Installing a C Compiler and IDE
- Writing Your First "Hello, World!" Program
- Understanding Basic C Syntax
Functions in C
- Function Basics: Declaration and Definition
- Function Parameters and Return Values
- Recursion and Recursive Functions
Advanced Concepts
- Pointers to Functions
- Function Pointers
- Function Pointers in Structures
Introduction to C Programming
C is a powerful and versatile programming language that has
been a cornerstone of software development for decades.
Developed in the early 1970s by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs, C
quickly gained popularity due to its efficiency, portability, and
ability to build a wide range of applications, from operating
systems to embedded systems and beyond. It has served as the
foundation for many other programming languages and remains
a fundamental language for programmers and developers.
One of the key features that sets C apart is its close relationship
with the underlying hardware. C provides low-level access to
memory and other system resources, which enables
programmers to write code that interacts directly with the
hardware. This characteristic makes C an excellent choice for
developing system software, drivers, and other applications that
require precise control over hardware interactions.